Ruthless resources html. HTML5 Recipes: Diving into HTML5 coding with specific examples

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This page contains materials for persons involved in the development of standards.

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Code of Conduct

Members of ISO committees, working groups or “Coming together to reach consensus” are encouraged to work according to the principles of the Code of Conduct.

Competition Compliance Guides

Compliance with legislation in the standard-setting process is important to ensure the effective functioning of market mechanisms and enhance competitiveness, as well as to increase confidence in standards. ISO provides guidance on legal issues to all participants in the standards development process.

Any questions regarding the competition law guidelines can be directed to ISO's legal team at email address.


All participants in standardization activities must respect copyright in relation to ISO publications and project development, as well as any content relating to ISO. These rules are reflected in the Declaration, with which all parties interested in standardization must agree.

Policy in the field of communications of the committee’s work with external parties and preservation of documents

Participants in ISO standards development processes may be prompted (for example by the media) or may initiate their own initiative (for example through social networks) exchange information with external parties about various aspects of the committee's work. ISO has developed an operating policy for such external interactions.

Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to email TMB secretariat: .

Data protection policy

All parties involved in the standardization process have rights and responsibilities regarding data protection. These are reflected in the Data Protection Policy developed for ISO members, as well as in the Declaration, which must be complied with by all parties involved in the this process. It applies to data stored in ISO IT services, as well as many personal data collected during standardization work (eg attendance lists, minutes).

Explanation of terms and expressions used in ISO standards

International standards and trade

Types of legal sanctions in ISO

ISO has developed a document that summarizes issues related to sanctions and the standards development process.

Engaging stakeholders and building consensus

ISO's work aims to ensure that standards are developed by and for stakeholders, so that market needs will be met more efficiently.

Below you can find documents providing guidance on stakeholder engagement.

I decided to continue this hot topic. I have compiled a list of the best resources for learning html and css to help those interested in learning these issues. I remember when I started as a webmaster, I really missed such a selection of high-quality and useful resources.

First some definitions:

Html (from English "HyperText Markup Language" - hypertext markup language) is a standard markup language for web pages.

Css (from English "Cascading Style Sheets" - cascading style sheets) is a description technology appearance web pages.

Without knowledge of html and css, running your website will be very problematic - you won’t even be able to install a statistics counter or even a banner. Shouldn’t we run to specialists for help or create topic after topic on forums? You just need to take it and learn it.

From my own experience, I can say that html and css can be learned in 1 month. Of course, I'm not talking about professional heights - you can reach them yourself if you want.

In my opinion, best way to learn html, css, and other topics, including website promotion, means having your own website and practicing on it. By the way, you can see the first website I created for maps for the game Counter-Strike, the creation of which I was then keen on. Here are the maps and their screenshots, created by old man Globator in those days when he did not yet know what the top 10, TCI and PR were, and carefreely frolicked in the sun creating three-dimensional maps :) I created this site in a month, learning html and css in practice.

You don't have to be a technical expert to learn html and css. For example, I’m generally a humanist and in mathematics I mostly got a “2” :) So anyone can learn html and css. The resources I have listed are also suitable so that at any time you can use them to find out any point you are interested in regarding html and css.

Websites for learning html and css

I’ll start a selection of useful resources for learning html and css from a site that I used myself. These are Wild html lessons written by Valentina Akhmetzyanova aka Dikarka. She described all the necessary points so cheerfully and interestingly that learning html and css with the help of her lessons turns into an exciting activity. By the way, you can read the site for the blog. Wild lessons are enough to learn html and css at the level necessary to work as a webmaster.

Can you imagine who I would be if I developed further in the topic of Photoshop? I would be a real monster! But I got involved with SEO and vegetate here, typing these letters with fingers cramped from the frost :) Just kidding, it’s also warm here and the food is good :)

Last update on November 09 2019 06:54:54 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is used to create web pages as well as other types of documents viewable in a web browser.

HTML is a standard specified and maintained by World Wide Web Consortium.

From its invention, HTML has evolved through different versions. Present version of HTML is HTML 4.01.

Next version of HTML is HTML 5, which is under development but developers have already started using some of its features.

In the consequent pages, we will discuss HTML 4.01 in detail. Learning which, you will be able to create web pages by your own.

HTML code of a simple web page

An example HTML page

This is an example HTML page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at nisi velit, aliquet iaculis est. Curabitur porttitor nisi vel lacus euismod egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sagittis magna eu odio interdum mollis. Phasellus sagittis pulvinar facilisis. Donec vel odio volutpat tortor volutpat commodo. Donec vehicula vulputate sem, vel iaculis urna molestie eget. Sed pellentesque adipiscing tortor, at condimentum elit elementum sed. Mauris dignissim elementum nunc, non elementum felis condimentum eu. In turpis quis erat imperdiet vulputate. Pellentesque mauris turpis, dignissim sed iaculis eu, euismod eget ipsum. Vivamus mollis adipiscing viverra. Morbi at sem eget nisl euismod porta. Sed semper, tortor eu molestie iaculis, felis massa vestibulum massa, vitae suscipit arcu nunc quis ante. Phasellus aliquam elit at nisl condimentum commodo. Nunc congue nibh aliquam enim aliquet nec feugiat diam condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam accumsan velit sed lacus pellentesque in gravida nunc ultrices. Aliquam varius scelerisque erat ut egestas.

Learn HTML from website

This is an example HTML page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at nisi velit, aliquet iaculis est. Curabitur porttitor nisi vel lacus euismod egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sagittis magna eu odio interdum mollis. Phasellus sagittis pulvinar facilisis. Donec vel odio volutpat tortor volutpat commodo. Donec vehicula vulputate sem, vel iaculis urna molestie eget. Sed pellentesque adipiscing tortor, at condimentum elit elementum sed. Mauris dignissim elementum nunc, non elementum felis condimentum eu. In turpis quis erat imperdiet vulputate. Pellentesque mauris turpis, dignissim sed iaculis eu, euismod eget ipsum. Vivamus mollis adipiscing viverra. Morbi at sem eget nisl euismod porta. Sed semper, tortor eu molestie iaculis, felis massa vestibulum massa, vitae suscipit arcu nunc quis ante. Phasellus aliquam elit at nisl condimentum commodo. Nunc congue nibh aliquam enim aliquet nec feugiat diam condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam accumsan velit sed lacus pellentesque in gravida nunc ultrices. Aliquam varius scelerisque erat ut egestas.

Features of the w3resource HTML tutorials

We have covered all the HTML 4.01 elements or tags and their attributes. Because it is HTML elements (or tags) and attributes, which you need to understand for learning HTML. While discussing an HTML tag or elements in our HTML tutorials, we have used the following features to help you to understand better:

1. We have started with a clear and simple description.

2. We have given a Syntax so that you can remember how to write it.

3. A Use to show you how to write it in practice.

4. We have shown the Result of the usage.

5. Since HTML tags may or may not have and end tag to close the element, we have always shown if Start and end tags are required or not.

6. In which Category the HTML element belongs to, i.e. if it for text or for heading or for creating forms etc.

7. Which other elements or what type of content that HTML tag Can contain.

8. Within which other elements that HTML tag May reside.

9. Different Attributes of that tag, their description, and examples.

10. An example of that HTML tag.

11. The result of that example.

12. View the example in a browser.

13. How that tag looks in Different browsers.

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