How to open a satellite television organization. Installation of satellite television and Internet as a business idea

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Sales and installation satellite dishes– a very popular and profitable business. It doesn’t matter the time of year or your location. There is and will always be a demand for satellite dishes.

First steps

First of all, you will need your own vehicle. It is best to give preference to a minibus or station wagon, because... Not every passenger car will fit large antennas.

You will also need a high-quality hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, and a set of screwdrivers. You will also need a signal search device to receive the antenna.

In addition to the basic tools, you will also need components: anchor bolts for attaching antennas, strips and linings for mounting brackets.

And of course you need to buy the basics satellite equipment: antennas, receivers, access cards, as well as converters, multifeeds for installing two or more converters, disc drives, etc.

Choose only reliable and proven equipment, because... the bad one will quickly fail and customers will start calling you demanding a refund or replacement of a low-quality product.

How to become a satellite systems installer?

In fact, installing antennas does not cause any particular difficulties. If you know how to use a hammer drill, then mounting the antenna on the wall of the house will not be difficult. It will be much more difficult to find the right satellite and connect the receiver to the system. But for this there are enough training videos on the Internet. Another option is to work for a couple of weeks in some company. This time will be enough for you to gain all the necessary skills.
Anyone can become an installer

The nuances of the business of installing satellite dishes

Before you start working, you need to become a dealer of major satellite operators - NTV PLUS, Tricolor TV, Raduga TV. Choose these popular companies, in this case you are guaranteed to receive a lot of orders, and high quality images and interesting channels will appeal to customers who will begin to pass on your contacts to their friends.

In addition to the above operators, you can offer clients a connection to “adult” channels or purely sports services. This will increase your income.

Don’t forget to draw up a service agreement that spells out your responsibilities, the rights of clients and the responsibilities of the parties.

This will greatly simplify various controversial issues that are bound to arise in this type of activity.

It is best to conclude a cooperation agreement with an industrial climber, because... It is not always possible to install an antenna from an apartment window. Such a specialist will easily carry out installation on a pitched roof or a blank wall - that is, where to the common man There is nothing to do without relevant experience.

Antennas are not only attached to the wall

How to look for clients

It is best to look for clients by placing advertisements in newspapers and on Internet portals. And of course, you can’t do without your own website, where all services with prices will be indicated.

We count earnings

For installation of one antenna you will receive about 80 dollars. A team of two installers can complete about 4 orders per day, receiving $320 in net earnings. There is no doubt that installing satellite dishes is a profitable business.

This type of business is promising not only due to the presence of constant demand, but also the lack of large investments to launch it. Moreover, for many, installing satellite television antennas becomes a “one-man job,” i.e. you will have only one employee - you. And this 100% guarantees the high quality of the services provided, because as they say: “If you want it done well, do it yourself.”

Why will this business be profitable for you?

  1. This type of work is in great demand and the demand for it does not change depending on the season;
  2. When working in this business for a long time you will have additional income for several years;
  3. Purchasing all the necessary equipment will take you little time and will not require attracting a lot of capital;
  4. Such a private business will not require the involvement of highly qualified labor;
  5. An advertising campaign for the service you provide will not require significant investments and will be placed on a satellite dish.

Where to start: legalization and purchase of instruments

So, what and how much will you need to open a company providing antenna installation services?

To begin, register. It is not required, but if you want to become a law-abiding businessman, it is highly desirable. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The second step will be the purchase of vehicles. You will definitely need it, and it is advisable that it be a minibus or a station wagon, because if you have at least 2 orders a day, all the necessary tools and components simply will not fit in a passenger car (satellite dishes are quite bulky, even when disassembled).

Equipment for installation of satellite dishes

The next step will be the purchase of tools. This standard set, which should include an electric screwdriver, a hammer drill, a drill and a set of screwdrivers. It is advisable to purchase professional equipment, because... With a normal number of orders, the household version of the tools will fail in the second week of operation. The kit also includes a device for tuning the antenna to the maximum reception frequency (digital tuner).

After purchasing the equipment, you need to stock up on components and consumables. IN in this case these will be anchor bolts for attaching antennas; stock up on additional sets of pads and strips for the brackets, because usually the standard quantity is never enough. It makes sense to purchase in small quantities from a quality manufacturer standard kits for satellite dishes, which include cables, a receiver, a carrier and a tuner. Most often, sets of the above equipment out of the box are very short-lived. And the availability of high-quality goods here and now will be highly appreciated by your customers and can bring good profits.

Where can I learn how to install and configure antennas?

Once you are armed with everything you need, you will still need to learn how exactly to install the antennas. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this activity. Any person who knows how to hold a hammer drill correctly can handle installing the antenna, and instructions or videos, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you learn how to work with the tuner. Another option is to get a job at a company that provides such services. 1-2 weeks as a satellite dish installer will ensure you have all the necessary skills and knowledge to independent work.

Business secrets.

One of the most important stages on the path to launching your business installing satellite dishes will be searching for and concluding contracts with companies providing television broadcasting services. It is desirable and even mandatory that these are well-known operators providing high quality. For example, such as Three

color TV and NTV+. Due to the well-known operators, you will be provided with the required number of orders, and your customers will be satisfied high quality broadcasts. Moreover, when you connect, you will be able to receive part subscription fee contributed by the subscriber himself.

And if your client wants to order additional services, such as adult channels or live matches. Then your additional income will increase exponentially. The main thing is not to forget that your relationship with operators providing television broadcasting services must be formalized in the form of an agreement. And the more detailed it will be. The simpler and more profitable your partnership will be.

In some cases, customers may express a desire to install an antenna in a hard-to-reach place, where it is simply impossible to reach without a bucket truck or special equipment. In this case, make acquaintances with industrial climbers working in your city. Such work is charged at an increased price, and therefore this is another source of your income.

Advertising and marketing.

The penultimate step before launch should be the purchase of a printer, preferably a color one, and a laminating device. With the help of this office equipment, you will be able to place advertisements on installed satellite dishes, which can become a powerful promotion for you, or, if you do not need advertising, a source of additional income.

The last and most important step on the way to successful business will be the search for clients. Because this niche is already quite saturated, especially in large cities, the best solution would be to search for clients in the suburbs and small towns, where cable television one can only dream. And if you put simple antenna, then, as we wrote above - long live the 4 main television channel.


One completed order brings you, as a contractor, from 2,500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the installation. With proper workload, a team of two people can complete up to 4 orders per work shift. Total – 10 thousand rubles of net income per day. Agree, installing satellite dishes is a pretty good business.

If in the good old days the presence of 4 channels was considered a luxury, then in our time such a number of available TV channels on a TV is rather surprising, and for some even panic. Therefore, if you choose to install satellite dishes as a business, you will definitely not go wrong, despite the fairly tough competition in the market. Especially in large cities.

Business installing satellite dishes

This type of business is promising not only due to the presence of constant demand, but also the lack of large investments to launch it. Moreover, for many, installing satellite television antennas becomes a “one-man job,” i.e. you will have only one employee - you. And this 100% guarantees the high quality of the services provided, because as they say: “If you want it done well, do it yourself.”

Where to start: legalization and purchase of instruments

So, what and how much will you need to open a company providing antenna installation services? To begin, register. It is not required, but if you want to become a law-abiding businessman, it is highly desirable. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. The second step will be the purchase of vehicles. You will definitely need it, and it is advisable that it be a minibus or a station wagon, because if you have at least 2 orders a day, all the necessary tools and components simply will not fit in a passenger car (satellite dishes are quite bulky, even when disassembled).

Equipment for installation of satellite dishes

The next step will be purchasing tools. This is a standard set that should include an electric screwdriver, a hammer drill, a drill and a set of screwdrivers. It is advisable to purchase professional equipment, because... With a normal number of orders, the household version of the tools will fail in the second week of operation. The kit also includes a device for tuning the antenna to the maximum reception frequency (digital tuner).

After purchasing the equipment, you need to stock up on components and consumables. In this case, these will be anchor bolts for attaching the antennas; stock up on additional sets of pads and strips for the brackets, because usually the standard quantity is never enough. It makes sense to purchase in small quantities from a quality manufacturer standard kits for satellite dishes, which include cables, a receiver, a carrier and a tuner. Most often, sets of the above equipment out of the box are very short-lived. And the availability of high-quality goods here and now will be highly appreciated by your customers and can bring good profits.

Where can I learn how to install and configure antennas?

Once you are armed with everything you need, you will still need to learn how exactly to install the antennas. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this activity. Any person who knows how to hold a hammer drill correctly can handle the installation of the antenna, and instructions or videos, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you learn how to work with the tuner. Another option is to get a job at a company that provides such services. 1-2 weeks as a satellite dish installer will ensure you have all the necessary skills and knowledge to work independently.

Business secrets.

One of the most important stages on the path to launching your business installing satellite dishes will be searching for and concluding contracts with companies providing television broadcasting services. It is desirable and even mandatory that these are well-known operators providing high quality. For example, such as Tricolor TV and NTV+. Due to the popularity of the operators, you will be provided with the necessary number of orders, and your customers will be satisfied with the high quality of broadcasts. Moreover, when you connect, you will be able to receive part of the subscription fee paid by the subscriber himself.

And if your client wants to order additional services, such as adult channels or live broadcasts of matches. Then your additional income will increase exponentially. The main thing is not to forget that your relationship with operators providing television broadcasting services must be formalized in the form of an agreement. And the more detailed it will be. The simpler and more profitable your partnership will be.

In some cases, customers may express a desire to install an antenna in a hard-to-reach place, where it is simply impossible to reach without a bucket truck or special equipment. In this case, make acquaintances with industrial climbers working in your city. Such work is charged at an increased price, and therefore this is another source of your income.

The penultimate step before launch should be the purchase of a printer, preferably a color one, and a laminating device. With the help of this office equipment, you will be able to place advertisements on installed satellite dishes, which can become a powerful promotion for you, or, if you do not need advertising, a source of additional income.

The last and most important step on the path to a successful business will be finding clients. Because This niche is already quite saturated, especially in large cities; the best solution would be to look for customers in the suburbs and small towns, where you can only dream of cable television. And if you install a simple antenna, then, as we wrote above, long live the 4 main television channels.

And now about income.

One completed order brings you, as a contractor, from 2,500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the installation. With proper workload, a team of two people can complete up to 4 orders per work shift. Total - 10 thousand rubles of net income per day. Agree, installing satellite dishes is a pretty good business.

Video: installing a satellite dish

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