Readers need informative content. Concept of content

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Every year people become more and more demanding of what they read on the Internet.

And the point is not that they are getting smarter, but that there is more and more information, but its quality often leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, in order to stand out from competitors and promote your website or social networks, you have to create a good, high-quality .

However, the problem is that there is no clear criterion that says - quality content or not, so in this article we will understand what content quality means.

100% quality

Let me say right away that we are fans of content. And our main rule is that the content must be of high quality. But the question always arises - after all, quality is an extremely relative concept.

One person may benefit from a 5-minute video about marketing, while another person will want similar information, but delivered within 30 minutes.

One person may like the pictures in the article, while another may like funny gifs that are not entirely relevant to the topic of the article (like this one, for example).

An example of a gif that is off topic

So I searched everywhere to find a single definition of quality content, but unfortunately I couldn’t find it.

So I tried to combine all the information into one simple and understandable phrase, sprinkled with my confetti.

Quality content– this is material that has a number of characteristics: uniqueness, usefulness, practicality, information content, and which makes the user stay to study it.

In the future, I will certainly decipher each of the above points, since this is the most important thing in this article. But before that, let's immediately agree on all the definitions.

By the way, what is content in general and what is included in this concept. It’s clear that this is material, but what kind? To do this, I have highlighted the main ones that are considered high quality:

  1. Text;
  2. Video;
  3. Audio;
  4. Pictures;
  5. Presentations.

As you can see, content means not only text (by the way, most articles are about high-quality text).

But I fundamentally disagree. Content can be anything as long as it's cool. For example, in a group ON_ZHESTKOV Our leader, instead of a standard text post, made this post voice-over.

And as practice has shown, it was this content format that “went down” no worse than standard text.

Voice over text

Main criteria

Okay, we've sorted out the internals of the content. Now we can move on to the main thing. Moreover, all authors of successful blogs or large groups/accounts (including us) lay down the concept of high-quality and useful content.

It is these qualities that influence the success of the content, how it is perceived by users and how they treat you after studying the materials. In a word, how to create quality content.

And I took a slightly unconventional path. Initially, I will try to highlight key points without reference to sites.

And below I will add which criterion, depending on the site, influences this or that factor.

And what needs to be done to turn 100% quality into 146% quality (an old joke about elections).

1. Useful

In my opinion, this criterion is the most important. By coming to a blog, a group on social networks or a personal page and studying the material, the user should receive useful content.

That is, something that he can take and apply. As in that joke: “Right now! Immediately!". And it doesn’t matter what it will be - practical application or numbers from statistics, the main thing is the benefits. The first point makes up the second.

2. Thematic

Benefit, if we are not talking about entertainment content now, can only be given if it is something specific.

That is, material that first talks about fish and then abruptly turns to fleas (also an anecdote) will not be in demand and cannot be called high-quality content.

It is the disclosure of one topic within the entire platform that can be called the creation of high-quality content.

3. Trusted

Content must be credible. Because of trust, people will read you and naturally buy you (otherwise, why create quality content). Trust in materials can be built quite simply.

To do this, you need not just to rewrite someone else’s material, but to reinforce knowledge from different sources such as experiments or statistical data. This is called a professional approach and inspires trust. And as a result, people come back.

4. Current

One of the keys to making quality material is making it relevant. That is, now I’m no longer talking about reviews of recent news or incidents, but about connection with reality.

If the information from the article lost its relevance 2 years ago, and you are writing the article only now, then such content is a priori not of high quality.

5. Viral

Virality means that people share your information on social networks.

And in fact, this very fact is a clear indicator of quality content, when the reader is ready to put his reputation on the line and repost/share your material on his social networks.

Each of your materials should create a certain buzz that users will share and thereby attract new users.

6. Emotional

This is the most underestimated factor, which in our company we consider almost dominant in any material.

The bottom line is that every piece of content you create should evoke an emotion. The more diametrical it is to the typical state, the better.

Emotion makes contact closer, which means a person can sometimes use your product without any logical conclusions. As usual, girls buy a new dress on sale.

Differences in sites

Remember when I wrote that the quality of content depends not only on the criteria in general, but also on the platform on which it is posted?

Well, for example, take the same Youtube. One of the criteria for quality material is a well-filmed and edited video based on some key or relevant idea.

This all relates to the common question of how to make quality content on YouTube.

And here you can make even the coolest and most exciting content on YouTube, but if this visual component is missing, then no other factors will help.

That is why I decided to add several criteria for platforms (in particular, I took the site and social networks), by paying attention to which you can make the content much better not only for people, but also for robots.

Yes, I’m now talking about that same promotion with the help. This may seem unexpected, but it is quality content that helps in promotion.

1. Blog on the site

Uniqueness. I think you yourself belong to that class of people who will not read information if they have already read it somewhere. That is why the content must be unique.

This is of course the default, but things like quotes or excerpts from a book reduce its uniqueness.

And for websites/blogs this is damn important. That is why the uniqueness of your text materials should be at least 95%. And you can check this using the service –


Optimization. I will not focus too much here, since I am not a technical specialist. To do this, you can read our article.

It describes in some detail how to create quality content from an SEO point of view.

But in short, the text should contain: a title and keywords, structure and hierarchy of the text and, of course, linking with other articles on the site.


2. Social networks

For example, these could be well-filmed and edited videos or professionally shot and edited photos (for the same content on Instagram).

One of the solutions for the visual component of the ON_ZHESTKOV group is specially filmed video files in gif format, which visually differentiate our content from competitors.


Unusuality. This may be not only the unusualness of the content itself, but also the unusualness of its presentation.

For example, in one of our projects on sales training on Instagram, instead of standard photos or pictures with captions, we use videos and non-standard pictures that are weakly associated with sales, but arouse interest.


And so that you have an understanding of quality content on social networks (since we notice increased interest in them in lately) I decided to break them down into specific sites and give recommendations:

  • Youtube. This social network (since June 2018 they added a couple of services and officially became a social network) was created for entertainment.

    And even business channels are made in this style. Therefore, users consider quality a coolly edited video with a splash screen and effects, lasting no more than 30 minutes. Humor and jokes are highly desirable.

  • VKontakte. Users prefer business and motivation topics. The text of publications should be both large and short in length, but most importantly, it should be divided into paragraphs.

    It is also important to accompany with pictures and music. But the emphasis is still on the meaning, and not on the visual part.

  • Facebook. The inhabitants of this social network inclined towards content from the science, politics and big business.

    Therefore, here, quality content is considered to be a long, formatted post (longread), structured, supported by facts, quotes and always with conclusions.

  • Instagram. Here people prefer content aimed at motivation and inspiration.

    These must be edited photos good quality or a high-quality edited video up to a minute long. The text is also important, but the visual part comes first.

How to create quality?

Fine. You understand that you need to create quality content. It remains to understand how to do it correctly. And then it will be possible to fill the site with quality content.

Of course, there are several options, like writing it yourself or buying it.

But as practice shows and the old saying: “If you want to do something well, do it yourself.” Therefore, I recommend the following option.


Depending on the format, you order material on various freelance exchanges.

For example, this could be the exchange. Or sites where performers can create infographics or create high-quality photos like

And then it begins important point! Remember I said that you have to do everything yourself?

In the case of content, even the best article will still need to be finalized and designed in your corporate style, seasoned with practice and usefulness, since for the most part copywriters write well, but often these are general words or rewriting.

On one's own

The best option is to do everything yourself. Yes, it's boring. Yes, it takes a lot of time. Yes, it’s partly even difficult.

But people need your experience, your style, and not just another abstract from the institute. Therefore, put your hands on your feet and start working on your perseverance, because it will be very useful to you.

Moreover, the most interesting thing is that at first everything will be fine for you, then everything will be bad (creative crisis, general burnout).

And then you, like the Phoenix, will be reborn and begin to quickly and efficiently produce high-quality materials, just like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. This has been tested on myself for 2.5 years while I have been writing this blog.

Lifehack. If you don’t know what will be best for your social subscribers. networks”, then you can monitor successful groups of competitors using the service: and select the desired format.

Briefly about the main thing

As you can see, making quality content is not so easy. You need to find a current topic and play on it.

That is, find useful and interesting information, season it all with practice and decorate it beautifully.

And if we’re talking about blogging and SEO, then we also need to optimize it correctly. That is why high-quality content is so valued by users. For trying.

It is these efforts that will sell your products or services (after all, this is what all content is made for), since this is where human psychology comes into force.

“If a person is so concerned about creating content for his website/group on social networks, then how will he work on my project.”

As I wrote earlier, trust is generated not only by the fact that you are a professional in your field, but also by your approach. Thus, quality content generates trust and sells.

Informational content is information that is useful to the reader.

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This is the data for which the user opens a search engine. A man wants to buy a cat. He goes to Yandex and enters: “Cat care.” In the search results, he sees your website, where there are detailed articles about care. And then he finds out that you also have an online store with elite cat food.

Your articles are informational content. It indirectly increases your sales.

Quality of information content

It is better to talk about what information content should be in comparison with other types of materials.

  • Service - accompanying service information, navigation tips, etc.
  • Selling - direct advertisements about goods or services.
  • Entertaining - to improve your mood.

We all come home from work in the evenings. We are tired, we want to sleep. And many people simply don’t have the strength to read anything serious about nuclear physics. We want to watch an excerpt from KVN while we eat, smile and go to bed.

Therefore, almost all of it is entertaining. It should make a person smile, laugh, and send the picture to friends.

Information material is serious content. It must tell a person something new. Give knowledge. It’s as if the reader was at a university lecture. However, even the most serious material can be presented in such a way that a person will read it with a smile and interest. And then he will definitely send the post to his friends.

Information content:

  • is beneficial for the reader;
  • helps satisfy needs;
  • helps achieve the author's goals;

And for this, the material must have the following characteristics:

  • Information content.
  • Literacy.
  • Thematic.
  • Logic.
  • Relevance.

The material should answer a question that worries a person.

Why does your website or public page need information content?

Let's remember the definition of marketing. This is an increase in company profits by satisfying consumer needs.

Answering a user's question is the first step towards sales. This is the satisfaction of a person’s current need - the need for information, for an answer to his question. And people love those who give them what they want.

Types of information content

Changing information. For example, - user content is dynamic.

Static content is that material that has not changed. It is published once and remains in this form.

If we talk about the type of published materials, they can be very different:

  • text;
  • video;
  • podcasts;
  • white books.

The main thing is the message that is contained in them. This is the answer to the question that your article, your video, your audio recording gives.

How to create informational content

On one's own. We give this answer to any questions about how to make good material.

Find out what knowledge your audience lacks. Focus on the theme of the portal.

Use the service. This is a learning platform for online courses. Choose a topic that is relevant to your content. See what's included in the course. For example, in the screenshot above there is a program from a web design course.

See what is said about the subject. Write material - you can make a series of educational articles.

But you write about something you know a lot about, right? Talk about your personal experience, give examples of their personal experience. Describe how you yourself solved similar problems in practice.

The main criterion for quality information material is usefulness. Will the reader be able to immediately after reading begin to embody what he read about?

Informational content will allow you to gain the trust of users. It will attract new visitors to you. And it will make your website not just an online resource, but an educational portal that will attract new customers.

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Greetings, my Dear Ones. I have written more than once that content rules and it is the key to the success of your projects. But I rarely talk about what content is, what types it comes in, what features and purposes it has. But this is also very important! Therefore, today I decided to devote my article to the king of Internet projects - content.

In fact, we can talk about content forever. But in today’s post, I will only talk about the main types of content that you need to use on your blogs.

What is content?

Word " Content" comes from the English word " Content", which translates as " Content«.

Accordingly, in content marketing this concept means any type of information that is on the site. In other words, content is the material of any site (filling) for which visitors come to the site.

As I wrote above, content is the basis of any Internet project, be it a website, blog or information product. And factors such as traffic, subscription and client base, and, accordingly, earnings directly depend on it. This is why it is very important to treat your content with all your heart and put as much effort into creating it as possible.

It's no secret that before search engines ranked sites based on factors such as article optimization, for example, spamming with bold text, buying links, etc. Now such actions not only do not work, but also make the situation worse. Currently, search engines pay attention to on the quality and usefulness of the article!

Another factor that depends on the quality of content is user behavior, that is, the behavioral factor. After all, if your material is uninteresting, then with a high probability the user will immediately leave the blog, and most likely to your competitor. And if the content is useful and interesting, then there is a chance that, in addition to studying this material, the visitor will also go to other pages of your blog.

We have understood the concept, now let's move on to something more interesting, namely, what main types of content exist and what is the purpose of each of them!

And each of these groups contains several more species. Let's take a look at each of them. And we'll start with a group called " Text“, which every blogger is already familiar with.

1. Text article— Absolutely everyone is familiar with this type of content, because it is the one that is most in demand and relevant today. Essentially to this species include media-style articles. Text, text and more text.

2. Technical article- this type is also familiar to everyone and is no less used in blogging. This type includes articles that are devoted to some technical issues, for example.

3. Interview- are used much less frequently than the two previous types, but in fact are no less effective in terms of providing important information. You can read more about the interview.

4. Reviews- a type used in rather narrow topics, for example, on sites with reviews of electronics or cars. But it can also be used in other topics, but much less frequently than all the previous types described by me.

5. Polls- this species does not quite belong to this group, but still it should not be overlooked. You can use survey posts only, or write text or technical articles using a survey inside a post. This allows you to collect the information you need without much effort.

We have successfully dealt with the first group, now let’s move on to the second, which is called “ Video". What does this include and what is its purpose?

6. Video podcast- is used most often in such areas as, and very rarely in blogging, although it’s a pity. This type consists in the fact that the author of an Internet project records a video where he himself writes down a certain topic for his readers, visitors or clients and gives an answer to the question posed at the beginning. This type perfectly complements a text or technical article!

7. Screencast- a more commonly used type, which consists in the fact that the author records a video from the screen of his computer or laptop, for example, a slide presentation, where he again talks about the topic and gives an answer to the question posed. This type is often used both in blogging and in the information business and is intended, as I already said, to educate the visitor on a particular topic.

The third group is called " Audio"and contains only one main type.

8. Audio podcast- in fact, this type is very similar to the two described above, but differs in that it is recorded only with a microphone, without using a video camera or recording from a computer screen. That is, again, you talk about the topic in your voice and give an answer to the question posed, but simply in audio format.

And last but not least used group " Graphics“, which is practically not used separately from the “Text” group, because It is in the aggregate that it has indescribable advantages over others.

8. Images— this type includes ordinary images in posts, for example, as in this article, diagrams, drawings, photographs and animations. Here I think there is no need to tell anything, everything is already painfully familiar and understandable.

9. Infographics- but this type has recently become more and more popular, and for good reason. Infographics are a specially drawn image that allows you to accommodate an article of any size in the form of clear and short diagrams, notes, pictures, etc.

So we have explained to you what content is, what types it comes in and what purpose each of them has. Now is the time to move on to how to most correctly create content for your Internet projects so that they bring maximum benefit.

The most important rule that applies to all types of content, which must be remembered once and for all, is that content should be as useful as possible for your readers. Now many will say “Yeah, he just discovered America”... Yes, this rule has already been tortured to the point of horror and it is said at every step, by all and sundry. But why? Why then do many people still write disgusting articles, record terrible videos and post clumsy infographics!? Understand that if you want to achieve great results in blogging, teach a thousand people, then start with yourself, start with teaching yourself! Learn to write cool articles, you can, learn to record useful screencasts, buy quality camera and start recording videos, etc.

And only after you teach yourself, then only then start teaching others! That's when you will truly be successful!

Say STOP to rewriting and other theft of other people's content! Create your own unique content and promote Russian blogging to a new level!

And you can read more about writing articles in my other article, the link to which I gave just above.


On this I think it is worth ending this article. If you have read it from beginning to end, please leave your comment below. Or, if you have any question, ask it, also in the form of comments below. I will definitely answer it.

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