How to find out which protocol is used. All available information about the traffic police protocol by resolution number

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How to check the presence of a network protocol on your computer

By network protocol we will understand TCP/IP - a specially developed protocol for exchanging information between computers on a network. He's different high speed data transfer and is the basis for protocols such as HTTP (Web browsing), FTP (file transfer) and some others. In fact, this is the foundation on which all work on the Internet is built.

Typically TCP/IP is installed by default along with a new network connection, but it is still a good idea to check for its presence on the system. To do this you need to do the following.

1. Click right click mouse on the computer desktop by icon Network environment and choose Properties.

2. In the window that opens (Fig. 1.10), you need to select the network connection that you use to surf the Internet or local network, then also right-click on it and select Properties. If you do not have a single network connection, then you can configure it (for example, to access the Internet) as follows:

In the first window of the wizard (Fig. 1.11), simply click the button Next, since the window is a welcome window;

In the second window (Fig. 1.12) select Connect to the Internet and press the button Next;

Now we choose Establish a connection manually(Fig. 1.13) - we will assume that we have an Internet card that we bought at the post office or at a kiosk, and under a protective layer it contains the user name and password for setting up a new connection, as well as the telephone number of the Internet service provider, to which we must call using a modem;

In the next wizard window (Fig. 1.14) select Via a regular modem- this is the most common case, unless, of course, you have high-speed Internet installed and a high-speed ADSL modem is not connected to your computer;

The next dialog box (Figure 1.15) asks you to enter the name of your Internet service provider (ISP). Here you can write whatever you want, since the entered word will simply be the name of this connection;

Now (Fig. 1.16) we enter the phone number that we will call when connecting to the Internet. Although this is telephone number, the provider’s modem is installed on the other side of the wire, not regular phone. It is through this modem that we will connect to the Internet. Please note that in the phone number you can use commands for your modem (for example, the letter p means pulse dialing, and the comma pauses after dialing the number);

In the penultimate dialog box (Fig. 1.17), you need to enter your username and password twice. Why twice? Because the first time you just enter your password and then confirm it. We need to confirm the password for the reason that you can make a mistake the first time - after all, the password symbols are always displayed as asterisks so that the curious citizen Dudkin, standing behind our back, cannot spy on it;

in the last dialog box (Fig. 1.18) you can check the box Add a connection shortcut to your desktop so as not to look for it in the window later Network connections, and quickly find it on your desktop.

3. So, we selected the network connection, right-clicked on it and went to it Properties.

4. There are two options here:

If this is a network connection for working on a local network, then a window with a list of components will immediately appear (Fig. 1.19), which you need to scroll down and find in it the inscription Internet Protocol (TCP/IP);

If this is an Internet connection with home computer, which we just configured, then in the window that opens, you first need to select the tab Net, and then in the section Components used by this connection find Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)(Fig. 1.20).

5. I hope that you have TCP/IP installed; if not, then you need to install it again. This is done like this:

Click on the button Install;

In the window that opens (Fig. 1.21), select the type of network component Protocol;

Click on the button Add and in a new window (Fig. 1.22) select the TCP/IP protocol.

Now, if necessary, you can configure the properties of the TCP/IP protocol by clicking the button Properties in the window My Internet access - properties(see Fig. 1.20). To access the Internet from your home computer, you won’t need this, but if you work on a company’s local network, where it is customary to use IP addresses, then you need to find out the IP address (as well as other data: subnet mask, gateway and DNS address). server) from your network administrator and enter them in the properties window.

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Payment of fines imposed by the traffic police or challenging the punishment must be carried out on time. But sometimes the motorist has no idea that he was breaking the rules. Documents drawn up when a violation is discovered and a decision is made based on the results of the investigation, that is, a protocol, or even better, a resolution, will help you find out everything.

Read in this article

What is the difference between a protocol and a resolution?

The law separates both concepts, although some drivers do not recognize the differences. But they are:

The resolution is sometimes issued by a traffic police officer. In other cases, it is issued by a court or becomes the result of recording a violation by an automatic video camera designed to control traffic.

What does the traffic police inspector write?

A road service employee working directly with drivers can draw up one or another document (it depends on the situation):

  • Protocol on the offense. Required if the driver disputes the fact that he ignored the rules. And also in cases where the offense is very serious, and only the court has the right to make a decision on the case. He does this, including on the basis of the protocol.
  • The decision is issued by the inspector for minor traffic violations. The driver must agree with the offense charged against him and not waive responsibility for it. Usually, a decision is made immediately in cases where the punishment is a warning or a small fine.

Can there be a resolution without a protocol?

In a traffic violation case, both documents or only one may appear. There is only one decree. Its presence sometimes makes drawing up a protocol unnecessary. This is permissible in the situation described in Part 1 of Article 28.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

In the event that directly at the scene of the crime an individual administrative offense, an authorized official imposes an administrative penalty in the form of a warning or an administrative fine, a protocol on the administrative offense is not drawn up, but a resolution is issued in the case of an administrative offense in the manner prescribed by Article 29.10 of this Code.

A copy of the decision in the case of an administrative offense is handed over against receipt to the person in respect of whom it was made, as well as to the victim at his request. In case of refusal to receive a copy of the decision, it is sent to the person in respect of whom the decision was made by registered mail. by post within three days from the date of the said decision.

Another circumstance that allows you to do without drawing up a protocol is in part 4 of the same article. This is a recording of a violation of the rules by an automatic video system. In this case, the original resolution is created electronically. But a paper copy must be printed and sent to the offender by mail.

If a protocol is drawn up, the matter will not be limited to it in any case. A decision will definitely be made on the document later.

To learn about the differences between the resolution protocol, watch this video:

How to find protocol information online

All documents drawn up in connection with a traffic violation case must be numbered. In addition, they contain information about the driver by which he can be identified, as well as the circumstances of the offense committed. Documents are entered into electronic database Traffic police, as well as information about fines (paid and pending). And you can find them using various Internet services.


Payments for administrative matters go through the Federal Treasury. Therefore, information about the fine can be found on the organization’s website if it has been paid (including by mistake) or cancelled. Information about this is stored in the GIS GMP database. To find out, you need to:

  • first register on the State Services portal, the Yandex.Money website or the traffic police;
  • login using account to the official resource of the Federal Treasury in the GIS GMP section;
  • check the box “Search for traffic police fines”;
  • Enter the resolution number in the appropriate window and click “Search”.

Sometimes information in this database is missing. But this means that the organization through which the payment was made did not transfer it. And everything needs to be clarified in a different way.

State Services Portal

This site is a link between authorities and the population. Therefore, there is a lot of information regarding their relationship. There is also information about traffic police fines. To receive them, you need to register on the portal, and also enter information about the vehicle registered as your property (driver’s license numbers and registration certificate). After this, a service will become available through which you can find out about the presence of a fine.

Information about payment or debt on it is obtained by entering the resolution number. But the portal does not provide information about the reason for imposing the fine.

Official website of the traffic police

Most full information Information about what violation the fine was issued for can be found on the traffic police portal. This is done in several steps:

  • you need to find the “Traffic Police Fines” subsection in the “Services” section and go there;
  • enter the car number and registration certificate in the windows that open, click “Request”;
  • a table will appear on the screen indicating the date the fine was imposed, the article charged, the division of the organization, the resolution number and the required amount;
  • it is necessary to compare the numbers in the paper copy of the document and those that appeared as a result of the verification;
  • By clicking on the article number, you can find out what the punishment was for under this resolution.

AZ service

AZ portal does not belong government organization, but cooperates with GIS GMP. Therefore, through it you can find out information about the punishment for violating traffic rules and its reason. You need to go to the website and select the “Traffic Police Fines” section. Then, in the “Search fines by” field, click “UIN resolution number” and enter the numbers. If a penalty has been imposed, information about this will appear on the screen.


For residents of the capital, finding out the reason for the traffic police fine is available using the official website of the Moscow government. On it you need to find the section “Checking violations and fines”. Then enter the number of the issued order in the specified field and click “Check”. The response to the request will be a table with information:

  • about the place and time of the violation;
  • date of incident;
  • the article under which the punishment is imposed;
  • payment or debt for a fine.

On Autocode you can also see photos that became the basis for the decision.

How to pay and check payment online

If the reason for the penalty is clarified and the motorist does not deny responsibility, he can pay the fine using:

  • Yandex.Money. On this site, action is possible using the number of a document issued by the court or issued by the traffic police. You need to go to the “Fines” section and select “Payment by order”. Then its number is entered into the window. You can pay by credit card or from Yandex wallet, if available.
  • State Services Portal. The driver must be registered in it and also provide information about the vehicle he owns. If you select “Pay traffic fines”, several options will open to pay off the debt. This bank card, check mobile phone, wallets for Yandex.Money, Qiwi or WebMoney, if available.
  • Sberbank Online service. You need to go to it using your login, select the “Payment for purchases and services” field in the “Transfers and Payments” section, and in it – “Staff Police”. Next, click “Search for fines”, enter the VU and STS numbers, click on “Continue”. A window will appear on the screen with information about the amount of the fine, the number of the decision and the date of its issue. By selecting the card from which the money will be withdrawn, the user can pay.
  • Portal Autocode. Payment can be made by Moscow residents through the “Violations and Fines” section. First you need to check if there is a penalty. Then you can pay the fine by registering using SNILS and entering the number of the driver's license or registration certificate of the car.

There are other quite reliable, but not so well-known online services that use them to list fines for traffic violations. This is the already mentioned AZ, Webmoney and many others.

You can check whether the money has been transferred on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or GIS GMP. Yandex.Money, the government services portal, has the same function.

To learn how to check and pay traffic fines, watch this video:

Is it possible to challenge a document?

The decision, no matter who issued it, is not indisputable evidence of the driver’s guilt. The decision recorded in it can be canceled if the motorist is sure that he did not violate the traffic rules. To do this, within 10 days after receiving the document you need to send a complaint to the traffic police or court by registered mail, in person through reception organizations or online. If the driver insists on his innocence, he must justify this:

  • by providing photos or video documents that show that there was no violation, or the car number is not his, another person is driving;
  • inviting witnesses to the incident who can testify in his favor;
  • evidence of incorrectness or illegality of the actions of the traffic police officer who drew up the document about the violation;
  • drawing attention to the fact that the car in the photograph taken by the video recording system cannot be identified, since the license plate is not visible;
  • for the same offense a fine was issued twice, but the driver has already paid it;
  • the car has these technical specifications which do not provide an opportunity to commit the alleged violation.

If a motorist knows where to look for information regarding a fine payment order that arrives in the mail, he will not become a victim of error or deception. It’s even better to connect the function of notification of penalties for traffic violations to your phone. This can be done on the websites of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, State Services or Yandex.Money.

Useful video

To learn how to appeal a traffic police decision, watch this video:

Didn't find the answer to your question? Find out how to solve exactly your problem - call right now by phone:

What is a network protocol? How to check the operation of the network protocol in Windows? Errors and their solutions during work network protocols.

Network protocol- This installed language, on which programs communicate.

Before you begin, make sure that your computer is configured to work with the network. We are talking about installing drivers and network protocols that allow Apache (HTTP server) to start and run on the local machine. How to do this?

Checking network protocols in Windows

Open: Start > Run (Win+R). In the window that opens, write: ping - and click the “ OK».

Note: so that after executing this command, the DOS window does not close, and you can familiarize yourself with the result, use command line. To do this, in the window that opens, enter: cmd - and click the “ OK", and only then: ping and press Enter.

The result of the command should look like this:

Errors in the operation of network protocols

If problems arise, use one of the solutions below:

  • Windows 98/ME users need to go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Windows installation and add there Remote access to the network. This will automatically install all the necessary protocols.
  • Users of Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7, etc. - you should check that the ping command is not interfered with installed antivirus or firewall. Try disabling these programs - if it helps, then you need to understand their settings.

That's all I have. Thank you for your attention. Good luck!


In the new menu, select "Network" or "Management" network connections" (again, depends on Windows versions, in Windows 7 this may be called "Change adapter settings").

There you will see your connection type. For example, PPPOE (high-speed connection) or PPTP (VPN).

Another possible option- point to the Internet (usually located immediately to the left of the volume icon in the bottom panel). Click on the icon once. The first line displays the network you are connected to, and the second line displays the connection type. If you need more detailed information- click on the inscription at the very bottom of the window, a menu opens, in the left panel select “Change adapter settings”.

If you require additional information, for example, your IP address, you can easily find this out on specialized websites. Enter the query “my IP” into a search engine. The sites you need will appear first or second in the search engine results. You can find out a lot there additional information.


  • what type of internet do I have?

Each site is served by a specific hosting provider. Sometimes there is a need to find out which one. For this purpose there are special programs, as well as sites that allow you to get this information directly from the browser.


If you are using an operating room Linux system, use the console utility whois. It is included in the delivery package of almost any distribution of this OS. Enter it using the following syntax:
whois second-level domain name
For example, the result of using this command in a relation looks like this:
$whois site

% By submitting a query to RIPN's Whois Service

% you agree to abide by the following terms of use:

% Russian)

% English).
domain: website




org: LLC "RelevantMedia"

phone: +7 495 9802240

fax no: +7 495 9802240

e-mail: [email protected]


created: 2008.07.03

paid-till: 2012.07.03

source: TCI
Last updated on 2011.09.10 19:18:42 MSK/MSD

If your Linux computer does not have a whois utility, download one of the following packages, depending on the distribution you are using:
If you only use Windows, download this utility designed for this operating system via the following link:
The procedure for using this version of the utility is the same.

To find out information about the provider serving the site directly from the browser, regardless of the operating system (even), use a special online service, for example, one of these:

Perhaps, after checking your second-level domain name, you will receive information of the following nature:
Whois Server Version 2.0
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered

with many different competing registrars. Go to

for detailed information.

>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:35:38 UTC<<<
This means that such a domain name does not yet exist. If you want to acquire a new second-level domain name, check in this way whether one or another of them is taken or free.

Video on the topic


  • how to find out hosting provider

The procedure for displaying the type of Internet connection is a built-in standard feature of the Microsoft Windows operating system and does not require the use of additional specialized third-party software. This operation can be performed by a computer user with an initial level of computer training.


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the system and go to the "Settings" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection (for Windows XP).

Call the window’s context menu by right-clicking on an empty space and selecting “View” (for Windows XP).

Select the “Tile” item and determine which of the two possible types of Internet connection - “Virtual Private Network” (VPN) or “High Speed ​​​​connection” (PPPOE) is used (for Windows XP).

Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the system and go to the "Control Panel" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection in the Windows Vista operating system.

Click the "Classic View" button located in the left corner of the application window for easier viewing and expand the "Network and Sharing Center" link (for Windows Vista).

Select the “Manage network connections” item in the list on the left side of the dialog box that opens and call up the context menu by right-clicking on an empty space in the window (for Windows Vista).

Select View and select the Table command (for Windows Vista).

Determine the type of Internet connection you are using from two possible options: WAN Miniport (PPTP) - VPN or WAN Miniport PPPOE (for Windows Vista).

Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the system and go to the "Control Panel" item to perform the operation of determining the type of Internet connection in the Windows 7 operating system.

Select "Large Icons" in the "View By:" menu and expand the "Network and Sharing Center" link (for Windows 7).

Select the item “Change adapter settings” in the list on the left side of the dialog box that opens and call the context menu by right-clicking on an empty space in the window (for Windows 7).

Select "View" and select the "Table" command (for Windows 7).

Determine the type of Internet connection you are using from two possible options: WAN Miniport (PPTP) - VPN or WAN Miniport PPPOE (for Windows 7).


If you are reading this article now, it means that you are already using the services of a provider. But sometimes even experienced Internet users do not know the exact definition of this term.


A provider is a person, usually a legal entity, that provides Internet access services. The very method of providing this service can be anything, from classic Dial-Up to advanced WiMax.

Almost every provider allows the user to choose one of several tariff plans. They differ among themselves in access speed, as well as in the presence or absence of a predetermined volume of transmitted information. There are also tariffs where, although unlimited speed is guaranteed, after reaching a certain amount of received and transmitted data, the speed drops, and it is restored after a certain period - usually an hour, a day or a month.

Cellular operators are rarely called providers, but when they provide Internet access services, that is essentially what they are. In the recent past, using mobile Internet was unprofitable, since unlimited tariffs were not available to most. Only in the last three years have prices dropped sharply. And although almost any of these tariff plans imply a reduction in speed after reaching a certain amount of traffic, it still turns out to be very profitable.

The services of any providers are inexpensive only in those localities where there are several of them, and they have to compete. Almost all of them today do not interfere with the use of the Linux operating system, as well as routers. After all, if you do not provide the user with such an opportunity, he will be lured away by another provider. And some users do not skimp and connect to two providers at once. If one of them has problems, you can use the services of the other.

Hosting providers provide a completely different service - website hosting. This allows the site owner to abandon the costly rental of a fixed IP address and the maintenance of an always-on server.

Each provider must have the equipment of the System of Operational Investigative Measures - SORM. If any subscriber commits a computer crime, this system allows you to quickly and accurately identify the attacker.

Internet users gain access to the network through an ISP. The provider owns a certain range of IP addresses; when connecting to the network, the user is allocated one of the addresses of this range. The presence of an IP address allows, if necessary, to easily determine the provider.


The provider who owns a specific IP address can arise in different situations. For example, you managed to calculate the IP of a computer whose owner illegally connected to your machine or committed other illegal actions. In this case, you can inform the provider about the actions performed at a certain time from such and such an IP address.

If you suspect an illegal connection to your computer, type netstat –aon in the command line (“Start – All Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt”) and press Enter. You will see a list of all connections indicating the external address, the port to which the connection was made, the connection status and other data. Knowing the ip, you can try to find the provider.

Determining a provider is very simple; to do this, just use one of the many network services that provide the corresponding services. For example, this: Insert the IP you are interested in into the field and click the “Request” button, you will receive all the information you are interested in about the provider, including phone numbers and email addresses.

If necessary, you can find out and by using the appropriate service: Select “Geocoding” on the page that opens, then enter the address you need in the search field. The map that appears will show the location of the computer. In reality, this option does not guarantee the determination of the exact location, but it allows you to find out the region.

On this resource you can find information about paying a fine or canceling it (if it was canceled by a court decision). To obtain information you need to use the following algorithm:

  • First you need to go to this site by entering your account (data) in a special window;
  • after that, hover your mouse over the “traffic police fines” window and click on it;
  • a new window will appear in which you will need to enter the number of the resolution to impose an administrative penalty;
  • the resource will provide complete information indicating the amount of the penalty, whether it was paid or canceled by a court decision.

But it should immediately be noted that this resource does not allow you to obtain complete information on the administrative case.

Traffic police fines by resolution number

Checking the fine Let's find out how to find a fine by searching for a resolution. The notice of fine, which is sent by mail, must include the following information:

  • Full name of the offender;
  • address of the place of violation;
  • date, month, exact time.

A receipt is attached to the notification. A fine will be paid later. Additionally, include a photograph that was taken at the scene of the events.

The license plate number of the car must be clearly visible in the photo, otherwise the offense can be challenged. The notification reflects the article of the bill violated by the motorist. A list of all kinds of violations that drivers are subject to can be found on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

Resolution on administrative offense

According to the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the departmental order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a protocol is a procedural document with the help of which the commission of a traffic violation is documented, as well as other actions of traffic police officers, for example, a referral for an examination if there are signs that the driver is intoxicated or otherwise intoxicated, or the seizure of a vehicle. This document has a personal number, which is also indicated on its copy. Accordingly, the administrative case is assigned a serial number indicated on the protocol, and under this code in a special database there is all the information about the case, as well as the decisions made and fines.
Therefore, you can find a fine by the traffic police protocol number on the official Internet resource. There are regulations for drawing up a protocol.

How to find out what the fine is for by the resolution number

On the traffic police website, go to the “Checking fines” section. After entering the registration data of the car and receiving the information, you need to click on the icon with the image of a camera, and you can see a photo of the violation. Photographic materials have been evidence of guilt since 2008. Federal Law No. 210 serves as the basis for this. Autocode portal Since 2014, a service has been launched that allows you to find fines and photographs according to the resolution

This is a popular and well-known service for residents of the capital. An archive of violations by Moscow car owners, recorded using photo and video cameras, is published here. The user will receive comprehensive information about the offense committed on the road.

All available information about the traffic police protocol by resolution number


Code of Administrative Offences, which allows, from January 1, 2016, to pay a fine for violating the Traffic Rules in the amount of half the amount of the fine imposed. Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2 with the following text: 1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine.

How to find a resolution by protocol number, as well as the amount of the fine


Photos and videos of rule violations Along with the fine, you will receive access to photographs taken by means of automatic recording of violations. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases where photographs are missing in the fines database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police department that issued the fine, the name of the department is indicated in the detailed information on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

A video of the violation does not exist in principle; instead of a video, there will be a series of photographs. Traffic police fines - guarantee of payment After payment, in case of an error in the traffic police database, we will return you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission. Pay the traffic police fine online Payment occurs online in real time.

How to find out what the traffic police fine is for by the number of the resolution?

The protocol contains:

  1. A detailed description of the offense and its circumstances.
  2. Details of the traffic police officer who compiled the report.
  3. Driver details.
  4. Signatures on both sides.

After drawing up the protocol, the traffic police officer will issue a document for payment, which indicates the amount of the fine and contains a link to the legislative act according to which you were fined. After this, the documents are returned to the driver and a protocol with a receipt is given. After signing the protocol, the driver has 10 days to appeal it. After 10 days, the protocol will come into force and must be paid. The deadline for paying the fine is 60 days from the date of entry into force.

How to find information on a fine by resolution number?

You can submit a statement of disagreement:

  • to the management of the traffic police department;
  • to the district or regional unit that is responsible for road safety;
  • to court.

The district court will consider the complaint administratively. The motorist may not indicate a specific defendant; it is enough to state his disagreement with the decision and demand that liability be removed. Here additional documentary evidence is required to recognize the innocence of the car owner:

  • photos, videos from the scene of the incident that demonstrate the absence of traffic violations;
  • testimony of witnesses who confirm the innocence of the car owner;
  • a separate story when complaining about the actions of the inspector and his violations in drawing up the resolution.

Submit a complaint in person, by mail or through the official website of the department.

Traffic police fines check and payment

Modern cameras are capable of recording speed limit violations and recording the vehicle license plate number. After the violator is caught on camera, a letter about the collection of a fine and a receipt for payment are sent to the car owner’s mailing address. How to avoid fines for traffic violations? The most legal and wonderful method to avoid fines is not to violate driving rules.
The vast majority of violations occur due to speeding. Therefore, when driving a vehicle, the driver should carefully look at road signs and not exceed the speed limit. This will not only make it possible to avoid fines, but will also ensure safety on the roads.

But, unfortunately, many drivers often violate traffic rules and try by all available legal and illegal means to evade paying a fine.

How to view a fine by resolution number

Traffic police and payments. We will notify you about the appearance of new fines as soon as possible so that you have time to pay them with a 50% discount Check using the official traffic police database Car number The number is indicated in RUSSIAN letters WITHOUT spaces Series and number of the registration certificate The number is indicated in RUSSIAN letters WITHOUT spaces Driver's license number The number is indicated in RUSSIAN letters WITHOUT spaces Receive notifications of fines By using the service, you agree to the terms of use If problems arise, contact: Number of the decision on a fine The number is indicated in RUSSIAN letters WITHOUT spaces Receive notifications of fines By using the service, you agree to the terms of use If any problems, contact: Find out the traffic police fine by resolution number Our service allows you to find a fine by resolution number and pay it immediately.

How to check a fine according to the protocol on an administrative offense

But in this case, when selling a car, you will have to face some difficulties; the sale will not take place without the consent of the guardianship authorities. How can you understand why the fine was issued? It often happens that drivers, having received a letter about a fine, cannot understand why it was issued. This situation can happen if the owner of the car lent it to someone, or if the violation was recorded by a video camera. Before paying a fine, it is worth clarifying what it was issued for.

This is not difficult to do. It is enough to carefully study the resolution that is sent along with the receipt for payment of the fine.

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