Google Search Console: detailed instructions for webmasters. Google Search Console - former Google Webmaster Tools Search engine promotion using Google Analytics

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Google Search Console is also known as a former webmaster tool - one of the most important tools for business owners and SEO professionals ( Search Engine Optimization). This tool is an official Google tool and allows us to obtain information about our site and its visibility in search engine.

These webmaster tools provide official and reliable information Google, including spam warnings, incoming links, internal links, how to check the site and other important information that we can study to improve the site.

Why use the Google Search Console tool?

You should use the Google Search Console tool to monitor and maintain your site and its search visibility Google system. The tool also allows you to:

  • Find out if Google has access to the site and its content.
  • Sending content again.
  • Removing content from the search engine.
  • Site malware checking and spam management.
  • Which sites have a link to your site.
  • Is the site optimized for mobile devices?
  • And more.

Google's tool is free and you can see how your site appears there. But it provides us with the raw and analytical information that we need to work with, in other words, you should learn SEO or let a professional company promote your website.

How to add Google Search Console to your website?

Once you sign up for Google, you'll see several options to review your site. Below is the breakdown:

  • . If Google Analytics installed on your website and you have permission to change the settings, then this is one of the easiest and fastest solutions. Select this method and click "Confirm".
  • HTML file. Another way is to download HTML file into the Google management interface and install it on your server in the main folder.
  • Meta tag. Another way is to upload a meta tag to your site in before .
  • Google Tag Manager. If you are using Google Tag Manager and have access to management, you can check your site.

What can I do with Google Search Console?

The Search Console tool is very extensive and needs to be explored in depth, but we will explain it by category:

1. Appearance

In this section, Google lets us know how our site appears in search results, including:

  • Structured Data. Any structured data has been installed on the site.
  • Helpful Hints. Can Google information about events, products and offers on your site, etc.
  • Marker. another way to mark up data on your site.
  • HTML optimization. Lets you know if there is a duplicate meta description, missing title tags, etc.
  • . Your site has accelerated mobile pages and there are some problems.

2. Search traffic

Search query analysis

This is one of the most important parts of the tool, which allows you to obtain analytical information and understand how users search for site content. The tool allows you to find out some important things:

  • Clicks. How many clicks from search results led to a page on your site.
  • Impressions. The number of times the site appeared when users entered a search query.
  • CTR- the ratio of clicks to impressions (including internal pages), the number is displayed as a percentage and is based on an average.
  • Position. The average position of your site in Google searches.
  • Search query. The search term that users enter into Google, where your site appears.
  • Other- Other settings such as specific pages, countries, devices, etc. You can go deeper into the content.

Links to your site

You can also find out what the most related content on your site is and how the data is related (anchor text).

Internal links

Manual measures

Whether your site has been spammed, including link fraud, cloaking, etc. Read more about it in our article.

Targeting by country and language

This is about targeting your website to the appropriate audience. If you have one or more sites that target a specific audience that speaks a language, you should tag the site in a way that will lead to relevant people. The site must be linked by language and/or country with the hreflang tag.

Ease of viewing on mobile devices

Here you can learn how to use your website comfortably while surfing on a mobile device. Google will show you issues that may be affecting your site.

3. Google Index

In this section, you can find out how Google indexes your site, how many pages are indexed and other important details:

  • Indexing status. How many pages of your site were indexed by Google overall. Information appears a year ago.
  • Blocked resources. different domains and links that cannot be bypassed. In this case, they will not appear in Google search because the Google searcher will not be able to access them.
  • Remove URLs. Here you can temporarily remove sites from search results.

4. Scan

Here you can find out if Google has access to crawl your site, re-crawl, etc.

  • Scan errors. all the links that Google crawler tried to get and encountered any errors.
  • Scan Statistics. how and what Google has crawled on your site in the last 90 days (for statistical information only).
  • View as Googlebot. How Google's crawler sees your site and you can submit a review request.
  • Robots.txt file inspection tool. here you can see the file that reports Google crawlers and others, what is allowed to be scanned on the site and what is not allowed.
  • Sitemaps. Here you can send Sitemap files into Google and see what has been submitted and what types of content exist.
  • URL Options. If the URL has parameters that generate duplicate content, if any, you can see them here or add new ones.

5. Security issues

Google lets you know if your site has security issues. For example, if your site is hacked, malware is installed, etc. You can see it here, in this case it is necessary to deal with it immediately and quickly (and this is what a professional company knows how to do) so that the damage is as little as possible.

6. Site Tool

Additional tools to use change from time to time and are not suitable for every site, so we will not list them here.


Google Search Console allows you to gain insight and information about your site as Google crawls it, indexes it, and displays it to users. Of course, this information is the complete raw material from which you should start working on professional SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Click the button ADD RESOURCE.

Then you should confirm the rights to your site.

There are 5 ways to do this.

1. Place an HTML tag on your site

A simple method if you have access to file manager on hosting or via FTP.

Download the confirmation file (download by click), upload it to the root folder of the site in publi_html, then click on the link in step 3.

2. Placing an HTML tag in the page code

Allows you to install webmaster without access to hosting.

Find the site header code and insert the code from step 1 before the closing tag.

Check the result in the code by opening the code home page(in the browser CTRL+U, on Mac Command+U).

Verify ownership by clicking the button CONFIRM.

3. Domain name provider

If you do not have access to the admin panel or hosting, but have access to DNS.

Select your domain name provider from the list.

Then go to TXT settings entries and create the entry that the webmaster suggests.

The instructions for each domain name provider are different.

Please note that it may take several days for TXT records to be updated.

4. Communication via Google Analytics

To do this, use the installed Google Analytics asynchronous tracking code located before the closing tag.

You must have the highest level of access (user management).

5. Communication via Google Tag Manager

Initially set up a fragment container on the site.

Your Google profile must have a level of permissions to manage it.

Confirmation of rights is carried out in a few clicks.

How to grant access to Search Console

How to provide access to optimizers and employees: we give practical advice.

Often you have to give access to Google Webmaster to other optimizers, company employees and web programmers.

To do this, in the new Search Console interface, click on Settings and go to the section Users And Permissions.

Then click on the button ADD NEW USER and enter the required e-mail.

Select the access level - limited (suitable for conducting site audits or for management level employees) or full (suitable for an optimizer or web programmer).

Save the result.

Features of the new Search Console interface

Benefits of the new interface: a brief overview from SEOquick.

We raise the page in search results and reach the TOP.

Secret technique of Outreach and Search Console - there is a connection.

Not long ago, Google updated Search Console (Google Webmaster).

And it has a new interface with new features.

Let's start with it, because it has new functions, and their functionality is growing.

Efficiency (new interface)

You are immediately greeted with an analysis of the effectiveness of your website.

You can study indicators both for the entire site (which is really more like “average temperature in the hospital”), and page by page (which is most important for assessing multiple indicators).

The CTR is striking.

How to improve it?

One way is to work on snippets.

This is a free method to increase your click-through rate by 10 times and bring direct traffic through the correct Title and Description (the latter has lost its relevance a little)

We have developed our own Title improvement technique and created a convenient title quality calculator.

Short instructions on how to use it.

The second way is to raise the page in search results.

Try to improve your position through simple actions.

  1. Try to improve the content on your pages. If it's out of date, update it.
  2. Try to reduce the bounce rate on your page. Study why users spend little time on your page and don't interact with content
  3. Create a link from your website to the promoted page. Try to make relevant linking.
  4. Increase external traffic to the page. Use context, traffic from social networks. Users must interact with the content.
  5. Build links from blogs, directories, and article resources

Not all methods of obtaining links are useful and can lead to a drop in rankings, so we recommend studying this video - the difference between white and black methods in link building.

Use the Performance report and study all the keywords.

Choose those where your position is low (above 10).

Find sites using keywords that Google Webmaster offers you.

Then cast key query to our utility.

As a result of the search, you will receive ready-made clickable links that will display search results and examples of sites where you can write a guest post or article.

Then just go through the SERPs, contact site owners and invite them to write their own content.

This way you will get the cleanest and highest quality links to your own site.

Indexing submitted URLs

In a simple visual editor you will find both 404 pages that were mistakenly included in the index, and pages where it is recommended to make changes.


A simple and understandable report now. Available from (tautology).

  1. External links. Displays which links go to which pages. This is important for choosing the right pages to promote.
  2. Internal links. Takes into account the link distribution within the site and searches for the most correct hierarchy of importance of pages on the site. Analysis of this section will allow you to correctly link your site. The more important the pages are to you, the higher they should be in this report.
  3. Linking Sites(domains). Takes into account how many unique domains have linked to you. Remember, it is best when different topic domains link to you.
  4. The most common link texts(anchors). Actually, the most popular texts of your links. Keep in mind that anchors also affect rankings and consider keywords in them.

Ease of viewing on mobile devices

A simple report that displays in chronology when and what mobility errors occurred on your site.

Adding Sitemap.XML

You need to add your file immediately after verifying the webmaster Sitemap.xml.

This allows you to:

  • improve site indexing as a whole;
  • indicate specific pages for indexing;
  • indicate the time at which the content on the pages is updated.

In the new interface, adding a Sitemap is available via this link.

In the old interface, to add Sitemap.xml, click the appropriate button and provide the link.

AMP Page Analysis

A simple and visual error tracking tool with accelerated pages.

They are used to quickly display content on mobile devices, since they are usually devoid of unnecessary scripts and provide only content without complex elements.

The webmaster is very helpful in this regard:

URL checking

A very convenient tool for an SEO specialist!

After all, you are often asked to promote not the entire site, but individual pages.

And sometimes it’s not easy to assess the quality of pages based on all indicators - collecting reports from different places, analyzing them and trying to collect all the data together on one page.

Everything is simple here.

Allows you to define the following parameters:

  • DNS health
  • Server Viability
  • Search engine access to Robots file
  • Page errors in the index (displays the response code)
  • Filters mobile and desktop errors

Search Console Utilities

TOP utilities useful for your website.

Micro markup master is a reliable assistant.

Checking the site's micro markup

An indispensable utility for a layout designer.

Micromarking is a tool for structuring content.

The most popular micro markup services today are and

The first is responsible for marking up content in search engines, the second allows you to make markup for social networks.

Thanks to the Google service, you can check whether you have configured it well or poorly, and whether the data is displayed correctly.

The service allows you to not only display what content went into which container, but also where you made mistakes

It’s also a good idea to check your competitors’ TOP pages to select those types of micro markup that you haven’t implemented for some reason.

If you don’t have a layout designer, but you need to advance in Google, use the built-in wizard for selecting data for micro-page markup.

It works crazy easy.

Watch a short video from Google ( English language), which talks about this tool.

Adding new tags is easy.

First, select the pages and write down their type.

Then highlight the elements you need using a visual marker, and give them a category.

For example, company name, phone number, work hours and address.

The system provides analysis based on the following indicators:

  • FMP performance and loading speed
  • Style loading speed
  • Using cache

For example, we have implemented this analysis directly for our website - you can send your website for analysis and we will check for errors using PageSpeed, as well as other errors using a technical audit.

Greetings to all readers and subscribers of the blog site! In this article I will try to break down the manual on how to add a website to Google Search Console (ex. Google Webmaster). The article is intended for beginners.

We recently learned about the possibility of using the Search Console tool to cure a site from sanctions. And this is just one of many useful functions this tool. Also using of this instrument you can control the setting. So, let's figure it out.

How to add a site to Google Search Console

To get started with Search Console, you'll need a Google account. If you don't have it yet, now is the time. I recommend creating your own separate account for each project, to which Search Console, Google Analytics, Google My Business and other tools will be linked. However, you can use a personal account (with which you can) or keep all sites in one common one, as is more convenient for you.

Registering a site with Google

This tool was previously called Google Webmaster Tools. The old name is retained in its URL. The tool was renamed Search Console, but the address remained the same. Google limited itself to just changing the name; the service interface remained virtually unchanged. But Yandex recently presented.

To enter the Search Console itself, follow the link:

Here we are interested in the big red button “ Add resource«.

In the window that appears, select the item “ Website"(you can add your own mobile application, for example), enter its address (indicating the protocol - if your site is accessible via http:// and htpps://, you need to enter the preferred option) and click " Add«.

How to Verify a Website on Google

Adding a site to Google Webmaster is only 50% of the work. Now you need to choose a method to confirm rights to the added site. Otherwise, anyone could add any sites to Search Console.

Possible confirmation methods:

  • uploading an html file with a verification code to the server;
  • adding a meta tag to the site code;
  • confirmation using a DNS entry;
  • verification with using Google Analytics;
  • verification using Google Tag Manager.

Please note: in the case of Google Analytics, the site must be added to this system and the tracking code must be installed on it. We will assume that you have not yet installed Analytics, so we will immediately reject this method. DNS is also not simple; it is not suitable for all users, just like Tag Manager.

The simplest and most common option is to add an html file. Download it and upload it via FTP to the root folder of our site.

After downloading and checking (as indicated in the instructions) the file, click on the red button “ Check". If everything is in order, a new screen will open with congratulations from Google.

There is another option - add a verification code directly to source code pages. To do this, select the appropriate confirmation method, copy the code and add it to the site header inside the tag . Then click " Check«.


As you can see, you can register your website in Google Search Console (aka Google Webmaster Tools) without special skills and knowledge. It is not at all necessary to entrust this task to a programmer.

In the future, we will look at the capabilities of this tool and the basic techniques for working with it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Happy New Year and see you again on the pages of the blog site!

Google Search Console (or Google Webmaster) was created for website owners. It has a number of useful functions, so adding a site there can be considered mandatory. Tools in Google Webmaster will allow you to get a lot of information about the status of your site, and it will also notify you if any problems arise.

How to add a site to Google Webmaster?

You can add a site using this link, there you need to click the “Add resource” button. The link will only be available to those who have a Google account; if you don’t have one, you will need to create one. You will immediately be offered the recommended method of confirming rights to the site:

I think no one will have any difficulties with this. If necessary, you can use alternative ways, where there is:

  • Adding a meta tag to the main page code;
  • Using a Google Analytics account;
  • Using Google Tag Manager;
  • Using a domain name registrar (the most tedious method, especially for Russian registrars - I don’t recommend it to anyone).

Website data in Google Webmaster

The first page is the toolbar. There is the main and most important information about your site:

In the “Messages” section you will receive notifications from Google. There they can notify about the unavailability of the site as a whole, about individual URLs, phishing, sanctions and other important events. By default, notifications will be sent to email.

Search view

There are as many as six items in the “Search View” section. The first one reports structured data (if any). “Advanced cards” allow you to create cards with data about products, offers and events, which are then sent to Google search. “Marker” allows you to improve the display of your site in searches; there you will find video instructions on how to do this. Overall, the tool is useful.

"HTML Optimization" is a very useful item that shows information about problems with code or meta data:

In the section " Search traffic"Also six points, the section is useful and necessary. "Analysis search queries» allows you to find out the number of clicks, CTR, position and number of impressions.

For each request, you can see the dynamics of changes in its position and other indicators. The tool as a whole is very functional and well suited for analyzing the position of your website in Google. Although, unlike specialized position checking services, there is a delay of 2-3 days.

“Links to Your Site” will show you the domains and pages that link to you, the most frequently linked pages on your site, and link anchors. "Internal links" allow you to see which pages on your site link to a specific page, that is, see internal linking. The tool is not the most convenient, it is far from

Manual Actions will notify you of sanctions that may be imposed on your site. It’s good when there is no information at all in this section. “Targeting by countries and languages” allows you to see which country your domain is linked to, as well as set language settings using hreflang attributes (you can read more in the section itself).

“Ease of viewing on mobile devices” in Google Webmaster will notify you about possible problems with site display on mobile devices. If there are comments there, they need to be eliminated, since Google has almost certainly already demoted your site in mobile search results because of them.

“Indexing Status” will show you how your site is being indexed. It will show not only the indexing history and the number of pages in the index, but also those blocked in robots.txt (it will help you find those that were mistakenly blocked), as well as those that were deleted.

"Keywords in Content" will show not only the keywords themselves, but also their importance from Google's point of view. Sometimes you can see something there that shouldn’t be there (like the unwritten words in the screenshot below), so you should definitely look at this section.

“Blocked resources” will display what Google saw, but it is prohibited from indexing. "Remove URLs" allows you to exclude certain pages on your site from search (not index). Sometimes this feature can be useful.

Google Webmaster section dedicated to crawling data for your site. Allows you to find crawling errors, find out statistics, look at the page like a Google bot, check robots.txt, specify the path to the sitemap, configure URL parameters for more efficient crawling.

The last item in the Google Webmaster menu is “Security Issues”. Everything is fine if there is no information at all. Alerts about serious problems that can directly affect the performance and ranking of the site.

Should I add a site to Google Webmaster or not? In my opinion, the answer is obvious, especially if you are interested in promotion, including in this search engine, which accounts for more than 40% of requests from Russian-speaking users.

On the first screen you can immediately see graphs of performance and indexing reports, as well as recommendations for improvements.

New interface Old interface

It is worth noting that in the new Google webmaster, the default chart is displayed for almost 90 days, instead of 28.

Below is the indexing chart. It clearly shows the number of pages indexed with errors and without errors.

On the left is a sidebar - similar to the old version. However, it can now be hidden, making it easier to analyze the graphs.

Website performance report

The new website performance report includes a convenient filter where you can
select and compare impressions, clicks, CTR, average position:

  • by search type - web, images, video;
  • by dates - the intervals are significantly increased, you can compare even over the entire period of operation of the site;

  • upon request;
  • by URL (page);
  • by country;
  • by device (PC, mobile, tablet).

The result is quite informative graphs.

Google promises that search performance graphs can be plotted with 16 months of data. Let me remind you that in the old Search Console you can select a maximum of 90 days (3 months).

In the same graph, you can see notes about the data anomaly in Search Console with a link to explanations in Google Support.

Below, under the graph, we see tabs with queries, pages, countries and devices.

In my opinion, the downside of this table is that it is not possible to include additional columns for impressions/CTR/average position like in the old report.

Submitted URL Indexing Report

Visually very similar to a performance report.

This report is a hybrid of the old Indexing report and the Crawl Error report.

Old site indexing report
Old site error report

A very useful update is the ability to view indexing:

  • processed pages;
  • sent pages;
  • Sitemap.xml file.

Analysis of the control site showed that the number of pages in the Sitemap.xml file does not correspond to the real number of pages on the site.

Indexing URLs for the site as a whole

It was also noticed that the number of errors and scanned pages do not match.

A detailed table of error statuses shows that Google now shows more full information about why the page is not indexed.

The list of errors now contains information very similar to the Yandex report. Webmaster. The difference is that Yandex shows the webmaster which duplicate pages he sees and displays a table grouped by URL. Google groups data by error type.

Google doesn't show the source of the duplicate, and the new report doesn't show the source of the 404 errors. Instead, it offers for each URL:

  • Check the blocking of the page in robots.txt, transferring the check to the old checker.
  • View as GoogleBot.
  • View in search - sends structures like info: to search
  • Submit the page to the index.

Sitemap report

The report still contains information about all Sitemap.xml files and has not changed much in its content.

Compared to old version webmaster - the report is uninformative. The console prompts you to go to the page with the file indexing report using the link.

What's the result?

The new Google Search Console has an updated, modern design in keeping with other Google tools.

In terms of functionality, it is still far from perfect.

Many metrics are not yet available.

The Site Indexing Report shows you how Google sees your site in more detail.

This information can already be used when conducting an SEO audit.

We hope that when Google Search Console is fully launched, it will become more useful for site owners, webmasters and .

Do you want to increase website traffic through analysis? Google data Search Console? and get a strategy from the Livepage team.

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