Acronis how to make a disk image. Backup disks, partitions and information - Acronis True Image

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How to repair Windows that won't boot using bootable media Acronis True Image 2016 from a previously created backup? Creating a Windows backup with settings, drivers, installed programs and games - a reliable way to save the system and data for further resuscitation in the event of a system failure, virus infection, deletion of important files and a host of other problems. Despite the presence of standard system backup functionality in Windows, third-party software is used for these purposes in most cases. And often intensive care Windows users trust Acronis True Image, which has been the market leader in data backup and recovery software for more than ten years. Having done it in advance backup copy Windows using Acronis True Image, in case of problems with the system, it can be revived by rolling back to the state from this same backup copy. Even if Windows won't boot, True Image bootable media will come to the rescue.

We will consider this entire process in detail below: we will create a backup copy of Windows in Acronis True Image 2016 and restore it using bootable media.

Free trial version of Acronis True Image 2016

IN latest versions 2015 and 2016, the True Image interface has become simpler and more intuitive than in its predecessor versions. Organization and appearance programs to match Windows 8.1 and 10: the interface design is dominated by simple lines and shapes, and large controls simplify touch control. Acronis even claims super-performance for data backup and recovery—as much as 50% faster than its competitors.

Acronis True Image version 2016 – paid software product. By purchasing the program, you get not only Windows backup functionality, but also a lot of other features:

Acronis is offering a free one-month trial version of True Image with some limited functionality, which does not include Windows backup and recovery. Likewise, the ability to create bootable media is not limited. Let's use this free opportunity to the maximum, and first let’s download this one free version True Image 2016 on the official Acronis True Image website.

To receive a link to download the trial version, you must leave your email address. Subsequently, it will occasionally receive letters informing you about Acronis products, promotions, discounts, etc.

After installing and launching the program, we can close the login to the Acronis cloud storage account that is offered from the start and confirm the use of True Image in trial mode.

Creating a Windows Backup

In the True Image window we need the first section. Click "The whole computer."

In our case, only the system partition with Windows is backed up, so the next choice will be, accordingly, "Disks and partitions."

In the backup source selection window, check only system partition WITH. Click "Ok".

In the window for selecting a backup destination, you must specify the location where the copy of Windows will be stored. The program provides for saving a copy during its creation on:

  • local computer space,
  • removable media (USB-HDD),
  • network resources, in particular in Acronis cloud storage.

Which is better? Cloud storage from the creator of the program is practically imposed on users, since this pleasure is paid. However, what cloud service from Acronis that any other web resource is not the most reliable place to store data if there is no high-speed Internet. And how, in some cases, will a non-functional Windows be able to connect to the Internet? There may also be problems connecting to local network resources. The most reliable place to store backups is an additional internal or external hard drive. A non-system partition on the same hard drive that contains the system partition with Windows is not the best storage location, since if this drive fails, you will be left without backup copies.

In our case external hard there is no disk, but there is a connected internal HDD, so in the backup destination window, select “Browse”.

One of the partitions on the second internal HDD will be specially allocated for storing backup copies of Windows and let's call this section Backup to make it easier to navigate when restoring. If, when choosing a storage location for a backup copy, disk partitions do not open in the tree structure of the computer, the specific path to the storage directory folder can be entered in the column at the top with the inscription "Save a copy to:". Having selected the storage location for the copy, click “Ok”.

Next we will see a window for starting the backup process. In the left corner at the bottom of the window there is the “Settings” option; this is Acronis True Image’s configuration functionality, which allows you to set flexible parameters - for example, set periodic backups on a schedule or select an incremental copying method, when only changes are made to each subsequent copy. Also in the settings, you can exclude certain types of files or directories from the backup copy, configure duplication of the copy in an alternative location, select a low priority for Acronis True Image to allocate computer resources for parallel operations, etc.

In our case, resort to additional settings We won’t, but will immediately begin creating a backup copy. Click the “Create a copy” button. By the way, Acronis True Image allows you to delay this moment for several hours in the drop-down list of this button.

While creating a backup, you can check the box to turn off the computer at any time and go about your business.

After the operation is completed, the backup copy will appear in the window of the first section of the program. In the same section you can start the process of restoring from a backup copy - be it Windows or separate files.

In our case, we will not run the Windows recovery process inside the installed program. Let's complicate the task and create bootable Acronis True Image media to look at the process of restoring Windows that won't boot.

Creating bootable media

To create bootable media, go to the “Tools” tab of the program and select "Bootable Media Builder".

Because it's free trial version Acronis True Image 2016 is limited to a one-month testing period; this process should not be shelved. By the way, bootable media will allow you to restore Windows, but being created as part of the free trial version of the program, it will not allow you to create a backup copy, as is provided in the full version of Acronis True Image 2016.

Choose the first type of bootable media.

In the next window, you need to select the media itself - a DVD, flash drive or ISO file for storage and subsequent recording on any of the media. If you select a DVD or flash drive, Acronis True Image will carry out the recording process itself. Keeping an entire flash drive for a rainy day will probably be an excessive luxury for many. It would be much more practical to allocate a DVD for these purposes or create an ISO file that can, for example, be stored on another computer and burned to a flash drive at the right time. Plus, Acronis True Image cannot create UEFI flash drives, and for computers with a UEFI BIOS, in any case, you will need software with the ability to create UEFI bootable flash drives.

In our case, we will select the ISO file and indicate the path to save it.

Click the “Proceed” button.

Bootable media has been created.

Windows Recovery

Let's say that rainy day has arrived and Windows won't boot. We go into the BIOS and set the computer to boot from a DVD or flash drive created in Acronis True Image. The startup window of the bootable media will offer several options for further actions, from which you must select launch Acronis True Image 2016 with the appropriate bit depth.

In the recovery window, click either "Update backups" so that Acronis True Image itself finds files of its format, or using the button "Searching for a backup" indicate the path to the required file.

As soon as the backups appear in the Acronis True Image window, call the desired context menu and click “Restore”.

Selecting a recovery method: in our case we are talking about resuscitating Windows, not folders and files, so we choose "Recover disks and partitions". Click “Next”.

Selecting items to restore: in this window, check both the system partition C and the MBR boot record. Click “Next”.

In our case, no changes will be made in the window for specifying recovery settings, and, in principle, something will have to be changed unless Windows migration a separate partition to another connected hard drive. Click “Next”.

If several internal hard drives are connected to your computer, Acronis True Image will then ask you to specify one of them for recovery boot entry MBR. We indicate and click “Next”.

The preparation is complete, we can proceed directly to the Windows recovery process.

The recovery operation execution window is equipped with options to automatically restart and shut down the computer after the process is completed. If necessary, you can use them.

The restoration was completed successfully.

Now we can exhibit again BIOS loading With hard drive and test the reanimated Windows.

Have a great day!

Acronis Disk Director– one of the most powerful software packages for working with drives.

Today we’ll figure out how to use Acronis Disk Director 12, and specifically, what steps need to be taken when installing a new hard drive into the system.

First of all, you need to connect the hard drive to motherboard, but we will not describe this step, since it does not quite fit the topic of the article and, usually, does not cause difficulties for users. The main thing is to remember to turn off your computer before connecting.

So, the hard drive is connected. We start the machine and, in the folder "Computer", we don’t see any (new) disk.

It's time to turn to Acronis for help. We launch it and find an uninitialized disk in the list of devices. For further work, the drive must be initialized, so click on the corresponding menu button.

The initialization window appears. Choosing a partition structure MBR and disk type "Base". These options are appropriate for drives used to install the operating system or to store files. Click "OK".

Creating a section

Now let's create a section. Click on the disk ( "Unoccupied space") and press the button "Create Volume". In the window that opens, select the partition type "Base" and press "Next".

Select our unallocated space from the list and again "Next".

In the next window we are asked to assign a letter and label to the disk, indicate the partition size, file system and other properties.

We leave the size as it is (the entire disk), we also do not change the file system, as well as the cluster size. We assign the letter and label at our discretion.

If the disk is going to be used to install the operating system, then it must be made Primary, this is important.

Preparation is complete, click "Finish".

Application of operations

In the upper left corner there are buttons for canceling actions and applying pending operations. At this stage, you can still go back and correct some parameters.

We are happy with everything, so we click on the big yellow button.

We carefully check the parameters and, if everything is correct, then click "Continue".

Ready, new hard the disk appeared in the folder "Computer" and ready to go.

Like this, with the help Acronis Disk Director 12, we installed and prepared a new hard drive. There are, of course, system tools for performing these actions, but working with Acronis is easier and more pleasant (author’s opinion).

Program ACRONIS TRUE IMAGE allows you to create precise image of a tough disk (by sector), which includes the operating system along with applications, updates, and also saves all settings, etc. Almost any storage device can be used to capture the image.

Minimum system requirements:
  • Processor: Pentium or equivalent.
  • Memory 64 Mb.
  • Free disk space 20 Mb.

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows NT
  • Windows 98
  • Windows ME
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP

Installing the Acronis program.

Installation is carried out as standard using the Wizard. When choosing an installation type, if you are not limited by hard disk space, specify the full type.

An example of image creation and recovery using Acronis.

Launch the program and select the task to create an archive.

In the pop-up window you will be greeted by the Backup Wizard, click the "Next" button.

Then in the next window, select the backup type, using this option you can create an exact copy (image). In this example, select “The entire hard disk or individual partitions on it” and click the “Next” button. In the next window of the Backup Wizard, select the partition from which you want to make an image. In this example, drive (C).

Click the button Next, an information window will pop up → OK. In the next window, select the location to save the backup. For example, we created an Acronis folder on disk ( D) and press the button " Creating a new file name" → Next.

In the next window, check the box “Create a full archive” → Next. Leave the backup settings as default → Next. In the next window you can leave your comments, then the “Preparing to create a data archive is completed” window will open. Click Proceed to begin the operation. We are waiting for the operation to complete → OK.

The Acronis program created an exact image of the hard drive (C) and compressed the information to 2.13 GB.

Let's move on to restoring the disk from the existing image.

Now let’s assume that we are in trouble and need to restore drive (C). Double-click on the image → a window opens → Next

In the Data Recovery Wizard pop-up window, we can select one of the recovery types: recover disks or partitions, recover files or folders. For example, we will select 1 item and click the “Next” button. In the next window we specify the partition to be restored.

In the next window we indicate the location of the partition to be restored. To select a section, click the left mouse button. If there is not enough space, this section will not be available → further.

In the next window, select Restart computer.

All the following actions are performed step by step and are logically understandable. Acronis will completely restore disk (C) with all settings and programs within a few minutes.

Hello dear friends!!! In this article I would like to touch on probably the most important and integral part for all users of computers and laptops, we will talk about how to create a system image of windows 7 for safe, full recovery system and all data on your computer or laptop. Nowadays, probably everyone already has a computer and more than 80% use the Internet, every day we all look for some information on the Internet, go to different sites, download games, music, videos, install programs we need and don’t need. , we store important data on our hard drives and of course, we all want the system to work stably, so that if the system fails, it does not need to be reinstalled and all information is not lost in vain.

Imagine this situation: you bought a computer or laptop with an installed operating system, you are satisfied with everything, time passes, a year, or maybe two, you have already accumulated a large database of different important information, files: for example, a large collection of photographs, installed games, films, documents, and at one point the system crashes, there can be a lot of reasons, ranging from viruses to the fact that the lights were simply turned off, and you do not have an uninterruptible power supply to safely shut down the system.

Tell me what to do, how can this be, the system is not working correctly, everything is slow, half of the desktop is gone, and even worse, Windows 7 won’t load at all, will it really need to be reinstalled? windows system 7, and you don’t even know, and installation disk no, is everything really lost and we need to start all over again? Don’t worry, everything can be fixed and we’ll look into it now!

To produce, we will use the program Acronis True Image Home 2013, believe me - this is the best and highest quality program for backing up and restoring a Windows system, of course, every quality product is paid, and if you value your Windows system and have extra money, then of course it’s better to buy the product once and protect yourself, but if you're short on money, you'll need to do a good search on the Internet (just be careful), otherwise a broken product can play a cruel joke on you. Well, if you haven’t found anything on the Internet yourself, then write to me using the form feedback, I'll try to help.

And so let's begin. I want to say right away that in this article we will not deal with the description of the program and global settings; for this there will be separate articles on this program, so I think it’s worth subscribing to updating the articles through the subscription form. Open the Acronis True Image Home program, the main window with tips will open in front of you in order to create a windows 7 system image, click on the button “ Backup systems."

In the window that opens, look at the points that I marked with numbers.

  1. When selecting partitions for backup, be sure to select (Unnamed partition is the system bootloader) and (Local disk “C”), if your hard drive is divided into several partitions, you can select them or then separately create a backup copy of these partitions.
  2. Select a location to save your backup - this may be hard section disk or various drives, of course, to store the system image, it is better to use a removable hard drive or second hard disk if you have several of them.
  3. You can enter the name of the backup copy or leave it as default.
  4. Be sure to open the Disk Backup Options tab. In the settings window that opens, check the box “Check the backup after it is created” and click “Ok”.
  5. After everything has been done, click the “Archive” button.

The whole process has started and you will need to wait until the program completes. It took me about 40 minutes, but it's worth it.

After completing the creation of the Windows 7 system image, you can go to the section where the copy was saved and look at the created Backup of the system. Now, using the created backup copy, you can easily restore the entire Windows 7 system with all the information and settings in the form in which it was, by pressing just one button.

But that’s not all, system failures can be different, that’s okay, if the failure was not significant and Windows 7 loaded, you can easily open the backup and restore the system, but what to do if the loading does not occur? A little tweaking in the program will help us here. Open the “Tools and Utilities” item and open the “Startup Repair” tab.

Here I will tell you how to create an image using Acronis True Image.
In other articles I have already talked about and. Now it's time to create an image for quick recovery systems.

So. We have a fully configured operating system(in my Windows case 7), all programs are installed and everything works as we need it. Great.

We restart the computer and see a screen that asks you to press F11 to launch Acronisa. This is exactly how the security zone works.

Press F11 and Acronis starts loading. After downloading, a window will appear that will suggest actions. In my case, this is either launch Acronis True Image Home or Windows startup. Select Acronis True Image Home

The following screenshots were taken under Windows, but I advise you to do everything in the Acronis security zone. The settings are no different. 🙂

Select Data Archiving:

We will be greeted by the Acronis Backup Wizard. Click next

In the next step, select Disks and partitions and click further.

We indicate the disk of which we want to make an image. My Windows is on the C: drive, so I select it. I'll press further.

The advice would be something like this. I usually just press further, but if you want, you can read it :)

In the next step, select the storage location for the archive. We select Acronis Secure Zone, since it is not visible from Windows, and therefore viruses will not touch it. 🙂 When choosing a security zone, you do not need to indicate the name of our archive. Just click next.

In the next step, check the Use default settings box and click next.

And now all the steps to configure image creation are completed. Click start.

The creation of an image of your OS will begin.

Upon completion, a sign will appear indicating that the image has been successfully created. Rebooting :)

All. Now you can completely virus the entire C: drive, completely crash Windows, etc. etc. After all, the image of the configured system already exists. And it will recover within 5 minutes.

A great way to say thank you.

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