How to remove text from a photo in Photoshop. How to remove an inscription in Photoshop? How to remove an inscription using Photoshop

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Captions and extra text can greatly ruin the impression of a photo. Quite often it is necessary to remove the inscription in Photoshop from a picture, from billboards or from clothing so that it does not distract the viewer’s attention.

It’s worth making a small reservation here - you don’t need to remove watermarks and copyright lines from other people’s photos. By doing this you are violating copyright laws. If you really want to use someone else's photo, look for photos under a CC0 license or contact the author and ask permission.

Let's first figure out how to cut out an inscription in Photoshop. This method is suitable if the inscription is on a fairly uniform background without pronounced details, object boundaries and color transitions.

Let's look at an example of how to erase an inscription in Photoshop without damaging the background (we added it on purpose).

Choosing a tool Lasso Tool/"Lasso Tool" and use the mouse to circle the inscription.

A line of alternating white and black stripes appears around the word, sometimes called “running ants.”

After this, right-click on the selected area and select the menu item Fill/"Fill".

In the dialog box that appears, in the Contents parameter you need to set the value Content-Aware. This setting instructs the program to automatically fill the selected area based on what is shown in the photo nearby. In the case of homogeneous surfaces or some textures, the result is of high quality.

After this, click on the button in the dialog box Ok and we see that our text has disappeared, and Photoshop has “finished” the area as similar to the surroundings as possible.

This one is simple and quick way allows you to remove text in Photoshop from a picture when it is written on homogeneous surfaces.

For more complex situations, a method based on the use of Clone Stamp Tool/Healing Brush Tool.

Let's look at how to remove the inscription from a picture in Photoshop using the example photo below.

If you use the previous method, you will not be able to accurately restore the structure of the tree branches. You can, of course, select one letter at a time, but even here it is not a fact that you will get a decent result.

Therefore, we choose a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool.

In the top toolbar, set the tool size and be sure to specify that the parameter Type set to value Content Aware. The meaning of this parameter is similar to that described in the previous method - Photoshop will try to restore the area of ​​influence taking into account the structure of the image.

The size must be chosen depending on the size of the inscription, its font and the thickness of the letters, as well as the size of the image itself. The optimal result can be achieved if you choose the thickness of the tool approximately equal to the thickness of the font line.

After you have decided on the size of the tool, move it along the outline of the letters by pressing the left mouse button. The affected area will be highlighted in gray. As soon as you release the mouse button, Photoshop will replace the caption with the background and image elements. This allows you to retouch in small steps. For example, you can delete one letter at a time and control the result.

We continue to “circle” the letters until the entire inscription is removed from the photo.

These two methods, based on the principles of filling taking into account the background, allow you to very carefully, without leaving a trace, remove the inscription on a picture in Photoshop. The choice of a specific method and parameters of the working tool depends on the source image and the size of the inscription.

Today is a short article about how to remove text from a photo in Photoshop. To do this, you don’t need to be an advanced Photoshop user, everything is done easily and quickly. I will show 3 ways in which you can remove any inscription. They are ideal for non-professional, but fairly high-quality photo editing. I will use Photoshop program CS6 though previous versions also do an excellent job with this task.

Method 1: Perform a fill

This method is very effective in cases where the inscription is on a fairly uniform background.

Open the desired photo. Select the “Rectangular Area” tool and select the place where the inscription is located. Then, click right click mouse to open an additional menu.

In the window that opens, select “use: based on content”, click ok.

That's it, the inscription has disappeared.

Method 2: Spot Healing Brush

This method also does an excellent job of removing inscriptions from photos with a uniform background.

Select the “Spot Healing Brush” tool. Using the “[” and “]” buttons, set the optimal brush diameter, then hold left button mouse and select an editable area with text or date.

After that, release the button. The inscription will disappear.

Method 3: Combined

If background the photo is diverse and the first 2 methods do not help, you need to use a combination of several Photoshop tools.

We will use the Lasso, Spot Healing Brush, and Patch tools.

We remove part of the inscription using a stippling healing brush.

Another part using the patch tool. You need to select the area with the text and drag it onto a similar background.

As a result, the selected area will be replaced. The photo is ready.

Please note that in this article I only used a couple simple ways to remove the inscription from the picture. In fact, the functionality of Photoshop is much wider and allows you to use greater opportunities to remove any inscriptions and objects, depending on the task at hand.

For those who want to see everything more clearly, I suggest watching the video.


The need to remove any text information This problem occurs quite often among users from images. Typically, candidates for elimination are automatically inserted shooting dates or inscriptions identifying the original source of the photo - watermarks.

This can be done most correctly using Adobe Photoshop or its free analogue- Gimp However, as an option, the necessary operations can be carried out using appropriate web services. It's even easier than you think.

If you are familiar with the features of working in graphic editors, understanding the web resources presented in the article will definitely not be difficult. The fact is that the services described below follow all the basic concepts of similar desktop programs and offer the same tools.

Method 1: Photopea

An online service that copies as accurately as possible appearance, and a functional part of the well-known solution from Adobe. Same as mentioned above graphic editors, there is no one right “magic” tool for removing captions from images. It all depends on how important or homogeneous/heterogeneous the content of the photo directly below the text is.

  1. The first step, of course, is to import the image onto the site. You can do this in several ways, namely: click on the link "Open from computer" in the welcome window; use keyboard shortcut "CTRL + O" or select item "Open" in the menu "File".

  2. For example, you have a beautiful landscape photograph, but with a small defect - the date of shooting is marked on it. IN in this case most simple solution will use one of the group of recovery tools: "Spot Healing Brush", "Healing Brush" or "Patch".

    Since the content under the inscription is fairly uniform, any nearby patch of grass can be selected as a source for cloning.

  3. Zoom in on the desired area of ​​the photo using the key "Alt" and mouse wheel or use the tool "Magnifying glass".

  4. Set a comfortable brush size and hardness - slightly above average. Then select a “donor” for the defective area and carefully walk over it.

    If the background is very varied, instead "Healing brush" use "Stamp", regularly changing the cloning source.

  5. Once you've finished working with the photo, you can export it using the menu "File""Export as", where and select the final format of the graphic document.

    In the pop-up window, set the desired parameters for the finished photo and click on the button "Save". The image will be immediately downloaded to your computer's memory.

So, with a little time, you can get rid of almost any unwanted element in your photo.

Method 2: Pixlr Editor

A popular online photo editor with a wide range of functions and its own characteristics. Unlike the previous resource, Pixlr is based on technology Adobe Flash Therefore, for it to work, you must have the appropriate software on your computer.

That's it. Here you do almost all the same manipulations as in a similar web service - Photopea.

Sometimes, wonderful photographs can easily be ruined by some small detail. For example, an inscription that accidentally appeared in the background, but when viewed, is so clearly evident that it distracts from the main content of the photo and thereby spoils the entire impression. And it’s okay if it’s some kind of sign or something else with decent written content. But it may happen that an obscene expression gets into the frame. What should I do? You can’t show such a photo to friends, relatives, and especially to the younger generation. But that’s how I wanted it. Fortunately, these days this problem is no longer unsolvable, because with the help special program With Photoshop, anyone can edit digital photos the way they want. How to do this?

The easiest way

The easiest way to remove inscription from a digitized photograph is to paint it with a brush with a pre-selected color. However, this option is applicable only in cases where the background for the inscription is a flat, smooth and monochromatic surface. For example, this is the side of the ship on which you traveled around the world (a dream, a dream!) and now, in order to amaze your friends, you want to remove the name of the ship, entering your name instead.

So, the whole work will consist of two simple operations. First, you need to select “Pipette” as the working tool. To do this, you will have to find the icon with the corresponding image on the toolbar and click on it with the left mouse button. Now when you hover over the image, it will transform into something very reminiscent of an eyedropper. Having placed its lower end on the main background, you should make a left click. As a result, the main working color in the tool palette will change and take on the shade of the side of the ship.

To avoid the appearance of a lighter or darker spot in place of the removed inscription, the color must be “sampled” from a point located as close as possible to the border of the letters. You can even perform this operation several times during painting, since with the same color, the tone saturation in different fragments of the treated area can be different.

For further actions you will need a brush. By selecting this tool you need to set the appropriate size and softness. Now you can start painting over the inscription. This should be done in small strokes and at the same time constantly ensure that the superimposed strokes blend into the background. If at some point the strokes begin to catch your eye, you should adjust the working color. To do this, you will have to temporarily change the brush to a pipette in order to “take a sample” of the background closer to the fragment being processed.

By acting in this way, you can quickly get rid of unwanted inscriptions and even small images. Moreover, if you show proper diligence, the cleaned area will blend into the original background just perfectly, so it will be impossible to detect the craft even with a very close examination. In our example, all that remains is to put your own text in place of the deleted text, for which you can use a special tool, indicated on the corresponding panel with an icon with the letter “T”.

Removing an overlay

Let's consider another option - suppose you want to make a montage by pasting your image into a photograph overlooking some famous landmark. Or you just want to use a picture you found on the Internet. But as luck would have it, the photo is “decorated” by a translucent inscription superimposed on top of the image. It will not be possible to get rid of such a “watermark” using the method described above; here you will have to use more subtle and time-consuming methods.

In this case, you will need tools such as the Stamp or Healing Brush. The first is located on the panel under the icon in the form of a seal, the second is indicated by a picture in the form of a patch.

So, armed with a “stamp”, you need to press the ALT key without releasing it, move the mouse pointer as close as possible to the edge of the inscription, and click the left key. Now you need to place the mouse cursor directly on a piece of inscription located next to the sample you just took, and press the left button and make short stroke-like movements. There is no need to release the mouse key. As you progress, you need to repeat the “sample taking” procedure, choosing for this the fragments that are most suitable in color and illumination.

Using a healing brush will simplify the work, but this is not always acceptable, since with the complex design of the design itself and its rich color scheme, this tool does not give a high-quality result. But it is convenient to resort to its help when the background is a relatively uniform surface. IN otherwise, it is better to give preference to “Stamp”. An important nuance is that in order to get the best possible result, you will have to use a stamp with the minimum diameter and transparency values. This will require a lot of patience and perseverance from you, however, these efforts will not be wasted, since not even the slightest trace will remain of the inscription and only you will know that it was once here.


Often beautiful photographs are spoiled by inscriptions. However, this defect can be corrected using Photoshop. It has many different tools that can help you erase text on any image. Even a beginner who does not have professional skills can do this. We'll tell you how to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop.

Archive brush

The removal process will depend on how complex the text needs to be removed. So, if the inscription is located somewhere at the bottom and the letters are small, then removing them will be very easy.

To do this, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Launch Photoshop and load the photo you want to fix into it.
  • Next, select the “History Brush” tool and crop the image, cutting out the fragment where the number or inscription is located.
  • The disadvantage of this method is that after removing the text, the picture will become smaller, but often this does not affect its quality in any way.

Use multiple tools


If the text on the photo is located in the center or on a significant part of the image, then you won’t be able to simply crop it.

To remove the inscription in this case, you can use other methods. We'll tell you how to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop in another way and write your own.

The work is as follows:

  • Take any tool that you can use to make a selection. It is most convenient to use a “Lasso”, preferably rectangular in shape.
  • Using the selected tool, draw an area around the text. In this case, it is necessary to place the selection as close to the letters as possible. In this case, the result will be accurate.
  • After the desired area is selected, right-click and select “Fill” from the menu that opens.
  • Then in the window opposite the words “Content”, select the item “Taking into account the content” and press the OK or Enter key on the keyboard. After this, the inscription should disappear.

This method of removing text is great in cases where the background in the photo is more or less uniform. But often, in place of the deleted text, defects and blurring appear.

They can be easily removed from a picture in Photoshop using the Healing Brush tool:

  1. In the tool settings, you need to select a hardness of about 20-25% to make the transition smoother.
  2. Install right size brushes

To remove dots or irregularities that appear in the photo that remain after the text, you need to press the Alt key and, while holding it, left-click on the place in the picture that will replace the defects that appear.

Try to choose places as a donor area that are very similar in shade to the one that needs to be corrected.

Now you know how to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop and add your own.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the image you want to work with in Photoshop.
  2. From the toolbar, select Stamp. For work it is better to use a soft brush.
  3. Create a duplicate of the background layer. To do this, simply drag the last one down the window with layers to the “Create a new layer” icon. Or just press the key combination Ctrl+J.
  4. Place your mouse cursor in the area that most closely resembles the background where the text is located. The selected area will become the source through which the text will be removed.
  5. After releasing the Alt key, simply left-click on the text. It will be replaced by the source. When performing work, you need to pay attention to the lighting in the photo.
  6. Continue working until all the text is completely removed.


The light at the source location should be in the same direction as the area to be corrected.

To get a high-quality result, you should not rush. If the text takes up too much space on the photo, it may take a long time to completely remove it.

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