Are there people similar to me? How to find your double from a photo for free online without tedious registrations and SMS

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Hi all! Many people want to be like someone, they are looking for their doubles, which is why today I want to tell you about how to find your double from a photo. Agree, this question is quite interesting for many people, since only a few can meet their double on the street.

But modern opportunities allow us to find, so to speak, a “twin brother” without even leaving home. Yes, there are quite a lot of ways, but not all of them are effective and efficient. That is why it is best to use only proven services that have an impeccable reputation.

What do you need to find a double?

  • Computer with Internet;
  • Photo of the person for whom the double will be searched.

I advise you to take an ordinary photo that has not been edited with Photoshop or other tools.

Also, the accuracy of the search will depend on where exactly the person is looking in the photo. If he looks straight ahead, the search will be accurate; if his face is turned to the side, then most likely you will not get an accurate result. By the way, the background also plays an important role. It is desirable that it be neutral.

How to find a double among celebrities?

Many people want to find a celebrity who is like them. As I mentioned above, to effectively search for a double, you need to use only proven services. In fact, there are many such services. In addition, they can be used for free online.

  1. is a service that allows you to find 3 famous doubles. For example, I want to find a celebrity similar to me, for this I will have to register, after which I can safely upload photos and select gender. In the photo you will need to mark the center of the pupils of both eyes and click “Send”. After this, the expected result will be returned. If you don’t like the result and it is unsatisfactory, you can repeat the procedure a second time by clicking on the “Again” button.
  2. is a site that allows you to search for similar people among 4,000 celebrities. Before you start searching, you need to download the application and register. Upload a photo and start searching for a lookalike.

Online programs for finding doubles

On the Internet There are many programs that allow people to search for their doubles. The most popular programs are:

  1. Twins ( is a network of twins. The program is provided without registration. Upload a photo from good quality and in about 6 minutes look at the search result. The search consists of selecting over 50 facial features similar to yours. control points at the alleged double;
  2. Stranger Twins ( The site interface is quite simple English. After uploading the photo, the program will prompt you to select your facial features. The search will be issued within 5 minutes.

Instructions for the site

I decided to review this site separately because, in my opinion, it is the most effective. In addition, the site is quite easy and simple to use:

  1. Go to and click “Upload image”;
  2. Select the desired photo;
  3. The service will provide results within ten seconds. You will know the age, gender of the person in the photo and famous people this person resembles.

Yes, the service is especially suitable for those people who want to be like someone. For example, a person changed his image, took a photo, uploaded the photo and looked at the percentage of similarity.

I think the service works very well with women's photos. You can see this with your own eyes.

How to find a double on social networks?

Doubles Can look not only through special programs, but also through social networks.

  1. There is a VKontakte group “Doubles” ( In it, people look for their doubles and share opinions.
  2. Find a double ( Odnoklassniki has a service where you can post photos and search for similar people in the database.

How to find your double by photo using a search engine?

This version of searching for a double gives accurate results every time. There are quite a lot of search engines. For example, the most common is Google. Here I will look at a specific example:

  • Click on the camera;
  • Upload a photo and click on “Search”;
  • Here are the search results.

By the way, such a search can be done in any other search engines.

Doubles at international festivals

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to find a double at an international festival?” Let's figure out what such a festival actually represents. Nowadays, many people find similarities with famous personalities, and some even participate in competitions to choose an exact copy. If you watch TV, you've probably noticed that there are various parody shows on. It is in them that parodies of people take place, even adopting their mannerisms and gestures. Within the framework of such programs, politicians and actors meet.

I will finish here and make a small summary. Thus, today I told you how to find your double from a photo. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. The only thing I want to note at the end is that you should not be fooled by various promises about finding similar people via SMS - in 90% of cases this is a deception, unfortunately...

Yandex and Google allow you to search by faces and also find similar images.

Why is this necessary?

For example, this will help find other photos of a person from an existing photo.

I think the simplest thing is to find copies of the image in various formats, with additional elements, etc.

Let's take a photo of the famous actress Monica Bellucci and use it to test Yandex and Google.

Search engines have special operators that allow you to search by person.

Now we take a photo of a person from social networks, result:

Obviously, there are no other photos of this particular lady here, but there are plenty of relatively similar ones.

More nuances of Yandex image search are in the following video:


NEW: based on photos and other information.

Finding copies of images is not difficult for search engines. However, if we are talking about searching by face for other photographs of this person, for now such a search is more relevant for people who have a lot of photos on the Internet in open access for indexing.

Explore the article— here you can also find information about photo storage services, which can also be used to search for similar faces or specific people.

There are people in the world who are very similar to each other - height, age, eye and hair color, physique. However, they are not close relatives. Scientists have calculated that for each person you can find at least 6 people very similar to him. Some electronic resources implement a search for doubles using an uploaded photo - you can easily find out whether you match the appearance of any famous or ordinary person. Let's find out how to find your double via the Internet.

It requests access to your VK page, upload the original photo and start the process. After a while, you see the profiles of the most similar people found, which can be filtered by age and place of residence. Next, you will have to select a double manually - opening each account and independently comparing appearance.

Groups on social networks

Groups have been created on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte that search for the most similar people. Type “doubles” in the search bar, a list of similar communities will open. You can upload your photos to any of them and wait until someone recognizes you as their twin. Or manually view already added pictures - there is no automated search in groups.

Search engines

“Do I have a double?” – even the largest search engines can answer this question. Yandex and Google are able to find similar images from their extensive databases. They work similarly: go to the “Pictures” tab, click the camera icon in the search field, upload a photo from your computer or paste its address on the Internet. You will see hundreds of images of strangers who resemble the given one. Of these, you have to manually select the ones that best suit you. To find out who it is, open the sites on which a specific photo was found.

Also read about ways to search by photo or picture in our previous one.

According to the developers of the Twin Strangers app, every person in the world has seven doubles. But meeting your “double” and realizing that it is he is an almost impossible task.

The Twin Strangers web app wants to change that. If you enter your face shape and upload a couple of yours, your appearance will be matched against the database.

In our test, unfortunately, we could not find an absolutely exact double. But searching for it is good fun if you're willing to pay about $6 for it.

How Twin Strangers works

To get started, visit the Twin Strangers website, upload your photo, and create a free account. At this stage, you will be asked to select one of the available packages (number of search attempts). After payment, you can upload four more and more detailed information about your face type.

Your data will be compared with the data of other users - in order for the system to understand which direction to move next, you must select those search results that show people who are most similar to you. The found double can be contacted through the platform.

Only a few manage to meet their double, coming face to face just on the street. Fortunately, modern opportunities today make it possible to find a “twin brother” using a smartphone or computer, without leaving the sofa or at a special twins festival. However, there are many options, but not all of them are safe and effective. Therefore, it is better to use proven services with an impeccable reputation.

How to find your double - choose a good photo

First, you will need a photo of yourself from a full-face perspective, with high definition and a plain background. A passport photo or one as close as possible will do. Required condition is only your image without other people or animals. The gaze should be directed directly at the camera. Next, you need to download the photo to your computer and use the services of one of the sites to search for your “mirror image”.

Finding a double by photo using online programs on websites

  • Twins( is social network doubles. Without boring registration and passwords via SMS, you upload a good high-quality photo or a link to it, after 5-7 minutes you get a photo of possible doubles among music and film stars. The principle of the search is to select more than 40 control points similar to your facial features from the alleged double.
  • Stranger Twins ( is an English-language site where you need to upload your photo and select your facial features from the proposed options. Next, the program automatically selects your doubles with their contact information.

Search for doubles on social networks

  • Doubles ( - a VKontakte group where everyone who wants to meet their doubles posts their photos on the group wall.
  • Find a double by photo ( - a similar service on the Odnoklassniki network. Here you can post your photo, or look through a ready-made database of photos in the hope of seeing a person similar to yourself in one of them.

Finding a double is a very fun and exciting thing, but many scammers take advantage of it. Avoid new sites that require authorization via SMS, ask you for money, or insist on providing your passwords to social network accounts.

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