How to best use iOS devices for people with poor vision. How to set up your iPhone so that your eyes get less tired  Eye help for ipad

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Unfortunately, computer equipment does not improve vision. But the modern user no longer looks only at the screen of a desktop or laptop, but also constantly uses a smartphone and tablet. As a result, the strain on the eyes increases many times over. And people who already have eye problems especially suffer from this.

But iOS developers have included quite a few additions to the system designed to make life easier for users with poor vision. Of course, they do not guarantee that your eyes will not get tired at all. But it is still possible to somewhat reduce the load on them.

Terms of use

However, before we begin listing all these possibilities, I would like to talk about some rules for using tablets and smartphones, which in themselves reduce eye strain. First of all, it is not recommended to use the device while lying down, since in this case it often happens that the distance from the screen to each of the eyes is different.

Watch your posture, curvature of the spine (and this problem is becoming more common among modern people) also entails problems with vision, and indeed with health in general.

The screen brightness should not be too high. But too low brightness is also harmful. Adjusting it is not at all difficult, because in iOS 7 the brightness control is located in the “Control Center”, pulled out from the bottom of the screen. It is highly recommended not to use the device in complete darkness. Yes, and in very bright light too.

The time of use should be limited; it is not at all good for the eyes to constantly look at a backlit screen for many hours. After all, virtually all this time the eye is looking at the lamp, even if it is quite weak.

But since time flies when using a mobile device, it is better to set a timer, for example, for half an hour or an hour. Moreover, the timer, as well as brightness, is also available through the “Control Center”.

System Settings

It is strongly recommended for all users to follow all of the above rules, regardless of their vision condition. Those who are forced to wear glasses will be helped internal settings operating system.

And the first thing to start with is to increase the font size. To do this you need to go to "Settings" and choose "Text Size". In the field that opens, move the slider, setting the most convenient size. If suddenly even the maximum size is not enough, then you need to go to "Settings", then "Universal Access" and choose there "Enlarged text". Yes, increasing the font size often has a negative impact on appearance applications. But the strain on the eyes is reduced significantly.

But here it should be noted that text enlargement only works if the application supports dynamic text. IN App Store There are many programs whose developers have closed this option; increasing the font size will not have any effect on them. In this case, the function of enlarging what is displayed on the screen can help. To enable it, go to “Settings” → “General” → “Accessibility” → “Zoom”. After enabling this function, double tapping with three fingers on the desired area of ​​the screen will enlarge it. In order to return everything to the way it was, tap the screen twice with three fingers again.

Also, to increase readability, the text can be made bold. To do this we go to "Settings", then "Universal Access" and enable the item "Bold type". The device will need to be rebooted.

The inclusion of buttons will also make the device easier to use. As you know, in iOS there are no separately drawn buttons; they are replaced with simple inscriptions, which is not very convenient, although it looks nice. To enable the buttons, use "Settings", then "Universal Access" and there you need to turn it on "Button shapes".

iOS also allows you to adjust not only the screen brightness, but also its contrast. Contrast settings can be found in “Settings” → “General” → “Accessibility” → “Increase contrast”. The options available there allow you to slightly increase the readability of the text.

If you still need to use the device in complete darkness, you can use color inversion. For normal operation This mode is not suitable at all. But you can use it, for example, to read texts in complete darkness.

Inversion mode is activated in “Settings” → “General” → “Accessibility”, where you need to use the switch "Color Inversion". And if this mode is used very often, then it is better to configure a simplified activation for it. It is specified via Settings → General → Accessibility → Keyboard shortcuts. In the selected list, indicate “Color inversion”, after which this mode can be turned on by pressing the button three times "Home".

Reading books

Many people today use mobile devices as universal e-readers. And here there are also some rules, following which you can reduce the strain on your eyesight.

First of all, for reading it is best to use devices with Retina screens, since in this case the font contrast is much higher. If you have an iPad 2 or iPad mini, then the solution may be to increase the text size.

It is also recommended to experiment with the settings. In addition to the font size, you can set its type, background color, distance between lines, etc. It is best to spend some time on this, finding the optimal settings for yourself. And, again, use a timer to avoid straining your eyes for too long.

Many iOS device owners stare at the iPhone and iPad screen for several hours every day, but not everyone knows about correct setting display will reduce eye strain and make interaction with the gadget more comfortable for vision. Using various settings, you can increase the text size on the iPhone or iPad screen, change the font type, enlarge text fragments using a magnifying glass, etc.

Increase text size

There's no need to strain your eyes trying to discern text on your iPhone or iPad screen. If necessary, its size can be increased using several methods.

Using the option " Text size", you can increase (or decrease) the font size. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Screen and brightness» → « Text size" and drag the slider to decrease or increase the font size.

If you want to enlarge not only the text, but also other elements (icons and buttons), go to the menu " Settings» → « Screen and brightness» → « Display enlargement" This section has two possible options — « Increased" And " Standard" When you activate the first option, the icons will be displayed larger. Remember that each time you enable/disable the option, you will need to restart the device.

Set the font to bold

Of course, text size matters, but for many users, font boldness is also important. You can change the font thickness as follows: open the menu “ Settings» → « Screen and brightness» → « Bold type» and drag the slider to the desired position. After your iOS device restarts, everything from icons to message text will appear thicker and darker.

Magnify a specific area of ​​your iPhone or iPad screen

iOS has a zoom function that allows you to enlarge areas of the device screen using the function "Increase". To enable this functionality, open “ Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal Access» → « Increase" To call the function, you need to double-tap the screen with two fingers. You can move the magnifying glass around the entire screen and use a double tap to change its size.

In addition, iOS has a virtual magnifying glass that allows you to magnify various objects using the camera. We talked about how to set up and use a virtual magnifying glass.

Highlight buttons

In iOS 6, Apple redesigned the buttons to resemble just words on the screen. Luckily, iOS allows you to reshape your buttons to give them a more classic look. To do this, open the section “ Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal Access» → « Button shapes" After making changes, buttons and other clickable elements on the screen will either be underlined or displayed as a rectangle.

You can reduce eye strain in iOS 10 using an overlay light filters. This trick works on all iOS devices: iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE and other models that support iOS 10.

Light filters are different from the feature introduced in iOS 9.

Task Night Shift - exclude blue radiation from the screen, which acts as a stimulant on the nervous system. As a result, the display turns orange-beige.

But this is not the best solution. There is something more interesting.

Make your screen blood red, you won't regret it

Light filter allows you to make the screen completely red. And this solution has many advantages.

Our eyes distinguish red color worse than others. An optical illusion occurs: a screen with a red filter forces the eyes to perceive the picture in the same way as when using a reduced brightness level. This way, you can look at a red screen in a completely dark room without discomfort.

Scientists conducted a series of experiments on rodents, exposing them to light of different color spectrums: white, blue and red. Under the influence blue light the animals became depressed. White light had no negative impact. Action red light not inferior to the complete darkness in which the experimental subjects felt comfortable.

The phenomenon of minimal exposure to red light on the retina of the eye is explained by the peculiarity ganglion cells, which practically do not react to it. The use of red lights on the streets is no coincidence: red light has a positive effect on a person’s well-being.

Breaking away from iPhone screen, you instantly adapt to the dark. This happens faster than in Night Shift mode or when you refuse to use a filter.

How to turn on the Light Filter

Function Light filters available on all iOS devices running iOS 10.

1 . Opening Settings -> General -> Accessibility.

2. Select an item Display adaptation -> Light filters.

3. Turn on the slider Light filter. A drop-down list will open.

4. We are looking for an item Hue. Check the box opposite, and drag the two sliders below to maximum.

The screen will turn rich red. In daylight it looks creepy. But in the absence of light, you will realize that it is much more pleasant and easier for you to look at such a screen!

Enable convenient activation of the Light Filter

Turning on the filter in Settings every time is long and inconvenient. Let's set up activation by triple pressing the Home key.

1. Opening Settings -> General -> Accessibility.

2. We are looking for an item Keyboard shortcut, select Light filters.

Now, to turn on the light filter, just press the Home key three times and select Light filters.

Use this function at night. Your eyes will definitely thank you.

P.S.: owners of the newest Apple tablet are in a better position. The iPad Pro 9.7" has a screen that automatically selects the optimal white balance depending on the lighting.

Many of us lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise regularly, and visit the dentist every six months, but we turn to an ophthalmologist only when vision problems can no longer be ignored. Modern life is impossible without gadgets, and everyone is well aware of the harm they cause to the eyes. But this time, electronic devices can do a good job - Essilor specialists suggest several excellent applications with which you can take care of your vision. However, remember: any program, even the most complex, cannot replace an appointment with a doctor.

Israeli scientists have concluded that the cause of age-related farsightedness is an increase in the time it takes for the brain to process images. The GlassesOff game is designed to train neuroplasticity, that is, the brain’s ability to recognize and interpret different color spots, then putting them together into a coherent picture. The application will select the training regimen that suits you. After each game you will receive a report on how much your vision has improved. The program is paid, but a free two-week trial version is available.

If you are an avid gadget lover and only distract yourself from electronic devices during sleep, Eye Relax is what you need. The program sets time intervals after which it will send reminders so that you remember to rest your eyes. If you ignore these messages, the program will simply block you for a while mobile device so you can relax.

Still wondering if you have vision problems? The Vision Plus application will help diagnose the problem. Then the program will select a set of exercises with which, according to the developers, you will improve blood circulation, train the eye muscles and relieve fatigue. All statistics can be saved and tracked.

Unlike the previous application, the virtual vision test Crizal Visual Screening from the French company Essilor does not require additional installation. All you need is Internet access and 15-20 free minutes. There are six tests to choose from: checking visual acuity, testing contrast sensitivity, testing color vision, testing myopia and farsightedness, testing for astigmatism, and the Amsler test, which can determine macular degeneration - problems in the central field of vision. You can take all six tests at once, or you can take them selectively; the results of each test are available instantly. The interface is simple and clear, and the testing itself, if all conditions are met, is as close as possible to testing by an ophthalmologist.

An educational article for those who are tired of listening to: “Oh my goodness, don’t read from your iPad, it’s harmful!”

Man is a terribly dogmatic and trusting creature. Tell him that combining pills and alcohol is extremely harmful, and he will not allow himself to take a painkiller after a glass of wine, even if his head is pounding. But this person will not be able to explain why exactly it is harmful to take pills with alcohol, because he has never been interested in this. Monitors emit - dogma. What do they emit? There is no answer or, what happens more often and even worse, people begin to talk nonsense that they heard somewhere on the occasion. Let's continue to put cacti next to system unit, buy nano-capsules and protective underpants. Cacti protect against radiation - also a dogma. And there are very, very many such dogmas; you probably come across them.

Another mega-dogma sounds like this: “reading from a screen is harmful.” Why? Have you thought about this? Have you studied the issue and consulted an ophthalmologist? But from it grows another: “reading from an electronic book is useful.” Yeah, the hair grows thicker, the abs are pumping themselves, antioxidants are produced. Ok, even if “reading from an electronic book is not harmful, like from a screen” - this is also a dogma and also nonsense. Let's talk about this.

People practically do not try to explain this phenomenon of “harmful screen reading”. It has already been absorbed into the bloodstream along with a mysterious harmful radiation from which children and pets should be kept away. On the Internet, to the question “is it harmful to read from a monitor,” there are widespread answers: “yes,” “of course,” “you’re still asking,” but no specifics. "Are you crazy to buy

iPad? It’s harmful to read from the screen, buy a reader!” - a typical opinion. In RuNet, you won’t find an ophthalmologist with a professional understanding of the issue during the day.

Why do I think this is nonsense and why have I formed this opinion? Let's look at the situation. I would really like to destroy this myth.

The first factor: flickering of the picture on the monitor.

Even in the days of huge CRT monitors, when this myth was born, and when people en masse placed cacti next to the computer “to save themselves from radiation,” everything was ambiguous. The problem stemmed from the incompetence of users. The fact is that by default, in the era of the beginning of the mass distribution of computers, the frame rate of 60 hertz was set on monitors. That is, 60 times per second the beam ran across the phosphor of the screen, redrawing the image. The human eye and brain are capable of seeing much more than 24 frames per second (another myth about 24 frames and the 25th frame, by the way, and if you believe in it, it’s better to immediately drink alcohol with a pill). This flickering, when working at the monitor for a long time, caused headaches.

It was necessary to set a higher frame rate - 85 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz or even more if the monitor allowed. At this bit rate, flicker is not visible (vision still has a certain inertia), and the problem is solved. At least part of it, because this is only the first factor in eye fatigue.

LCD monitors also have a default “frame scan” frequency of 60 Hz in the driver settings, and most likely, you are now reading this text behind a monitor to which the video card (like its older CRT counterparts) transmits the image with a refresh rate of 60 times per second . But there is a difference - as such, LCD monitors do not have frame scanning, because the LCD screen works “through transmission”. There is a matrix of crystals that work like doors (to put it more simply). There is always a light on at the back (matrix backlight lamps), and if the “door is open”, we see a glowing pixel. If it’s closed, it’s not luminous.” Imagine an LCD monitor as a house with lit windows, it will be even simpler. In a house there are uncurtained, curtained, and partially curtained windows. These are the pixels.

All updating of the image on the LCD monitor occurs by alternately opening and closing these “doors” or “curtains” to a certain angle. The light always remains the same. This is why LCD monitors glow black in the dark. For monitors and televisions with dynamic contrast, the brightness of the backlight lamps, as well as their arrays, can vary over a wide range, but in any case, they do not have any rays from the Cathode Ray Tube igniting the instantly extinguishing phosphor. [technically speaking, the backlights in the monitor can flicker at a certain frequency, but this is a completely different question and a completely different frequency; any noticeable flickering was found only on low-quality displays]

Plasma TVs, by the way, also flicker. This can be easily seen by looking “above” the screen of such a TV - peripheral vision is better at detecting flicker. [It is with peripheral vision that you can manage to see the flickering of a CRT monitor and lamps daylight, as well as flickering incandescent light bulbs in homes with electrical problems.]

The second factor: flickering lamps under the ceiling.

Fluorescent lamps, which were most often installed in offices, contributed to visual fatigue - they also flicker at a frequency of about 100 Hz. Unlike them, good old incandescent lamps do not flicker (or rather, they do not flicker like that) - this is due to the inertia of the incandescent filament, which does not cool down instantly.

Third factor: office environment - air conditioning.

When reading, a person concentrates in any case, whether with a book or a monitor. The frequency of blinking decreases, as a result, the cornea of ​​the eye dries out. Since few users control this process (you still have to force yourself to blink often), the same eye fatigue occurs - dryness, the “sand in the eyes” effect. In the office, this problem is aggravated by the use of air conditioners, which, in addition to cooling, that is, their main function, also dehumidify the air. The pattern is clear - even drier air - we blink less often - our eyes get even more tired. Air humidifiers are generally a useful thing, think about it.

Fourth factor: the brightness of the monitor needs to be adjusted.

Looking at the monitor is no more harmful than looking at the mountains, your favorite kitten, or a piece of sausage in the refrigerator. There is no harm in watching at all. What is really harmful is looking at a monitor that is too dim or too bright. But not every computer user knows how to set the brightness correctly, as before with frame scanning. Moreover, the comfortable brightness of the display very much depends on the environment - it will be one in a brightly lit room, another if there are a couple of incandescent lamps in the room, and a third if you are working next to an uncurtained window. The average comfortable monitor brightness is about 120 cd/m2.

Fifth factor: ergonomics of the workplace, and more specifically, its lighting.

It is not so much harmful for the eyes to look at bright things as to fall into sharp changes between bright and dark. What do most users do most often? Shifts your gaze from the screen to the keyboard! Is it well lit? Is there an individual lamp on the table? Moreover, workplaces are often completely incorrectly lit, and this difference in brightness ruins vision, just as reading a book with a flashlight under the blanket ruins it.

So these are the main five factors. Now about e-books. Their much-hyped “main advantage” is “the screen is like paper,” meaning that it does not have self-luminescence. A person builds a chain of conclusions from this factor: like paper -> does not glow -> not a screen -> not harmful. This is bad logic. When you look at wolfberries, you are not guided by the logic that they are “red and round -> like currants -> not harmful? It's the same case here. Otherwise, reading books, no one spoiled their eyes.

Reading from paper also requires ergonomics of the “workplace” - the correct distance from the book to the face, the correct lighting of the book. I don’t know how it is now, but before, even in schools, in the lower grades, they taught this - how to sit correctly, how to light correctly.

Books are read in reflected light, the screen itself emits light

There is another myth - “books are read by reflected light, but the screen radiates.” They say “for thousands and thousands of years, people have become accustomed to reading in reflected light.” Yes. Tell me, how exactly does reflected light differ from emitted light? The second question is that the backlights of conventional monitors are located on the side; they shine on a reflective substrate, which shines through the LCD crystals with reflected light. Is this enough indirect light for you? How does the light of a flashlight (or the sun) directed at a sheet of paper differ in principle from the flashlight of a monitor backlight? How does the light reflected from the diffusing part of the LED bulb differ from sunlight reflected from the table?

[And by the way, people have NOT been reading for thousands and thousands of years. The history of humanity, printing, the spread of literacy and the availability of books to the average person to help you is worth studying.]

Ok, next moment. Let's remember the classic rules of reading books.

Reading in poor light - need to use a floor lamp
Reading in bright sun - a huge difference in brightness is harmful to the eyes
Reading on public transport - the vibrations of the book are harmful, plus the light in transport is generally bad
Reading while holding a book too far or too close from the eyes - a distance of 30-35 centimeters is considered comfortable, which is equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the fingers

In relation to reading from a screen, I would add a point - do not read from a screen that is too bright or too dim. Use the correct font size. Don’t read from black - you immediately create a huge difference in brightness with light letters on a black background (that’s why sites like

oper. ru and dpreview. com I read in browsers that can change the page design to normal black and white).

Unconfigured monitor or screen

iPadwith excessive brightness, I am ready to compare it with a paper screen, which is illuminated not with a floor lamp, but with a spotlight. Try reading a book under such conditions and your eyesight will get no less tired. But books on electronic paper, just like tablets and laptops, are most often read in conditions that do not correspond to ideal ones - under poor light, in transport. And this deteriorates the eyes no less, and in some cases, even more.

I would even pose the question this way - imagine that you have a choice: read a book in poor lighting or read a book in poor lighting by pointing a flashlight with adjustable brightness at the screen. Which option would you prefer? By the option with a flashlight, I mean a device with a self-luminous screen, the same

iPad, For example.

That is why “useful” reading from

e-ink - just a replicated myth that has nothing to do with reality. For many years I have been reading from all available sources - paper, computer screen, laptop, monitor, now with iPad and telephone. And first of all, I think about ensuring that the text source is set correctly, whether we are talking about a floor lamp next to a chair when reading a paper, or about the brightness of the screen and the background color, if we are talking about reading from a monitor. When your working day consists mostly of reading and writing text, you have to think about your health.

So why are readers better?

Ok, so that this doesn’t look like the fanatical cries of a person who prefers to read from a screen rather than from a reader, I’ll explain why I like readers.

First of all, they work for a long time. It is more pleasant to charge your device once a week than every day.

The second factor is that the reader’s screen is not completely white; it is really comfortable to read on vacation, lying on the beach. More comfortable, by the way, than a paper book. It does not go blind in the sun and does not catch the glare of ceiling lamps. I can’t force myself not to read, even knowing that reading in the sun is harmful. That’s why I prefer to take a reader on vacation. Well, by the way, due to the light gray screen, which reflects light well, the reader heats up much less in the sun. Laptops and tablets, under the same conditions, quickly overheat. Light gray and white - to a lesser extent.

Readers are thin and light - much lighter than tablets and normal paper books.

Readers are cheap - yes, their price even in Russia is much less than that of any tablets. This available device, which also allows you to save a lot of money on literature. And electronic books (treatises) do not take up as much space on shelves as paper literature.

Why are readers worse?

If we compare readers with tablets, then their main drawback is that readers are only suitable for fiction. Read formats from themPDFAndDJVU, technical literature, tutorials with illustrations and everything that contains graphics is impossible. Or at least terribly uncomfortable. Since I read not only stories, but also a lot of documents, a tablet, and specificallyApple iPad, is a more suitable solution for me. And of course, the reader is not designed for movies, music, games, surfing the Internet, blogging and business applications.It is read only.


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