Where to leave things when you go swimming. Where to store money while on vacation in a hotel - exploring options

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The heat has finally caught up with us, we hope you can get out to the beach. To keep your things safe and your equipment not damaged by sand, here are a few little tricks. Have a happy holiday!

Life hack No. 1: how to hide valuables on the beach

Take an empty bottle of suntan lotion (you can also use containers from other cosmetics) and put money, keys or jewelry inside, just, of course, do not forget to wash this container well first. A thief is unlikely to grab tubes of creams. And if you come on vacation with a small child, then you can hide everything in a pack of diapers. Now you can safely run with your whole group towards refreshing water!

Life hack No. 2: how to protect your equipment from moisture and sand

You can protect your equipment by placing it in a resealable plastic bag.

Life hack No. 3: how to get rid of sand stuck to your body?

It is not always possible to dry quickly before leaving the beach. Sand sticking to your feet will especially cause discomfort if you are driving a car. So bring some baby powder with you for this occasion. It quickly absorbs moisture, and sand can easily be shaken off along with it.

Photo: health.mail.ru

Life hack No. 4: how to keep water cold

Just leave your water bottle in the shade. Joke! But many people do just that, and the water still quickly becomes warm. Eat easy way, how to keep it cold, and the first hour is even icy! Pour enough water into a plastic bottle so that you can put it in the freezer without twisting it. When the water turns into ice, take out the container and add cool water (juice) into it. And go to the beach!

Photo: dpchas.com.ua

Life hack No. 5: if you don’t have any after-sun product and you’re burned

Did you overdo it with your tan and didn’t take anything to apply to the reddened areas of your body? No problem! Buy yogurt without fillers, kefir or sour cream - and use them as a cream.

Photo: polzavred.ru

Life hack No. 6: how to inflate a mattress if you don’t have a special attachment

Many cars have a compressor, but no attachments for a mattress or a children's inflatable ring. Use a ballpoint pen cap, cut off the top - and the nozzle is ready.

Photo: ru.pinterest.com

Life hack No. 7: beach bag made from a T-shirt

Why not give an old thing a second life? We take a large plain T-shirt, fold it in half and cut off the neck and sleeves (the top of the former T-shirt is now the handles of the bag), having previously marked the cut line with a marker. Then we put plastic film inside so as not to stain the back, take bleach and a brush. We dip it and draw what we like. When the design dries, it will become several shades lighter than the fabric. Next, cut off the hemmed part from the bottom, step back about ten centimeters from the edge of the T-shirt and draw a line. This will be the border to which the fringe will then be cut (parallel cuts at intervals of one and a half to two centimeters). We tie the segments together into two knots. Pull the fringe and release it sharply, and the fabric will curl beautifully. Boho style beach bag without a single seam is ready!

And finally, some ideas for fun photos on the beach.

Photo: onedio.ru
Photo: 4tololo.ru

The ideal option for reading is a tablet or e-reader. The laptop is too bulky and inconvenient for the beach. In addition, it has a lot of crevices into which sand can easily fall or water can seep through.

Electronic books are preferable for the beach; their screen does not glare and they do not have a backlight.

If you nevertheless took a tablet with you, then you will have problems reading with dark glasses. If you are wearing polarized glasses (these are the best ones to protect from the sun), then the screen of your device will seem too dark or completely black to you. Rotate the tablet 90 degrees, you will be surprised, but it will help! Let's say the screen seems black to you in portrait mode, turn it to landscape mode, and vice versa: if it seems black in landscape mode, then turn it vertically. The tablet rotation option depends on the type of glasses you have.

Accessories to take with you

Unfortunately, there's almost nothing you can do about screen glare. You can, of course, stick on an anti-reflective film, but it won’t help the situation much. The screen will look less like a mirror, but it will still be difficult to see anything on it in direct sunlight.

It is important to protect the gadget from water and sand. Buying a waterproof pouch will solve this problem, but there is a cheaper option: ziplock grocery bags. They perfectly protect the device from water, and you can use the touchscreen directly through the bag.

How to save your device if water, sand or dirt gets on it

No matter what precautions you take, your gadget can sometimes fall into the sand or, even worse, into the water. Fortunately, if necessary measures are taken quickly, it can be saved.

1. The device fell into the sand

You dropped the device in the sand and now all the micro-cracks and holes are full of grains of sand. In this case, a can of compressed air will help (they are sold in computer stores and are designed specifically for cleaning equipment). Using a spray can you can easily get rid of sand in the device.

2. The device fell into the water

A device that has fallen into water must be placed in a container with dry rice as quickly as possible. You should also remove the battery, if possible, and not put it back in for as long as possible, preferably several days. In this case, there is a chance that you will save the life of your gadget.

Sometimes it's better to just not take gadgets with you

When going to the beach, remember that there are still paper books. They are convenient to read in the sun in any position, and even if water gets on the book, it can still be read, and there is no need to urgently run for rice.

Instead of a smartphone, you can take an old phone. You will rest more calmly. In addition, a paper book and regular phone are unlikely to attract the attention of beach thieves.

Do you have any tips on how to protect your gadgets from summer troubles? Write to us in the comments.

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When we talk about summer, we immediately think of hot sand, cold sea water and a bronze tan. But even on the beach, unpleasant situations can await us that will ruin the entire long-awaited vacation.

website will tell you about 12 tricks to make your stay on the beach enjoyable, safe and useful.

To prevent sand from sticking to your feet

The sand that sticks to your feet after the beach makes it difficult to put on any shoes. To get rid of grains of sand, use baby talc.

What to do. Pour baby talcum powder into the cloth and tie tightly. When you're ready to go home, take the resulting bag and rub it on your feet. Unlike simply shaking it off, talc will absorb all the moisture, and even small grains of sand will fall off by themselves. Your feet will become clean and smooth.

Don't lose your car keys

In order not to take the keys with you and accidentally drown them in the sea, you can hide them behind the car wheel.

What to do. Take a twig, insert it into the key ring and tie it. Hook a branch onto a car tire and hang it from reverse side. Or just put them under the wheel at the back.

Protect valuables

When swimming, there is often nowhere to put valuables, and you don’t want to leave them unattended.

What to do. Just put your keys, phone or money in a diaper, pad or underwear. For any thief, such items will be extremely unattractive, they will not even touch them, and your things will be safe.

Get rid of headaches

When diving, a sudden change in pressure can cause a headache, but there is a way to prevent this.

What to do. Before plunging into the water, cover your nose, mouth and create air pressure for 5-10 seconds. Then take a deep breath and repeat 2 more times. The body will get used to it, and the head will not hurt.

Protect your phone from moisture

What to do. To protect your phone from sand and moisture, place it in a sealable bag (Ziplock) and use a straw to remove all the air from there. You'll have a great waterproof shell that can be made in just a few seconds.

If your ears are blocked

If after swimming you have removed all the water from your ears, but they are still blocked, then you need to restore the natural pressure in the inner ear. This is very easy to do.

What to do. Take a regular rubber ball, pinch your nostrils and start inflating it. During this process, you will hear a faint click, which means that the pressure has been restored, and your ears will instantly “unfold.”

Quick refreshing drink

What to do. Before going to the beach, fill the bottle 1/3 with water and put it in the freezer. When you're thirsty after being out in the sun for a long time, pour any drink into a bottle to quickly cool it down and refresh yourself.

Sunbed with sand protection

What to do. To prevent sand from getting on your shoes, clothes and bags during the wind, use bed linen with elastic instead of a lounger. You will end up with something like a swimming pool without water, in which it is convenient to lie down and store things.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Any trip, as practice shows, is not only a fireworks display of positive emotions, but also the risk of being left, at a minimum, without a wallet. Of course, in the middle of nowhere, robbers are unlikely to attack you, but professional pickpockets and swindlers have not gone away.

To relax “to the fullest,” remember the rules for storing your hard-earned money while on vacation.

How to take money on a trip and where to store it?

How and what money to take with you on a trip is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

But it’s better to lay out the straws in advance.

Cards or cash - what to consider?

Where to hide the “money”?

When getting to your vacation spot, hide your money securely:

  1. In a small handbag that hangs around the neck or is located under the pants at the ankle.
  2. In the inner pockets of the jacket.
  3. Or even into the pockets of underwear made specifically for such purposes.
  4. There are also belts with special recesses in which you can hide cash, but, alas, removing the belt from a sleeping person (or in a crowd) is not difficult.

How to transport?

Try your best book and pay directly from home — transport, taxi, hotel, entertainment. Then you won't have to carry a large amount of money with you.

Where to store money while on vacation in a hotel - exploring options

You have arrived at the long-awaited point “B” and checked into a hotel.

Where to put your “treasures” so as not to drag them around the city?

Where to hide money on a beach holiday?

The most popular question for all vacationers.

It's good if your family is big and You can take turns swimming — while some are sunbathing and guarding their things, others are catching the wave.

What if you are alone? Or do you want to swim all at the same time? Well, don’t carry this passport and wallet around in your teeth! What should I do?

Here are the options that have already been tested and are offered for your attention by our inventive tourists:

When traveling around the city, it would seem that there is nothing dangerous - it’s not on the beach, there is no need to leave things on the sand, and everything “acquired by back-breaking labor” is always with you.

But no. Modern thieves also keep up with the times, and the more hiding places tourists come up with, the faster and more resourceful the criminals become, adapting to new trends, like a rapidly mutating virus to medicines.

Therefore, even while riding the bus, walking along the embankment or diving along the market rows in search of souvenirs, be careful!

First of all, a few recommendations on the topic “where and how not to hide your money” when traveling around the city:

  1. Make sure your bag or backpack is closed. Do not hang it over your shoulder - only in front of you, within sight.
  2. Do not hide your wallet in the back pocket of your pants or in the outer pocket of your jacket. It's easiest to pull him out from there.
  3. Don't put money in the outer pockets of your bag either. In a crowd, money is pulled out of such a pocket “with a slight movement of the hand.”

Where should I hide it?

As a last resort, if you couldn’t find such shoes, You can make a secret pocket yourself — in a bra (in push-up pockets), inside shorts, under a hat, etc.

Use your imagination - the Russian people have always been famous for their ingenuity!

Do you have any secrets for transporting and storing money on vacation? Share your experience in the comments below!

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