What is equipped with computer equipment. A computer is an office equipment or equipment

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Computer technology

1) a set of technical and mathematical means, methods and techniques used to mechanize and automate the processes of calculations and information processing. The basis technical means modern computing technology consists of electronic computers (computers, computers), input, output, presentation and transmission devices (scanners, printers, modems, monitors, plotters, keyboards, magnetic tape and disk drives, etc.), laptops, microcalculators, electronic notebooks etc. Mathematical tools include a variety of programs (incl. operating systems, computer maintenance programs), instructions, protocols, etc.

The first primitive devices (abacus, Chinese abacus, etc.) for mechanizing the calculation of land areas, trade calculations, etc. appeared hundreds of BC. e. Computing devices such as, for example, Napier scale, slide rule, adding machine V. Chiccard, counting B. Pascal, were known already in the 17th century. They were replaced in the 18th–19th centuries. planimeters came from J. Hermann and J. Amsler, W. T. Odner and others. In 1833, the English scientist C. Babbage developed a project for an “analytical engine” - a giant adding machine with program controlled, arithmetic and storage devices; however, he failed to implement his project. arr. due to insufficient technical base. Development of computer technology in the end. 19 – beginning 20th century associated mainly with the creation analog computers(AVM). Only in 1944 in the USA was the first digital computer (digital computer) with program control MARK-I built on electromagnetic.

The decisive event in the development of computer technology was the creation in 1946 in the USA electronic computer(computer) – ENIAC. The first domestic computer - MESM was built in 1950 under the leadership of academician S. A. Lebedev, and three years later BESM appeared - the predecessor of a series of domestic digital computers: "Minsk", "Ural", "Dnepr", "", "Hrazdan" "etc. With the development of vacuum and then semiconductor electronics and microelectronics, the element base of computers and other technical means of computer technology changed, new ones were developed logic devices. At the same time, new, increasingly complex programs were created, programming languages ​​and methods for managing the computing process were improved. Over just 40 years of existence, the productivity of electronic computers has increased from several thousand to tens of billions of operations per second.

A new, truly revolutionary stage in the development of computer technology was marked by the creation in the 1970s. personal computers. With the advent of personal computers operating in a friendly dialogue mode with the user, computing has become available to a wide range of users - from schoolchildren to specialists in mathematics and programming, from a cashier in a store to a designer of space systems, from a laboratory assistant to a nuclear scientist. K con. 2000, computer technology has transformed from a tool for mathematical calculations into a universal information processing tool with perfect software, capable of solving the most complex problems in almost all spheres of human activity - economics, energy, industry, scientific research, etc.

2) The branch of technology involved in the development, manufacture and operation of computers, devices and instruments.

Encyclopedia "Technology". - M.: Rosman. 2006 .

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    1) a set of technical and math. means used for mechanization and automation of computing and information processing processes. The basis of technical computers and devices (computers, automatic machines, microcalculators, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

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One of the areas of application of the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets is accounting in institutions. According to OKOF, the accountant must determine the asset code and reflect it on the appropriate account. OK 013-94 contained the term “office equipment”. What relates to it was deciphered in the grouping with codes 14 301 0000 - 14 301 0440. We will consider further how things stand after the new classifier comes into force.

Office equipment and computer technology: why there is confusion

In the OK 013-94 classifier, the concepts of computer and office equipment are separated. They are both included in the “Machinery and Equipment” section, but each has its own subsection.

However, when referring to all equipment of the organization that does not relate to machines, machine tools, mechanisms, etc. and is intended for use in the process of administrative management or in the process of engineering work, it is customary to use the term “office equipment”.

This concept includes computers, printers, scanners, telephones, calculators, shredders, copying equipment, fax machines, projectors and other office tools.

Equipment for drawing work, plotters, laminators, hole punchers, mechanical pencil sharpeners, stamps, brochure makers and others are added to the list, calling it “small office equipment.”

The confusion of the two concepts occurs due to the fact that auxiliary equipment for computer technology, such as a scanner, barcode reader, printer, display, electronic graphic board, drawing machine, etc., according to the rules of the OK 013-94 classifier, are taken into account together with the computer as a single object of classification. In fact, each of them can be used independently, without connecting to computer technology.

This situation arose due to the obsolescence of the specified classifier.

But an accountant, when deciding what applies to office equipment in accounting, must be guided by regulatory documents. Therefore, until 2017, the following should have been classified as office equipment:

  • duplicating equipment (not connected to the computer),
  • copying equipment (not connected to the computer),
  • automated telephone exchanges ensuring the operation of offices,
  • typewriters,
  • calculators,
  • telephones (wired and cellular),
  • conference equipment (microphones, projectors, screens, etc.),
  • shredders,
  • banknote counters and detectors,
  • pneumatic delivery device, etc. autonomous office equipment.

According to the same standards, the following cannot be classified as office equipment:

  • printers and MFPs connected to a computer,
  • tablets,
  • communicators,
  • smartphones, etc.

This division is determined by information from the subsection “Means of mechanization and automation of managerial and engineering labor,” which allows us to determine what belongs to office equipment. The list of what should be considered computer technology is given in the subsection “Electronic computing technology.” According to the OK 013-94 classifier, both of these types of equipment belong to information equipment.

Office equipment and new OKOF

The outdated classifier OK 013-94 has been replaced since 2017 by OKOF OK 013-2014.

Its standards also contain a subsection that includes information equipment. But the term “office equipment” is excluded from it, and computers and peripheral devices for them are separated into a separate subsection.

However, the list of what previously belonged to office equipment remains. It has been added in edited form to the group “Other machinery and equipment, including household equipment, and other objects” under code 330.28.23.

Therefore, since 2017, the answer to questions about what office equipment is and what belongs to it is mainly determined by the list in the classifier of fixed assets, marked with this code.

The time has come when phones, communicators, satellite receivers, coffee makers, refrigerators, and basically anything. However, it is still necessary to distinguish real computers from partial ones. Therefore, we will attempt to classify devices with electronic filling. Let's also try to define the terms. We will talk, first of all, about the concept of “computer technology”.

The essence in brief

Let's say right away that computer technology, in our humble opinion, is divided into the following categories:

  1. computers in all their diversity, as well as components;
  2. auxiliary equipment - periphery;
  3. network equipment;
  4. advanced household, medical and industrial equipment.

Essence in detail

Computers include, in order of increasing size: PDAs (those that fit in the palm of your hand), netbooks (the size of a book and a little larger), tablets (yes, they already claim the proud title of “computer”), laptops, desktop PCs (boxes) , to which a monitor, keyboard, mouse and something else is connected), servers (larger boxes, the size of a bedside table to a cabinet), supercomputers (few people have seen them, but one can assume that they really exist).

Peripherals are printers, scanners, units uninterruptible power supply, wireless adapters, and basically anything. There are quite a lot of devices that connect to a USB port, and listing them would only make you bored.

Ancillary equipment, peripherals, are not computers. Although, for example, multifunctional devices (MFPs) with a printer, scanner and copier in one housing are capable of operating autonomously. There is a display and buttons, you can print something and make photocopies without connecting to a computer. However, they can't do anything else. Functionality is exactly what is needed to perform immediate tasks.

Network equipment - routers (routers), communicators (not those that make calls, but those that ensure the network operates), hubs (also network), smart modems - not full-fledged computers. Just a little bit.

You say the router has Linux? There is, but it is greatly reduced and can only ensure the operation of the network. You never know where there is Linux these days. For example, on televisions.

And not only in TVs, but also in satellite receivers. The latter got close to the computers. You can reinstall the operating system on them; keyboards, displays, and flash drives are connected to them. However, they still lack the most important thing - universality.

We are trying to clarify the terms

A coffee maker controlled via a Wi-Fi network, a refrigerator with Linux, a washing machine with software control, miniature mp3 players - perhaps this is not a computer technology, but a digital one. It is not burdened with complex calculations, programs are not added to it.

Computer equipment can roughly include narrow-profile computing devices, such as satellite receivers, medical equipment (a keyboard and display are connected to the encephalograph), navigators, communicators (that make calls), e-books, navigators - everything where you can add programs.

Why conditionally, if such devices can do so much? Because a real computer is universal. It can be taught to do everything that different digital devices do separately. There would be corresponding programs.

That is, without any conditions and assumptions, computer technology includes:

  1. the computers themselves;
  2. what works within them and around them;
  3. something that complements their capabilities.

Even simpler: computer equipment is what you deal with when working with a computer, and not with a coffee maker, refrigerator, TV, etc. You are not connecting the printer to washing machine, Truth?

Erase edges

A plasma or LCD TV, such a wide panel on the wall, can do a lot. But does it apply to computer technology? Paradoxically, the answer will be twofold: yes and no.

No, if it works on its own, shows TV shows or movies from Blue-ray discs. Even if there is an operating system inside, even if Skype is installed, it is still not a full-fledged electronic computer.

Yes, if it serves as a monitor connected to a laptop or system unit desktop PC. And in this capacity he serves easily and joyfully. Moreover, even simultaneously with a regular monitor. That is, it becomes a peripheral device.

Here is an example of blurring the lines between purely computer hardware and technology with limited functionality. Hence the convention.

Let's summarize

The above is not a claim to truth. This is simply an attempt to understand the great variety of different electronic devices. The lines are blurring, devices are getting smarter, and every year it’s getting easier to get confused in the classification of different things with displays and buttons. Therefore, you will not make a grave mistake if you call computer equipment something specialized, with limited functionality, but stuffed with chips and programs.

Well, if you have doubts and are afraid of getting into trouble, then you can safely use the term “digital technology”, then you certainly won’t be mistaken.

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Last edit: 2012-06-30 11:36:19

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Text Work and Career “Office equipment - what is it”:

The word “office equipment” has long and firmly entered into our daily use. But if you ask the first person you come across what it is and what devices can be called office equipment, not everyone will be able to answer correctly. Office equipment (organizational equipment) is almost everything technical equipment modern office. After all, the presence of this very equipment significantly facilitates and speeds up any paperwork and, of course, simplifies interaction in any processes and on different levels. What devices are included in this capacious concept and what functions do they perform?

Performing counting functions (mechanization of calculations)

Perhaps few people have thought about it, but one of the representatives of office equipment is a calculator. It is the smallest in size and weight among other office mechanisms, but it often “helps out” with its presence on the desktop when carrying out various calculations.

The calculator can safely be called the progenitor of the computer, which it, in fact, is, only a highly specialized one. Nowadays, the variety of calculators is huge, although they are slowly giving way to other devices.

Working with documents

Computers, scanners, printers, copiers, faxes - all this equipment is necessary so that you can quickly carry out small and large volumes of work.

It's probably impossible to imagine modern world without a computer. It is truly an indispensable device, because with its help a huge amount of information is created, changed and stored.

Next in importance would probably be the printer. It is he who translates the necessary text or graphic information in electronic form into a tangible paper document.

A copying machine (copier, copier), with which you can create copies of documents, photographs, drawings on paper and other materials, also does not lag behind in its importance.

Another inhabitant of the world of office equipment is a scanner, whose task is to convert text and graphic information located on a flat medium (usually paper) into a digital format.

Over the past few years, multifunctional devices (MFPs) - devices that have additional functions printer, scanner, copier and/or fax machine. Such equipment significantly benefits in price and compactness compared to the cost and amount of space occupied by each of the devices included in the MFP separately.

To destroy documents, a shredder is used - a device that shreds paper into tiny pieces or very small strips.


Office equipment includes communication means: telephone, fax, telegraph, office automatic telephone exchange. In addition to these devices, a PC can also be defined as a means of communication, with the help of which, and the presence of the Internet network, you can conduct email correspondence and also make calls.

Sent by: Nikitina Alla. 2017-09-18 14:39:35

Concept, classification and valuation of fixed assets

Computer technology includes analog and analog-digital machines for automatic data processing, computing electronic, electromechanical and mechanical complexes and machines, devices designed to automate the processes of storing, retrieving and processing data related to solving various problems.

Office equipment includes duplicating and copying equipment, office automatic telephone exchanges, typewriters, calculators and other equipment.

5) Vehicles, which include: vehicles designed to move people and goods - railway and rolling stock; rolling stock of water transport, road, air, urban transport; floor-mounted production vehicles, as well as other types of vehicles.

At the same time, automobile and tractor trailers, specialized and converted railway cars, the main purpose of which is to perform production or household functions, and not to transport goods and people (mobile power plants, mobile transformer installations, mobile workshops, laboratory cars, mobile diagnostic installations, carriage houses, etc.) are considered mobile enterprises

appropriate purpose, and not vehicles, and are accounted for as building and equipment.

6) Industrial and household inventory, which includes:

Industrial equipment - technical items that are involved in the production process, but cannot be classified as either equipment or structures (liquid storage containers, devices and containers for bulk, piece materials, not related to structures, devices and furniture, serving to facilitate production operations (tables, counters, racks, etc.);

Household equipment - office and household items that are not directly involved in the production process.

7) Working, productive and breeding livestock (except for young animals and cattle for slaughter), which include: horses, oxen, camels, donkeys, cows, sheep, stallions - producers, bulls - producers and other working, productive and breeding livestock.

8) Perennial plantings, which include all types of artificial perennial plantings, regardless of their age, landscaping and decorative plantings on streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, on the territory of enterprises, in the courtyards of residential buildings; hedges, shelterbelts, plantings intended to strengthen sand and river banks, etc.; artificial plantings of botanical gardens, scientific research institutions and educational institutions for scientific research purposes.

9) Other fixed assets.

Depending on their purpose in production and economic activity, fixed assets are divided into production and non-production.

What about office equipment?

The main means of production include: machines, machine tools, apparatus, tools, as well as buildings of main and auxiliary workshops, services intended for the production process, warehouse buildings, tanks, vehicles used for moving and storing objects and products of labor. Non-production fixed assets are not directly involved in the production process, but they are used for the cultural and everyday needs of enterprise employees (fixed assets for housing and communal services, clinics, clubs, kindergartens, etc.).

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Office equipment

Office equipment for the office - the basics efficient work any institution. It’s hard to imagine how an office works if there is no office equipment or it doesn’t work. It must be said that even the simplest office equipment is a high-tech product that can serve the period guaranteed by the manufacturer only if original components and materials are used. Those who are trying to save money in this matter will end up spending more on repair services, and, in principle, will leave the office without such important equipment.

Types of office equipment for the office

All office equipment is classified according to functionality. This classification was enshrined in the state standard and includes the following categories:

  • storage media;
  • means for production and preparation of documentation;
  • means for operational printing and reprography;
  • means for processing documentation;
  • means for searching, storing and transporting documents;
  • office furniture and other equipment;
  • other office equipment.

In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. Particular attention should be paid to office equipment from the “other means” category, since without them the work of a modern institution is impossible.

Work and career. Useful information

These include the following elements:

  • scanners;
  • computer projectors;
  • display screens;
  • accessories for computers (these are digital cameras, multimedia equipment, devices for recording and rewriting CDs, cases, connection cables, power supplies).

Choosing office equipment for the office

Many users of office equipment are faced with the fact that choosing the appropriate models from different groups is not so easy. Here various difficulties, questions and answers arise.

To optimize the process of choosing technical equipment for the office, you need to take into account many factors that will influence this choice:

  • volume of document flow;
  • characteristics of document flows;
  • the volume of documents that is transmitted and received through technical communication channels;
  • methods of organizing the use of technical means;
  • features of technical and operational equipment;
  • equipment manufacturing company;
  • price of the selected equipment;
  • price consumables, the required frequency of their replacement;
  • equipment maintenance price and much more.

Do not forget that office equipment requires regular scheduled maintenance. If a breakdown could not be avoided, then the spare parts must be branded and meet all current quality standards. If an organization takes the selection, repair and maintenance of equipment seriously, it will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as downtime due to the fact that the printer simply does not work. Therefore, when choosing office equipment, think about who and how will carry out its maintenance and repair, if such a need arises. Good companies Manufacturers will also provide you with high-quality equipment maintenance, which will help prevent unwanted problems.

Home / All about waste / What applies to office equipment?

What about office equipment?

List of equipment related to office equipment:

  • · devices for operational information processing: personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, tablets, calculators, microcalculators
  • · means of compiling, copying and quickly reproducing documents: writing and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic machines
  • · drawing and design technician: drawing devices, shading devices, plotters, graphic displays, various stencils
  • · means of recording and processing information: numbering machines, reading machines, stensilis, barcode readers, document destruction devices, etc.
  • · means of dispatch communication and information display - telephone sets, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic diagrams, industrial television devices, search-call alarm devices, etc.

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office equipment

office equipment

A set of technical means for mechanization of management and engineering design work. Office equipment includes: means of compiling, copying and quickly reproducing documents (for example, writing and stenographic machines, scanners, printers, xerographic machines), their storage and automatic search(various filing cabinets, organizers, search engines etc.); devices for operational information processing (personal computers, laptops, electronic notebooks, microcalculators, etc.); drawing and design equipment (for example, drawing instruments, hatching devices, plotters, graphic displays, various stencils); means for registration and processing of documents (numerators, reading machines, stensilis, barcode readers, devices for destroying documents, etc.); means of dispatch communication and information display (for example, telephone sets, intercoms, fax machines, mnemonic diagrams, industrial television devices, search-call alarm devices), etc.

office equipment

Devices and devices for individual use that facilitate the work of workers engaged in management (managers, secretaries, assistants, etc.) are usually called small office equipment. This includes office supplies (fountain and ballpoint pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, hole punches, staplers, binders, various stamps, adhesive sticks, tape, etc.), office furniture (tables, shelving, cabinets, chairs, etc. ), tabletop lights, fans, etc.

Source: Technique. Modern encyclopedia on Gufo.me

Office equipment- technical office equipment that facilitates and speeds up paperwork and administrative and management activities. Office technology has become a significant source of technological innovation and is still undergoing rapid development.

Modern electronic office equipment is usually called office equipment(from organizational equipment) and is determined in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of fixed assets: 330.28.23 “Office machines and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment.”

At present

Until 2017, computers and computer-related peripheral equipment were not included in the list of outdoor equipment. Since 2017, they have been classified in the group “Information, computer and telecommunications (ICT) equipment”, which includes, for example, any telephones and are not office equipment, but means of communication.

The classifier contains an edited list of office equipment, which includes “office machines and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment.” The very concept of office equipment is no longer used in it.

Mechanization of calculations

The most primitive mechanism for automating calculations, the abacus, has been known since the times of Ancient Rome. The abacus that replaced it appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. Around the same time, their modification became known in China (suanpan) and Japan (soroban).

Office equipment is office equipment, what applies to it

The needs of accounting in medieval offices became one of the main reasons for the development and several centuries of improvement of mechanical computers. The pinnacle of development of this line of office equipment were Hollerith tabulators, which began to be produced at the end of the 19th century and were used, in particular, to automate the census conducted in the United States.

Printing documents

Help office workers print documents.

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  • Office equipment
  • Office equipment, S. V. Kiselev, O. N. Nelipovich. The textbook proposes the use of a competency-based approach to the training of computer operators. The purpose and classification of office equipment, tools for document processing,…

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