How to remove all languages ​​in windows 10. How to install a new language pack

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When purchasing a new computer or reinstalling operating system, a situation often arises when, among others, a layout is added to the language bar that the user absolutely does not need. It seems to do no harm, but it is still quite inconvenient to constantly switch between unnecessary layouts, especially if there are several of them.

The lack of the required layout causes even more problems. Or the interface on foreign language. This often happens if you order equipment from abroad. Imported computers and laptops are not always immediately equipped with language packs of the country where they will be sold.

But there is a way out. You can delete, add a language or change the interface yourself.

Most often, users are faced with unnecessary installed layouts on the language bar. This happens especially often in neighboring countries in regions with an absolute predominance of the Russian language. For example, you are a resident of Ukraine and Ukrainian is installed in your operating system, since it is the national language of your country. But you plan to use only the Russian language and the Ukrainian layout when working at a computer. In this case, you need to do the following.

This way, when switching between languages, you will no longer have an extra layout.

Removing and adding a language in Windows 10 through the Control Panel

Note! Next to the language that is installed on the system by default, the “Delete” button will be grayed out, so it cannot be deleted.

To add a language:

How to add a new language through the language bar

Removing an extra layout is quite easy, but what to do if the desired language is not there? Then you will have to manually add it from the list of installed layouts. This situation may arise when purchasing a computer abroad. The technology is simply not tailored to your region. Or, if you installed a foreign Windows version 10. In these situations, most likely, the interface language will be different, but more on that later. Now let’s look at the situation with the lack of the required layout. To add a language to language bar, we do the following.

A new language has now been added to your language bar. You can switch to it at any time in the same way as you switch between other previously installed languages. As a rule, this is the keyboard shortcut “Shift+Alt”.

Find out detailed information With in the best ways, from a new article on our portal.

How to install a new language pack

So, if you are not satisfied with the interface language, you will have to go a long way to change it. First you need to add a language, then download it language pack of this language, and only then set it as the main one. If we have already figured out how to add a language to the language bar above, then how to download the language bar? To do this you need to go through several steps.

Note! It’s worth mentioning right away that you will need an Internet connection in order for the language pack to be downloaded. But at the same time, it is downloaded completely automatically. You don’t need to search for a package yourself or browse websites.

The language pack is installed. Now you can proceed to changing the interface language.

How to change the interface language

If you already have a language pack installed into the language of which you want to translate the interface of your operating system, you need to do the following.

After the reboot, you will see that the operating system interface now has a completely different language.

What to do if you can’t remove a language

Sometimes it is not possible to remove unnecessary language. The Delete button is simply inactive and clicking on it does not produce any results. This can happen if an unnecessary language is set as the primary language. You can find out what to do in this case from the following video.

Video - How to remove an unwanted language from Windows 10


Thus, as far as language is concerned, everything is quite clear in Windows 10 and it is possible to customize not only the language bar, but also the operating system interface itself to the user. Using the instructions, you can remove, add or change the language in the system to the one that suits you.

Member Kato complained about an unusual problem after upgrading to Windows 10 1803. Initially, he had three languages ​​on the system - English (US), Russian and Ukrainian, and after the update two more English languages ​​were added - United Kingdom and Canada, which were not removed in Settings ( the Remove button is not available). Accordingly, these languages ​​appeared in the list of keyboard layouts, although they were not in the settings.

IN general case, you can remove any language that is not the default. For example, if the system has only English and Russian languages, then the first can be deleted if the second is designated as the main one. In this case, it does not matter what the source language of the system (distribution) was, which is easily determined in PowerShell with the command:

(Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).oslanguage

The command displays the language identifier, where 1033 is English (US), 1049 is Russian, the rest are in decimal form or from Microsoft in hexadecimal (insert the values ​​into the programmer’s calculator).

On the problematic OS, this command returned 2057, which corresponds to English (United Kingdom). In combination with the picture from the parameters, this was very strange, because the distribution language should not have any language packs, since it is already in the system.

To begin with, we tried to remove the UK and Canada language packs using the commands

Lpksetup /u en-gb lpksetup /u en-ca

However, this did not lead to success, which hinted at the actual absence of these language packs, but did not bring us any closer to solving the problem of phantom languages. I had to go in from the back door.

PowerShell has two cmdlets to manage user languages ​​− Get-WinUserLanguageList And Set-WinUserLanguageList. The first one can get a list of languages, and the second one can set it. In PowerShell, the list matched the picture in the parameters.

From the help of the second cmdlet it is not entirely clear how delete unnecessary languages. But it gives a fairly strong hint that the output of the first cmdlet is an array. This can be used for good. We only need the first three languages ​​from the list.

$List = Get-WinUserLanguageList Set-WinUserLanguageList $($list, $list, $list) Get-WinUserLanguageList

The first command places an array from the list of languages ​​into a variable, and the second sets the first three elements of the array as the current languages. At the same time, other languages ​​are deleted! The third command displays a list of languages ​​to check.

It's decided! Once again, PowerShell allows you to elegantly solve a problem without exorbitant effort. If you experiment under the account Microsoft entry, disable synchronization of language settings to avoid unwanted effects (I caught a few strange things :).

In Windows 10 1803, language settings have almost completely migrated from the classic Control Panel to Settings (with the exception of the classic window with settings for keyboard shortcuts and the language bar). In this regard, I have updated the article about 6 language settings that may confuse you in the context of the changed interface.

You know, on the taskbar, in the lower right corner there is a clock. Well, this is understandable, but next to them there is also an icon that is responsible for the keyboard layout (that is, changing the language).

I don’t know how, but I always switch the language using alt and shift, so I don’t even look at that icon, so why not hide it? I've been doing this since Windows XP.

Of course, if you switch the language using the mouse, then you don’t need to hide this icon at all, it’s as if it’s more familiar and convenient for someone.

In Windows 10, I personally couldn’t hide it the first time, but I did it anyway and today I’ll share the method with you. So let's click on this icon and select there Language settings:

At the very bottom click on additional settings:

A new window will appear, where all the clock settings will be collected, it’s called - Clock, language and region. Here you need to click on change input methods:

After additional options:

Interesting point, you need to check the box Use the language bar if available, if you don’t check the box, we won’t be able to hide the icon, I’m writing about this because I didn’t understand it right away...:

Then opposite this checkbox, press the button Options.

In Windows 10, on some client machines there is an extra keyboard layout, basically the English layout is duplicated by the American one, which are no different, but for example, if you switch the layout from English, you have to press the keys twice to switch to Russian, besides or Punto Switcher also does not work correctly and cannot translate the layout correctly. In general, we have identified the problem, now we will solve it, I’ll say right away that I tried two solutions, the first is the simplest, through the settings, adding and then deleting layouts, but after a while the problem returned, and users of the company I provide services again complained about the presence of an extra layout , so we will use the second method of removing unnecessary layouts, by editing the registry.

This is what the extra layout looks like if you click on the language icon next to the clock in the tray

Removing unnecessary keyboard layout through the registry

To launch the Registry Editor, the easiest way is to write its name in the “Run” console; Windows 10 does not show it in the menu, it can be called with hot keys WIN+R

or click on the “search” icon next to start, and write “Run” in Russian

The Registry Editor will open, we need to follow this path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

and create a new “String parameter”, to do this, click right click mouse on empty space. I have already created it, and marked with the number “3” in the screenshot below.

With the value “1” like this in the screenshot

After that, click “Ok” and you can restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

As soon as the computer boots, you can check that there are no unnecessary language layouts

Now we don’t have any extra layouts on our computer, and switching languages ​​happens with one press of the keys to change layouts on Windows 10

I initially had 3 languages ​​installed on my laptop with Windows 10: Russian, Belarusian and English, but after the April system update to Windows 10 1803 (April Update), two additional languages ​​appeared in the list of languages ​​- English (United Kingdom) and English ( Canada), although I'm sure I didn't install them. Now I have as many as five languages ​​displayed in the list of keyboard layouts. Moreover, the system does not allow you to remove additional languages ​​(the Remove button is inactive). Now I have to switch between 5 keyboard layouts instead of 3, which is very inconvenient! Help! What do I need to do to remove these uninstallable language packs?


Once again I note that in fact latest update Windows 10 1803 brought many surprises to users (just remember, which appeared after the update).

In Windows 10, you can usually remove any language that is not used as the default primary language. However, in Windows 10 1803, Microsoft recognized a bug with additional languages. In the event that an additional language is added to the system that uses the same base language as the current language Windows display, then this language cannot be deleted.

For example, if English (United States) is the current Windows interface language, then after adding English language(United Kingdom) you will not be able to remove both languages ​​from your preferred languages ​​list. And, of course, it is very inconvenient that an extra unnecessary language has appeared in the language tab on the taskbar.

Using the following commands, you will not be able to remove additional languages ​​from the system, because... These language packs are not installed on Windows.

lpksetup /u en-gb
lpksetup /u en-ca

You can only remove an unnecessary secondary language using PowerShell.

If you need to leave several languages ​​in the system, you can remove only unnecessary languages ​​using the following commands. For example, you want to remove languages ​​with LanguageTag en-Gb and zh-Hans-CN.

$LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList
$DeleteLang = $LanguageList | where LanguageTag -eq "en-Gb"
Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList –Force

To remove Chinese language, replace the second line with

$DeleteLang = $LanguageList | where LanguageTag -eq "zh-Hans-CN"

Or you can specify a list of languages ​​to keep:

$1=New-WinUserLanguageList en-US
Set-WinUserLanguageList $1

Close the PowerShell console and make sure that all unnecessary languages ​​have been removed correctly.

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