Which phone is iPhone or. Which is better Android or iPhone? Best service and support

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Many users of modern gadgets sometimes wonder what is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone, the main opponents in the global market. And here there are several nuances that will help clarify the situation, because such a question is both right and wrong.

However, before clarifying the confusion that arises, it is necessary to clearly define the definitions of who is who - this is necessary for a clear vision of the picture as a whole. And then, in the process of precise determination, an understanding of the difference between an iPhone and a regular smartphone will spontaneously arise.

Initially, it’s worth starting with the appearance of the first cell phones - these were primitive devices designed to make calls while offline. They did not need a constant connection to the power grid.

It is noteworthy that on some of the first models, ordinary salt batteries were used as a power source, hence the “brick”-like dimensions. The main goal of the development was to create conditions for free communication people, which, in those years, became a revolutionary breakthrough.

The mention of the first models of popular phone brands in this article is far from the first, because they are the ancestors of all today’s gadgets that can make calls, go online online network, and much more.

These devices became the starting point for many years of modernization, improvement and improvement.

It’s worth continuing directly with the hero of the occasion, which is produced by Apple. Essentially, the iPhone has unique capabilities and functions that are not available on regular smartphones.

The main difference between the iPhone is the iOS operating system, which is installed exclusively on these devices. Also, the closedness is different program code, which guarantees a significant reduction in malicious applications.

The second useful point is that the OS is applicable only for a certain type of hardware and it is impossible to install it on another device. These parameters allow the manufacturer to refine the software to an ideal state, making iOS function much better than its analogues.

Next in line is the iPhone screen - a detail worthy of high respect among users. Unique Retina technology guarantees excellent picture quality. Also, it does not apply to devices from third-party companies.

The next difference is the modest range of models. Looking at Android devices, we can say that Apple produces a tiny range.

Regarding design, it is now difficult to surprise anyone with such “beauties”. The only important parameter is the use of high-quality materials, which negatively affects the cost of the product, as well as the constant logo - a bitten apple.

The next proprietary feature is the lack of the ability to increase the memory capacity, which is more of a disadvantage. However, the assortment suggests the presence of different variations with different media volumes.

Regarding other parameters, the iPhone is no different from other types of smartphones.

The second type of device, called a regular smartphone, is more common than the first. This is due to many factors, which make no sense to describe.

The main difference between smartphones is the high versatility and diversity of manufacturers. In fact, any modern phone running the Android or Windows operating system, combining the qualities of a computer and a classic dialer, can be safely called a smartphone.

The characteristics of smartphones allow them to occupy a niche in the middle between cell phones and computers. At the same time, the performance of individual models is not inferior to the power of many modern laptops.

Also, devices from different companies may differ from each other in a variety of designs, configurations and functionality. Due to the fact that every manufacturer wants to create something of their own, unique. However, even flagship models that are superior to Apple products in all respects cannot be called iPhones.

What's the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

Having understood the essence of the definitions, we can safely say how both devices are similar and what is the difference between the devices.

The gadgets are similar in almost everything, since the iPhone is a type of smartphone produced by Apple. In other words, the iPhone is a smartphone, only with its own problems.

  1. The first difference is the use of the operating system different types- on the first iOS, on the second Android, Windows. It is also impossible not to note the versatility - on an iPhone manufactured 2-3 years ago, you can install the latest firmware; this number will not work with a smartphone.
  2. The second factor is the use of different types of processors: Apple has a personal development that is installed exclusively on the iPhone.
  3. Screens. The iPhone is equipped with a unique Retina matrix, which provides phenomenal image quality. Smartphones use IPS, LED technologies; it is impossible to find Retina on Android.
  4. Build quality. The iPhone is definitely the undisputed leader here.

What to choose: iPhone or other smartphone

Having understood the differences, each user can understand what is different good smartphone from iPhone and which is better.

One of the most popular questions among smartphone lovers is: what better iPhone or Android? The question is indeed interesting. Let's spend comparative analysis and we’ll figure out what an iPhone is, what a smartphone is, as well as the characteristics, pros and cons of each device.

To answer the question “which is better,” you first need to understand how the iPhone differs from a regular smartphone. There are quite a lot of differences, but in this section of the article we will focus on the main ones.


The first thing that catches your eye is appearance devices. It is with this parameter that we will begin our analysis. Apple is a rather conservative company. The appearance of the device remains virtually unchanged from series to series. The exception was the iPhone X, which acquired a unique top frame. Otherwise, Apple devices of different generations are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. The company understands this very well. That is why it began to produce smartphones in different colors. However, there is no particular variety this decision didn't contribute.

With phones that run on the Android operating system, everything is completely different. There are now more than 20 thousand unique models in circulation. Each of them has its own design. The line of Android devices has phones for every taste and color. Of course, not every device can boast of a thoughtful design. However, among the huge number of devices you can find truly beautiful models.


Buying a phone that runs on the Android operating system is a pig in a poke. Most companies are constantly experimenting in terms of architecture. Because of this, some phone models may be unstable. In addition, when assembling Android devices, not the highest quality components are used. Because of this, various defects arise. Moreover, they can be both significant (defective hardware components) and insignificant (plays, gaps, etc.). Problematic gadgets are produced not only by small companies, but even by such giants as Samsung (just remember the numerous cases of battery fires in Galaxy Note 7).

Apple is improving its architecture iPhone already for many years. Therefore, the build quality and interaction between hardware components are all at the highest level. Production new iPhones well debugged. When assembling an Apple device, reliable hardware modules are used. The quality of Apple products is worth paying tribute to. Statistics show that Apple gadgets live much longer than devices running Android OS.


To begin with, it is worth understanding that iOS is an operating system that is used exclusively in Apple devices. At the same time, the Android platform is used by many different companies. We will evaluate the software according to the following criteria:

  1. Safety. iOS is a completely closed platform that has a high level of security. The software for iPhones is produced by the same company. It is for this reason that compatibility control is easy. This helps avoid various system failures and errors. With Android everything is completely different. This platform is open to various updates. Sometimes unsuccessful updates negatively affect the performance of the device and the stability of the entire system as a whole.
  2. App store. Apple's App Store is carefully moderated. The programs that are there have good compatibility with the device. The likelihood that a virus utility will get into the App Store is almost zero. As for the Android platform, Play Market almost not moderated. Almost every user can upload their application there. Because of this, the store is simply teeming with useless or virus programs.
  3. Games. Large quantity There are gaming applications on both Android and iOS. In this regard, the platforms are equal.
  4. Interface. Apple menus are simple and ergonomic. They are very convenient and pleasant to use. On the Android platform, the interface is more complicated, but there are much more opportunities for customization. For example, you can change themes, wallpapers, install widgets, etc.


Since model range Android devices are too wide, manufacturers simply do not have time to produce accessories for phones. Finding a regular case that fits your phone is not an easy task. What is there! Sometimes it is difficult to even find film or safety glass, which will fit the display size. The only accessory that is easy to find for any Android device is headphones. This is due to the fact that devices running this OS are equipped with a standard 3.5 mm connector.

The iPhone is much better in terms of peripherals. Apple produces a huge number of accessories. Covers, protective bumpers, linings - the abundance of products is simply amazing. Finding iPhone accessories is quite easy. Just go to any Apple Store.


Another strong point of the iPhone is its camera. It has simply amazing characteristics. This phrase is especially relevant for latest models. The picture turns out very juicy and beautiful. Color reproduction also deserves praise. The noise level, even when shooting on a bright, sunny day, is minimal.

Regarding Android devices, then there are very few devices on the market that can boast of a good camera. The exception is Sony products. Smartphones from this company have always had good cameras.


Another qualitative difference between iPhone and Android is service. You can find an Apple service center anywhere in the world. They are located in every major city. As for the service, there are no complaints here either. Almost any breakdown can be resolved in the shortest possible time.

But devices on the Android platform have certain problems with maintenance. Even such giants as Samsung and LG do not have service centers in every city. What can we say about little-known brands of smartphones. As for repairs, a serious breakdown takes a huge amount of time. Exchange of requests between service center and the manufacturing company may take weeks. And this is even the most optimistic option. It happens that in the event of a serious breakdown (for example, broken screen) it is simply impossible to repair the device due to the lack of parts.


iPhones are premium devices. And its price is appropriate. Now a brand new iPhone X will cost you $1,000. This is a huge amount and not every person wants to give that kind of money for mobile phone. If you decide to purchase an Apple smartphone, then be prepared for additional costs. Various iPhone accessories are also not cheap. In addition, you will most likely have to pay for software, since most applications in the App Store are paid.

A line of devices that operate under the operating room Android system, extremely diverse and multifaceted. It includes both budget devices and powerful flagships. Therefore, you can easily select a device that you can afford. There are not many additional costs. Accessories for Android phones are inexpensive. As for applications, there is paid software in the Play Market. However, every mobile utility has at least 2-3 free analogues. Therefore, you don't have to pay for software.


In the article we talked about how iPhone differs from Android. As you can see, there are a lot of differences. After reading all the above characteristics, the question arises, what to buy – an iPhone or an Android? It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. If you want to get the highest quality, convenient device and you are willing to pay money for it, then buy an iPhone. Do you want to get an inexpensive and multifunctional device? Then your choice is a phone based on Android OS.

About 40 non-obvious functions of a tablet iPad, judging by the reviews, the article turned out to be useful to many and even received a request to write something similar for iPhone. We listened to the request and prepared a selection of secret features of the iPhone and iOS 5.

Camera and Pictures

Want more from camera and picture apps? Then you definitely need to read this section to find out all the known and not so known details of these two functions of an iPhone based on iOS 5.

1. Use the volume up button as a shutter. Taking pictures with a camera while holding an iPhone in one hand - good way avoid the need to focus the image. With both hands, fix the phone in a horizontal position, and then put the finger of one hand on the volume up button and use it as a shutter - isn’t it convenient?

2. The same trick can be done with the volume control on your headphones. This is especially convenient if you are using a portable tripod for your iPhone.

3. Creating a new photo album. If you feel like your photos section doesn't look as organized as you initially would like, go into the Photos app, click on the "Edit" function in the top right corner and click the "Create a new photo album" button that appears in the top left corner of the screen. Now all you have to do is come up with a name for it and add photos that you think are necessary.

4. Quickly view your photos. Want to see the most recent photo you took? Open the Camera app and slide your finger across the screen from left to right to see the photo you took last.

5. Photo by double click. If circumstances are such that you need to take a photo without unlocking your iPhone, press the “Home” button twice. You'll see a small camera icon next to the screen unlock slider. Click on it and you will enter shooting mode.

6. Photo editing. Does red eye ruin a good photo? iOS Features allow you to fix this. In the viewing mode of the required photo, click on the “Edit” button, and you will be presented with a whole set of image editing tools. It is not very extensive, but it is enough to correct gross flaws in the photograph.

Text and Mail

We all have to type something on our iPhone, whether it's a text message or an email. So why not make the process a little easier. Below are some tips on how to do this.

7. Expanding text. Have you ever typed the same word or phrase a million times? To save yourself from this, go to Settings, then to General, from there to Keyboard, then scroll down the list a little and you will see the “Abbreviations” section. Simply enter a phrase and define an abbreviation for it. The next time you enter text, type the abbreviation and it will be converted to the long equivalent. For example, you type “omw” and it expands into the phrase “on my way,” or you write “brb” and it automatically expands into the phrase “be right back.”

8. Emoticons. If you want to represent your emotions in a message in the form of yellow round faces - emoji - invented by the Japanese, add a virtual Emoji keyboard. To do this, go to Settings, then to General, then to the Keyboards section, where you activate the appropriate layout.

9. Special characters . Are you typing a phrase in French and want the apostrophes above the letters to be placed according to the rules? Just hold down the required letter over which you want to place an apostrophe, and you will see the entire row possible options his productions.

10. Entering in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you're just crazy and want to emphasize this in your message, activate Caps Lock double click to the corresponding keyboard icon. Enjoy!

11. Defining the meaning of a word. If you don't have the slightest idea about the meaning of that word in your favorite book on iBooks. Surprised that your friend used this word in his message? Don't be ashamed and look up its meaning in the iOS dictionary. To do this, simply select the word whose meaning you want to know and select the “define” function.

12. Mark the letter. If you're the kind of person who marks every message that comes into their inbox as important, make your OCD happy new opportunity quick flagging for emails added in iOS 5. To do this, go to your Inbox, click the Edit button and select the emails you want to flag. Then select the "Tag" tag in the lower right corner, and then select "Tag".

13. RTF text of the letter. Now the text of the letter can be highlighted in bold, italics or underlined. To do this, highlight the word or sentence you want to highlight, click the arrow in the menu, and then click B/U depending on the function you need.

14. Delivery reports in iMessage. iOS 5 brought us the iMessage app and a very convenient feature of notifications that come when the recipient of your message reads it. To enable this option, go to Settings, then go to the Messages section, where you activate the “Send read receipts” line.

Siri has changed the way we interact with our iPhone. This is one of the biggest innovations of the iPhone 4S. If you have this model, here are a few settings to help you handle your new assistant.

15. Do entries in your microblog using Siri. Imagine how cool it would be if you could dictate new tweets to Siri? And it's possible! However, you will have to work a little to enable this option. First, set up sending new tweets via SMS on the Twitter website. When you're done, add Twitter to your contacts list and use the service as if you were just sending a message to a regular subscriber. If Siri yells at you for using the word Twitter, simply change the caller's name to something else. The same can be done with Facebook.

16. Activate Siri by holding your iPhone to your ear. Not everyone knows about this, but there is another way to activate Siri that does not require pressing the main button. Go to general settings, find the Siri section there, in which you need to activate the “Pick up to call” field. Now the photocell on your iPhone will detect when you put it to your ear and activate the voice assistant. This is a practical way to make sure that using Siri in a public place doesn't make you feel like an idiot.

One of the best things about the iPhone when it first came out was its very user-friendly web surfing interface, where users could see the full content of a page rather than mobile-optimized junk. If you want to get the most out of your iPhone internet usage, here are some tips that will make this process more comfortable.

17. Private browsing. Want to make sure that information about your browsing activities isn't leaked online via Safari? There is an easy way to do this. Go to settings, there go to the “Safari” section and activate the option called “Private Browsing”. Now all your activity on the web is secret.

18. Reading list. If you don't use services like Read It Later or Instapaper, but still want to read the contents of a web page without banner ads, try using the Reader built into Safari for this purpose. Click on the Reader icon in the web address bar and the page will be reformatted into clean, easy-to-read text.

19. Return to top. Don't feel like scrolling down a long web page and then having to jump back to the URL bar? Just click on the top of the screen, where the clock is. Safari will return you to the address bar.

20. Saving images. If you find a picture or photo on the site that you don’t want to miss, or maybe you want to set it as wallpaper or an icon, hold your finger on the image for one or two seconds. A menu will pop up from the bottom of the screen where you will be asked to save the illustration or copy it. The image is saved in your Photo Library, where you can perform any operation with it.


There's a lot you can do in iOS just by fiddling around with the settings a little.

21. iOS update . The good thing about the settings is that you can use them to check whether your system needs an update. Go to General Settings, select the Software Settings option. There you can check if you have the latest iOS version, or it needs an update.

22. You've probably already configured notifications somehow, but in general setting up notifications applications is very flexible, with its help this function can be brought to perfection. To start setting up notifications, go to Settings and find the Notifications section there. In it, you can select the contents of the Notification Center, and also set the OS to what extent you want any application to notify you about something.

23. Custom vibration setting. One setting in iOS 5 that everyone forgets about is creating selective vibration. In general settings, you need to go to the "Accessibility" section and turn on the Custom vibration option in listening mode. Then go to the Sounds section in the settings. Scroll down and you'll see the Vibration Patterns line. Click on it, and now you can create a custom vibration yourself. Simply press your finger on the display and create the pattern you want by holding your finger down for as long as you want to stretch the note. Then you can use the resulting composition to call the subscriber, or for some system alerts.

24. Use your camera flash for reminders. Flash on back side Not only is it good for taking photos in the dark, but it can also be used to signal notifications, just like on most BlackBerry smartphones. To activate the feature, go to general settings, find the “Accessibility” section, and turn the slider to turn on the flash during reminders.

25. Setting reminder sounds. Do you want your iPhone to sound like everyone else? We are sure not. To customize your unique sound, go to Sound Settings, where you can change the sound of everything from calendar reminders to Ringtone.

. If you use multiple iOS devices, one good option is to sync your music, book, and app collections across them. To set it up, go to the “Store” settings section and enable the types of files that you need. Now all your devices will work in harmony. Zen.

27. Fun with AirPlay. If you have an iPhone 4S, then iOS 5 added the ability to mirror your screen contents to your TV with using Apple TV. To activate the option, call the menu running applications, then press right twice. Click on the AirPlay button and choose what you want to stream to your Apple TV. Now what happens on your iPhone screen is mirrored on your TV screen.

28. Change built-in reminder times. If you use Calendar apps, you know that some types of reminders are built into the system by default. You can change them by going to the “Mail, Contacts and Calendar” section in the settings, and there you need to find the “Default reminder time” option and configure it as you wish.

29. Changing the size of your iCloud storage. If you find that you're close to your iCloud storage limit, you can increase your storage capacity with using iPhone. Go to Settings, there find the iCloud section, and in it - the line “Storage and backup”, and in it select “Buy more space”, and then select the degree of increase. You can also reduce the size of your storage if you don't think you need as much.

30. Post This on Twitter. Twitter is now integrated into iOS, so if you ever get a little tipsy and decide you should send a photo to your grandma, you'll have a chance to do so. First, set up your account in official application Twitter for iPhone. Then go to settings, where you select the “Twitter” section and enter your username and password. Now, wherever you take a photo, you will be able to immediately publish it on your microblog without going into the Twitter application.

31. Dissecting your vault. We all have a ton of apps that take up a lot of space on our computers. iPhone memory. Find the Usage section in General Settings and you'll see a list of all your apps, along with the disk space they're taking up. If you feel that the remaining space is too small, some applications can be easily removed right away.

Things that don't fit into any theme

There are a lot of other details in iOS, but not all of them can be classified somehow. That's why we made this category. It's like a big bag where we put everything that didn't fit into the regular sections.

32. Week View. This is a new feature that came with iOS 5 and it's fantastic. If you want to change the calendar view to a wide list, simply flip your phone to landscape while in the app. You can scroll the screen down and up between the clocks, and also sideways to see different days and weeks. This view is very practical if you want to clearly see what you have planned for this week.

33. Receive weather forecasts every hour. Activating this feature is easy. Launch the Weather app to get the weather forecast for the week. Click on any day of the week and you will get an hourly weather forecast for that day.

34. Street View feature in Maps. If you need maps, go to the app and you'll be able to see the little orange dude showing up to the left of your destination. Click on it and you will start viewing the map in Street View mode. But what if you don't have any clear direction, or just want to take a virtual walk through the streets? Just put any mark, then the orange dude will appear again.

35. Screenshot. All the images in this article were made using a little trick. Press the Home button and the screen lock button at the same time and the display will turn white. As a bonus, if in your iCloud account There is Photo Stream, then all screenshots automatically go to the photo stream.

36. Reminders at a specific location. One of Siri's most captivating features was the integration of reminders into the app, but there are also some cool ones navigation capabilities. Create a reminder, then select the “Remind me at location” option. You will be presented with your current location and the options "When I leave" and "When I return", or you can customize your own option. Just be aware that this feature is a drain on your battery, because GPS must be turned on.

37. Adding people from Twitter to your Contacts. If you start from the Twitter settings section, you can click on "Update Contacts" and all subscribers' contacts will be attached to their Twitter accounts, or new ones will be added. If you want to do this manually (or Twitter can't find you), go to the contact's profile, click "Edit" and click "Add Field" there. Scroll down and you'll find a Twitter bar where you can enter the microblog's web address yourself.

. Sometimes it seems like nothing is working on your iPhone and apps are creating problems. The answer is a device reboot, which turns off the iPhone completely and then turns it back on. To do this, hold down the Lock Screen and Home buttons at the same time for 5 seconds, or until you see the Apple logo.

39. Add nicknames to your contacts. We all have friends whom we often call not by name, but by nickname - and in such cases, it is sometimes difficult to remember the person’s real name. To correct this situation, you can add any nickname to the subscriber's name. Go to the contact’s profile, click “edit”, then “add field”. At the bottom of the first block there will be a line called “Nickname”. When you are back in the edit section, simply add a nickname to the profile name - now as voice command Siri also recognizes his nickname.

40. Music app interface very difficult. Some people prefer to use the “Artists” section, others prefer to use the playlists section, and still others don’t stop at music at all, preferring audiobooks and podcasts. To customize your music app, open it and under "Edit" find "More." You will see a number of functions (icons) that you can drag and drop into the menu quick access(bottom of screen).

This is our analysis of the secrets iPhone flights ends, we hope you have discovered something new, but if you have anything to add, please comment.

We also suggest reading:

In 2007, on June 29, a smartphone called the iPhone went on retail sale; this device was invented by Apple. At that time, few people knew that his popularity would increase so much. The design of the device was very simple, the only thing that made it stand out was the image of an apple on the lid. The iPhone looks like a very popular player from Apple called “ iPod Touch" At that time, the 3.5-inch screen seemed very large, so the device attracted attention. It is very convenient to use because touch screen has increased sensitivity, and the device itself takes up very little space, so you can carry it in a small pocket. Although the main advantage of the iPhone is not appearance, but functionality. ABOUT technical specifications we'll tell you below.
The first thing worth noting is that the iPhone is a very high-quality communicator. It can perform several functions at once, for example, you can sit on ICQ and download files from the Internet, while listening to your favorite music. Many programs and applications have been developed for the iPhone; approximately thousands of programs can cope with any user needs. The device has a built-in 2 megapixel camera, without flash, auto focus or mirror. The pictures had a resolution of 1600 by 1200 pixels, the camera was one of iPhone disadvantages. To access the Internet, GPRS/EDGE and Wi-Fi were used, but already at that time there were models that used latest networks, such as 4G and 3G.
Initially, the iPhone had a built-in e-mail client. The main advantage is the ability to operate the device for up to 8 hours in talk mode, and in audio listening mode – 16 hours. The amount of memory depends on the model and ranges from 8-16 gigabytes; there is enough memory for absolutely any need. The iPhone is distinguished by an interface that is not similar to other phones and smartphones. It also has several benefits that other phones don't have, such as Multitouch technology, an accelerometer, a light sensor, and a distance sensor. Multitouch technology allows you to use multiple fingers when working with a smartphone, for example, when moving your fingers in opposite directions, the image size increases. The distance sensor locks the screen when a person brings the device to the ear, this protects against accidental clicks. The light sensor is also very useful, which automatically sets a certain brightness depending on your location, for example, in a dark room the screen becomes brighter.

The accelerometer is used when turning the smartphone when it is in a horizontal position - the screen automatically rotates. You can turn off the alarm by shaking the iPhone using the accelerometer, which is also very convenient. But using an iPhone as a phone is not very convenient, because there is no MMS support.

Features and characteristics of the iPhone smartphone

On at the moment The iPhone is considered a revolutionary new generation smartphone, with which you can make calls by dialing a name or selecting your favorite numbers. It has synchronization with the contact list with the PC and the Internet. With it you can select voice messages and listen to them in a given sequence, just like in an email. The iPhone uses the latest user interface, which significantly distinguishes it from other similar devices. Currently, Apple has 300 patents that provide the device with high quality. Most smartphones won't be able to match Apple's performance in the next few years.
The iPhone is also very convenient for making calls, and making calls is much easier than from other phones. You can select a name or number, create a list of favorite numbers, and so on. You can quickly merge calls and create a conference while communicating on the phone. It is also very convenient to send SMS messages because there is predictive typing that corrects any errors in the text. You need to type a message using the touch keyboard; it is much faster and more pleasant than pressing standard keys. All letters are arranged in the same way as on a classic keyboard. The iPhone has voicemail with the Visual Voicemail function; you can arrange the listening of messages in the way that is most convenient for you. You can distribute the importance of messages depending on your contact list.
The new iPhones have a 5 megapixel camera. There is a dedicated photo editing app that outperforms other smartphone apps. When connected, it immediately synchronizes with the computer. To view your photos, you only need to click one button, and you can also upload your photos to the Mac Web Gallery.
You can choose your favorite ringtone song among 500,000 songs in the iTunes Store. To do this, select a song and edit it as you wish. You can edit the entire song or just one fragment, change the strength and volume of the sound, listen to the fragment in advance, and so on, all this will change the sound of the song for the better. The audio quality is at a very high level, and there is convenient and easy navigation through the list of artists and albums. You simply scroll the screen and quickly find your favorite artist, which is also very convenient. You can download new songs using the Cover Flow app. The ability to watch videos is also very pleasing, because the device’s display is very wide. You can watch TV shows and any movies through the iTunes Store.

It’s very convenient to surf the Internet via iPhone; there are email services from Safari and HTML. Browsers are also very advanced, they quickly synchronize bookmarks and so on. Through Safari you can quickly find the information you need in Yahoo and Google. Through your iPhone you can perform many actions at the same time, view an interesting page on the Internet and download email messages to EDGE or Wi-Fi. The iPhone is very popular because of the Safari browser, which quickly opens pages on a large screen; you can enlarge a page with one click using Zoom.
Main e-mail on iPhone it is an HTML service, which is why emails are not blocked by IMAP and POP3, and graphics and images are displayed along with text. iPhone has iPhone cards Maps and Google Maps, so you can see the territory from a satellite and receive information about the situation on roads and routes. All this is very simplified, so the device interface is very convenient.
Through the device you can watch videos on YouTube, you can also download home videos to very high speed. If you find an interesting video, you can save it in an email and send it to your friends with a direct link to the file.
The iPhone has a very convenient touch screen, which is developed using innovative technologies. You can control everything that happens on the screen with light finger movements. Printing is done using predictive input, just like swiping through Cover Flow media. To view the image you need to make one click, and it is also very easy to control the image size.
The device has a very thoughtful operating system OS X, which is one of the best at the moment. This means that you have access to the most the best programs for smartphones, including email service from HTML, well designed Safari browser, and the calendar along with notebook. Using iPhone you can do many things at once, this is one of its main advantages. You can read interesting materials on the Internet and receive email messages. New programs for of this device will change the way you think about smartphones.

What's the difference between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s?

Firstly, they differ in appearance. The width of the new iPhone is approximately the same - 58.6 millimeters, but the length is slightly larger - 123.8 millimeters. The advantage of the iPhone 5 is that it is much thinner, measuring 7.6 millimeters in thickness. The weight of the device is also reduced, it weighs 20% less, namely 112 grams.
Secondly, installed Retina display, which has a resolution of 640x1136 pixels. Of course, the new display is much better and thinner than the previous one, it reproduces colors better, and the image quality does not deteriorate in bright sunlight.
Thirdly, the iPhone 5 model has 4G support, while the previous model had 3G support. Also, the processor of the new model is much more efficient. The graphics chip and processor are twice as powerful as the iPhone 4s. Very attractive new iPhone due to duration battery life. Of course, it remains at the same level, although the size of the smartphone has decreased significantly.
The camera of the new model remains the same - 8 megapixels, but options have appeared, for example, noise reduction, improved quality in twilight, and so on. You can even shoot video in FullHD – 1080p format, but the previous model had regular HD resolution. The front camera of the iPhone 5 records high-quality video with a resolution of 720p.
The new iPhone has its own 3D maps, but the previous model was equipped only with Google Maps. Also new model equipped with voice Siri assistant, of course, it was in the previous model, but in the fifth iPhone voice assistant has been updated to the new version.

Disadvantages of iPhone 5

The new cards from Apple are most often discussed, and many consider them to be a disadvantage. The maps of the US and other countries are very well designed, but the rest of the maps are poorly designed, so users cannot use them. Many Russian cities are not on the list at all, and instead of Kyiv they wrote the name - Kylv. Most houses and shops are not displayed correctly, but the streets are displayed. But the most unpleasant thing is that it is impossible to return to standard Google maps, they were even removed from the AppStore. But they left the Yandex navigator.
After the update, the Siri function learned to distinguish between Korean, Japanese and even Chinese, but Russian is still not on the list. Considering that Siri distinguishes between British, Canadian and American pronunciation, this is a significant drawback; users from Russia will not be able to use this function.
Many people condemn the iPhone for communication problems, for example, in the fourth version, the cellular network did not work well, for example, if a person did not hold the smartphone well in his hands. After the update to iOS 6 occurred, complaints appeared about Wi-Fi connection. It later turned out that this is due to the fact that the person does not respond to the iCloud agreement.

Even though the display has increased to 4 inches, it does have its drawbacks. Applications that were relevant before launch with strange black bars across the entire screen that appear at the bottom and top. All this is due to the fact that applications are designed for a 3.5-inch display. It is quite possible that applications will be rewritten and take into account changes in screen sizes.
The new iPhone has a Lighting connector and this is a disadvantage because previous accessories for the iPhone have become irrelevant. They do not fit this connector; you will have to buy external batteries and cables again. You also need to take into account that the fifth version accepts the latest SIM cards, which are called nano-SIM. Therefore, switching from the fourth iPhone to the fifth is very problematic; you will have to spend money not only on the smartphone itself, but also on many applications and gadgets for the Lighting connector. It further turned out that using iPhone 5 without a special protective “bumper” case is almost impossible. The coating scratches very easily, including the display. The paint peels off the aluminum quickly, which ruins the appearance of the iPhone 5.
Whether you buy an iPhone or not is up to you, if you want to make calls, it's enough to have a simple phone if you need additional features– it’s worth taking a closer look at the iPhone 5.

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