Iphone fell into water, what should I do? What to do if your iPhone falls into water? Double tap the Home button sensor

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A gadget worth a thousand dollars falling into water is a real tragedy for the owner. He should immediately have before his eyes an impressive bill, which will be presented by the repairmen after the “reanimation” of the device, if it turns out to be possible. In such a situation, greed often takes precedence over common sense, and then the owner of the “drowned” begins to “dig” on the Internet, trying to find “folk” means of removing moisture.

Of course, not a single qualified specialist will undertake to assert that there are no effective methods of “folk treatment”. At the same time, every technician will confirm that most of the advice found on the Internet is given by amateurs and can only push the iPhone to “death.” There is a list of mandatory actions that the owner of a “flooded” iPhone must perform; Going beyond this list and striving to take the initiative leads to huge risks.

For many users, it will probably be a revelation that water is far from the most dangerous liquid for mobile devices. Salts and minerals contained in water have a negative effect on equipment.. They are chemically active substances and during an oxidation reaction - that is, when they come into contact with oxygen - they damage the structure of the metal.

The danger of a liquid for equipment can be judged by the pH indicator - acidity level(or pH value). The lower the pH, the more dangerous the environment. Water is a completely neutral liquid - its pH value is 7. Liquids with a higher level of acidity are usually alkaline. For the iPhone, they pose the least threat.

You need to know the enemy by sight - what liquids can instantly destroy a gadget?

With long-term contact with the listed substances, it will no longer be possible to save the gadget..

On the contrary, almost harmless to a smartphone from the oxidation point sea ​​water(pH = 8.0), ammonia(pH = 11.5), bleach(pH = 12.5). Distilled water is completely harmless, from which all salts and minerals have been completely removed.

Oxidation of smartphone elements is not the only danger. It should be remembered that water is an excellent conductor of electricity. That is why the penetration of liquid into the housing can provoke short circuits, which will be repeated until the power is turned off entirely. Even one short circuit may be enough to “fry” a couple of microcircuits; several similar short circuits will definitely send the gadget “to the next world.”

Whether the iPhone owner will be able to “reanimate” the device depends on how quickly and accurately the iPhone owner acts.

Dropped your iPhone in water – what to do?

To save your Apple gadget from the destructive effects of water, you need to follow this algorithm of actions:

Step 1. Immediately remove your smartphone from the water. This is obvious: Even 10 seconds in liquid can be fatal for an iPhone. After 40 seconds there is no longer a chance to save the device.

Step 2. Turn off your iPhone - this way you will protect it from short circuits. If you have a screwdriver Pentalobe, disassemble the device and remove the battery.

Step 3. Remove the cover, if there is one, as moisture has probably accumulated under the accessory. There is no need to remove the film: This should only be done if there are water bubbles.

Step 4. Dry the iPhone - remove visible moisture using napkins or other available means. You can use a cocktail straw to suck water out of holes and connectors.

Step 5. Check moisture indicators. On iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S there are two of them: the first is located in the headphone jack, the second in the dock connector. On devices of the 5th and 6th modifications there is only one sensor, and it is located in the SIM card slot.

Image: harvestcellular.net

In normal condition, the indicators are white. If the sensors are red, water has gotten inside. What does it mean? First of all, you can say goodbye to the guarantee.

Moisture sensors are the first thing you need to look at when purchasing a handheld gadget. Our website also gives other recommendations.

Step 6. Take your feet in your hands and go to the repairmen.

It will be much cheaper for the user to insure against possible flooding of the iPhone than to eliminate the consequences of the iPhone falling into the water. In many networks of mobile phone stores you can find waterproof cases for Apple devices on sale at a reasonable price. Carrying such a case every day is problematic due to its impressive size, but if you plan to visit the beach or sauna, you should resort to its help.

Is it necessary to go to the service?

If a user inadvertently spilled a glass of water on a smartphone and immediately dried the device, he does not need to contact the service center: such short contact does not pose a significant threat. The user should leave the iPhone turned off for several hours (so that the moisture completely evaporates), then try to “start” the gadget. Now, if the device does not turn on, this is a reason to sound the alarm.

Another situation: the owner of an iPhone came to the beach, ran into the water, and only then discovered that he had forgotten to take the mobile device out of his shorts pocket. In such a situation, you cannot do without contacting a service center.

You need to go directly to the repairmen, and not to the showroom where the iPhone was purchased. The seller will refuse repairs under warranty - the owner of the device will only lose precious seconds.

You will definitely have to pay: only manufacturing defects are eliminated free of charge, but not the consequences of user negligence. Another thing is that iPhone owners tend to exaggerate the amount they think it will cost to restore their Apple gadget. No one will present a five-figure invoice - the price of such repairs will be a maximum of 4 thousand rubles for iPhone 5/5S and 6 thousand rubles for iPhone 6th modification.

It is recommended to contact a repairman for diagnostics in any case, even if the iPhone appears to work perfectly and is not “buggy.” Penetration of water into the housing can cause rotting., the consequences of which the user will notice only after a couple of months.

Common symptoms of rotting are:

  • Rapid battery discharge.
  • Loss of screen sensitivity.
  • Problems with the Wi-Fi module.
  • The speaker does not work - the sound has disappeared completely or is very quiet. Water, penetrating through the protective mesh of the speaker, immediately hits the membrane. Dust begins to accumulate on the wet membrane. Even if you manage to remove moisture from the speaker (for example, using a cocktail straw), the dirt will remain - it will form a soundproof barrier. The speaker is one of the most vulnerable components of the iPhone.

Diagnostics at a service center will cost 500-800 rubles. Most likely, this service will generally be provided free of charge if you agree to subsequent repairs in the same organization.

What should you not do if your iPhone falls into water?

No matter what advice “pseudo-experts” give on thematic forums, when flooding your iPhone, you should never do the following things:

  • Use a hair dryer to dry. Yes, the flow of warm air will accelerate the evaporation of moisture, but at the same time it will contribute to the destruction of internal components.
  • Wrap iPhone in towels. By “wrapping up” the gadget, you will only achieve that the humidity inside the case will increase - therefore, you will push the iPhone to death.

Leaving a smartphone in a container with rice for 24 hours is also a so-so method. Rice is an excellent moisture absorber - there is no doubt that cereal will rid the iPhone of residual liquid. However, remove crystals of salts and minerals that have already settled down on the elements of the device, rice will not be able to, which means it will not prevent the oxidation reaction.

Image: ios-data-recover.com

In addition, when you remove the iPhone from the rice, you will find that all the holes are clogged with grain. If you still decide, after using this “folk method,” to take the gadget to a workshop, rest assured that they will remember you with an unkind word more than once.


If your iPhone is flooded, it is strongly recommended to visit a service center, at least so that the technicians can carry out diagnostics. There is a high probability that the consequences of “bathing” will not appear immediately, but after a few months – repairmen will neutralize this risk. You should not replace qualified assistance from specialists with “traditional methods of treatment” - most likely, you will only do more damage to the device.

If you want to completely avoid worrying about your Apple gadget being damaged by water, you should buy an iPhone 6S or 7. Both devices are protected from moisture to varying degrees: the 6th iPhone calmly stays under water for 10 minutes, 7- Oh, he’s not at all afraid of liquids.

1. Taking pictures without using the touch screen

Just call Siri with a long touch on the Home button and ask her to turn on the camera. To take a photo, press any volume button on your smartphone or headphones.

2. Emergency reboot

In those rare cases when the iPhone freezes or you need to free up the device's RAM, an emergency reboot will help. Just hold down the Home button and the Lock button for 10 seconds.

3. Triple press the Home button

Go to the "Accessibility" item in the main iPhone settings. Scroll down to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab - a list of functions will open in front of you. Triple-clicking the Home button launches VoiceOver, color inversion (useful for reading), some display settings, on-screen zoom, and Switch Control or AssistiveTouch.

To turn on the magnifying glass by triple-clicking the Home button, simply select the appropriate item in “Universal Access.”

4. Double tap the Home button sensor

Perhaps all iPhone users know that double-clicking the mechanical Home button opens the application selection window. But not everyone is aware that double tapping the button sensor “lowers” ​​the screen a little, allowing owners of large smartphones to easily reach the top icons.

5. Using 3D Touch

If you have an iPhone 6s or later, using 3D Touch can make your life a lot easier and save time. This technology will speed up movement between applications, make typing more convenient and...

6. Reassigning volume buttons

The iPhone has two volume settings: the first is for calls and notifications, the second is for music and applications. Turning off the “Change with buttons” toggle switch in the sound settings will fix the ringer volume in its current position and transfer control of music and applications exclusively to the side buttons.

Working with text

7. Undo last action

Just shake your smartphone, and iOS will offer to undo the last action, be it typing, pasting or, conversely, deleting text.

8. Quickly enter a domain

In cases where the keyboard prompts you to quickly enter domain.com, hold your finger on this button. A list of popular domains will open in front of you, where you can quickly switch to cherished.ru.

9. Removing the microphone icon from the keyboard

The microphone icon between the space bar and the language change button is intended for voice text input. You can remove the icon by moving the “Enable dictation” slider to the inactive position in the keyboard settings.

10. Listening to the text

iOS supports Screen Speak. To enable it, activate the slider in the speech settings: “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access”. To make iPhone speak text on the screen, swipe down with two fingers in any app.


11. Create a letter password for unlocking

If you don't trust four- or six-digit passwords and don't like Touch ID technology, you can set a long one.

Go to the password code settings and select “Change password code”. The system will require you to enter the old combination first, and then the new one. On the screen for entering a new password, click on “Passcode Options” and select an acceptable option.

12. Improve Touch ID accuracy

To help iPhone recognize you more confidently and quickly, create multiple prints of the same finger.

13. Create hidden photos

If you take photos in the standard camera application, they will be saved in the library. To protect a photo with a password, you need to resort to a trick. Turn off photo exporting and set a password in the Notes app settings. To take a secret photo, go to create a new note and tap on the camera icon. Once the photo is taken, click on "Export" and select "Lock Note."

14. Guided access

We often give our smartphone into the wrong hands to “pass a level in a game,” “read an article,” or “watch a video on YouTube.” If you don't trust who will be using your iPhone, turn on Guided Access in Settings: General → Accessibility → Guided Access.

When handing over an iPhone to someone, triple-click the Home button to turn on Guided Access, and the person will only be able to use the open app.


15. “Whose iPhone is this?”

If you find a lost iPhone, Siri can help you contact its owner without entering a password. Ask her “Whose iPhone is this?” or “Who owns this iPhone?”, and a window will open in front of you with the name of the owner of the gadget.

To allow someone who finds your iPhone to find you using this method, go to Siri settings and in the “Data” tab, assign a contact with information about yourself.

16. Male Siri voice

Not everyone knows, but our faithful electronic assistant can speak in a pleasant male voice. This option is available in Siri settings.


17. Calling the last number dialed

To repeat the last call, it is not necessary to go to the “Recent” tab. Tap the green handset on the screen with keys, and iPhone will offer to call back the last number dialed.

18. Quick access to favorite contacts

To quickly dial important numbers, add them to the Favorites tab in the standard Phone application. Swipe right on the desktop to go to the widget panel. Scroll down and click “Edit”, and then tap the plus sign next to the “Favorites” widget. Now you can call your loved ones faster and even when the screen is locked.

19. Detection of an incoming call in headphones

Answering calls with headphones is sometimes much easier than reaching for your phone. To find out who is calling you without taking your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the “Call Announcements” toggle switch in your phone settings.


20. Deleting old messages

Deleting irrelevant messages will help bring order to your correspondence and free up precious megabytes of memory. Find the “Leave messages” item in the settings and set the required time after which the messages will be deleted.

21. Saving traffic in “Messages”

To avoid wasting traffic on heavy attachments, turn on low quality mode in your message settings.

22. Time of sending messages

One of the non-obvious functions of “Messages” is viewing the exact time of sending. Just swipe from the right side of the screen.


23. Setting up a call from Apple Music

The ability to set your favorite song as an alarm is not a trick, but a basic iPhone feature that many people don't know about. When creating a new alarm, click on the Sound tab. Rewind the list to the very beginning, before the standard ringtones, find a panel with familiar names and click on “Select song”.

24. Snooze alarm

To reschedule the alarm to a later time, you don’t have to look for the corresponding button on the screen. Press any side button and iPhone wakes you up again in nine minutes.

This interval was not chosen by chance: old mechanical alarm clocks could not count exactly 600 seconds. They did not take into account the current minute and began counting nine minutes from the next one.


25. Search by word on a page

Enter the desired word in the address bar. In the drop-down menu under the search engine suggestions, select “On this page.”

26. Recently closed tabs

Go to the screen that shows previews of open pages and hold your finger on the “+” button. A list of recently closed tabs will open in front of you. This is useful if you accidentally closed a long-open page that is difficult to find in your browser history.

27. Convert a Safari page to a PDF file

28. Opening links in the background

Other basic applications and services

29. Spotlight as a converter

Swiping down on any iPhone screen opens Spotlight. Its use significantly reduces the time spent searching for something on a smartphone. Spotlight provides results from many applications: it will help you find the desired episode of a podcast, a message by keyword, or a person on Twitter. Also, a standard search engine can act as a converter. Just search for "1 usd" or "15 inches in cm".

30. Convert slow motion video to regular video

If you've been playing around with the slow motion function and accidentally shot something in slow motion that would look better at natural speed, it's easy to bring the video to the original tempo without additional applications. Open the video editing section and adjust the values ​​on the speed bar. This strip is located above the timing field, where we usually cut the videos.

Level 31

The compass in the basic application is practically useless in the city. But if you swipe the screen to the left, you can get a level - an indispensable device for repair and installation.

32. Optimizing Apple Music storage

Turn on Storage Optimization in Music Settings and iPhone will automatically delete songs you rarely listen to. This will only happen when the device’s memory runs out.

To set the minimum amount of music that will not be deleted from iPhone, you can set the storage size.

33. Geolocation reminders

Task managers in the App Store offer a lot of functions, but standard “Reminders” are also capable of a lot. For example, a basic application can remind you to buy milk not only at 15:00, but also when you visit the store. To enable this function, select “Remind me by location” and find the desired geolocation in the task settings.


34. Turn on power saving mode

If your iPhone has more than 20% charge left, but the nearest outlet is still very far away, it makes sense to switch to power saving mode. To enable the mode, just ask Siri about it or find the corresponding item in the battery settings. In these settings, you can also find a list of the most energy-consuming applications and close them in a timely manner.

35. Silent charging connection

You can avoid vibration when connecting the charger to your iPhone by opening the Camera app before connecting the Lightning cable. The device will begin to charge, and your light-sleeping relatives will not be awakened by a sudden sound.

Apple has long remained an outsider in the trend of the mobile market - moisture protection. In 2014, the main competitor of the iPhone became the proud owner of IP67 (protection rating). Apple first used this technology only in the iPhone 7.

The phone received protection according to the IP67 standard, which, according to Apple, ensured painless short-term immersion to a depth of 1 meter. However, Apple does not rule out the possibility of moisture getting into the device after a year of operation and declines responsibility for possible consequences.

Thus, if an iPhone falls into water and breaks down, then, unfortunately, you should not count on warranty repairs. This behavior of the company is quite logical, because between water resistance and water resistance, you cannot put an equal sign.

Waterproof devices are those that can retain moisture only under certain conditions and for a fairly short period of time. Only gadgets with a protection level of IP68 are called waterproof.

Despite the introduced standard of protection in the latest Xs, this does not save them. Owners of the latest generations of smartphones that drowned in the bathtub regularly contact us.

What happens after an iPhone drowns in water?

Why is contact with liquid so bad for electronic devices? To answer the question, let's dig a little deeper and get acquainted with the cause and process of oxidation.

Your iPhone fell into water, what happens to the surface of the motherboard at this moment? According to international standards, Apple products use lead-free soldering, which means that all soldered elements of the board and cables are much more susceptible to destruction when exposed to aggressive environments, including water.

It is a conductive liquid by nature. All elements (chips, SMD components of the board and cables) are under voltage. Due to hydrolysis and extensive short circuits, these components quickly oxidize and break down. The consequence of this is the failure of the electronics.

Therefore, if contact with liquid does occur, it is necessary to immediately clean the iPhone from moisture.

What to do if water gets into your iPhone:

So, what to do if your iPhone falls into water?

  • - Wipe off the liquid from the iPhone, if possible, shake out any remaining residue from the connectors.
  • -Next, turn off your iPhone. This action will reduce the load on the motherboard, but it is worth considering that many elements are still supplied with voltage from the battery.
  • - Do not connect your phone to a charger; this will speed up the oxidation process.
  • - Contact a service center for cleaning as soon as possible, since the only way to stop corrosion is to disconnect the battery from the board and clean it with a special composition that removes oxidation.

The situation is greatly aggravated if the iPhone falls into water mixed with salts, for example, sea water.

Independent solutions.

The Internet is full of various tips on how to dry an iPhone at home, but these are misconceptions that do not help in this situation, but only waste valuable time. If you delay a visit to the workshop, corrosion will destroy even more elements on the motherboard.

  • - Pilaf from iPhone

The first and most common “harmful” advice is to put the phone in rice. We have no doubt that the culinary skills of most of you are excellent, but it is not worth preparing such an exotic dish.

No matter how hygroscopic rice is, it will not draw moisture from the micron gaps between the microcircuits and the board, where liquid easily penetrates.

  • - From apple to dried fruit

The second myth is that it is enough to dry a wet gadget with a hairdryer or place it on a battery.

Of course, all this contributes to the evaporation of moisture, but the process is so slow that during the “drying” time the moment will be missed and the board may rot significantly. In addition, using a hair dryer or other heating devices can easily damage the electronic components or display of your phone.

You will not be able to eliminate the consequences of moisture getting into the device on your own. What to do if your iPhone falls into water? The answer is always approximately the same: iPhone in hand, hands in feet - and run to the nearest PlanetiPhone service center. Entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

Why PlanetiPhone?

Our service has a number of advantages over competitors, these include:

  • - The lowest price for repairing Apple equipment in Moscow.
  • - Free diagnostics, even if you decide to postpone repairs until later.
  • - Free visit of a specialist within the Moscow Ring Road.
  • - Only original spare parts, always in stock.
  • - Impressive experience of specialists and modern equipment.

Devices like the iPhone have only recently begun to receive protection from water and dust, so the question is still relevant: “What should you do if your iPhone falls into water?”

I understand that there are already hundreds of articles on this topic. But considering that I have little experience in this matter, I would like to share my advice.

What to do if you dropped your iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 5C, 6, 6S, 6 PLUS, 6S PLUS, SE, 7, 7 PLUS into water?

First, a little introduction and let's move on to the description of the actions. In fact, there are an incredible number of cases of water getting into a device like the iPhone every day.

I think one of the most popular is when you drop the device directly into the toilet. Of course, we don’t go to the toilet without our faithful friend, so the phone didn’t twitch that way and went for a swim.

It's good that now phones are made with large screens and sometimes it can't even be immersed. Just imagine what happens to an iPhone 4 or iPhone 5.

The following cases can be completely different: you got caught in the rain, fell into a pool, dropped into an aquarium, took a selfie in the sea and it fell. The list could go on for a long time and there will be some very funny cases.

Now let's try to sort everything out in order, what you need to do if you actually flooded your iPhone. There will be no false hopes, I will tell everything as it is.

Step one

If you dropped your iPhone into water, then you immediately need to understand that you have started playing roulette. There are many factors that can influence the consequences.

Therefore, the first thing we do is remove the device from the water as quickly as possible. Every second can be very important and if you are lucky, the consequences will not be too serious.

Step two

We completely turn off the device and do not try to turn it on. This will help avoid a short circuit, and the sooner you do this, the greater the chances of salvation.

Do not think that if the phone works after being exposed to water, then it should not be turned off. After using it a little, the water can reach the necessary components and then it will simply turn off.

Step three

Take a cloth, cotton swabs and anything that can absorb moisture well. Try to remove all water that is visible to you.

Do not be overzealous and shake the device. This can only make the situation worse. Just leave the device dry.

Step four

We take our favorite iPhone and head to the nearest service center. Try to remember as many details about the incident as possible: what type of liquid, how long the device spent under water, etc.

As soon as you come to the service, explain everything as it is with the smallest details. This can help technicians react correctly to save the gadget.

Step five

We are waiting for the results of the masters and usually it can take several days. You shouldn’t have high hopes, because if the water reaches the motherboard, you definitely won’t like the consequences.

However, when you just need to replace the camera module or battery, everything can be quite normal and you will be able to use your iPhone again.

The biggest problem is that water causes the iPhone components to oxidize. And it may happen that even after complete drying, everything will work fine.

But after some time, certain components will slowly fail and in the end, you just get a brick.

The most common mistakes when iPhone falls into water

There are quite a lot of legends that if you place your iPhone in rice, then within a day it will magically get rid of moisture and your device will be like new.

Rice has a property that allows it to absorb moisture. This can help if the water is only on the visible parts of the device and has not had time to get inside.

If there is water inside and you managed to disassemble the gadget and also put it in rice, then you still will not get the desired result. The water has already gotten inside and there is simply no way to do this without expert help.

There are special ways in which this process is done in the service and usually this is drying with a pressed air stream. Next comes processing with special solutions and checking all components.

So if you think about blow-drying, then immediately throw out this idea. This will only worsen the situation, because you will provoke evaporation and moisture can get to other parts.

Anything that is not in my five steps does not need to be done. This will help increase the chances of salvation and believe me, they are not so small.

Consequences after such a situation

As you understand, after your iPhone gets into the water, you shouldn’t indulge yourself in illusions. Immediately prepare for the worst consequences, and then it depends on your luck.

The most important thing is that you did everything you could. Don't do anything extra, just follow the steps. I know we don't like to follow rules, but try it and your chances will increase.

Owners of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus may feel a little easier in this situation. After all, protection against water and dust according to the IP67 standard allows you to immerse the device up to 1 m for 30 minutes.

All other models have no protection. So brace yourself and control yourself, it’s just a phone and the end of the world has not happened.

I know that now a smartphone is not the cheapest gadget. No one is immune from such situations and just try to be more careful. And if you have extra money, you can even insure it.

A mobile gadget that is accidentally dropped by the owner into water, but still continues to function, interacts simultaneously with positively and negatively charged ions. This situation inevitably ends in a short circuit, causing irreparable damage to all internal elements of the device, which are responsible for conducting energy in a complex circuit. What to do if water gets into your iPhone, and is it possible to bring a drowned device back to life?

After the user drowns the iPhone, destructive processes begin to occur in the device. It doesn’t matter what model the gadget is – iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5S or any other – its internal parts will stop working normally if exposed to moisture. And, it is clear that the longer a fallen smartphone is in contact with water, the stronger the destructive effect will be. Therefore, it is better not to get into such situations at all when the iPhone fell into the water. But, alas, sometimes this kind of trouble happens when, due to the user’s negligence, the device could fall into the water - for example, while relaxing outdoors, in a pool, etc. What to do in such a situation and how to bring the device back to life?

If your iPhone 6 falls into water (or an Apple gadget of a different model, or any other mobile device) and does not turn on, you must take the following steps:

  1. Get the device out of the water as quickly as possible and turn it off (under no circumstances should the gadget turn on if it has turned itself off).
  2. Remove the battery from the smartphone.
  3. At this stage, the most important work begins in determining whether the gadget will work or whether it is hopelessly damaged when the owner drops it in water.

If your iPhone falls into water and does not work at all, there is likely a short circuit. Then the battery cannot be removed, since this process can be repeated inside the device several times. The device cannot turn on, but the energy source continues to operate in its body, which does not require user commands to destroy a number of microcircuits. We can say that in a matter of minutes the motherboard, perhaps the most important part of a smartphone, is damaged. That is, this stage includes a thorough inspection of the iPhone, which could have just drowned.

  1. If your iPhone falls into water, immediately after removing the device from the water, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth. At least this way the owner of the gadget will prevent further penetration of moisture into the device’s body.
  2. Go to a service center to have a specialist disassemble the device and inspect it inside to identify damage and subsequent repairs. Of course, if the user himself is well versed in technology, he can disassemble the device at home without resorting to the services of a specialist. But this must be done extremely carefully, trying not to damage fragile parts.

If, nevertheless, immediately after the owner of the smartphone dropped it into the water, he decided to immediately go to the service center, on the way there you need to make sure that the device does not turn on. Also, it is better not to wrap the device in cloth. So that it is ventilated. Otherwise, the humidity inside the case will increase even more, and the destruction processes will accelerate several times.

As a rule, drowning an iPhone is not difficult, but repairing it is much more difficult. To damage the device in this way, you just need to be a careless user. And to repair the device, as workshop practice shows, it will take at least a day, or even more time, depending on the degree of damage. The latter, as already noted, depends on how long the device was in a humid environment.

Sometimes repair times are delayed due to the search for the right part.

Although, it happens that everything works out (this is if the liquid has not penetrated to the motherboard), and the performance and functions of the iPhone are not affected.

It happens that the owner of the device himself speeds up the process of “death” of the gadget, not rushing to take it to specialists for diagnosis, but using the so-called “folk methods”. On many Internet forums dedicated to iPhones, user messages are full of advice on how to independently revive the device after liquid gets into it. Is it worth using similar methods if your iPhone 6 fell into water? We will discuss it below.

What to do if your iPhone falls into water: traditional methods

On numerous forums, anyone can read the fantastic story of a user who independently revived his iPhone after it fell into the water. At the same time, the emphasis is on the simplicity, accessibility, and, of course, low cost of this method. Sometimes the use of such methods leads to success, but these are rather special cases due to the fact that initially the device did not have serious damage. In other cases, it’s not worth risking smartphones that cost a thousand dollars or more.

So, after removing the device from the water and wiping the gadget with a dry cloth, under no circumstances should you use a hair dryer to dry it further. Yes, this is exactly the advice most often given by “traditional craftsmen” on forums. Too hot air leads to damage to internal parts and accelerates the process of their breakdown no worse than the water itself that gets inside. It is better to take the first step after removing the device from the water to disassemble the device in order to carry out initial diagnostics. But this can only be done if the user has the necessary tools and if he has at least a basic understanding of technology. Let's say this procedure was successful. What should be the next steps?

Further, folk methods of “treating” a drowned but saved iPhone recommend that the owner place the device in a container into which raw rice must first be poured. In their opinion, the cereal will effectively dry all the parts of the device, including internal ones, and the smartphone will work the next morning as if nothing had happened. It should be said right away that this advice is intended for naive simpletons who have no idea about the internal structure of a mobile gadget. But for the sake of interest, let’s take a closer look at the essence of the “rice” method of reviving a smartphone after it falls into water, in order to understand that it is pointless.

So, the essence of the method using rice is this. Immediately after an incident, when the smartphone was either completely immersed in water, or a large amount of liquid simply got on it, which could penetrate inside the case, you need to immediately turn off the device and wipe it dry. Then you need to take a large container and pour dry rice into it. Place the iPhone inside the container so that the rice almost completely covers it. Some advisers who promote this method advise that you always close the container tightly with a lid - supposedly this increases the effectiveness of the procedure several times.

But let's figure out what's actually happening inside the container with rice. First, let's talk about the device that got a small amount of water, i.e. the liquid has not penetrated deep into the housing. In such a situation, a user who uses this method will extract a completely viable smartphone from a container of rice grains. The rice will actually absorb small drops of liquid, but only those that have not penetrated deeply.

But, nevertheless, the “rice” method is very doubtful. Yes, indeed, it is capable of absorbing moisture. But the liquid itself is not as dangerous as the substances it contains - minerals, etc. After the liquid evaporates, these substances will settle on the internal parts of the device, subsequently causing the phone to break down or become completely unusable.

iPhone condition after falling into water

Every day, faulty devices are brought to Apple smartphone repair shops for repair. Interestingly, a fairly large percentage of malfunctions of these devices are caused by moisture penetration into the housing. Moreover, it often happens that water got into the gadget a long time ago - several months or even a year ago, but the breakdown occurred only now. The owner of the phone can long forget about the incident, while important parts inside the device gradually decompose.

Each iPhone that comes into repair service after contact with water is necessarily disassembled by a technician down to the smallest elements. It’s sad, but many details in such cases cannot be restored (for example, a broken seal of the camera module). Here you will have to replace the part with a new one.

Usually, if a lot of liquid gets inside the device, the motherboard is hopelessly damaged. This is known to be the most complex and expensive part of the iPhone. Moreover, finding this replacement part can be very difficult. In such a situation, the owner of the device is faced with a choice of which is easier and cheaper - replacing the motherboard or purchasing a new iPhone.

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