Where to watch the results of the OGE in Russian. OGE results based on passport data

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In the ninth grade, every Russian must pass four subjects in the OGE format: Russian, mathematics and two to choose from. You need to pass everything with a “3” or higher, otherwise you simply won’t receive a certificate, you will have to retake the OGE until all 4 subjects are completed. If you fail to pass 1-2 subjects, you are given a chance to retake it on a reserve day in the same year, but if you fail, only a year later.

The attitude of schoolchildren and parents towards final assessments is ambiguous. The need to prepare for a large number subjects frankly frightens secondary school students, as does the prospect of being left without a long-awaited document on education. Is all this really so scary?

Before you panic, it’s worth understanding these truths:

The exam includes questions that are included in standard program secondary education and are mandatory for study in all secondary schools of the Russian Federation.

The passing score threshold for compulsory subjects is truly “minimum.” It is more than possible to overcome it even for a child with an average level of academic achievement.

The exam format is softer than in the 11th grade. Students take the OGE within the walls of their home school and, naturally, it is not interested in low results.

If everything is so rosy and easy, then a logical question arises - why are exams needed in the 9th grade at all? The ministry explains that the OGE is not only about monitoring the level of knowledge of students, but also about monitoring the quality of teachers’ work. Knowing that exams are ahead, both children and teachers treat the educational process more responsibly.

The official website for information support for the Unified State Exam has the same section. There are more relevant working links here. In general, it’s a complete disgrace - the state spends so much money on conducting the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, and the information on the regions on these sites is not always up-to-date.

When entering your passport data, be careful, as there are scam sites that illegally collect personal information.

Duration of the OGE-2018:

Russian language, mathematics, literature – 3 hours 55 minutes;
social studies, physics, biology, history – 3 hours;
computer science and ICT – 2 hours 30 minutes;
chemistry (model No. 2) – 2 hours 20 minutes;
chemistry (model No. 1), foreign language(written part), geography – 2 hours;
foreign language (oral part) – 15 minutes.

The OGE in all subjects starts at 10.00 local time.

OGE-2018 results: when and where official data will appear

Processing of OGE forms takes up to 10 calendar days. First, experts give a rating in primary points, which is then recalculated into the usual 5-point system. OGE results in 2018 it will be possible to find out in personal account on the official portal of the main state exam.

Main period

May 25 (Fri) foreign languages June 2
May 26 (Sat) foreign languages June 3
May 29 (Tue) Russian language June 8
May 31 (Thu) social studies, biology, computer science and ICT, literature June 8
June 2 (Sat) physics, computer science and ICT June 8
June 5 (Tue) mathematics June 15
June 7 (Thu) history, chemistry, geography, physics June 15
June 9 (Sat) social science June 17
June 20 (Wed) reserve: Russian language June 30
June 21 (Thu) reserve: mathematics June 30
June 22 (Fri) reserve: social studies, biology, computer science and ICT, literature June 30
June 23 (Sat) reserve: foreign languages August 1
June 25 (Mon) reserve: history, chemistry, physics, geography August 3
June 28 (Thu) reserve: for all subjects August 6
June 29 (Fri) reserve: for all subjects August 7

OGE results based on passport data

Where can I find out the results of the OGE?

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education ensure familiarization with the results of the OGE.

This information is duplicated on the official OGE information support website. But there is a section, see the screenshot, where you can find the website of the local administration of your region, where the results of the OGE are published. You can select a region by clicking on the map.

The official website for information support for the Unified State Exam has the same section. There are more relevant working links here. In general, it’s a complete disgrace - the state spends so much money on conducting the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, and the information on the regions on these sites is not always up-to-date.

All that remains is to look for your OGE results on the websites of the regional or regional department of education.

If your region is actively involved information support OGE, then their website is clear and the results appear quickly. It is not always necessary to enter passport data; some regions post tables from which you can find out your result. Where sites are advanced, entering passport data is required.

When entering your passport data, be careful, as there are scam sites that illegally collect personal information.

The most reliable information about the results of the OGE can be found at your school.

OGE results 2018 official website

Schoolchildren who took exams this year can find out the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, State Examination or final essay on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru - to do this, you need to indicate the passport number and registration code of the student who took the exam.

Official regional websites informing about the results of the State Examination (OGE) for 9th grade online using a passport

In many regions, special free websites have been created to inform State Examination participants, where you can find out your results with an individual code. Typically the code could be:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • series and number of passport or other identity document;
  • SNILS number.

Where to find out the GIA result online on the website of the Regional Center for Educational Inspection in your region:

GIA results (USE, OGE, GVE) in Moscow

For Muscovites, the results of the State Examination (USE, OGE, GVE, final essay (presentation)) will be published on the mos.ru portal.

We’ll try to figure out where to find out the results of the OGE using passport data in 2019 on this page of our website.

On the official website of Rosobrnadzor on the Question - Answer page the following information is provided:

This information is duplicated on the official OGE information support website. But there is a section, see the screenshot, where you can find the website of the local administration of your region, where the results of the OGE are published. You can select a region by clicking on the map.

The official website for information support for the Unified State Exam has the same section. There are more relevant working links here. In general, it’s a complete disgrace - the state spends so much money on conducting the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, and the information on the regions on these sites is not always up-to-date.

All that remains is to look for your OGE results on the websites of the regional or regional department of education.

If your region is actively involved in information support for the OGE, then their website is clear and the results appear quickly.

This is what the website with the results of the OGE 2019 in the Oryol region looks like:

It is not always necessary to enter passport data; some regions post tables from which you can find out your result.

Where sites are advanced, entering passport data is required. This is what the website of the Republic of Tyva looks like:

When entering your passport data, be careful, as there are scam sites that illegally collect personal information.

Some regional websites suggest contacting the school, where you can find out the most reliable information about the results of the OGE (GPA-9th grade).

The OGE started in Russia on May 25. Any student can find out the results on the Internet. To do this, just enter your passport data in a special section of the official website of the education department of your region.

The main state examination is compulsory for all students completing ninth grade. They take four subjects, two of which are compulsory (Russian language and mathematics). You can choose the other two yourself. Schoolchildren who receive a grade below a C can retake the OGE on reserve days, which will begin on June 20th. With the exam results, you can go to the tenth grade or go to college.

A period of about a week is given to check the examination papers. First of all, the forms are graded using a point system. After this, the result is converted into scores from 1 to 5.

The official information support portal for the Main State Exam www.gia.edu.ru allows each user to quickly find the website of the department of education of the required region Russian Federation. To do this, click on the “your region” link in the upper left corner. In the window that opens, you need to select your federal district on the map. After this procedure, a list of areas of the selected district will appear below the map. Then all you have to do is click on the required link.

Some regions post a table with exam results on the portal and do not need any passport information.

On at the moment Not all regional websites of the Department of Education allow you to find out the results of the OGE online.

Where to find out the results of the OGE with a passport for schoolchildren in the capital

Moscow ninth-graders find out their scores even easier. The city mayor's office assures that all examinees will have the opportunity to get results on email, or by SMS notification. To do this, you will need to install a special device in your phone. mobile application government of the capital "Gosuslugi Moscow" and register on their website.

All messages with the results of the Main State Exam will be sent electronically mailbox or to your personal account. Each student will make his own decision on this issue. Along with the points you will receive a link to the administration website. By clicking on it, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to find a detailed exam result. In addition, you will be able to see your works in a scanned version and listen to audio recordings of the oral form of the OGE.

On the official website of the regional information processing center you can find out the schedule for publishing exam grades and the deadline for filing an appeal.

Those who will find out the results of the Main State Exam at school must have a passport with them. Parents of the examined student must have their passport and the child’s passport with them. If the results of the OGE will be recognized by a trusted person, then in addition to both passports you will need to take a power of attorney with you.

State certification after graduation from school is a solemn and very important moment. After the exam, you want to find out the results as soon as possible - after all, admission will depend on this. But how long do you need to wait for the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination in 2018? And where can they be found in the future? We have collected all the known information about final school exams - the date of publication of the results, the place of receipt and everything that a future student needs!

Of course, I want to quickly find out how many points this or that exam was written for. But you will have to be patient - you will have to wait quite a long time for results. Due to the huge amount of materials, it will take a lot of time for reviewers to check everything, enter it into databases, distribute it and publish it.

According to the regulations, the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination will be gradually posted after approximately 14-16 calendar days. This applies to results at all stages. On the official website of the RCIO, specific days are indicated for everyone by which the commissions must send all results. You can find them below.

It is worth looking at information about scores at certification before. These dates are the deadline for all data to be published. No one said that they should not be posted 1-2 days earlier, if the time and energy of the inspectors allows this.

Dates for publication of the results of the Unified State Exam and GVE-11 in 2018

The following are the expected days on which the Unified State Exam and State Examination scores in 2018 should become known:

The results of the GVE for eleventh-graders and the Unified State Exam conducted on reserve days in 2018 will be published approximately on the following days:

Naturally, the results may sometimes not be published day after day, but with a slight difference: somewhere a little earlier, somewhere later. Much depends on the region - the further away it is, the higher the likelihood of a slight delay.

As for the final essay or presentation. Its results must be published 13 days from the date of writing.

Dates for publication of the results of the OGE and GVE-9 in 2018

The OGE and GVE conducted on the main days for ninth-graders should be published on the following dates:

If the exam is held on a reserve day, you should expect results by the following dates:

Publication of the results of the Unified State Exam, OGE and State Examination in 2018

Scores and summaries of the assessment are sent to the schools whose students took the assessment. In addition, information is published on portals that have received permission for this. For example, on the website of the mayor of Moscow. But for graduates of different years, the procedure and places of receipt may vary.

Where can I find out the results for 2018 graduates?

For yesterday's schoolchildren, the process of obtaining points for exams has been significantly simplified. Students who graduated from school in 2018 can get the information they need in several places at once:

  1. At school, where they were enrolled until the graduating class inclusive.
  2. On separate sites. For example:
    • on the official portal (USE results),
    • on (OGE results);

As a rule, teachers receive exam results sent to the educational institution. They can call and inform you before the graduate himself gets to the school or site.

Thanks to this factor, some graduates will not even need to independently search for information about the exact moment of publication of scores. But not all teachers are ready to raise awareness, so you shouldn’t hope for a magic call.

Step-by-step instructions on how to find out your exam results

1. Go to the official website of the Moscow Mayor. We go through the registration procedure:

2. After registration, go to the page of the service itself. Click "Get a service":

3. Fill in the required fields and click the “Submit” button:

Video on how to find out exam results

If you have any questions, watch this video of ours:

Where can graduates of previous years find out the results?

If a person graduated from school several years ago, but suddenly wanted to pass a state certification (for example, to enter a university), or even came from another country, then the situation is somewhat different. This graduate is not assigned to any school. He applies for the exams on his own.

Consequently, he will be able to receive the results only in the department where he submitted his application for participation in the exams. It is also possible that the results will be published on websites, so it is worth checking there as well.

Who can find out the results

After the expected publication of the necessary information, it must be obtained somehow. But it is worth remembering that the scores for the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination and the State Examination are strictly confidential information. It can only be received by those who are directly related to it. This:

  • a graduate himself;
  • parents of the graduate;
  • graduate confidant.

But for a reason. It is necessary to provide confirmation of the right to receive your own points, and for family or trusted persons - in fact, documents certifying the fact of kinship or power of attorney.

What documents are needed

Fortunately, you will not need to collect a package of documents. In order to find out the certification results, you must:

  1. Student passport.
  2. The parent's passport and, if the graduate is not included in it, the child's birth certificate.
  3. The proxy's passport and power of attorney confirming the owner's right and consent to receive the exam results.

In addition, if you try to find out your points online, you will need a member registration code. It is entered on the portal, and it is through it that the system will search for data on a specific person. However, in some places it can be replaced with a passport number.

How long are exam results valid for?

According to recently updated legislation regarding this type of certification, the results of any state examinations will now be valid for 4 years excluding the year in which they were obtained.

Let’s say a student passed the Unified State Exam in 2018. Its results will be valid until 2022 inclusive. He has the right to use them for admission to a higher or secondary vocational educational institution at any time, until the points “burn out.”

Deadlines for retaking the Unified State Exam, OGE and State Examination

Unfortunately, there is a chance that you simply will not pass the state certification along with your classmates. A couple of points might just be missing. Or the result did not meet expectations, and you want to earn more to enter university on a budget basis.

If you fail one compulsory subject

If a student fails to pass one of the required subjects, he has the right to retake it on reserve days. As a rule, these days come immediately after the main exams, that is, in the summer. Therefore, there will be time to prepare for admission in the event of a successful retake.

If you fail a retake or fail two required exams

In this case, the situation becomes somewhat sadder. If both Russian and mathematics fail, or if the graduate manages to fail the retake, he will only be able to get another attempt at an additional stage of certification.

This stage begins in the fall, after September 1. In this case, it will no longer be possible to enroll in a university or college this year, except for distance learning. Or to a private educational institution.

If you fail your elective subject

In the case where a subject chosen by the student himself was failed, he will have to wait a whole year to retake it. It will be possible to retake such a subject only in the summer, along with all other schoolchildren.

Main state exam. By the way, it received the pretentious name “main” quite deservedly: absolutely all schoolchildren in the country, without exception, take this exam (unlike the Unified State Exam). In the ninth grade, every Russian must pass four subjects in the OGE format: Russian, mathematics and two to choose from. You need to pass everything with a “3” or higher, otherwise you simply won’t receive a certificate, you will have to retake the OGE until all 4 subjects are completed. If you fail to pass 1-2 subjects, you are given a chance to retake it on a reserve day in the same year, but if you fail, only a year later. By the way, the grade for the OGE affects the grade on the certificate!

For now, all students are allowed to take the OGE without any additional tests, but very soon the Final Interview (oral part in the Russian language) will become mandatory, which will serve as admission to the OGE.

But in reality, it's not all that scary. The OGE tests knowledge from grades 5 to 9, so the exam contains tasks that absolutely every student can prepare for, even if he is “not very good at mathematics,” for example. The main thing is not to delay preparation.

With the results of the Unified State Exam, you can go either to college or to the 10th grade (continuing your studies at school, taking a step towards the Unified State Exam).

OGE-2018 results: when and where official data will appear

Processing of OGE forms takes up to 10 calendar days. First, experts give a rating in primary points, which is then recalculated into the usual 5-point system. The results of the OGE in 2018 will be available in your personal account on the official portal of the main state exam.

Main period

Date OGE Approximately when to expect results
May 25 (Fri) foreign languages June 2
May 26 (Sat) foreign languages June 3
May 29 (Tue) Russian language June 8
May 31 (Thu) social studies, biology, computer science and ICT, literature June 8
June 2 (Sat) physics, computer science and ICT June 8
June 5 (Tue) mathematics June 15
June 7 (Thu) history, chemistry, geography, physics June 15
June 9 (Sat) social science June 17
June 20 (Wed) reserve: Russian language June 30
June 21 (Thu) reserve: mathematics June 30
June 22 (Fri) reserve: social studies, biology, computer science and ICT, literature June 30
June 23 (Sat) reserve: foreign languages August 1
June 25 (Mon) reserve: history, chemistry, physics, geography August 3
June 28 (Thu) reserve: for all subjects August 6
June 29 (Fri) reserve: for all subjects August 7

OGE results based on passport data

Where can I find out the results of the OGE?

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education ensure familiarization with the results of the OGE.

This information is duplicated on the official OGE information support website. But there is a section, see the screenshot, where you can find the website of the local administration of your region, where the results of the OGE are published. You can select a region by clicking on the map.

The official website for information support for the Unified State Exam has the same section. There are more relevant working links here. In general, it’s a complete disgrace - the state spends so much money on conducting the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, and the information on the regions on these sites is not always up-to-date.

All that remains is to look for your OGE results on the websites of the regional or regional department of education.

If your region is actively involved in information support for the OGE, then their website is clear and the results appear quickly. It is not always necessary to enter passport data; some regions post tables from which you can find out your result. Where sites are advanced, entering passport data is required.

When entering your passport data, be careful, as there are scam sites that illegally collect personal information.

The most reliable information about the results of the OGE can be found at your school.

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