Screen form of the blinds program. Download Excel examples with formulas and functions

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How is your program different from others?

According to reviews from many companies, our program is much simpler and more convenient, it has a concise and clear interface. Employees master it independently within 1 hour.

In the "Standard" package technical support free for 1 year.
Unlike all companies that offer rigid standard solutions, our program is very flexible and can be adapted to any company.

Do I need to pay for the program monthly?

No, the program is purchased once and becomes your property.

The only case in which you need to pay constantly is when the server part of the program is hosted in the cloud (on a server on the Internet). The cost will be determined by the hosting provider from whom you will rent the server. But this is not necessary! Most of our clients deploy the program on their own computers, so there is no subscription fee don't have.

I didn't find the functionality I really needed.

Our specialization is custom development for business automation. Since 2011, we have developed more than 150 projects in more than 20 business areas in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Switzerland. Our clients have not yet been able to set us an impossible task. Leave a request on the website, and when the manager contacts you, give him this information, and an individual offer will be made for you.

Is it possible to order the “Standard” package, but include some items from the “Maximum”?

Yes, of course, leave a request on the website, and when the manager contacts you, give him this information, he will make an individual calculation for your program.

Please note that the opportunity to select additional items from more expensive packages, as well as the possibility of individual modifications to order, is available only starting with the “Standard” package.

Will my employees be able to understand the program?

According to reviews from many companies, our program is much simpler and more convenient, it has a concise and understandable interface. Employees master it independently within 1 hour. We also provide free training before implementation (starting with the “Standard” package). Plus, the tech works. support that will always answer any question.

What if you stop working, what should I do then?

We are not going to close. We are an IT company accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, which is actively developing not only in the field of accounting for production and sales of blinds. We have large number clients, including federal companies that are on paid maintenance. support.

Together with the program, we provide you with all instructions for installation, reinstallation, data transfer, and so on.

The programs developed by our company are open source code. Any smart programmer can figure it out within a couple of weeks and make the necessary modifications if necessary.

How expensive will improvements to the program be? What if you get me hooked on the service, like Gillette on razors?

NO subscription fees or hidden fees. The program is purchased once and becomes your property.

NO mandatory or paid updates. We never force clients to pay for an upgrade.

We do individual projects, so if you are satisfied with everything in the developed program, then you do not need to pay extra for it. And if improvements are required, then our pricing is very transparent for you. The work is always justified in scope. For each revision, if necessary, we issue a cover letter explaining why this particular amount of work is needed. We don’t say: it will cost 5, 20, 50 thousand. We count everything in standard hours.

Is it possible to integrate your program with existing systems?

Yes, of course. We have repeatedly linked our program with a wide variety of third party systems– 1C, Excel, digital mini-PBXs based on Asterisk, integration with websites, databases and geolocation services, etc.

Why should I choose your company?

Because our main task is not just to sell you a program, but to make it work for you. In other words, the result that is important to us is successful implementation, namely that the program will benefit you.

We already have a program, but let’s say we buy yours. Will we then be able to transfer data from old program?

Our specialists will completely transfer all the data from the old program to the new one, and, if desired, clear the database of old irrelevant data that slows down the system.

This service is called “Data Import from Old Programs” and is included in the “Maximum” package. However, you can order the same service for any other package. Leave a request on the website, and when the manager contacts you, give him this information, and an individual offer will be made for you.

How can I watch the program live?

Leave a request on the website, our specialist will contact you and at any time convenient for you will conduct a “live” presentation on Skype in screen sharing mode - you will watch and ask questions

Is it possible to communicate with your clients who purchased the program?

Most likely they won't mind. In the “Reviews” section there are links to our clients’ websites.

How quickly do you respond to requests?

A response to a request by mail is usually within 1 hour. If the question is more urgent, you can call the number listed above.

For clients with the “Maximum” package, your project manager immediately responds to all questions.

The time when curtains performed an exclusively functional role is long gone. Now curtains on windows are an important element of the interior of a room, and sometimes even its fundamental part.

Consumer demand demands a wide variety of curtains in unusual shapes, materials and colors. Modern designers use special computer programs to design curtains, the most popular of which we will talk about in today’s article.

What are programs for?

Computer design of curtains is the prerogative of professional designers who bring their ideas to life. Such people are present on the staff of every serious company operating in this segment business.

Leading companies, in addition to producing standard curtains, are constantly expanding their range, offering customers custom tailoring services, in which all the nuances of curtains - configuration, material, decor, pattern and color - are selected according to customer requirements.

Curtain design software is a universal tool that allows you to quickly create a three-dimensional image of a curtain and see how it looks in the interior of the room. Such software allows you to select all kinds of decorative elements for the fabric - lambrequins, ties, frills, and automatically calculates the amount of materials required for sewing a particular product.

The fastest way to learn how to fully use the functionality of such programs is by taking curtain design courses, which teach you how to use the main types of modeling software. However, if you want, you can get the necessary skills at home - there are educational materials and video tutorials on the Internet that make it possible for even amateurs to draw curtains.


Professional modeling of curtains is carried out using two programs - Hermitage and Ambient. They are used in the vast majority of enterprises specializing in the production of curtains.

These are modeling tools with a wide range of functions and capabilities that cost a lot of money - official program NewHermitage, for example, is priced at 899 euros.

Those who want to draw curtains for themselves should breathe a sigh of relief - they won’t have to shell out that kind of money. You can find these programs in hacked form on the Internet and use them for free. This is not latest versions software, but their functionality is for regular user will be enough.

Some craftsmen also model curtains in 3D-Max and Photoshop - multifunctional graphic editors, however, learning to use them is much more difficult than highly specialized programs.

NewHermitage is rightfully considered the most advanced tool for modeling curtains. This editor has the following features:

  • NewHermitage is also an information base into which you enter data about clients and suppliers with whom you cooperate

The main advantage of NewHermitage is its intuitive control: even ordinary users can work with the program after a short training course.

There are three versions of this program:

  • Heavy - an extended version, without restrictions on functionality, the base of which contains 300 types of fabrics;
  • Middle - a stripped-down version: it contains 100 types of fabrics, the 3D editor is not capable of creating rooms with a complex perimeter (you can only see what specific curtains look like on a window in rectangular rooms);
  • Light is a budget version of the program, the number of fabrics is 16 pieces, there is no 3D modeling mode.

The light version is a good choice for people who have no experience using such programs. As you become familiar with the system, you can separately purchase the functions you need.

We present to your attention brief instructions, which will help you draw curtains in the NewHermitage program:

Drawing curtains on a window is not difficult - the more often you work with the program, the better you will master all the functionality of the tool.


Ambient is considered less functional program in terms of curtain design modeling. It offers basic tools, such as selecting configuration, fabric, curtain decor and calculating the quantity and cost of materials, but the three-dimensional editor in the program is an order of magnitude more modest than in NewHermitage.


However, Ambiente provides a number of functions that are missing in the Hermitage - the design of upholstered furniture and the selection of textile materials for its upholstery.

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Download examples of work in Excel

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Table for calculating average earnings for sick leave.
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