How to set up a virtual router on Windows 10. Own system capabilities

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Today, our houses and apartments often have more than one computer or laptop. And if you add to these devices all kinds of electronic gadgets, tablets and smartphones, which require Internet access for full operation, then the need for free Wi-Fi immediately arises.

In order to turn your own computer or laptop into Windows control 10 to a wireless Internet access point, you must first check whether it supports the ability to create Wi-Fi networks.

How do I know if my computer supports Hosted Networks?

Finding out whether a PC or laptop supports the ability to create a virtual wireless access point is quite simple.
First of all, you need to go to the command line menu - press Win+X and select “ Command Line (Administrator)».

NETSH WLAN show drivers

If in the data output, opposite the item “ Hosted Network Support" costs " Yes", then everything is fine, you can start setting up Wi-Fi.

IN otherwise you need to purchase the appropriate USB adapter for your PC. On laptops, as a rule, it is enough to simply enable support Wi-Fi work(F12 key or other).

So, in order to create a remote access point, we need to open the Command Prompt window again with administrator rights and enter the following query:

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name key=password

Where name is the name of the access point, and password is the password requested for connection. The password must contain at least 8 characters.

After pressing "Enter" Wi-Fi hotspot will be created and the command line will display the corresponding text.

After this, the created point must also be launched. To do this, enter the following command in the Command Line:

NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork

If everything goes well, the Command Line will display the message “ Hosted network is running».

If you get an error that the device is not working, then you need to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter (on a laptop this is a special key, usually F12).

After activating the access point, you still need to give it access to the already connected network. To do this, call the Win+X menu and select “ Network connections »:

Next, select the network through which we receive the Internet, right-click, select “ Properties» -> « Access", put a check mark next to two items for allowing access to the network for other users and select in the drop-down line the Wi-Fi point we created earlier. Click " OK“And that’s it – the access point is ready to connect third-party devices!

In the future, if you wish, you can change the name and password for the access point. Changes are made via the command line with administrator rights.

Command to change the name:
NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork ssid=New_Network_Name

Command to change password:
NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork key=New_Password

To view the current settings of the created Wi-Fi point, you can use two different commands:

View network parameters and status:
NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork

Hosted network security settings:
NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork setting=security

So we created wireless point access to the network, which other users can now connect to, but if for some reason you need to delete it, you will have to do this through the registry. We warn you in advance that incorrect actions in the registry can lead to undesirable consequences for the system.

To delete an access point, go to the registry by clicking Win+R Call up the Run window and enter the command “ regedit", click "Ok".

Next you need to go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WlanSvc\PARAMETERS\HostedNetworkSettings and delete the key " HostedNetworkSettings».

After which you need to reboot all equipment. From this moment on, the created Wi-Fi point will become unavailable.

Additional commands to deactivate the created connection via the console:

Stopping the access point:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Complete removal of an access point:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

Why doesn't the access point work on Windows 10 and what should I do?

It is possible that a newly created access point does not work immediately or stops functioning after some time. As a rule, the problem occurs on the side of your equipment, and there can be a lot of reasons for this, among the main ones are:

1) Faulty (or simply not connected) WiFi adapter.

2) Installed to WiFi adapter wrong drivers, try searching for new ones using this page -

You can look on the websites of device manufacturers, or use automatic programs search for drivers.

3) Possibly stopped Windows services 10, which are responsible for the operation of networks, for example: “Routing”, “ Sharing to Internet connection (ICS)”, “WLAN auto-configuration service”, etc. You can understand how services are turned on and off on this page -

4) It is possible that the network’s operation is additionally blocked installed antiviruses, for example, Kaspersky is famous for this behavior, and firewall defenders can also be included here.

5) You deviated from the instructions described above and did something wrong.

6) In the case when, during a reboot or new turning on Windows If your access point does not start, you should add a command to start it directly into Windows startup.
To do this, you need to write the following command in cmd script - netsh wlan start hostednetwork, and in the script properties be sure to specify “Run as Administrator”, and then add the script itself to startup.

Development mobile internet It has reached such a level that many users stop connecting their home network using USB modems. However, their disadvantage is obvious - the inability to connect to a standard router for Internet distribution. Few people know, but almost any computer or laptop that has a Wi-Fi adapter can act as a kind of router. In this article, we will look at how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10, but this method Suitable for desktop computers too.

How to determine whether a laptop or computer can distribute Wi-Fi

It was noted above that the method of distributing the Internet through a laptop is most often used in situations where a USB modem is connected to the computer. At the same time, it also works when distributing regular wired Internet. In some cases (depending on the router settings and Wi-Fi adapter in a laptop), a Windows 10 computer can act as a router, expanding the range of the Wi-Fi network, that is, distributing wireless internet to which it is connected.

To determine whether a laptop or computer running Windows 10 can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, you need to conduct a test. To do this, run and write the command in it:

Netsh wlan show drivers

After that in command line Information about the Wi-Fi adapter that works on your computer or laptop will appear. In this information, you need to find the line “Support for a hosted network” and look at the displayed result. If it says “Yes”, it means of this computer you can distribute Wi-Fi, but if it says “No”, then this option is not provided.

Attention: In some cases, when the command line indicates that it is impossible to distribute the Internet from a laptop via Wi-Fi, it is possible to correct the situation. To do this, you need to update the drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer by installing them from the manufacturer’s official website.

Make a laptop or computer as a point Wi-Fi access For other devices the easiest way is through the command line. There is a lot third party programs, but their installation is unjustified, given that the process of enabling and disabling Wi-Fi distribution via the command line can be reduced to a couple of mouse clicks, which will be discussed below.

To enable Wi-Fi distribution through a device on Windows 10, you must do the following:

  1. Launch the command line as administrator, and enter the command in it:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=okeygeek key=1234567890


Ssid– setting the name of the created Wi-Fi network. In the example, the name of our site is “Okeygeek”, but when creating it you can specify any other network name.

Key– setting a password for the created Wi-Fi network. In the example, the password is the numbers “1234567890”. Please note that the password must be at least 8 characters.

When the command is written, press Enter.

  1. Next, you need to enter another command into the command line:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

This command activates Wi-Fi network, and after it it will appear in the list of devices available for connection by other devices.

As you can see, distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10 is not so difficult if you remember the commands that are responsible for it, but even this is not necessary. If you want to simplify the process of distributing the Internet via the command line, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch Notepad on your computer and enter two lines:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=okeygeek key=1234567890 netsh wlan start hostednetwork

As you can see, the process of turning on the Internet is reduced to a minimum, and there is no point in installing third party applications, the functionality of which is arranged in a similar way.

How to disable Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop on Windows 10

If you need to disable Wi-Fi distribution from your computer, you can do this in the command line running as an administrator using the command:

Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

This process can also be automated, similar to turning on Wi-Fi distribution by creating a corresponding file with the extension .bat.

Problems activating a laptop on Windows 10 as an access point

When setting up Wi-Fi distribution on a laptop or computer running Windows 10, the user may encounter a number of problems. Here are some options for solving them.

On the Internet you can find a lot of manuals applicable to operating systems of two previous versions- the “seven” and two editions of the “eight”. And although these instructions can be applied to the most latest version Windows 10, we will show with our own example how to distribute the Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi network by setting up an access point.
Virtual WiFi is a technology that isolates a network card and creates virtual adapters. These adapters, created using wireless technology, distribute the Internet to any device. For example, on your personal computer Internet connected via cable. You want your other devices - tablets, laptops, smartphones - to be connected to the Internet. This can be configured using the router. Or you can not spend money on equipment, but turn your laptop into a router and distribute the Internet from it to smartphones, netbooks, etc.

Hot spot literally means “hot spot”. This is a specific area where any devices located in its area gain access to information technology via a wireless network. So, now we will tell you how to set up a hotspot on Windows 10.

If your laptop already has the latest Windows edition 10, these settings can be made through the “mobile hotspot” option

To do this, go to “Options”

Go to the “Network and Internet” section

Select “Mobile hotspot”

Hotspots can be perfectly configured using software methods, and there are plenty of such utilities on the network. Many of them are free, easy to learn, have a simple interface and allow you to make required settings. They can be used on any versions and editions operating system from Microsoft. But we will talk about another method - setting up a hotspot using the cmd.exe service, a command line interpreter. There is nothing complicated or impossible in these settings, and even the most untrained user can easily handle them.

But still, if this is not easy for you, use any utility to configure the “Wi-Fi point”. For example, Switch Virtual Router is suitable. Small program is free and allows you to create a virtual access point in two clicks.

There is no need to install it, it comes in a portable version. Just download to your device, open and make the necessary settings.

Wi-Fi hotspot on a Windows 10 laptop

Before creating access points, check the stability of the connection and the availability of the driver for the wireless virtual adapter. If there is no driver or the version is outdated, download it, preferably from official page, and update. It is highly likely that there is a driver, since it is loaded by the system itself during update or installation. To check the functionality of the driver, you need to make sure that the wireless network is running. To do this, look to see if there is a Wi-Fi icon and if the connection is active.

If you don’t find such an icon and even the settings are missing, then the problem is in the driver. Install and continue. Open a command prompt as Administrator. In Windows 10, it is launched with the Win+X key combination.

In cmd.exe you need to type a set of commands. Enter the following text and press the Enter key:

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="site" key="12345678" keyUsage=persistent

The password and network name can be changed: The executed team created a virtual network using wireless technology, named it and set an input password. If you make a mistake when executing the “netsh wlan...” command, you will receive a notification that it is impossible to create a network. And if everything was done correctly - a notification that the network has been created, and a lot of letters and numbers in the form of information.

With the following command, executed in the cmd interpreter, we will launch the created network. Enter the following text in the field and run the command:

That's it, if all your actions were correct, the network is running, and the laptop works like a router. The wireless network is started, but not yet working. You can check by connecting, for example, a smartphone. You will be convinced that there is no Internet. In order for it to work on the device we plan to connect, another effort is required. Without opening access, the network will not work. Or rather, the connection will still only be on the laptop. We must allow all devices to connect to this connection.

Do the following:

Go to the " Network and Sharing Center", with which we will configure access to all devices. To do this, click on the Internet connection icon.

Now in the left menu select changing adapter settings.

Click on the working adapter to which the Internet is connected on your laptop. You need to open two tabs in turn - “Properties” and “Access”. On the last tab, you need to activate the option that allows all users to connect to the network of this device. Check the option and find the new connection you created using the command line interpreter. It will have the same name as the old connection, only the serial number will change (for example, if there were “1” and “2”, No. 3 will appear).

Activated new network Can't use it yet. First we will stop it, and then we will start it again. To stop, do the following:

Now let’s run it, also on the command line:

Netsh wlan start hostednetwork

If all your actions were error-free, the wireless network is up and running correctly. Connect one of the devices and check.

If it is still not activated, reboot and restart it by running the start command “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”

How to manage Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop on Windows 10?

After restarting the PC, the wireless network will not be activated. And the hotspot is launched with the same command that you have already executed.

In short, the command “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork” stops the network, and “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” starts it. And you will always have to use the command line to activate or launch the created virtual hotspot.

We already wrote how to change the password and network name:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="site" key="12345678" keyUsage=persistent

The password and network name can be changed:

  • website - write your own network name;
  • 12345678 - create your own password.

Creating files for management

Constant activation and shutdown of the network (distribution) creates inconvenience. You will have to enter these two commands each time and click execute. You can make the distribution process more comfortable if you create special files, which will be responsible for disconnecting/connecting the hotspot. This is easy to do: two files are created with different names, but the same extension, and the commands responsible for activation and disabling are written in them. The easiest way is to change the file extension in Total Commander or in any other file manager.
Or go to This computer then click on the tab View and then put the bird opposite File name extension.

Create a file in Notepad and call it any name, for example WiFi, but be sure to save it in a special format - .BAT.

Command and batch files are saved in this extension.

Copy the command to this WiFi.bat file netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

Save everything that is written there and close it.

Now activating the network is as easy as shelling pears: click on WiFi.bat and distribute the Internet. Create a second file that will stop the "access point". Everything is done in the same way, except for the file name and command. Name it, for example, WiFi-stop.bat and save the shutdown command in it netsh wlan stop hostednetwork. Now everything is much simpler: running one batch file starts the distribution, and another stops it.

What to do if the laptop does not distribute Wi-Fi, the Internet does not work, or devices do not connect?

If the network you created does not connect, is not activated, or there is no access to the Internet, you need to understand the essence of the problem. Correctly understanding where the error is is half solving it.
  1. The very first thing you should do in case of any malfunction is to restart your PC. After reboot, run cmd.exe. Perhaps the problem is that the service does not start with Administrator rights. This point is important.
  2. You may not have created a hotspot. For example, the run command did not work because it was mistakenly copied into the interpreter. And here you should check your wireless network connection. If there is no icon and there is no connection, there may be no driver at all or its version is outdated, downloaded from an unofficial source, or not supported by the computer and operating system version. Update and connect to Wi-Fi. Download, we repeat, only from the official resource and the version that suits your device.
  3. Hotspot can be activated, but there is still no Internet on the devices. Your antivirus software may be preventing your network from connecting. software, FireWall or some software. In this case, disable all suspicious software. Another possible option problems - input incorrect password. Change it (as written above) and activate the network.
  4. There is an access point, devices are connected, but there is no connection. The main computer may have experienced a connection failure and is temporarily unavailable. If everything is fine with it, see if the network is accessible to all devices. What if you forgot to set it up, or did it incorrectly.

Error: The hosted network could not be started. The group or resource is not in the required state..."

A network created and activated by a special command may not start on Windows 10, and the system will issue a corresponding notification. The essence of the problem is that startup is impossible due to the fact that the devices are not connected correctly.
This error is a result of the adapter being disabled. It can be enabled as follows:

In the Start menu, open Settings and go to the Devices tab. Now you need to open Device Manager.

To show everything that is hidden. This item is located in the View section.

In Network Adapters, find your Microsoft Hosted Network device. If the computer is in Russian, the name will be appropriate. Now you need to turn on this device.

When the adapter is connected, try to start the hotspot again by executing the activation command.

You may not see the adapter from Microsoft in Device Manager. This again means a missing or conflicting driver. Install, update and try again. The driver you installed may not support wireless network. Download new version, corresponding to your device brand and operating system version.

There are times when you need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi to other laptops, tablets or smartphones via a Windows 10 laptop. For this purpose, the top ten has created a special virtual WiFi technology. Thanks to this technology, a virtual Wi-Fi adapter is created, with which you can set up a personal Wi-Fi network for distributing the Internet.

In this material we will take a detailed look at the work Virtual WiFi in Windows 10, and also get acquainted with the utility MyPublicWiFi, which performs the same actions in the windowed interface.

Despite the fact that all the examples in the article were made in OS version 10, you can use the same methods to distribute WiFi in other Windows.

Checking the compatibility of a wireless network Wi-Fi card with virtual WiFi

First of all, we should check the compatibility of our network adapter with the development of “Virtual Wi-Fi”. To do this, open the console with administrator rights. In Windows 10, this can be done by right-clicking on the menu shortcut " Start».

Then select the item “ Command Line (Administrator)" IN open console type the control line netsh wlan show drivers

If there is a clause “ Hosted network support: yes" in the console, be aware that your wireless network card has support for "Virtual WiFi". Presence " Hosted network support: no" means that it is impossible to create a virtual network for distributing the Internet.

In many cases, if when checking your network adapter does not support “Virtual Wi-Fi”, then the problem can be solved by by updating the driver yours network card. Latest versions You can find drivers on the wireless card manufacturer's website or on your laptop's website. In the example considered, the adapter is used Realtek RTL8188CE, who has there is support this technology.

Creating a virtual mesh in Windows 10

First of all, we initiate the wireless network. To do this, in ten, in the console (must be in administrator mode), type the control line netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=test_grid key=GS6-C3_4zSmtug07uk3Y Here under the value test_grid is understood as the name of our network, and GS6-C3_4zSmtug07uk3Y stands for set password. As you can see, the password is quite complex and is 116 bits long. This complex password is used to ensure that your network is secure.

Now we just have to put the grid into operation. For this purpose, enter the following command into the console: netsh wlan start hostednetwork This line will make your network active and will allow other Wi-Fi computers to connect to it.

The final step will be enable sharing adapter to which Internet connected.

Pay attention! It is very important to open general access ONLY in the settings of the adapter through which your computer is connected to the Internet. Do not change the access settings on the newly created wireless connection.

To do this, go to Network Connections. This can be quickly done in the program " Execute» command « ncpa.cpl" After that, find the adapter connected to the Internet and go to its properties. Go to the " Access» and check the boxes as shown in the figure below.

If you want disable network, then enter the command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork in the console, after which the network will stop functioning.

You can view the network parameters in order to configure it later using the following commands:

  • The command that will output all characteristics your network: netsh wlan show settings
  • The command that will display security properties Wi-Fi networks. With its help you can also find out the password you created for it: netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security

We share access to the World Wide Web on a laptop using the MyPublicWiFi utility

You can download this utility from its official website According to the developers, it is fully compatible with Windows 10. After downloading MyPublicWiFi run the installer.

The installer will prompt you to click the Next button, which we will click to go to the next window.

In this window you can select the installation location MyPublicWiFi. After selecting the location, also click the Next button.

In the window that appears, check the box “ Create a desktop icon"to create a shortcut on the Desktop and click Next. In the next window, click the Install button, which will start the installation process. In the final window, the installer will ask you to restart your computer. This is necessary for the further launch of our utility.

After reboot let's run the utility using a shortcut on the Desktop to configure it. Now let's enter our settings network name And complex password, and also select the adapter from which the Internet will be distributed.

To start our virtual network, click the button Setup and Start Hotspot. After this action, the program will make settings and launch the virtual network. To disable the virtual network, you must click Stop Hotspot.

On the second tab " Clients» You can view the connected devices to your access point. I would also like to note that thanks to the enabled checkbox “ Enable Internet Sharing"We do not need to manually enable the Internet for a network adapter that has a direct connection to the Internet.

As can be seen from the example, using MyPublicWiFi It is much easier to create a virtual Wi-Fi network, in contrast to the “Virtual WiFi” technology.

Let's sum it up

In this material, we looked at the development of “ Virtual WiFi» in Windows 10, and also got acquainted with the utility in detail MyPublicWiFi. Most of all utility MyPublicWiFi suitable for beginners, as it allows you to set up an access point in a few minutes without using the command line. Essentially MyPublicWiFi is a window add-on for “Virtual WiFi” and is absolutely free.

Our material will be especially useful in situations where you are out of town, and there is only one 3G modem and you need to distribute the Internet through it to several laptops. This information will also be useful if your new office does not have the Internet, and you only have a laptop with a 3G modem and a dozen nettops to which you need to distribute the Internet. We hope our article will help you create your own virtual access point and allow you to solve your Internet problem.

Video on the topic

In order to distribute WiFi on Windows 10, you will need:

  • Windows 10
  • WiFi adapter. For example, for this article, the built-in WiFi adapter of a laptop (Broadcom) was used.
  • Internet connection. For this article, an Ethernet connection was used through the Rostelecom operator. But this can be any connection - PPPoE, VPN, GSM Dail-Up, LTE RNDIS, ADSL, or even WiFi from a second adapter.

Check WiFi adapter

You need to make sure that there is a WiFi adapter and that it is turned on and working. For example, if you have a laptop and it has a built-in WiFi adapter, it can be turned off in the BIOS or with a special hardware button. On modern laptops, instead of a separate button, the Fn+Fx key combination can be used, for example Fn+F3. Additionally, Airplane mode can be enabled in Windows 10. The easiest way to make sure that the adapter is working is by clicking on the “Network” icon in the tray. A list of available WiFi networks should be visible or the message "No available networks" or airplane icon (airplane mode is on).

Check Internet

You need to make sure that your Internet connection is working properly and fully. This can be done through a browser or in the console (using the ping command).

Check services

After this, you need to check whether the “WLAN AutoConfig Service”, “Routing” and “Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)” services are running. This check is done through "Control Panel - Administration - Services". By default, these services start automatically, but it may be that some smart guy “optimized” your Windows and disabled these services. This happens - a student reads a lot on the Internet and begins to “improve”.

Windows console (cmd.exe) with administrator rights

After this, you need to open the Windows console (cmd.exe) with administrator rights. The easiest way to do this is by opening WinX Windows menu 10. There is a special command in this menu, “Command Prompt (Administrator)”:

This menu is opened from the keyboard - using the keys Win + X. There are other ways to run the Windows console (cmd.exe) with administrator rights.

Setting up a Windows 10 hotspot

In the console you need to type and execute the command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=winap key=123456789 keyusage=persistent

Instead of winap And 123456789 you can write a different name for the access point and a different password for it:

Note. Important!

    The password must be at least 8 characters long, this is a requirement for the WPA2 security type that is used in Windows when creating an access point.

    It is better not to use the Cyrillic alphabet in your password.

    The case of letters in a password matters - A And A These are different symbols!

Launching a Windows 10 hotspot

Now you need to start the access point. There, in the console, run the commands

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

The second command shows the current status of the access point.

Setting up routing

Open Control Panel, then Network Connections and there you should see something like this:

In this example, "Ethernet" is the connection to the Internet. A "Connect via local network 3 winap" is an access point. Immediately rename "Local Area Connection 3 winap" so as not to confuse it with others in the future:

In this example figure, the connection has been renamed to " winap".

Now you need to share (enable Windows ICS) your Internet connection. Select this connection (in the screenshot it is a connection named “Ethernet”). Then right button mouse, then "Properties", "Access" tab. Enable ICS and specify the connection to which the Internet will be distributed - to the WiFi connection of the access point ("winAP"):

Checking the operation of the access point

Connect the client to this access point and check the Internet. And in the console you can type and execute the command

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

It will show the number of connected clients:

It can be seen that one client is connected.

Well, of course, you need to check the Internet on the client.

How to connect a WiFi client to:

  • Laptop (or computer) under Windows - Setting up WiFi in Windows 7.
  • Laptop (or computer) running Linux - Laptop (or computer) running Ubuntu.

Windows 10 Hotspot Management

Stopping an access point with a command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Complete destruction of the access point by command netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

If you want the access point to turn on automatically when Windows boots, then the start command needs to be added to autorun. It's about the team netsh wlan start hostednetwork. The command can be written into a cmd script; you must specify “Run as Administrator” in the properties of this script. Then include the script in autorun.

It is necessary that the connection to the Internet is also established when Windows starts. Otherwise, you will have an access point, but there will be no Internet through it.

Of course, this is a very simple access point. But everything is at hand. No third party programs needed. Just Windows 10. And everything can be configured in a couple of minutes.

In this option, there are not many features that an access point should have. That's true. Only this is an option when you need to make a WiFi router very quickly and without problems. And just like this Windows feature 10 provides - with a minimum of body movements, what is called “on the knee”, create an access point.

And if your needs are broader and deeper, if you need an access point for every day, or in complex configurations, then you should not use Windows, but buy a WiFi router. A decent WiFi router now costs less than a thousand rubles.

It’s another matter if you need an access point once a month, for a day or for a couple of days. Or on a business trip. Or on vacation. This is where Windows helps us out. You can quickly distribute the Internet via WiFi laptop on a tablet, smartphone or other laptops.

But if there is a need to make a permanent access point on a computer, then it is better to do it under Linux. This is how this is actually implemented in WiFi routers. For example, as in this article - Access point on Ubuntu.

Hotspot on Windows 10 does not work

There is no need to look for someone to blame on the side, or swear at Microsoft or Windows. The problem in such cases Always on your own computer(or laptop). It could be:

  • Drivers for the WiFi adapter on which you are creating an access point.
  • The WiFi adapter itself.
  • You did something wrong.
  • The services stopped: "WLAN AutoConfig Service" and "Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" or "Routing".
  • Any "left" services or drivers/programs that use the WiFi adapter or USB port (if your adapter is connected via USB).
  • Some programs that block the normal operation of routing or the local network. For example, antivirus or firewall.

For example, during the startup process Windows driver The WiFi adapter can put the adapter into standby mode to reduce power consumption. And when Windows starts the service hostednetwork the adapter does not wake up.

With a normal WiFi adapter and if you haven’t messed up your Windows with crooked programs and drivers, everything will work fine.

In general, always look for the source of the problem on your computer.

WiFi network protection

Ivan Sukhov, 2015

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