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TunnelBear is a program that allows you to connect to a VPN network. Provides secure access to the Internet and protects personal information from theft. TunnelBear's goal is to help provide an additional layer of security for data transfers that occur between a computer and a remote server. The utility uses anonymous services to encrypt information. Using the program, you can navigate the Internet without worrying that your data may be intercepted by third parties. In addition to ensuring security software tool VPN is capable of hiding the real IP address and setting the address of another country. You can overcome geo...


Spotflux is a small utility that helps the user make their Internet experience as private as possible. After installing this program, a special network driver, which allows all traffic to pass through the program's server. On the server, data is cleared of user information, after which it will be sent to another server, to which you, in fact, sent the traffic initially. Return packets coming to you are also cleared. The program checks them for viruses, malware, as well as other unwanted modules. The Spotflux utility has sufficient...


UltraSurf – comfortable and useful utility, which allows you to bypass various censorship and bans imposed by your provider or the government of your country. This application allows you to make your work on the Internet almost completely anonymous, for which encryption technologies are used, as well as special proxy servers. This program configures your browser so that all traffic it transmits is sent through UltraSurf's proxy server. Moreover, all data you send is encrypted using a 256-bit key, which is almost impossible to decrypt. However, the program is capable of...


I2P is an application for working with the network of the same name, created by one of the development teams in response to attempts by various government agencies to impose a ban on the use of certain Internet capabilities. This program allows you to access a network that is built on the basis of DHT, but has a very complex structure with encryption of all traffic. The network provides one of the highest levels of encryption. In addition to the fact that user IP addresses are not published, the program also uses additional encryption systems. So, for example, incoming and outgoing traffic go through different tunnels, which consist of several...


Hola is a service that helps hundreds of Internet users access blocked information. The principle of operation of the service is reminiscent of P2P file-sharing networks, where a connection is established between user computers (peers). Hola caches the information being viewed on the user's computer and shares it with other people. The program allows you to speed up the loading of video content by splitting streams. Based on the principle of operation, it is clear that the more people install the program, the faster the data exchange will occur. Data caching and distribution occurs exclusively while the computer is waiting and does not affect...


Hotspot Shield is a program that allows you to become an anonymous Internet user, especially when you go through a wireless and free access point, for example, in a cafe. This program can protect your entire network traffic via the https protocol, and also encrypt it. Among other things, Hotspot Shield can hide your IP address from unauthorized persons. This way, all your online activities, as well as all messages, will remain anonymous, which can be used to visit various sites that your system administrator or provider. And about public and...


X-Proxy is a program for maintaining anonymity on the network. Using the application, you can access sites that are blocked by Internet providers in the user's country. This tool changes the user’s real IP address to a fake one, which allows you to surf the vast Internet completely anonymously. The program interacts with all major web browsers. Setting up anonymous access is extremely simple: you need to open the list of available servers and select any one you like. For the convenience of Internet users, X-Proxy has several tools available: determining the speed of the Internet connection, searching for a country by I...


Proxiator is a small utility that helps the user make their Internet experience as confidential as possible. The program supports working with all browsers where it is possible to specify a proxy server ( Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari and others). Thus, browsers and other programs transmit all data through the anonymous Tor network, which is included in the program distribution. This guarantees complete anonymity on the network and ignores the prohibitions of providers. Proxiator is easy to use and has a clear and simple user interface, which allows even an inexperienced person to work with it...


VPN Gate is a useful client application for working with the SoftEther VPN network, the main task of which is the ability to hide the user’s identity on the network. The process of providing user anonymity works thanks to a relay network of proxy servers that hide the IP address. The program is a client module, which facilitates operation and access to the necessary services that are limited in a given region. Helps protect valuable information, provides quick access to blocked resources (torrent trackers, Rdio, Pandora, Spotify). A limited number of countries have access to these resources. Allows you to mask your IP address...


NeoRouter is a cross-platform application that allows you to quickly remote access to other work computers. It is based on a client-server architecture, which facilitates udp or TCP peer-to-peer connections. The server application must be deployed on the main computer. The client program is installed on remote devices. The two components interact successfully with each other. Once configured, the server works like this: Windows service without requiring additional settings. For successful operation, the application creates a virtual local network via NeoRouter mesh based cloud technologies remotely...


Wippien is a VPN service commonly used in gaming community For public access To necessary files. The program is capable of creating P2P (peer-to-peer) connections between users for quick access to shared resources, printers, services. In addition to P2P capabilities, the tool works great as a messaging client, coming with support for multiple protocols (AIM, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, ICQ). To use all the features of the application, you must set up a Jabber account. Instead of Jabber ID, the user can use Gmail account. You can also test the configured account for...


Comodo Unite is a unique program that allows multiple users to create secure, encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs). People will be able to connect and share files with users from different parts of the Earth in safe mode. The creation of such a network occurs using a virtual point-to-point connection. This method uses a dedicated connection and encryption or a combination of both. The interface is a convenient window with a set of several functions. The application allows you to add new contacts, create groups or entire networks. The utility provides the ability to change the connection status.


Advanced Onion Router is a very useful utility if you want to camouflage yourself in front of any website. Allows you to easily and quickly connect to the desired proxy server, after which you can do everything you need on this site. In this case, your real IP address will be hidden, and the site you are on will only see the proxy server IP. This will allow you to perform some actions that can only be done in another country, for example, this may be necessary when installing a program. The only condition for this program to work is setting up a browser or other application that connects to the Internet and...

WooGamble is an Internet browser with a built-in VPN service. This guarantees complete anonymity on the network and ignores the prohibitions of providers. Encrypts Internet traffic, hides the user's IP address and replaces it with the IP address of the program server. It also opens access to sites that have blocked access to their resources from a certain country. Even with encryption and changing the IP address, the browser does not lose its speed and continues with high speed surfing, which can compete with popular and widespread browsers. WooGamble supports operating systems Windows systems, Linux and Mac OS. Also supports portable...


HideGuard allows you to protect your Internet traffic and IP address from unauthorized persons, which in turn increases security and makes your Internet surfing anonymous. Distinctive feature This program is that it completely encrypts all outgoing and incoming traffic, and it does not matter what program consumes it. This could be either a browser or another application. In addition, HideGuard completely hides your IP address, which allows you to access even sites to which access is blocked for one reason or another. The program creates a VPN tunnel through which all your network traffic passes, what else...

We offer 12 PC security tips to minimize your risk of getting malware in the vast expanses of the Internet. The Internet is a wonderful place where we spend a significant part of our time, where we can study, broaden our horizons, make new friends from all over the world and, absolutely free, communicate with anywhere on the planet. All this ease is captivating, but if you don’t take care of safety, the attractiveness will quickly give way to disappointment.

Luckily you don't have to be "seven spans in the forehead" to protect your computer and personal information online. We invite you to read and take into account 12 PC safety tips that are designed to minimize the risk of contracting any "infection" in the vast expanses of the Internet.


So let's begin.

Software updates in background can be very annoying, because it’s always unpleasant when the PC starts to slow down and you have to wait until all of them are installed. But it is with updates that programs receive the latest features and fixes for various errors, including closing holes in software security. Therefore updates operating system, browsers and security software is the basis for the security of your PC or gadget. Set up automatic update for a certain time, or update them manually, but this must be done constantly.

Remove browser extensions that you don't use or completely trust, as they can significantly slow down your PC's performance or spy on everything you do. Also, add-ons may have vulnerabilities through which malware can interfere with their operation. That is, through add-ons, Key loggers that track the text entered on the keyboard, or screenshot managers that will save snapshots of web forms you fill out, can work. Through vulnerabilities in password managers, malware can track currently used confidential information: logins, passwords, mailbox names email, banking information, etc. Open the extensions page in your browser and you'll discover several plugins and add-ons you never knew existed. Look through them all and delete the ones you don't use.

These days, most campaigns such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. provide users with the option to set up two-step verification (or login with confirmation via an email to "email", code in "SMS message" or code in mobile application) to log into your account. Essentially, this is advanced authentication, a special specific method of controlling access to an account with unknown device or not standard "IP addresses". In it, the user must provide the system not only with a login and password, but also provide additional evidence, for example, a code in "SMS message", which is sent to the phone number associated with the account. We highly recommend using the two-step login method. account because, even if attackers somehow got hold of your login and password, without the code from your phone they won’t be able to log into your account and harm you.

Some sites, including "Facebook", "VKontakte", "Twitter", "Instagram", "Gmail" And "Google", allow you to check recent active actions: logins to your account, posts, various changes to your account, settings, etc. They should be checked periodically to determine if there have been any suspicious activities that you did not perform (for example, authorization from a third party). "IP addresses"). It can also be helpful to unload connected apps that you don't use regularly or that are carrying out unhealthy activity on your accounts.

Read about how to check activity on social networking accounts in separate articles:

5. Set a password on your phone's lock screen

If your phone is stolen, or you accidentally lose it and don't secure it on the lock screen, the person who finds it can gain access to all your social media accounts and your web browser with all your saved passwords. Accordingly, he will be able to manage the data in your accounts, delete them, or use them to your detriment. If you want to avoid this, then add a visual template, "PIN code" or fingerprint on your device's lock screen. Now, such a lucky person will only get a phone, and your personal data will be safe.

6. Protect your laptop

The same goes for your laptop or desktop PC, especially if your browser stores passwords or automatically logs you into websites and apps you use every day. Add a password or some other security method (of your choice) and ensure that the Windows OS security settings "macOS" or "Android" are configured to require a password each time you log in, wake up from sleep, and change users.

End-to-End encryption is a special method of data transmission in which several users who are interlocutors gain access to messages. Using end-to-end encryption, you can protect your connection from third parties, that is, using the same cryptographic keys makes it possible to correspond (or send files) only to the sender and recipient. Other users will not be able to decrypt this data, even if someone can track it, it will still not be useful. Websites that use encryption have specific "URLs", they start with an abbreviation "HTTPS", often appear with a green padlock in the browser's address bar. Also, use fully encrypted messaging platforms such as: "Whatsapp", "Telegram" or "Signal".

8. Be careful in public "Wi-Fi points" Internet access

The problem with public "Wi-Fi points" Internet access is something that just as you can connect to it, so can everyone else. This means you need to be more careful about the files you transfer over such a connection and the websites you visit. Also, we highly recommend that you install some software to create "VPN connections" ("Virtual Private Network"– virtual private network). This technology allows you to establish one or more connections over another network. Because all traffic between your computer and "VPN connection" is encrypted, then no one can track what web resources you visited, what mail you received, etc.

Remember that social networks are like "Instagram" or "Twitter", are public by default, so everyone can see where you are and what you're doing. Don't display too much information about yourself for everyone to see, such as map shots of your home or work address, photos with geolocation, photos of your car, etc. Social network "Facebook" provides more privacy options, such as per-post audience settings that you can use to only send photos to close friends or family.

10. Don't tell anyone your personal information

Can someone call your bank or network provider and pretend to be you? Are you sure about this? We highly recommend that you ensure that the personal information you used to further identify yourself over the phone (birthdays, pet names, addresses, family names) is not available online. Make sure that you do not use publicly available information for such purposes, that it is not posted on social networks or settings of various accounts.

On the Internet you can find many paid and free utilities to protect your PC or gadget: antiviruses, antispam programs, Internet connection protection programs, etc. They will constantly monitor your online activities and provide protection against viruses and a variety of malware. Even free antivirus software will protect your computer well, e.g. "Avast! Free Antivirus» , "ESET NOD32 Antivirus", « BitDefender Antivirus» , "Kaspersky Antivirus" and many others, all of them show excellent results in ensuring PC security. Many have additional built-in banking information protection modules, parental controls, firewall, protection against network attacks, protection mail client etc. We strongly recommend using antivirus on your PC and mobile device.

12. Some useful security tricks

Not all precautions you can use are digital. Remember that the biggest danger to you on the Internet is yourself. Use one, the most secure email box you think, for all the most important accounts: for banking sites, payment systems, hosting, etc., and do not use it for anything else. Use wired Internet at home or office to access these sites. Do not log into these accounts on other people's PCs and mobile devices, or through free "Wi-Fi access points" on the Internet when you are not sure of security of this connection. Write down all important passwords in your notebook(on a piece of paper) and never save them digitally. Always use an antivirus software. Don't post too much personal information publicly on social media. Do not provide anyone with personal information that can be used for additional identification over the telephone. To pay for goods online, it is very dangerous to enter your details. bank card, so use payment systems that you trust (for example, "PayPal"). Also, do not go to dubious web resources, simply by going to which you can download a virus (in the site icon, file "favicon"). Scan all files and programs downloaded from the Internet with an antivirus before installation. Just follow these simple tips and they will allow you to avoid many problems online.

    I don’t use antiviruses myself, because when you catch an infection, you can immediately see where everything is and how. But this is truly aerobatics.

    A very good option is to have several accounts with different rights.

    Apart from hemorrhoids, this does not give anything for yourself. Why? Because in 99% of cases the password is login under Administrator / Administrator = login under user. + Methods for penetrating protected sections of the same windows vista. Let me remind you that XP “supposedly” had practically no security. At a low level, it was also easy to climb any user sections on localhost. In Vista - it’s almost 7, here the matter has really been revised to new level. But it’s unlikely that social engineering and the stupidity of users will ever be abolished.

    “When a family does not have 2 computers, and the computer with which you earn money has to be shared with your family, in this case it is necessary to have different accounts.”

    In such cases, have only different computers :) Share a really working machine with someone. It's like being left without everything at one point. But if you are a kamikaze, then you are welcome. The example you described below is proof of this.

    The “No Script” plugin is absolutely useless and prevents the plugin from working. And you can’t catch any special infections through javascript, especially under FireFox. It's security obsessed compared to IE, but it's worth it. In order to catch an infection through javascript, you need to answer affirmatively to any question, which is usually disguised under a plausible pretext. That is, a simple rule applies here. If you have clearly visited a suspicious site and if it asks you to answer affirmatively to some question, then it is strictly forbidden to agree and therefore I would strongly recommend leaving such a site. There are fewer and fewer such sites.


    My idyll came when there were 4 computers at home.

    This is a good option. Probably your computer distributes the Internet to others :)

    Do you have a server to administrate? 🙂

    The “No Script” plugin is absolutely useless and prevents the plugin from working.

    I forgot to say that Outpost Firewall can block all these things, from ActiveX to advertising.

    blockquote>To catch an infection through javascript, you need to answer affirmatively to any question, which is usually disguised under a plausible pretext. That is, a simple rule applies here. If you have clearly visited a suspicious site and if it asks you to answer affirmatively to some question, then it is strictly forbidden to agree.

    Yesterday I just had homework, By computer security, I tried to make friends with Eset and Outpost Firewall, it took me half the night to do this, since both the first and the second have their own firewall and they block each other.

    After the last infection, I gave up on protection: ZoneAlarm and Avast are for show and against ScriptKiddis.

    Basic protection:

    — I store everything important online (DropBox, GoogleDocs, Yandex Bookmarks)

    — Passwords and confidential — KeePass (and the database is in DropBox)

    — Change 120-128 bit passwords once a month

    I plan:

    — Master portable software (Notepad ++, etc. for working on a website)

    — Started to master web services, simple programs (Yandex photos, etc.) and FF add-ons for performing simple operations, for which we usually use super-duper-pro software

    — Buy ​​Kaspersky to check and disinfect site content (as a last resort)

    As a result: I can demolish the system at any time and install it again, without loss.

    It’s too early to buy your own server for your home 🙂 a router is enough))))

    Only port 80 is open for amateurs; there is nothing to do on the other ports.

    Well, since working in a server center, I realized that the best protection is properly configured hardware rather than software.

  1. properly configured Cisco is 10 times better and faster, any FireWall even on Linux :)

    Cisco is a piece of hardware running Cisco IOS, a very smart piece of hardware, however, its software again needs to be configured.

    About 10 times faster - have you measured it? Have you compared the price of a router based on a cheap computer with Linux/Unix and a device from Cisco? What about the cost of setup and support?

  2. Apocalyptic

    Most effective way- this is the differentiation of access rights between users and the system administrator. Believe me, there is nothing more effective!!

    Yes, yes, but the SD3000 says that this is not an option in XP.

    I store everything important online (DropBox, GoogleDocs, Yandex Bookmarks)

    Passwords and confidential information - KeePass (and the database is in DropBox)

    Change 120-128 bit passwords once a month

    I plan:

    Master portable software (Notepad ++, etc. for working on a website)

    I began to master web services, simple programs (Yandex photos, etc.) and FF add-ons to perform simple operations for which we usually use super-duper-pro software

    Wow, you took a radical approach to the issue of security; in principle, it’s a good idea to store valuable information not on your home computer.

    According to theory 2, FireWall cannot be friends by definition

    That is, one port can be served by only one and only one program. Everyone can monitor, but only one can serve; this is laid down at the system level, both Windows and Linux.

    That is, if they show that they have worked hard, then one of them is working in some kind of observation mode, not control.

    That is, some of them are active antivirus, and some are passive :)

    properly configured Cisco is 10 times better and faster, any FireWall even on Linux

    This way you can’t install a virus on Cisco.

    I wonder if it is possible to monitor viruses at the data link level. It seems that Casper or the node have such a function to filter the Internet channel. Although this would be nice, in practice it is probably not realistic to implement.

    I use ESET NOD32 Antivirus together with Outpost Firewall Pro. In principle, they cope. Although I had to use DrWebPortable once (very long, but efficiently)

There are many different ways to increase the security of your personal data and information, which, of course, will not give you complete anonymity. If you really need it, they will get your data. There will be ways - let's say, a purely physical way. With screams and moans. But some methods will help attract a little less attention. I'm a little paranoid, so I use some of them to avoid falling into the clutches of reptilians. So, briefly about the methods that will make the life of our curators from ZOG a little more difficult. Naturally, we completely trust only Open Source.


You can start taking care of security right from the operating system. Windows is leaking information to the world government, so you can take Edward Snowden’s advice and use Tails, a super-secure build of Linux that the fallen agent himself uses. It fits on a USB flash drive and can be used on any computer without leaving any traces. Excerpt from the description:

Tails is a system whose main goal is to protect your privacy and anonymity. It helps you surf the Internet anonymously and bypass censorship in any country without leaving a trace (unless you configure it differently). This is a full-fledged OS that is designed to fit on a DVD, flash drive or SD card, regardless of the main system installed on the computer.

Computerra says:

OS developers do not give their names and remain completely anonymous in order to prevent intelligence agencies from interfering with the Tails code. The system uses Tor for anonymity, as well as PGP, the KeePassX password storage system, and the Off-the-Record chat encryption plugin.
It does not use the computer's built-in media for swap. The only memory used by the system is RAM, which is automatically emptied when the computer is turned off.

In principle, you can create a separate laptop running this OS and storing all data on it.


If we talk about an anonymous browser, the most famous solution is Tor. As mentioned above, it is already included in the Tails assembly. Of course, private windows are also possible famous browsers use, but a separate solution still looks more reliable. Other options for safe surfing are VPN and I2P, but I haven’t thoroughly understood these topics.


Passwords play an important role in security. No matter what encryption software you use, if your password is your date of birth, you can be hacked not only by a schoolboy who has read about brute force on forums, but also by your mother. A simple solution to this problem is the LastPass browser extension (there is one for Tor too), which generates complex passwords, automatically remembers them and enters them for you, and all data is encrypted on the client side - that is, it is sent to the LastPass servers already encrypted. But this is an intermediate solution, especially since it is not Open Source. Very convenient, but the most paranoid may not like it. You can use it for all unimportant sites (you won’t need to remember passwords for them), and store the most important ones in an open-source password manager - KeePass. LastPass and KeePass are two of the most proven solutions.


One of the most problematic links in this orderly chain is postal services. And these are the links - you must agree, if you use encryption technologies, but your passwords still arrive in your mailbox, the whole point of encryption disappears. In addition, most email services now require you to provide a phone number when registering. Therefore, there may be the following solutions.
Swiss postal service from CERN staff As a solution for a permanent postal address - best option. But you will have to wait several months for your box. Temporarily you can use mailboxes from Microsoft or
A mailbox that is destroyed after 10 minutes. For one-time transactions - registration or quick transfer confidential information fits. More disposable mailboxes:
Discard Email.
Another solution is Riseup, created by anarchists. But the admins ask you to kill yourself if you support capitalism, racism, sexism and so on. Personally, I haven’t seen any of this, so it’s quite suitable for me)

Cloud storage

Snowden recommends SpiderOak, and indeed, among other solutions it is the most secure. Here more details.
Mega - cloud storage data that does not participate in the PRISM program and supports client encryption. For the most part, they use the same technologies as SpiderOak, another similar service designed for encryption, but Mega gives 50 free gigabytes, and SpiderOak only 2. I use both.
Boxcryptor is a way to encrypt even Yandex Disk. A suitable solution if you have a lot of space on some cloud and you want to encrypt it.


Next important point- antivirus. Maybe, best antivirus— Kaspersky. But since it is Russian, you can look for alternative solutions. Thanks to the situation in the country, it is ridiculous to talk about data privacy provided by Russian services. Basically free Avast antivirus in most cases it is enough. It can be backed up with a Malwarebytes scanner. When downloading the latter, you need to uncheck the “Enable trial period” box, and then it will be installed for free and forever. According to my feelings, they find 99% of threats.


DuckDuckGo is a search engine that bills itself as “not following you.”

Send Anywhere is an original anonymous service that combines features of Dropbox and Snapchat.
You can send any files to anyone. But the link to them will only work for 10 minutes.

Telegram is a messenger that has a “secret chat” function. That is, you can configure it so that your messages will be deleted after 5, 30 seconds, an hour or even a second without being saved anywhere.

Another option to correspond anonymously is to create a joint account in SpiderOak and drop a text file into the root. Then, if you install Notepad++ and the NppNetNote plugin for it, you can collectively edit this file - in a word, arrange a chat in text file in the cloud.

Plus there's more here A lot of interesting things have been written, I’ll quote just in case:

Adium and Pidgin for secure chats (OTR) via Gtalk, Facebook, Yahoo, MSN, XMPP / Duck Duck Go, etc.
Textsecure and Redphone for Android and iPhone, to protect SMS and voice conversations
HTTPS Everywhere for browsers
GPGtools and Enigmail for mail

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