How to flip the second sheet in Word. How to flip a sheet in Word - step-by-step methods that are understandable even for beginners

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For printed documents, the layout of the sheet is one of the parameters that must be set before creating the document in order to visually represent its final appearance.

Every user simply must know how to flip a sheet of paper horizontally in Word.

Answers to the following questions will help you understand this simple manipulation:

Format of page positions in a document

The location of information on a document sheet may vary. When choosing a page orientation, consider the ease of reading and visual perception of information. Exists:

  • vertical position of the sheet, also called book format;
  • horizontal position of the sheet - landscape format.

As a rule, documents are drawn up in book format. Applicable in all official documents, books, educational works, etc.

Landscape format is necessary for presentations, albums with drawings, graphs, tables and some other types of work.

The mixed format is used in documents when it is necessary to place pictures or drawings within the text that require a horizontal orientation of the sheet.

MS Word is initially configured with a vertical (portrait) layout format for sheets. If necessary, it can be changed to landscape, for the entire document or individual sheets.

How to rotate a page for each version of Word

From year to year Word editor, changes. Old functions are being replaced by new, more advanced and detailed ones.

Rotating a sheet 90 degrees, in other words, positioning the page horizontally, is not the most difficult task, which changes slightly from version to version.

Let's look at the process in more detail.

Expand a sheet horizontally in Word 2003

Procedure for setting the horizontal orientation of document sheets:

  • select “File” in the menu bar;
  • go to the “Page Settings” section;
  • a program window of the same name will open, in which select the “Fields” tab;
  • in the “Orientation” part of the window, click on the “Landscape” button;
  • Click “OK” to confirm the completed action.

Expand a sheet to landscape in Word 2007

The Word 2007 edition has an updated interface (compared to 2003) and the main menu, so the algorithm has undergone some changes.

The following steps will help you expand a page in a document:

  • in the “Page Setup” command group, select the “Orientation” button;
  • To select the desired page position option, click to expand the list of the “Orientation” command;
  • Select the line “Landscape” from the list.

After executing the algorithm, the arrangement of all sheets of the document will change in accordance with the configured setting.

To change the sheet orientation to a vertical format, you need to repeat the algorithm outlined above, only select the “Portrait” line.

Expand a page to landscape in Word 2010

Differs from the previous version by a minor difference appearance interface. To expand a document from vertical to horizontal format, do:

  • open the “Page Layout” menu in the ribbon;
  • in the “Page Settings” group, click to expand the possible options for the “Orientation” line;
  • select the “Landscape” option;
  • All sheets will change format from portrait to landscape.

To change the sheet orientation to “Portrait”, you need to repeat the algorithm outlined above, only select the “Portrait” line.

Expand page horizontally in Word 2013

The interface of Word 2013 is similar to the 2007 version, so the chronology of rotating a page 90 degrees is similar:

  • open in the “Page Layout” ribbon;
  • in the “Page Setup” command group for the “Orientation” tool, expand the list of options;
  • Click on the "Landscape" option.

After completing these steps, all sheets will change their format from portrait to landscape.

To set the vertical layout of the page, you need to repeat the algorithm outlined above, but in the last paragraph select the “Portrait” line.

Place a sheet horizontally in Word 2016

Unlike others, this version has changed the layout of the ribbon and the names of the tabs. The following steps will help you rotate the page horizontally:

  • open the “Layout” tab in the menu ribbon;
  • find the “Orientation” tool in the “Page Setup” command group and click the mouse (arrow) to open the list;
  • Select “Landscape” from this list.

After making this setting, the sheet format will be changed to book format for the entire document.

To set the vertical layout of the page, you need to repeat the algorithm outlined above, but in the last paragraph select “Portrait”.

How to rotate a sheet horizontally for an entire document

The default scope for setting page orientation is for the entire document. Therefore, by executing the specified page rotation algorithm described in the previous section, the editor will change the orientation of the pages from the first to the last.

Using the Word 2010 editor as an example, let's consider a situation in which you should rotate the pages of a document to landscape format.

Option 1: Flip a sheet to landscape in Word 2010.

You can flip the sheet horizontally directly from the editor ribbon. To do this:

  1. In the “Page Settings” block, click on the “Orientation” button.
  2. Select the Landscape option.

This method is the most common because it requires a minimum of time. But, there are situations when, along with the page location, other parameters should be changed. In this case, it is easier to do everything in one place.

Option 2: Flip a sheet to landscape in Word 2010.

In MS Office, you can flip a sheet horizontally in the “Page Setup” window, where, by the way, you can immediately adjust the size of the margins, paper, and the orientation of interest to us.

  1. Go to the “Page Layout” tab.
  2. In the “Page Options” block, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.
  3. In the “Page Setup” window of the same name that appears, in the “Orientation” section, select “landscape”.

This method is perfect if, in addition to the need to change the layout of the document page, there is a need to adjust the margins. In this case, it makes sense to make settings in a single window.

How to rotate one or more sheets 90 degrees

Turning the pages of a document for the entire document is not a difficult task, and we have just seen this, but there are other cases.

Sometimes you need to rotate not the entire document by 90 degrees, but only some pages.

Applying settings for one orientation or another for selected sheets of a document or its parts occurs in the “Page Setup” advanced settings dialog box. It opens after following the chain:

Word 2003: “File” → “Page Setup”;

For other editions: “File” → “Page Layout” → expand the advanced settings of the “Page Settings” group by clicking the arrow in the lower corner.

Rotating a sheet horizontally for a separate piece of text, one or several pages is done using:

  • Use the mouse to select text or document objects whose pages will be rotated 90 degrees;
  • expand the “Page Setup” dialog box;
  • in the “Orientation” group, click the mouse to select the required page position format;
  • The selected fragment will take on a landscape sheet format, and all others will retain the same page layout.

    The program will also automatically create page breaks before and after the selected fragment.

    That's all.

    After reading the article, you should have learned how to flip a piece of paper horizontally in Word. All possible situations are listed when you may need to expand one sheet separately or the entire document.

    If you have any questions, write them in the comments and they will solve them.

How to turn a sheet of paper in Word is a seemingly simple question, which, however, can stupefy an inexperienced computer user.

Changing the orientation of the printed sheet in a text editor- a task that occurs quite often when typing.

For example, this is useful when working with tables or when creating information booklets.

By default, the sheet is positioned vertically, and to change the layout to horizontal, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

The algorithm is slightly different in different versions Word, so we'll look at the different options.

How to flip a sheet horizontally in Word 2003?

Older versions of MS Office programs such as Microsoft Word 2003 and older, are not used very often today.

However, if you had to work with Word 2003, and there was a need to change the sheet orientation from vertical to horizontal, we will tell you how to do this.

How to flip all sheets of a document horizontally

  1. At the top of the window, find the "File" section. Click on it and select “Page Settings” from the menu that opens.
  2. Open the selected section. You will see a window with worksheet settings, where you should find the “Orientation” option. Found it? Great! Click the “Landscape” option and your page will become horizontal. Don't forget to save the changes by clicking on the "Ok" button.

Tip: Similar formatting can be done in a document in Markup mode. To do this, double-click on the empty space next to one of the rulers and open the same parameter windows described above.

Flipping individual parts of text

If we are not going to turn over the entire document, we should format the text in advance.

Select the part for which you need to change the orientation and start changing the parameters:

  1. Find the “Orientation” menu item and select the “Landscape” section
  2. At the bottom of the open dialog box, click the "Apply" button, choosing the "to selected text" option
  3. Upon completion of the operation, do not forget to save the result by clicking on the “Ok” button

Changing sheet orientation in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Before you begin to study the instructions, determine whether you need to change the orientation of all sheets of the working document or just one of its pages.

Depending on your answer, choose one of the options below.

Every beginner faces the problem of turning a sheet.

Flip all pages of the current document

In newer versions text editor from Microsoft, to change the page orientation you just need to do a couple of steps:

  1. At the top of the page, find the “Page Layout” tab. This section hides all the editor’s capabilities related to changing the appearance of the worksheet, including orientation.
  2. The “Orientation” button is responsible for turning the page. To change the parameter, just click on this button and select the “Landscape” menu item in the window that appears. That's all, after this all sheets in the current document will be flipped to a horizontal position.

As you can see, the scheme is very simple and will be intuitive even for a beginner.

How to turn one page in Word without changing the document as a whole?

Unlike a “mass” rotation, changing a specific page will require a slightly more complex algorithm:

1. First you need to enable the program to display hidden characters

  1. On the “Home” tab, find a button whose symbol resembles the letter “P” reflected vertically.
  2. After clicking on it, you will see that many new symbols have appeared in the document- The space is displayed as dots; paragraphs, page breaks, and other types of formatting also have their own symbols.
  3. Don't worry, these characters won't transfer to the paper when printing.

2. After this, you need to start arranging section breaks

  1. For a sheet that will be turned over, you need to insert a gap at its beginning and end.
  2. To do this, move the cursor to the last line of the sheet, which comes before the one we will rotate.
  3. Open the Page Layout tab and find the Breaks button. Click on it, selecting the “Next Page” option.
  4. Upon completion of this operation, the section break in front of the sheet we need will be installed.

3. In the same way, make a break at the end of the sheet we need

  1. As a result, we have a sheet, before the beginning and at the end of which there is a section break (two breaks in total).
  2. Return the cursor to the sheet that we want to flip, and follow the already known algorithm that we used to massively rotate document sheets.
  3. That is, go to the “Page Layout” section and click on the “Orientation” button, selecting “Landscape” from the menu.
Below we have prepared several useful tips, which will make working with your computer as easy as possible

Tip: If after doing all of these steps the page still doesn't turn the way you want, check that the section breaks are placed correctly.

It is not without reason that Microsoft Word has earned its title as the most convenient and powerful text document editor.

Many users, even those who have been using the program for many years, have no idea how long additional features and she hides secrets.

But knowing even some of them can significantly facilitate your daily work in Word.

So, what are they useful features Word, which many users (especially beginners) are not aware of, should be known and used?

Word hotkey table

Here are some more useful keyboard shortcuts:

Selecting an entire document

For this purpose in open document simultaneously press the “Ctrl” and “A” keys.

Highlighting a separate offer

To do this, press “Ctrl”, and then simply click on any word of the desired sentence.

To highlight one paragraph in text

Triple-click with the left mouse button on any of the words in the desired paragraph.

Highlighting text in different parts of a document

To do this, select the first of the fragments you need in any convenient way, then press the “Ctrl” button and, while holding it, select all the other necessary fragments.

To select a large piece of text

Place the cursor at the beginning of the desired part of the text, and then hold down the “Shift” button and click at the end of the selected fragment.

With our simple tips it will be much easier to understand the computer

To change case

For example, if you accidentally typed plain text in capital letters, select the desired fragment and press the key combination “Shift” + “F3”.

To transfer text within a document, it is not necessary to use copy-paste

You just need to select the desired piece of text, press “F2”, then place the cursor in the desired place and press “Enter”.

To insert a date in the format DD.MM.YY into a document

You should press the key combination Shift + Alt + D.

And to add time to the document, just press the combination Shift + Alt + T.

If you don't like waiting for the cursor to advance one letter at a time

Try pressing the Ctrl button together with the arrow. The cursor will “run” much more quickly.

Inserting watermarks into a document

To install them, go to the “Design” section and select “Background”.

The program already has 4 standard templates built-in, but you can create your own unique version.

We wish you success in mastering new technology

Hyphenations in the document

To hyphenate automatically: open the “Page Layout” menu, go to the “Hyphenation” tab and check the box next to “Auto” in the menu that appears.

The top ribbon may contain quite a few buttons that you don't use.

It’s not difficult to fix this: by opening “File” - “Options” - “Customize Ribbon” in sequence, you get the opportunity to flexibly edit the feed in accordance with personal preferences.

Did you know that the combination of the Ctrl + Enter buttons instantly creates a new sheet?

Yes, yes, you will no longer need to hold Enter while the cursor reaches the beginning of a new page.

If you need to return the document to its original formatting

This can be done as easily as possible: hold down the Ctrl + Spacebar buttons at the same time.

And as a bonus -fastest way to open Word

No more searching for an icon in the Start menu or creating a new document.

To open the program, call the command line combination Windows keys+ R and enter the winword command in the window that appears.

It will take a little time the first time, but if you don't use command line, the next time you boot, the winword command will already be entered and you just have to press Enter.

I continue to describe working issues related to Word, because of which I had to climb, if not into search engines, then definitely ask my colleagues. Well, or these questions caused me a dullness, a stopper in the work process.

This time we will talk about how to rotate a page in Word. Personally, I feel the need to turn pages “horizontally-vertically” when writing reports. Since the results of measurements and tests, in addition to tabular data, are various graphs, diagrams, and the same tables, but with a huge number of columns, which are more convenient to display on an inverted sheet.

As usual, I will describe the situation with Word 2003, and a few words about the features known to me in version 2007.

This means that the sheet orientation in Word has two meanings - portrait and landscape.

The menu itself, with which you can turn the sheet over, is located at the following address:

  • In Word 2003 - file => page settings => orientation => landscape or portrait
  • In Word 2007 - top menu => page layout => orientation => portrait or landscape

With this everything seems to be clear. The only difficulties arise when you have a report consisting of many pages and the page whose orientation should be changed to landscape is located between two pages in portrait orientation. There are already features here that should be discussed in more detail.

There are such concepts as page breaks and section breaks. It is in these concepts, or rather in one of them, that the answer to the question of turning one page out of consecutive ones lies. To rotate just one or more pages, those pages need to end with a “section break,” and the page before our pages also ends with a “section break.”

The breaks menu is located in the following places:

A couple of parting words about the gap menu:

Video about changing page orientation through a page break in Word 2003, 2007

Similarly, instead of inserting section breaks through the menu, you can use the Word 2003 menu - top menu => file => page options => select orientation type => further in the same window => sample => apply => to the end of the document.

As a result, the orientation of subsequent pages after the one on which the mouse pointer is positioned will change. Then you can select the next page in a row with a changed orientation and do this procedure again - it turns out that it alone will have, for example, landscape orientation. It seems like the second method works - since we do it through other menu items, but if we show the hidden symbols “non-printable characters”, then it will become clear that we were again dealing with section breaks from the next page.

Video about rotating a page through page parameters in Word 2003, 2007

Another option, for those who do not want to bother, may be the option when the pages that need to be turned are located at the end of the report, for example, appendices to the protocol or report. In this case, they can be created in separate files, where the required orientation is simply created immediately. In some cases this is more convenient, for example, if section break symbols take up space in the last line and because of them the break is transferred to the next page, which creates an unnecessary report unit =) and the numbering is continuous, this is where placing a separate page in separate file. But in the end, the choice is up to everyone.

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An article about how to rotate a book page to a landscape page in different versions of Word.

Text files Word have different page orientation directions. Sometimes, you need to create an album with pictures, texts in expanded form on the entire page. We will tell you below how to unfold a sheet of book sample into a vertical, landscape position.

Files in a Word document

How to turn a page horizontally in Word 2003?

In mode "default" file sheets are placed in a vertical position.
Scheme for version 2003:

  • enter the menu "File"
  • select a function "Options"
  • on the page that opens "Field", find the line "Landmark" or "Orientation"
  • a la carte "Landmark" select the position of the text page, guided by the options "Book" or "Landscape"
  • press the key "OK", landscape sheet horizontal directions created

Options “File”, “Options”, “Orientation”, selecting the “Landscape” option

Scheme for reversing a text fragment, version 2003:

  • carry out actions similar to the previous ones, up to the option "Landscape"
  • select the option "Landscape"
  • press the key "Apply to selected text"
  • press the key "OK"

Flip a piece of text horizontally: “Landscape” options, “Apply to selected text” button, “Okay” button

How to turn a page or sheet horizontally in Word 2007, 2013, 2016?

  • find the option "Markings"
  • click the icon "Orientation"

Select the “Page Layout” option, “Orientation”, then “Landscape”

  • select the option "Landscape"
  • the page was created in landscape, horizontal version

Page turn diagram, versions Word 2007, 2013, 2016 for a sheet fragment:

  • perform actions similar to the above procedures for version 2003
  • location of the version settings fields key 2007, 2013, 2016 , shown in the figure below. Location differs from version 2003
  • set the fields for the landscape version
  • in the end, you get one landscape sheet, the rest of the book sheets are in a common file

Flip the sheet horizontally. Difference between the settings fields button between versions of Word 2003 and 2007, 2013, 2016

The technique of turning the page horizontally, not very significantly, differs from each other for different versions Word.

Video: How to set page orientation to landscape in Word 2003?

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