How to run a program from excel. Launching Excel

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If you already have a software package installed on your computer Microsoft Office 2013, you can start the program immediately Microsoft Excel 2013 and begin to study it comprehensively. If you are just going to install it, refer to the installation article. The process is discussed in detail there Microsoft installations Office 2013. In this article, we will look at starting Microsoft Excel 2013 and the basic issues related to creating documents.

If you have the Windows 8 operating system installed on your computer, to launch Microsoft Excel 2013, you need to use the scroll bar on the Start screen to move to the right (to see tiles that do not fit on the screen) and click on the Excel icon (it is green). An example of the location of this icon on the home screen is shown in Fig. 1.1.

If you use operating system Windows 7, click on the button Start, in the menu that appears - on the Microsoft Office 2013 folder, and then in the drop-down list - on the Excel 2013 item (Fig. 1.2). As a result of these actions, the Microsoft Excel start window will open (Fig. 1.3).

Here you need to immediately clarify that the document you are working with in Microsoft Excel is called a workbook. The start window allows you to select a book you have worked with before from the list on the left side of the window or create a new book. Moreover, you can create an empty book, or you can create a book based on a template. Sample- this is a blank book with inscriptions and other elements added in advance. Templates help you quickly create documents of the same type. If this is your first time creating a book, click on the Blank Book item, as shown in Figure. 1.3.

A window will open with the title Book1— Excel and a blank sheet with a grid separating the cells in the work area of ​​the window. You can start working.

MS Excel 2007

What do you do with spreadsheets?

Electronic Excel tables- the second most important program included in office suite Microsoft programs Office. At the same time, it is the simplest and most understandable program with a successful, intuitive interface. If you have ever launched Excel, you will agree with this, since even at first glance for a beginner there is nothing complicated about it.

The very idea of ​​spreadsheets seems to have come to the minds of programmers, thanks to memories of school notebooks with squared sheets, in which it is convenient to do a variety of calculations: from addition in a column to calculations in large tables. Accordingly, the window Excel programs very similar to a regular notebook sheet.

What can you do with spreadsheets?

Everything you need for work and study. They even can be used instead of a regular calculator. However, the Excel program was developed to solve a wide variety of economic and scientific problems, so it is used with pleasure wherever it is necessary to make simple but repetitive calculations: calculate the results of laboratory work, balance sheets, draw graphs based on the data of scientific work, and simply do homework. budget.

Working in Excel is intuitive, as it automates the mathematical operations that everyone learns in school. In addition, Excel, unlike other Microsoft products, is a completely compact and uncomplicated system. However, for more fruitful work in Excel, the user needs to know standard techniques for performing certain operations, which will increase the comfort of work and allow automation of routine actions. In addition, there are “secrets” of Excel that the user will not get to on his own very quickly. And they seriously make life easier for experienced users and help create easy-to-use spreadsheets.

To launch the program, find the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 icon on your desktop. Double-clicking on this icon will open an Excel window with an empty table, as shown in Fig. 1.1. The window title will read Book1 - Microsoft Excel, and a button with the Excel icon and Book1 will appear on the taskbar. This means that a new blank document (spreadsheet) has been created in Excel.

Document files in Excel are called workbooks. Traditional for personal computers the actions of opening, closing and saving files in Excel are performed with workbooks.

The book consists of worksheets. Each worksheet has a name that appears on its label. By default the sheets are named: Sheet1, Sheet2 etc. To activate a sheet, click on its label.

Work area each sheet is a table. The columns of the table are headed with Latin letters and, further, with two-letter combinations. There are a total of 256 columns in the worksheet (from A to IV). Lines are numbered from 1 to 65536.

The minimum data storage element is cell .

Cell address – this is the column heading and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located, for example, A2, B25, C65.

One of the cells is always active (current) and is highlighted with a frame. Data entry and editing operations are always performed in the active cell. You can make another cell active (move the cursor frame) in several ways:

click the mouse in the desired cell;

use navigation keys arrows;

press a key < Enter> .

Below the toolbars of the Excel window is located formula bar .
The left side of this line displays the address of the current cell (or its name), the right side displays the contents of the current cell. Between the address field and the content field there are buttons:

– opens a list of named cells (for quick transition to them), and when entering a formula - a list of 10 functions used last;

– calls up the Function Wizard window,

When you start entering data from the keyboard into a cell, two more buttons appear in the formula bar:

– cancel input (equivalent to the key ).

–entering data into a cell (equivalent to ).

Help system

The help system in the Microsoft Office 2007 software package contains several levels of help information, designed for both novice users and professionals. If this is your first time working in Excel, then in the help system you can easily find a description of the simplest working techniques. If you have experience with Excel, then the help system will be a convenient tool for everyday activities. It will be convenient for a professional to use the help system when he needs to find help on one or another rarely used formula or clarify a number of subtleties of programming in spreadsheets.

The very first level help system- This context clue(small window pops up). It is very convenient for beginners, as well as for those who have worked with previous versions Excel programs. To obtain detailed reference information, use the traditional computer programs reference window with hyperlinks and topical sections.


Works in Excel function key F1 on the keyboard, which opens the help window. If you don’t know what to do next and have questions, press this key.

In complex situations, you can enter in the line (located to the left of the Search button) a word or several words that are relevant to your problem. After clicking the Search button, the Help window will display a list of hyperlinks on the topic you are interested in.

When working in Microsoft Excel, you may need to open several documents or the same file in several windows. In older versions and in versions starting with Excel 2013, this is not a particular problem. Just open the files in the standard way, and each of them will launch in a new window. But in versions of the application 2007 - 2010, a new document opens by default in the parent window. This approach saves system resources computer, but at the same time it creates a number of inconveniences. For example, if the user wants to compare two documents by placing the windows side by side on the screen, then when standard settings He won't be able to do this. Let's look at how this can be done in all available ways.

If in versions of Excel 2007 - 2010 you already have a document open, but you try to run another file, it will open in the same parent window, simply replacing the contents of the original document with the data from the new one. There will always be an option to switch to the first launched file. To do this, hover your cursor over the Excel icon on the taskbar. Small windows will appear to preview all running files. You can go to a specific document by simply clicking on this window. But this will be just switching, and not a full-fledged opening of several windows, since the user will not be able to simultaneously display them on the screen in this way.

But there are several tricks with which you can display multiple documents in Excel 2007 - 2010 on the screen at the same time.

One of the most quick options To solve the problem with opening multiple windows in Excel once and for all, install the MicrosoftEasyFix50801.msi patch. But, unfortunately, Microsoft has stopped supporting all Easy Fix solutions, including the above product. Therefore, it is currently impossible to download it from the official website. If you wish, you can download and install the patch from other web resources at your own risk, but you should remember that by doing these actions you can expose your system to danger.

Method 1: Taskbar

One of the most simple options opening several windows is to perform this operation through context menu icon on the taskbar.

  1. After one Excel document has already been launched, move the cursor over the program icon located on the Taskbar. Click on it right click mice. The context menu launches. In it, depending on the version of the program, select the item "Microsoft Excel 2007" or "Microsoft Excel 2010".

    You can instead click on the Excel icon on the taskbar with the left mouse button while holding down the key Shift. Another option is to simply hover the cursor over the icon and then click the mouse wheel. In all cases, the effect will be the same, but you will not need to activate the context menu.

  2. A blank Excel sheet opens in a separate window. In order to open a specific document, go to the tab "File" new window and click on the item "Open".
  3. In the file opening window that opens, go to the directory where the required document, select it and click on the button "Open".
  4. After this, you will be able to work with documents in two windows at once. In the same way, if necessary, you can launch a larger number.

    Method 2: Run window

    The second method involves operating through a window "Run".

    1. Type a key combination on the keyboard Win+R.
    2. The window is activated "Run". We type the command in its field "excel".

    After this, a new window will open, and in order to open it required file We perform the same steps as in the previous method.

    Method 3: Start Menu

    The following method will only work Windows users 7 or earlier operating system versions.

    After these steps, a new program window will open, in which you can open the file in the standard way.

    Method 4: Shortcut on the Desktop

    To launch Excel in a new window, you need to double-click on the application shortcut on your desktop. If it does not exist, then a shortcut must be created.

    Now you can launch new windows through the application shortcut on the Desktop.

    Method 5: Open via context menu

    All the methods that were described above involve first launching a new Excel window, and only then through the tab "File" opening a new document, which is a rather inconvenient procedure. But it is possible to make opening documents much easier by using the context menu.

    The document will open in a new window.

    Having performed the operation once with adding a shortcut to the folder "SendTo", we now have the ability to permanently open Excel files in a new window via the context menu.

    Method 6: Changes in the system registry

    But a discovery can be made Excel files It's even easier in multiple windows. After the procedure that will be described below, all documents opened in the usual way, that is, by double-clicking the mouse, will be launched in a similar way. True, this procedure involves manipulation of system registry. This means that you need to be confident in yourself before taking it up, since any wrong step can fatally harm the system as a whole. In order to correct the situation in case of problems, make a system restore point before starting manipulations.

    After completing this procedure, xlsx files will also open in a new window.

    Method 7: Excel Options

    Opening multiple files in new windows can also be configured through Excel options.

    After this, new running files will open in separate windows. At the same time, before finishing work in Excel, it is recommended to uncheck the "Ignore DDE requests from other applications", since otherwise, the next time you start the program, problems may arise with opening files.

    Therefore, in a way, this method less convenient than the previous one.

    Method 8: Open the same file multiple times

    As you know, Excel usually does not allow you to open the same file in two windows. However, this can also be done.

    As you can see, although by default Excel 2007 and 2010 will open multiple files in the same mother window when launched, there are many ways to launch them in different windows. The user can choose a more convenient option that suits his needs.

This is short step by step guide is intended for beginners and teaches you how to insert VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code into an Excel workbook, and how to run the inserted macro to perform various tasks on that worksheet.

Most users are not Microsoft Office gurus. They may not know all the intricacies of how a particular function works, and will not be able to answer the question of how the speed of execution of a VBA macro differs in Excel 2010 and 2013. Many simply use Excel as a tool for data processing.

Let's say we need to change the data to Excel sheet in a certain way. We did a lot of googling and found a VBA macro that solves this problem. However, our knowledge of VBA leaves much to be desired. This is where it comes to the rescue step by step instructions, with which we can use the found code.

Inserting VBA code into an Excel workbook

In this example, we will use a VBA macro that removes line breaks from cells in the current Excel worksheet.

  1. Click Alt+Q to close the VBA editor window and return to the Excel workbook.

Running a VBA macro in Excel

To run the macro you just added, click Alt+F8. A dialog box will open Macro(Macro). On the list Macro name(Macro name) select the desired macro and click the button Execute(Run).

From the Start menu, select All Programs, and then Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (Fig. 11.2);

Double-click with the left mouse button on any Excel workbook in the Open dialog box Office document(Open Office Document).

If you've already launched Microsoft Excel and then switched to other programs, left-click the minimized Excel window in the taskbar to open it.

Excel main window

In Fig. Figure 11.3 shows the main window of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor. It depicts the following elements:

1. The cursor is a rectangle with a thick border surrounding the active cell along the perimeter. To select another cell, left-click inside it. Alternative option: Use the arrow keys, Tab or Enter, or use the key combination Shift+Tab or Shift+Enter.

2. Menu bar. Click on any item to open the corresponding menu.

3. The formula bar displays the contents of the active cell. You can enter and change data right here or in the cell itself.

4. The Standard toolbar contains buttons that, when pressed, execute standard commands that allow you to work with files, edit text, etc.

5. The buttons on the Formatting toolbar are designed to format cells and their contents.

6. Clicking on a column header allows you to select the entire column. Drag across multiple headers while holding down the left mouse button if you want to select multiple columns.

7. Using the scroll buttons, you can view the entire sheet of the Excel workbook on the screen, as well as move to the next, previous, first or last sheet of the workbook.

8. Click on the row header to select the entire row. Drag your mouse across multiple headings to highlight a number of rows.

9. Sheet labels. By clicking on the tabs, you will alternately display different sheets on the screen. If you need to rename a sheet, double-click on its tab and enter a new name.

10. And the status bar displays information about the current sheet or operation in progress.

11. Mode indicators register the activation of special modes, for example, the mode for changing the case of letters (while the Caps Lock key is pressed).

12. The task pane provides quick access to Excel documents, the clipboard, search options for files and Clipart objects.

13. Office Assistant - a program that displays information from sections of the help system Microsoft package Excel.

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