What is cms wordpress called? What is WordPress and why is it needed?

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Modern technologies allow anyone to create their own web resources, even without full knowledge of HTML, CSS or PHP. All this is possible thanks, among other things, to such programs as website content management systems (or CMS - Content Management System).

On at the moment The owners of more than 25% of resources on the Internet and almost 60% of those where one or another CMS is installed use WordPress! These numbers indicate the almost total leadership in popularity of the WP engine, which is not surprising, since it has a lot of advantages, which we will discuss below.

In addition, in this publication I set myself the task, first of all, to give general overview indicating the official website, a forum where you can get answers to pressing questions, a codex with a description of all the functions used in WordPress and other useful resources. In general, you will find here a lot of interesting material and necessary links that will help you solve practical problems in the future.

What is WordPress and what are the advantages of this engine?

Answering the question asked in the title, I’ll say that WP is free program with open source code(its obvious advantage), designed to automate the process of creating websites and managing their content.

Initially, WordPress was intended mainly for blogs, but during the development of the engine’s functionality, it turned into a real universal and now allows you to create a variety of things, from one-page websites to online stores.

At the beginning of the article, I touched a little on the popularity of the CMS WordPress. In order not to be unfounded, I present the results of a study conducted by iTrack. Almost 5 million people were interviewed in the sample. First, look at the chart showing the popularity ranking among all paid, niche and free engines (results as of June 2015):

Now look at the picture that emerged when comparing only free CMS:

In both ratings, the advantage of WordPress in RuNet is clearly visible. Well, in the world it is even more noticeable. What features of WP allow it not only to gain and strengthen leadership positions, but also to increase its relevance among users? Let's try list everything strengths WordPress:

  • Naturally, users are attracted by absolute accessibility, that is, the WordPress engine can be downloaded and installed for free
  • Serious ones make it possible to carry out high-speed automatic installation WordPress directly to the server where your website will live
  • Simply a huge selection, and if you wish, you can find quite high-quality Russified themes
  • An equally impressive list of plugins () that can complement the functionality in the required direction (just select the one that suits your website)
  • Full access to Russian versions of WordPress, absolutely complete and correct, which also adds whists to it
  • Intuitively clear interface, through which, in principle, you can make all the settings, including editing templates (although these actions are best done using specialized editors like Notepad++, connecting to the hosting via FTP)

How can you mitigate the disadvantages of WordPress?

Of course, nothing is perfect in the world; WP also has its drawbacks. But all the shortcomings can be quite successfully eliminated by competent measures taken by you. I guess I I will list the negative aspects, came to my mind, while also providing links to useful articles that describe the steps needed to troubleshoot possible problems.

1. WordPress very often causes duplicates, which is not welcomed by search engines, which can result in problems with indexing (in Yandex and Google) and lowering positions when ranking website pages. At one time, I devoted a lot of time to fighting, which ultimately corrected the situation to my satisfaction.

2. Websites and blogs running WordPress place a fairly serious load on the hosting server, which can cause unpleasant things in the form of slowdown, which leads to a deterioration in the user experience (more about behavioral factors) and, as a result, to a lower position in search engine results. .

But this problem can also be solved. To do this, it is enough to take appropriate actions to speed up the site (you can familiarize yourself with the necessary measures to internal optimization). By the way, in order to find out in more detail what exactly your problems are, use the tool from Google, it is very effective.

Well, the main way to reduce the load for WP is an excellent caching plugin Hyper Cache(its settings are described in detail), which is perhaps the best solution. Once you install it and configure it correctly, you will immediately notice the results.

In the end, you can reduce the load and speed up the site with a simple transition, which provides more resources. However, I recommend doing this only after other body movements have proven insufficient.

It is quite possible that the lack of hosting resources is due to the fact that the traffic to your project (and, therefore, the number of requests to the database) has reached a critical point for the current tariff plan. In this case, switching to a higher tariff is the only possible way out of the situation.

3. Another disadvantage of not only WordPress, but also all free CMSs is the relative distrust of search engines towards young websites and blogs that use them. The fact is that the availability of such site management systems gives a free hand to those figures who are trying to “make money the easy way” by churning out GS (go...sites) in mass quantities.

Law-abiding craftsmen who spend a lot of their energy creating websites for people (SDL) also suffer from this. But this drawback is completely leveled out over time.

If for several months search engines see that the content on your project is regularly updated and you do not violate the rules established by search engines, the further promotion of your website will be relatively cloudless, and if you make every effort, then truly successful.

In this regard, I would like to add that Yandex and Google treat websites on WP more favorably than other free CMSs and are excellent at them, which has been proven more than once.

WordPress.org home page and other useful resources (codex, forum, reviews)

To complete the picture, we should also note those web resources that are directly connected to the WordPress content management system and from which you can glean a lot of useful and interesting thematic information if you decide to create your own web resource on this particular engine.

Of course, it would be logical to list the official website WordPress.org first on this list, but for Russian-speaking users, of course, WordPress in Russian is of great value. Latest version Russian distribution of the engine directly from the main page of ru.Wordpress.org.

If you look carefully at home page There are useful links to various sections that may be useful for certain purposes. Here, let's say codex WordPress(on this web page) where all possible aspects are described, including PHP functions. With its help, you can undergo independent, full-fledged training.

The systematization of functions is provided by the API (Application Programming Interface) documentation, which you will find in this section of the official website. Additionally I provide instructions for working with one of the WordPress API references in video format:

Of course, this information is intended mainly for developers (plugins, themes, widgets, etc.). However, it is quite possible that you want to take an in-depth study of WP, then this video will come in handy. Although experienced webmasters (including myself), not being developers in the full sense, very often use codex sections to implement this or that functionality.

I can't help but mention one more useful resource with documentation - this is WP-Kama, whose owner Timur has repeatedly provided me with effective assistance, since he is a true professional in this field.

Next, of course, we should name the section of the official website that represents the support forum, where you can chat with other users or solve almost any problem that may arise on your site or blog running on WordPress.

You will definitely find the necessary information on your problem if you look through the list of questions and answers on the desired topic:

Just remember that to communicate with users and publish your message you need to register on the forum by filling out a simple form on this web page (though it is in English):

Enter the username that you choose to communicate on the forum, address email and your website URL (if you already have one). Location, occupation (Occupation) and interests (Interests) may not be specified yet. All additional information If desired, add it later to your profile.

You can check the Mailing List checkbox at the top to subscribe to the newsletter. Also don't forget to tick the reCaptcha form "I'm not a robot" before you press the button "Register". After completing registration, a password will be sent to your email address, with which you will log into your profile. You can use username or email address () as a login:

In addition to the options described above, home page WordPress.org also contains links to sections where you can find a huge number of plugins to install on your web resource, as well as themes, the choice of which is also quite wide.

There is another very useful resource WordPress.com, which is essentially a blog platform on which you can create your own within a couple of minutes personal diary, website or blog, including on a completely free basis. But this is a topic for a separate publication.

Many beginners who want to create a website for themselves ask themselves: What's happened WordPress blog? They read various information, watch videos, but do not understand what to do next.

What is WordPress and why is it needed?, I will tell you in this article.

WordPress is a content management system(site), abbreviated (CMS - Content Management System).

Now I won’t write in all sorts of abstruse expressions, I’ll write in human terms, in clear language. WordPress– this is a program with which you can create absolutely any website, of any complexity!

Here, for example: You all have a computer at home. And you all know that in order for the computer to work, you need to install on it
Windows program. Without this program, the computer simply will not work.

This is exactly the same as the website, which works using the WordPress system.
If you don’t have a WordPress system, then you won’t have a website either.

In general, to create a website you need not only WordPress.
In order to create a website, you MUST have three things (1. Domain name 2. Hosting 3. WordPress)

What is a domain? Its types? Why is it needed? Where can I get it?
What is Hosting? Why is he needed? Where can I get it?

In general, there are now a lot of varieties of systems for creating websites, such as Bitrix, Joomla, DLE, Drupal, but WordPress system is the most popular and most frequently used.

The majority of websites are built on the WordPress system. Why is this so? I'll explain now.

Advantages of the WordPress system
1. This system absolutely free.

2.Easy to use.

The WordPress system is so simple that managing a website with it is a pleasure!

Personally, having no experience in website building, I figured out this system in about 2 hours
Indeed, even a child can figure it out.

3. Huge functionality.

The WordPress system is very, very functional. Additional plugins have been developed for this system,
the number of which amounts to tens of thousands.

That is, you can create a website of any complexity, with any functionality. All your fantasies will come true.

Since I'm talking about plugins, let me explain to you what they are.

A plugin is an additional functionality for the WordPress system. Each plugin is responsible for its own function or even just one
a plugin can be responsible for several functions at once.

For example, if your site lacks some function (for example, the site lacks page navigation). You simply download the plugin that is responsible for this function, install it on the site and that’s it.

Installing the plugin on the site is very simple and takes place in a few clicks.

Once again, this system has simply limitless functionality.

4. This system is constantly updated and constantly improved by its developers.

5. Has good protection against hacking and spam.

6. WordPress is well adapted to SEO requirements, which is very important in promoting your website on the Internet.

7. A huge selection of templates for websites of any subject.

What is a template? This appearance Your website. That is, you can download or buy already ready-made template for a website, any subject.


Installing the template is very quick and easy. A few mouse clicks and the template is installed.

If you are seriously interested in the topic of creating your own website, but don’t know how to make it, then I can make your life easier.

In this video course, I talk about how to create your own, stand-alone website using the WordPress system.

All you need is just to repeat all the steps after me and in a couple of hours,

You will become the owner of your own website.

Well, dear friends, I think with a question: What is WordPress we figured it out.

See you at the training.

Hello readers! One day I chose a system for my blog WordPress theme and, as you may have noticed, I still use it to this day, and also share my experience with you.

Today we will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress. Let's briefly look at other CMSs in comparison with the WordPress engine. Let's talk about its purpose and what purposes it is most suitable for.

Types of engines and their popularity in RuNet

Let me remind you that CMS (Content Management System) is a website content management system. Various CMSs have been created to simplify the process of managing content on a web site. Today, it is not at all necessary to understand complex codes and programming languages ​​in order to create your own website. At the same time, various CMS are created for certain needs. Each of them has its own set of functionality and tools, its own type of interface, and its own set of templates. Which CMS are better?

First, let's figure out what CMS exist today. Conventionally, they can be divided into three categories: commercial, free and highly specialized. Accordingly, commercial systems are created for the purpose of selling a license for them, i.e. you can buy such a CMS and make a website using it yourself. At the same time, you are provided technical support in case of questions or problems. The most famous among paid CMS is the 1C-Bitrix system.

Free CMS, like WordPress, are freely distributed, in addition, they can be modified and new versions published. Highly specialized management systems are created for a certain category of sites, for example, for online stores (OpenCart, AdvantShop, CS.cart, etc.). In order to decide which CMS to choose for your website, it is important to consider a number of factors. From your financial capabilities and programming knowledge to the purpose and goals of creating the site.

According to statistics from iTrack, the popularity of control systems is distributed as follows:

These are the results for March 2015, based on surveys of about 4.9 million domains in the RU zone. This is a rating of paid and free types of CMS.

Here is a selection of free engines only:

Benefits of WordPress

WordPress is an open source content management system written in PHP.

Here is a list of the main advantages of WordPress:

  • The engine and templates for it can be downloaded for free;
  • big enough;
  • Quick installation;
  • Clear and simple control panel (admin panel);
  • Large selection of available add-ons and extensions (plugins);
  • Ability to make changes to the template code.

Let's cover each point in more detail.

Of course, the first advantage of WordPress that allowed it to gain widespread popularity is that it is free. Those. everyone who wanted to create their own blog could do it without extra costs and investments using WordPress. You will say that there are still a lot of free engines! Yes, but WordPress has won everyone over with its ease of installation, configuration, and use. Everything is extremely clear and accessible.

You can add content to the site using a visual editor, which is no more complicated than the interface in Word. The admin panel is intuitive for everyone, and you can master it in a very short time. To expand functionality site, just install . Most of them, like the templates, are freely available. If you want to make changes to the display, style, or structure of the site, you can do so by adjusting the code in the theme files. , its file hierarchy is also relatively simple compared to the Joomla CMS.

In addition, thanks to its popularity, on forums and specialized sites you can find answers to all possible questions about working with this engine. Also, thanks to the work of the developers and the simple installation of official system updates, WordPress sites are sufficiently protected from infections. And emerging vulnerabilities are eliminated very quickly.

Here, for example, is one of the 2013-2014 studies on the security level of various CMSs (conducted by RuWard and SiteSecure) in a sample of 30,000 domains from the RU zone. The chart shows which systems are most vulnerable.

It is also important to independently pay attention to protecting your resource and checking its vulnerabilities, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of it becoming infected.

For a more complete disclosure of the topic, we will consider, in addition to the pros and cons of WordPress.

Disadvantages of WordPress

Among the disadvantages it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Sometimes low speed site loading;
  • Limited set of basic functions;
  • Duplication of pages and images;
  • A large number of low-quality themes and add-ons with errors;
  • The relative distrust of search engines towards sites using free engines.
  • The WordPress engine, and especially large number additions to it can significantly load the server on which the site is located. To avoid overload, reduce the amount installed plugins to the required minimum. Additionally, it is important to host your blog on . These options will also help increase the site loading speed. In addition, to speed up your blog you need to use .

    One of the disadvantages of WordPress is that it automatically generates duplicate pages, and this has a negative impact on blog promotion. Read and prevent their occurrence. Also, when loading images, the WordPress engine creates copies of them in different sizes. To remove unnecessary images, use the DNUI (Delete not used image) plugin.

    We have already discussed how to choose a high-quality WordPress theme for your blog. It is also advisable to use proven add-ons so that your site works properly and without errors. And before installing the template, you need to check it.

    The popularity of WordPress is its advantage and disadvantage at the same time, since on the basis of the engine, along with SDL, many GS and satellites are created. And accordingly, search engines They are wary of young sites on WordPress and other free CMS.

    Initially, the capabilities of your resource are limited to the set of functions that are built into the engine and the installed template. To expand the capabilities, you can use plugins, however, as we noted earlier, a large number of them can affect the speed of the site. IN in this case You can additionally make changes to the template files and add new functions by editing the code. However, this will require appropriate skills or the services of a specialist. Therefore, it is important to initially determine the goals, type, structure and necessary capabilities for your resource. Depending on this, select the most suitable control systems with the optimal set of functions.

    We've looked at the pros and cons of WordPress. Now let's look at what types of sites this engine is most suitable for.

    What platforms is WordPress suitable for?

    Initially, this engine was created as a convenient management system for blogs. And accordingly, WordPress became most widespread in the environment. Find out. Therefore, if you are wondering which CMS to choose for your blog, then the answer is obvious.

    It is for this type of resource that the WordPress engine is best suited. The main functionality is aimed at creating original thematic posts with the ability for visitors to comment on them. In this context, it is also suitable for creating news resources.

    You can also create simple static sites using this CMS using the “Pages” post types. It is also suitable for creating simple directories, portfolios and galleries, when adding custom post types.

    And now information for those who are deciding which CMS is best for an online store. As for creating dynamic sites, online stores with the ability to filter, sort and other functions necessary for this, in this case it is better to use specialized CMS or more advanced engines such as Drupal. I develop more complex functional websites on the Modx Evo system.

    WordPress is ideal for blogs, but you shouldn’t use it to develop projects with complex functionality or online stores!

    On WordPress you can create an online store using special plugins, or more complex sites with additional features. However, their creation will require more effort and time than when using the same Drupal. And most likely they will be inferior in terms of convenience and capabilities to sites created on more suitable CMS. And the question is not that Drupal is better than WordPress, they just have different purposes and are aimed at developers different levels. For example, working with Drupal requires much more knowledge than using WordPress or Joomla.

    Considering all the described pros and cons of WordPress, you can determine whether this engine is suitable for your resource.

    Watch a video about the connection between SEO and engines:

    P.S. The other day my friends and I participated in a very popular game today. This is a quest of the “get out of the room” type; in St. Petersburg many companies offer such entertainment. In 1 hour we had to get out of a closed room, stylized as a submarine. We looked for clues, solved puzzles and riddles, thought and had fun. I advise everyone to try it!

    If you came to this page, then you are interested in WordPress, what it is and how to use it. We could spend a very long time describing all the possible functionality and capabilities of WordPress, but at the moment we will learn what WordPress is, and we will deal with everything else later.

    What is WordPress in simple words?

    WordPress is a program that helps you easily create a high-quality website. It is installed on the hosting (like a hard drive on your computer, only on someone else’s and on the Internet). Has many features and is easy to use.

    This is probably the simplest definition that one could come up with. If you are a complete novice, then this will be enough for you, gradually learning WordPress you will understand what's what.

    To further familiarize yourself with the WordPress CMS, you can study the material ““, which tells:

    If you are already familiar with this whole thing and already understand what WordPress is, then you can start learning the basics of WordPress:

    1. .(admin panel review)
    2. What are pages and posts?
    3. Differences between categories and tags.
    4. How to create pages, add pictures to them and much more.

    WordPress what is it, overview of features

    WordPress is a content management system or CMS that has been around since 2003.

    WordPress has gone through many changes and improvements. Initially, the “engine” was developed for blogging. Today, using a convenient and simple administration panel, you can design quite complex websites, news portals and online stores.

    Over its long life, WordPress has won many awards in its niche. Both awards for the best product and “user favorites” awards. Why is this engine so good? Let's try to describe the main advantages CMS WordPress:

    • The ease of setting up and managing the console is incredible. Everything is so easy and intuitive that understanding the program with minimal knowledge or following will not be difficult.
    • The capabilities provided by the developers are enough to create websites of almost any complexity.
    • Extensive possibilities for how individual elements, and the entire site as a whole.
    • Quite a developed system.
    • Extension plugins CMS capabilities allow you to customize and present your content in the most high-quality and convenient way.
    • Often an indicator of the constant work of the creators to improve the engine.
    • come out quite often, and this is additional confirmation of their popularity.

    Let's look at each of the listed benefits in a little more detail.

    Intuitive admin panel

    Having seen the Russian-language WordPress interface, questions about this will not arise. Having chosen a template or, as it is called here, a theme, all that remains for you is to fill the empty niches of your freshly made website.

    What does the CMS console consist of?

    1. Records. This includes setting up your posts in a very convenient text editor, setting up categories and tags.
    2. Media files. In this section you can both manage your already downloaded media files and upload new ones.
    3. Pages. Here the main pages of the site with your content are created and filled.
    4. Comments. Settings for comments on your posts.
    5. Appearance. Here

    To answer in detail the question of what WordPress is, it is necessary to consider the definition of a CMS and understand why they are preferred by the majority of both beginners and experienced site builders. CMS (Content Management System) translated into Russian as “Content Management System” - special program, which performs resource-intensive tasks of administration (creation, management and support) of a website of any level of complexity. The Internet platform, created with the support of the Content Management System, works clearly and stably, has high performance and is easy to manage. The Content Management System allows you to create and control any serious project and can be used as a guide to the implementation of entertainment and corporate portals. You also need to know that the CMS can be distributed free of charge under the GNU General Public License, or the project can be implemented on a commercial basis with paid support for plugins and extensions. In freely distributed engines, if there are any disadvantages, they are more than offset by the advantages that open access to the system.

    WordPress is the best platform for accomplishing any task

    Cms WordPress is a confident leader in the ranking of free engines for creating and managing your own website. For most Runet users, WordPress is associated with an optimal set of capabilities that allow you to create and develop an Internet news project (blogging). Wordpress features are designed taking into account the specific areas of the blogger’s activity - to implement a review of some interesting topic, to prepare step by step guide on the operation of a popular gadget (including the pros and cons of the device), find answers to the question - why you can’t create a project on a news engine without thoroughly studying the vulnerabilities of Wordpress.

    WordPress is deservedly called a unique project that you really need to know thoroughly. To fully use all the advantages of the engine, you need to be able to find answers to questions - why a personal news review cannot be placed on secondary blog pages, why it is necessary and possible to use additional WordPress extensions (modules), why, if problems arise, you should use the support of a specialized forum?

    Plugins and CMS modules

    It is impossible to fully understand what WordPress is without skipping a review of the most popular plugins and modules of the system. A set of WordPress add-ons significantly expands the functionality of sByte; you need to know them in order to implement the project to the fullest, taking into account all the nuances and hidden possibilities.

    Undeniable advantages of modules cms wordpress lie in the inherent potential of the system, which is capable of successfully functioning not only as a blog aimed at reviewing current news, but also easily transformed into any web project that needs to be implemented at a certain moment. The main list of possible forms of WordPress sites, the structure of which you must know:

    • portfolio sites;
    • bulletin boards;
    • job search resources;
    • online stores;
    • corporate websites;
    • social media;
    • entertainment portals;
    • online directories;
    • review of musical compositions;
    • startups;
    • knowledge base Wiki, etc.

    The user needs to know that almost all WordPress extensions have minor drawbacks - they are characterized by a narrowly targeted scope of application. That is, if you need to use the WP e-Commerce module to create and develop a commercial project, then to process streaming video you will need to install a specific ProPlayer add-on. In addition, all plugins are divided depending on the area of ​​application: for SEO promotion (PC Robots.txt, Platinum SEO, WordPress SEO, Google XML Sitemaps, SEO Slugs, etc.); to increase WordPress performance (Hyper Cache, WP Sanitize, WP-Tuner, Quick Cache and a number of others); plugins for working with multimedia (Smart YouTube, XSPF Player, WP Silverlight Media Player) and many other easy-to-install and efficient modular extensions.

    Hosting for CMS WordPress

    For each site management system there are a number of requirements, which together allow you to select the most suitable platform to support access to the network. The same can be said about WordPress - by and large, the engine demonstrates excellent performance on most platforms, both paid and free hosting. But still, the main requirement is present - that the provider supports the latest (current) versions of MySQL and PHP scripts.

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