How to roll back update 1s 8.3. Launch from the user interface

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1C: Accounting 8.3 does not see the new version of the platform


Question text

After installing a new platform, the program retains information about old version, that is, is installed, but remains in the program information. What's the problem?

Answer to the question

  1. Go to the 1C database launch window.
  2. Select your base there and click the "Edit" button.
  3. Click the "Next" button twice until you get to the window with 1C launch parameters.
  4. Find the item Version 1C: Enterprise there. If you have something there, clear this field. It should be like this:

Click Finish.

If it was already empty there, then the reason is different.

You need to correctly configure the shortcut to launch 1C:

  1. Go to the 1C installation folder. Usually it's something like "C:\Program Files\1cv8\common".
  2. Find the file "1cestart.exe" in it.
  3. This is the 1C launch file. Create a shortcut to it on your desktop.
  4. Now run 1C through this shortcut and you will always get into latest version installed 1C.
Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

To install an update to the 1C platform 8.3 or 8.2, you must first decide in which mode the work is taking place - file or client-server:

  • In file mode, just update client computers with 1C one distribution kit;
  • In the client-server version, you will need to install different distributions on the server and client machines.

The process of updating the 1C platform itself is no different from a regular installation - you don’t even have to go into the database configurator. Let's look at where to get the installation files and how to install each option yourself.

When purchasing a licensed copy of a product on the 1C:Enterprise platform, the box includes a disk with distribution kits of the program, but most likely this disk will already contain previous version platforms. Because 1C 8.3 platform updates lately are released quite often, then manufacturers do not have time to record new versions in a timely manner and distribute them to sellers, and even after the release of a new version, these kits lose their relevance.

When purchasing standard products, the kit includes registration data for access to the portal for a period of six months, after which it is possible to conclude an agreement to extend the relevant services.

On the support site you need to find the required version of your platform:

Updating 1C client

If installed in a file version, the 1C platform must be installed on all local computers, from which you want to work in the program. Let's consider updating the 1C:Enterprise system in the Microsoft Windows environment.

After receiving the distribution package, you need to run the installer program setup.exe from the platform installation folder.

The next window asks you to select the interface language; most likely you are interested in “Russian”

In the next window you need to confirm the start of installation with the “Install” button

You need to wait a bit for the installation to complete. If your license requires operation via a USB hardware key, you must also install the security driver. If you have software keys (PIN codes in an envelope), you will need to enter them when you first start

After completing all installations, click “Finish”; if you want to additionally familiarize yourself with a brief description of the current version, check the “Open Readme file” flag.

See also video instructions:

1C update on the server

In the case of an update in the client-server version, it is similarly necessary to install a local instance of the platform on all computers from which access to the database is required, and it is also necessary to install the server part of the program on the application server. Also, to work in this mode, you need an installed and running DBMS supported by the 1C platform, such as:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle Database
  • PostgreSQL
  • IBM DB2

As a rule, there is no need to update the DBMS itself.

Updating the 1C platform on a server is similar to installing a local instance on workstations, however, in the component selection list you must allow the installation of “1C:Enterprise Server” and “1C:Enterprise Server Administration”

Also, after selecting the interface language, you must indicate in what form the server part of the 1C platform will be installed: as a separate application, or as a MS Windows service. It is recommended to install the system as a service; to do this, you additionally need to specify the user on whose behalf this service will be launched. Or it is possible to create individual user to launch the 1C server part.

After successful installation, you will also need to install the application solution, create and connect infobases and activate licenses.

This instruction will help you update the 1C 8.3, 8.2 platform, configuration or database. This is a relatively simple process that requires an understanding of what needs to be done and how. In most cases, this process goes through without any problems (in the absence of independent configuration changes), however, if problems arise, you risk paralyzing the work of the company, or, in the worst case, losing data.

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Our company provides services for updating 1C software products, both standard configurations and industry solutions. The provision of services is possible for any region, by remote connection. If problems arise, we solve them promptly, while giving the customer the opportunity to continue working.

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Platform and configuration versions

Software solutions based on 1C consist of two parts: platform and configuration, for which separate updates are released (there is a third - the server part, the work with which we will consider below).

For a long time, platform 8.2 was relevant. Then platform 8.3 was released, which began to develop in parallel with 8.2 (at the time of writing, both versions are supported, platform 8.4 was also released, but so far it is rarely used).

The situation is similar with the Accounting 2.0 and Accounting 3.0 configurations. Due to the similarity of the numbers, many users confuse the platform version with the Enterprise Accounting configuration version.

  • 8.2 – platform
  • 8.3 – platform

For the Accounting configuration

  • 2.0 – configuration
  • 3.0 – configuration

It's worth noting that many new configurations will not run on the 8.2 platform. The 8.3 platform allows you to run both old and new configurations. In this regard, we recommend installing and updating the platform version no lower than 8.3.

Updating the configuration or 1C database

There are many 1C configurations. Some of them are products of the 1C company itself, some are developed by partners, as well as developed by third-party companies and individuals. It is impossible to consider everything within the framework of one article. possible options. Let us describe the process using the example of the most common standard 1C solutions.

From time to time, developers change the program interface and change the location of the “button” to start the update process. The instructions below are based on releases of 1C programs that were current at the time of writing.

Database backup or database backup.

When updating, 1C independently does backup copy database and, in case of failure, is automatically restored from it. Automatic backup can be forcibly disabled in the settings (see picture), in such a situation you risk losing all data. The process may be interrupted for some reason without restoring to the saved copy, or the saved copy may be corrupted - again you risk losing all your data. Therefore: We strongly recommend that you manually make a separate backup copy of each database before updating!!!

Launch from the user interface

If the version of the existing program was released quite a long time ago, a message about this will be displayed when you enter the program. You need to press the corresponding button.

If this window does not appear or the window is accidentally closed, you can launch it by going to the appropriate section.

1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0

Go to more new version Enterprise Accounting 3.0 can be done as follows:

"Administration" -> "Online user support" -> "Program update".

1C Accounting 2.0

The 1C Enterprise Accounting 2.0 update is launched as follows:

For 1c Salary and Personnel Management it is launched as follows:

Further actions are the same for most configurations:

Click "More details" and a list will open.

Check that the Configuration update checkbox is checked and click Next.

In the next window, enter registration information to access the distributions (the process of gaining access is described above) and click next.

A window may appear asking you to select the user under which the process will take place. You must select a user with administrator rights from the list and enter their password.

If users are connected to the database at this moment, a warning will be issued. You must ask all users to log out and click retry.

After entering your login and password and clicking Next, the download will begin.

Download complete. You are prompted to select an installation method: now and when you shut down. In these instructions, select now, click next, and the installation will begin. All that remains is to wait for it to complete and, if everything goes as expected, we will get an updated database.

Updating 1C configuration manually.

In what cases may it be necessary:

  1. There is no Internet on the computer (you need to take distribution kits from the ITS disk or download from the Internet on another computer and transfer them to removable media)
  2. For some reason system administrators Internet access was closed for the 1C program
  3. The regular 1C update process ends with an error.

In automatic upgrade mode, the system itself determines which distributions need to be downloaded and downloads them. IN manual mode(updating from the catalog), it is necessary to identify and prepare packages of all necessary distributions.

Determining the current configuration release (picture)

Let's say our accounting department is

Click on the configuration that interests us. In our example, this is Enterprise Accounting Basic, edition 3.0

On the right we see the current release - at the time of writing,

In the right column, opposite, versions from which an update is possible are indicated. We see that ours ( is not among them. This means that you will need to install version first. We repeat the procedure - look at the right column opposite Once again we cannot find our current version. We repeat the procedure until we find in the right column the number of the one we have on at the moment versions. In our example, it turns out that we need releases:


Subsequent operations must be carried out for each of the resulting versions in ascending order, i.e. first, last

Select the desired version and click Update distribution

Download it to a folder on your computer, unpack the distribution into the desired folder, go into it and run the setup file from the 1C icons.

Now you need to select a folder for the installer. We recommend not to use standard folder(which is offered as an example), because it is located in hidden system directories and in the future it will be more difficult to get to it. Select any folder convenient for you and remember it.

In the 1C program interface, go to the update section, as described above.

dddSelect an update from the catalog. In the directory selection field, you must specify the folder that you just selected for the installer (and remembered). And then everything is the same as in the automatic process described above.

This procedure must be performed sequentially for all versions we have defined.

How to automatically update 1C? This question worries many untrained and sometimes even qualified IT specialists. Mechanism automatic update 1C is designed for different categories of users. These may include both untrained users and implementation administrators.

The work scenario for untrained users involves installing and implementing updates in a minimum number of mouse clicks and without specific IT skills. The administrator's work scenario is more complex. It can include deferred installation and flexible parameter settings.

The functional properties of the update mechanism are as follows:

  1. Auto. Virtually no setup or user training required.
  2. Customizable. The user can override the default settings.
  3. Transactional. The property implies a system rollback in case of incorrect installation.
  4. Audited. If an error occurs, the user quickly learns about it and influences the progress of the update.

Receiving updates using the Internet

To do this, you need to visit the update provider's website. If an update is available, the assistant will tell you the version number (for example, automatic update of the 1s 8 3 platform), brief description and size, and then prompts you to install it. Don't forget to provide your login and password if the supplier's website requires authorization. It may take a long time to receive the update files, but this should not be a cause for concern.

Update 1C 8.3 via the Internet yourself

Installing updates

Perform installation on behalf of the current user. The Assistant sometimes asks for a password if it is necessary to access the infobase. Sometimes you need to enter the server cluster administrator login and password. Before starting the update, be sure to create a backup copy of the infobase. This will help restore data if an emergency occurs.

After clicking on the “Next” button, the assistant will begin to perform interactive installation automated configuration updates. This process can also take a long time. It all depends on the amount of data and the characteristics of the machine.

If we are dealing with a client-server system deployment option, then it is possible to set a delayed update. To do this, you need to specify the desired date and time to the update mechanism. But for this it is necessary that the computer’s power is turned on on the specified date and time.

Diagnosis of emergency situations

Records of all operations and errors that occur are automatically placed in the infobase registration log. During the installation of updates in the user's temporary folder, the system creates a log file that contains records of the progress of the update. Its contents then go into the registration log. The last directory, which looks like %temp%\1CUpdate., corresponds to the latest updated version. The update results are also recorded in the system event log. If you wish, update notification can be provided by email.

Implementation in configuration

A demo configuration of the mechanism exists as a delivery file. This allows you to supply any application configuration as support. This file can also be considered as a kind of “library”.

Checking and receiving updates occurs through interaction with the provider's website. Part of the site in open access gives you anonymous access to information about updates. But access to the products themselves often requires logging into the site. This is what the full path to the update file may look like, containing the open and closed parts of the site:с/Accounting/2_0_32_6/

Update File Format

UpdInfo.txt- a file with information about the update. It contains the options described below.
  1. Version. Update version number.
  2. FromVersions. List of 1C versions that are affected by this update.
  3. Various parameters that are not used by the update mechanism.

Example UpdInfo.txt. The figure shows examples of the contents of such files

So, to obtain and install updates via the Internet, follow these steps:

  • Place files on a web server. They should have a directory structure that corresponds to the templates directory, and the directory called is determined by the “open” part of the site. Also with the downloads directory, it corresponds to that part of the site that requires authorization. The web server was never included in the demo configuration, please note this. Next, in the module that is being redefined (named “Configuration Update”), specify the addresses of both parts of the site. Create source file deliver configuration version and add two incremental updates to it: and
  • Change the configuration version to and create the delivery (cf) and update (cfu) files.
  • When creating the update file, specify the previous delivery file version
  • Save the update file to the \downloads\tmplts\1c\AutoUpdate\1_0_1_1 directory.

Note: in order not to forget addresses, passwords and logins, create on your desktop text document, containing this data. This will make it easier for you to manage the automatic update process. This will also significantly reduce the likelihood of an emergency situation occurring (some of these situations were described above).

How to implement the update?

To implement the 1C update, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. provide preconditions under which it will be possible to fully implement the library into the configuration;
  2. transfer metadata objects from the required configuration;
  3. check the correct implementation.

To check the correctness in the file version, organize an update using .cf file, which is a copy of the saved configuration. In a situation with a client-server option, update this file in two modes: right now and deferred mode.

The figure below shows the requirements for the various system components.

Automatic and manual update typical configuration

Software from the 1C company is very popular among both entrepreneurs and government organizations. Programs are used for bookkeeping, management accounting, etc. In order to keep records correctly, any organization must have up-to-date information. Therefore, programs that are designed specifically for the economic needs of an organization cannot for a long time function without updating.

If for some reason it is not possible to use the services of a professional and you will install the update for 1C yourself, you need to read the instructions given below.

Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

Be sure to do this before updating.

The first step is to obtain the files that are needed for the update. This can be done in several ways:

  • purchase an information technology disk. Along with the disc, a coupon is provided that gives the opportunity to receive such discs free of charge for six months;
  • download updates for 1C from the Internet. But in in this case You must have registration data to log in to the ITS website. Therefore, certain difficulties may arise here.

Pay attention! If the configuration installed in your company is not a standard product, that is, it has already been tampered with by 1C programmers, do not try to update software on one's own! You CANNOT update such program versions on your own! This will lead to system instability and data loss!

Detailed instructions for installing updates

Before you start updating software product, you need to completely copy the company database. Even if an attempt to update the program is unsuccessful, the old version will always be ready to work. To do this, you must follow the following instructions:

  • run the program in configuration mode. This can be done by clicking the “configurator” button in the infobase selection window;
  • after this, you need to open the “administration” item (in the top menu), then click “unload information base”;
  • The “save as” window will open. Here you need to select the directory where you plan to save the information database file, and then click the “save” button;
  • A message will appear indicating that the database was successfully saved. Now you can start updating without fear of negative consequences.

To directly update the program, you need to open the directory where the update was saved and run the setup.exe file. The update will be installed in the default directory.

Next, you need to select the 1C “configurator” window, and in its menu the “configuration” item. The action scheme is as follows: configuration - support - update configuration. A window will open in which you need to select the “Search for available updates (recommended)” section. "Next" button.

A window opens where you can select the update source. It is necessary to uncheck the “” flag, since the update in this case does not occur via the Internet network. Again the “next” button.

There may be a pause here, then the available updates window will open. You must select the version number of the new configuration and click the “Done” button.

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