Diablo 3 unofficial server. PTR Server Shake Up - We Need Your Help! and now a joke about Diablo from life

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We're currently working on behind-the-scenes optimization improvements. Making changes like this comes with some risks, so we need your help testing them.

Starting today, January 16th, you can join a special PTR testing event where these changes have been implemented. Please let us know if there are issues that occur when players try to start or join a multiplayer game or chat with other players in the game chat.

We invite all players to take part in testing, so hurry - the PTR is waiting!

A few important notes:

  • On this PTR no new content.
  • You will be able to copy existing characters, but we will also we will increase the likelihood of finding legendary items by 2000% to encourage players to take part in testing.
  • We would like to remind you that game progress with PTR Not transferred to main account.
  • Since this PTR is being created solely for troubleshooting issues related to the issues above, only the troubleshooting forum will be open for the duration of testing.
  • PTR server performance may vary during testing.
  • This PTR will be available for a limited time, and we would greatly appreciate any help you can get us through testing quickly and with as many participants as possible!

We hope you will take a moment to help us. Additional information How to take part in testing can be found on the page in the support section or read below.

Thank you, nephalem, and see you in Sanctuary!

How to participate in testing

To participate in the Open Test, you must have a Diablo III account attached to your Battle.net account and not have your Battle.net account suspended or suspended. You'll also need to download and install the Battle.net app (if you don't already have it).

1. Log in to your Battle.net entry management and create a separate PTR entry. To do this, click on your Diablo III entry and select "Create PTR Entry."

If you have ever participated in testing Diablo III in the PTR (for example, in the beta testing of Reaper of Souls), then you may not see this item. This means that you already have a PTR entry and can skip this step.

2. Once you've created a PTR entry, installed the app, and signed in with your Battle.net account, select Diablo III from the menu on the left.

3. On the Diablo III screen, just above the Play (or Install if you don't already have the game) button, there is a drop-down menu. Select "PTR: Diablo III" from there.

4. You will be able to install and run the PTR update

The PTR update supports all languages ​​and is open to accounts from all regions.

Copying characters

You'll be able to copy characters from your regular Diablo III entry to your PTR entry - this is done right in the PTR client. However, please note that you can only copy characters from one region at a time for each entry. In other words, if you decide to copy characters from your entry in another region, the previous copies will be deleted.

1. Enter the main game, then exit.

3. Click on the "Copy to PTR" button located in the upper right corner (this button will only appear after you create a new level 1 character).

4. Select your region.

5. Click Copy. All characters from your account in the selected region will be copied.

6. You will be disconnected from the PTR client.

7. Login to the game again. The copied characters will be ready to play.

Please note that you can only copy characters from the same game region at a time. If you decide to copy characters from another region, the characters previously copied to the PTR will disappear. Moreover, you can only copy characters to a PTR account once every 24 hours. If you try again before this period has expired, an error will occur.

This is a test server, so game performance may be unstable, and server restarts and shutdowns may occur without warning.

Diablo 3. Are there pirated Diablo 3 servers? And write in a personal message if you have any, thanks in advance! and got the best answer

Answer from Dmitry Bachurin[newbie]
There won't be any! Diablo works on a client-server-database system! More precisely, pirates need to write the entire server part and maintain the database, no one will do this for free

Reply from Mashrab of Usmans[guru]
unfortunately not, and not soon!! ! (For Ava 5++++++)

Reply from Јestoy Forest Ranger of the Dead Forest[guru]
no and unlikely to be

Reply from Paul[guru]
No, and there won’t be for the next six months (at least).
It's not so much difficult to make a pirated version as it is to make a copy of the Blizzard database.
All information is stored on their servers, including AI mobs.
But this is the game that costs 3 thousand rubles. +!But it costs only 999 rubles, for the fact that
I would like to acquire a hobby for the “evening” for at least 1-3 months.
i.e. all freeloaders suck and will suck, and I feel sorry for those who waste money on
such a game.
I paid 599 rubles for MW3 without much desire, but D3... I bought it without hesitation.
Even if it cost 10 thousand rubles. , I would buy it.
The fastest selling game in PC gaming history.
All the Diablo 1-2 schoolboys have been waiting for more than 10 years for this game, and having waited, 99% do not regret it,
and they see the game exactly as they expected, even better.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Diablo 3. Are there pirated Diablo 3 servers? And write in a personal message if you have any, thanks in advance!

In this article I will talk about all the ways to play Diablo 3 for free, but before that I want to warn you that some of them cause terrible discomfort, while others will not give you the opportunity to fully play.

There are three ways to play Diablo 3 for free: emulator, fake and trial. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Free Diablo 3 emulator

You can play Diablo 3 on a free game emulator, but there’s just one problem: they close before they open!

For example, here is the most famous emulator ( website and server closed), but like the site on which it is located, the game itself is unbearable. By the way, I haven’t seen him with the “online” status for a long time. Perhaps Blizzard demanded its closure, since the situation here is not the same as with WOW. After all, this time no one gave permission to copy appearance games, so even if the game code is once completely rewritten by someone, both the site owner and the creators of the emulator may incur criminal liability.

Fake Diablo 3 purchase

To play Diablo 3 for free on the official server, you can use an invalid, “fake” payment for its purchase. To do this, read the video and carefully study the instructions that you will find under it if you go to YouTube.

After a fake payment, you will have a few hours while Battle.net verifies that the payment was successful before your subscription will be cancelled. And if Blizzard does not permanently block your account after the next time, you will be able to continue playing with your character, which is not deleted until this fateful moment.

Diablo 3 Free Trial

The trial version is a legal way to play for free on the official server, but with significant restrictions, the main one being level 13, but you can play on it forever! Unless, of course, you are afraid of this number.)

Actually, this is the best method, after which you can use the previous, “fake” one, and if you’re lucky and your account is not completely blocked, then even several times. For particularly fast players, this may be enough to complete Diablo 3 without spending a penny.

About how to create trial version Diablo 3 see.

Gamer1: Well, in your opinion, what was the main innovation that Bleez made in the second Diablo that no one had done before?
Gamer 2: Negro Paladin

- and now an anecdote about Diablo from life:

The husband returns home from work and is greeted by his wife:
J. - Have you bought food for dinner?
M. - No, but I bought Diablo 3!
J. - Well, did you pick up the children from kindergarten?
M. - Who?!

Server emulator for Diablo 3

As you may know, this is currently the only legal way to play our beloved Diablo without paying for a key or buying it - installing an emulator.

Of course, there are still many bugs, because in order to emulate a D3 server you essentially need to write it again. We have been waiting for this game for 10 years, during which time the iPhone and iPad were released, a huge number of games were released: 7 versions of Call of Duty, Sacred 1, Sacred 2 and Skyrim, fans have already grown up, but they are ready to pick up a mouse again despite on the fact that in real life they have already gained level 85 in accounting, management, private business, have become honored plumbers, mechanics, electricians and feel like a strong and powerful barbarian, a clever demon hunter, an intelligent magician or, ultimately, some kind of necromancer . Have fun playing! But don't forget that you are playing a game, not a game being played by you!

The most important thing is that there are no working emulators yet! There was an emulator from Mooege, but it was closed. Therefore, I will tell you a little about how people ruin their lives with the help of “emulators” that are actually malicious programs.

If the instructions ask you to do something in the C/Windows/System32/ folder, then this is clearly something not good. especially if you are asked to put the file on drive "C".

Do not try to manually register the source server of the emulator; if you did this and the Internet disappeared, then you have “Trouble”!

If you have already experienced “Trouble” and DNS server crashed, then you need to go to the Internet connection settings ( Network connections) is required to press right click on the connection, select “status” then select “properties”, then in the list look for the “TCP/IP Protocol” column, click “properties” in the column that opens and change all settings to automatic. Your DNS will work better.

As soon as a working emulator appears, it will immediately appear in this article and don’t even doubt it!

We wish you only victories in life!

- and another gaming joke about Diablo at the end of the game:

Jamella's daughter grew up and she announced to all of Hell,

that he will marry her to someone who can without rest:

1. Swim across the River of Fire;

2. Gouge out the Devil's eye;

3. Abuse a slave;

The necromancer volunteered, but did not swim. Then the paladin came, swam across the river,

but he couldn’t knock out the Devil’s eye. Then the barbarian came, right in armor

rushed into the river and swam, rowing with swords. Swam across and entered the Abode

Chaos, heart-rending screams were soon heard from there, then everything calmed down,

the audience watches tensely. The barbarian comes out and asks:

Where is the slave whose eye needs to be knocked out?

You can leave your feedback on the Diablo crack and jokes here:

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