Account - what it is, how to create or delete it. What is an Internet account and what is it for? How to create an account? How to protect your account from hacking What does it mean that you are logged into your mts account?

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Today there are a huge number of scammers and swindlers who sleep and see what other way they can come up with in order to swindle a person out of his money. Naturally, they came up with options on how to use personal number mobile phone. This is exactly what you should think about when you receive an SMS of this kind on your mobile phone: you have logged into your MTS account, call 111764.

Naturally, anyone wants to know what to do in such a situation, whose number is this, what scammers can do if they gain access to personal account user.

Why are scammers trying to hack?

Most often operator accounts mobile communications hacked in order to make it possible to carry out certain operations with it. For example, this could be the following:

  • They will try to withdraw funds if the personal account of a particular operator allows this;
  • Will issue a variety of per person paid subscriptions, for which money will constantly be withdrawn.

That is, if you receive the message “Your MTS account is logged in, call 11764,” then you should obviously think about it and be wary.

Who sends such an SMS and what does it mean?

So, what is the number indicated in the SMS? It really belongs to MTS, so there is no need to worry in this regard.

Does a notification like this necessarily mean that a hack has occurred? No. There are several other options when you can observe this:

  • The subscriber decided to log in from a computer located at a different IP address;
  • The subscriber used Incognito or VPN mode on the PC;
  • The Internet provider independently changed the user's IP address.

That is, having received this kind of notification, it is recommended to think about whether the person has recently logged into his personal account, and how exactly? It is important to note that a similar text may also appear if the user has not visited his account for a very long time, or is doing this for the first time.

Recommendations to use in such situations

First of all, carefully study the text that was sent in the message. Yes - this is the standard option for notifying the company. But it can also be used by attackers. For example, offer to follow a link that leads to the resource they need. Or call a slightly different number, which is likely to be a toll number.

That is, everything is quite simple. And this is confirmed by the reviews of those people who have already found themselves in a similar situation.

For a user who has been on Facebook for at least a year, has acquired contacts in VK and is accustomed to communicating via Gmail, losing control over the account will always be a tragedy. There are many ways to protect yourself from hacking; social networks themselves, for example, persistently offer linking to a mobile phone.

The easiest way to check whether someone else is using your account is available in the security settings of the web service itself. Advanced users will not learn anything new, but for beginners it will be useful to be reminded of this method.

For VKontakte

In this social network You can go to the settings (menu in the lower left corner), select, in fact, the “Settings” menu item and in it - the “Security of your page” section. By clicking on the “View activity history” button, you can see data about the latest “logins” under your account, and all logged-in devices will be taken into account and recognized.

To end a suspicious connection, you need to click the End all sessions button. After this, report the problem to the VKontakte administration and change the password.

For Gmail

A similar scheme is available to any mail user. Gmail account. If you scroll to the end of the list of messages, a link “Last activity in your account” will appear at the bottom right, which will list the countries, browsers and IP addresses from which the mail was accessed, and also indicate the time of authorization in the service.

For Facebook

In this social network, you can go to the settings (gear icon in the upper right corner), select, in fact, the “Settings” menu item, and in it - the security tab. The security settings will contain information about the last “logins” to your account. All logged in devices will be taken into account and recognized. Here you can also stop any suspicious activity.

The largest social network VKontakte has introduced two-step authorization on the site. Now, if the user wishes, in addition to entering a login password, he can protect his account by entering a PIN code. The VKontakte PIN code will provide better protection of your data from hacking. How to activate and correctly configure the “Login Confirmation” function of VK. You can also find out how to use this function correctly by reading our article.

What is a PIN code for VKontakte?

So, let's get you up to speed. The developers have been seriously concerned about the problem of protecting the personal data of their VK users for a long time. At first, hacking the page was a piece of cake, but over time, security methods became more and more complex. And now in the battle of hackers against Contact there has been a serious advantage in favor of the latter.

After linking the account to a mobile phone number, the developers managed to significantly reduce the wave of page tampering. Soon the same developers optimized everything they had developed over the years by entering a PIN code for VK. Now everyone who has a VKontakte account can set up the PIN code function. Thus, the user receives double protection for his account.

To authorize, in addition to filling out the login and password fields, you will need to enter a special code that will be sent to you via a free SMS message. Naturally, this SMS will be tied to your number mobile operator. If you don’t want to bother with SMS messages, then you can use a special application for your smartphone - a code generator for VKontakte. It is also strongly recommended to copy yourself a list of backup codes that you can use if you don’t have your phone at hand. You should immediately reassure some “lazy” users - the PIN code comes only upon your request and only after you activate this function.

How to enable PIN code login confirmation?

In order to connect " Login confirmation» in Contact, you need to go to the menu on your page "My Settings". In the tab "General"- find the settings group "Security of your page". Opposite the point "Login Confirmation" you need to press the button "Connect".

Now, when you log into your VK account, you will be prompted to “Enter the code.” Which, in fact, is what you should do.

Message: “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP address”

The pin code will only be valid once. One input - one PIN code. Even if “evil people” manage to get your PIN code and login with your VKontakte password, they will not be able to use them. And you will receive in the form of a pop-up window the message “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP which will contain the IP address of the computer from which they tried to illegally log into your account.

In this case, you should not panic, because... The contact has already prevented an attempt to hack your page. And you will be able to identify and punish a person caught in trouble by the IP address of his computer.

“Remember browser” VKontakte or how to disable entering a PIN code

If you do not want to use the PIN input function because, for example, you are at home and log in from your PC. Then you should use the “Remember Browser” function; to activate it, you just need to check the box that pops up. The function will allow you to remember the location and your native browser from which you log in and you will no longer need to enter a PIN code to of this browser on your PC. At any time, you can reset all settings either on the current device or on all verified devices.

IMPORTANT! Just turn it off this function You will not be able to confirm your login with a PIN code. When you first log in from your browser on a computer, laptop, smartphone or telephone, you should enter your PIN code once and be sure to check the “Remember browser” box. After this, you will not need to enter your PIN code every time you log into VK from these devices.

If your SIM card is lost or fails, and the PIN code confirmation function is activated, you can use the recovery form via email. The introduction of two-step authorization will protect your personal data, and your account will always be protected by the VK security service.

The practice of double entry is already successfully used in many large social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google. Many online banks also use a confirmation PIN code. And finally, has also strengthened the protection of our personal data.

The urgency of the problem is not caused by hackers for the purpose of hacking account and emptying your wallets. We all live in a society whose representatives periodically find it very interesting to stick their nose into something that’s not their own business. A roommate, colleague or travel companion can use your device and simply read correspondence on social networks, mailbox or take one look at the contents of the cloud drive. Inventing and including here may not help. Therefore, it is worth checking whether someone periodically “sucks” into confidential information without your knowledge.


Recently updated settings Google account included the section "". The page displays all devices that have connected to the profile during the last four weeks.

Check if it belongs to you mobile device, from which you logged in? Do you remember if you logged into your account at night or during long trips? Please note, are you logging in from your usual browser? Analyze whether the access was made from the right IP addresses, that is, geographical locations?

If you notice anything suspicious, block access to your profile for gadgets on Android or iOS, or update your security settings if abnormal activity was carried out through your computer.


The billion-strong community of the most popular social network loves to chat, share photos and videos, but rarely cares about the security of personal information. In vain, because Facebook pays great attention to privacy, for which an impressive menu of security settings is reserved. Among them there is the “ ” option. The proposed list includes both desktop browsers and mobile applications, separately including Messenger.


The Runet is full of requests for hacking VK accounts, because this social network is the most widespread in our area. Therefore, it would be a good idea to at least occasionally look into the “” section, which is located on the “Security” tab of the service settings. By default, you will only be shown the latest activity, but below it there is a link to full table running sessions.


Often, Runet users duplicate all the milestones of their eventful lives for their fellow deskmates. Odnoklassniki, along with other time wasters, are trying to improve the security level of their fans. Why are they just “trying”? Take a look at their “ ” and you will understand. Quite stingy, because it would be nice to supplement the IP and login time with the device type. We hope the situation improves in the near future.


Link " " account security settings Microsoft records looks less attractive than Google's, but is more rich in content. Why? You are asked to evaluate a more detailed list of actions. For example, you will learn that someone tried to guess the password for your profile.

A detailed description of the actions is presented in the corresponding service.

The “It wasn’t me” button lets Microsoft know that an attacker may have accessed the account. Therefore, you will be prompted to strengthen your security measures by changing your password and updating your security information.


The popular solution for remote storage and synchronization of data between devices also has on board a tool for monitoring access to a cloud disk. Go to Dropbox and switch to the security tab. This will show you completed sessions and login devices. In addition, you will find out which applications have been connected to the profile. In a couple of mouse clicks, you can disable access to your account for third-party utilities and mobile devices.

To enter your personal page ( email, social network or other site) an account is required.

Account what is it?

An account is a registration record, something like a passport in everyday life. Only for the website on the Internet. Each site requires its own account (if, in principle, there is account registration there).

The fact is that not all pages of the site are accessible to the user. Some are only accessible through an account because they contain different information for each person.

For example, on a ticket purchasing site, everyone can see the plane schedule, but in order to fill out their personal data on the ticket and remember it until the next visit to the site, an account is required.

Typically an account consists of an email and a password.

By logging into the site using your account, you are taken to a personal page that no one except you can see (unless they receive your account information - name and password).

You can create an account on almost any website - a ticket purchase site, the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.

A personal page is a regular page on a public site, but with a password. You give the page your information so that it knows it’s you and tunes in for you. She gave you exactly your email, exactly your page with your photos on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, etc. There is one website page, but there are many users. How to personalize it? Using your account.

Difference between public and private page

Let's take Rambler mail as an example. If you don’t use an account, then at you just see a page with news and a small “login” link at the top. But if you create an account and log in, you will see your page with mail, which no one else can see. You can close the site, open it on another computer and log in again with your account to gain access to your mail and no one else's. The figure shows a screenshot of the site at the moment of logging into Rambler under your account (but first you need to create an account). There is one account, but to log in you need to fill out two fields: login and password.

What is a login and password and how to create it

Why does an account consist of two parts: login and password? The login is publicly available, it is not customary to hide it. In the case of Rambler mail, this is email address. How will they send you letters to it if it is hidden? It must be publicly available. But so that no one can log into the site using your account, it must also have a secret part - a password. It is known only to you.

Compared to a safe, a password is the key that allows you to open the safe. And the login is the name of the safe, distinguishing it from all other safes and showing that it is yours.

For example, the login on some site can be vasya, as in the figure above. And in the case of email, the login always contains the “@” sign, as is customary. For example, [email protected] . You give this login (address) to everyone you know, and they send you letters to it. At the same time, they cannot read your mail, because this also requires a password, and it is secret information.

When creating a login and password, you cannot use Russian letters, this is customary. We use the English alphabet.

I advise you to start by creating an email account. Because when creating all other accounts, an email (or phone number) is usually required, to which a letter is sent to confirm registration. So the mail account is like the primary account through which all other accounts are registered. You can create any email (on any domain - mail,, gmail, and so on).

When creating an account, you come up with a username and password and remember them firmly. You will need them for subsequent login. Usually on all sites, when creating a password, it (this same password) is required to be entered twice. Why? Yes, so that you don’t make a mistake yourself. This is secret data, and when you enter the password, asterisks, not symbols, are displayed. To protect yourself from mistakes, you have to enter the password twice. But this is done once only when creating an account. Created and remembered the password. In the future, when you log into Rambler mail, as you saw in the first screenshot, only one field is displayed for entering a password.

Nowadays, a phone number is often required to create an account. This is a relatively recent tradition; this has never happened before. And many sites don’t have this yet. This is to prevent spammers from creating false accounts for their nefarious activities. No phone - no account. In addition, the phone number will help you recover your password if you forget it.

Why sometimes you don’t need to enter your username and password

If you have an account, you may have noticed that you often log into your page without entering your username and password. How does this happen? In the first picture, which shows the entrance to the site, there is a small “remember me” checkbox under the username and password. That's what it's all about. If you check it, then for some time the browser remembers what you have already entered: login and password. It's as if you left the key right in the safe. But if you go to the site on someone else’s computer or on a new device, you will still have to log in again with your account to get to your personal page. So you need to remember your login and password.

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