What does current expenses mean in Beeline? How to check expenses on a Beeline number

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Controlling your expenses is an important part of spending your money wisely. In conditions where operators are trying to impose their services, it is necessary to monitor where your money is written off. In this article we will look at several different ways to check expenses on Beeline.

Find out expenses through your Beeline Personal Account

The most convenient way to control costs is the “Personal Account” self-service interface. In order to log in to your personal account you need to follow the link. Now the personal account is integrated into the operator’s website. The website opens and you can log into your personal account. For adherents of the old version of LC, we recommend typing the link manually in the browser several times. Then the old familiar version of the personal account will open, as in the screenshot below:

The login is a phone number, and the password is ordered by the command indicated in the picture.

To control costs, go to the section "Finance and detailing". The section displays several levels of information: balance and bonuses, expense structure, detail mode. It is possible to download reports to pdf format and xls. Payment information is provided below. In detail, there are many filters by type of activity: Internet, calls, roaming, and so on.

Find out expenses using the My Beeline application

This is another convenient way to control your expenses. The “My Beeline” application is a copy of the WEB version of the personal account. In the “Finance” section there is a subsection “Expenses”. You can select the period for which you want to view cost structures and send details by e-mail.

Take advantage of the free “Easy Control” service

At one time, the operator very actively promoted the service “ Easy control" The service allows you to check the last 5 paid actions using the USSD command. There are two command options:
  • *122# ;
  • *110*1401# .

The system analyzes expenses for the last 10 days. You can make a request no more than 10 times per day. After dialing, an SMS notification is received containing information about the last 5 debits.

Subscribe to daily SMS newsletter with expense details

For subscribers who do not really like typing commands, it is possible to receive a cost report every day at the same time. This service is called "Cost control". It is provided free of charge on prepaid tariffs and postpaid payment systems.

After connecting, notifications will begin to arrive when the balance drops below a certain threshold, and every day at 8:30 am a report will be received with the balance and expenses as of 23:30 yesterday. The service is activated using the command *110*161#, and disabled - *110*160#.

The only disadvantage of this service is that it is available only to subscribers of the Capital Branch (Moscow and Moscow region).

Call to operator

In our opinion, this is perhaps the most difficult way to obtain information on expenses. Firstly, there is a long wait on line 0611, and secondly, the information that the operator will give can be difficult to understand, especially if you are a visual person who needs to see before your eyes where the debits went.

An employee of any Beeline office can provide the same assistance.

Above we have given absolutely different ways control expenses on the Beeline number. Choose the one you like best.

Fast depletion of funds in the account mobile phone is a pressing problem for many Beeline subscribers. Even without making calls, without sending SMS messages and without visiting Internet pages, the balance is constantly decreasing. Most often this happens due to the fact that the Beeline tariff plan used by the subscriber contains additional paid services for which a fee is charged. Today we’ll talk about how to find out what services are connected to Beeline, but to find out about that, read in a separate topic.

Some paid services, even if their cost is 5-10 rubles per day, in the end they significantly affect the rate of expenditure. That is why you need to know what paid services are provided for in the Beeline tariff plan and are active, which in turn will allow you to disable unnecessary ones and save money on your account.

Several methods to check connected Beeline services

1. Beeline official website. You need to register on the official website and get into your “Personal Account”. In the menu on your personal account page, you can change the tariff, find out the balance of funds or free Internet traffic, but the most important thing is to get information about connected services and turn them off if necessary.

2. Service management. If you do not have the opportunity to access the Internet, you can use the Beeline connected services management service. To do this, you need to enter and send the USSD command *111# . A menu will appear on the screen of your mobile device where you need to select "My Beeline"- "My data" - "Services".

3. Information voice support. Also a great option for those who do not have access to the Internet. To obtain the necessary information, call the short number 0611 . Using voice prompts and clicking the necessary menu items, you can find out your Beeline tariff plan.

4. USSD request. To get information about connected services, you can enter the command *110*09# and press the call button. The response SMS message will indicate the connected Beeline services.

5. Application "My Beeline". A convenient mobile program that will help you keep track of your main and bonus balance, as well as obtain information about connected free and paid services. The application has many useful functions, thanks to which the subscriber will always be aware of his tariff plan and the balance of funds. You can download the application at App Store, Google Play or on the Beeline website.

6. Service “Account detailing” ideal for those who want to know where their balance is spent. To use this service, you need to log into your personal account in the My Beeline application or by sending a text message with your email address. IN in this case the service is provided free of charge. You can also get detailed information about costs by visiting service center Beeline, however in this case the service will be paid (see).

Once you determine which paid services are spending on your mobile account, you can turn them off.

SMS subscription services

If, after disabling Beeline's paid services, the expense continues, or you are sure that you did not connect any paid services at all, most likely the problem lies with third-party services.

There are many paid services from partners that provide Beeline subscribers. These include online news subscriptions and newsletters, weather information, horoscopes, file sharing, and even third-party applications. All this can lead to the depletion of funds in the account.

As a rule, such services are provided completely free of charge at first. The subscriber, having gotten used to them, later notices that the amount of money in the account is constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that the trial period for paid services has ended, and the subscriber automatically becomes a subscriber to paid services, which, moreover, can be very expensive - up to 200-500 rubles. weekly. To eliminate these costs, third-party services and subscriptions must be disabled.

Disabling paid SMS subscriptions

First of all, in order to disable services that “eat up” the funds in your account, you should determine which services are connected to your phone. You can do this using one of the six methods presented above. It will be most convenient to detail the invoice, since it will provide the most reliable information about the costs of various services, subscriptions, etc.

During the verification process through the account detailing service, you will be able to see the short numbers of paid services through which they are activated or disabled. To disconnect, you should send an SMS message with the text to the short number "STOP". Read more about how to disable subscriptions in a separate section.

In general, applying the presented methods and recommendations will allow you to get rid of unnecessary costs and always maintain a positive balance.


They began to notice that in lately Money disappears from your Beeline account, but the paid services connected to the number do not provide for such debits? Don’t know how to find out why Beeline withdraws money? Most likely, the reason for the mysterious write-offs for you lies in the presence of connected paid services or subscriptions that you simply do not know about. Their connection could occur when visiting a site with a bad reputation, or they were connected in addition to some other service and were provided for free at first. Therefore, to solve the problem you need to find out. Much less often, money is withdrawn for other reasons.

The main reasons for money missing on Beeline:

  • Availability of connected paid services;
  • Availability of connected subscriptions;
  • Availability of debts on other Beeline numbers owned by the subscriber;
  • The presence of hidden conditions in the tariff plan.

We did not list the reasons for deception on the part of the operator. It is unlikely that Beeline will brazenly steal money from its subscribers. The operator has a lot of other ways to make money from subscribers, and stealing money from an account is too risky for its reputation. As part of this review, we will tell you how to find out why Beeline withdraws money. The recommendations below will be relevant regardless of the reason for which funds are written off from the balance.

If you are sure that the reason for writing off funds from your balance is the fault of the operator, then to solve the problem you need to contact the Beeline office and write the appropriate statement. However, in order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, we recommend that you first try to figure it out yourself.

How to order expense details

You can get detailed costs:

  • Through your personal account;
  • Through ;
  • By calling the help center;
  • By contacting the Beeline office.

The most convenient option involves using the capabilities of your personal account or the My Beeline application. Here you can get acquainted with the details of expenses, thereby finding out why Beeline withdraws money. The detail includes all financial transactions performed on the number. Even if you have a service activated for which one kopeck is charged daily, you will certainly learn about this from this report. Once you find out what the money is being withdrawn for, you can immediately disconnect unnecessary services through .

The personal account interface is made as clear as possible for subscribers, so there will be no problems with searching for the section through which the request for details is made.

If you need to find out why Beeline withdraws money using a mobile phone, then you should use the “My Beeline” application. This is the same personal account, but only adapted for mobile devices.

To order details in the “My Beeline” application, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the application and select the “Finance” section in the main menu;
  2. Go to the “Detailing” tab;
  3. Specify the period of time for which you want to receive a detailed financial report;
  4. If you want to order details by email, then find the “Send details” button at the very bottom and click on it.

How to find out what Beeline money is withdrawn for if the details did not help

Usually, the situation with mysterious debits from the balance becomes clearer after reading the details of the expenses. However, in some cases, subscribers do not understand the reason for withdrawing money from their account even after having access to a financial report of all transactions made on their number.

If detailing expenses did not help solve the expense problem, you can sort out the situation by contacting the help center or directly to the Beeline office. First, you should try to solve the problem by calling a help center specialist. . After calling the specified number, follow the instructions of the autoinformer, who will help you contact the operator. Tell the specialist about your problem and ask them to explain the reason for writing off the money.

If a call to the customer support center did not achieve the desired result, then take your passport and go to the nearest Beeline office. They will certainly help you here. If the office staff does not explain to you the reason for withdrawing money from your account, then write a statement. If you manage to prove that the debiting of funds was due to the fault of the operator, then you can count on a refund. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that proving the operator’s guilt will be very problematic.

There can be many reasons why a client might want to know about their expenses. Every day people communicate on the phone, send messages or access the Internet using a mobile phone. It is not always possible to control your expenses on mobile services, as a result, the balance very quickly becomes zero or goes into minus. For all this, you need to know how to find out expenses on Beeline, because there are many different methods for this.

Free cost control methods

There are not many ways to find out expenses on Beeline, but not a few either, so everyone can use one or another method - whatever is more convenient for them. Each subscriber can choose exactly the option that suits best.

Among existing methods The following checks should be highlighted:

  • Detailing through your personal account.
  • Detailing via email.
  • Obtaining expense data using the special “Easy Control” option.
  • Providing data through the My Beeline mobile application.
  • Clarification of information with the help of Beeline employees.

Now you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with how to find out the costs of each of the described methods on Beeline.

Using your personal account

This service will allow clients to receive the most complete data on how money is spent on their balance sheet. Clients in the account will be able not only to receive data on the expenditure of funds, but also to use other functionality, which will allow them to control the phone number and its services. In addition, the user will not have the question of how to find out monthly expenses on Beeline, since through the account you can make a certain breakdown by day, week and month.

The cabinet menu is very simple and intuitive, even for those people who are not well versed in computers and similar resources. The main expense control menu will provide information about the current balance, as well as the account status for the selected period of time, showing all payments that were made from the number, as well as the time and amount of replenishments.

Access to the service is provided free of charge, but the client will need to go through a quick registration, after which a password will be sent to the phone. Having a password and login ( mobile number), each user will be able to log in to the system and control their expenses.

Details via email

A similar method will be able to resolve the question of how to find out expenses on Beeline, but the method will not be as informative. This method is used when difficulties arise with working in personal account. To receive information, you must send a text message including your valid email address. Sending is carried out by phone 1401. Within a few minutes the request will be processed, and a counter message will be sent to the number with the text that the application has been completed and the data has already been sent by email. When you go to your email, you will see a document that describes the expenses. The service is free, but there are certain restrictions.

These include the fact that orders can be made no more than 10 times a day. Clients can set a ban on this service, there is a special team for this at Beeline. You won't be able to find out by mail after this. The client needs to dial *110*0221# on the phone and make a call.

"Easy control" option

With this offer from the operator, customers will be able to receive information about their mobile spending at any time, anywhere, even when they are not able to use the Internet. Using the option is convenient for those customers who have no idea how to find out the latest expenses on Beeline, since the service will only show the last 5 paid actions. To use, you need to send a request to the network by dialing *122# on your device. After this, you will receive a message on your phone with the last five paid transactions, and there will also be a link to active tariff and its description.

Detailing through "My Beeline"

Subscribers who use mobile Internet and modern mobile devices can install the My Beeline application. By functionality it is analogous to a personal account, but works on phones. The service is free, but the client will need to have certain traffic to access the application.

To obtain the necessary data, you need:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Go to the finance tab, which is on the main page.
  • Go to the details section.
  • Select the required time frame, then select the method for displaying expenses. If you prefer the method of delivering information by mail, you should indicate its address.

Using the help of company employees

If you cannot use the above methods, then you should use the help of other people - company employees. To do this, the subscriber can take his passport to any Beeline communication salon and ask the employees to make a printout of expenses, which will be printed on paper. In this case, you will need to pay a certain amount for information, which depends on the calculation system. Details can be found on the company's official website.

Subscribers can also call the operator, who will tell you about the costs for the period of interest. To do this, you will need to tell the employee your passport details so that he can confirm your identity. The call is made to 0611, and calls are not charged.

Other methods of checking expenses

Network users can check expenses using other methods. For example, to receive one-time information on your balance, you need to dial *102#. You can also use the “Balance on Screen” service, which will display finances on the gadget screen in real time. To activate the service, you need to enter and send a request *110*901#. You can find out the consumption of Beeline traffic and other package services through the number 06745.

There is also a special command in Beeline: you can find out current expenses by entering the code *110*45#. All data will be displayed on the screen or received as a text message. For more extensive control, use the command *110*321#. After entering, the “Financial Report” service will be enabled, where all information will become available.

Why do you need call details? There could be a limitless number of reasons. We all make calls every day, write SMS messages and access the Internet from our phones, sometimes without noticing how funds are spent, and at the end of the month it can be useful to “work on the mistakes”. Maybe you have a child whose expenses need to be controlled, or after a shift tariff plan It seems to you that the money is running out too quickly. Sometimes call details are even made in order to keep track of your “other half.” We will help you make Beeline call details for free, no matter the reason for which you need it.

How to make Beeline call details for free?

There are not many ways to get bill details and a printout of Beeline calls, but their variety and quality will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Everyone will find the most suitable way for themselves, corresponding to their knowledge, skills, and capabilities, to control their calls and account balance.

Account and call details through your Personal Account

Most full information on spending funds can only be obtained through your Beeline personal account. In it you will find data not only on incoming and outgoing calls and SMS messages, but also details of expenses and their distribution by type of service. In addition, the expense control panel of your personal account displays the balance at the beginning and end of a given period, payments made from subscriber number and its replenishment.

Access to your personal account, as well as ordering call details and Beeline accounts, is provided free of charge. WITH complete instructions You can find information about working with this section in the article -.

Order call details by e-mail

This method is a little less informative, but allows you to quickly obtain all the necessary data without having to delve into the intricacies of working with the subscriber’s personal account. Send an SMS message to the short number 1401, in which write your email address. Within a few minutes, Beeline will process your request and send you an SMS notification “Your request has been completed. The ordered details have been delivered to the e-mail you specified,” after which a free Beeline account detail in MS Excel (.xls) format will actually be delivered to your email.

Video presentation of the service

You can order details by email no more than 10 times a day. The service is provided free of charge as if you are in home network, and in roaming.

You can set a ban on the service of delivery of details by email; to do this, dial *110*0221# and press “call”. This ban can be canceled through the customer support service by calling 0611, in your personal account, or at the Beeline service office.

Service "Easy control"

The service allows you to control your expenses anytime, anywhere. Even without access to the Internet, you can quickly find out about the latest debits, when and what the funds from your Beeline account were spent on.

In order to receive a report, dial *122#, in response to the request you will receive an SMS message which will display the last five debits from your account, and a link to the description of your tariff plan.

Detailing in the “My Beeline” mobile application

Mobile application for Android devices, iPhone and iPad allows you to quickly access the minimum necessary functions for managing your tariff, services and Beeline account. For example, with its help you can make a request for details that will be delivered to your email in PDF format.

Ordering call details through is very simple: at home page application or in the “Finance” section, select the period and write your e-mail address to which you want the printout to be delivered.

You can download the application for free in the AppStore and Google Play.

Subscriber account details in Beeline offices

If none of the above methods suits you, you can make details of Beeline calls on paper by contacting the customer service office. You need to present your passport (if the contract is in your name) or a passport and a notarized power of attorney to receive details from the person in whose name the contract is concluded.

Call printout in this case will be paid, its cost is different for different systems calculations. You can find out prices and full conditions for receiving Beeline call printouts on the company’s official website, service offices and support phone number - 0611.

Monitor your account and expenses wherever and whenever it is convenient for you, and most importantly, always stay in touch!

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