How to turn Sublime Text into the perfect text editing tool. How to turn Sublime Text into the perfect text tool Sublime text 3 windows encoding 1251

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Beginner users and developers may have problems with encoding in sublime text 3. This problem is most often expressed in hieroglyphs instead of symbols. This is possible when the file was saved in the old windows-1251 encoding, which is no longer used for html files, php, etc. This can be easily solved in a couple of minutes.

How can I find out the current encoding of a file?

The first way to find out the encoding is through the console, press Ctrl+` or View -> Show Console and type the following command view.encoding() into the console.

The second option is to add "show_encoding": true in the user settings. Go to Preferences -> Settings and add a setting.

The encoding will be displayed in the status bar; if you don’t see it, turn it on via View -> Show Status Bar

Sublime text 3 how to change encoding?

To change the encoding you need to re-open the file or resave. The first option is to save the file again via File –> Save with Encoding, select utf-8 from the list, after which you need to close and open the file.

We can also do similar actions via File –> Reopen with Encoding.
After these steps the problem should be fixed.

There is a second option which is to use the EncodingHelper plugin. I personally have not used it because there is no need. If you have a desire you can try it.

Plugin features:

  • Defines the file encoding.
  • Shows the encoding in the status bar.
  • Converts from UTF-8 to the list of encodings that are in the menu.
  • Converts to UTF-8 quickly from the current encoding via the menu.
  • Automatically converts to UTF-8 when opening a file using certain encodings in the user settings./li>

Questions related to encoding in the sublime text 3 editor are not as scary as they seem at first glance. I hope the article helped you. If necessary, write in the comments, I will be happy to help.

Sublime Text is, as they say, more elegant text editor for more civilized times. Many authors and readers ][ use it to work with code, layout and configs. But how to use it to work with “human” texts? I'll tell you a secret - almost the entire editorial staff of the magazine uses it every day to work on articles, and during this time several convenient hacks have accumulated. In this article, I'll show you how to turn your ST into the perfect tool for the job.

Why not use any other text editor? The answer is simple - why create entities? Sublime Text is packed with various useful features that are not found in iA Writer and other fancy editors for working with Markdown (not to mention the monstrous Word). From the obvious: code coloring, autocompletion, document “mini-map”, header “collapse”, built-in terminal and a huge collection of plugins. Finally, the ability to sort lines and multiple editing, in which you place several cursors in the text at once and make the necessary edits. Any operation can be performed without taking your hands off the keyboard, and it’s also easy to connect a lot of external tools you need. And there are so many customization options that you can spend days fiddling with different plugins.

Package Manager

Of course, all ST users know about the package manager, but if you are reading this article and thinking about trying this editor for the first time, then a little introduction is in order. Package management is a familiar thing for Linux users, as well as for Ruby or Python programmers. However, a text editor that requires a package manager... isn't it too hardcore? In fact, Sublime Text 2 plugins can simply be copied (or cloned using Git) into their intended folder and they will work. But an add-on with the self-explanatory name Package Control simplifies this process even more. It itself is also installed in a not entirely ordinary way: you need to open the Sublime Text console and copy the code that activates the installation from the site there. Restart Sublime Text, click (in OS X) to open command line(this is not the same as the console!), write install and press Enter. Before us is a directory with plugins. Now just type the name of the one you need and press Enter again. It will download and install automatically. In most cases, you will then need to restart the program. The Package Control item will also appear in the Sublime menu, giving access to other important features: first of all, updating and uninstalling packages is important.


We told you about Markdown back in September 2012 (article “Get to know us. This is Markdown”). This is the best invented format for working with text - a simple markup language that allows you to quickly design any necessary elements (headings, links, illustrations). All tags are some kind of symbols, so the spell checker will not complain about them and they will not interfere with reading and editing the document. Again, Markdown supports countless blog engines, editors, and other applications. In general, a lot has changed for us since 2012 - we have implemented a special script that allows you to convert an article in Markdown into Adobe InDesign layout, and now all articles in the magazine you are holding in your hands are accepted only in it. This saved significant time for both authors and designers.

To familiarize yourself with the syntax, go to the website of the creator of this language, John Gruber. Another interesting tool - additional tool CriticMarkup markup, which allows you to write comments and corrections in a document. To make all this work in Sublime Text, the MarkdownEditing plugin comes to the rescue.

After installing Package Control, this plugin is installed with one command: just open the editor console, type install and select MarkdownEditing. In one fell swoop, you'll turn a coder's weapon into the ultimate writer's tool. But the plugin not only adds code highlighting, but also changes appearance editor. A light theme will appear, reminiscent of typewritten pages, and line numbers and command completion will be disabled. Important Note: MarkdownEditing will only be enabled for files with a specific extension. To influence this, type MarkdownEditing in the console and select the item with the config. You will need to add the lines to it:

("extensions": ["md", "mdown", "txt" ], )

There are other plugins for Markdown that have other useful features. The author of SmartMarkdown, for example, claims that his plugin can collapse blocks of text marked with a heading, just like Sublime can collapse code. However, this mode of operation will conflict with MarkdownEditing. But there is another useful feature- output of the article in PDF. To do this, you need to install the pandoc interpreter on the system and specify the desired path in the MarkdownEditing config.

Spell checking

Out of the box, Sublime Text only supports English spell checking, but this is easy to fix: just download dictionaries borrowed from OpenOffice and follow the simple adaptation and installation procedure described on the GitHub page.

For OS X users there is an even better way - the CheckBounce plugin, which allows you to use system check spelling. Not to say that OS X's built-in checking is good, but with each version of the system it gets better and is certainly not inferior to OpenOffice dictionaries. Plus, if you often add some words to the dictionary, then it’s convenient for Sublime Text to pick up all these changes.

Another drawback is that the list of replacement options is not shown in context menu by right click. Instead, you can place the cursor on the misspelled word and click .

Word counter

Those who work with text professionally and are paid by the number of characters or words (like, for example, the authors of Hacker) cannot imagine life without a character counter in a text editor. But even when writing text for your blog, the character count indicator can be quite useful as a guide - it is often important to fit into the dimensions of a particular block in the layout. The plugin that installs a counter in the Sublime Text status bar has the simple name WordCount. With default settings, the word count will be displayed all the time and will also appear interesting opportunity see the number of characters in the current line (that is, paragraph). If you need to have before your eyes the length of the entire document in characters, then you can open the WordCount settings file and write:

("enable_count_chars": true)

Word highlighting

Tautology is one of the main problems plaguing the authors of texts. Sometimes our memory fails us and we forget that we have just used a certain word. You can drill through paragraphs with your eyes, trying to determine whether it has been encountered recently, or you can install the WordHighlight plugin and, by clicking on words, see them highlighted throughout the document. Yeah! There are two words “can” in the previous sentence! It's okay, this is the author's idea.

Clickable links

It’s a good idea to complement Markdown syntax highlighting with another plugin - ClickableURLs. From the name it is clear that it should make hyperlinks found in the document clickable. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: apparently, software interfaces Sublime Text doesn't allow plugins to do such complex tricks (at least without breaking other functions). So the authors of the add-on got away with it by implementing the ability to open links when the cursor is placed on them and a certain key combination is pressed. On Windows and Linux this is , in OS X - .

Auto-detect encoding

The Encoding Helper plugin is designed for automatic detection file encodings. Initially, SublimeText opens all documents in Windows-1252 Western encoding, and it turns out that old files saved in Windows-1251, DOS or KOI8-R will look incorrect. Encoding Helper in such cases guesses the desired encoding and displays a message in the status bar telling you what encoding is in use and what it most likely should be. The conversion is not performed automatically, but an item will appear in the Edit menu that allows you to convert the document to Unicode from the encoding determined by Helper. If he identified it incorrectly, you can independently select the desired encoding from its menu.

Clipboard history

Often, when copying text, the thought swirls in your head whether there is something valuable already on the clipboard that needs to be pasted somewhere before using the clipboard again. Many specialized utilities that work not only with Sublime can relieve this burden. However, such a plugin also exists - it’s called Clipboard History. It works very simply: press the combination (or wild in OS X) and see all previous entries that went to the clipboard. Select any one and paste it into the text. To avoid opening the menu, you can press (on Macs) and immediately insert the entry preceding the current one.

To-do lists

Productivity experts say you should definitely write things down somewhere and don’t try to keep them all in your head! Sublime Text will help out here too, especially if you provide it with the PlainTasks plugin. After installing it and restarting Sublime, the first thing we recommend is opening the PlainTasks help. Here we explain in detail how to create new cases ( or depending on the system), mark them as completed or canceled, provide tags, and so on. The main drawback of this plugin is that you cannot simply click on the square in front of the line to check the box. Here we are once again faced with the limitations of Sublime plugins.

Among other things, PlainTasks replaces Clickable URLs by adding its own keyboard shortcut for opening links. An advantageous difference: links to files on your hard drive will also work, and you can point directly to the desired line. Indispensable, especially considering that cases can be directly linked to files in this way.

This is a text editor you'll fall in love with, as its creators say ( Sublime Text: The text editor you"ll fall in love with) . The statement is bold, but it’s hard to disagree with it: many people loved this product. There are many reasons: cross-platform, plugin support, incredibly well-thought-out multi-selection, nice appearance and much more - for each their own. But even in this barrel of honey there was room for a few grams of tar, but it can be pulled out without any problems. Find out how here.

Sublime Text's settings for everything are stored in JSON format; the main settings can be accessed through the "Preferences - Default" menu. Through "Preferences - User" you can view user settings. That is, having configured Sublime Text once, you can save these settings for yourself and restore them every time after installation on any computer - this is convenient. A description of each setting is included - this is also convenient. Well, next about tar.


Encoding problem- everyone whose project is written in win1251 encoding encounters it. The program automatically detects ASCII, UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings, the rest are set to "Western (Windows 1252)" by default, which leads to a sad-looking Cyrillic alphabet like this - ß ãðóñòíàÿ êèðèëëèöà . The “fallback_encoding” setting is responsible for the encoding that is set if its determination is unsuccessful; by default, as mentioned above, it is “Western (Windows 1252)”. There are two options for changing the settings: either rewrite them in standard settings, or add to custom. The second is preferable, and the last paragraph explains why. Well, actually, let’s use the second option and proudly add the following value to the user settings:

"fallback_encoding" : "Cyrillic (Windows 1251)"

Don't forget that the settings are stored in JSON format, so if you make syntax errors you will enjoy a window like this:

You can find out the current file encoding in different ways, there are special plugins (for example, the Encoding Helper package), but I prefer the option of making it myself. An example of writing such a simple plugin can be seen in another article (under writing, the link will be here).


Not enough hotkeys for habitual or frequently used actions? No problem - almost everything is customizable in Sublime Text! So, call the menu item “Key Bindings - Default” and examine the contents of the opened configuration file. This is the same JSON we are familiar with. Here is an example of one of the simplest hotkeys:

( "keys" : [ "ctrl+s" ] , "command" : "save" )

Everything is clear intuitively - the keys and the command. How to find out the name of the command for which you want to assign hotkeys? It's simple - open the console (Ctrl+` or View - Show Console) and enter the command:

sublime.log_commands (True)

Now we can see in the console all the operations carried out in the editor. For example, let's add hotkeys to convert the text case to the title case ( Edit - Convert Case - Title Case). Command output is enabled, so call this menu item and look at the console. We see:

command: title_case

All settings in Sublime Text are divided into default and custom, key settings are no exception. Therefore, we call “Key Bindings - User” and write the settings there. The command is known, the question remains in the keyboard shortcut. There are a lot of available combinations (there are 250 of them in Sublime Text 2), so before using the combination you like, check whether it is already in use - combinations from the user set will overwrite the default ones. Having poked around, we find an unoccupied combination and write it to the settings file:

( "keys" : [ "ctrl+alt+shift+t" ] , "command" : "title_case" )

There is no need to restart the editor - it picks up all the settings on the fly when saving. So we open a file, select a word or place the cursor in it, press our favorite key combination “ctrl+alt+shift+t” and see that our work was not entirely in vain.

Comments are supported, so temporarily unnecessary actions can be commented out:

// ("keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "title_case" )

Color scheme

Many people face inconvenient color scheme, it changes even easier.

The most classic scheme is "iPlastic". All schemes are separate files, have a *.tmTheme extension and are an XML file. So they can be edited, downloaded, inserted, shared, etc. They are located (using the example of the second version of Sublime Text) in the folder " %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages"for windows," ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages" for Linux and " ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/" for OS X.


A lot of plugins have been written for Sublime Text, they are available through the menu Preferences - Package Control. If you do not have this menu item, then read the installation instructions, which are located at this address.

Creating a simple plugin

Let's set the goal of displaying the current file encoding in a pop-up window using a keyboard shortcut Shift+F1. First you need to run the command Tools - New Plugin and in the resulting file paste:

import sublime, sublime_plugin
class EncodeAlertCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand) :
def run(self , edit) :

Yes, plugins for Sublime Text are written in Python.
Function self.view.encoding() returns the current file encoding. You can check the result in the application console by running view.encoding().
Function sublime.message_dialog(string) brings up a dialog box with text string inside.

It remains to set the method hotkey: Preferences - Key Bindings - User. Add the following element to this JSON:

( "keys" : [ "shift+f1" ] , "command" : "encode_alert" )

To check, open the file of interest and click Shift+F1.

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