How to easily reset a forgotten password on any version of Windows. How to easily reset a forgotten password in any version of Windows Forgot your Windows 10 account password

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As my experience tells me, many Windows 10 users, after installing it, disable the login password so as not to constantly enter it when turning on the PC.
After some time, some kind of failure may occur, after which the operating system again begins to request authorization. And the user forgot his account password Windows entries 10! Or he didn’t know him at all - the installation was done by a friend, neighbor or on-call technician. So what should I do? How to log into your computer?! There are two ways out.
First - reinstalling Windows. But at the same time, you may lose data stored on the system partition.
Second - try to reset forgotten password Administrator or the login you use. This is what we will talk about today.

First, let me remind you that in Windows 10 two types of accounts can be used:

1) Local account
2) Microsoft account

I will tell you in detail about password recovery for both cases.

Reset Windows 10 password

To perform this procedure, you will first need a bootable USB flash drive or installation disk, from which you need to boot. After selecting the OS installation language, you should see the following window:

Select the “Diagnostics” section and go to the following menu:

Here you need to select the item “ Additional options" A third menu will appear:

Click on the “Command Line” item. After this, a regular command line with Administrator rights will launch, which will help us reset the Windows 10 user’s password if he has forgotten it.

But it’s not so easy to do this from an installation flash drive - the installed OS must be loaded first. But you can’t launch the command line from the Windows authorization menu! What should I do? Here we will resort to military stratagem - we will replace the utility special features utilman.exe. To do this, enter the command:

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe

This is what we will do first backup copy this utility file utilman2.exe. He will then allow you to return its functionality back.
Now let's copy the executable file cmd.exe to the utilman.exe file with the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Now, when you try to launch the Accessibility Wizard, the console will open with Administrator rights.

We reboot and launch Windows 10 in normal mode.
As soon as the authorization window appears, click on this icon in the lower right corner:

We click on it and, if all previous actions were performed correctly, we get a window command line:

Net user username password

In it, instead of username, you need to enter the name of your account, instead of password - New Password to her. For example, like this:

Net user setos 1234321

Press the Enter key. Now you can close the console window and try to log in to the system.

1) If suddenly you forgot not only the password, but also the user name itself, then you can see it in the list of system users. To do this, enter the command net user. All users will appear with a description of the role of each of them.
2) If you need an accessibility tool, then do not forget to start the PC again from a bootable USB flash drive or disk and return the utilman.exe utility back. To do this you need to enter the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

After this, it should function as before again.

Recovering your Microsoft account password

Now let's discuss what to do when you forgot your Windows 10 password with a Microsoft account. Then you will have to look for another computer with Internet access to access the site There you need to enter your login (this is either an email address or a phone number) and click on the “Next” button.

Now you need to pass verification. The most convenient option is to receive a verification code by email or reply to Security Question(if you remember the answer, of course).
The most extreme option is to click on “I don’t have this data.” Then you will restore authorization by contacting Microsoft technical support and following their instructions.
In any of these cases, the solution will be a link to the page for changing your password. You will receive a link to change your password. When entering a new one, you will need to meet all the requirements - the length of the key phrase must consist of numbers, letters and no shorter than 8 characters.
And only after all these misadventures will you be able to remove your forgotten password and successfully log into your computer! Good luck!

All simple ways find out your Windows password in one article, read! Windows computers have become widespread throughout the world. This working tool not only carries out computational tasks, but also stores important information, so login to the OS is blocked by a password. However, what about a person who has forgotten or does not know the access code? The following guide will help such a user quickly and effectively resolve the issue, for example, reset or delete the password when logging into Windows.

Password from account Windows can be selected manually or using OS tools and special utilities. The first method takes a significant amount of time and does not guarantee successful resolution of the issue. It is more advisable to use one of the OS tools or programs that are designed for the purpose of “finding” forgotten passwords. It is easy to use and installs quickly even by novice users, thanks to simple interface. Below we will consider in detail the implementation of the task using specific examples.

Usually, attempts to remember the code are unsuccessful, even if you turn to various psychologists and hypnotists who “send a person to the past” or tap into the hidden potential in people. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to act through the OS tools, which successfully help, if you don’t remember the user’s password, then definitely decide: “How to change the password on a Windows computer?”

You need to do the following:

  • Start the PC using the Administrator account;
  • Log in to the “Control Panel”;
  • To the user accounts tab;
  • Click “Manage another account”;
  • Click on the account with the forgotten access code;
  • Click “Change password”;
  • Come up with and print the code. Next click on open menu a virtual key called “Change password”;
  • Log out of the OS owner account and log in to the user account (You came up with the access code for it by following the previous step number “7” of this instruction, and most likely have not yet forgotten it. It is recommended to write it down in a personal notebook, since even the most a shabby notebook remembers passwords written in it much better than the best human memory);
  • Ready.

But what to do when the code to the Administrator’s account is forgotten? The next paragraph of this guide will help solve this problem.

If the question arises of how to recover the password of the OS owner account or how to set a new password on Windows, then you will need to perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Start the PC using Windows bootable media;
  2. Click “System Restore”;
  3. Click “Diagnostics”;
  4. Enter “Advanced parameters” and click “Command line” (hereinafter abbreviated as “KS”);
  5. Type in CS: “copy from:\windows\system32\cmd.exe from:\windows\system32\utilman.exe”;
  6. Remove bootable media from optical drive, if a laser disk was used, or pull it out of the USB port if a flash drive was used;
  7. Refuse further installation of Windows on the PC;
  8. Restart PC;
  9. When a menu is displayed on the monitor requiring you to specify an access code, you will need to show a little physical dexterity, you should click “Win” and, holding it down with one finger, simultaneously click on the button with the letter “U” with the other finger;
  10. Type in the displayed CS: “net user”;
  11. Click “Enter”;
  12. Type “net user (type the user name here without parentheses) (type the invented code here, also without parentheses)”;
  13. Click “Enter”;
  14. Restart PC;
  15. That's all! Now you can log into the system using the administrator account, since you know the access code to it well, because you came up with it and entered it by following step number “12” given just above in these instructions.

Note: In the above command, “C” is the letter indicating the system volume where Windows is installed. If the OS is installed, for example, on “D”, then you will need to specify its name in the command.

If a problem arises, how to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, the easiest way to do this is through a Microsoft resource. The advantage of this method is that you can remove the code not necessarily while sitting at the problematic PC, but at any other computer or even through a smartphone.

You will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Enter into the Internet browser: “”;
  2. Click “Enter”;
  3. Check the box “I don’t remember my password”;
  4. Click “Next”;
  5. Type your email and the characters displayed below in the menu;
  6. Click “Next”;
  7. Then follow all further instructions from the wizard;
  8. At the final stage of the procedure, you will need to print the invented code;
  9. Ready.

You can also use the following algorithm:

  • Type a deliberately incorrect access code and click “Reset Password”;
  • In the next menu, enter the answers;
  • Print new code;
  • Ready.

The task of how to remove a password from a computer on Windows 7 will not take much time and effort. To do this you just need to follow a few steps:

  • During startup, click F8 and start in non-mode with CS support;
  • Then, with extended permissions in the CS, insert the text: “net user (type the user name here without parentheses) (type the invented code here, also without parentheses)”;
  • Click “Enter”;
  • Exit the CS and restart the PC;

The Registry Corrector in Windows 10 allows you to quickly disable the password. Steps:

  1. Start the PC from the bootable media and, having shown a little physical dexterity, you should click “Shift” and, holding it down with one finger, simultaneously click on the button with the letter “F10” with the other finger;
  2. Type "regedit";
  3. Click “Enter”;
  4. Expand the directory “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”;
  5. Click “File”;
  6. Next, click “Load Hive”;
  7. Then open the file that is located on the system volume: “Windows\System32\config\system”;
  8. Open the “setup” folder and adjust the “CmdLine” by assigning it “cmd.exe”;
  9. Next, assign “2” to “SetupType”;
  10. Click “File” again in the menu;
  11. Click "Unload bush"
  12. After disconnecting the bootable media from the PC, restart;
  13. During Windows launch 10 the CS will load, where you should type “net user (type the user name here without parentheses) (type the invented code here, also without parentheses)”;
  14. Click “Enter”;
  15. Type "exit";
  16. Click “Enter”;
  17. Ready! It usually takes longer to read this instruction than not to follow it.

Quick Windows password cracking and decryption

Let's consider the most quick method hacking the access code to the Corporate or Professional Windows 10, which feature the most advanced security. For users even with minor skills in working with CS, the problem of how to hack or disable a password on Windows will not take much time.


  1. “net user Administrator /active:yes” enter into the CS;
  2. Click “Enter”;
  3. Next, you may need to restart the PC, but more often you will immediately be able to specify a user. Specify the system administrator and log in to your account without entering an access code;
  4. RMB on “Start”;
  5. "Computer Management";
  6. Expand tab " Local users»;
  7. Go to the “Users” folder;
  8. Call the context from the hacked user;
  9. Click “Set password”;
  10. Click the virtual key labeled “Continue”;
  11. Print the new code twice in a row;
  12. Click “ok”;
  13. Ready!

Programs for cracking passwords in Windows

Basically, such applications use the brute force method. Obviously, the procedure can take a long time, but if the utility is run on a high-performance PC, then even complex codes can be decrypted within a matter of hours.

  • John the Ripper— Most often, users use the “John Ripper” utility. Thanks to the use of several password guessing techniques at once, the program successfully copes with cracking even complex codes.
  • Aircrack-ng— Airkryak-ng is not just a program, but it contains a whole list of utilities that allow you not only to intercept codes, but also to crack them.
  • RainbowCrack— A friendly interface and technology using rainbow tables for hacking allowed RainbowCrack to gain popularity all over the world. This is one of the most quick programs that exist today. If the user does not like the utility shell, then it can work according to the principle of the usual KS.
  • Hydra— Even professionals often use Hydra in their work to test the reliability of system protection. Already by this criterion one can judge the effectiveness of the utility.
  • Hashcat— The authors of this relatively new utility are confident that their product is the fastest among its competitors.
  • Crowbar— If other applications are not able to cope with hacking, then Crowbar is often used, which, in addition to Windows, also works well in Linux and MacOS.

Where can I see passwords stored in Windows?

The storage for keys is the OS registry. Passwords are encrypted and stored as a “SAM” file. You can view it in the “Config” subfolder, which is located in the “System32” folder of the “Windows” directory.

How to find out your Windows password: Finding a forgotten password?

If the password is simple, then you can guess it manually. Fortunately, users continue to use codes like: 1111111, 12345678 and qwerty. However, if the code is complex and long, then without special applications it will be very difficult to guess the password. Therefore, it is recommended to use one of the above hacking programs. This will save the user not only time, but also nerves.

To do this, you need to use bootable media with Windows to start the OS with external drive or flash drives.

Next do the following:

  1. After starting, call the CS as described in the sections above this manual and type “diskpart”;
  2. Click "Enter";
  3. Type "list volume";
  4. Click “Enter” again;
  5. See what letter the system volume is designated by (usually “C”);
  6. Type “move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe”;
  7. Enter;
  8. "copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe";
  9. Input;
  10. Type "wpeutil reboot";
  11. Input;
  12. After disconnecting the bootable media from the PC, boot;
  13. Click “Special Features”;
  14. A KS will appear, where to insert: “net user (type the user name here without parentheses) (type the invented code here, also without parentheses)”;
  15. Input;
  16. Ready.

Forgotten password to log into Windows 10 is a painfully familiar situation to many people. The reasons for this are different - the password is too complex, which is difficult to remember tomorrow, or, on the contrary, the use of a too simple, weak password to log into the system, and as a result - your Windows is hacked and the password is changed by an attacker. What can I say, there are times when a user forgets even a very old, familiar password!

Let's look step by step at what options are available for resetting your Windows 10 password to log into your account.

Reset Windows 10 password via Microsoft account

Although this option has its pros and cons, you can recover your login password quite easily using a Windows access recovery tool, and it is really not difficult.

First, make sure that access is definitely lost. Check the connection of the keyboard to the computer, the buttons are stuck. Check the case of the entered characters if the password contains mixed-case characters, and also check the password input language if the password consists of not only numbers, but also letters.

Go to and try logging in using the Microsoft account you've been using before.

Make sure you enter the correct e-mail and password. If the login was unsuccessful here too, and the system generated a login error, then go to the password reset option by clicking on the “reset now” option on the same screen, which is also below – “Forgot your password?”.

In the window that appears, you will be offered options for restoring access to your Microsoft account:

  • I don't remember my password
  • I know my password, but I can't log in
  • I think someone else is using my Microsoft account

We are considering the situation of losing a password, so we select the first option and click the “Next” button.

At the next step, enter the email address used to log into your Microsoft account, and also enter the symbols of the anti-bot captcha suggested below, and also click “Next”:

In a new window that appears, the service will ask for a verification code. This code was sent at the same time to email:

Check yours mailbox for a letter from Microsoft Live, copy the digital code from it, enter the code in the code entry field, and click the “Next” button:

If everything is done correctly, then in the new window - “Password Reset” - you will need to perform the most pleasant, and at the same time responsible procedure - to come up with and enter a new password for your Microsoft account.

You should not unnecessarily remind that the password must be such that you can remember it at any time, even after many months, otherwise the recovery password procedure will have to be repeated.

Also, the password must be at least 8 characters long and may include upper and lower case letters. lowercase, as well as numbers and symbols.

A notification indicating a successful password change will appear on the screen:

And at the same time, you will receive an email notification from Microsoft about the successful password change. In addition, the letter will contain technical information about the system from which the password was changed (data about your computer/phone):

Important! If you did not do this password recovery procedure, but suddenly and unexpectedly received such a notification, then your account was probably hacked and your password was changed! In this case, immediately follow the link from the letter - “reset your password”, and assign a new password according to the procedure, and also check your security settings, including, as an option, strengthening the security level of your account.

Useful advice. After successfully completing the procedure, log into your account through a browser and spend a few minutes of your time checking your data in your Microsoft account. Please provide an additional email address, number mobile phone– all this may come in handy another time, when access to your account is suddenly lost again for some reason.

Also check your account details for the presence of “foreign” data - a clear sign that an attacker has entered your account by entering your contact information to gain access to your account.

Reset Windows 10 password via local account

The above method is very simple and good for Windows users– it will be clear even to a beginner. But the big disadvantage of this option is that a very limited number of people actually use a Microsoft “account” - most people simply do not have this account! For such Windows users, the first method of password recovery becomes irrelevant.

In this case, let's consider the second option for restoring access to your account, built directly into Windows 10.

In Windows 10, as in some of its previous versions, there is an “Administrator” user, who has the greatest rights to manage Windows. Logging into this superuser account does not require a password. By logging into this account, you will receive full, unlimited access to all Windows functions, including the ability to restore access and assign a new password for any other Windows 10 user.

Unfortunately, but for security reasons, this “Administrator” user is disabled (hidden) by default, so if you manually did not enable this “superuser” before losing the password for your Windows account, then you will not be able to log in to it.

But in general, enabling the “Administrator” user unless absolutely necessary, as well as working in this account, is strictly not recommended, because If Windows is hacked, the attacker will gain access to all functions of the operating system.

Alternative way to access Windows

First of all, you must have a bootable USB flash drive with the installation version of Windows 10. You can do this by having an image of the operating system itself Windows systems, and running one of free utilities creating bootable disks - for example, Rufus or Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.

Insert the flash card into USB port computer and restart it. When starting the boot, during the BIOS initiation, continuously press the F12 button (as a rule, in modern BIOSes this button is assigned to launch the window for selecting the disk from which the operating system or some utility program should be promptly loaded). So, press “F12” until the boot device selection menu appears. IN this menu select flash memory device as device Windows boot. When the initial Windows screen press the key combination “Shift” + “F10”, a command line window will open.

Type the following at the command line:

This is a command to go to the “C:” drive. If drive “C:” exists, you will see that the current drive has changed to the corresponding selected one.

The next point will be to go to system folder"System32":

cd Windows\System32

After which we’ll perform a little trick, a kind of life hack. Namely, let’s replace the launch of the “Special Features” utility with the launch of the command line utility.

To do this, type 2 lines in succession on the command line, pressing the “Enter” key after each:

ren utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak

Now boot your Windows normally. When the welcome screen appears and you select a user, click the “Accessibility” button.

As you remember, just above, according to the instructions, we replaced the utilities, and when you click on this button, instead of the usual functionality, we will get the command line launched, which is what we need to activate the “Administrator” user.

At the command line, type the following:

net user Administrator /active:yes

...and restart the computer again with the command

shutdown -t 0 -r

- Where " -t 0” – setting the number of seconds before the reboot starts (in in this case– zero seconds, immediate reboot), and “ -r” – the reboot command itself.

After the reboot, on the start screen, in addition to the usual Windows user(s), the Administrator user will appear. Log in to Windows using this user; no login password is required.

If you have Windows 10 Professional installed, complete necessary settings in the following way. To do this, click right click Click the “Start” button, select the menu item “Computer Management” → “Local Users and Groups” → and double-click on the “Users” menu.

In the list of users that appears, find your user, right-click on his name, and select “Set password” in the pop-up menu. Create a strong but memorable new password. Enter it twice, click “Ok”.

Log out of the “Administrator” user, log in to your user using the specified new password - check that it is correct! If the login is successful, the password change procedure is completed.

If you have Windows 10 Home installed, the procedure for changing the password is slightly different. First of all, right-click on the “Start” button. Select the menu item “Command Prompt (Administrator)”. In the command prompt window that appears, type:

This command on Windows will display a list of users. Find the user you need in the list and remember his name. For example, if your user is named “Home1”, then set a new password for him with the following command:

net user Home1 *

After entering this command and pressing the “Enter” key, the system will ask you to specify a new password for the Home1 user. Enter a new password, press “Enter” - the password change procedure is completed. Log out of the “Administrator” user, check that you are logged in to your user using the new password specified.

Create a new account

If the Windows 10 login password is lost irretrievably, and all options for password recovery are impossible for some reason, then there is only one option left: good alternative to gain access to Windows, simply create a new user in Windows and assign Administrator rights to him.

To do this, while in the “Administrator” user, write the following in the command line:

net localgroup Adminstrators USERNAME /add

... where instead of “USERNAME” enter the name of your new user, and instead of “PASSWORD” enter the password for given user. After reboot Windows You will see that this new user has appeared to login.

All data related to the previous user, for example with the name User1, will be stored in the “C:\Users\User1” folder. These are files on the desktop, the “Downloads” folder, folders of images, videos and documents. Transfer necessary files from the old user's account to your desktop or to some disk in a convenient place (folder).

And now let's return everything to its place

Since everything necessary has been done - the password has been changed, access to Windows has been restored, we need to carry out the reverse steps to the changes that we have made.

To do this, you need to insert again bootable USB flash drive from Windows 10 to the USB port of the computer, and boot from it, then “Shift” + “10”, and go to the folder “C:\Windows\System32”, see detailed instructions above.

Let's return the renamed files to their place. In the command window we type:

ren utilman.exe cmd.exe
ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe

Accordingly, the files fell into place. We still have one more important point– activated “Administrator” account. This is a dangerous situation, so let's disable it:

net user Administrator /active:no

All necessary actions have been completed. Reboot the computer:

... and you can work as usual in Windows under your user.

Forgot your Windows 10 login password. How to prevent such situations in the future?

Consider storing your password in one of specialized programs– Password storage managers, which nowadays support the function of storing passwords in the cloud. This is convenient for logging into frequently used web services from several of your devices at once - you do not need to store passwords separately on each device, and you do not need to remember them in principle (although it is advisable).

To store the password for your account in Windows 10, enter this password into the Password Manager manually. Thus, if at some point you forget your Windows password, you can immediately use your other device (laptop, tablet, smartphone), where the password storage and management program is also installed, to quickly see and remember this password.

Also, if you do not use an account Microsoft entry to log into Windows, you can use the option of logging into Windows using a PIN code, which can be set separately. This option has several advantages:

  • no need to reveal your Microsoft account password
  • The PIN code is short, 4 digits, and accordingly it is easier to remember and easier to remember, especially if you associate these 4 digits with something, with some event, date, or other logical connection.

So, to assign a PIN instead of a password on Windows login 10 for your local account, do the following. Press the “Win” + “I” buttons simultaneously to open the settings window. In it, select the “Accounts” section, go to it:

In the window that opens, click on the “Login Options” menu item on the left, and in it scroll through the list to the “PIN code” item.

All that remains is to select this item and assign a PIN code to log into Windows.

There is another option to protect yourself from losing your Windows password - creating a Windows 10 password reset disk.

To do this, click the “Start” button and start typing the phrase “Creating a password reset disk.” In the tooltips, almost from the first letters, the required menu item will be displayed - a link to this service.

Next, you just need to connect the flash drive to the USB port of the computer, and with one click in a new window, write a kind of program for resetting passwords onto it. After this, you are protected from such troubles with lost passwords - if necessary, just insert the flash drive into the computer and reset the password. Of course, you should not abuse this option, but still try to make your password memorable.

Windows 10 password reassignment

If you remember your password, there is no point in resetting it. You can easily reassign the password and set a new one.

We also go to “Accounts” by pressing the key combination “Win” + “I”, select the menu item on the left “Login Options”, and almost at the very top we see the option to change the password:

Removing a password in Windows 10

Perhaps you prefer to log into your Windows account without a password? The option is unsafe, but it can happen. There are 2 options for this.

The first option is to carry out all the steps of the previous paragraph – “Password reassignment”, until the password change window itself appears, and here we do this: indicate the old password, but leave 2 fields for the new password empty. This option implies that the account will not have a password in principle.

The second option is to remove the account password. While in Windows, press the key combination “Win” + “R”. In the launch line that appears, enter the phrase “ netplwiz“, without quotes, press “Ok” or press “Enter”:

In the window that opens, uncheck the “Require username and password” option. Click the “Apply” button:

Windows will ask you to enter the password for the user(s) twice, so you are confirming that you are the real owner of the account. After this, based on the entered password, at each subsequent login to Windows, the password will not be requested from you, but, let’s say, will be entered automatically, without your participation. But for third-party intrusions, attempts to log in from outside, via the Internet and other networks, the password for your user will also be relevant and will be requested every time you try to log into your account.

Still, this is not the best way to simplify working with Windows. The time spent entering a password is minimal, and security is much higher when Windows prompts you to access your account every time. What if it happens that an attacker finds himself physically behind your computer - he sits in front of it, turns it on, and gains access to all your data! Therefore, we do not recommend implementing this option unless absolutely necessary.

General security

Having restored access to Windows 10, check the operation of the system as a whole, the relevance and freshness of versions software, availability antivirus programs. Protecting the operating system, protecting software and personal data is a very pressing issue.

Due to development network technologies, the presence of a huge number of devices in the world connected to global network and various subnets poses a potentially great security threat to your devices, as well as to your personal electronic information, personal data - from simple entries in an electronic notepad to payment (banking) data.

Summing up

Perhaps resetting a password for Windows is not as simple a procedure as resetting a password for a website or some web service, where you just need to enter your email address or mobile phone number. Depending on the degree of neglect, restoring the password to your Windows account may take quite a long time. Or it may happen that the password cannot be recovered, and you will have to create a new account and transfer all your data from the old “account” to the new one. The most extreme option is also possible - reinstalling Windows 10 due to irretrievable loss of access to it.

Remember your security, remember your passwords, store them securely. Reserve alternative ways to restore access. Your safety is in your own hands! Neglect of this rule has been tested in practice - sooner or later it can lead to problems.

Often the situation may turn out to be such that the password for the operating system is forgotten. This is not surprising - you can quickly write down your authorization data, work on your PC for several months, safely lose the piece of paper with the code, and at one point realize that you need it. Someone will ask - but if a password is not required when logging in, then why enter it? It's simple - even on machines where authorization is disabled, you may need to enter a password, for example, after manually locking Win+L or after the next update. The thought immediately arises: how to remove the password when logging into Windows 10?

Today this is exactly what we will talk about. Moreover, the situation will be considered when you work from an account associated with Microsoft, and when a local account is used. The password reset process is similar to that in previous versions of Windows, but there are some differences. We will assume that for some reason you do not know your password, for example, you simply forgot it.

First of all, try entering your password in the usual and English layout. This approach can help if you entered data and forgot to switch it. It is also worth trying to log in with Caps Lock enabled. The fact is that for the operating system there is a difference between the words Alyosha and Alyosha. If for some reason you do not understand how to reset your password on Windows 10 or you encounter other difficulties, there is a video at the end of this article that duplicates what was written.

If your account has been synchronized with Microsoft and your computer is connected to the network, there will be no difficulties at all in recovering your password. You can do this directly on the Microsoft website. Let's look at the issue in more detail: adhere to all stages of our step by step instructions. Let's get started:

  1. Visit the password recovery page on the official Microsoft website. To do this, follow the link. We will be asked to indicate the reason why we cannot enter - choose any. We indicate “I don’t remember my password.” Click “Next”.

  1. At the next stage, indicate the email from your account, enter the confirmation number and click on “Next”.

  1. A letter with a confirmation code will be sent to the email specified at the previous stage - copy it.

  1. Enter the confirmation code in the window shown in the screenshot and again press the key with the text “Next”.

  1. Enter a new password, confirm it and click on the “Next” button.

That's all. Our password has been changed and we can use it when logging in. operating system. Naturally, in order for it to be updated on your computer, you need to have a working connection to the network.

Try to constantly link your account to your Microsoft account. Firstly, this will prevent you from forgetting your authorization data or restoring it without problems. Secondly, all your data will be synchronized, and the user’s folder will be completely saved in the OneDrive cloud, which Microsoft gives to all its users for free.

How to reset your local account password

In order to use this option, you need to have a flash drive or disk for Windows installations 10. We looked at how to create it in. Let's move on to the instructions, each step of which will be shown in the screenshot for clarity.

  1. First you need to boot from our media. To do this you need to Computer BIOS install USB or DVD media first boot device. In order to enter the BIOS, you need to press the Del or F2 button when the computer starts. You can also call boot menu– for this, each computer or laptop has its own key (see documentation). When the PC is started from a flash drive or disk, we need to get to the command line. To do this, click on the “System Restore” item.

  1. Next, go to the “Troubleshooting” section by clicking on the tile indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Select the “Command Line” tool.

You can open the command line by pressing Shift + F10 on the language selection screen. However, this option does not always work.

  1. In the command line, type diskpart and press the Enter button.

  1. Now we need to get a list of partitions mounted on the computer. To do this, enter list volume and press Enter.

  1. A list of sections appears. We need to remember the one on which Windows was installed. You can understand this by the size of the disk. In this case, our partition has a volume of 31 GB - this is Volume 2 with the letter D. Let's move on. Exit diskpart by entering the exit command.

  1. We continue resetting the Windows password, write a phrase like: move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe and press Enter.

  1. The next line to enter is: copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe and Enter again.

  1. If you followed our steps and entered your drive name correctly, then everything went fine. All that remains is to enter the wpeutil reboot command and press Enter again. Next, our PC will reboot and you will see the diagnostics begin.

  1. This will be followed by the process automatic recovery– in our case it will simply reset the password.

Note: the entire procedure described above boiled down to the fact that the cmd.exe file was copied to the System32 directory and received a new name utilman.exe. This will make it possible to activate the command line without logging into Windows.

  1. When the computer starts, on the password entry screen, click on the “Accessibility” button - we have circled it in red in the screenshot.

  1. The whole trick is that at the last stage we replaced the standard Windows tool 10 to the command line and now “Ten” launches it, not realizing that this is no longer the same program. Let's move on. Enter the following operator in CMD.exe: net user your account name new_password and press Enter.

  1. If your login consists of two or more words, it must be entered in quotation marks. And if you don’t know the login, simply enter net users and Windows 10 will show you all users of the system.

Ready. Now you can log in using a new password without rebooting the system. Don't forget to return the list of special features back after Windows Explorer 10 running as administrator.

Another option on how to remove the password from a Windows 10 computer

To use this method, you need to have Windows 10 Professional installed on your PC. The described option works with the command line already running. We talked above about how to call it through the special features button. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. We launch the command line and enter the following into it: net user Administrator / active: yes (if your Windows is an English release, or it was one, but you Russified it, then instead of “Administrator” enter Administrator). Finally, press Enter.

  1. Now you need to restart the PC, after which you will have the choice of the Administrator user, who can log in to the system without entering a password.

  1. Just click on the name “Administrator” and log in.

Sometimes the second user appears even before Windows 10 restarts. Therefore, before you start rebooting, look in the lower left corner - perhaps an administrator has already been added there.

  1. But we need a password change, so let's move on. As soon as you log in (this may take a while the first time), right-click on the “Start” button and select the “Computer Management” menu.

  1. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot. In the right part of the window, click on the name of the user who forgot the password and select from context menu the item indicated by number 2 in the screenshot.

  1. Windows will notify us that changing the password is dangerous (we advise you to read the text in full), but we click “Continue”.

  1. It's time to change your password. Enter the code itself, confirm it and click “OK”.

Ready. The password has been changed and you can now log in to the system using it.

This option only works with local accounts. If you need to recover your Microsoft account password, use the first method or, after logging in, create another user.

Once the necessary changes have been made, revert everything back. Go to the command prompt and type: net user Administrator /active:no. This will disable login through the administrator account without entering a password. Leaving things like this is very dangerous.

Ready. Now your Windows is the same as it was, and you can safely log in.

New login method

  1. Boot from the installation media and when the language selection window appears, press Shift and F10 at the same time. (On some laptops you need to add the Fn button to this combination).

  1. The command line will open - which is what we actually needed. Type regedit and press Enter. This will launch the Registry Editor. Go to the registry section indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Open the “File” menu and select “Load hive” from it.

  1. Open the C:\Windows\System32\config section and select the SYSTEM.

Pay attention! The disk on your system may be different. For example, in our case it is not C, but D.

  1. Windows will ask you for the name of the future parameter. This does not play any role - write any word in small Latin letters.

  1. Click on the newly created section system registry and select the Setup folder inside it. In the right part of the window you need to set parameters for the following keys:
  1. Assign the cmd.exe parameter to the CmdLine key;

  1. We assign parameter 2 to the SetupType key.

  1. We finish with the registry editor. We need to unload the bush. To do this, select the key we created on the left side of the program.

  1. Using the “File” menu, unload the bush into place.

  1. Confirm the action by clicking on the “Yes” button.

After these manipulations, you need to close regedit and the black command line window. Reboot and when the system starts you will see a command prompt open.

Now the user password can be reset by the operator: net user user_password - exactly as described above. Once the changes have been made, type exit at the command line and press Enter. If you close the window with a cross, all the changes you made may disappear.

There is no need to return the system to its original position in the future. Any changes you made while working with the command line will automatically be restored to their default value.

If none of the described options helped you or after a series of experiments the system stopped starting at all, use the mode.

Password reset programs

On the Internet you can find utilities that are supposedly capable of removing the password from a Windows computer. We do not recommend using such software. The fact is that, firstly, it needs to be written to a bootable USB flash drive (and these are additional difficulties), and secondly, utilities most often work by brute-force methods and, if the password is of average complexity, you will not be able to find the correct combination. But most importantly, why is this necessary? After all, using our instructions, you will restore your forgotten code. Moreover, there are several options that are enough for any situation.

This is where we will end. Now you know how to remove the password on Windows 10 in several ways. We hope our article helped you, but if you have any difficulties, describe them in the comments, and we or other users will help resolve the situation.

Video on how to reset a forgotten Windows 10 password


And the old woman gets into trouble...

Many users still like to protect their computers with passwords (even if there is nothing valuable on them). There are often cases when the password is simply forgotten (and even the hint that Windows always recommends creating does not help you remember). In such cases, some users reinstall Windows (those who know how to do this) and continue working, while others ask the first to help...

In this article I want to show a simple and (most importantly) quick way resetting the administrator password in Windows 10. No special PC skills, any complex programs, etc. are required!

The method is relevant for Windows 7, 8, 10.

What do you need to start the reset?

Just one thing - the installation flash drive (or disk) from which your Windows OS was installed. If there is none, you will need to write it down (for example, on your second computer, or on the computer of a friend, neighbor, etc.).

At an important moment! If your OS is Windows 10, then you need a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10!

In order not to describe here a voluminous guide to creating bootable media, I will provide links to my previous articles, where the most popular options are discussed. If you don’t have such an installation flash drive (disk), I recommend getting one, you will need it from time to time (and not only for resetting your password!).

Creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10 -

How to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7, 8 -

Record boot disk -

WITH throw administrator password in Windows 10 (step by step)

1) Boot from the installation flash drive (disk)

To do this, you may need to go into the BIOS and set the appropriate settings. There is nothing complicated about this; as a rule, you just need to indicate which disk to boot from (example in Fig. 1).

I will provide a couple of links to my articles if anyone has any difficulties.

Setting up BIOS to boot from a flash drive:

2) Open the system recovery partition

If you did everything correctly in the previous step, the Windows installation window should appear. There is no need to install anything - there is a link “ System Restore“, which is where you need to go.

4) Additional parameters

Then open the section with additional parameters.

Rice. 4. Additional options

5) Command line

After this, launch the command line.

6) Copy CMD file

The essence of what needs to be done now: copy the CMD (command line) file instead of the file that is responsible for sticky keys ( The sticky keys feature on the keyboard is useful for those people who, for some reason, cannot press several buttons at the same time. By default, to open it, you need to press the Shift key 5 times. Many users 99.9% do not need this function).

In order to do this, it is enough to enter just one command (see Fig. 7): copy D:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe D:\Windows\system32\sethc.exe /Y

Note: the drive letter “D” will be relevant if you have Windows installed on drive “C” (i.e. the most common default installation). If everything went as it should, you will see a message that “Copied files: 1”.

Rice. 7. Copy CMD file instead of sticky keys.

After this, you need to restart the computer (the installation flash drive is no longer needed, it must be removed from the USB port).

7) Creating a second administrator

The easiest way to reset your password is to create a second administrator, then log in to Windows as that administrator - and you can do whatever you want...

After you restart your PC, Windows will ask you for a password again, you instead press the Shift key 5-6 times- a window with a command line should appear (if everything was done correctly before).

Then enter the command to create the user: net user admin2 /add (where admin2 is the account name, can be anything).

Note: after each command, “Command completed successfully” should appear. After entering these 2 commands, you need to restart the computer.

Rice. 7. Creating a second user (administrator)

After restarting the computer, in the lower left corner (in Windows 10), you will see a new user created, and you need to log in under it!

Actually, this concludes the mission to log into Windows for which the password was lost - completed successfully! Only the final touch remains, more on that below...

How to remove the password from the old administrator account

Simple enough! First you need to open panel Windows management , then go to “ Administration"(to see the link, turn on small icons in the control panel, see Fig. 9) and open the section "

I guess that not everyone may like this method (after all, there are all sorts of programs for automatic reset. I talked about one of them in this article:). Although this method is very simple, universal and reliable, it does not require any skills - you only need to enter 3 commands...

This article is completed, good luck :)

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