Inurl php feedid what earnings. How to make money by knowing PHP

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Run the downloaded file by double clicking (you need to have virtual machine ).

3. Anonymity when checking a site for SQL injection

Setting up Tor and Privoxy in Kali Linux

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Setting up Tor and Privoxy on Windows

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Proxy settings in jSQL Injection

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4. Checking the site for SQL injection with jSQL Injection

Working with the program is extremely simple. Just enter the website address and press ENTER.

The following screenshot shows that the site is vulnerable to three types of SQL injections (information about them is indicated in the lower right corner). By clicking on the names of injections you can switch the method used:

Also, the existing databases have already been displayed to us.

You can view the contents of each table:

Typically, the most interesting thing about tables is the administrator credentials.

If you are lucky and you find the administrator’s data, then it’s too early to rejoice. You still need to find the admin panel where to enter this data.

5. Search for admin panels with jSQL Injection

To do this, go to the next tab. Here we are greeted with a list of possible addresses. You can select one or more pages to check:

The convenience lies in the fact that you do not need to use other programs.

Unfortunately, there are not very many careless programmers who store passwords in clear text. Quite often in the password line we see something like


This is a hash. You can decrypt it using brute force. AND… jSQL Injection has a built-in brute forcer.

6. Brute force hashes using jSQL Injection

The undoubted convenience is that you do not need to look for other programs. There is support for many of the most popular hashes.

This is not the most best option. In order to become a guru in decoding hashes, the Book “” in Russian is recommended.

But, of course, when there is no other program at hand or there is no time to study, jSQL Injection with its built-in brute force function will come in very handy.

There are settings: you can set which characters are included in the password, the password length range.

7. File operations after detecting SQL injections

In addition to operations with databases - reading and modifying them, if SQL injections are detected, the following file operations can be performed:

  • reading files on the server
  • uploading new files to the server
  • uploading shells to the server

And all this is implemented in jSQL Injection!

There are restrictions - the SQL server must have file privileges. The sensible ones system administrators they are disabled and access to file system won't be able to get it.

The presence of file privileges is quite simple to check. Go to one of the tabs (reading files, creating a shell, uploading a new file) and try to perform one of the specified operations.

Still very important note- we need to know the exact absolute path to the file with which we will work - otherwise nothing will work.

Look at the following screenshot:

To any attempt to operate on a file, we receive the following response: No FILE privilege(no file privileges). And nothing can be done here.

If instead you have another error:

Problem writing into [directory_name]

This means that you incorrectly specified the absolute path where you want to write the file.

In order to guess an absolute path, you need to at least know operating system on which the server is running. To do this, switch to the Network tab.

Such a record (line Win64) gives us reason to assume that we are dealing with Windows OS:

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99 Server: Apache/2.4.17 (Win64) PHP/7.0.0RC6 Connection: Keep-Alive Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 353 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:48:31 GMT X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.0RC6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here we have some Unix (*BSD, Linux):

Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:57:02 GMT Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html X- Powered-By: PHP/5.3.29 Server: Apache/2.2.31 (Unix)

And here we have CentOS:

Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=9p60gtunrv7g41iurr814h9rd0; path=/ Connection: keep-alive X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.37 X-Cache: MISS from Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 12:08:54 GMT Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1251

On Windows, a typical folder for sites is C:\Server\data\htdocs\. But, in fact, if someone “thought of” making a server on Windows, then, very likely, this person has not heard anything about privileges. Therefore, you should start trying directly from the C:/Windows/ directory:

As you can see, everything went fine the first time.

But the jSQL Injection shells themselves raise doubts in my mind. If you have file privileges, then you can easily upload something with a web interface.

8. Bulk checking of sites for SQL injections

And even this function is available in jSQL Injection. Everything is extremely simple - download a list of sites (you can import from a file), select those that you want to check and click the appropriate button to start the operation.

Conclusion from jSQL Injection

jSQL Injection is good, powerful tool to search and subsequently use SQL injections found on websites. Its undoubted advantages: ease of use, built-in related functions. jSQL Injection can be a beginner's best friend when analyzing websites.

Among the shortcomings, I would note the impossibility of editing databases (at least I did not find this functionality). Like all instruments with graphical interface, one of the disadvantages of this program can be attributed to the inability to use it in scripts. Nevertheless, some automation is also possible in this program - thanks to the built-in function of mass site checking.

The jSQL Injection program is much more convenient to use than sqlmap. But sqlmap supports more types of SQL injections, has options for working with file firewalls and some other functions.

Bottom line: jSQL Injection - best friend novice hacker.

Help for this program in the Encyclopedia Kali Linux you will find on this page:

From the author: Hello friends! In this article we will talk about the PHP programming language. Let's find out what it is used for, what you can do with it, and what place it occupies in the stages of website development. Also in this article we will look at many ways to make money knowing how to program in PHP.

What is PHP and what is it for?

PHP is a scripting language that is very actively used in the development of web applications. PHP is one of the leading languages ​​used in developing dynamic websites.

PHP is a server-side programming language. All scripts written in this language are executed on the server with the site. To study PHP, develop and debug websites and scripts, of course, you don’t have to buy a real server on the Internet. For these purposes, server emulators are used, which in the form of programs are simply installed on a working computer. And on a server on the Internet (hosting) they place ready-made websites and pages with PHP script ami. By the way, almost all modern hosting supports the PHP language.

The popularity of this language in the field of website building is determined by the presence of a large set of built-in tools for developing web applications. The main ones:

automatic extraction of POST and GET parameters, as well as environment variables web server into predefined arrays;

interaction with a large number various systems database management (MySQL, MySQLi, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle (OCI8), Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, ODBC, mSQL, IBM DB2, Cloudscape and Apache Derby, Informix, Ovrimos SQL, Lotus Notes, DB++, DBM, dBase, DBX, FrontBase, FilePro, Ingres II, SESAM, Firebird / InterBase, Paradox File Access, MaxDB, PDO Interface);

automated sending of HTTP headers;

working with cookies and sessions;

working with local and deleted files, sockets;

processing files uploaded to the server;

working with XForms.

Let's look at an example where the PHP script runs on the page. Take, for example, the subscription form in which you enter your name and email on many sites. For appearance forms - colors of input fields and buttons, changing the color of a button when hovering and clicking on it, and so on - meets HTML and CSS. Using HTML5, you can check the correctness of the data entered into the form - for example, whether the email or phone fields are filled out correctly.

And after you click the “Subscribe” button, a PHP script is called, which receives the data you entered into the form. The script records them in the database, generates and sends you a link to confirm your subscription to the email specified in the form, checks the subscription confirmation and sends you subsequent emails. All these operations are performed on the server, and this is done using the PHP programming language.

Application of PHP in website development

To create a website, you need to go through several stages:

Planning. At this stage, we are planning the future site: for whom and why are we making it, who will visit the site, what to fill it with, what should be on the site, and so on.

Design. At the design stage we create in graphic editor appearance of the site pages.

Layout. At the layout stage, using HTML and CSS, we create the HTML pages of the future site from the layouts obtained at the design stage.

Programming. At the programming stage, we automate the processes of working with the site. We program the administrative part of the site (admin panel) so that you can add, delete, edit existing pages even for a person completely unfamiliar with website building. We program so that the search and all subscription forms (if any) on the site work. We make sure that the newly added page is displayed on the site, and a link to the created page automatically appears in the menu. If the site uses voting or a survey, then this is also all programmed in PHP, at the programming stage.

If we consider the stage of programming a larger site, for example, an online store, then everything here is even broader and more interesting. In this case, we add not only pages, but also products - the main content of the online store. Moreover, in the admin panel you need to provide a breakdown of added products into various categories. It should also be possible to edit the product, change its description, price, picture, etc.

In addition, an online store requires programming of an analytics system - so that you can see in the admin panel how many orders were placed and paid, for what amount, and which products were paid for from which categories, etc. Moreover, it should be possible to display such reports for various periods. When programming an online store, sales reporting for accounting and tax purposes is often also implemented.

That is why the stage in which the PHP programming language is used is the most important, the longest in terms of time, and the most expensive and highly paid in website development. And once you understand how to program an online store, you will be able to create scripts for a website of almost any complexity.

Popularity of PHP

The popularity of PHP is evidenced by the fact that it is used by 83.1% of all sites where it was possible to identify a server-side programming language.

All the most popular CMSs that occupy first places in popularity ratings (both paid and free: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Modx, Bitrix. Magento, etc.) are written in the PHP programming language.

Also, the popularity of the PHP programming language is evidenced by the many created PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Yii, CakePHP, Slim, Zend Framework 2, PHPixie, CodeIgniter, Symfony 2 and others. There are a huge number of forums and large communities - for PHP in general, for each framework and for each CMS separately.
I’ll also add that the world’s largest sites, for example, Facebook, Wikipedia, are also written in PHP.

How can you make money with knowledge of PHP?

Given the popularity of PHP, there is a constant high demand for PHP programmers. Having knowledge of PHP and being able to program in this language will open up new opportunities for earning money. Let's look at the main ones with which you can really make money today:

Earning money by developing scripts. All sites are constantly evolving, and they periodically require the writing of new scripts, or the development of additional functionality, modules, etc. For such developments, site owners turn to PHP developers. Moreover, in in this case you can earn in two ways:

track orders to find a freelance developer;

generate ideas for mass scripts. Having an idea for a script that will definitely be in demand among, for example, owners of online stores, you can independently develop such a script and sell it to online store owners;

Finalization ready-made scripts"to order". Everything is simple here - you take on the modification or correction of a script. But in this case, there is a nuance - initially the script may not be made very well, and its refinement may take more time than writing a script from scratch. Therefore, if you use this method of earning money, initially look very carefully at what you will be modifying and completing.

Development of plugins for CMS. In this method, everything is the same as when making money from scripts. Often, websites created on ready-made CMS require writing some kind of plugin, add-on or extension. And you can earn money here in two ways:

track orders for the development of plugins, add-ons and extensions on a freelance basis;

develop and sell a mass plugin that will definitely be in demand on most sites;

Own and joint projects. If you have an idea for an Internet project (startup), for example, an idea useful service or an application that would solve a specific problem, then you can start implementing it. At the initial stage, it can even be just as a hobby, in addition to your main job. Then, when it is clear that the hobby is growing into a big project, it will be possible to devote more time to it.

Creation of dynamic websites and engines for them. You can also make good money by developing custom websites, working as a freelancer or in a web studio.

Creating websites for yourself. You can create a website for yourself, fill it with useful content - and when the site has a sufficient number of visitors, start making money by placing paid advertising on it or promoting someone’s products on affiliate programs.

I think many of you have thought that all of the above methods of earning money can be combined. And that's right! You can create a website for yourself and passively earn money by selling advertising from it, plus create a script or plugin and sell it on specialized sites, earning money on autopilot from each sale, and at the same time you can still work in a web studio. Why not? Of course you can!

How much can a PHP developer earn?

With the earnings of PHP programmers, everything is individual. A lot here depends on where to work, how to work, what level of knowledge, what experience, qualifications, what related additional knowledge the developer has, and so on. Therefore, in principle, there cannot be any exact figure here. But we can look at what salaries are offered when searching for PHP programmers in a web studio, and how much they are willing to pay for a project on freelance exchanges.

The image below shows the proposed salary for PHP programmers in a web studio. Moreover, this is the salary for PHP programmers without work experience:

If you have work experience, you can earn much more. Below are the salaries offered to experienced PHP programmers.

And today you can also earn decent money from freelancing:


PHP is the most popular programming language among web developers. The vast majority of all websites on the Internet are written in PHP. Having the knowledge and ability to develop in this programming language, you can earn good money, and there are many options for earning money - from working in a web studio to developing your own project or startup.

Well: “Earn money on your own service via e-mail newsletters” . Draining a closed pool for 33 thousand rubles. There are different reviews at the warehouse. Based on the reviews, the course is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who have already encountered similar courses or mailings. Sent the material anonymous userwith comment: « I'm draining this course because I was banned from the warehouse for no reason. Regarding the course, I will say one thing that it is suitable for small mailings. Beginners will not understand anything, but they can watch it to get acquainted. The reviews are different, I refrained from commenting. If you want to learn how to send letters en masse, go to Shelest, he will help you. I studied with him, and bought this course only for general development. I hope it will be useful to someone.» Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder! We evaluate

Course Description:

Unique author's course of video lessons Technology quick start in email newsletters - How to send emails in large volumes to “potential” clients. With the advent of the trend to develop business through the Internet and the constant increase in the number of active Internet users, various training courses began to appear, both for beginners and advanced users. This course is intended for everyone who is interested in how to effectively get traffic and sales without spending huge amounts of money on it. The most effective and convenient tool for online sales is the promotion of services and products using email(email marketing).

To organize professional e-mail marketing, and not just mass mailing, it is necessary to develop a systematic approach, collect a subscriber base, automate this process to increase stable profits, generate statistics and other tasks that are difficult to complete without professional help. In this course, as a quick start technology for email newsletters, it is proposed to send letters via VDS servers. Why pay a lot of money for mailing services if you can set it up yourself? And get the opportunity to send anyone, anything in large volumes of letters to your clients. This course will help you set up a VDS server to automatically send emails and create professional e-mail marketing, while any user can configure it simply by repeating step by step instructions from the author's video course. Cool tools best practices! The beauty of SET is that it is written in Python and does not require any third-party Python modules that would have to be installed additionally. Work is carried out through an interactive menu, where you only need to select the desired items of the application. At each step, the menu is accompanied by a good description of the proposed sub-items, so even a child can handle it (this is where it gets a little scary) But in some situations it is simply necessary to tune the toolkit itself, and for this you will have to refer to the settings file.

What you will learn from the course:

  • Setting up vds for email campaigns
  • How to bypass spam filters. Reasons why letters end up in spam
  • How to easily and quickly uniqueize emails
  • How to collect 100% working and live e-mail addresses, and not just addresses, but e-mails
  • addresses of your target audience
  • How to work with SMTP and how to raise SMTP servers
  • Get all the software you need
  • How to make money by sending letters, which affiliate programs to work with
  • Generating a template and then uploading it to the VDS server(s)
  • Extract email, scan inurl (readme.txt)
  • Creating databases - cleaning, breaking down, removing duplicate emails

With the advent of computers and the Internet, many additional professions have appeared.

Programming specialists are now in demand, because many different projects are being launched via the Internet. Therefore, all applicants should consider choosing a specialty related to computers.

How to make money by knowing PHP? In this article we will look at one of the areas of programming. Scripting language is actively used for application development.

The technology has been relevant for many years, and if you learn PHP, you can earn good money. The most important thing is that the demand for specialists in this field is huge.

How much does a PHP programmer earn?

It is impossible to name the exact amount, because everyone works in different companies, and some even work from home. In any case, active workers receive a good salary.

Those who work without leaving home receive exactly as much as they manage to complete orders. Prices in a niche are rarely set; most often they are negotiated individually.

Among the advantages of working as a PHP programmer, it is worth noting the serious prospects and relevance of the activity. At a time when the Internet penetrates almost all areas, working as a programmer is really profitable.

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