Hacker stuff for beginners. Everything a beginner hacker needs

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How to become a hacker? What is needed for this? Where are the instructions? You won't find that in this article. Absurd? No, this article simply does not fit the entire amount of knowledge that you need to know. The material will be devoted to more vital and important aspects, about which there is not a word in beautiful films and glossy magazines. So if you are expecting something like “click here, hop and everything is hacked,” then this article is not for you, and probably not hacking either.

First, I would like to draw your attention to articles 272, 273 and 274, which are required reading, as they are fundamental in this path.

The next point is that hackers are not the only ones who hack and commit crimes. Many hackers are engaged in completely legal activities. Security audit, stability testing, consulting on the creation and design of applications, creating your own tools to improve the level of security, etc. So hackers are not only “bad and hairy men and women.”

Note: To be able to defend yourself with a sword from another sword, you need to be able to use this sword.

How to become a hacker - closer to reality

If you are really interested in the question of how to become a hacker, then you should be closer to reality. This means that the idea of ​​“bang, everything is blinking, three commands, wow, wow, the mouse is clicked and access is gained” can correspond to reality only after a huge amount of time in preparing all this. But, let's start in order.

Basic myths about hackers:

1. These are cool guys with cool outfits. In principle, this can happen, but in most cases everything is somewhat different. The need to spend a lot of time at the computer leaves its mark. No offense to hackers, but have you seen how avid online gamers dress? Comfortable and convenient clothes, not “latest fashion textiles”. In addition, lack of physical activity also affects.

2. Super puzzles with mega music. In films, characters draw cool diagrams, run through corridors, and generally do anything to depict painful activity. And all this is accompanied by cool, intriguing musical accompaniment. In reality, most of a hacker's work consists of routine tasks. Digging into source codes, including library hex codes, tracing function calls, placing data in RAM and so on. All this, of course, can be done to cool music, but this has nothing to do with those effects from films.

3. Cool gadgets with super technology. Of course, hacking is largely related to mathematics, and where mathematics can come in handy, large productive capacities can be useful. But, in reality, this has nothing to do with bells and whistles and cool “dangles”. It's like street racing. Car body kits can only make things worse. Well, the car won’t go faster if you attach a noisy silencer, especially since it can generally cause the car’s power to be lost, since the flow of exhaust gases can form a barrier, which will cause the engine load to increase (higher load - less power ).

4. Three lines of code or five minutes to crack. If a mega system can be hacked in five minutes with a couple of lines of code, then such a system can be safely thrown away. We are not talking about situations with stupid errors that were discovered by chance or after a year of research. Of course there are typical errors(SQL injections, buffer overflow, etc.), but even checking them takes a lot of time. So such a hack is only possible in cases where either the system has already been analyzed inside and out, or when it uses known or similar mechanisms. Remember that the hacker must still have all the necessary tools with him.

5. They can hack anything and under any conditions. Due to circumstances, hackers need to know a lot and this is normal. However, this does not change reality. There are many technical aspects, various restrictions and other things. In other words, the apples fell and continue to fall. An example from history is the Enigma cipher machine. Invented in 1917 (a patent was issued), and how many problems it caused during the Second World War. Over time, hacking it became possible, but this is over time and this takes into account the appearance of additional funds. In 1917 it was impossible to hack it.

And so on. The point is, you probably got the idea that the reality of a hacker is far from what is shown in movies or described in blog posts.

As I already said, there will be no standard instructions, but if you are really interested in learning, here are a few things that make sense to start studying.

Required basic knowledge of hackers:

1. Knowledge of machine codes, including hardware.

2. Knowledge about the structure of the operating system.

3. Knowledge of the network structure, technologies used, etc.

4. Knowledge in the field of cryptography. Ciphers, strength, methods of cracking and analysis.

5. Installation of anti-virus and other security measures. Technologies used.

6. The main hacking methods and technologies used. Vulnerabilities and the like.

7. And everything else that in one way or another may be connected with the object being hacked.

Moreover, all this is quite detailed, since in order to hack something, you need to thoroughly understand how it works. Those. not of the “operating system provides to users” type, but something of the “how signals are transmitted to the kernel, how memory is allocated, in which registers data is stored, what are collisions, etc.”

Probably almost every young person who was once bought a computer set out to become a hacker. Why exactly do young people aged 14 to 20 want to become hackers? Whether because of the desire to assert oneself, because of one’s curiosity, or because of the desire to earn money – it doesn’t matter, that’s not what this article is about. How difficult it can be for a novice hacker to understand all the intricacies world wide web, hacking methods, etc. etc.

Where to start? Where can I get it? What to do? After reading this article, you will find out the answers to these and many other questions. Your computer will turn from an ordinary pet “animal” into a “monster” that will frighten evil administrators. The article is intended primarily for the novice hacker.

Part one, introductory
I hope you understand that if you decide to become a hacker, you have already violated the law of the Russian Federation. Think about it, do you need this? Do you get a suspended sentence because of the defacement of a website? The first time is conditional, and only if you are a good boy. If you say they won’t catch me, you’re wrong, they will want to catch me. The only question is time - when you will be caught. Sitting in a dimly lit room and looking at a healthy “bull” who, apart from a right hook to the jaw and a roundhouse kick to the stomach, knows nothing else, is not the most pleasant pastime. Still decided to become a hacker? Okay, then ask yourself why? Tough question? And you thought.

Part two, preparatory
1. You probably already know that all servers are either on Unix, or on WinNT, or on some other operating system, but not on Win 9x. And, accordingly, almost all attacks on servers come from these two operating systems: Unix and WinNT. That's why you should install Unix. Don’t be upset, I understand that your dad can’t handle Unix, it’s more convenient for him to work in Windows - so there are only two solutions to this issue: method one - install a Unix emulator. What is an emulator? This is a program that works for one operating system, but works on another. Those. you need to install a program on your computer that would run under Windows, but would process Unix commands.

No sooner said than done. The most famous Unix emulators for Windows are Cygwin and Uwin. If you are not familiar with programming and Unix itself, I don’t recommend installing CygWin - you won’t understand it. It is much easier in this case to install Uwin. You can find out how to do this by reading an article in Hacker from September 2000. I understand it’s difficult to find, but I won’t retell the article for you. And this is the address where you can download Uwin: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/uwin

You go to the site, press the "Download Software" pimp, then a page will load where you will be asked - for what purpose are you installing Uwin? If for commercial, then the program will work for only 90 days, then you pay a lot for the license. But we don’t need this, so we click on the first link and go to the page for selecting files and filling out the form. In the "Full Name" field, write your full name in the American style: Vasya V. Pupkin. Next, enter your e-mail and the name of your company: like BigFood, whatever, in short. Then select the file - the ones you need are only in the first two fields, you’ll figure it out on your own, I think. The two files you selected weigh approximately, one 8.7 MB, the second 3.8, i.e. approximately 13 MB, and you will also need the file uwin_development.win32.i386.exe - this is a set of templates for Windows compilers. The files are in the exe extension; once you download them, you just need to run them. The archive will be unpacked and Uwin will be installed on your computer. That's it. By the way, you will need a compiler. Buy a compiler either Borland or Visual Studio.

Method two - register with Arbornet. The second method of getting Unix is ​​to get a free shell on the appropriate server. Shell is the same thing as an emulator. The difference is that the emulator is installed directly on your computer, and the shell is on a remote server and gives you the opportunity to work with the command line Unix line. I put the method of obtaining a remote shell in second place, because it has much less capabilities than the emulator installed on your computer. It all depends on the owners of the server, what they want to give you and what they don’t.

I advise you to register on Arbornet.org. Write to command line Windows telnet m-net.arbornet.org A window will appear, enter newuser and then write what they ask. In particular, your login under which you will log in, password, your e-mail and your name. After this, you can immediately start working. Almost all Unix commands will be available to you, but not all, but more on that later. The only thing I want to add here is that if you need to upload any file or files, for example exploits, to the shell, then you need to launch any ftp client, type the address ftp.m-net.arbornet.org, enter your login and password accordingly and download what you need. They give you plenty of space there.

2. After spending a day, you finally downloaded and installed the emulator. What's next? Now you just need combat software.

So what do we need:
- scanner:
There are a huge number of scanners. They differ only in the number of functions provided to the user. There are multifunctional scanners, and there are only those designed to perform one specific task. You will need a port scanner, a network eavesdropping scanner, a CGI vulnerability scanner. You can also purchase a security scanner that examines the host for holes in the server's security system.

For Unix:
Port scanner:
Netcat is a very cool utility, it includes many functions and not only a port scanner. Address:
http://www.l0pht.com/ ~weld/netcat/
Nmap - this utility is even better than netcat. You need to take both of these utilities, they will come in handy. Address:

Scanner for wiretapping the network:
HPing or Fping - these two utilities allow you to determine the IP addresses of computers in a given range that are in at the moment connected to the network under study. You can, of course, use the standard ping utility, but the above utilities are much better, simply because they include some additional features. Address:

For Windows, you can find all the scanners you need on our website. Don’t forget about the CGI script scanner; for Windows I recommend taking DCS, Void, TwwwScan and Stealth.

Scanner of shared (open to everyone) resources: there is little choice here - it’s better to take Legion. Address:

Enum utility: necessary for researching a given server (only for NT servers): obtaining a list of users, groups, shared resources, cracking a password using a dictionary. Address:

PWL file cracker: for example PWLTools (this program can be downloaded from dreamprogs, use the search). These are files that contain user passwords

Remote password guessing: Brutus program. Necessary for password cracking using remote poking.
Cracking NT passwords: LoPhtCrack program.
Cracking Unix passwords: John program.

Keylogger: These are programs that, when installed on the victim computer, record all keystrokes into a file and send it to the desired email address.

Sniffer: A sniffer is a program designed to intercept packets traveling from one node (user) to another node (server). After the packet is received, the sniffer will sort it according to your filter, depending on what you need, passwords or other information. There are a huge number of sniffers for both Unix, NT and Windows.

Roman Shirokiy

Reading time: 5 minutes


Many Internet users are interested in how to become a hacker from scratch and where to start. Usually connoisseurs of this hobby are young guys, whose average age is 16-20 years.

Young people are of the opinion that a hacker is a computer hacker, but this is a misconception. That’s why, before mastering this profession, I recommend understanding what a hacker is.

A hacker is a programmer of the highest class who works with ready-made software and uses programming languages ​​to realize his imagination.

For some people, work is a way of life. These kinds of inclinations are most often laid in childhood. This is especially true for professional hackers. Find out how to become one of them below.

  • Learn the basics of programming. This skill will allow you to achieve your goal. According to professionals, it is possible to study the database on your own at home, if you devote as much time as possible to studying materials, programming languages ​​and computer technology.
  • The basics of programming have a similar structure and principles. A number of programming languages ​​will have to be learned by heart. These include PHP, MySQL, Java and others.
  • In addition to programming languages, be sure to get acquainted with operating systems, which, at first glance, seem simple. We are talking about UNIX and Linux platforms. Real hackers don't work with Windows firmware.
  • Hackers are aiming for proper operation online, which involves much more than communicating with friends. If you really want to become a real ace, you will have to gain a lot of knowledge, and only the Internet will help. Find out how it works global web and figure out why the client transmits HTTP servers, how the browser interacts with the server, and so on. Without this knowledge, you can’t count on a good result.
  • Choose a software package. I’ll warn you right away that choosing the right tool programs is not easy, but a strong desire will simplify the task. First, find some compilers and assemblers. The first solutions translate program text into an equivalent program. The second option is software that converts programs into machine-type instructions.
  • Can't do without good things text editor allowing you to create and change text files, view, print and find text information.
  • You will need a specialized editor in which to create and edit source codes programs. Such a solution could be separate program or part of the development environment.

You've got your first idea of ​​how to become a hacker. If you're planning on building a career, it won't hurt to study a few foreign languages. Experts recommend paying special attention to the English language, since it is used very widely on the Internet.

Video instructions

To summarize, I would like to note that perseverance, along with an understanding of the goal and the ability to implement ideas, will allow you to become a successful hacker. True, it is better to work within the law, since malicious hacking is criminally punishable.

How to become a hacker from scratch

The job of a professional hacker is very interesting. Website hacks, theft important information, theft of money, penetration, disclosure of secrets. The possibilities of a true hacker are endless. As for his name, it is carefully hidden.

Young people are attracted to active activities in stealing information and hacking websites. But they do not take into account that for such actions they often have to answer before the law.

Work does not always involve illegal activities, and this is a fact. If you want to work in the computer field, large companies will use your services. And it’s not surprising, because the hacker is a first-class IT specialist.

As practice shows, corporations and large banks want a professional hacker on their staff. Organizations protect important information using computer technology, and a specialist is able to detect security loopholes and prevent data theft.

Only self-development will help you find a profession. I will share a few tips, and with their help you will get closer to your dream, and perhaps realize it.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Basic Skills . First of all, get acquainted with the Internet, find out the meaning of various headings, learn a lot of basic concepts and understand the interaction of browsers with servers.
  2. Programming languages . Pay special attention to learning programming languages. With the help of tutorials, which are abundant on the Internet, learn how to write simple programs. With a little effort, you will master programming skills, and in the future you will have the opportunity to improve them.
  3. If you dream of working as a hacker, pay special attention to learning the hypertext markup language called HTML.
  4. English. You can’t do without knowing English. This language is used by all world services. Therefore, owning it is a must.

The four points outlined will help you master basic skills. Having completed the task, start studying professional issues and the intricacies of hacking. Fortunately, the Internet is full of information related to today's topic.

  • Value your time and colleagues . Be sure to share your achievements with your “brothers in arms.”
  • Respect the code. Hackers have their own code, which prohibits giving or taking in return. If you managed to hack someone else's program, inform the owner so that he can work on protecting his brainchild.
  • Eliminate stereotyped thoughts . A hacker should not think in stereotypes. He must have the ability to quickly and always find answers.
  • Ask for advice . If something is unclear, do not hesitate to ask for advice on a thematic forum. If you solved the problem yourself, share the solution algorithm with your colleagues. They will do the same in the future.
  • Keep an eye on the technology . A computer is a living organism and close friend IT specialist. Therefore, computer equipment, stationary systems, laptops or netbooks need care.

Reach your goal quickly if your team of allies is replenished with perseverance and free time. Every day you will have to learn new information, which will bring experience.

Video tips

ABOUT computer games It's better to forget. Spend your free time gaining knowledge that will be useful in the future. Be sure to read the Criminal Code to avoid an unpleasant situation.

How to become a hacker where to start

Continuing the theme of today's article, we will consider the main stages of training in order to learn in detail where to start to become a hacker.

In feature films, hackers hack payment systems, government websites, large organizations and industrial facilities. The main purpose of hacking is important information or money. In reality, everything is not so simple.

A hacker is an ordinary programmer who is able to hack program code. However, he has other goals. He does not seek to obtain important data and sell it for big money on the black market. During hacking, a specialist gets acquainted with the operating principle of a particular program, studies the code to find holes, and create an analogue or similar program.

Many people consider hackers to be criminals who hack and destroy, so there are “specialists” who are not hackers, but try to lead a similar lifestyle. Even a beginner can harm a website or computer if he uses a malicious script that disguises itself as a program and is placed on websites.

In real life, meeting a true professional in this field is problematic. An experienced hacker will never tell you what he does. He works alone because he knows that such activity is punishable.

  1. Be patient. Realize that mastering the skills will take years.
  2. Pay special attention to the study of applied mathematics. Believe me, without mathematical knowledge you will not be able to become a hacker.
  3. Be sure to purchase books devoted to the operation of programs, software platforms, and security systems.
  4. Learn to write code and create encrypted systems without outside help. Work without these skills is impossible.
  5. Read thematic magazines, visit websites and forums dedicated to hacking activities. Sources of information will help in self-development.
  6. Keep a diary. Record statistics of successes and achievements. Over time, you will notice that your skills have become more advanced.

Be prepared for the fact that studying at home will be lengthy and require maximum effort. This is the only way to conquer the peaks and break stereotypes. Remember, you must act within the law.


I hope the story will help, and you, having familiarized yourself with the material, will quickly achieve success.

Do not forget that creating or modifying programs that lead to illegal copying, blocking or destruction of important information is a punishable crime. For such actions they can be imprisoned for 3 years and fined a tidy sum.

If the actions cause serious consequences, the punishment will be more severe. Therefore, before you take up work, be sure to think about whether you can resist temptation and not cross the line of the law. Good luck and see you again!

Very often you can hear from young people that they would like to become hackers. As a rule, people talking about this are new to the field of Internet and computer technology. The desire in itself is commendable, however, it is doubtful that they understand what they are talking about.

If you conduct a survey among ordinary users What, in their opinion, are hackers doing? Most of them will immediately give the answer: writing viruses, hacking credit cards, overwhelms strangers mailboxes streams of spam. All these answers will be incorrect, since the person who performs all these actions is not a hacker at all, but a cracker who specializes in hacking, and, by and large, is a criminal who is worthy not of admiration, but of punishment provided for by the legislation of many countries.

If this is not a hacker, then who can be called this word? If you turn to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, it will tell you that hackers are highly qualified specialists who have perfect knowledge in the field of computer and information technology. This definition It looks somehow dry and devoid of any romance, however, this is exactly so.

I also suggest watching the video tutorial.

Having figured out who hackers are, let's try to figure out how to become a hacker yourself, and what needs to be done for this?

Firstly, anyone who decides to become a hacker must acquire one of the versions of the Linux OS, as well as master and be able to use all the capabilities that a computer puts in your hands. Currently, there are computers in almost every apartment, but not everyone knows how to use something other than Spider Solitaire.

Of course Windows system is much more widespread in our country, but its distribution comes into the hands of the user compiled into machine code, in contrast to the files that make up the kernel of Linux-based operating systems. In addition, the vast majority of servers are run by Unix-like operating systems, so using Windows will have to refuse.

Secondly, you will need to explore all the possibilities provided by the Internet, as well as have skills in the languages ​​PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML. If you're serious about becoming a hacker, these are the languages ​​you can't do without. In addition, with the help of this you will begin to understand the principles of operation different browsers. If you have never programmed before, knowing languages ​​will be a great help in this matter, teaching you to think the way programmers think.

Thirdly, learning serious programming languages ​​cannot be avoided. At first glance, they may seem like some kind of Chinese writing, but the devil is not as scary as he is painted, you just need to take it and start studying them. The best language option that will help you the most in the future if you want to become a hacker is the C language. It is certainly more complex than many other languages, but it is organized more strictly than many other options, and knowledge and a thorough understanding of it will make it easy to understand any other tongue. In addition to C, you will need to learn C++, ASM and Python.

Learning programming is necessary so that the user clearly understands and understands all the processes that occur inside his computer. If this knowledge is not there, then you will never be able to achieve results as a hacker.

Fourth, in order to become a hacker, you will need to study at a fairly high level English language, since it is on it that members of the hacker community from all over our planet communicate with each other. The population of our country, like most other countries in the post-Soviet space, traditionally treats the study of foreign languages ​​with lukewarmness and completely in vain. To become a hacker, you will need to be aware of all the latest developments in the IT field, which, as a rule, occur in Western countries, and you can only learn about them in time from English-language sources.

I wish you success! Until next time!

Otherwise, however, many want to learn how to masterly computer equipment and have a perfect knowledge of the structure of networks, including the Internet, including their weak points and vulnerabilities. Such knowledge can be used not only to harm someone, but also for good, for example, to improve the protection of networks and programs hosted on them, etc.

You don't need superpowers to become a hacker from scratch. This is quite possible for anyone who has a penchant for programming and a technical mind in general (it will be difficult for a humanities student to become a hacker, but he is unlikely to have the desire).

To become a hacker from scratch you need: 1. Tenacity, perseverance, patience. The impulsive nature does not really correspond to the painstaking work of real hackers. 2. Graduate from a university with a degree in “ applied mathematics" This may disappoint those who wanted to become a hacker in a couple of months, but this point is absolutely necessary. Among the famous hackers, the vast majority graduated from university, and very successfully.

3. Find and carefully study the literature on the functioning of operating systems, software, networks (tcpip, dns), security systems (depending on what area you plan to specialize in as a hacker). In addition, the necessary elements of a hacker's education are the theory of cryptography and the practice of creating and operating cryptographic systems.

4. Great to know mathematical models encryption and have experience in creating ciphers and encryption systems, as well as the basics of the functioning of encryption equipment and software and hardware implementations of cryptography algorithms, which is also a mandatory element of a hacker’s education.

5. Regularly and carefully read Hacker magazine, and also study past issues. This popular publication contains many useful information, and not only for hackers, but also for ordinary users. 6. Explore online forums where hackers communicate, for example, the forum at www.xakep.ru. This way you can learn the working algorithms and professional secrets of hackers.

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