Guide to setting up a grid for a healer druid. Guide to setting up Grid To install or not to install? That's the question

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Grid is a useful tool that allows you to conveniently and compactly display group and raid frames.

The compactness lies in the fact that all players in the group are represented by small squares that can be customized to your taste. For example, for me, a player’s health is displayed by the color of his class.

Setting up the Grid addon

The addon has a lot of settings large number and to be honest, I don’t use most of them. The main thing I configured is the appearance, as in the screenshot, and also, if health decreases, it decreases from top to bottom.

To open the Grid addon settings, you need to click on the map or in the window if you are using this addon.

In the Location tab, I set up the display of the number of squares for raid people of 40 each, because the settings are taken from the currently set raid and if suddenly there is a dungeon in the raid of 10 people, and you are in a raid for olo with 40 people, then you will have Only 10 people are displayed. Therefore, it’s better to set it to 40 and don’t worry, the required number of cells will still be displayed.

The texture that you see in the top screenshot is called BentoBar and you can change it at your discretion and the list of provided textures. In the same tab you can specify the size of the borders around the player frame. I personally made them minimal.

Also an additional extension of the addon is the addon Grid Mana Bars, which adds mana strips to the Grid, which will be useful for tanks who never pay attention to the amount of mana heals have. Now they definitely won’t be able to help but notice it =)

Grid setup

If the Grid were simply a collection of proportionally sized rows and columns, it would be of little use. Fortunately, he is not like that. To unlock the full potential of the Grid, you can change the way you set the sizes of each row and column. The Grid element supports the following resizing strategies:

Absolute dimensions

Selected exact size using device-independent units of measurement. This is the least convenient strategy because it is not flexible enough to handle changing content sizes, container resizing, or localization.

Automatic sizes

Every row and column gets exactly the space it needs and no more. This is one of the most convenient resizing modes.

Proportional dimensions

Space is divided between a group of rows and columns. This is the default setting for all rows and columns.

You can mix and match these different resizing modes for maximum flexibility. For example, it is often convenient to create a few auto-sizing rows and then let one or two other rows share the remaining space by proportionally setting their sizes.

The resizing mode is set using the Width property of a ColumnDefinition object or the Height property of a RowDefinition object, assigning it a number or string. For example:

This syntax comes from the world of the Internet, where it is used on HTML pages with frames. If you use a mixture of proportional sizing with other modes, the proportionally resizing row or column will receive all the remaining space.

To divide the remaining space into unequal parts, you can assign a weight, which should be indicated before the asterisk. For example, if you have two rows of proportional size, and you want the height of the first to be half the height of the second, you would divide the remaining space as follows:

This will tell the Grid that the height of the second row should be twice the height of the first row. Any numbers can be specified to divide additional space.

It is easy to organize programmatic interaction between ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition objects. You just need to know that the Width and Height properties are objects of type GridLength. To create a GridLength that represents a specific size, simply pass the appropriate value to the GridLength constructor. To create a GridLength object that represents a proportional size (*), you must pass a number to the GridLength constructor and a GridUnitType.Start value as the second argument to the constructor. A static property is used to indicate automatic resizing GridLength.Auto.

Below is an example of a Grid layout using automatic and proportional sizing:

The post will be useful for beginners who have never encountered a grid, but wanted to try.
And so, what is it selenium grid. This is a distributed selenium server for remotely launching browsers.
And so, first we need to download the latest version of the selenium-server-standalone jar file from the official selenium website. At the time of writing this is version 3.1.0
After we have done this, we need to launch hub. (selenium-server-standalone can be run in both hub and node mode) Hub is the central dispatcher to which we will register the servers we need and to which we will send all requests from tests.

Open the console, go to the directory in which the selenium-server-standalone we downloaded is located and execute the command:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.1.0.jar -role hub

In the console you should see information about the successful start of the hub.

10:05:46.672 INFO — Nodes should register to
10:05:46.673 INFO — Selenium Grid hub is up and running

The first line means that we can now register nodes at the URL where hub is running. The second line means
that the hub has been successfully launched.

Next, we need to launch the so-called nodes, over which the hub will distribute the tests we run.
Node is essentially an instance of selenium server on which you can start n number of browsers.
In this example, I will register and start selenium nodes on the same machine on which I run the hub. Of course, you can run hub on one remote machine, and nodes on a bunch of other remote machines and register with the current hub, in fact, for this purpose selenium grid and needed.

Open a new window with a console in which we enter the following command

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.1.0.jar -role node -hub

In this command we start the node and indicate the address of the dispatcher through which all requests will go, the address where our hub is running. In my case it will be, but since in this example I have hub running locally on the same machine on which the nodes will be running, I could specify the hub address as

In the console we see information that the node has started successfully

At the same time, on the hub-a console we see information that a new node has been registered

10:54:27.585 INFO - Registered a node

You can see the current state of our selenium hub, which nodes are ready to work and which browsers are available in them, by going to the URL in the browser line where selenium hub is running.
In my case it is and from there we go to selenium grid hub console.

In the console we see that at the moment one node is connected to the hub. When node starts, it cannot determine which browsers are available and therefore a standard configuration is used consisting of 5 chrome browsers, 5 ff and 1 IE.

At the same time, on all machines where you are running node and where you plan to run your tests on different browsers, for each browser, the corresponding machine must have its own driver and the path variable must be configured.
The detailed configuration of a node can be viewed by clicking on the Configuration tab of a given node.

When running the test, you must specify the dispatcher address, in my case it is
In this case, the test script itself does not know the server address, it knows the dispatcher addresses. All requests go through this dispatcher and are distributed among nodes.

And since on local computer I have hub running and one node running. And now I will try to run 1 test using chrome browser, indicating the address hub-a.

In the console we see that one chrome icon on the node has become disabled, which means that the chrome browser is currently running on the node and our test is running.

Now let’s launch 1 more node on our local machine, registering it with our same locally running hub.
Open a new console and enter

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.1.0.jar -role node -hub -port 5556

Since we are starting the node again locally, on the same machine, it is better to specify the port number with the -port command so that it does not turn out that the node will try to start on the port on which another node is running.

We look at the console about the successful launch of the node

In the console with the hub running, we see information that a new node is registered in the manager

12:22:44.566 INFO - Registered a node

At the hub address we now see information about two nodes.

You can also go to the console of a specific node, in my case it is, where you can stop the session with the browser, create a new one, take a screenshot of the screen with the desired browser .

How are we configured? selenium grid on one of the projects. We have several powerful machines running the hub and nodes. At the same time, triggers are configured on each machine when turned on, which launch batch files, in which the starts of hubs and nodes with the necessary configurations are registered. Sample batch file on one of the windows machines

cd C:\Users\Selenium\
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar -role node -hub -browser browserName=chrome,version=…,maxInstances=8 -maxSession 8

The browserName parameter means that the node should use the chrome browser.
The -maxInstances parameter specifies the maximum number of instances of a single supported browser that can be running on a single node.
The -maxSession parameter specifies the maximum number of browsers that can be run in parallel on a single node.

In the next article I will try to describe my experiments with Selenium Grid Extras

I have already written quite a lot about the interface and addons. This is one of the last articles in this series (there are a couple more left). Perhaps, after some time, new discoveries, observations and questions will follow, to which you will have to look for answers (don’t be shy - ask), but now, perhaps, I simply will have nothing to add and after this guide, all that remains is to write an article about polishing what It worked out and, if readers wish, post the settings and add-ons files.

So, Grid. To be honest, it’s difficult for me to give a comprehensive review on the topic “why Grid is manna from heaven, and other healbots suck.” Probably because they don’t suck, but something didn’t click with them, but, still, it’s stupid to write about something that you have knowledge about at the level of reading comments “hillbot forev he’s cool, I won’t leave him because he’s good ! There are some complex stereotypes about VuhDo, Healbot and others, and let them exist. Our topic today is Grid and, by the way, for the same reason I would not like to see comments in the format “yopt, a hillbot can do that” (if I don’t compare, this is not a reason to play KO) and “bullshit, a hillbot can be cooler” (it’s better to ask whether the grid can do “like this”).

  1. Grid out of the box
  2. Initial setup
  3. The essence of Grid
  4. Adding a mana indicator
  5. Visualizing healing for a druid
  6. Setting up IconBar
  7. Setting up the mouse
  8. Conclusion

1. Grid out of the box

The first thing we do is install Grid. Here is a list of what we will need:

  • Grid- how would it be, the core =)
  • GridAutoFrameSize– this plugin will automatically adjust the grid size to the current raid composition.
  • GridClickSets– seems to be an alternative to Clique. I haven’t seen Clique, I use this one, but it’s tricky - you might not like it
  • GridIndicatorIconBar- my manna from heaven, which made life ten times easier. The bottom line is that it shows the icon bar =)
  • GridManaBars– shows mana. Healthy. It even shows the energy and power of the runes...
  • GridStatusHots– shows the druid's moves

After this we move on to the second step

2. Initial setup

The initial setting is, in fact, the definition appearance addon. First, decide what sizes you will use. You can open the settings window by running the command

Go to the “Location” tab You will see the following window:

Everything here is simple in concept, for example, if you don’t want a frame for 40 people to appear on OLO, just set the option “For a group of 25 people” in “Location on PS”. You are also prompted to choose a horizontal or vertical display of groups (Blizzard, for example, places the group vertically, on the left under your portrait), as well as prohibit the Grid from extending beyond the screen and fix it in a designated place. Just below are the settings that are responsible for external parameters. I recommend setting the padding to zero. The intervals will be 2. The scale is at your discretion. Background and border colors are also at your discretion =)

Now go to the next tab “Frames – Advanced”:

  • Frame height (mine = 30)
  • Frame width (60)
  • Frame orientation (horizontal – health decreases from right to left, vertical – top to bottom)
  • The texture of the frames (yes, it’s very important for some, for example, I can’t see all sorts of beautiful things - I just need minimalism - and there’s already an overabundance of information)
  • Font size

“Text in the center 2 indicator” must be turned on to move the character’s name up.

And finally, let’s go to another “Frames” tab:

Perhaps someone here will need the function of reversing the color of the stripes and will need to increase the length of the text in the center. By default the length is 4 characters and my name was “Peche”, which annoyed me extremely =)

3. The essence of Grid

The Chinese advised teaching how to fish, not feeding fish, so pick up fishing rods. Setting up a Grid involves two tasks:

  • First, you configure the modules that are responsible for tracking in the “Status” tab
  • Then you configure the “cells” where you can push the modules in the “Frames” tab.

Essentially it is very simple and effective solution, but not everyone gets it right away. The first action is quite suitable “out of the box” for most modules, so let’s immediately take the second as an example.

Select the “Text Line” cell in the “Frames” tab and see what’s there:

All checkboxes (those squares where you can click a tick if you don’t know) represent different modules. Enabling a module allows you to display module information in an editable cell. A small joke is that several modules can be displayed at the same time, but only one of them will be visible. Grid determines who deserves visibility the most using the “Priority” module option (naturally, set in the modules themselves) - whose priority is greater will be visible. If, of course, it is enabled, you will not see the “Death Warning” module if the player is not dead.

All this tells us that the necessary information must be marked, the unnecessary information must be removed (and, if necessary, noted in another cell).

4. Add a mana indicator

Our first homework is an example of adding a mana indicator. Our first step is to configure its module.

  • The priority can be anything - mana will be the only one in our mana slot =)
  • I ignore everyone who has no mana - it doesn’t matter to me how much energy the rogue has or how much runic power it has. If this is important to you, uncheck the boxes.
  • A radius filter is essentially not needed - what’s good for you is enough
  • The “Enabled” checkbox is needed =)
  • On the “Coloring” tab, you can choose a different color for mana, energy, rage or runic power. Well, just laugh =)

I choose the position of the mana bar from the bottom. Some people like the mana bar on the side, but I don't like it. Also, in the “Frames – Mana Strip” tab, check if the “Mana” checkbox is checked and all other checkboxes are unchecked.

This completes the installation of the mana strip. Simple, isn't it?

5. Visualize healing for the druid

Let's get down to it lately The treatment process was greatly simplified for me by adjusting the display of hots. Now, if you have everything set up like I did, your frame will look something like this:

We see incoming healing, HP and mana on it. All. To check hots, we need to select a target, look at its buffs, and estimate the time. It’s long and inconvenient, and not only the HP of HoTs depends on the number of buffs, but also the effectiveness of the nurish with the symbol of the same name (+6% for each HoT - this is great, this is great, this is very, very good). In short, we need to somehow get a visualization of our HoTs throughout the raid, and with the duration of the action, so that it can be seen when the HoT falls. At first, the idea came to my mind with stripes like quartz buffs, but in size like a mana strip, but the number of moving elements would simply go off scale, and it’s inconvenient to keep track of time using stripes that move with at different speeds(though it’s inconvenient. For quartz, only sorting can save you).

The way out of the situation looks like this when the HoTs have just been hung:

IN in this case our wild growth is over (his icon is the first and is no longer visible), in a couple of seconds the rejuvenation will end (the second icon, red - it’s time to cast), the restoration is intact (the third, green icon) and the lifebloom is suffering (the last, yellow icon). There are only 4 HoTs, so 4 squares is enough for us.

I approached the problem from the point of view of elementary visual memory - each object has its own place and they are very far apart from each other, that is, at first glance it is clear what is hanging on whom (strange, but I didn’t even have to get used to it). Let's set up this traffic light.

6. Setting up IconBars

The visualization is sponsored by IconBar from the addon GridIndicatorIconBar. We need to configure, as mentioned earlier, the module and the cell. Let's start with the module:

We will need the “Status - My HoTs” tab. Let’s immediately set the update frequency there (0.2-0.5 is enough) and start setting up the sub-items of “My HotTs”:

We will need to set up 4 HoTs: Restoration, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth and Lifebloom. The settings are identical for everyone:

  • Color determines the color of the square
  • Priority is of little importance to us, since each square will have its own cell
  • Show number of hots– I finally didn’t understand what it was, but I noted it because let it be if it doesn’t interfere =)
  • Threshold for color No. 2– this is the remaining duration of the hota, upon reaching which color No. 2 will be turned on
  • Threshold for color No. 3– see above =)
  • Color #2- color of the first threshold
  • Color No. 3 – second threshold color

The ability to set the threshold yourself is important. As written above, I chose yellow as a warning about the end of HoT, and orange as a signal for immediate casting. Making an adjustment of 0.5-1.5 seconds for the reaction of the eye-brain-hand, I set the time of the second threshold = 2*cast_time or 2*GCD, and the time of the first - 2*second_threshold time. This way, when I cast one spell, I already know what I will cast after =)

The next step is to place our squares. In general, IconBar easily supports icons, that is, you can directly insert lifeblossom or the same recovery icons into it, but I think this is impractical due to the too small size of the square. and there’s less clarity, and where is which HoT I remembered after a couple of minutes of the next heroic =)

By the way, let’s immediately look at my order - why it is this way. And it is so only for the reason that it is this order that most clearly reflects the healing power of each individual player in my case.

Ideally, DDs (I use DDs in this game) are treated only by BR, and for some part of the time, only BR hangs on everyone except the tank. The first square fits the role of the one who works best almost always. he signals to me that this player can be injected with nurish with a 20% increase.

The second healing spell will be rejuvenation - it is powerful, quite long and cheap in time. Therefore, it hangs less often than BR, but more often than other spells (sometimes it hangs more often than BR, but these are exceptional cases).

Third Recovery is underway. Due to the fact that it also heals immediately after the cast, it is the third one used when “how bad everything is.”

The fourth remains Lifebloom, which hangs 95% of the time only on the tank.

A bar of 4 buffs shows that the character is at maximum HoT and is ready for the most effective infusion of nurish. In addition, after a few seconds he will explode and heal himself (as the color of the fourth square kindly suggests). Three squares - this is what DD received sourly in the cabbage soup. Two squares - normal AoE, ready for the effects of enhanced nurish. One second square - the patient can insert a quick recovery.

  • Test mode will allow you to see without treatment where the icons will be placed. Convenient when choosing the location of icons
  • Number of icons– number of icons. 4 is enough for us. For the first time =)
  • Icon scale– this is the scale of the icons. 0.6 is enough for me
  • Numbers of icons per row– number of icons per line. If you have about 10 icons, this is useful. At 4, it is only useful when placed in a square.
  • Icon spacing– distance between icons. I have it extremely large in order to quickly recognize with a glance which HoT is active. The closer the icons are, the easier it is to make mistakes in different combinations of HoTs
  • Bar anchoring point– anchor to which the panel location will be attached
  • Unit frame attaching point– frame anchor
  • X-axis and Y-axis offsets– this is the offset along the X and Y axes. Important when choosing the position of your IconBar

Now let's set up the order that I wrote about above. Open the “Frames – IconBar” tab.

Many, having installed this addon for the first time and seeing some strange gray squares with dots in the corners, spit and immediately take it back. But with proper tuning, it can take on any look to your taste and has enormous capabilities.
Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of organized setup information online. Existing guides in pictures can only help you blindly copy checkmarks on screenshots, but not everyone understands what exactly they are doing. I hope that I can explain here in an accessible and detailed way how to make the Grid more functional, and tell you which settings are responsible for what.
This guide contains a lot of books and a minimum of illustrations, so people who get tired of reading can immediately leave the topic :)
Grid Additions

Grid is a modular addon; there are many add-ons for it that give it advanced capabilities. I will list the most important, in my opinion, modules. They greatly increase the functionality and usability of the Grid, so I recommend that everyone also install them without fail.

. A must-have addition - it adds mana/energy/rage strips to frames. This is sorely lacking in a regular Grid.

. Adds well-known debuffs for popular raid instances BC and VOTLK.

. A very convenient replacement for the standard Grid display. Allows you to show in each corner two icons of character states (buffs, debuffs, lack of life or mana, etc.), and the icons are not just a square of a certain color, as in a regular Grid, but a full-fledged reduced icon of the applied buff/debuff. There is also an addon - here you can put 3 icons in each corner. But look for yourself so that there is no overabundance of information that you cannot understand.

. Allows you to see what hots are hanging on raid players in order to correctly choose treatment priorities.

. Adds preset frame types for different situations: if you are leveling solo, if you are in a group of 5 people, in a raid of 10, 25 or 40 people, on the battlefield or arena. For all these cases, you can also choose whether the Grid should show pets. For example, if you enter heroic Naxxramas, your Grid will immediately switch to the view for 25 people, and if to the normal one - for 10 people.

Previously, it was mandatory to add the GridStatusIncomigHeals addition, which showed the healing included in the character, but now this module is outdated and the Grid itself can show incoming healing and res (others see them if you have required libraries- LibHealComm-3.0 and LibResComm-1.0). The same situation is with GridStatusReadyCheck (checking the raid for readiness), the author strongly recommends removing this add-on if it is installed, since it is now part of the Grid core.

To enable Grid settings, you need to click on the icon on the minimap or type the /grid config command in the chat.
The grid has three main settings sections - Location, Status And Frames.

I will briefly describe the main purpose and capabilities of these sections.

Location. Here the general appearance of the Grid is configured, the size, color and transparency of the “background” of the general frame, the distance between frames and the scale of the whole thing are adjusted.

Status. This section contains all possible player statuses in which he can exist. What's happened status? These are, for example, the player's name, buffs and debuffs, health, mana, vehicle, readiness, distance to the player, etc., in general, everything that can be reflected on his frame and matters. For each status, you can assign its color and priority. The color will be used to display this status on the frame, and the priority determines whether this status will overlap another if they are shown in the same place.
In the settings of each status there are also obvious checkboxes that allow you to show only the statuses you have applied, control the radius of the status and its duration, etc.
Of particular note is the subsection Status ->Auras, where you can add new buffs and debuffs unknown to Grid that you want to track.

Frames. This section specifies where exactly the statuses described above should be displayed. There are standard “familiarities”, these are the corners of the player’s frame, the icon in the center, the text in the center, the border of the frame, the color of the life bar, the color of the mana bar, etc. Various Grid modules can add additional indicators. You can assign one or more statuses to each of these indicators. For example, in one corner show diseases and poisons, in another various shields, in the third hots, in the center - raid debuffs, and on the life bar show low HP or, for example, the same poison (when receiving the status, the life bar will turn into the color chosen for this state in the "Status" section).
Of particular importance is the subsection Frames ->Additionally, it is he who is most responsible for Grid’s appearance. Here you can enable additional indicators, and most importantly, configure the length and width of player frames, their horizontal or vertical display, the size and type of font for inscriptions, select the texture of frames and the sizes of icons for statuses. Also here you can adjust the size and location of the mana strip from the module GridManaBars, icon parameters from the module GridIndicatorCornerIcons and other modules. This is where you can “turn a Grid into a HealBot.”

So, roughly speaking, in the section Status the VIEW of different buffs/debuffs on Grid frames is configured, and in the section Frames- LOCATION of these buffs/debuffs on Grid frames.


Here I will describe the Grid setup using my configuration as an example, assuming that all the above-described add-ons are installed. Maybe someone likes the standard look of the Grid and is satisfied standard features, but the taste and color... I am more impressed by the horizontal long green panels, somehow they seem more clear.
It should be taken into account that I have a widescreen 22-inch screen with a resolution of 1680x1050, so owners of monitors with excellent resolution may have to change the settings to suit their Grid location.

Setting up the general appearance of the Grid

Go to the main bookmark section Location. There is a group of sliders here that adjust the size of the "background" of the overall frame, the distance between the player frames, and the scale of the whole thing. I have these values ​​​​set to positions 1, 6 and 1, respectively. Below you can set the background color and border color. I made the background gray and transparent by 90%, and removed the border completely, in the subsection Location ->Additionally by putting None in the border textures drop-down list).
In the section Frames We set the length of the text in the center to be larger than the standard one to three characters, so that the character’s name is normally visible, and set the desired transparency for the treatment bar. Also check the box "Reverse color of stripes".
Next we go to the subsection Frames -> Advanced. Large field for activity!
We look straight into the middle of the settings page and see two large drop-down lists: Text orientation And Frame orientation. In both cases we set it to "HORIZONTAL". There is a slider above Frame height, I think there is no need to explain. For me this parameter is 22 units. Below is the parameter Corner size, is responsible for the size of the classic squares at the corners of the frame - 7 units. Next is the font size for the inscriptions in the center. I have it set to 10, you can do more, but then fewer letters from the status will fit. And finally Frame width. We set the value that is convenient for you, for me it is 90.

In the subsection Frames -> Advanced -> Mana Bar select the position of the mana strip from below (or from above as desired) and adjust its width. In my case it's 25.
Let's go to the subsection Status -> Health -> Unit health. We set the color and transparency to taste, for me it is, for example, green, 90%. If desired, you can check the "Use class color" checkbox, then the colors of all stripes will correspond to the standard class colors (which can also be changed in the subsection Colors section Frames).
So our frame has acquired a more or less appropriate appearance - something like this:

Setting up statuses
Let's go to the section Status.

First you need to add the buffs and debuffs that are missing in the Grid that you want to see on the frames. To do this, go to the section Status -> Auras and write the name of the desired buff or debuff in the appropriate line, then press Enter. Appears in auras new section with the name of the added buff or debuff, in which you can customize its appearance.
The module helps a lot GridStatusRaidDebuff, which does the dirty work for us by adding a lot of raid debuffs. These debuffs are in a separate subsection Status -> Raid Debuffs.
For myself, I added, for example, Earth Shield, Divine Protection, Ice Blast(Kel'Thuzad's skill, I needed to highlight it among all the other raid debuffs that are in the module GridStatusRaidDebuff, and install it on another indicator) and some others.
We set colors and other parameters for all statuses that are interesting to us. For example, poisonous green for poison, purple for magical effects, brown for disease, etc.
If desired, you can configure the color of the health bar to change if the character has low HP. To do this, go to the subsection Status -> Health and set the value “Health Threshold” in the subsection Health deficit by approximately 66-90% (as is more convenient), and the value "Health threshold" in the section Warning Low HP by approximately 33%. In the first case we set the color yellow or orange, in the second - warning red. Don't forget to set your priorities. Now, if the character is beaten a little, his life bar will turn orange, and when he only has a third left, it will turn red.
In the section Status -> Distance we determine the colors for the characters around us in different radii. For example, you can set an increasingly transparent green color as the character moves away. Then in the frame it will always be visible who is closer than 10 meters from us, sometimes this can be very important (for example, in encounters where you cannot stand close to each other), and will also allow you to determine who is not worth trying to heal due to the distance.
In the section Status -> Unit Name you can set the color with which the name is written on the frame, or use the class color.
Customize the remaining statuses to suit your tastes and needs, assigning colors and priorities to them.

Setting up indicators

Now you need to configure the size, location and appearance of icons and inscriptions. This is done in the section Frames.
In the subsection Frames -> Advanced turn on the second text indicator in the center with a tick. We also turn on the “Health bar color” indicator (it is this that will show us the alert colors for a low health threshold, configured above).
The two sliders below control the icon in the center of the player frame, its size and border thickness. The next two checkmarks are also responsible for the central icon. The first is "Multiple Icon Text Enabled". Wrong translation, the essence is this: if this option is enabled, we see a number on the icon showing how many stacks of buffs/debuffs are hanging on this character. For example, how many charges of Earth Shield or how many marks of horsemen from Naxxramas. The second is “Icon cooldown frame enabled”. As you probably already guessed, it is responsible for displaying the cooldown of the skill on the central icon.

Corner icons from the module GridIndicatorCornerIcons are configured in the subsection Frames -> Advanced -> Icon (Corners). The size of all icons is 10, the shift along the X axis is -2, and along the Y axis - +2. You can play around with the size and placement of the icons.

Setting up status display

All the necessary indicators are turned on, now let's move on to the main thing - you need to assign them to display the statuses that were configured above.
Select subsections from the bookmark one by one Frames and check the statuses that should be shown on this indicator. We have already configured their appearance above in the section Statuses. You can select several statuses for one acquaintance, this is where the priority scale comes into play. If a player simultaneously receives all buffs/debuffs assigned to this place, then the one with the highest priority will be shown. To save space, it is also recommended to assign to one indicator those statuses that do not overlap and are not received at the same time. For example, you can combine the state of a ghost and a raid debuff in one icon - it is clear that in the state of death the player does not have debuffs, and if he has debuffs, then he is not a ghost.

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