How to add real people to a VK group. How to get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group? Recruiting people into a VKontakte group using services

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However, you can count on a larger salary if you have a live audience. So I asked myself, how can I get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Guide to recruiting live subscribers on VKontakte

You can buy a ready-made VKontakte group with a million subscribers at However, such communities cost a million rubles each, which means the price per subscriber is 1-2 rubles.

If you create a group from scratch and do step-by-step development, then it will take you 5-10 times less budget to get 1,000,000 people. True, there are factors that influence the growth rate of the public.

What determines the speed of gaining subscribers?:

  • Popularity of the topic;
  • Quality of information presentation;
  • Number of publications;
  • Your audience's activity.

For example, musical groups advance well due to the competent selection of songs of the same direction. And humorous publics should follow trending news and make unique jokes with memes.

1. Community Feed

The presentation of the community lies in a beautiful and clear name that is easy to remember. At the same time, you need to make a beautiful hat and avatar so that people see the differences and remember you!

Professional SMO specialists have long used animals and fictional characters to attract attention. The most surprising thing is that the attitude towards the group is formed on the basis of the header and the first three posts!

That's why high quality pictures with a direct meaning that will indicate the direction of your topic will be the best option! But this is just the first step towards success.

2. Adding subscribers to the group

For some reason, many users do not like to subscribe to a VKontakte group with less than two thousand subscribers. I have been convinced of this more than once when I tried to promote communities with the help of advertising alone.

So you have to recruit 5-10 thousand people with the help special exchanges tasks. I recommend doing promotion from 17:30 to 21:00, it is during this period that the services have the most real people!

The best promotion exchanges on VKontakte:

  • is the leading exchange in Russia, with more than a hundred thousand participants. For 1,000 rubles you can get 1,500 - 2,000 people.
  • — more suitable for small cities due to the ability to customize targeting. For 1,000 rubles we get 1,000 subscribers.
  • - he can cheat, but here it is best to simply remove the dogs from the group.

You will have 15-30% dogs of the total number of cheats. Try to remove blocked users every day to avoid being blocked.

If task exchanges seem too complicated to you, then you can contact professional SMO specialists. Who will do the same work for the same money, and maybe cheaper.

3. Advertising in other groups

For 800 rubles you can buy advertising post a community that has over 1,000,000 subscribers, but the effectiveness is assessed by the number of views of the post and the number of likes in the first 24 hours.

Therefore, groups with 300-500 thousand people often show much better results over more low price. To make it clearer, let’s compare several public pages on the topic of humor.
Even the number of likes in both groups is the same, so why pay almost 2 times more? Well, the most important thing is that for 450 rubles you can get up to 50% of the audience from the number of views of the recording itself.

  • is a leading advertising exchange that hosts almost all communities. It has many settings and provides the most detailed statistics.

It is believed that the more friends and subscribers you have on VKontakte, the more popular your page is (see). Only people who have a certain popularity in real life, or on the World Wide Web, can naturally have several thousand friends on a social network (see). Singers, bloggers, politicians, etc. On their pages you can always see large number subscribers.

But what about ordinary users? What needs to be done to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers?

In fact, there is no particular difficulty here. And there are quite a lot of ways. Now I will show you the main ones.

Video lesson: how to get a lot of subscribers on VK

Mutual adding as friends

The principle of this method is as follows. We are starting to send friend requests to people. Some of them accept and become our friend. After some time, we remove the person from friends, and he becomes our subscriber (see).

It should be noted that in the end, half will unsubscribe. But the method still works well.

You can send friend requests directly or through special groups.

We send applications directly

We find the page of any person and go to his friends list.

Here we go to each person on the list one by one and send him a friend request.

We have 40 applications available per day (see). We send and wait.

Mutual requests through groups

There are a large number of groups where people mutually add friends.

Let's go to the search and write "Add as a friend". We select a suitable group and go to it.

Here we need to find a suitable ad with an offer to mutually add as friends. Something like this.

Go to this person’s page and send him an application.

When you have collected enough friends, you can move on to the fun part. We need to convert them to subscribers (see). How to do this?

Open any friend's page and open the menu "Your friends". Next click on the item "Unfriend".

This user will be removed from friends and transferred to subscriber status. And this is exactly what we need!

All of the following methods are aimed at increasing the number of friend requests and subscribers to your page.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers through the turboliker service

We have already met him. Here's a review - . Let's now use it to gain subscribers on VK.

Let's go to the service:

IN personal account open the “Subscribers” section, and then click “Create”.

In the last article, I described the basics of promoting an online store on social networks, now I would like to delve into the subject and talk about how to independently promote a VKontakte group.

A unique promotion for owners of their own groups in VK!
Get 10% discount for the benefit of everyone who has a VKontakte group!

In fact, promoting a VKontakte group is not that difficult, much easier than promoting a website.

First, before promoting a group, you need to analyze the demographics of the intended audience.

Demographics of group subscribers

You need to understand exactly what people you are creating your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographics of the VKontakte audience.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that the younger generation is mostly in contact, and the older generation, for example, is in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

We independently promote the VKontakte group

Let's look at a few steps for self-promotion of a group:

  1. Inviting your friends

    Your friends can be the first to leave comments, likes and reposts. In addition, it is very important that by the time you start promoting a VKontakte group, there should already be a certain number of people in it, because, as you know, people are very reluctant to join empty groups.

  2. Cheat with free services

    This is a very important section, without which it will be quite difficult at the initial stage, because people are much more willing to join a group if many people have already subscribed to it.

    It’s no secret for a long time that there are many ways to gain subscribers to your group.

    They do this in two ways: by purchasing bots and using mutual exchange services.

    I don’t recommend the first method; these are absolutely dead users who will most likely lead to your group being banned.

    I will dwell on the second method in more detail.
    There are many services on the Internet where you can give a certain task to real people, for example, like, repost, or join a group.

    I tried many different services and now I use Bosslike, there is a fairly small percentage of unsubscribers from it, since they punish for this, write off points and ban the account.

    You can pay for this task with real money, or with “points” that you can receive for completing the same tasks.

    Using the Bosslike service, you can quickly add a bunch of subscribers to your group and create the appearance of activity - likes, reposts, so that interested users who come to your group can see that the group is alive and popular with other people.

    These kinds of services are much better than buying bots, since, firstly, they are free, and secondly, subscribers recruited in this way are absolutely real people, who, just like you, are promoting their groups.

    It often happens that after promotion, these people become active members of your group, write comments, like, and repost.
    In general, at the initial stage I ADVISE EVERYONE

  3. Repost posts from your group to communities of similar topics

    Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave posts on their wall, but I think it’s worth looking.

    Even if the group is limited, but yours is crazy interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

    In addition, from my own experience I can say that it can be very effective to look for public pages and groups of similar topics with open photo albums. Find an attractive image, upload it to your album, and write text in the caption that will entice the reader to join your group.

    In most cases, such an image will be deleted after some time, but it may manage to attract a good number of users to your group.

  4. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

    Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups and share each other’s posts on the wall, as well as links.

  5. Optimizing a group for VKontakte search.

    If we compare it with a regular website, the name of the group is the title of the page, the description of the group is both description and keywords.

    It is important that the group name contains one exact occurrence key query, for example, “Wedding photographer St. Petersburg”.

    It should appear several times in the group description; in addition, it would be useful to list below the tags by which they can search for you.

    Also, don’t forget to change the group url from the incomprehensible club1682746 to a more relevant one.

    Remember that VKontakte groups and public pages are well indexed by search engines, so a properly optimized group can bring new users to your online store not only from the social network itself, but also from search engines.

    Another important factor influencing ranking (position in VKontakte search results) is the number of group members, so as I have already, in the first few days I highly recommend gaining free subscribers using Bosslike or similar services.

How to keep subscribers in a group

Content is the most important thing, what you need to independently promote a VKontakte group. The more interesting your content is, the more reposts you will get and the more people will learn about your VKontakte group, and the more existing subscribers you can retain.

Try to post interesting articles based on the interests of your audience. Try to find your own style, feature. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to look for the most interesting articles on your topic in other places. There are many services for this.

In my opinion, the coolest service of this kind is SmmBox. This service itself finds the most popular posts and articles on your topic and, thanks to a smart calendar, can itself distribute the time and schedule for posting posts for greater efficiency. This service is paid, although quite cheap, but has a 14-day free period, in 14 days, with special diligence, you can fill a group with content for several months ahead and not worry about constantly searching and posting.
You don’t even need to register in it - click login in the upper right corner of the main page and choose to log out through VKontakte (or through other social networks) and start promoting your group.

It also has an extension for browsers with which you can post content from any site you are on to your VKontakte group in 1 click.

Conducting competitions

Everyone loves competitions, and this good way tell us about your group. Announce some interesting competition with prerequisite repost and join the group, this will attract a large number of people.

There are many free services that will help you with this matter:
VKonkurs.rf is my favorite service for determining winners. The service receives a list of users who reposted the news (posts on the wall) and selects winners from them in random order. The result is presented in a very cute and convenient form, which you can immediately post to your VKontakte group.

Random App- the application helps to organize prize draws. The difference from other applications is that you can make a drawing among all users in the group;

Virus analyzer- find out who collected how many likes and reposts under any VKontakte message;

Group competitions- the application is used to check competitions for inviting friends to the community. For each participant, the number of his friends in the group is checked and a list is displayed in descending order of the number of friends who joined;

LikeChecker- the application is intended for administrators of groups holding competitions, with the help of which you can find out the number of likes in the group;

The application separates likes given by group members from outsiders (most likely fake ones).

Tracking unsubscribers

You can track users who have left the group and ask them why. The user is pleased that he and his opinion are important to you, and you will know what makes people leave your community.

There are also convenient ones for this free services, for example, the VKontakte application "

In the article we will talk about. Let's look at all the main ways to gain subscribers to the VKontakte group.

First, let's figure it out Why do you need to recruit subscribers to a group?.
Number of subscribers– this is the main indicator characterizing the popularity and demand of the group.
If a group sells advertising, then the more live subscribers it has, the more expensive advertising in this group costs. If the group is an online store, then the more subscribers in the group, the more customers and sales it has. Regarding the topic of sales, it is worth mentioning separately that not all goods and services are sold on the first touch. That is, the visitor is not ready to make a purchase by simply going to your advertising group. This is especially true for complex goods and services costing over 3,000 rubles.
Such products are sold in stages. First, the visitor becomes a subscriber of the group. Then, as he familiarizes himself with the group’s materials and becomes confident that he needs the product or service, he makes a purchase decision.
In short, we figured out why to attract subscribers.
Let's move on to the main question of how to recruit these subscribers to the VK group.

5 main ways to gain subscribers in a VK group.

1) Cheat.
This includes cheating using brutes, bots and offers. We do not recommend using all cheating methods, since they have no practical use other than purely formal numbers in the counter. In addition, any cheating carries the risk of a group ban. Below we will look at each of the cheating methods for general informational purposes.
Brutus- This is an account hack. The essence of the cheat is that special programs By brute-forcing logins and passwords, VK accounts are hacked and people join groups from them. Groups for using such methods of recruiting subscribers are highly likely to be banned, so never, under any circumstances, order cheating from brute accounts.
Bots– these are accounts registered by automatic programs. There are no real people behind them. Photos, as a rule, are taken from other people’s profiles or the Internet. Bots are blocked sooner or later, and in your group, instead of participants, solid dogs (avatars of blocked accounts) appear.

For cheating by bots, the risk of a ban is less compared to brute force, but also quite high.
Offers- these are people who perform introductions for money. Through specialized exchanges, for example In it, they will subscribe to your group for 1.5-2 rubles. There are cheaper offers, but often they sell bots or brutes under the guise of offers. If real offers come in, then the risk of the group being banned is quite low in this case, but people in your group have no real interest. After receiving their money, the person simply forgets about your group or leaves it after a while.

2) Inviting.
As you know, you can invite your friends to the group. If there is an interested audience among your friends, then inviting them is the first thing to do.

You can ask friends who have joined the group to send invitations to their friends. This way you can get the first targeted subscribers to your group.
Then you can independently search for potentially interested people, add them as friends, and then send invitations. You can send no more than 40 invitations per day, so this method of recruiting subscribers to a VK group works slowly.
In addition to inviting yourself, you can come across offers to promote your group through invitations for money. For example, on the advego exchange, for 30 cents (20 rubles), a person joins a group and sends 40 invitations to his friends. Offers are much cheaper - these are usually bots that invite bots. At best, the bot adds people as friends and then sends them invitations. All inviting methods involving automatic programs carry the risk of being banned from the group.
It is important to understand that all custom invitations require strict control of the invited audience. For invitations to work effectively, it is important to clearly define the criteria, and even better, invite according to a pre-selected list of IDs.
We will talk more about selection criteria (targeting) below.

3) Targeted advertising.
This is the official method offered by VKontakte to promote your group.
Your ad is shown to the selected audience. You pay accordingly for ad impressions or clicks. You determine the cost yourself. The higher your bid, the larger the audience and the more often your ad is shown.
Targeted advertising is relatively expensive. One subscriber to a group can cost tens, hundreds and even thousands of rubles.
In order not to blow your budget down the drain, it is important to take an extremely thorough approach to setting up your target. The main points that we recommend paying attention to are the composition of the ad itself and the actual audience screening or targeting.
The audience needs to be selected as targeted as possible. Use all the criteria that suit your group: region, age, gender, groups, interests and others. Ideally, this should be a curated list of IDs of people directly interested in your group.

To select the most effective ad, we recommend that you make at least 10 ad options and test them on the selected audience.

4) Advertising in communities.
Another white way to attract subscribers to the group. The point is that in a thematic group you place your advertising post for money.

You can place an advertising post in groups through the official VKontakte exchange, third-party exchanges such as webartex and sociate, as well as directly by contacting the administrator of the group you have chosen. Prices vary depending on the number of subscribers in the group, coverage, topic and other indicators.
You need to select groups that are strictly thematic, where the percentage of your target audience is maximum. It is also very important to pay attention to the behavior of the audience. On the group wall, posts should be accompanied by likes, reposts and live discussions. If a group is full of bots, brute force or offers, then advertising in such a group will be of no use.

5) SEO, context, advertising on websites and other external advertising.
Another way that few people talk about is attracting traffic from external resources. You can buy advertising not only within the VKontakte social network itself, but also outside. Your target audience probably uses search engines such as Yandex and Google, in which you can display your ad for certain queries. On thematic platforms you can place your advertising banner, or even coordinate the placement of a special VK widget.

In addition, by selecting target search queries and having filled the group with them, you can count on receiving search traffic, which, as a rule, costs an order of magnitude cheaper than targeted advertising.

These are the main ways how to gain subscribers in a VK group. Another very important point which I would like to draw your attention to is her appearance and content. In addition to directly attracting subscribers to the group, it is very important to make the group as attractive as possible for joining.
This is ensured primarily by competent design and interesting, regularly updated content in the group. Before recruiting subscribers to a group, work out its design in advance and provide regular updates with high-quality, interesting posts.
For help in writing infotainment posts, you can contact us as part of the service Filling VKontakte groups.

That’s all we have about recruiting subscribers to the VK group.
For all questions related to ordering services, write to ICQ 275129,

Today social network VKontakte is used not only for communication. Some people found it a convenient way to search for music and videos, while others found it an excellent opportunity to promote themselves or their product by gaining a huge number of subscribers. However, not everyone knows how to gain subscribers on VKontakte. Let's figure out how to do this.

Two dialing methods

There are two ways to recruit subscribers - manually and using special services cheating. The first method, as you understand, is more labor-intensive, but when using it, you do not have to be afraid of catching a virus. Malicious software is often hidden in special services.

How to wind it manually?

  1. We go to our page.
  2. Select the “My Groups” tab and enter “Add as Friend” in the search.
  3. A search will give you a lot of groups that specialize in finding subscribers and friends.
  4. We select all the groups in turn and in each we write on the wall something like: “Add us as friends! There are a lot of interesting things on my page!”
  5. We are waiting for the effect!

How to make money using the service?

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