What kind of program is David Agent. DevID Agent for automatic driver updates

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Hello everyone, Today we will talk about a program like DevID Agent, I’ll tell you what I can about it and I hope that you can understand whether you need this program or not. This means DevID Agent is a program for finding device drivers automatically, via the Internet, and the program can also be used to update already installed drivers. I read this information on the official website, but whether this is really so, we still have to find out

You probably know this situation, or you don’t, I’ll tell it anyway. For example, you bought some device, you know the model, but not the exact one, and you don’t have drivers, what should you do in this case? In this case, you need to take the device ID and search for drivers in a search engine. Yes, you can do this, but it’s still a bit of a hassle, you’ll agree. To avoid having to do this manually, that’s why the DevID Agent program was invented

In general, guys, I downloaded this program from the official website, by the way, here it is:

So when I run the installer, the following window appears:

Well, this is Windows security, you may not have such a window at all. In general, I clicked the Run button in this window, after which the following window appeared, here you need to click Next:

Then there will be a window where it will be written where exactly the program will be installed. You know, this is the place where the program will be installed, so I don’t recommend changing it unless necessary. In general, click on the Install button:

After this, the DevID Agent program will already be installed, Completed will be written, you will need to click on Next again:

That's it, then the last step is to click the Done button:

And if you haven’t unchecked the Run DevID Agent box, the program will automatically start. So it started for me, look what it looks like:

So it says here that the program is free, this is very good, there is also a button Ask a question, it’s at the very top, if you click it, then this form will appear and here you can write the question itself:

Just look, there is also a checkmark at the bottom, if you don’t uncheck it, a screenshot of your screen will also be sent.. Don’t worry, as I understand it, this is necessary to make it easier for developers to understand what’s going on. But if anything happens, you can easily uncheck this box..

So, everything seems to be fine with the drivers, all the drivers are installed, but just for fun, I’ll still click the Start search button:

Well, then it’s clear that the search has begun, this is how the process will be displayed, look:

Well, then I saw that three devices were found, one of them had no drivers at all, and the other two, they seemed to have old drivers, well, look:

The first thing I liked here is that everything is written clearly and there is no nonsense. In general, if the program has found the necessary drivers, then let me install them anyway, click on Install selected:

Then I got this message, which says that the screen may blink or go dark altogether, programs may also slow down and all that, in short it says that this is normal and there is no need to panic, here is the message itself:

In general, I clicked OK, and then another message popped up, it already says, do I want to create a restore point? This is suggested in case something goes wrong, well, there is like some kind of error... But I think that there will be no errors, so I refuse to create a restore point and click on Cancel:

Well, that’s it, then the installation began:

Then this window popped up:

Honestly guys, I don’t know what to write here, or rather how to write it correctly.. In short, this means that the driver there is some kind of unsigned, in principle, yes, there is a bit of danger here. But on the other hand, I don’t think that the DevID Agent program is some kind of virus or bug, I think it’s just a matter of the driver, but if the program offers to install it, then I’ll install it, in short, in the window above, I clicked on All install this driver anyway. After that, another window appeared, it already says that it was not possible to install this driver, well, screw it! In short, there is another way to install the driver, well, guys, let's try, I click Yes in this window:

Then the following message appeared again:

As you can see, it says here that the drivers were installed successfully, but some were installed with errors, what a joke guys... And they also write that they say reboot and try again. In this window I clicked Yes and after that the reboot began...

After the reboot there were no errors in Windows, everything worked as usual. Just for fun, I launched the DevID Agent program again, clicked the Start Search button again, and only one device appeared, by the way, it’s a network card and it seems to have an old driver, but the program found a new one. I tried to install, but then there was an error again, that is, I have a problem with this device, the new driver does not want to be installed on it! But guys, in fact, I think that this matter is not in the program, but in my device, that is, in the network card. I’m just showing you something not on a regular computer, but on a virtual one, well, it’s like a special computer for tests and all sorts of experiments. Maybe there is a glitch in it somewhere.. In short, these are the things guys, I really liked the DevID Agent program itself, it works well, it doesn’t load the computer, and in general, it seems to me that this is a good program

So what else can I tell you? The program runs under a process such as DevidAgent3.exe, here it is in the task manager:

The process starts from this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DevID Agent

Well, now guys, I’ll show you how to remove DevID Agetn from your computer completely, well, what if this program turns out to be unnecessary for you... So look, hold down the Win + R buttons, the Run window will appear, there you write the following command:

Then click OK and after that the Programs and Features window will open, in this window you will have a list of all installed programs. Here you need to find DevID Agent, right-click and select Delete:

Well, guys, whether this is a joke or not, I don’t know, but damn, I clicked Yes in the window, and after that a window immediately popped up saying that the program had already been deleted, and it also said that it was successful, well, look for yourself:

In short, the program is removed so quickly that it’s even unusual! Do you know what I thought then? Well, the program is of high quality, so what’s wrong with it that it was quickly deleted.. But not everything is so simple here guys, the fact is that I then searched on the system disk for files whose names mentioned the word devid.. Well, what would you think ? I was very surprised, because in this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)

There was a DevID Agent folder and I don’t quite understand why it was there if I deleted the program? Well, look for yourself, these are the search results:

Well, not funny, huh? Kapets kapetskovich! You don’t look at DevID_Agent_Installer.exe, it’s just an installation file, I knew that it would remain, because I downloaded it manually. Well, in short, I went to this folder, that is, to C:\Program Files (x86)\DevID Agent and this is what I saw there:

That is, there was only one file, uninstall.exe, and I know what it is, it would be a program uninstaller, so to speak, but why it remained is of course incomprehensible to me! I tried to launch it, then I saw the familiar window with the question: Should I remove DevID Agent from the computer? I clicked Yes and then there was a message that everything was successful, but the folder was still not deleted, in short, that’s how it goes guys! I went to the C:\Program Files (x86) folder and then manually right-clicked on the DevID Agent folder and selected Delete there:

Then there was this message, well then I clicked Yes:

And all the guys, the folder was safely deleted. Then, just to be on the safe side, I again looked for traces of the program on the system disk, but I couldn’t find anything except the installer itself:

In short guys, these are the pies. No, I still think that the DevID Agent program is good, the thing is that I didn’t write it, but this program is like an application to the devid.info site, where you can download drivers, the site itself is quite good and of high quality. That’s why I think that their DevID Agent program is also of high quality, but the fact that the folder remains, well, this is some kind of strange jamb. Maybe it's all about my Windows? I don't know guys, I don't know...

That's all guys, I hope that everything was clear to you here, but if something is wrong, then you'll have to excuse me. Good luck in life and may you be happy


DevID Agent is a unique program for downloading drivers. The software combines five characteristics - absolute autonomy of processes, globality, high compatibility, ease of use and a free basis - which demonstrate the exceptional essence of the service. First, the agent can be downloaded with a single click. After this, the package is automatically activated, analyzes the personal computer (laptop or other means) and specifies which components lack drivers and which require an update. To study, the agent uses a mechanism to identify the element base and establish a connection with drivers.

Finding and installing drivers

Having such a program at your disposal, your PC will certainly receive the latest drivers from a systematically updated database. Moreover, we are responsible for the productivity of the system by providing absolutely harmless components for downloading. It goes without saying that DevID Agent is suitable for all versions of Windows OS. Processors, smart card readers, motherboards, phones, network cards, storage devices - the utility allows you to find suitable drivers for each device, be it a system element or a multimedia device, in just a couple of moments. Products from all recognized vendors (Xerox, X-Micro, Eastman Kodak, Asus, Echo Digital Audio, EIZO, Dell, Elsa, Emulex) are easily recognized by our program, and this speeds up the search for the required drivers. No special skills are required to operate DevID Agent. The utility will amuse you with its friendly interface with detailed operating tips. Finding updated drivers does not take much time, and after the action is completed, the utility will display a list of elements based on the received platform diagnostic data. Before downloading to your personal computer, you have the opportunity to sort the necessary elements by checking the boxes. Finally, unlike other solutions, DevID Agent is a free utility that everyone can benefit from.

Screenshots of the DevID Agent program

DevID Agent is a fully automated program that will help update drivers for all system hardware and peripherals. It stands out for two important advantages: ease of use and free distribution. Unlike most other driver managers, it won't ask you to purchase a license after listing available updates.

The graphical shell of the program is as simple as possible. The analysis is automatically launched by pressing the "Start Search" button directly from the main window; on average, it takes about one to two minutes. After that, you receive a list of available updates, which includes the system component to which the software belongs, the old and proposed driver versions, as well as the release dates of both. You can check the list yourself and add/uncheck the boxes next to the necessary and unnecessary drivers. Having agreed to install the necessary updates, be prepared for the fact that during the installation process the computer screen may periodically blink and the system may freeze, and the installation of some drivers may require a reboot.

DevID Agent has no obvious disadvantages. Perhaps these include the not too high download speed and the fact that it is carried out not from official sources, but from DevID’s own database. In fact, the first fact is precisely due to the second. But this very database of drivers and devices is regularly updated and replenished with new versions.

Key Features and Functions

  • automatic search for drivers for system components and peripherals;
  • downloading and installing software automatically;
  • own driver database, which is regularly updated and replenished with new drivers;
  • the ability to select and install individual drivers from the list;
  • collecting and displaying basic information about the computer;
  • the ability to use the program without purchasing a license (only voluntary donations).

DevID Agent is a free and convenient program for installing and updating drivers for the correct operation of any hardware on your computer.

It is known that without a special set of auxiliary programs (drivers) it is impossible to obtain all the hardware capabilities of the hardware, and some devices will not work at all: USB, monitor, touchpad, Wi-Fi, sound card, peripherals, etc.. For Each such equipment (external or internal) must have its own driver installed in the Microsoft Windows system. At the same time, it is important to have not only the driver itself, but also preferably its most current version. This is exactly what DevID Agent does.

With the DevID Agent program, the process of searching and downloading drivers has become much easier. This package combines five main advantages: process autonomy, universalism, good compatibility, ease of use and free. Devices from all popular manufacturers, such as NVIDIA, ScanLogic, Scanner, Wacom, Sentelic, etc. are easily recognized by the DevID Agent tool, which significantly speeds up the search for the necessary “firewood”.

After launching the program, the operating system and the equipment used are scanned. Then the program checks against its database which drivers are already outdated and which devices do not have them at all. Having marked the necessary items in the resulting list, update all auxiliary elements for the full and correct operation of the hardware. That's all - very easy and simple.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the driver database of the DevID Agent program is constantly modified and updated, so you don’t have to worry about the relevance of the data used.

DevID Agent is a utility needed to find drivers automatically using the Internet, and it is also used as an update to existing drivers. You can download this application for free in a couple of clicks on this page.

The utility presents an EXE version of the file, the so-called executable file. Every program manager on a device uses an executable file. Without such files, we are not able to use any project on the computer.

Password for all archives: 1progs

Video on installing the program

It should be noted that precisely because of their usefulness, such files often become a way to infect a computer with viruses. In most cases, viruses are hidden under these files and can be spread through SPAM or other malicious sites. Naturally, this leads to infection of existing files on your PC.

This is the reason why we sometimes see messages that our files are damaged. For this reason, any executable file that we want to download to a computer must be scanned for viruses to avoid infection and damage.

This application:

  • is highly functional;
  • easy to use and does not raise any unnecessary questions;
  • makes it possible to quickly find the necessary drivers;
  • Suitable for different versions of Windows OS, including Windows 7.

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