A10. Personal computer cases are

Home / Windows 7

Option 1.

  1. All information can be processed by computer if it is presented:
  1. in binary sign system
  2. in decimal notation
  3. in the form of symbols and numbers
  4. only in the form of Latin characters
  1. Which device processes data in accordance with a given program:
  1. CPU
  2. input devices
  3. RAM
  4. output devices

3. Information input devices include:

  1. keyboard
  2. monitor
  3. mouse
  4. scanner
  5. modem

4. Menu that appears when you click the Start button:

1) main menu

2) context menu

3) main menu

4) system menu

5. To save a new document, select the command:

  1. File – Save…
  2. File - Save As...
  3. you can select any of the commands File – Save or File – Save As...

6. Text editor- a program designed for

  1. creating, editing and formatting text information;
  2. working with images in the process of creating game programs;
  3. PC resource management when creating documents;
  4. automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​to machine codes;

7. A spreadsheet is:

  1. an application that stores and processes data in rectangular tables and is designed to automate calculations
  2. an application designed to collect, store, process and transmit information
  3. application designed for typing and printing tables

8. Databases are:

  1. a set of information organized according to certain rules and presented in a form suitable for processing by automatic means
  2. software that allows you to organize information in the form of tables
  3. software that searches for information
  4. software and hardware complex designed for collecting, storing, processing and transmitting information

9.Computers of the same organization, connected by channels transmission of information for sharing shared resources and peripheral devices and located in the same building is called a network:

  1. regional
  2. territorial
  3. local
  4. global

10.The Internet is:

  1. local network
  2. corporate network
  3. global network
  4. regional network


Option 2.

  1. The number of bits perceived by the microprocessor as a single unit is:
  1. processor capacity
  2. clock frequency

2. Rewritable discs:


2) CD-R and DVD-R

3) CD-RW and DVD-RW

3. Output devices include:

1) monitor

2) scanner

3) mouse

4) modem

5) printer

4. File extension:

1) user sets

2) is set automatically by the program

3) you can select any of the commands File – Save or File – Save As...

6. What commands save a piece of text to the buffer?

1) cut, copy

2) cut

3) copy

4) insert

5) delete

7. The working e-book consists of:

1) rows and columns

2) worksheets

3) tables

4) cells

  1. switch
  2. server
  3. modem
  4. adapter
  1. The Internet is:
  1. local network
  2. corporate network
  3. global network
  4. regional network
  1. To work on the network via a telephone communication channel, connect to the computer:
  1. adapter
  2. server
  3. modem
  4. switch


Option 3.

  1. The number of ticks per second is:
  1. processor capacity
  2. clock frequency
  3. volume internal memory computer
  4. computer performance

2. The laser disc uses:

1) magnetic principle of recording and reading information

2) optical principle of recording and reading information

3. The menu for this object appears when you click on the right button:

1) main menu

2) context menu

3) main menu

4) system menu

4. Paragraph formatting operations include:

1) alignment, line spacing, setting indentation

2) style, size, color, font type

3) removing characters

4) copying text fragments

5. In the spreadsheet, the letters A, B, ... represent:

1) lines

2) columns

3) cells

4) there are no such designations

6. In the spreadsheet A1, B4 these are the designations:

1) lines

2) columns

3) cells

4) there are no such designations

  1. A computer that provides its resources to other computers when working together is called:
  1. switch
  2. server
  3. modem
  4. adapter
  1. If each computer is connected to a separate cable from one central node, this is:
  1. linear bus
  2. star connection
  3. tree topology

9. A modem is ... that coordinates the work ... and the telephone network. For each ellipsis, insert the appropriate words:

  1. device; programs
  2. program; computer
  3. software; computer
  4. device; floppy drive
  5. device; computer
  1. Internet Explorer is:
  1. basic software
  2. server-program
  3. client-program

1. The subject of computer science is:
A) programming language;
B) robot device;
C) methods of accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information;
D) public awareness.

2. Triples of zeros and ones can be used to encode ... various symbols.
A) 6;
B) 8;
C) 5;
D) 9.

3. The captain asks the sailor: “Is the lighthouse working?” The sailor replies: “It either lights up or goes out!” What is the beacon in this situation?
A) We receive information;
B) source of information;
C) communication channel;
D) interference.

4. In what century did the first devices capable of performing arithmetic operations appear?
A) In the 16th century;
B) In the 17th century;
C) In the 18th century;
D) In ​​the 19th century.

5. A mechanical device that allows you to add numbers was invented by:
A) P. Norton;
B) B. Pascal;
C) G. Leibniz;
D) D. Neumann.

6. For what number system were the first seven-pointed abacus adapted?
A) For septenary;
B) for binary;
C) for decimal;
D) for unary.

7. What device in Russia was called “Iron Felix”?
A) office accounts;
B) mechanical adding machine;
C) Kummer numerator;
D) counting bars

8. In what years of the 20th century did the first electronic counting machine appear?
A) In the 20s;
B) in the 40s;
C) in the 50s;
D) in the 60s.

9. In which generation of machines can data be entered using speech?
A) In the 2nd;
B) C) in the 3rd;
C) 4th;
D) in the 5th.

10. Computer architecture is:
A) Technical description computer device parts;
B) description of devices for input/output of information;
C) description of software for computer operation;
D) a description of the structure and principles of operation of a computer sufficient for the user to understand.

11. What is a microprocessor?
A) An integrated circuit that executes commands received at its input (for example, calculation) and controls the operation of the machine;
B) a device for storing information that is often used at work;
C) a device for displaying text or graphic information;
D) a device for entering alphanumeric data.

12. Connecting individual computer peripheral devices to the bus at the physical level is possible:
A) using the driver;
B) using a controller;
C) without additional device;
D) using the utility.

13. External memory is needed for:
A) to store frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem;
B) for long-term storage information after turning off the computer;
C) to process current information;
D) for permanent storage of information about the operation of the computer.

14. To construct complex drawings using a computer in computer-aided design systems, use:
A) plotter;
B) graphics tablet(digitizer);
C) scanner;
D) joystick.
15. Information storage devices include:
A) printer;
B) C) processor;

16. Which of the following does not apply to software?
A) System programming;
B) driver;
C) processor;
D) text and graphic editors.

17. The file is called:
A) a set of data to solve the problem;
B) a named area on a disk or other computer storage medium;
C) a program in a programming language to solve the problem;
D) there is no correct answer.

18. In what file can a drawing be stored?

19. Can two 2nd level directories have the same name?
A) No;
B) yes;
C) yes, if they belong to different 1st level directories;
D) I find it difficult to answer.

20. Necessary component operating system is:
B) command processor;
C) central processor;
D) system configuration file.

21. What is a number system?
A) Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
B) rules of arithmetic operations;
C) computer program for arithmetic calculations;
D) this is a sign system in which numbers are written according to certain rules, using signs of a certain alphabet, called numbers.

22. What number systems are not used by specialists to communicate with computers?
A) Decimal;
B) ternary;
C) binary;
D) hexadecimal.
23. What is called the base of the number system?”
A) The number of digits used to write numbers;
B) the ratio of the values ​​of units of adjacent digits;
C) the arithmetic basis of the computer;
D) the sum of all digits of the number system.

24. All number systems are divided into two groups:
A) Roman and Arabic;
B) binary and decimal;
C) positional and non-positional;
D) integers and fractions.

25. Convert the number 27 from the decimal number system to binary.
A) 11011;
B) 1011;
C) 1101;
E) 11111.

26. Why is the binary number system used in computers?
A) Because the components technical devices can reliably store and recognize only two different states;
B) because 1 byte is taken as a unit of information;
C) because the computer can only count to two;
D) because it is easier for a person to communicate with a computer at the level of the binary number system.

27. The algorithm is:
A) some true statements that should be aimed at achieving the goal;
B) reflection of the objective world with the help of signs and signals, intended for a specific performer;
C) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at solving a given task or goal;
D) safety instructions.

28. The property of the algorithm - discreteness - means:
A) that the commands must follow each other sequentially;
B) that each command must be described with a specific performer in mind;
C) dividing the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps;
D) strict movement both up and down.
29. What type of algorithm should be chosen when solving a quadratic equation?
A) Linear;
B) cyclical;
C) branching;
D) cyclically branching.
30. A branching algorithm is:
A) the presence of at least one condition in the algorithm;
B) a set of commands that are executed sequentially; exactly one after another;
C) repeated execution of the same actions;
D) other.

31. Which of the following values ​​can only be an integer?
A) Average of three numbers;
B) first escape velocity;
C) distance between cities;
D) the number of floors in the house.

32. What is a network protocol?
A) Agreement on the method of information exchange;
B) file on the server;
C) network communication device;
D) network program.

33. What is needed to publish a Web site?
B) user's postal address;
C) address email user;
D) username and password.

34. Fields with date type can be ordered:
A) alphabetically;
B) in chronological order;
C) in ascending order of one of the components;
D) by any of the above methods.

35. If a field is of date type, what record corresponds to this field?
A) November 10;
B) tenth of November;
C) 10; 11;
D) 10-11.

36. A database report is:
A) an object that allows you to put the necessary data into a form;
B) an object intended for data entry;
C) an object intended for printing data;
D) table element.

37. When searching for information, an asterisk replaces:
A) a group of characters;
B) any one symbol;
C) any number;
D) date.
38. A spreadsheet is:
A) graphic information input device;
B) the computer equivalent of a regular table;
C) numerical information input device;
D) a device for processing numerical information.

39. The main element of spreadsheets is:
A) cell;
B) column;
C) string;
D) the entire table.

40. A block of spreadsheet cells is given:
A) line numbers of the first and last cells;
B) column names of the first and last cells;
C) indicating references to the first and last cells;
D) the area where rows and columns intersect.

Correct answers are highlighted in yellow!!


1. Computer science. Basic course. 2nd edition
2. Computer science: Textbook for universities - Textbook, St. Petersburg, 2011
3. Informatics: textbook - Publishing Center "MarT"; Phoenix, 2010
4. Fundamentals of computer science and computer technology

Final annual test for the 10th grade course. Consists of block A, including 20 questions with a choice of one answer option, block B, consisting of 5 questions. The main topics of the course according to the program of Ugrinovich N.D. are considered.

1 option

A1. To display graphic information on a personal computer, use:

  1. keyboard
  2. display screen
  3. scanner

A2. Graphics that represent an image as a collection of points are called:

  1. fractal
  2. raster
  3. vector
  4. rectilinear

A3. What is computer graphics?

  1. set of graphic format files
  2. website design
  3. graphic elements of programs, as well as technology for their processing
  4. drawing programs

A4. What are raster graphics?

  1. image consisting of individual objects
  2. image containing large number flowers
  3. an image consisting of a set of dots

A5. Which of the following formats belong to graphic files?

  1. *.doc, *.txt
  2. *.wav, *.mp3
  3. *.gif, *.jpg.

A6. Application vector graphics compared to raster:

  1. does not change image encoding methods;
  2. increases the amount of memory required to store images;
  3. does not affect the amount of memory required to store the image or the complexity of image editing;
  4. reduces the amount of memory required to store an image and makes editing it easier.
  1. raster image
  2. vector image
  3. fractal image

A8. What is a computer virus?

  1. application program
  2. system program
  3. programs that can “multiply” and secretly insert copies of themselves into files, boot sectors disks and documents
  4. database

A9. Majority antivirus programs detect viruses by

  1. masking algorithms
  2. samples of their program code
  3. habitat
  4. destructive impact

A10. Computer architecture is

  1. technical description of computer device parts
  2. description of devices for input/output information
  3. description of software for computer operation
  4. list of devices connected to the PC

A11. A device for entering information from a sheet of paper is called:

  1. plotter;
  2. streamer;
  3. driver;
  4. scanner;

A12. What PC device is intended for outputting information?

  1. CPU
  2. monitor
  3. keyboard
  4. tape recorder

A13. The permanent storage device is used to store:

  1. especially valuable application programs
  2. especially valuable documents
  3. constantly used programs
  4. programs for booting a computer and testing its nodes

A14. The driver is

  1. long-term storage device
  2. a program that controls a specific external device
  3. input device
  4. output device

A15. Given: a = 9D 16, b = 237 b Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a< c < b?

  1. 10011010
  2. 10011110
  3. 10011111
  4. 11011110

A16. Assuming that each character is encoded in one byte, determine the information volume of the following statement by Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Thousands of paths lead to error, but only one to truth.

  1. 92 bits
  2. 220 bit
  3. 456 bit
  4. 512 bit

A17. Unicode has two bytes for each character. Determine the information volume of a word of twenty-four characters in this encoding.

  1. 384 bits
  2. 192 bits
  3. 256 bit
  4. 48 bit

A18. Calculate the sum of the numbers x and y, with x = A61 6, y = 75 8. Present the result in the binary number system.

  1. 11011011 2
  2. 11110001 2
  3. 11100011 2
  4. 10010011 2

A19. To encode the letters A, B, C, D, they decided to use two-digit sequential binary numbers (from 00 to 11, respectively). If you encode the sequence of GBAV symbols in this way and write the result in the hexadecimal number system, you get:

  1. 132 16
  2. D2 16
  3. 3102 16
  4. 2D 16

A20. A chain of three beads marked with Latin letters is formed according to the following rule. At the end of the chain there is one of the beads A, B, C. In the first place is one of the beads B, D, C, which is not in the third place. In the middle is one of the beads A, C, E, B, not in first place. Which of the following chains was created according to this rule?

Block B

Answer: 1d, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5c

B2. Which of the following refers to computer output devices? Please indicate letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Columns

Answer: b,c,d,f

Purpose Device
1. Input device a) monitor
2. Output devices b) printer
c) floppy disk
d) scanner
d) digitizer

Answer: 1d,d 2a,b

Q4. How many bits does the word “computer science” contain? Write down only the number in your answer.

Option 2

Block A. Choose one correct answer

A1. The dot element of the display screen is called:

  1. dot
  2. phosphor grain
  3. pixel
  4. raster

A2. Graphics that represent an image as a sequence of points with their own coordinates, connected by curves that are described by mathematical equations, are called

  1. fractal
  2. raster
  3. vector
  4. rectilinear

A3. What types of graphic images are there?

  1. flat and volumetric
  2. raster and vector
  3. bad or good quality

A4. What program is designed to create a raster image?

  1. MS Windows
  2. MS Word
  3. MS Paint

A5. What type of graphics distorts the image when scaled?

  1. vector graphics
  2. raster graphics
  3. business graphics

A6. Which software product refers to raster graphics:

  1. Corel Draw
  2. Adobe Illustrator
  3. Fractal Design Expression

A7. Vector graphic image is formed from

  1. paints
  2. pixels
  3. graphic primitives

A8. What files are infected by macro viruses?

  1. executive
  2. graphic and sound
  3. files Word documents and Excel spreadsheets
  4. html documents

A9. What is the antivirus program based on?

  1. waiting for the start of a virus attack
  2. to compare program codes with known viruses
  3. on deleting infected files
  4. on creating viruses

A10. Housings personal computers there are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external

A11. Scanners are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external
  3. manual, roller and tablet
  4. matrix, inkjet and laser

A12. Printers cannot be:

  1. tablet;
  2. matrix;
  3. laser;
  4. jet;

A13. You can save information before turning off your computer

  1. in RAM
  2. in external memory
  3. in the magnetic disk controller
  4. in ROM

A14. The program is:

  1. algorithm written in a programming language
  2. computer operating system command set
  3. a directed graph indicating the order in which computer commands are executed
  4. protocol for interaction between computer network components

A15. Given: a = DD 16, b = 337 8. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a< c < b?

  1. 11011010 2
  2. 11111110 2
  3. 11011110 2
  4. 11011111 2

A16. Assuming that each character is encoded by one byte, determine the information volume of the following statement by Alexei Tolstoy:
The one who does nothing makes no mistakes, although this is his main mistake.

  1. 512 bit
  2. 608 bit
  3. 8 KB
  4. 123 bytes

A17. Assuming that each character is encoded by 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following Pushkin phrase in Unicode encoding:
A habit has been given to us from above: It is a substitute for happiness.

  1. 44 bits
  2. 704 bits
  3. 44 bytes
  4. 704 bytes

A18. The value of the expression 10 16 + 10 8 * 10 2 in the binary number system is

  1. 1010 2
  2. 11010 2
  3. 100000 2
  4. 110000 2

A19. To encode the letters A, B, C, D, they decided to use two-digit sequential binary numbers (from 00 to 11, respectively). If you encode the sequence of GBVA characters in this way and write the result in hexadecimal code, you get:

  1. 138 16
  2. DBCA 16
  3. D8 16
  4. 3120 16

A20) In forming a chain of four beads, some rules are used: At the end of the chain there is one of the beads P, N, T, O. On the first place there is one of the beads P, R, T, O, which is not in the third place. In third place is one of the O, P, T beads that is not the last one in the chain. Which of the following chains could be created taking into account these rules?

Block B


Answer: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5d

B2. Which of the following refers to computer input devices? Please indicate letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Columns

Answer: a, d

B3. When determining the correspondence for all elements of the 1st column, indicated by a number, one element of the 2nd column, indicated by a letter, is indicated. In this case, one element of the 2nd column can correspond to several elements of the 1st column (for multiple matching tasks) or not correspond to any of the elements of the 1st column (for single-valued matching tasks).

Answer: 1d,d 2a,b

Q4. How many bytes does the word “information” contain? Write down only the number in your answer.

B5. Match file extension to file type

Answer: 1-4), 2-7), 3-3), 4-1), 5-6), 6-5), 7-2)

Option 3

Block A. Choose one correct answer

A1. The grid of horizontal and vertical columns that pixels form on the screen is called:

  1. video memory
  2. video adapter
  3. raster
  4. display processor

A2. Application of vector graphics compared to raster:

  1. does not change the way the image is encoded
  2. increases the amount of memory required to store an image
  3. does not affect the amount of memory required to store the image or the complexity of image editing
  4. reduces the amount of memory required to store an image and makes editing it easier

A3. What is vector graphics?

  1. images whose elements are constructed using vectors
  2. images consisting of independent parts
  3. an image whose elements are directed along the vector

A4. What is it for? Adobe program Photoshop?

  1. to create a website
  2. for raster image processing
  3. for scanning photos
  4. for film editing

A5. Using a graphic editor, graphic information can be:

  1. create, edit, save
  2. just edit
  3. just create
  4. just create and save

A6. Which software product is related to vector graphics:

  1. Paint
  2. Microsoft Photo Editor
  3. AdobePhotoShop
  4. Corel Draw

A7. What type graphic image will you use when editing digital photography?

  1. raster image
  2. vector image
  3. fractal image

A8. Viruses that can live in document files are called:

  1. network
  2. macro viruses
  3. file
  4. bootable

A9. Which of the following programs are antivirus programs?

  1. Doctor WEB, AVG
  2. WinZip, WinRar
  3. Word, PowerPoint
  4. Excel, Internet Explorer

A10. In what PC device is information processed?

  1. external memory
  2. display
  3. CPU

A11. The information input device - joystick - is used:

  1. for computer games;
  2. when carrying out engineering calculations;
  3. for transferring graphic information to a computer;
  4. for transmitting symbolic information to a computer;

A12. There are no monitors

  1. monochrome
  2. liquid crystal
  3. CRT based
  4. infrared

A13. External memory includes:

  1. modem, disk, cassette
  2. cassette, optical disk, tape recorder
  3. disc, cassette, optical disc
  4. Mouse, light pen, hard drive

A14. Application software is:

  1. reference application for programs
  2. text and graphic editors, training and testing programs, games
  3. set of gaming programs

A15. Given: a = EA 16, b = 354 8. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a< c < b?

  1. 11101010 2
  2. 11101110 2
  3. 11101011 2
  4. 11101100 2

A16. Assuming that each character is encoded by one byte, determine the information volume of the following statement by Rene Descartes:
I think, therefore I exist.

  1. 28 bit
  2. 272 bits
  3. 32 KB
  4. 34 bits

A17. Assuming that each character is encoded with 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following phrase in Unicode encoding:
There are 6000 milliliters in six liters.

  1. 1024 bytes
  2. 1024 bits
  3. 512 bytes
  4. 512 bit

A18. Calculate the value of the sum 102 + 108 +1016 in binary number system.

  • 10100010 2
  • 11110 2
  • 11010 2
  • 10100 2
  • A19. For 5 letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are specified (for some letters - from two bits, for some - from three). These codes are presented in the table:

    a b c d e
    000 110 01 001 10

    Determine which set of letters is encoded by the binary string 1100000100110

    1. baade
    2. badde
    3. bacde
    4. bacdb

    A20. To create chains, it is allowed to use 5 types of beads, designated by the letters A, B, C, E, I. Each chain must consist of three beads, and the following rules must be observed:

    1. in the first place is one of the letters: A, E, I,
    2. after a vowel letter in the chain there cannot be a vowel again, and after a consonant there cannot be a consonant,
    3. the last letter cannot be A.

    Which of the chains is built according to these rules?

    Block B

    B1. Encode the words using the Caesar code.

    1) MAST a) LPSHLB
    2) HAIR c) NBSHUB
    3) CAT b) PUGYOU
    5) ANSWER e) GPMPT

    Answer: 1c, 2d, 3a, 4d, 5b

    B2. Which of the following is a storage medium? Please indicate letters in your answer.

    1. Scanner
    2. flash card
    3. Plotter
    4. hard drive
    5. Microphone

    Answer: b, d

    B3. When determining the correspondence for all elements of the 1st column, indicated by a number, one element of the 2nd column, indicated by a letter, is indicated. In this case, one element of the 2nd column can correspond to several elements of the 1st column (for multiple matching tasks) or not correspond to any of the elements of the 1st column (for single-valued matching tasks).

    Answer: 1d,e 2a,b,c,d

    Q4. How many bytes does the word “message” contain? Write down only the number in your answer.

    B5. Match file extension to file type

    Answer: 1-4), 2-7), 3-3), 4-1), 5-6), 6-5), 7-2)

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