What to do if you can’t log into your VK page. Why doesn't VKontakte log in? Why can’t I get into contact - select a browser

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One of the most common questions among active users of social networks is how to access the VKontakte page if access is blocked?

  1. Upon entering social network On VK in Ukraine the message “Access blocked” appears.
  2. Another reason why it is impossible to log into your personal page is that the site is blocked by the administrator. This often happens in offices when employers want to increase productivity by blocking access to social networks or any other sites.

Currently available quick ways bypass blocking of the VKontakte site using anonymizer sites.

Two ways to log into VK if the site is blocked - login through an anonymizer

Anonymizer site allows you to bypass restrictions system administrator and gain access to the necessary sites. One of such anonymizers is Cameleo.ru. Using this service is absolutely free.

After clicking the “Go” button, a window will open where you should enter your account information.

Service Cameleo.ru more than 6 years and it is one of the most reliable and proven.

Login to VKontakte through the anonymizer Noblockme.ru

To do this, you need to go to the resource page and select the “VKontakte” window. As a result, you will be redirected to the network page, bypassing the VK blocking.

Using an anonymizer site found by chance on the Internet is a potential threat. IN lately Cases of cleverly planned actions by attackers who can steal account data and subsequently withdraw money from the phone by sending SMS have become more frequent. This is one of the pressing problems for users of the social network.

But what to do if VKontakte “Access is closed” - how to log in? One of the main reasons is that the account has been hacked.

Logging into a personal social network page is extremely popular. The site is visited by millions of people, which arouses the interest of unscrupulous individuals. Such attackers may try to get money from the page owner, send spam, or use other tricks.

It is important not to be provoked and not to send SMS from your phone. Often under the guise of a message closed access(indistinguishable from the original one) or on behalf of applications they ask to send SMS. One of the most famous of these dummy applications is the guest view and the like, which supposedly shows who has visited a personal page.

The fake page has all the same elements as the real one. But there can be different tricks, even viruses, namely vulnerability system file HOSTS, which is responsible for resolving domain names to IP addresses (solution below) on the computer. As a result, it may be redirected to other malicious pages. The main thing for scammers is that the user enters a login and password.

Next, scammers start sending spam from the hacked page. They don't always change their login and password. This means that at the slightest suspicion that the page has been hacked and there are messages about spam being sent, you should immediately change both your login (phone number) and password.

Other probable reasons for closed access on VKontakte

The next option is less likely - an attempt to load a social network results in a 404 “No such page” error. If your computer is infected with viruses, you are prompted to go to a fake social network page.

To solve the problem of how to log in if “Access is denied” on VKontakte, an antivirus with updated databases must be installed on your PC or laptop. If an antivirus scan does not produce results, this does not mean that there are no viruses on the computer. Additionally, you can check your computer using utilities available on the network:

  • free ;
  • free.

After downloading the first utility, you need to select a protection mode (enhanced, normal), run the program, wait for the scan and report. The program is designed specifically to eliminate malware and viruses, but it does not work as real-time protection.

It is important to remember that these utilities cannot protect your computer from numerous virus attacks. You should definitely install full-fledged antivirus software on any computer.

After eliminating the virus, you will not be able to immediately get to your personal page; you may be redirected to a fake resource. The virus writes extra directives into the file hosts. It can be found at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Having launched hosts with notepad, you should make sure that there is nothing in it except the line . It is important to scroll down the page, as scammers often indent the page so that the user does not notice anything at first glance.

If additional directives are found, you should safely remove them. The scammers' methods are almost the same for every social network. Therefore, regardless of which social network you prefer (Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte), it is important to immediately check host file s.

You can also return the contents of the file hosts to default value, using the official Microsoft support site and the proposed utility.

VKontakte “Access denied” - how to log in

  1. Check the availability of an Internet connection by checking access to other web resources.
  2. If there is a connection, you should try to access the site from different browsers (Opera, Google Chrome, etc.)
  3. If you don't have access, run a virus scan on your computer.
  4. Check the hosts file for modified directives.

All of the above information makes it possible to understand why there is no access to the VKontakte page. Using the recommendations, you can find out the reason for the lack of access and log into VK, even if it is blocked by a virus or closed by the system administrator.

Editor's Choice

I can’t log into my Contact page: what should I do and why is this happening?

The essence

The problem may occur at different stages of authorization in .

Its most common manifestation is the appearance after entering a password of a notification that the user has chosen the wrong login-password pair.

This is due to the fact that you forgot your login/password or that the page was hacked and the password was changed.

Another common option is VKontakte system failures.

With them, no matter how much you enter the correct data, some problems on the site will not allow you to log into your account - the page may refresh, the button may not be pressed, etc.

This indicates a system failure that cannot be corrected.


The user cannot access his own page on the social network for one of several reasons:

Of course, there may be other reasons for the problem, but most often problems arise precisely because of this.


Depending on the reason, causing the problem, you need to act one way or another.

Although the user cannot always do anything about the reason for restricting access.

Login recovery

The simplest problem is the lack of access due to the selection of an incorrect login-password pair.

In this case, you can restore access to the site yourself without contacting VKontakte Support Service.

To do this, proceed according to the algorithm:

  • Try accessing the site from a device from which you are permanently logged into the site - if there is access from the device, then the problem is not in the VKontakte service, but in account;
  • You can try to change your account password from this page, but you will still have to provide your old password to change it, so this method not suitable;
  • But it helps when you need to find out your login– if you are authorized in your account, then go to the Settings section (Hover over your name in the upper left corner of the site and select Settings in the drop-down menu);

  • A page with basic account information will open - the necessary information is located on the General tab (it opens by default);
  • Scroll down the page and find the Phone number and E-mail;
  • The contact information you entered during registration is listed here, but some of the characters in the data are covered with asterisks;
  • There is no way to see them, however, the first and last visible numbers may remind you of any contacts you provided to register on the site;

  • To enter the site, you can use either a phone number or an address email.

If you were able to remember your login in this way, then proceed to recovering your account password.

Password recovery

To recover lost or forgotten password the network has a separate service.

How to use this service is described below:

  • If you select an incorrect login-password pair, the service displays a corresponding notification on a separate page;
  • Please note that the login form is case sensitive and keyboard layout sensitive. Check if you are entering the password in the correct language and case, and if so, proceed to step 3;
  • At the very bottom of the main window of the page, under the colored buttons, find the link Forgot your password and can’t log in? And click on it;

  • Will open additional window, in which the system will prompt you to enter the phone number to which the page is linked;
  • Do this and click on the Continue button;

  • A page will open with a field for entering a recovery code;
  • This short code will be sent to you at the phone number to which the page is linked - it has a limited validity period, so enter it as soon as possible;
  • Click the Continue button;
  • If the code is entered correctly, a form will open for you to enter a new password twice; if it is incorrect, you will have several more attempts;
  • Save New Password and go to the site using it and the phone number specified during recovery;
  • The situation is more complicated if you do not remember which phone number the page is linked to or it is not linked to it at all;
  • In this case, after clicking the password recovery request button, on the updated page, find the link My page is not linked to a phone number;

  • A page will open with an input field that requires you to enter any information you used to access the site − phone number or email;

  • Enter your email and click Next;
  • Enter the verification code in the pop-up window to prove that you are a real person;
  • On the next page that opens, indicate the last name that you use in your account on the site;

  • Click Next;
  • A page will appear and a question will appear - is this the page to which you want to restore access, select Yes or No, respectively;

  • If you select Go Back, you will be taken back to the input page additional information for recovery, where you can try other credentials that match your page;
  • When you click the blue Yes, this is the right page button, a pop-up window will appear informing you that a password recovery link has been sent to your email address;
  • Follow the link and in the page that opens, enter the new password twice.

Recovering from insufficient data

When you have almost no data or you don't use telephone number, to which the account was linked, it is much more difficult to restore access, but it is possible.

  • Go to the page with the online authorization form;
  • Click on the Forgot your password?
  • A page for entering information for recovery will open - at the very bottom of the main window, find the link intended for use in case of loss of access to the device;

  • Click on the Next button;
  • The following window will open in which you must enter as much information as you know about the account you are using - the application is sent to Help Desk. And then it is considered real people, therefore you need to convincingly prove that you are the owner of the page;

  • Click the Submit Application button;
  • Enter your email address for communication– your application will be accepted for consideration, and as soon as the consideration is completed, the result will be sent to you by email;
  • If you find the wrong page to which you want to restore access, click on the link in the corresponding field in the upper right corner of the main window;

In most cases, the VKontakte Support Service meets users halfway and restores access to the page even if there is a minimum amount of data.

However, the human factor plays a big role. And if your “evidence” does not seem too convincing to a particular employee, he will have the right to refuse access to the page.

Therefore, it is better not to lose passwords and logins.

Malicious content

Often, viruses and malware. Then, even if you specify the correct login and password for your account and click on the Login button, nothing happens.

The page may refresh again to an empty login form, freeze, etc.

Most likely, this is a sign of a virus in the browser. To get rid of it, run Intellectual, Full or Deep Scan yours antivirus program installed on your computer.

But in some cases even the most powerful antiviruses, such as , cannot find the threat on the computer.

In this case, you will have to reinstall the browser. And if there was a virus in it, then after reinstallation, logging into VKontakte should be carried out normally.

Additional measures

In some cases, the problems are nonspecific and atypical.

  • Disconnect and reconnect the Internet on your computer;
  • Enable display on your computer hidden files, using Explorer, find the address C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc Hosts document, expand it, read and erase all lines in Notepadwhere the social network address is mentioned, save the file;
  • When you are unable to access a social network from a device from which you have not previously accessed it. It is likely that VKontakte is blocked on it (for example, on work PCs), and it is impossible to bypass this blocking, since it is performed from the network administrator’s computer;
  • Remove all utilities and additional programs those working with the VKontakte website, for example, those designed for downloading music;
  • Clear cache and history.

Often, after performing these simple manipulations, access to the site is restored.


As can be seen from what was written above, problems with logging into VKontakte can be associated with a variety of reasons. Both dependent and independent of the user.

Although restoring access to the site is relatively simple. It takes a long time and is not always possible, so it is necessary to remember and not lose all the credentials.

It is also better to maintain “order” in your PC by regularly cleaning it of viruses, old cache, and unnecessary third-party utilities, and then there will be no problems with accessing the site.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki - almost any user can encounter this problem. And, if this once happened to you, don’t panic, because a solution to the problem exists and we, together with you, will definitely find it! In this article we will answer the question “Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki?”, and also tell you what needs to be done so that you can visit your favorite social network again.

Don't know on your device? Read our other article and you will easily cope with this matter!

Why can’t I log into my Odnoklassniki page?

There are three main reasons explaining why you can’t log into Odnoklassniki:

  • Your profile in Odnoklassniki has been blocked for unacceptable actions on the site: sending advertisements, publishing erotic photos or videos, as well as materials that could help incite interethnic or interreligious hatred;
  • Your computer or laptop is infected with malware that does not allow access to the site;
  • Your Odnoklassniki page has been hacked by attackers.

It is very important to first determine for which of these reasons you are unable to log into Odnoklassniki, and only then solve the problem accordingly. For example, you cannot be administrated or hacked by scammers. How to determine the cause? Very simple! We will give several accompanying “symptoms” for each of the options, and you yourself will be able to determine which of them more accurately describe your problem.

Infecting your computer with a virus

To get started, try logging into your Odnoklassniki page from any other device: mobile phone, tablet, your friend or neighbor's computer. If in these cases there are no problems with logging in, then it’s all about your computer or laptop. Malware has been introduced into his system, blocking your access to Odnoklassniki. Below you can read how to deal with this problem.

Profile blocked by site administration

If you cannot log into your account from any available device, then there is a fairly high probability that your page was simply blocked by the administration of the Odnoklassniki website. Perhaps you accidentally violated the rules of use of a social network by posting something that the developers considered inappropriate. Further, in the appropriate section, you can find out how to resolve this issue.

Account hacked by scammers

If, when you try to open your page in Odnoklassniki, the message “Incorrect login or password” pops up in front of you, and you are sure that both are correct, it is quite possible that there were craftsmen who managed to guess the password for your account, and then they replaced him, so that you, in turn, could no longer enter.

This situation can be especially unpleasant if your Odnoklassniki profile has been linked to bank card- in this case, attackers will be able to easily withdraw your savings from it. What to do in such cases - read below in the appropriate section.

Can't understand? Then quickly read our other article - in it you will definitely find a solution to this problem.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki on my page: what to do if it’s a virus?

If you suspect that your laptop or computer has been infected with a virus, you can take the following actions:

Run an antivirus on your computer

Probably every user knows that any device, be it a laptop, tablet or a full-fledged PC, must have an antivirus installed. This could be Kaspercky, dr.Web or another high-quality antivirus. Run a full scan of your device.

If you are so careless that you have not yet bothered to purchase this most useful program, then find it right now good antivirus and download it to your computer.

Check the hosts file

  • Now just restart your PC.

Clear the list of static routes

  • Find among the programs the one called “Command Line”.

  • Click on it, and from the proposed action options, select “Run as administrator.”
  • In the line that appears, enter route –f, and then press the Enter button.

  • When the command is completed, run full reboot your device.

Check "Network Settings"

  • Open the control panel of your laptop or computer.
  • Find the item “Browser Options” or “Internet Options” in it.

  • Now go to Connections.
  • Find “Network Settings” among the suggested options and open it.

  • A pop-up window will appear in front of you. It should not contain paths to the script automatic settings, and also there should be no proxy server settings.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it looks like I’ve been blocked

If your Odnoklassniki profile is blocked by the site administration, then only by contacting its employees you can solve this problem. Write a letter to the support service detailing your problem. Quite often this method helps.

If the developers of Odnoelassniki do not agree to unblock your page (this happens when there is a gross violation of the site rules, for example, posting or sending materials of an erotic nature), then you will have to accept the loss of your account and create new profile in Odnoklassniki.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it was hacked by scammers

If you think that your page has been hacked, there is no need to waste time. Please contact Ok.ru support and notify them that your account has been hacked. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the login and password entry form on the Ok.ru website and find the “Help” inscription at the bottom of the screen.

  • You will see several thematic blocks with questions on the screen. Select "Profile Access".

  • On the page that opens, on the left you can see a list with the most pressing user problems. You should open the “Other questions” item.

  • Now look for the “Contact Support” message on the screen. It is usually located at the bottom of the page.
  • You will see a form to contact support. The first column is the purpose for which you are writing the letter. Select “Restore/Delete Profile” as the goal.

  • The second column is the cause of your problem. Click on it and select one from all the options: “Profile hacked.”

  • The third column that will appear after specifying the subject of the appeal is what you can remember about your account. For example, you remember exactly the phone number to which it was registered, which means you choose this option.

  • Enter the data you know into the prepared line.
  • Also, be sure to leave your email address in your request. Enter it in the correct box.

  • And finally, write down your problem in detail in a large window, indicating everything that you think will be important for moderators to restore your account. When everything is ready, just click on the “Send message” button.

We hope that our article was able to help you solve the problem with logging into this popular social network Odnoklassniki. If you still have any questions, write to us in the comments, we will answer everyone!

I can't log into my page

As usual, I click on the VKontakte tab, enter my login and password, but the loading does not go well and I cannot log in to the page. Why can’t I log into VK? Such thoughts visited your bright head before you ended up on this page.

Problems with logging into VK are not new today: quite a lot is known about the reasons for such an incident:

  • users of the social network living in Ukraine cannot go to the site or freely use the Vkontakte application - operators and providers are officially prohibited from providing a connection to the site. Bypass blocking using a VPN (the IP address from which the request originates is changed to the address of a state where there are no restrictions and you freely use VK);
  • incorrectly entering your login and password does not allow you to enter the page;
  • do not remember your login or password;
  • did not pass the security check (when you enter a captcha to prove that you are not a robot or did not send a confirmation code);
  • Internet is disabled;
  • a malicious file or software that gets onto your computer or phone prevents you from gaining access to your account by requesting the sending of some paid SMS. Congratulations, you have become a victim of cybercriminals. It’s good that the functionality of the page is being restored;
  • picked up viruses or installed malware that interferes with the normal functioning of the social network;
  • check the host file - this often causes problems with VKontakte;
  • for a while technical work or the company's servers are rebooted, access to the site is blocked.

Now that we have figured out “who is to blame,” let’s move on to the “what to do” part.

What to do if I can’t log into VK

I did everything correctly, so why can’t I log into VK? In the next section, we will look at options for action in 6 common situations.

Checking the host file

When you try to log in, a page suspiciously similar to the main page of the VKontakte website loads, and when you enter data, they ask you to send an SMS to the attached number? Got a message about VK being blocked? Most likely, the host file on the computer has been changed and needs to be checked.


Malware does not only mean those that try to steal your personal information or trick you into paying for an SMS to log in. Sometimes antivirus software also falls into this category, denying access to the site, plugins and extensions.

  • To test this hypothesis, turn off the protective screens for a couple of minutes and launch VKontakte.
  • Successful login - problem detected.
  • The solution is the following: expand the list of exclusion sites so that the antivirus does not apply to VK protocols.


Do you have anti-virus software? Isn't it time to update it? Does it provide adequate protection? These are the questions you should ask yourself if you have problems with the VKontakte social network. Update your antivirus to latest version, run your computer through it and evaluate the result. Were there any infected files? Quarantine or delete.

It is best to use a licensed one software: higher quality – fewer problems.

Internet doesn't work

It is worth paying attention to the date and time of the network (the browser will indicate this at startup): if the date and time are incorrect, the Internet will not work.

If the VKontakte website does not work, try logging in from a different browser. If the page launched and authorization was successful, the problem is in the browser used. Update to the latest version or reinstall.

Clearing cache

Get rid of cache and temporary files (cookies): they can affect the operation of the site. This is done in the browser settings. The path is different for each viewer, but the meaning is the same: in Settings there is the necessary button. The following are options for Google Chrome, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.


Are you sure you entered it correctly? Check if Caps Lock is enabled, if you are entering the password and login in the correct language, and if all characters are entered. Sometimes inattention creates a lot of unnecessary problems. As a rule, if the login (email, phone number) and password are entered incorrectly, the site writes “Authorization error.”


Forgot your password? Temporarily blocked page? They deleted it on purpose, and now you’ve changed your mind? You will have to restore access to the page on the VKontakte social network.

  • Go to home page, where, in addition to the lines for entering your login and password, there will be a line “Forgot your password”, which will automatically take you to the recovery tab.

  • The user is prompted to enter the email address or mobile number to which the page is linked. You may have to enter your last name, confirm that you need to restore the specified page and enter a couple of captchas.
  • An SMS with a code will be sent to your phone number to confirm the action - enter it in the empty field.
  • Since VKontakte will not allow you to use the old compromised password, set a new one and repeat.
  • Try logging into the page with a new password.

I can’t log into VK even though the password and login are correct

Can't log into VK even though your password and login are correct? See if you can log in from another device. If you log in, it means you made a mistake when entering data. If you tried to log in from your phone or computer, but the page is frozen, deleted, or periodically appears online, your account is being used by scammers.

Try to restore access as described in the previous paragraph or contact Vkontakte technical support.

I can’t log into VK from my computer

For some reason you can’t log into VK from your computer? Don't worry, it can be fixed. Don’t rush to panic, perhaps it’s just a matter of simply rebooting the servers or installing updates - give VK time to figure it out.

Why can’t I log into VK from a computer, but I can log in from my phone?

Look at the reasons listed above, we didn’t just pull them out of thin air. The actions described in one of the points will solve the problem. As a last resort, just roll back the system to a date when everything worked perfectly.

I can’t log into VK from my phone

What should I do if I can’t log into VK from my phone? Consider ways to solve problem situations related to authorization from a PC. If none of the suggested options help, try updating or reinstalling the VKontakte application.

I can’t log into VK because of the “I’m not a robot” security check

Have you been sitting for about 15 minutes entering captchas that have no end in sight? Have you chosen all the cars, road signs, shop windows and other nonsense offered by the site? Tired of it, right?

  1. Restart your computer, or at least your browser. Try to log in. No captcha? Great, contact glitch.
  2. The page could be sending spam or you may be visiting from different places too often, so the site wants to be sure that the owner is not a robot, so be patient and continue to study the variety of pictures offered.

Why can’t I log into VK: it says the password is wrong

The answer lies in the question: you enter wrong password. Reset your old password using the “Forgot your password?” button. and come up with a new one, or better yet, write it down so as not to store it in memory.

The “Login” button on VKontakte does not work

Go to the main page, enter your username and password, but on the VKontakte website the “Login” button does not work.

  • Browser bug. Sign in through another one.
  • Check the host file, this may be the issue. Clear everything except the treasured line and save.
  • They give you a fake VKontakte website, but since it’s not the original, you won’t be able to log in. Check your antivirus software and reinstall your browser.
  • Antivirus against your frequent use of social networks. Add to the exclusion list and continue communicating with your friends and comrades.
  • Problems with the Internet connection or router settings. Did you remember to refill? Providers also have problems, and if the problem is with the router, reflash it.
  • More work on the VK side. Just wait here.

Try it, the proposed methods have been tested in practice.

VKontakte is a huge network of users throughout Russia and the world. A significant part of the population “disappears” in it every day, spending more than one hour in search of interesting information, communication, just relaxation. But what if one day the required link does not open?

Why is VKontakte silent?

Among the most common reasons are the following:

Incorrectly entered address or incorrect decoy link. This happens when the user enters the site name incorrectly in the address bar. The browser will not understand such a request and will display either an error or, if associated with any search engine, search results and among them the correct address. It also happens that the user has a link saved and is accessible with one click, but the site does not open. In this case, you should check whether the link has been rewritten by malware. Otherwise, the user may end up on a fake page with a name like “vknotakte.ru” without noticing the error in time.

When the page does not open at all, and the browser regularly generates an error, there may be another reason. This will require some knowledge of the “internals” operating system and straight arms. You should go to Windows folder-> System 32 -> drivers -> etc and find the hosts file. Next you need to open it either in notepad or in any text editor from WorPad to Word and remove all labels except localhost. After that, save the changes and reboot the system.

If the first two options do not help, there is only one thing left to do - find the Cure IT utility and scan your computers for viruses.

“Vkontakte” or how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

In addition to the above, you are unlikely to log into a social network or your account if you were careless in communicating with suspicious individuals or committed some of the actions described below:

Some users send you a personal message asking you to visit this or that page. If you have not met this person before, the address is clearly suspicious - do not do this, and send the spammer himself to the Black List.

It also happens that the desire to download music or video from VKontakte will prevail over common sense, and the user, together with (or instead of) the necessary utility, will download a virus. This is a very common case, so it is not recommended to download from little-known sources.

They may also, on occasion, “slip” you a page that supposedly resembles the one that leads to a social network. This happens along with the phrase; "Here,

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