How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki with your photos. How to delete a photo in Odnoklassniki: description of methods

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There are users who, having posted their photo on a social network page, then realize that it is not very successful and want to delete it. But not all people have enough knowledge in terms of using the Internet and navigating various sites. It is for them that this educational article was written, which will help them understand the functions of the Odnoklassniki website, namely, it will answer the question:

How to delete a photo in Odnoklassniki?

  1. First, you need to log into your account from the main page of the website. To do this, you must enter your personal profile access data (login, password).
  2. If everything is successful and your personal page is open, then you next need to find a link with the word "Photo" and click on it. This link is located at the top of the page, right below the information with your name, age and city of residence.
  3. Once on the page with photos, select the one you want to delete. This must be done in the following way: first select the album where the desired photo is located, open it and there find the image to be deleted.
  4. You need to choose a photo very carefully, because it will be a shame if a good photo is accidentally deleted.
  5. You can delete a photo by clicking the pop-up cross in the upper left corner of the photo. In this case, you do not need to click on the image and open it in full screen; you just need to simply move the mouse arrow to the thumbnail, which will be located on the general page along with all the photos in the album.
  6. Immediately after deletion, the photo thumbnail will take the form of a cloudy photo with the inscription "Photo deleted." Under this inscription there will be a “Restore” link. By clicking on it, you can instantly restore the photo.
  7. It should be noted that you can only restore images immediately after deletion, before you leave the photo album. If you go to any other page, instant recovery will be impossible and erroneous deleted photo you will have to download again.
  8. By performing this sequence of actions, you can delete as many photos as you like.

By performing such a simple manipulation, you can perfectly adjust your page on the site “

The person posted my photos, videos (or my child) without permission and refuses to delete them. These may be ordinary photographs, or they may be of a personal nature, or offensive, defaming honor and dignity. What to do? How to delete photos?

How to force a person to delete photos or videos?

First, contact this person (via personal messages on the website or by phone) and warn him in a calm tone that you will seek to remove the photos and will do whatever is necessary, including going to the police and court. Tell him that he could be prosecuted and that he must remove the photos voluntarily now or he will be in trouble with the law. You can send him this message:

I demand that you remove the photos of me that you posted on the site. I consider it necessary to warn you that these photographs violate my privacy. If you do not remove them immediately, the police and court will be involved. In this case, criminal penalties will be applied to you under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy.”

If this does not work, or if the photo was posted on the Internet by an unknown attacker (hacker) and you cannot contact him, read on and start taking action:

Is it possible to contact the site's support service to have them remove the photo?

Let's look at the example of VKontakte. The administration will not delete harmless photographs with your participation. More precisely, this can be done, but only at the official request of law enforcement agencies, by a court decision, if it is proven that you were photographed not in a public place (for example, at home) without your knowledge (secretly). If you were photographed simply on the street, in a shopping center, at a school, at an institute, there is nothing you can do, the law does not prohibit it.

If you yourself once posted photos on the Internet, on your page, and now you are indignant that they were copied and posted somewhere else, you should have expected this. VKontakte rules allow users to copy information within this social network. Don't post it anymore open access or do it with a “friends only” restriction.

But if you have posted photos of an offensive or personal nature (for persons over 18 years of age), the VKontakte administration will help you and delete them. Create a support request regarding photo deletion using this link:

If someone created a clone page with your name and your photos (or put your photo on their avatar as the main photo), such a page can be deleted. This is done a little differently:

How to delete a clone page with my stolen photos?

  1. Link to the impostor's page (how to find out the link to the page is described).
  2. What exactly was stolen (main photo, information, name).
  3. Photo of your document (passport, driver's license, student's license, student record book).
  4. A photo that shows your face against the background of the application you are filling out (next to the screen so that both your face and the open application are visible).

This is necessary to make sure that the real owner of the photos is contacting the administration.

If you can’t send a request, then on each VK page there is a special “Complain” function, with which you can send a complaint to the support service. When sending a complaint, please indicate the reason "Clone of my page."

Other social networks

How to delete photos, videos of me through the police or court?

If the previous methods did not help, you can contact the police with a statement or go to court. However, everything is not as simple as we would like. According to Article 152.1 of the Civil Code (Civil Code) of the Russian Federation, the image of a citizen is protected. The person must have received your consent (oral or written) to publish the photo, but except for the following cases:

If your case is not one of those listed, then you can get the photo removed through the court. And if the photo was offensive, humiliating or of a personal nature, then you can also demand compensation for moral damage. It is recommended that you first consult with a lawyer. He will also help you correctly draw up a claim for protection of honor and dignity. The process will be long and difficult. In particular, it will be difficult to prove moral damage caused. You will have to pay for the lawyer's work.

If you decide to contact the police, then collect all the evidence (information about the person who posted your photos, a link to his page, links to posted photos, copies of these pages on paper, information about what actions you have already taken) and go to police department in your area. Write a statement in which you tell everything in detail and demand that the person be held accountable. Your application must be accepted and a ticket issued. Then wait to be invited to give an explanation. You may also receive a refusal.

What should I do if they posted my photo and insulted me?

As we have already said, try to get this photo deleted. But offensive comments are another matter. You need to complain about them to the site administration and indicate the reason for the complaint "Insult". See also this:

How do I remove a tag from a photo or photo in which I was tagged?

Even if you cannot delete a VKontakte photo in which someone tagged you, you can remove the tag from the photo. Such photos end up in the “Photos of Me” album. Open it, then open the photo and click on the cross next to the mark with your name (it will be on the right). That's it!

For the most part, Odnoklassniki users willingly post photos on the social network. But sometimes there is a need to delete some archived images. It would seem, what could be simpler? However, novice users often have a question about how to remove photos from Odnoklassniki. We will devote the current article to answering it.

Removing an avatar

You can post your pictures in separate albums or on the wall, and also set them as an avatar. First, let's figure out how to remove a photo installed on an avatar. The steps are as follows:
1.Go to your profile OK;

2.Click on ava;

3.Click “Delete photo”.

It is worth clarifying that all photos set as avatars automatically go to the “Personal Photos” photo album. When you delete an image, the photo is automatically deleted from the album. This also works in reverse. That is, if you decide to remove an ava photo from the album, it will also be removed from the profile photo. The action plan is as follows:

1.Go to the “Photo” section;

2.Open the photo album “Personal Photos”;

3.Click on the photo you want to throw away;

4.Click on “Delete photo”.

Actually, this is where the whole scheme for removing avatars ends. Simple, fast and easy.

Removing photos from the page

Now let's move on to the issue of deleting photo files from your profile. Let's say you posted a photo on the wall of your page. And here there are two options: either hide the post itself from the wall, or directly the photo itself. In the first case, you only need one simple action - you need to hover your mouse over the post, and then click on the icon with a cross that appears in the upper right corner.

This method allows you to hide a post from your feed. But the photo itself will still be available in the corresponding photo album. To delete it, you need to go to the “Wall” album, which means “Wall”. There, according to the standard scheme, we find the desired photo, click on it and delete it using the “Delete Photo” function.

By the way, if you remove a photo from the “Wall” album, the post with it will remain on the wall. But instead of the image, the message “Note has been deleted or is not publicly available” will be displayed.

How to clear albums of unnecessary photographs? There are several options here. Firstly, photos in Odnoklassniki can be deleted while viewing them. We have already written above how to do this – on the principle of removing photos from your avatar.

Secondly, you can clean the contents of albums. To do this, go to the photo album and click “Edit, change order.”

You will see that in each image a small icon appears in the lower right corner - a trash can. Just click on it to remove unnecessary photos in Odnoklassniki. Actually, hyphae are removed according to the same scheme, because in essence they are also photo files.

If you have unnecessary photo albums in your collection, you can also easily remove them. We do the following:

  1. Go to your profile on;
  2. Go to the “Photo” section;
  3. Open the album we want to get rid of;
  4. Click “Edit, change order”;
  5. Click “Delete album”;
  6. Confirm your intention by clicking “Delete” again.

Again - no difficulties.

What should you do if one of your friends tagged you in their photos, but you don’t like these photos? Unfortunately, you cannot delete the files themselves - this can only be done by the user who published the pictures. However, it is within your power to remove the mark.

What needs to be done? We go to the section with photographs, go to the album “In the Photos of Friends”. Next, open the image and remove your name.

If you decide to remove decoration from a photo, you need to delete the entire photo. Don't worry - the original will remain unchanged.

And at the end, we’ll touch on one more point - we’ll remove the rating from the published photos. Again, you cannot cancel the “Class” set by another user. But there is one exception: if you block a person, then their ratings will disappear.

As you already understand, there are no problems with cleaning photo albums on Odnoklassniki. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and you will definitely succeed! Well, if any difficulties still arise, write in the comments. We will solve your problems!

Hello friends! IN social network Almost every person’s VKontakte page has a considerable number of photos uploaded to it. But there comes a time when you want to delete certain photos: they are associated with some situations that you don’t want to remember, or you simply have become uninteresting.

There are already similar articles on the site. We told, and... Now let’s figure out what you need to do if you want to remove just a few pictures from various albums or the main profile photo.

How to remove photos from an album via computer

To remove a VKontakte photo from a computer or laptop, go to your page of this social network through a browser and select “Photos” in the left menu.

If you need to get rid of the photo that is on your avatar, then go to the “Photos from my page” album. Further all actions are similar to those described below.

Under the photo, click on the “Delete” button. Confirmation after of this action does not appear, so be careful.

Getting rid of photos from your phone

If you access Vkontakte through an application installed on your phone or tablet, then select “Photos” in the side menu.

Then find the image you want to remove and click on it.

After the photo opens, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

In the menu that appears, select “Delete”.

Confirm deleting the selected photo by clicking on the “Yes” button.

How to remove an avatar on VK from your phone

To remove from your phone via mobile application VKontakte picture that is on the avatar, open the side menu and click on the image with the main photo of the page.

Will open home page Your profile. In the upper right corner, click on the image of three vertical dots.

In the menu that opens, select “Open”.

Why “Open” and not “Delete”, because there can be several photos on an avatar, and in order to select the one you want to delete, you need to open the entire list.

Many users of the social network "VK" daily download large number various photographs and pictures. After some time, the idea comes to mind to clean up your page, or rather, remove strangers, uninteresting videos that gradually become boring, also exclude musical compositions and, of course, photographs. Currently present special program for photos “VKontakte”, but using it you can only upload new images to your page. IN at the moment it is considered no longer relevant, since it is much easier and faster to add a new photo through the interface of the VK social network site itself.


If you have a need to clean up the page, but you don’t know how to delete a VKontakte photo, then you should read this article to the very end. If you pay attention to everything written, then you should not have any difficulties with the necessary procedure.


So, let's move directly to solving the issue. The first thing you will need to do is go to the VK social networking site and log in. Next, go to the “My Photos” section. You can find this tab in the left list next to your avatar. After going to the “My Photos” page, you will see the albums into which the pictures were uploaded. Now you should select the one you need, which contains the images that you plan to exclude.

The question of how to delete a VKontakte photo will be resolved only after you select one of the unnecessary pictures. When you hover over the image in the right corner, you will notice a small icon that is shaped like a pencil. Your task is to move the pointer to this symbol. Next, click the left mouse button once. If everything is done correctly, you should see new page, where you can edit the selected photo, this is where you should delete it. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the corresponding button and press the left mouse button once. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this and the question of how to delete a “VKontakte” photo is very easy to solve, although not all users know about it. Also, immediately after the operation, you will still have the opportunity to restore the snapshot, but as soon as you go to another page, this function will disappear.

Private settings

Let's now discuss the question of how to hide a VKontakte photo. This is also done on the editing page. You can hide the photo from strangers, leaving access, for example, only for friends. Of course, if you have a large number of images that you would not like to show to everyone, then you can move all such images into one private album. Today we told you one of the simplest and most convenient ways to solve the issue of how to delete a photo “VKontakte” without additional applications. Thank you for your attention.

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