How to organize consultations using the Internet. 24/7 online consultation

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Good afternoon Surely each of us is able to help others with our advice. Some are well versed in technology, some are better able to help young mothers, some have excellent knowledge of this or that field of science.

Many people give advice absolutely free, without even suspecting that they can make money from it. Is it really possible to create a permanent source of income from this? I assure you, yes! That's whyhow to make money from consulting - the main topic of my story today. Read on!

How to make money from consulting. What do you need to know for all this?

First of all, determine for yourself in which area the advice will be given. When you realize where exactly you can be considered an expert, start looking for sites where paid consultations are common (more on this below).

To make money from online consultations,it is necessary to constantly improve. In addition, it is worth giving yourself to work with maximum efficiency, in otherwise customers will quickly feel it.

I would like to note that much of your knowledge is unique, although you are not aware of it. Finding your target audience will also take some time. I decided to save your time and recommend visiting the two most popular sites on the Internet for organizing paid consultations:


The site is dedicated to finding a way out of difficult situations. Moreover, the audience of the resource is increasing every day, which gives you more chances to earn money.

The creators of the portal do not hide the fact that intermediaries sometimes charge a high price for their services, but this does not deter people. Quite the contrary – users immediately know how much they will spend.

This transparency also extends to experts: if his advice does not help you in any way, you can give him a negative rating, which will warn other participants in a kind of forum.

Still, Telefacer is not entirely suitable, since many aspects are not made very conveniently and clearly, which especially beginners will not like.

2. LiveExpert

For me, the most promising site in this area is All the people here were visited by the thought,how to make money on the Internet through consultations.But it is worth recognizing that in most cases they charge less money than on the above site. What is the reason?

Firstly, the resource is aimed at a Russian audience, and therefore the creators of the portal are familiar with the distrust and suspiciousness of our people.

Secondly, not everyone will have the desire to pay a lot of money for something that can even be found on the Internet for free, but free does not mean high quality.

Thirdly, the site did not spend too much on design and interface, which reduced costs and commission. In a word, a very successful project in which everyone can take part!

9376 lawyers are waiting for you

It is believed that work as a lawyer remotely is of interest, first of all, to novice specialists, including students, as well as to those who, due to some restrictions, cannot engage in full-fledged legal practice (for example, they are in or on sick leave).

However, today we can safely say that such a view is morally outdated. Working behind a monitor screen can be interesting and useful for any lawyer. Including those who run a successful “live” legal practice. Moreover, the degree of benefit that can be obtained from remote work depends mainly on the specialist himself. Below we will certainly provide facts that substantiate this progressive view, but first it is necessary to clarify what is generally meant by remote work.

What is remote work as a lawyer?

In the most general terms, remote work of a lawyer can be understood as drawing up documents and clients via the Internet or telephone. You don't even have to leave the house to do this.

The key point here is not that WHAT is done, otherwise FOR WHAT it's being done. Here are the possible options:

    The most obvious option is to earn money directly through paid consultations and drafting documents for money. It is most suitable for beginners and those who cannot conduct a full-fledged legal practice. At first, your earnings will be modest, but with some persistence you can achieve good success.

    The second option, which by the way can be combined with the first, is working to expand the client base. In fact, it is the best way to advertise a lawyer’s services, as it allows a potential client, who has read the lawyer’s answers, to evaluate the quality of his services and approach to cooperation. Working to expand your client base is suitable for both beginners and specialists who already have their own practice. Moreover, this option should not be missed by legal organizations that need a constant flow of clients.

    Bonuses for remote work include self-improvement in the legal field, making contacts with colleagues and moral satisfaction from the fact of helping people.

How to work remotely?

Firstly, the client must be interested in your services and create a desire to use them. To do this, it is not necessary to do a detailed analysis of the situation presented in the question, but you also cannot get by with one phrase like “I’ll help, contact me!”

Secondly, the client should develop a trusting attitude towards you. Mainly, this is achieved through competent, but clear language, a favorable avatar, a friendly attitude, as well as reviews about you. Without interest and trust in your person on serious income difficult to calculate.

Thirdly, how you answer questions is also very important. Many people believe that if the consultation is free, then the answer should be appropriate. However, this is not a forward-looking approach. If your goal is to ensure an increase in your customer base, then only high-quality answers can help you with this.

When forming a client base, a very delicate point is the correct calculation of the benefits of your remote consultations. We can only count those clients who decided to start cooperation “live” after virtual correspondence. And you can also count those who did not correspond with you directly, but only paid attention to your answers and decided to immediately make contact in real life. As practice shows, the latter are much more numerous than the former.

It is necessary to understand that the returns from remote work will not be immediate. Whether you are trying to earn money directly or indirectly through expanding the list of live clients - in any case, the result of your actions will come not today, but tomorrow. This is due to the fact that within the Internet environment it is necessary to earn a certain reputation with your answers and form a trusting attitude towards yourself. After this, the result will not be long in coming.

Where to start? Where to earn money?

An excellent way is the Lawyer-Online platform (this site). Using site services for free. All you need to make money is (the procedure will take a couple of minutes) and start answering customer questions (and free ones). This method designed primarily to generate income in the long term. Even in the event of a break in business, the flow of clients will not dry up immediately, due to the accumulated reputation. You can read more about the project.

Why is it better to start now?

Remote work is a modern trend, a vector of economic development and... In the future, this method of earning money will become increasingly popular, in parallel with the development of digital technologies. Could anyone imagine just a few years ago that it would be so easy to contact any person on earth? Money turnover on the Internet is growing rapidly every year. Doesn’t this make you think that it’s better to take a top position among lawyers providing services remotely now than to catch up later?

While the train has not yet completely left, it is worth trying to jump on its bandwagon, it is worth trying to find your place in the sun. Don't put it off for later, do it right now, take a step into the future.

The market for legal services is moving from office premises to the Internet, as well as to telephone lines. The last option assumes that the client pays a monthly subscription fee, for which he receives unlimited access to consultations with company specialists via telephone calls. The idea and the main advantage of this type of service is the mobility of providing legal advice.

How much money does a lawyer earn? The average cost of providing mobile lawyer services is 200 UAH. per month, while the minimum cost of one contact with a lawyer in the office ranges from 40 UAH. (depending on the complexity of the issue).

The expediency of doing business via the Internet is explained by the fact that, in some types of law, a lawyer only needs the documents provided to him by the client to work, detailed description precedent in a letter. Often, the client’s personal presence in the office is not required.

This is especially true for such specialization of law as fraud prevention, legal security of transactions, where the basis of the order is the examination of contracts. In this case, the client’s documents can be accepted both on paper and by email, fax, etc.

Business options for lawyers

In general, when considering the possibility of making money from legal advice on the Internet, it should be noted several business options:

  • Exchanges for freelancers for the provision of consulting services. Here are several well-known Ukrainian exchanges that will help you post your resume and portfolio, find clients, as well as related information: ; The disadvantage of working as a freelancer is that there is quite high competition on all exchanges, the irregularity of orders received, high percentage fraud on the part of the customer. It is especially important for a freelancer to develop a high-quality portfolio of work.
  • Creating your website to attract clients and provide legal advice on the Internet, where you can also collect customer reviews, write more about yourself and your services. It’s better to write a blog and talk about yourself, your advocacy, legal practice, services, and collect and form a permanent client base. Subsequently, when you have built up a permanent client base, you can provide not only private legal services on the Internet, but also create your own company and attract clients via the Internet in your city or region. In addition to consultations, it is quite possible to create information products on one topic or another: “Appealing against decisions of the traffic police / traffic police”, “How to avoid deprivation of rights for alcohol?”, conducting your own courses.
  • Creating a platform for you and many other lawyers to provide services via the Internet. To do this, you will need not so much practice in the legal field, but skills in website promotion and promotion. The idea is to create a legal portal-catalog, a kind of service where you will bring clients and lawyers together.

You, as the owner of the service, can receive either a percentage of the services provided (for example, the average market commission is 20% for each consultation), or take a fixed monthly payment for advertising a lawyer’s services on your website. Or, as an option, charge a percentage of the account replenishment on the website, since it will be possible to pay for consulting only through the website interface. A good example such a platform is the service for comparing the cost of legal services on the Prostopravo portal. If you own an Internet portal, you can on a paid basis provide space for the so-called “platform”, highlighting a special section “Advice from legal experts.”

The first thing a future online legal consultant should know is that “legal services are not licensed. If online consulting is carried out systematically and for a fee, registration of business activity is required. Lawyers working individually are registered with the tax office as self-employed persons,” said Ekaterina Gutgarts, lawyer at the ABG law office.

Cost of registering a legal business

Regarding registration costs entrepreneurial activity for the provision of legal advice, then according to the expert, it will be:

  • registration fee legal entity- 170 UAH;
  • Individual entrepreneur - 34 UAH;
  • certificate from the statistics department - about 30 UAH.

The advantage of providing legal services on the Internet is also the absence of legal requirements for the education and experience of employees, founders of the company (education, work experience, etc.). The size of the company's authorized capital depends on the chosen organizational and legal form.

As for the area of ​​law that is most in demand among clients, according to Ekaterina Gutgarts, “it is quite broad and is determined by the relevance of a particular topic in at the moment time, for example:

  • pension and social security law,
  • credit legal relations,
  • family law (divorce, alimony, property relations between spouses, rights of parents and children, etc.),
  • property rights (in particular, registration and registration of rights to real estate),
  • land disputes,
  • business creation (registration, licensing, taxation),
  • inspections and relations with regulatory authorities, road accidents, labor law.”

Legal online consultations

When organizing online legal consultation, you should pay attention to provision of services by IT lawyers in the field of Internet law. This is a fairly new, but in-demand area of ​​legal services.

The effectiveness of online consultations directly depends on the mass scale of legal services provided. This figure can be achieved both by attracting specialists from different areas of law, and by attracting clients in the most popular areas (civil, family, criminal housing law).

According to Ekaterina Gutgarts, one person can provide online consultations. The number of employees depends on the areas of law that you want to cover.

Increasing the company's competitiveness level legal online consultations is achieved by reducing the cost of services, because you do not need to pay for office rent, technical staff, and office space.

Income from legal consultations is based on the following parameters: examination in megacities costs from 400 hryvnia (1.5 thousand Russian rubles), development of an agreement - from 800-1200 hryvnia (3-5 thousand rubles), analysis of a court case - from 800 hryvnia (3 thousand rubles).

Regarding the range of services provided by a law firm, it should be said that at the initial stages of business, it is advisable to carry out simple legal operations. The table below shows the average market cost of services according to the Prostobank Consulting company:

Description of service

Cost, UAH

Consultation (A reasoned answer to your question with references to legal norms and an indication of possible options actions in specific circumstances).

Drawing up requests, appeals, complaints (in accordance with the Law “On Citizens’ Appeals”, “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)

Drawing up a statement of claim, an objection to a claim, procedural complaints, appeals, cassation complaints and objections to them (Drawing up a procedural document)

As experts note, providing free legal assistance together with public human rights organizations is one of the most effective advertising methods online service.

You should also pay a lot of attention to optimizing the online consultation site, including filling it with relevant articles, analyzing the “Reviews” section, introducing a search line, etc.

It is also fair to note that in given time There is a sufficient number of free legal advice on the Internet, which, basically, are only short answers to client requests, sometimes in the form of a link to legislation, without explanations of application. In addition, experts often ignore all possible deadlines. There are few paid legal consultations on the Internet. At the same time, some of them are distinguished by the complexity of the procedure for receiving answers (for example, payment through a bank, complex registration on the site), and some have adopted shortcomings in “quality” and “efficiency” from free online portals.

Therefore, it is very important for a law firm to make the online consultation service as complete and user-friendly as possible. So, standard procedure filling out an application by the client, includes the following steps:

  1. filling out a form that contains data: full name, contact information, the essence of the legal problem that the client is addressing;
  2. after receiving an application from a client, an information letter from the company should be sent to him by email, which will confirm acceptance of the application for the provision of legal assistance, the order number and instructions for payment are indicated;
  3. within a certain time after confirmation of the application, the company’s lawyer must provide the client with advice.

An important issue in the process of company work is payment method for the service(the more alternative options- the better). Among the main forms of payment for services are the following:

  • through your WebMoney wallet;
  • using a Visa or MasterCard payment card;
  • in cash via a payment terminal.

If in the future you are going to post correspondence with clients on your website, as an example, you should warn the client about this in advance to avoid misunderstandings.

Hello friends! Let's talk about how to start an online business. I believe that today, in the age of new technologies and widespread computerization, making money via the Internet has become accessible to everyone.

So, how to start an online business without experience or money

We live in interesting and difficult times. On the one hand, you can vacation abroad, drive a “cool” car, live in a beautiful house with a swimming pool, engage in spiritual development and self-realization. On the other hand, very low wages and meager pensions. And I really want to live with dignity and have access to the opportunities that have become available.

Perhaps they will object to me that happiness does not come from money. Yes, that's true. But money solves many of our problems. Therefore, I want to have an income that will allow me to make my life interesting and fulfilling.

Understanding what earning opportunities are hidden on the Internet, large number people are puzzled by the question of how to start an online business. They are trying to create their own online business. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this. The reasons for failure are different. We’ll talk about working methods of making money online.

First, let's figure out what it takes to start your own business. The main thing is that we determine for ourselves when we decide to start a business, what we can do, whether we love it and how in demand this offer is in the market of goods and services.

After we have decided on a topic that interests us, we need to choose the method of making money via the Internet that really works and suits us.

Earning money from online consultationsvia Skype

Making money from online consultations via Skype is one of the most accessible types of online business. Each of us does something during our life. Someone is knitting, someone is studying foreign languages, and someone is interested in car repair. That is, you are an expert in a certain field. And this is the main thing that we lay at the basis of this business.

Let's say you are an expert in the field of repairing foreign cars. And you give online consultations via Skype. At first you do it for free or very inexpensively. But over time, your consultations become highly professional and people are willing to pay for training. You start earning money.

Earning money from freelancing for beginners

Earning money from freelancing is one of the most available ways earning money for beginner online entrepreneurs.

A freelancer is a specialist who performs certain work remotely. It is important to be a professional in some field. Be it an accountant or a programmer, a lawyer or a designer. Today, a huge number of people create their own websites and blogs, make information products, but are not specialists in the field of design or writing articles. Therefore, they will certainly look for specialists who, for a certain fee, will write an article or create a cover for your e-book.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Another method of creating your own business on the Internet without investment is making money through affiliate programs.

When we just start creating our own online business, we most often have no money, no information products of our own, no subscription base. How to start earning money. One of the best ways These are affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs can be in your niche or on services that you use for your work. For example, almost all hosting and email marketing services offer affiliate programs.

What is the meaning of affiliate marketing. The point is that you promote other people's information products and receive a commission from sales.

Agree that this is very convenient for beginners. Read the article “”, which describes this method of earning money via the Internet in more detail.

How to make money on your website

Then we create our website. There are several articles on my blog about how to create your own website. Here is one of the articles about creating a website with your own hands. " ".

We develop your business by creating your own website or blog. Some information businessmen believe that your own blog is not needed, but I believe that your own resource is simply necessary. It's like your personal real estate on the Internet.

How does a blog help you make money?

First, you create interesting and useful content. Users come to your blog via search queries, subscribe to blog updates. This is how a subscription base is formed.

Why do you need a subscription base? This is our money. Being engaged in the information business, we create our own information products, which we promote to our subscriber base. This is how sales or new signings occur.

Your blog is your image on the Internet, which forms the degree of trust of readers and subscribers in you. And the degree of trust always increases the number of sales.

Next, we begin scaling our business - increasing traffic to our blog. For this we need advertising. We are already making money, so we can use contextual, targeted or teaser advertising, advertising through social networks. Thus, website traffic increases and business monetization occurs.


So, friends, your own business on the Internet is quite promising, and at the same time has a minimum of risks. The main difference between offline business and online business is that it reaches a huge audience. It doesn’t matter where you live, in Moscow or in a small Siberian city. And the second thing is that you can start your business online with minimal investment or completely from scratch. Of course, if you have absolutely no computer knowledge or experience working on the Internet, then it is still better to undergo training, for example, in ours.

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Do you like to communicate with people? So, why not get paid for it. Earning money from consultations is one of the ways to earn money at home without investment.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site.

Today I will tell you about making money, which is not so popular on the Internet, but, nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to.

So, how will the earnings itself happen?

Everything is very simple, especially for those who like to communicate with people. Of course, it sounds stupid, but that's how it is, friends. To be honest, I only recently learned about this income. I tried it - everything worked out. I earned a little money, of course, but, as they say, it’s not a lot of money, but it’s nice!

As I already said, earning money is best suited for sociable people. But it is also perfect for webmasters, bloggers who are interested, etc. In a word, everyone will find an interlocutor for themselves. I guarantee you this. And to be more precise, it is not you who will be looking, but they will be looking for you!

Earning money from consultations - Liveexpert service

First, you need to go through a simple registration.

Then we make sure to confirm your registration by email. I repeat that this must be done. Why?

So, registration is there, now go to the section “ Become an expert":

And we fill out a form about your interests, knowledge, set your prices for consultations, etc. If you did not confirm your email earlier, then you simply will not be allowed to fill out the forms (that's why I asked so much before that you confirm it).

By the way, here is a screenshot of how I filled out the data:

After clicking “Become an expert”, you will need to confirm your number mobile phone. There's nothing dangerous here. This check is only needed for the administration to verify that you real person.

Now, after checking the number, you will be asked to install an agent on your computer, which will notify you of new questions or consultations. Be sure to install it!

That's all, friends! All you can do is wait... To have more questions, I recommend setting the cost of the consultation from 50 rubles. Don't inflate your prices! After all, this is precisely what repels many people.

Fill out your profile beautifully and interestingly, so that every user wants to visit your page in the project. Place your photo, add discount promotions (on your page). Allow me to brag about my page. Here is the link.

As for the main income, that’s all!

Affiliate program

Here is an affiliate program, well, just “Bomb”. Invite your friends to this wonderful project and receive nice prizes and gifts. And here they are, by the way:

Let's summarize

Currently, more than 12 thousand experts are registered on the project. The number is great, of course. This means that your competition is very high. In order to keep up with other professionals, answer the questions asked - accurately and without unnecessary water, put low prices for consultation, be unique and you yourself will not notice how your rating on the project will begin to grow in unprecedented leaps.

As for making money...

How much do experts earn? I am not ready to answer this question. There are no exact figures that would tell us whether such earnings are profitable or not. I can say for sure that professionals here earn good money (from 10 thousand rubles per month).

Therefore, feel free register, and start earning money right now.

I’ll probably end on this cheerful note. Stay up to date with new earnings online and more.

Thank you for your attention!

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