What to do to increase attendance. How to increase mobile Internet traffic: conditions and ways to increase it

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Hi all Oleg Lyutov is in touch with you again. In this article I want to tell you how to increase website traffic (Blog) by 3 or more times, for free, in one day, using a simple but effective promotion scheme.

Many webmasters, having created their own resource, simply do not know how to run it, what to write, and, most importantly, the most offensive thing is that there are no readers. So how can I fix this? Read on and you will learn how to properly run a website that is 100% likely to increase traffic to your site.


How to increase website traffic 3 times in 24 hours

The main mistakes of novice webmasters

Before describing step-by-step the correctness of increasing clients for your web resource, I would like to voice the main mistakes of novice webmasters; by the way, among them there are also experienced ones who did not receive good results due to their low level of development.

What do I mean by low level of development?

There are millions of sites on the Internet on various topics that lead real people and in the process of work they come up with ideas and tricks that can... So, according to statistics, about 95% of webmasters do not develop, but simply run their website as best they can, as they say.

Guys, do you also want to stand still like them?

top 10 mistakes, beginners, webmasters

1. There is a desire to make a profit from the site, but there is no time to work with it.

Don’t be lazy to work on your project, only the persistent will achieve success in this difficult task.

2. Yesterday I created a website where my money is.

Don't rush, everything has its time.

3. I have a public website design, which I don’t like, but it doesn’t matter.

You must be different from others: this is your face, remember that.

4. I write about what I want, I don’t take into account the opinions of visitors.

Why then start a website if you are not interested in the opinions of your clients and readers. Chat with them.

5. Technical errors On the site, they don’t bother me at all, I write interestingly.

An important factor when ranking a site in search results, blogs with errors are displayed in distant positions, even if they fully answer the user’s question.

6. I’m tired and can’t write myself, I’ll copy from my competitors. Do not steal someone else's work under any circumstances, as it is unsightly: even ILLEGAL.

Search robots do not like sites where there is a lot of copy-paste (copied text) from other resources, with the exception of sites describing laws and regulations.

7. I’ll buy a spam program and drive traffic to the site in one day.

Do you need traffic for one day or regular? In general, get it out of your head, it’s irrelevant and expensive.

This is a controversial opinion, since this is relevant for an online store, but does not work for websites.

When, on all sites (the majority), aggressive advertising such as pop-up windows was fun, such sites simply annoyed me. In addition, in general, for this, they demote, and in some cases throw out such resources from the search engine.

10. Subject of the site: I write what I want, according to my mood.

Don’t write just to write: write interesting, informative articles, preferably with videos. If you don’t know what to write about, then .

In general, these are not all the mistakes of webmasters, but the bulk of them.

how to increase website traffic using

Friends, I hope you are not tired yet as I get to the meat of this post. Guys, as many have already guessed, it was not for nothing that I described the main mistakes of webmasters above, since this is important, from the point of view of your interest, in order to attract traffic not only from search engines, but also from other web resources. Please do not repeat them - and then the path to success will open to you!

Surely every beginner and even an experienced one was upset by the low traffic to his website, on which he spent so much time and effort. Neither five visitors per day, nor even fifty will bring a blogger either fame or income, and monetization of one’s blog is the cherished dream of most bloggers.

To the delight of everyone who does not have the opportunity or desire to spend money on website promotion, there is a tool for free popularization of your resource. It is an advertising platform, known primarily for its mailing list service. But we are interested in a slightly different function.

This site provides everyone with the opportunity to post announcements of their articles on it. To do this, you need to join a thematic group (or create your own). Subscribe groups are a lot like groups and communities in social networks. If your articles differ from each other in topic, you have every right to publish their announcements in several groups.

But enough preamble. How to increase website traffic? First of all, we register and confirm it using the code sent to our mailbox.

After registration is completed, we are redirected to a page for filling out a questionnaire, and then selecting subscription topics that interest you (you don’t have to specify subscriptions). We enter all the necessary data. The next page congratulates us on registration, and from there, by clicking on the appropriate link, we can go to the list of project groups.

As we can see, there are quite a lot of groups on Subscribe. Let’s say the theme of our website is suitable for the group “Health without doctors and drugs.” We choose it.

Please note that the group must be popular, i.e. contain many topics, comments and members. In addition, when going to the group page, you need to pay attention to the date of the last post. If the last entry dates back to the Early Middle Ages, there is nothing to catch in this group - it is better to look for a similar topic.

The third key to getting good traffic to your site is that most of the posts should be written by ordinary members of the group, and not by its administrators (the nickname is indicated on the left side of the page). Is there anything to complain about? Great! Join this group by clicking the orange “Join Group” button.

After joining, click the “Create a new topic” button that appears in place of the “Join group” button. A typical window opens before us text editor, in which we fill in the “Name” column of the topic and add the announcement text to our article, where full version articles await visitors on the site.

It would also be nice to add a thematic picture. There is no special line to indicate a link to the full version of the article on Subscribe, so you must create it yourself in the text of the announcement.

You can do what I did in the screenshot: turn the last sentence of the announcement into a link (this is done using the “Insert / Edit Link” button above the text input field in the editor). Another option is to add something like “Read More,” “Full Article,” or “Learn More” at the end and also turn that word or phrase into a link leading to the relevant article. Please note that when creating a link in the “Open in...” line, you must select “in a new window”, otherwise, with a high degree of probability, the moderators will not publish your announcement.

Click the “Publish” button at the bottom of the page. The announcement must be moderated, after which it will be posted in the group, and you will receive your subscribers, the number of which depends not so much on the popularity of the group, but on your ability to interest the reader.

Now you know how to increase website traffic through subscribe.ru. I would like to know your opinion about the article and your success with such website/blog promotion. Please write your thoughts in the comments to the article.

Do you know how search engine user behavior has changed over the past 5-6 years?

Today's average length search queries has increased greatly. When turning to search engines, people now formulate precise, specific queries and expect to receive the same clear answers from them.

Unfortunately, pipeline methods for website promotion force most SEO companies to filter out low-frequency queries at the stage of selecting the semantic core and then not use them when promoting the website. And yet, experience shows that low-frequency queries are entered by precisely those people who are already mature and ready to buy. As a result, the customer loses a large share of traffic and “warm” clients.

How to use low-frequency queries to increase site traffic, conversion and real profit? We will tell you and show you with examples from practice.

Don't give up on long-tail requests!

To speed up the process and get quick results, SEO specialists, when compiling a semantic core, discard verbose low-frequency queries and work with phrases up to 3 words long. As a result, more than 70% targeted traffic gets lost. Of course, he is partially attracted to the site, but accidentally and uncontrollably.

Thus, in order to increase site traffic for low-frequency queries, you need to work on a lot of low-frequency queries. Basically, these are queries consisting of many words:

  • “buy a front bumper for a 2000 BMW X5” - 8 words;
  • “recipe for beef with lemon juice in the Redmond SX-232 multicooker” - 9 words;
  • “where to eat delicious sausages in the Moscow metro on the red line” - 10 words.

In many topics, more than 70% of possible traffic contains queries ranging from 4 to 9 words in length. By working through them, you can consciously increase search traffic several times without “dancing with a tambourine.”

Promotion for low-frequency queries: tagging technique

Most often, to attract low-frequency traffic in large volumes, they create a section a la “Useful Articles”. It publishes 5–10 articles per month. Streaming SEO companies typically do this. But we know that even well-known agencies often resort to fraudulent methods...

Do the articles solve the problem? Hardly. Usually these are completely dull texts that do not sell or even direct the user to the page where the desired product is located. This solution has a lot of disadvantages: low speed traffic growth, poor page conversion and turning them (with 1000+ articles on the site) into an unstructured mess.

There is another elegant way: create a semantic structure from category filters. This will increase the volume of landing pages for key queries and increase traffic to the site by 3–8 times, depending on the topic of the project.

The semantic structure of category filters brings the best results:

  • online stores;
  • content projects (blogs, portals).

The semantic structure of category filters is not suitable for landing pages, corporate sites without a catalog, or topics with a small number of long search queries.

How does request frequency relate to length?

Let's look at the example of LED lamps.

1. Define semantics

To do this, we use one or more of the following methods:

  • brainstorming;
  • competitor analysis;
  • Yandex.Wordstat collection;
  • collection of search tips;
  • various programs and services (for example, KeyCollector).

Distribution of total frequency by number of words in the query

Graph “Dependence of total frequency on request length”

As you can see, there is a relationship between the length and frequency of the request.

2. We carry out analytics

  • 60% of traffic comes from queries of 5 or more words.
  • The highest frequency is observed for queries of 5 words (18.8%).
  • Queries 2–3 words long account for only 20% of the total frequency.
  • The identified set of low-frequency query masks can be used to create a semantic structure from category filters and attract targeted traffic to the site.

Benefits of Website Tagging

Filter page fully meets the user's request. Accordingly, by clicking on it, the user receives a comprehensive answer to his request.

Benefits of category filter pages

  1. Low-frequency requests are low-competitive and do not require significant labor costs for promotion.
  2. Properly identified, structured and included in the semantic structure of search query clouds can generate total traffic of up to 30% of the medium/high-frequency parent query.
  3. Low-frequency queries reach the TOP without links, and in some cases, without texts.

How to form the semantic structure of a website using category filters?

1. Think as much as possible about the future structure of the site

The structure must be thoughtful, hierarchically correct and scalable. Creating filter pages indiscriminately is a road to nowhere. After a few months of work, a lot of duplicates will appear, some of the pages will “hang” on their own, not fitting into the structure of the site. At first, such work will give a small increase.

But subsequently maintaining the site will be problematic, so you need to:

  • Define all filter parameters and their characteristics

For example: p 1, p 2, p 3, ..., p n.

  • Perform normalization of parameters in the page address

For example, if a request goes to a page of the form: /svetilniki/?p3=LED&p1=ceiling&p4=200×200, then due to the placement of redirection rules, normalization should bring the page to the form: /svetilniki/?p1=ceiling&p2=0&p3=LED&p4=200× 200. This way you can avoid duplicate pages with the same parameters.

  • Set clear URLs for filters
  • Perform linking

Moreover, in such a way that the nesting levels of the structure correspond to the length of the search query.

2. Keep it relevant

The main rule when generating a page is strict adherence to relevance. A page written for a low-frequency request must fully answer the user’s question.

3. Consider all the features of the filter page

There are some technical features document markup (filter page):

  • Static CNC URL address must be in Latin. It is better not to use Cyrillic.
  • Unique Title. Be sure to include Description. Keywords - optional.
  • H1 - exact occurrence of the low frequency query. For example, “white metal pipe 60 mm” is included, but does not match the Title.
  • H2 - diluted H1 (for example, “Buy a 60 mm white metal pipe in Moscow”).

4. Make pages useful for users

The page should be useful to users and contain unique information compared to other pages on the site. If it is close in meaning to the site pages with search results, search engines won't rank it highly.

5. Create quality content to improve behavioral factors

To have good behavioral factors, the page must be of high quality. Otherwise, you may face sanctions from search engines.

Large retail companies know this

Example of search results for a Wikimart website

Case. How did we increase the number of applications and convert them into sales through low-competition requests?

Our client is a construction company. We created " landing pages» for short low-frequency queries in the following topics:

  • 100% of queries in the TOP 10 of the Google search engine,
  • 90% of queries in the TOP 10 of the Yandex search engine.

Key queries from a selected mask (one of several dozen) codenamed “matching by color” look like this:

  • "buy x green"
  • "X colors of Wenge",
  • etc., where X is the name of the product (hello, NDA?).

Attraction: 3500 targeted visitors per month!

Working with low-frequency queries leads to a noticeable increase in traffic and strengthening the site’s position in search engines. This is clearly demonstrated by the graph:

As you can see, 20 people a week come to the site via key queries. This means that low-frequency queries are commercial and selling. Under no circumstances should you refuse them!

In just 3.5 months, this request mask alone managed to attract 200 people with a low failure rate (15.3%). The viewing depth was 2.21, and the time spent on the site was 2.3 minutes.

If we take into account other sets of low-frequency masks that we have implemented on the site (today there are about 80 of them), we can consider that the site attracts 3500 targeted visitors per month. And this number is constantly growing!

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When purchasing such traffic in contextual advertising, the client would pay at least 200,000 rubles per month. The monthly budget for search engine optimization and writing new content is 4 times less, despite the fact that such a result will have a cumulative effect. At a certain point, you can stop working and be content with the existing traffic without paying more for advertising.

Positions in search engines Yandex and Google

What if they didn't?

Our client would expect the following result:

  • loss of market share as competitors are actively developing work with low-frequency requests;
  • advertising costs are ten times higher;
  • the cost of contacting a potential client is significantly higher;
  • There are far fewer clients;
  • The quality of requests from potential clients is low.

Conversion into applications and real buyers is higher!

Conversion into traffic requests for low-frequency queries (1.85%) is higher than the average for the site (1.3%); 64% of applications are converted into sales.

With an average check of 32,000 rubles, monthly traffic generates a turnover of 760,000 rubles. If you subtract advertising costs and costs for purchasing products, you get a margin of 180,000 rubles.

The game is worth the candle

Working with defining masks of low-frequency queries and building systematic work with thousands of such queries, to the benefit of the customer and without the threat of sanctions from the search engine, requires a lot of experience and qualified specialists, and also takes a lot of time. Therefore the majority

VKontakte traffic statistics are an excellent tool for a person who is promoting his own page for commercial or creative purposes. It allows the account owner to find out about the target audience of the profile, their location and track how effective a particular post is in terms of views and likes.

  1. Statistics are kept in real time, and new data can be obtained with each page update.
  2. All information is presented in the form of charts and interactive graphs. By hovering the cursor over their elements, you can familiarize yourself with all the elements the user is interested in, having previously sorted them by time, location, etc.
  3. At the bottom of each section (under the graphs), there are buttons with information, by clicking on which you can hide or, conversely, display the data.
  4. Unlike communities, where access to statistics can be provided to all users, a separate page can only be viewed by the owner, without the ability to open access to third parties.

If a person has more than a hundred followers on his profile, he can use the statistics tool. It will allow him to find out about current subscriptions to the page, unsubscribes and the number of visits during a certain period of time. This can be done using a special button located either at the bottom of the profile or under audio and video recordings.

If a person has less than a hundred subscribers, he will not be able to see changes in statistics, coverage and traffic. Even if you use the formula https://vk.com/stats?mid=*, where instead of an asterisk you need to indicate the address of your own page, the statistics will most likely show a zero result.

Conditions for access to VKontakte traffic statistics

As noted above, the only condition that a user’s page must meet is the presence of more than one hundred subscribers. It is important to note that people who are friends do not belong to this category: if there are more than a hundred friends, and only 90 subscribers, the user will not be able to go to the statistics section, since he simply will not find the corresponding button in his profile.
Subscribers are people who have previously sent a friend request (but the request was not approved, or approved, but the person was removed from the friends list), or who have subscribed to updates.

If a user wants to see his traffic statistics on VK, but cannot due to an insufficient number of subscribers, he can easily correct the situation. The easiest way is to use third-party services to increase subscribers on social networks. However, there are risks here. For example, in most cases, not real people will come to the VK page, but bots, which will soon be deleted by the administration of the social network. This method cheating can also lead to blocking of the user's page. The second method requires a lot of effort: you need to attract subscribers by publishing interesting content and promoting your page.

Audience Analysis Tools

The statistics section is presented in three tabs: coverage, attendance and activity. In the first tab, the user can find out how popular his page is. In particular, it shows the number of people who saw publications in news feed, or moved onto the wall itself. They can be sorted by age, geographic location and gender.

The second tab - traffic - displays unique page visitors, views and transitions within the profile for a certain period of time (day or month). Sorting also allows you to select categories: gender, age, geographical location.

This tool includes everything you need to analyze your profile audience and will come in handy:

  • For those who are active on a social network and maintain a blog with constant publication of content.
  • Those who use their own page not only as a means of communication with friends, but also for commercial purposes (in the case of selling advertising, you can send statistics to advertisers as proof of high page traffic).
  • Ordinary users who want to know what part of the audience regularly views VKontakte posts.

The minimum threshold for the number of subscribers to be able to view statistics is one hundred people. It is believed that only popular users can view traffic data. To use this tool, you need to open your profile and click on the icon located under the photo or in the audio and video sections (at the very bottom).

Rules for reading statistics charts

If the VK page is really popular among users, there will be many different graphs and charts in the statistics sections. They display all the information a person is interested in about those people who visited his profile. However, it is impossible to find out their names and page addresses. This tool is necessary, first of all, to know your audience that is interested in specific records. In the future, this information can be used to adjust the information posted and increase popularity.

By what parameters can you check traffic to a VK page?

As noted above, the statistics of a VKontakte user page consists of three tabs: reach, attendance and activity. Each section presents unique information, designed in the form of graphs and diagrams. A graphical representation of data in linear segments is accompanied by numbers that give a detailed report on how many people visited the page, viewed posts, left feedback etc.

The following tools are available in the “Attendance” tab to obtain the most detailed information:

Taken together, these parameters provide a complete picture of the profile’s status and popularity. From the data obtained, you can get an idea of ​​all categories of audience visiting the page.

Difference between the “Reach” and “Attendance” tabs

The “Attendance” section displays the statistics of the profile itself (guests, subscribers, etc.). In the “Reach” tab, you can see how many users have viewed a certain post on the wall, be it an article, photograph, audio or video recording. In particular, the following parameters are presented here:

  1. Audience coverage. It is divided into two categories: profile subscribers and all users who viewed the post in their feed, in the “Recommendations” section, or accidentally visited the page.
  2. Age category and gender. Unlike the “Attendance” section, data is provided exclusively about those who viewed the post.
  3. Location. Here, only target views are also taken into account, namely: from what city or country are the people who saw this or that post.
  4. Devices. The tab gives a clear idea of ​​what device people are visiting the page from: computers or smartphones.

How to increase traffic to a VKontakte page

Each user can increase the statistics of visits to his profile on the VKontakte social network independently, without involving specialists for search engine optimization and boosting subscribers and targeted actions on third-party sites and exchanges. All you need to do is build a competent marketing strategy and act in accordance with it. In the beginning, of course, you should think about content that will interest the audience.

News, articles or photographs must be published regularly and have high quality. It is then that it will interest subscribers, it will be rated and commented on.

For those who do not want to deal with content, but want people to visit their page and improve indicators only for statistics and general appearance (lots of likes, comments), you can use free services cheating. Their essence is simple: you need to complete tasks - subscribe to groups, comment on other people's posts. For this, points are awarded, which can later be used to “buy” subscribers, comments, and reposts.

It is worth remembering that such means of increasing traffic to a VKontakte page should be used with caution. IN otherwise there is a risk of being temporarily or permanently blocked by the administration of the social network.

Every novice webmaster in the field of Internet marketing faces a difficult problem - how to increase website traffic? It is very difficult for a young site to reach the top positions of the search results, even if the brand has a good reputation and the site contains high-quality and unique content.

What are we talking about?

There are a great many websites of different companies on the Internet that appeared earlier, and indexing will already play in their favor. If you need to promote the website of a store selling clothes, then it is almost impossible to get into the top 10 of Yandex or Google for the request “buy clothes”. But this does not mean that the young site will be deprived of traffic. You can achieve high traffic and, accordingly, profit from the site if you approach the matter competently. We'll look at 9 real ways, which will help increase site traffic!

How to increase website traffic?

1. Structure. You can attract more visitors if you design it correctly semantic core. The content should include the widest possible set of “keys” that characterize the product or service being offered. Such a competent website structure will help you stand out among your competitors.

2. Working with content. Articles should not only be unique, readable and optimized, but also relevant. If a visitor finds a site using the query “wallpaper for walls,” and it says about painting the ceiling, then the site visitor will leave the page. It’s not even worth talking about conversion here. The article should answer the question of the article, be literate, structured (logically connected paragraphs, subheadings, lists), supported by photographs or even infographics (now this is interesting to users).

Today, search engines are becoming smarter. They learned to distinguish simply optimized (SEO) articles from relevant ones. In other words, when issuing, not only the main key is taken into account, but also “satellites”. It will be easier to understand this if you study LSI.

Official pages should be analogous to a store: name, description of goods (services), details, etc. This is additional promotion of the brand. Millions of people are on social networks every day. You should send out invitations to your target audience, hold competitions with gifts, various promotions, and post news. This free way increase not only site traffic, but also its popularity!

You can order advertising in other public pages that already have a huge number of subscribers. It will cost a pretty penny, but it's worth it: traffic will grow. Another option is to promote the group through copywriting exchanges. You can order there for a small price positive reviews and posts to create activity in the group.

4. Email marketing. Many people think that sending promotional emails to email no longer works, although statistics have shown that with a competent approach this increases conversion by 5-10%.

5. Reviews. Professional copywriters You can also be involved in writing reviews on Yandex.Market. The fact is that search engines react to the frequency of reviews when ranking.

Work should also be done with negative reviews, if any. There is no need to remove them immediately. It’s better to get to the bottom of the problem, understand what customers didn’t like in order to fix the problem immediately after it arises.

6. Webinars. There is another accessible method of attracting visitors - self-promotion through webinars.

7. YouTube channel. This, of course, is quite a labor-intensive task, but the return will be ensured. Necessary create your YouTube channel and post videos there, for example, product presentations and video tutorials on their use. This is also an opportunity to do good advertising your website, and a chance to make a profit from monetizing the channel itself.

8. Paid advertising. You will have to spend money here, but this is a great way to attract the target audience to the site. You can order contextual and banner advertising at YAN, Google AdSense, Rotaban. You can also run targeted advertising on Instagram or other social networks. Roughly speaking, you should rent space on thematic sites and place links to your resource there. The similarity of topics is very important. For example, if you need to increase the traffic of an online store of suspended ceilings, then you should place the link on a website (blog) dedicated to repairs.

9. Focus on low-frequency queries. A huge amount of content has already been created for high-frequency queries, so the emphasis should be on low frequency queries. For example, “buy a stretch ceiling” is a high-frequency request. And “buy a film stretch ceiling in Volgograd” is a low-frequency request.

You can quickly promote a young resource, increase site traffic and income if you combine the methods described above.

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