Where can you earn 5,000 rubles per day. You can start freelancing on special exchanges

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Hello, dear readers! With you is the creator of the website SlonoDrom.ru Igor Eremenko. And today we will talk about how to earn 1000 rubles in an hour without investments right now.

If you are faced with such a situation, then most likely one of two things: you urgently need money, but there is nowhere to get it, or you just want to learn how to earn a lot of money.

In any case, this article is for you!

Of course, earning 1000 rubles per hour right now is not so easy, but who said that it is impossible?

1. Is it possible to earn a lot of money without investments right now?

This is quite real - I checked it from personal experience! But don't think that no effort will be required on your part. Somewhere you will need to work with your head, somewhere with your hands. But most importantly, you will get results!

We will talk to you exclusively about legal ways to make quick money.

We will not consider black and illegal ways of earning money (often they allow you to earn big money, although they contradict a person’s moral values).

Let’s immediately decide in which directions you should move and where to concentrate your efforts in order to quickly earn 1000 rubles:

  1. selling your skills and abilities
  2. getting rid of old things
  3. earnings from partnership
  4. earnings on special services
  5. provision of services
  6. selling your knowledge

We will discuss all these methods in detail in this article. I just want to add that by working in the above areas, I earned more than 500,000 rubles! You can also earn similar amounts of money; the main thing you need is to start taking action.

Here are a few of the ways I managed to earn this money:

  • Selling your skills and abilities. Developed advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct for customers (online stores).
  • I negotiated with sellers of goods for a certain commission on sales of 10-20% and placed ads on Avito.
  • Getting rid of old things. Sold old laptop, several phones and other unnecessary things on Avito.
  • Earning money from services on the Internet. One of these popular services is Vktarget, where you can earn small money by completing simple tasks.
  • Creating your own website. Developed my own profitable project on the Internet - SlonoDrom.ru

Many of my friends earn decent money in other ways, which we will also talk about in this article. In any case, know that it is possible to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now!

2. What does it take to make a lot of money quickly?

So here's what you need to make a lot of money:

  1. Learn about proven and really working methods of earning money. Many beginners do not know where exactly to start earning money and, as a result, waste their time on ineffective ways of earning money.
  2. Get practical knowledge, recommendations and do what others are already doing. You don't need to reinvent the wheel - just do what is already profitable.
  3. Act now, don't wait for the perfect opportunity. There will never be an ideal situation, trust my experience. There is always some, at least small, “but”. If you want to achieve financial freedom, act now!

This is all you need to remember to succeed! Now let's get down to business!

3. How to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now - 5 proven ways

The methods described below will suit almost everyone. You don't need to be a genius and be the smartest or have any outstanding skills and abilities.

Some ways of earning money will allow you to earn money using the Internet, others - “in real life”. So, if you know how to use a computer at least at an average level, then this is a huge plus for you.

Method 1: Making money from partnerships

This is one of the easy ways to make money quickly.

Take a look around and you will notice that there are a huge number of people who want to sell their products and services.

Surely, everyone has a similar list of unnecessary things.

Among the unnecessary things may be (using my example):

  1. An old laptop (for example, I have two of them lying around) can easily be sold for 5 000 7,000 rub. every.
  2. Used phones that are more than 2-3 years old - the approximate total cost is about 8,000 rub.
  3. Tires (almost new) and wheels from a sold car - estimated cost 17,000 rub.
  4. Kitchen electronics, an old cabinet and a kitchen set - you can get about 12,000 rub.

As you can see, these are seemingly unnecessary things that have been lying around gathering dust for a long time, and the amount turned out to be quite considerable! 🙂

There are several quick ways to sell it all:

  • Take it to your local consignment store
  • Place free advertisements in newspapers
  • Post advertisements at bus stops and poles
  • Place advertisements on the Internet for free on bulletin boards (Avito, Iz Ruk v Ruki…)

One of the easiest ways is to simply advertise on Avito, which is visited by millions of people every day. This site is the largest in Russia and here you can sell almost anything.

To submit an ad on Avito.ru, you will first need to spend a few minutes registering. After this, prepare a selling text for your ad in order to sell the unnecessary item as quickly as possible.

When writing an ad, try to make the text emotional. Describe the characteristics and advantages of the item, its significance for you!

Another final detail is to take high-quality and live photographs of the product.

All you have to do is place an ad on the Internet and consider that you have already sold your product.

As for Avito, you can also sell new products there and build your business on it.

I know a lot of people who make money on Avito this way: 1-3 thousand rubles per day, selling popular products.

I advise you to watch a video about how the guys got out of a debt of 400,000 rubles and started earning 300,000 rubles a month selling hoverboards through ads on Avito:

Method 3: Part-time work on YouDo.com

Another good way to earn 1000 rubles is to do a part-time job. A fairly well-known website in Russia can help you in this matter. Youdo.com.

On it every day customers post various tasks, performing which you can earn money. In this case, tasks can be either remote or tied to a city.

Among the remote tasks, for example, the following can be noted: writing coursework, various online consultations, translating interviews (audio format) into text, designer and programmer services, and much more.

Yudu - type of tasks

In large and medium-sized cities you can find the following part-time jobs: walking courier (or courier by car), loader, cleaner(s), tutor, carrier, “husband for an hour”...

It must be said that the payment for completing tasks is decent in most cases. Depending on the task, you can immediately earn on average from 500 to 2000 rubles. And there are quite a lot of orders every day!

In order to be able to take orders, you need to register on the site, fill out a form and pass a simple test. Yudu even has free application to your phone, where you can conveniently and immediately track orders that you can complete.

Method 4: Making money betting on sporting events

Another way to earn 1000 rubles is by betting on sporting events.

To be honest, I myself have not yet tried to make money on this, but I know people who earn quite serious money on bets.

However, you still need to understand that trying to make money on bets without the appropriate knowledge is a very bad idea, since most people always lose (otherwise how will bookmakers make money).

Therefore, it is important here to have an advantage that will allow you to earn money with a high probability, and not rely on chance - we know what it leads to!🙂

In fact, there are not many strategies that actually allow you to make money on bets.

For example, there is one stable and extremely effective strategy for making money on bets - these are the so-called “Forks”. Most other betting strategies are usually too risky and do not provide a guaranteed win.

The essence of the Fork strategy is that the coefficients on LIVE matches in different bookmakers can differ significantly and this makes it possible to earn almost 100% on bets.

This is possible due to the positive mathematical expectation of winning. IN in this case your earnings will depend on cash turnover - the higher the turnover, the more you will earn.

On the Internet you can even find special programs, which automatically compare large number odds from different bookmakers and find significant discrepancies. However, this must also be approached thoughtfully!

Let's say we found a discrepancy in bets on the same tennis match between bookmakers A And B with the opportunity to earn 5% . As a result, we place 2 bets at the same time: at the bookmaker A we bet on victory, and the bookmaker B- to defeat.

Regardless of the outcome of the match, we earn 5% from invested funds (bank).

In the very near future I will try to find time and write a full-fledged article about making money on bets. In the meantime, on the Internet you can find more detailed information about this earning strategy.

And remember that betting is a very risky activity, so if you do not have the appropriate experience and knowledge, then you should not bet on real money at all. It’s better to practice on virtual accounts at first (until you can earn money consistently).

Method 5: Earning money from consulting and information business

If you know something or can do it better than others, then you can teach it and advise other people and still earn money.

The information business is one of the most profitable businesses in the 21st century! It can bring hundreds and even thousands of percent from the funds you invest in its development.

For example, you can record a video course on a certain topic or write a short book ( step by step guide) and sell them online.

A huge advantage of the information business is that you can prepare your information product once and sell it an unlimited number of times. This is how you can earn money 2-3 thousand rubles per day and even more!

Another advantage of the information business is the opportunity to earn money from anywhere in the world.

The key element, as in any business, is persistence and a strong desire to do it. Only in this case will you make 100% good money from the information business.

Start small and develop step by step in this direction and over time all your investments will be more than justified and your dream will become a reality!

Method 6: Earn money from affiliate programs on the Internet

I, in turn, divided this method of earning money into 3 subtypes:

Option 1: We sell links

The value of links is that they help webmasters promote their website search engines. Others make money from this by selling links from their sites.

You can find many medium and large sites that are interested in selling links from their sites. Agree with webmasters on a certain percentage (10-30%) that you will receive from the cost of selling the link.

Option 2: We participate in affiliate programs

Most goods and services that are sold on the Internet have their own affiliate programs. In other words, you may be offered commissions on average from 5% to 80% from the cost of the product (service).

In order to become an affiliate and receive an affiliate link, you must first register on the affiliate program website.

When people who clicked on your affiliate link buy a product (service), you will automatically receive a commission in the established amount. You can transfer this money to e-wallet or bank card.

Such affiliate programs can be found on so-called aggregators affiliate programs or on the website of the product (service) in the section “ Affiliate program«.

Among the affiliate program aggregators, the following can be distinguished:

  • JustClick.ru
  • Admitad.com
  • Glopart.ru

Option 3: We help you sell or buy a website

Since you can make money on websites, you can sell and buy them as a business. A high-quality small website can provide income to its owner commensurate with at least the average salary in Russia 25-30 thousand rubles.

In this option, you can also act as an intermediary - find buyers and sellers of sites. For your services, you will receive a percentage of the site's sale price. This percentage averages 7-15% . I assure you, this is not a small amount.

If the site brings in 30-40 thousand rubles monthly, then the cost of its sale can be 720 - 960 thousand rubles. Even 7% of this amount is 50-70 thousand rubles.

However, in order to make money from this, you must have a good understanding of sites and correctly assess their value based on key site indicators. In some ways, this profession is reminiscent of a realtor who sells real estate.

Method 7: Earn money from Freelancing

If you are good at something, let’s say you know how to develop websites, create designs, work with Photoshop, set up advertising on the Internet (like me 🙂), etc., then you can make decent money from freelancing.

Even if you say that you don’t know how to do any of this, you can learn it by watching videos on YouTube. For example, I myself learned how to set up advertising in Yandex Direct and work with Photoshop. The main thing is to choose what you like to do.

Many people can start by writing articles (rewriting or copywriting), since you do not need special knowledge for this. And as you work, you will gain experience, and each time you will write articles faster and better.

Option 1: Article writing

This option is suitable for almost everyone; even schoolchildren can start writing articles and make money from it. For beginners, I recommend starting with rewriting (rewriting the source text in your own words), since it is usually easier to do than copywriting.

On average, for one simple article of size 5000 characters you can earn 150-250 rubles. For articles of a commercial nature (of the same size) they may even pay 500-750 rubles .

If this option suits you, you can find many orders for writing articles on various topics on the sites:

Option 2: Website development, design, etc.

As I wrote above, you must have some special skills for this. You can find work on the following sites:

— the site presents a huge number of orders from the creation of logos, pictures to technical assistance in creating websites and setting up advertising. You can also find relatively easy tasks: downloading pictures from websites, posting ads, filling an online store, etc.

Fl.ru- also a large exchange for freelancers, you won’t be left without work!

Method 8: Receiving money as collateral from a pawnshop

If you urgently need money, but have nowhere to get it, then you can quickly get it as collateral from a pawnshop.

Almost anything of value can be used as collateral: jewelry, phones, watches, cameras, cars, household appliances, etc.

There is also the opportunity to sell your item to a pawnshop. However, keep in mind that pawn shops value items significantly below their market value. If you still need this thing, it is better to simply take money as collateral with the possibility of redemption.

Typically, it will take you no more than 15 minutes to get money from a pawnshop. Don't forget to also take your passport with you. Pawn shops require it to insure themselves against stolen items.

Of course, a pawnshop is not the best solution if you urgently need money, since sometimes it’s easier to borrow the necessary amount from your acquaintances and friends (and without interest!).

With this, we have looked at all the main ways to make quick money on the Internet. To conclude this article, I want to tell you how to avoid fraud and deception on the Internet.

4. Deception and fraud on the Internet - how to avoid it?

Beginners (and not only!) who are looking for quick ways to make money on the Internet often, without knowing it, fall into the hands of scammers.

Scammers have one main goal - to get money out of you! But the ways to do this are completely different!

Fraudsters very professionally take advantage of our desire to earn a lot on the Internet and try in every possible way to benefit from it. To do this, they carefully disguise the deception as a very quick and easy method of earning money.

If you are offered some kind of regular “A super new way to earn from 5,000 rubles per hour with a 100% guarantee”- then this is with a 99.9% probability a scam. Don't believe such promises!

On such "Super profitable ways" Only their authors make money, who are trying to profit from the naivety of other people and sell them their miracle course.

Also beware financial pyramids(HYIPs) that promise you crazy profits, almost up to 100% daily.

You've probably already heard about one of the largest pyramids in Russia - MMM, created by Sergei Mavrodi. So, millions of people took part in it! A small part of which received huge profits, and 95% of the rest lost their money (very often even their last).

  • You are promised a huge return on your investment
  • You do not fully understand what the company/person’s sources of income are
  • You are offered a unique program for automatic earnings on the Internet
  • They offer you a way to earn huge money without doing anything.

Also, do not purchase various strategies for making money by beating casinos. Often these strategies are offered by the casino owners themselves (or their partners) in order to attract new players and make good money from them.

5. Conclusion

This concludes the article. Finally, I want to invite you to watch a video about how to earn a lot without investing from scratch:

I described all the main ways to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now. If I missed something important, be sure to write it in the comments below to the article.

I am sure that every person can learn and start earning money in the ways described. All you have to do is decide which way to earn money to choose.

Wishing you great earnings and success in any endeavor!

Dear friends, if you found this article useful, then share it with your friends on social networks. Thanks in advance!

If you want to earn 5,000 rubles in one day, then you probably urgently need this money, or you just want to learn how to earn large sums without leaving home by working on the Internet.

And there is nothing unusual in this, because now more and more people are starting to work via the Internet and earning 5,000 and 10,000 rubles every day, and even more. Where to start earning big money through the Internet and not falling for the tricks of scammers? This is what we will talk about in this article.

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Is it possible to earn 5,000 rubles per day via the Internet?

Of course, you may have to really try to achieve this result! There are many types of earning money on the Internet that bring decent income. We will talk about them in this article.

Let’s say right away that getting that kind of money for one day of work will be quite problematic for a beginner, and they it's definitely impossible to earn money on casinos, poker, binary options, investing money in projects like or and the like, this is a scam! But if you seriously deal with this issue, then you will definitely succeed.

To understand where you can really make money, and what you like best, try all the methods that we will now tell you about, you will probably find something that suits your taste. Get started today!

You may also be interested, take a look:

Where to start?

  1. First you need to decide how you will withdraw money. This is done through electronic wallets. The most popular system in the CIS countries is the Webmoney system, which allows you to create several wallets in different currencies at once.
  2. Additionally, it will not be superfluous to have Yandex.Money and Qiwi wallets; they will be useful to you if you have problems with withdrawals through the same Webmoney. In addition, the Yandex.Money and Qiwi systems allow you to issue plastic card linked to a wallet, with which you can pay in stores and withdraw money from ATMs, without the need to transfer funds to your bank card.
  3. Choose the most suitable earning option for you. To do this, carefully study our entire list of ways to earn money and find what you understand best. After all, your demand and payment for your work directly depend on your knowledge and skills.

Do not forget that successful work on the Internet requires constant improvement of skills. You need to constantly update your knowledge base, acquire new skills, improve them and apply them in new ways of earning money.

Since getting wallets is not a difficult task, which you can easily handle on your own, in this article I would like to understand point 3 more specifically. To make your search easier, we bring to your attention:

8 ways to earn 5 thousand rubles via the Internet in a day

Earnings from cooperation

If you pay enough attention, you will notice that there are a lot of people around who want to sell their products and services, but their problem is that they have no customers. And if you help them solve this problem, then they are ready to give you part of their profits. For example, you help a person sell Chinese copies popular smartphone for a thousand rubles from each referred client. Thus, if you have certain skills and abilities, you can earn a fairly large amount of money.

To attract clients you need to master the skill of placement contextual advertising(Direct and AdWords), targeted advertising (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki) or simply add ads to different boards.

In the same way, you can work in the service sector, where the percentage of sales will be even higher. And don’t rush to underestimate this method, a lot of people make good money by setting up advertising for businesses and promoting other people’s goods and services. This is truly one of the fastest ways to start earning money, because you can set up advertising in 1 day and get 5 thousand or even more for it. Payment from clients is transferred to the card.

Here's an example of how a guy makes money who sets up advertising on Instagram

Sell ​​unwanted items by posting ads on boards

This method is suitable if you need to receive 5 thousand rubles in a short period of time only once.

Perhaps you have a couple of unnecessary things lying around at home in good or not so good condition. For example, an unnecessary camera that has been collecting dust on a shelf for a year without use, old laptops are in good demand, they are bought for spare parts, and much more. They even buy clothes that have been worn a couple of times. You can sell these things and make some good money. To do this, you just need to take a photo of the item, make a short description and post them on one/several bulletin boards, indicate a price slightly lower than usual, and then wait for calls from buyers.

The profit from this activity depends on what you are selling, so everything is very individual here. It is worth considering that this type of income is more suitable for large cities, where there are more potential buyers. But you can easily earn 5,000 rubles by selling several items or selling one expensive item.

More complex option, purchase in bulk a batch of trendy (popular) goods that are not yet in the store and sell them on Avito. At one time, such products were “Talking Hamster” and “Flying Fairy”, you may have seen such advertisements. Someone made good money on them.

Earning money from freelancing

You shouldn’t immediately turn up your nose and dismiss this method of earning money as too inaccessible. Making money freelancing is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, you need to be able to do something in demand, or learn how to do it, yes, you need to be a responsible person, yes, you need to create a portfolio. But you can earn decent amounts, for example, reach an income of 30,000 rubles per month already in the second month of freelancing. How do you like it? And this is a completely mediocre result! Withdrawal of money can be done to a card, or to wallets of payment systems and only then withdrawn to a card, for example, Sberbank.

If you are well versed in any area, for example, website development, design creation, photo processing in Photoshop or advertising setup, then you can make good money on freelance exchanges. If it turns out that you don’t know how to do anything that is now in demand on the market, then you first need to acquire some skill for which customers will want to pay you money. The simplest thing where you can make money the fastest, and what we recommend doing, is copywriting (writing texts to order), website layout (you need to master HTML and CSS) or video editing.

And if earlier, in order to master these skills, you had to buy paid training courses, now there are enough free lessons, for example, on the same YouTube there are plenty good videos lessons on different topics. You just need to choose what you like to do. It is worth considering that when working in this field, you constantly need to improve your skills and complete orders on time in order to remain a sought-after specialist.

You can start freelancing on special exchanges

Here are some of them:

  1. FL.ru is one of the largest freelance exchanges on the RuNet. Provides the service " safe transaction» through our own payment system. The exchange offers a wide range of services - from design to management. There is a rating of freelancers.
  2. Weblancer.net is a popular Russian-language freelance exchange. There is a service for secure transactions. It is most convenient for beginners, as the risk of stumbling upon deception is minimized.
  3. Kwork.ru is a freelance exchange where all orders cost 500 rubles, and you place them, and the customer chooses from the available ones. A kind of bulletin board with freelance services. This is quite unusual, but in places it is very convenient.
  4. Work-zilla.com is a freelance exchange for simple tasks that do not require special qualifications. There are also disadvantages: the tasks are not expensive, on average from 100 to 500 rubles, and to start completing them, you need to buy a subscription to confirm your intentions.
  5. eTXT.BIZ is a copywriting exchange where authors and customers find each other. If you know how to write without errors and can convey meaning through text, then this exchange is for you. If your Russian is not excellent, we recommend the first 4 options.

Copywriting Exchange eTXT

Earning money from affiliate programs

The concept of “affiliate program” is quite broad and includes many areas. To make it easier for you to understand, we will analyze and highlight 2 main types of affiliate programs.

Product affiliate programs or CPA affiliate programs

Such affiliate programs usually represent a personal account in which you can select the products and services you like, receive your unique link to a particular offer (product or service) and promote and advertise this link in various ways. If someone purchases a product through your link, then you receive an affiliate commission; it is always different and depends on the conditions of the selected offer. For example, for every purchase made in the Svyaznoy store using your link, you receive from 1 to 10% depending on the product category.

This type of earnings is also called traffic arbitrage, when you advertise a product and pay part of the commission advertising placements, and keep the rest for yourself, this is especially beneficial when you have your own visited site or group in social networks, in this case there is no need to pay for advertising, you simply receive your commission from sales.

This method is very similar to the previous one, but there are a number of significant differences. The deductions here are already higher, from 30 to 80% from the sale of each information product. What is an information product? This is some kind of educational course or training, and the author of this information product pays you a portion of the profit from each sale. In other words, you are offered commissions ranging from 30% to 80% on average, depending on the cost of the information product.

In order to receive an affiliate link and start earning money, you need to register on the affiliate program website. Afterwards you are in your personal account create a link. You can advertise this link on various forums and websites. When people click on your link to purchase a product or service, you will automatically receive a commission in a given amount. You can withdraw this money to your online wallet or bank account.

The most popular affiliate programs for information products: JustClick.ru, Glopart.ru

Earning money from consulting and tutoring

If you are really good at something, for example, you are a good psychologist, then you can help other people understand some problems and make money at the same time. This also includes various technical specialists, for example, programmers, promotion specialists, business consultants, etc.

If you have teaching skills and are well versed in any subject, then at the moment Tutoring via Skype is very common; in this program you can include a demonstration of your desktop and explain the material. It’s probably not worth talking about teaching foreign languages ​​on Skype; this is a way to make money for teachers foreign languages This is not the first year, there are even special sites for posting such services.

An excellent option is to create a video course for sale, the so-called info business. With this you can easily earn 5-10 thousand rubles a day, but you really need to be a professional in your field so as not to disappoint customers and not “kill” your reputation.

But this type of income brings a lot of passive income, you do it once, and then you receive dividends for a long time, but you have to work hard for this!

Still current method, which, with certain approaches, allows you to generate income. But you need to think about how to encourage people to download your file in large numbers.

In order to receive money this way, you need to upload the file to the Internet and actively share the link on various platforms. It will be more effective if you post a download link on a popular site or group, or in the comments under a popular video on YouTube, but so that you are not banned and the link is not deleted. For every 1000 downloads you get paid from $2 to $25. Thus, the more files you upload, the greater your profit.

In this case, you are paid for the fact that the user who follows your link sees a huge amount of advertising when downloading, for which file hosting services are paid, and they willingly share their profits in exchange for new visitors.

Examples of popular file hosting services:

1. Depositfiles- one of the oldest and most reliable file hosting services on the Internet. Makes payments through the Halileo Bonus affiliate program for every thousand downloads. The payout depends on the file size. Various promotions are held periodically. The minimum amount for withdrawal is $10.

from 1Mb to 4Mb – $2

from 5Mb to 9Mb – $3

from 10Mb to 49Mb – $5

from 50Mb to 99Mb – $6

from 100Mb to 249Mb – $8

from 250Mb to 2000Mb – $10

2 . Turbobit.net- also a very good file hosting service. Its advantages are that you can choose a tariff that is convenient for you, payments occur every 3 days, and the FO also pays for downloads that are not completed completely.

Money from YouTube channel

An excellent way to earn money for an ordinary person, even without any talents. On YouTube, the most unexpected videos get hundreds of thousands of views, for example. Often you can see even unregistered channels without a large number of subscribers, on which a dozen videos on everyday topics are uploaded, such as: How to make a swimming pool with your own hands, Restoring a rusty knife, Cooking delicious pizza at home and other videos made by ordinary people. But some of these videos get hundreds of thousands and even millions of views! And YouTube pays generously for views; for a hundred thousand views it turns out to be approximately 5000 rubles. And you, too, can make such videos, no special editing is required, you just need to shoot a video on your phone, if necessary, glue several fragments together in any editing program and upload it to YouTube. Everyone watches it, videos about performing various household tasks are especially good; people generally like to watch when they do something useful with their own hands. Videos on professional topics, for example, or, get good views. And these videos are made by ordinary people, without producers or advertising budgets. But the main thing is that they get money for views, and often it’s good money!

Have you heard the story about the father who filmed his son after visiting the dentist? The son behaved strangely after anesthesia and the father thought it was funny, he made a short video and posted it on YouTube. Now look what came of it.

To start making money on YouTube, you need to create a channel, post a few simple but interesting videos on it and connect the channel to one of the media networks like Yoola or AIR. When your videos start gaining views, your wallet will receive monthly funds earned from views on your channel.

Internet fraud and how to avoid it

People (especially beginners and retirees) looking for a way to make big money online often fall for the tricks of scammers who have one goal: to get as much money out of you as possible. And we don’t need this at all. So how can you avoid falling for their tricks?

It's quite simple: you shouldn't believe people who offer you to earn fabulous money in a short period of time without doing anything. With a 99.999% probability, such an offer is a deception that you should never fall for.

In this case, the only person who will earn money from this will be the scammer himself, but not you.

You should also beware of financial pyramids that offer you a huge % of income every day.

For your convenience we compiled a memo, by which you can determine who is in front of you: a fraudster or an honest employer.

You are facing a scammer if:

  • They promise to pay you a lot of money, but you yourself do not have to make much effort;
  • You will get a big return on your investment;
  • You do not understand what the sources of income of the people offering you work are;
  • You have been offered a unique way to automatically earn money;
  • The method of earning money is based on secret algorithms, the vulnerability of financial markets, etc.

If you come across such offers, then you can safely refuse them, since this is a scam and you definitely won’t get any money from it. There is no job where you can earn serious money without doing anything.

Let's sum it up

We hope that this information will help you, and today you will earn your first money via the Internet.

Remember that everyone can earn money, for this you will have to try and find what you are really good at, then a good pay will not take long to arrive!

If you have interesting additions or questions, be sure to leave them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them!

The Stop Fraud website is dedicated to exposing scams on the Internet. We have already reviewed many services and courses whose creators defraud people of money. Today we’ll look at a site that greets us with a large inscription: “5,000 rubles a day without investment.” We decided to check whether it is really free and how the AirMoney earning program works.

AirMoney is a program for automated earnings on the Internet. This is what a man who introduced himself as Dmitry Nesterenko, its author, tells us. He posted a video on his website in which he briefly talks about his hatred of scammers who “pump” money from gullible users. He immediately reports that he is not going to “sell” anything and will give the program to anyone who wants it. It's a good start.

What follows is the story of how Dmitry, in his youth, studied in the USA (where he later lived for many years) and developed a way to automatically receive money from the Internet. If you don’t understand anything about this, then you could calmly read the text. But this was already enough for us to understand: AirMoney is a scam. Even in there is a point that programs for automatic earnings It simply doesn't exist, it's a myth. Don't believe it.

It has been said many times and we will repeat it again: there are no automated programs for making money. After all, they are not given for nothing. What does the author of the divorce tell us here: “The AirMoney program redirects Internet processes leading from foreign sites”. This is what they will allegedly pay you money for. What are the processes? There is no redirection for money! It's just a bunch of words that ring true to a layman.
If you are confused by the amount in his personal Sberbank account, do not believe it. There are ways to draw any numbers on an Internet page - but it will be just a picture and will not add money to your account.

Still don't believe that AirMoney is a scam? Do you know who is shown in the photo of “Dmitry Nesterenko”? This is the Chairman of the Association of Germans from Russia, Waldemar Eisenbraun - his photographs are on the Internet and were simply pasted into this site for authenticity. All photos for reviews are also taken from there. Even the style shows that they were written by the same person!

“Copies of the program remaining:”– when you go to the page, there is a number 9. Then it decreases so that the person quickly sends the funds to the scammer. But as soon as you refresh the page, 9 returns again. This is one of the tricks of the creator of the AirMoney scam.

5000 rubles per day without investment

What is the scammer’s income based on? He offers a free program that allegedly gives from 5,000 rubles per day. But he immediately declares that you will still have to transfer him 95 rubles in order to recoup the costs of the programmers’ services. But what is this money for him if he has already earned millions? Since he gives it away for free, he paid all the expenses. There is no such thing, because the program itself does not actually exist. AirMoney is an ordinary scam that is easy to believe.

What does “Dmitry” demonstrate in his video? In fact, this is just a set of pictures that pretends to be a working AirMoney program. It is compiled with minimal programming knowledge. The scammer is trying to gain confidence, talking about how he himself does not like scammers. How does he confirm his supposed honesty? Nothing, because he himself is one of them!

As it turned out, “Dmitry Nesterenko” is an old friend of ours from other services that we exposed. True, his name was then “Victor Gendenberg”, and the program was called . You may notice that both sites are not much different from each other. But this does not stop him from deceiving people every day and making money from them.

Beware of scammers! If you have any doubts or have simply been offered some extra-lucrative income, simply enter the name of the service into the search box on our website or write in the comments - we will study it carefully.
It’s really possible to earn thousands of rubles a day, but not for nothing. You need to make an effort and not be lazy to learn new things. If you are ready for this, visit. It contains only materials recommended by us.

In 2015, an affiliate program was launched for the first time in RuNet MarketCall, using PPC (Pay Per Call) technology. Its creators are the A3F Group, which also owns online stores, online real estate resources and other projects.

In this affiliate program, rewards are paid for targeted calls to advertisers. So if you know how to attract targeted traffic, then you can earn a lot of money on calls.

After registering in this affiliate program, you can receive from 600 rubles to several thousand rubles from one call if you connect to real estate offers in Moscow new buildings.

We know people who, without much effort, earn 80-100-150 thousand rubles a month on this affiliate program. Such big money, in principle, does not require much effort if you work with real estate offers, where you can get 2500 rubles. That is, to make money 5000 per day, you just need two interested clients to call your phone number.

MarketCall allows a variety of traffic sources - own websites, social networks, banners, paid advertising, as well as free message boards. Therefore, even a beginner can try to make money on the Internet without investment by posting ads on boards, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

The service is detailed statistics on calls and cash flow (accruals and payments). What else makes this affiliate program different? advantageous side- all calls are recorded. That is, if you brought a client who called on your “partner” phone, and the advertiser did not count the call and did not pay for it, then you can file an appeal with MarketCall.

Their managers will listen to the recording of the call and determine whether it was a “correct” call, whether it was a “set-up” on your part, such as a motivated call (that is, when you agree in advance with someone that he will call, and you share the reward with him), and if everything is in order, they will withdraw money from the advertiser’s balance and credit it to your account.

Unlike most standard affiliate programs and CPA networks, in MarketCall you don’t need to bring visitors to advertisers’ websites. You just need to interest a person in a certain offer so that he calls the specified phone number.

For example, you know that someone wants to buy an apartment in New Moscow. You can look at the offers to see what options there are and give the person required phone number. If he calls and shows real interest in purchasing, you will receive your affiliate reward from the seller of these apartments.

You can also not work with people directly, but place ads on the Internet or drive targeted traffic, if you know how to do that.

The phone number is issued by the affiliate free of charge and looks like a regular one mobile number. Can be rented for work and paid number, which will be similar to a city one, but at the initial stage this is of no use to beginners.

The scheme for working with the MarketCall affiliate program looks like this:

1. Advertisers of various directions connect to this affiliate program and post information about their products or services. MarketCall has different offers - real estate, medicine, services, etc. Usually they themselves provide partners with working materials - banners, teasers, widgets, text information according to your suggestions. The advertiser also sets the cost of the reward per call.

2. The MarketCall service, for its part, provides “intermediary” services for interaction between advertisers and you. There is no need to pay for anything. The service fee is deducted automatically when the remuneration is calculated. You receive dedicated numbers from the service, which are assigned to you, and you will receive money for calling this number.

3. You post the advertiser's information on the Internet, but do not indicate its number, but the one that was allocated to you for work. However, you do not receive calls. Calls are automatically redirected through the MarketCall service to the advertiser and its managers work with the people who called. But they note that the call came to the number allocated to you.

That is, work in this affiliate program occurs in exactly the same way as in any regular affiliate program. Only instead of an affiliate link, you get an “affiliate” phone number.

All this requires considerable costs for the service (especially connecting such a large number of phone numbers for each partner), so they, for their part, strictly monitor the quality of calls. Deceiving them, scamming calls, making “negotiated” calls will not work. Don't try.

Many have already tried to deceive this affiliate program, but it all ended with them wasting their time and effort and not receiving any money. They were simply banned from the service and are no longer accepted into this affiliate program again.

If you are interested in trying to work with this service, then register on their website, study the offers offered there and start working.

MarketCall service address: marketcall.ru

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to make money on the Internet from 2000 to 5000 rubles a day. These are quite large sums of money, so you will have to try hard to get them. At the same time, you will do all the work at home via the Internet, which almost completely eliminates physical labor.

Earning money on Aliexpress and Avito

There are a huge number of in various ways making money on the Internet, but one of the most profitable is “sales” on message boards and trading platforms. But the most important advantage of sites such as Avito and Aliexpress is that you can publish an ad absolutely free of charge immediately after registration.

Why these two sites? , undoubtedly, is the leader of the Runet among bulletin boards, and is one of the largest in the world trading platforms. Consequently, where there is the most traffic, a large number of transactions are made and, of course, a lot of money “spins” there.

On Avito and Aliexpress you can earn:

  • Selling unnecessary personal items or items of your own production (this could be old clothes, furniture, tools, household appliances, etc.);
  • Resell goods at higher prices (for example, collaborating with wholesale suppliers who operate dropshipping);
  • I publish advertisements offering to provide certain services.

Those who do not want to engage in sales have the opportunity to make money on Aliexpress using. It has been in effect since 2006 and allows you to receive up to 8% of the amount of successful transactions. That is, you have the opportunity to distribute affiliate links (for example, on social networks). Users who click on them and make a purchase will bring to your balance a certain amount of money equal to eight percent of the cost of the purchased product.

Both of the above sites really allow you to earn money on the Internet from 2000 to 5000 rubles per day. Some popular products are quickly sold out by users, and sellers include a 100% markup in their prices. Accordingly, in order to get the desired two to five thousand rubles, it is enough to sell 5-12 goods at a price of 400 rubles (whose cost is 200 rubles).

Personally, I recommend that you work on dropshipping with online stores, as this allows you to earn money without investment. That is, you do not need to spend money on purchasing goods and sending the purchase via mail - the online store will provide you with what to sell, and it will also handle direct delivery. You will receive a certain amount of monetary reward for a successfully completed transaction.

Each channel owner has the opportunity to choose his own content. To begin with, it is advisable to enter into a partnership agreement directly with Google (Google Adsense advertising) or with other media networks. This will lead to the fact that while watching your videos, users will also be shown advertising, clicks on which will bring you cash rewards.

I recommend that beginners enter into partnership agreements with media networks, since they are less demanding of content than affiliate programs from YouTube. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that some services monetize channels that have virtually no views or are not used.

There are also other, additional ways to make money on YouTube, such as:

  • Links to affiliate programs (for example, referral links to services) or to a personal online store / website (converting traffic from video hosting);
  • Advertising in videos (from advertisers or personal products);
  • Donat (voluntary donations from users for you, acting as gratitude for your efforts).

According to video recording statistics, owners of channels from media networks earn $1 (the amount depends on the topic of the content and the age category of the users who view it). At the current time, $1 = 58 rubles. Accordingly, in order to earn from 2000 to 5000 rubles per day, it is necessary for your videos to be viewed 34-86 thousand times per day.

We continue our simple mathematical calculations. Let's take as a basis that there are 300 videos on your channel. Accordingly, in order to receive the above amount, it is necessary for each video to be viewed 113-286 times. Agree, the numbers don’t look so scary anymore. In addition to this, I would like to note that the daily traffic of YouTube video hosting is more than 300 million people (or even more).

Of course, you shouldn’t forget that the content you provide should be interesting, high-quality and educational. But this can also be achieved if you use your imagination and make an effort. And, of course, devote the maximum amount of free time to working with YouTube.

Applications for Google Play Market

Actually create mobile application is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, since today there is a huge amount of educational material available on the Internet this topic(video lessons, articles, books).
At the same time, your creation should be original and interesting for users. And, of course, it must comply with all standards Play Market, which Google installed.

A mobile application can be a game, a book, a collection of music tracks, useful software and much more. Once created, you need to upload it to the App Store. Next, after passing moderation and approval, you will have the opportunity to set a price for downloading it. Then try to improve your product and complement it.

Many developers recommend that beginners set a symbolic price for downloading - no more than $1. Accordingly, in order to earn from 2000 to 5000 rubles per day, it is necessary that your application is downloaded from 34 to 86 times a day.

Another option for making money is advertising banners that are installed in applications that can be downloaded for free. Or you can introduce paid functions into your product - donation.
You can earn money from scratch on the Play Market, and good appquick way get rich.

Custom website creation

Freelance exchanges are a place where layout designers can earn huge money. Every day thousands of websites are created on the RuNet, 75% of which are made to order. Knowledge of programming languages ​​such as HTML, PHP, flash, etc. can bring you very impressive amounts of daily profit.

Here is an example of one of the tasks on the weblancer.net freelance exchange.

A professional will complete this task in just a few hours and receive 3 thousand rubles. Well, to become a pro, all you have to do is study the available training material from the Internet and get lost.

And, of course, we shouldn’t forget that freelancing is an opportunity to work whenever, wherever and for as long as you want (limited only by deadlines).

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