That you can write notes in Odnoklassniki. Instructions for creating notes in Odnoklassniki

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Notes on Odnoklassniki can be compared to VKontakte posts. These are educational posts that appear on your profile and in your friends’ news feeds. You can create interesting notes both from your computer and from your smartphone; with pictures, audio recordings and now even with backgrounds.

How to find your notes in your profile?

Where can I find and view my entries? There is a special section for them in each profile. To enter it, you need to click on the “Notes” tab: it is located on the same line as the sections “Friends”, “Photos”, “Games”, etc.

How to do it from a computer?

To create a note in Odnoklassniki from your computer, follow these simple steps:
1.Open the site and log in.

2. Find a text entry field with the phrase: “What are you thinking about?” It will be written in gray font.

3.Click on the field with the left mouse button - a separate window for entering the test will appear. There will also be additional keys below the field.

4.Now you need to write your message in the field. If it is short, you can choose a background: to do this, click on one of the circles depending on the color that you like best.

5.To make a second field for a text message appear, click on the first gray “Text” button.

After you shared the post, it immediately appeared on your profile and friends' feed. Now friends can comment on your post in discussions. If you put “Cool!” in your friends’ posts, they will reciprocate.

How to create a note in Odnoklassniki with a photo?

To add a note in Odnoklassniki with pictures, you just need to attach the desired images to it, and you don’t have to enter anything in the text field.

  1. Click on the second “Photo” button. Select a photo from those that you have previously uploaded to your profile or click on the “Add photo from computer” button. In the latter case, a window will appear Windows Explorer.
  2. Open the desired folder and select photos. If you want to add multiple pictures, you will need to mark them with the mouse while holding the Ctrl key.
  3. Click on the "Open" button.

In addition to pictures, you can also attach audio recordings you have saved. To do this, click on the “Music” button.

It is important to first save songs in your playlist on the website. This is easy to do - select the one you need in the search in Odnoklassniki and click on the “Save music” button.

We create from a smartphone

To make a note from your phone, you first need to install a special application for Odnoklassniki, since the mobile version of the site does not allow this. Use the Google Store Play Market, if you have Android, or App Store, if iPhone.

  • Launch the application via its icon in the menu and log in.
  • Your news feed will open immediately. Swipe right to open the menu. Select the "Note" section.
  • Write a text message. Attach a photo or song from your tracklist.
  • Tap on the arrow that is located at the top right. If you check the appropriate box, the post will go to your friends’ feeds, as well as to your status on Odnoklassniki.

What else should I add to the post?

1.Poll. When creating a post, you need to specify the answer options.

2.Video. Now users can also download videos to notes from their computer's memory. For this purpose, there is also a separate button in the window for creating an entry.

3.Location coordinates. Click on the phrase “Specify location.” In the small window on the right, click on “Allow”.

4.Tag a friend. To tag friends in a note, click the “Tag a Friend” button and select one person or even several from the list. Next in their profile, the friend must confirm that he is related to this post. This way, you won't be able to tag friends in your posts unnoticed.

Share your favorite post

2.A menu will appear with several options:

  • Publish now. The post will appear in your feed.
  • Add your own text.
  • Send by message. You can send the recording in a private message to a friend.
  • Post to the group.

Select your option and confirm submission.

Share from your phone

1.Tap on the post title to open it.

2.Click on the three dots icon.

If you need to clear the section with posts

If you want to remove an entry from your status, you can simply delete it or change it immediately to a new one.
If you hover over the entry field, a cross will appear in the upper right corner. You need to click on it to get rid of the unnecessary entry.

The second way is by substitution. Just publish a new post in the same way as above. Old post it will disappear from the page. However, please note that it will not be removed from your profile.

To delete notes in Odnoklassniki:

  1. Go to the “Notes” section.
  2. Click on the cross in the upper right corner of the entry next to the date.

How to delete all notes in Odnoklassniki at once? Is it possible to do this? No, the creators of the service prohibited this.

Recovering notes

The user has the right to restore a deleted entry if, for example, he decides that the note is still needed or if he simply accidentally deleted it. This is possible only immediately after deletion: you will have access to the “Restore” button, which will appear in place of the note.

If you refresh the page or launch another section of Odnoklassniki, this button will disappear from the feed. You will not be able to restore your post later.

  1. In the window that opens, which appears immediately when you click “Share,” expand the menu list located at the top left.
  2. Here you can choose the best location to add your broadcast post.
  3. Select the appropriate option. This could be your OA group, status or feed. Afterwards, tap the orange button below. The entry you selected will appear in the appropriate location. Also They can repost it to their feed from your page.

Thus, you can share not only notes, but also photos on Odnoklassniki. You can find out what posts were posted by those who are friends with you by going to the “Notes” section. This area in Odnoklassniki is located on every person’s page, unless, of course, he from strangers. By moving to your friend's page, you can easily see all the posts in the notes category.

  1. Open the note in a separate field. To do this, you need to touch the title of the post.
  2. As soon as the note appears on the entire screen of your gadget, you will see 3 dots at the top right. Touch them.
  3. Select "copy...". Return to your profile. Paste the copied design into the tape. Save what you got. By refreshing the page, you will see that the post has appeared in the feed.

Since the function to send to a friend in OD has not yet been invented, this method can be used when sending a note to a friend. You can also send your friends links to videos, interesting photos, or pages of mutual friends.

Social networks in modern world have a certain benefit - after all, where else, if not on Odnoklassniki, can you meet so many interesting people of different ages and social status. Sometimes such communication helps us find the most real friends, who do not disappoint us in real life, but become a support for us and an example of something good. Today we will discuss the question of how to delete all notes in Odnoklassniki at once and whether it is possible to do this, and we will also give a detailed answer to it.

About what it is and you will find out how to do this if you read our other article on this site.

If a lot of old notes have accumulated on your page and you think they should be deleted, we will help you with this.

In addition, in exactly the same way you can clear your feed from your friends’ posts and notes if their content for some reason bothers you.

Below are detailed step by step instructions for each case, as well as an explanation of how to restore a newly erased recording if you did it by mistake.

How to delete a note in Odnoklassniki

  • You will see a list of all the notes you have ever taken. Select the ones you want to delete and click on the cross in the upper right corner.

  • That's it - the note has been deleted! You can still restore it by clicking on the corresponding button, but this can only be done before the first page reload.

How to delete notes in Odnoklassniki from your phone?

Delete a note from your page permanently

Remove an unnecessary event from your feed

Keep in mind that an event you remove will only disappear from your feed. On the page of the person who created it, as well as in the feed of his friends, it will not go anywhere, because it is impossible to delete something created by another user.

How to delete a note in Odnoklassniki in a group of which you are the creator or moderator?

Probably everyone knows that the website has both mobile and full versions. Both of them can be used both from your phone and from your computer, depending on your preferences. And, since some actions are only possible when working with the full version, we suggest using it in order to erase any unnecessary event from your group.

How to recover a deleted note in Odnoklassniki?

If you suddenly erased the wrong post by mistake, you can restore it before you leave the site. By the way, this can only be done in full version website, not mobile.

If you want to restore some entry after you have left your page and then returned to it again, this, unfortunately, is impossible.

Now you know everything you need to know about deleting events and elements on the social network.

On our website you can find many more interesting articles on this social network, and if you have any questions, write to us and we will definitely answer!

How to delete notes

Notes on Odnoklassniki can be compared to VKontakte posts. These are educational posts that appear on your profile and in your friends’ news feeds. You can create interesting notes both from your computer and from your smartphone; with pictures, audio recordings and now even with backgrounds.

How to find your notes in your profile?

Where can I find and view my entries? There is a special section for them in each profile. To enter it, you need to click on the “Notes” tab: it is located on the same line as the sections “Friends”, “Photos”, “Games”, etc.

How to do it from a computer?

To create a note in Odnoklassniki from your computer, follow these simple steps:
1.Open the site and log in.

2. Find a text entry field with the phrase: “What are you thinking about?” It will be written in gray font.

3.Click on the field with the left mouse button - a separate window for entering the test will appear. There will also be additional keys below the field.

4.Now you need to write your message in the field. If it is short, you can choose a background: to do this, click on one of the circles depending on the color that you like best.

5.To make a second field for a text message appear, click on the first gray “Text” button.

After you shared the post, it immediately appeared on your profile and friends' feed. Now friends can comment on your post in discussions. If you put “Cool!” in your friends’ posts, they will reciprocate.

How to create a note in Odnoklassniki with a photo?

To add a note in Odnoklassniki with pictures, you just need to attach the desired images to it, and you don’t have to enter anything in the text field.

  1. Click on the second “Photo” button. Select a photo from those that you have previously uploaded to your profile or click on the “Add photo from computer” button. In the latter case, a Windows Explorer window will appear.
  2. Open the desired folder and select photos. If you want to add multiple pictures, you will need to mark them with the mouse while holding the Ctrl key.
  3. Click on the "Open" button.

In addition to pictures, you can also attach audio recordings you have saved. To do this, click on the “Music” button.

It is important to first save songs in your playlist on the website. This is easy to do - select the one you need in the search in Odnoklassniki and click on the “Save music” button.

We create from a smartphone

To make a note from your phone, you first need to install a special application for Odnoklassniki, since the mobile version of the site does not allow this. Use the store Google Play Market if you have Android, or App Store if you have iPhone.

  • Launch the application via its icon in the menu and log in.
  • Your news feed will open immediately. Swipe right to open the menu. Select the "Note" section.
  • Write a text message. Attach a photo or song from your tracklist.
  • Tap on the arrow that is located at the top right. If you check the appropriate box, the post will go to your friends’ feeds, as well as to your status on Odnoklassniki.

What else should I add to the post?

1.Poll. When creating a post, you need to specify the answer options.

2.Video. Now users can also download videos to notes from their computer's memory. For this purpose, there is also a separate button in the window for creating an entry.

3.Location coordinates. Click on the phrase “Specify location.” In the small window on the right, click on “Allow”.

4.Tag a friend. To tag friends in a note, click the “Tag a Friend” button and select one person or even several from the list. Next in their profile, the friend must confirm that he is related to this post. This way, you won't be able to tag friends in your posts unnoticed.

Share your favorite post

2.A menu will appear with several options:

  • Publish now. The post will appear in your feed.
  • Add your own text.
  • Send by message. You can send the recording in a private message to a friend.
  • Post to the group.

Select your option and confirm submission.

Share from your phone

1.Tap on the post title to open it.

2.Click on the three dots icon.

If you need to clear the section with posts

If you want to remove an entry from your status, you can simply delete it or change it immediately to a new one.
If you hover over the entry field, a cross will appear in the upper right corner. You need to click on it to get rid of the unnecessary entry.

The second way is by substitution. Just publish a new post in the same way as above. The old entry will disappear from the page. However, please note that it will not be removed from your profile.

To delete notes in Odnoklassniki:

  1. Go to the “Notes” section.
  2. Click on the cross in the upper right corner of the entry next to the date.

How to delete all notes in Odnoklassniki at once? Is it possible to do this? No, the creators of the service prohibited this.

Recovering notes

The user has the right to restore a deleted entry if, for example, he decides that the note is still needed or if he simply accidentally deleted it. This is possible only immediately after deletion: you will have access to the “Restore” button, which will appear in place of the note.

If you refresh the page or launch another section of Odnoklassniki, this button will disappear from the feed. You will not be able to restore your post later.

Performing this procedure on a computer has some differences. First, let's look at how to make a note in Odnoklassniki on a PC:

IMPORTANT! Photos and videos can be taken both from Odnoklassniki and from a computer. Music for a note will have to be selected only on a social network, or first downloaded from a PC to your profile.

If you want to decorate a message with an image or shots from your life, then when you click on the “Write a note” option in the window, you can use a menu that allows you to:

  • add music, pictures, video or poll;
  • include the location of the event;
  • tag friends.

Your note will attract the attention of more friends if it includes a photo.

How to add pictures or GIFs

You can add various images to your notes. This can be done before you write something, or after. To do this you need:

If the pictures are not posted on Odnoklassniki, then you can “upload” them from your PC.

Just to do this, you need to click on the “Add photo from computer” box.

Then find the file with the desired frame through Explorer, highlight it and click on the “Open” option.

The photo is already in the note.

If you are satisfied with the visual impression of what was written and the photo, then you can click “Save”.

How to create a note on mobile devices

The procedure for taking notes from a phone or tablet is different from taking notes on a computer because you need to have it on your device. official application Odnoklassniki. Mobile version Not suitable for writing notes. After downloading the application you must:

The note is ready for publication, and after some time it will be reflected in the feed.

The modern design of the Odnoklassniki website has a whole range of tips. Even the most notorious teapot can write notes and add photos or videos to them. You just need to carefully read the menu that appears and do not rush to click on options.

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