Keys to launch the Yandex console. How to open the console in the Yandex browser and other browsers

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Many people use browsers that make us one with global network Internet. However, how Internet pages are structured, how to write them yourself - this information is only for those who want to create something new. All these features are hidden for ordinary users, all for reasons of simplicity and intuitiveness, but in this article we will examine the topic of how to open the console in the Yandex browser, why it was created, what language it supports, and much more. The article is recommended for users not only of the Yandex browser

Why do you need a console in a browser?

There are three reasons to create a console in the browser:

  1. To debug the browser itself at the design stage.
  2. To train young professionals in the functions of a particular browser.
  3. For professionals to debug their Internet pages in real time.

Few people know, but you can write your own website using just 2 things: knowledge and a notepad. However, this method is extremely wasteful of your time, because you will have to resave the document after each change of any parameters. A special debugging console comes to the rescue - this is a certain browser field that contains absolutely all the information about the page and its source code. By exploring it, you can find a lot of interesting things, including developer errors. To avoid making mistakes, use the browser console.

Let's say that you have created an Internet page, but you need to adjust the image to the required dimensions, the output comes to the console, which has the ability to debug the page in real time, which greatly saves time and effort. In the next part of the article we will tell you how to open the console in the Yandex browser. This knowledge will definitely help you if you are a novice webmaster.

How to open the developer console in Yandex

To open the console you will need a special keyboard shortcut. If you read the documentation for absolutely any browser, you will find that using a mouse is not even necessary. There are an incredible number of keyboard shortcuts that can fulfill your every desire.

Instructions on how to open the console in the Yandex browser:

  1. Launch the browser from Yandex, and then wait for it to fully load into RAM, it will only take a few seconds.
  2. Now open any Internet page, for example, Google, but it doesn’t matter at all, any will do.
  3. To open Yandex tools, press the following keys: “Ctrl + Shift + I”
  4. If you want to work specifically with JavaScript - this is a programming language, then you will need to hold down the following keys: “Ctrl + Shift + J”

However, in different browsers There are different ways to open the console, so in the next paragraph we will go through the most popular browsers.

Opening the console in other browsers

First of all, it’s worth informing: do not try to use the same key combinations on different browsers. There have been many cases where users have mistakenly deleted all their bookmarks, and getting them back can be quite problematic, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, below will be examples of how to open consoles correctly.

  1. Google Chrome. There are two options: go to the settings, where there will be a button to open the console, or press the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + I”.
  2. Opera. In the "Development Tools" menu there will be a button " Source code", or the key combination "Ctrl + U".
  3. Firefox. In the browser settings, either “Ctrl + Shift + J”.
  4. Safari. F12, or go to “Add-ons”, where there will be “Show menu for developer”

In conclusion

We hope that this article helped you understand how to open the console in the Yandex browser. This knowledge will especially help students, young developers, as well as ordinary users who want to learn a little more about computer technology, because they are the future of our world.

Many people use browsers that make us one with the global Internet. However, how Internet pages are structured, how to write them yourself - this is information only for those who want to create something new. All these features are hidden for ordinary users, all for reasons of simplicity and intuitiveness, but in this article we will examine the topic of how to open the console in the Yandex browser, why it was created, what language it supports, and much more. The article is recommended for users not only of the Yandex browser

Why do you need a console in a browser?

There are three reasons to create a console in a browser:

  • To debug the browser itself at the design stage.
  • To train young professionals in the functions of a particular browser.
  • For professionals to debug their Internet pages in real time.
  • Not many people know, but you can write your own website using just 2 things: knowledge and a notepad. However, this method is extremely wasteful of your time, because you will have to resave the document after each change of any parameters. A special debugging console comes to the rescue - this is a certain browser field that contains absolutely all the information about the page and its source code. By exploring it, you can find a lot of interesting things, including developer errors. To avoid making mistakes, use the browser console.

    Let's say that you have created an Internet page, but you need to adjust the image to the required dimensions, the output comes to the console, which has the ability to debug the page in real time, which saves a lot of time and effort. In the next part of the article we will tell you how to open the console in the Yandex browser. This knowledge will definitely help you if you are a novice webmaster.

    How to open the developer console in Yandex

    Opening the console will require a special keyboard shortcut. If you read the documentation for absolutely any browser, you will find that using a mouse is not even necessary. There are an incredible number of keyboard shortcuts that can fulfill your every desire.

    Instructions on how to open the console in the Yandex browser:

  • Launch the Yandex browser, then wait until it is completely loaded into RAM, this will only take a few seconds.
  • Now open any Internet page, for example, Google, but it doesn’t matter at all, any will do.
  • To open Yandex tools, press the following keys: “Ctrl + Shift + I”
  • If you want to work specifically with JavaScript - this is a programming language, then you will need to hold down the following keys: “Ctrl + Shift + J”
  • However, different browsers have different ways of opening the console, so in the next paragraph we will go through the most popular browsers.

    Opening the console in other browsers

    First, it’s worth informing: do not try to use the same key combinations on different browsers. There have been many cases when users mistakenly deleted all their bookmarks, and getting them back can be quite problematic, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, below we will give examples of how to open consoles correctly.

  • Google Chrome. There are two options: go to the settings, where there will be a button to open the console, or press the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + I”.
  • Opera. In the “Development Tools” menu there will be a “Source Code” button, or the “Ctrl + U” key combination.
  • Firefox. In the browser settings, or “Ctrl + Shift + J”.
  • Safari. F12, or go to “Add-ons”, where there will be “Show menu for developer”
  • In conclusion

    We hope that this article helped you understand how to open the console in the Yandex browser. This knowledge will especially help students, young developers, as well as ordinary users who want to learn a little more about computer technology, because they are the future of our world.

    I decided to write this article under the impression of some users who are administrators of several sites, but have no idea about the browser console, and therefore constantly get questions like “how can I change the color of the button” or “my private messages don’t work, what should I do?” And to the questions “what errors are displayed in the console?” or "what does the server return?" They just invite you to see for yourself.

    A webmaster who does not know how to use tools or does not know about them at all is no good; he should make some efforts in his development and, in between creating the next web masterpiece, read this article in order to independently solve problems on his site, or at least At least, provide more complete information to support requests.

    I’ll say right away that this article will not describe all the functionality of the panel, but the functionality and capabilities of several tabs that are most interesting for a novice webmaster will be discussed in detail.

    The browser developer panel is probably the most important tool of a real webmaster, which allows you to get a complete picture of what is happening when loading a site page and after it.

    The information obtained from the panel is often enough to indicate the cause of almost any problem on the site; neglecting this information is, at a minimum, unwise.

    Nowadays, browser developers do not forget about the developer panel; it is necessarily available in any, more or less modern browser and we can say that its presence is standard, so you are likely to find it in your browser, even if you were not previously aware of its existence.

    There are many browsers, there are even more nuances of working with them, but as an example I will use the Chrom browser panel, but don’t be afraid, the principle of its operation is the same for almost all browsers and when comparing the functionality of one browser with another, you will often find a lot in common between their panels .

    So let's take a look at this panel.

    Press the F12 key and the developer panel will appear.

    My eyes immediately ran wild, it was unclear where to look, what to press. Let's go in order.

    By default, the first tab "Elements" is open.

    This tab displays the html code of the current page.

    Inside the tab, you can get complete information not only about the location of the html blocks, but also view which js and css files are included when loading it, and even get acquainted with the contents of these files by simply clicking on the corresponding link in the page code.

    To the right of the page code, a column is displayed with CSS styles and rules in force for the current page or html block that you select.

    This is where miracles begin. The tab allows you to edit both html code and css rules.

    Select the html block of interest, select it and its css styles will be displayed in the right column. Right-click on this block and select one of the suggested actions "Edit as HTML" and you will be able to edit the html code of this block. You will see the result of this editing immediately upon completion, all editing occurs, so to speak, online, the result is immediately displayed on the page.

    The picture is the same with editing css rules for a selected block. You can view which styles apply to this block in at the moment and, if necessary, adjust them, disable unnecessary ones, or vice versa - add some kind of your own rule. The result of these actions will be applied to the element immediately.

    You should not think that changes in html and css in this tab somehow affect the real state of affairs on your server and that you are actually editing the html and css files of your site. All this happens only in the browser and you will need to transfer all changes to these files yourself.

    If everything seems to be clear with html files, one file is one page, then page styles can consist of many css files, and you need to know exactly which files need to be edited.

    We look at the column with styles and notice that next to each style block not only a link to a css file is displayed, but also a line where this rule is placed inside specified file. Using this information you can easily find required file on the server and a place to edit inside this file.

    Having mastered this tab, you will be able to solve issues related to making small changes to the page layout and its style display individual elements, which will significantly save your personal time and nerves. This tab is required to be studied first.

    Let's move on to the next tab - "Network".

    This tab does not provide as many editing capabilities as the previous one, but the information obtained in it is no less valuable. Here we can track all the requests sent to our server while the current page is loading and get the responses from our server as a result of this request. Perhaps this information is too complex for novice webmasters, where else can we find out the answer to the question “Why is it not sent when I send a private message in the chat?”) If you decide to find the answer to this question and questions like this yourself, then look at "Network" tab in all eyes.

    The pages of modern sites are no longer static HTML blanks as they were before; page scripts themselves can constantly send various requests to the server or upon certain user actions, and these are the ones that will be of interest to us in the first place.

    Let's look at some custom action which will send a request to the server and receive a response from the server, for example, changing the sending of a personal message from a private chat. Open the chat page, open the developer panel on the "Network" tab and try to send a message in the chat.

    Immediately after the “Send” button is clicked in the panel tab, we will be able to observe the request to the server file, and if we click on it, we will receive complete information about which file the data was sent to and what kind of data.

    The response from the server can be received in the Preview tab of this request. It is very important that the response is expected, then the action performed by the user will be executed, otherwise an error occurs. If it occurs, then the server’s response will let you know about the causes of the problem.

    The server may return an error text like "Warning..." or "Fatal Error...", or return a server error number, such as 404 or 500, or it may happen that the response tab is empty - no response was received. This information will be very helpful in solving the problem that has arisen in the support service where you contact it, it will indicate possible reasons its occurrence, and often will clearly show where to dig.

    So let’s not ignore this tab; the information obtained from it is very interesting and useful, at least for general development. It's always useful to know what goes where and where what comes from)

    Sometimes it happens that you seem to have clicked on the rating button or sent a message in a personal chat, but nothing happens, you looked in the “Network” tab of the browser panel, but requests to the server simply are not sent, most likely, a conflict has arisen in the js scripts of the site, So it's time to go to the "Console" tab.

    The "Console" tab displays a log of problems encountered when loading the page in js scripts so that they can be tracked. It may also display errors that occurred when trying to load a missing file when loading the current page. Critical problems are displayed in red and often it is their solution that restores the functionality of the entire site if it was broken.

    Information from the Console tab is very useful for a webmaster; it allows you to immediately track the occurrence of conflicts in scripts when loading a page or trivial errors. The text of the error informs about its type and where it occurred, the js file and the place in this file where the error was noticed is indicated, which helps in solving these errors.

    Take a look at this tab when loading pages on your site, what will you see there? Are there many red messages? Very often, just one error message in this tab is enough for all scripts on the site to stop working, so you should definitely not neglect this information, and if you notice entries in the console, then you should take action to identify and fix problems. Ideally, there should be no red in the console at all.

    I hope now, having familiarized yourself with the listed tabs of the developer panel, it will become easier for you to work with your sites, identify and fix problems without contacting specialists, or provide these specialists with more comprehensive information about the state of affairs.

    Web browsers have many more features than are needed for regular web surfing. There are features to make information easier to find, tons of storage, tools for data management, and even tools for testing and developing websites. The Yandex browser console contains various tools for working with the invisible side of sites: JavaScript code, connected data and devices, cookies, cache, security certificates, etc. The developer console is an extremely useful tool not only in the hands of a programmer; sometimes even a non-specialist has to use this panel.

    The developer panel is implemented to solve five main tasks:

    Developer tools and the console in the Yandex browser are universal tools; they have everything a programmer needs and more.

    How to open the console in Yandex browser?

    There are several ways to call the console in the Yandex browser:

    • Through “Yandex Browser Settings”;
    • From context menu pages;
    • Using hotkeys.

    Through the browser menu

    All the necessary tools are placed in one section " Additional tools" From here we can go directly to the console, developer tools, or simply open the HTML code of the page.

    How to open the developer console in Yandex browser:

    In the same way, we can open the HTML code after clicking on “View page code”, and also go to “Developer Tools” by clicking on the corresponding item.

    From the context menu

    This is one of the most simple ways open required section, to implement it we only need to make 3 clicks:

    Via hot keys

    To launch the console in the Yandex browser, we can use hotkeys. They allow you to open not only the console itself, but also the developer tools.

    How to turn on the console using keyboard shortcuts:

    Another way to go to the desired panel is to press the key F12.

    Description of developer panel elements

    It's time to take a closer look at all the tabs in the developer console and their functions. On detailed description It will take a lot of time, so we will briefly talk about the role of each of them.

    Developer panel tabs:

    • "Elements" displays structured HTML code. It maintains precise code structure and nesting rules. In addition to the HTML code, it displays the CSS styles for each block or element. Allows you to understand the structure, see the classes of elements and the styles assigned to them;
    • “Console” displays errors in the page code and allows you to run your own JavaScript code, which will be instantly processed in the browser;
    • “Sources” is a tab that contains all the files with JavaScript and CSS code that are connected to the resource. Allows you to view both locally connected code and files hosted on other resources (this can be JQuery, Google metrics, Yandex and other theme files, scripts);
    • “Network” is a very important tab, since we can use the information from it to increase the performance of the site. This displays the time it takes to load media content and external JS files. If the site uses high-resolution images or they are loaded from an external resource, the site will take longer to load. This tab shows which content causes the web resource to slow down;
    • “Performance” is a page for checking the performance of a resource in detail. After the website testing procedure, statistics appear for each page element with complete information by download speed;
    • “Memory” is similar to the previous tab, but it displays information on page weight. We can expand the data and study in detail the weight of all page elements. Not only the weight of pictures or text is taken into account, but also all objects, HTML and CSS elements, etc.;
    • “Application” provides access to all storage: cookies, cache, local storage, sessions, fonts, scripts and more. There is also a useful tool “Clear Storage”, it is designed to clear all storage;
    • “Security” offers information on security certificates and connection reliability;
    • "Audits" is a tool for quickly auditing a website. At the end of the work, the result is shown in 5 categories: “Performance”, “Web application progressivity”, “Ease of use”, “ Best practice"(tips for improving the page) and "SEO".

    A couple more points:

    Now we know why it is needed and how to open the console in the Yandex browser, and we also briefly became acquainted with the functions of each element from the developer tools. By fully using this development tool, it becomes possible to develop a website better and faster. Regular users The console is useful for providing screenshots of site malfunctions and clearing temporary data.

    Hello, dear friends. The developer panel (console) in the browser is an indispensable tool for every website owner, with which you can quickly view the html code of the page and css styles. And also find out about errors that occurred when loading the site and check the site for adaptability.

    Today we will consider working with html code, css styles and adaptability in the developer panel. These are the tools that are required to solve most problems.

    For a general understanding of the picture, let's give an example when you might need the developer panel.

    Let's say you came to my blog and you were interested in what font I use or color and so on. In general, this can be any element on the site. And you wanted to do the same on your website.

    Then you look through the developer panel in the browser at the desired element, where you can see the html code and css styles for it.

    Another option for using the panel is when you want to do something on the site, but don’t yet know what it will look like.

    In this case, you can also use the developer panel and see how your idea will look in the browser. After all, everything you do in the developer panel is visible only to you. And in order for visitors to see your experiments, you will need to transfer styles and codes to the site files.

    Opening the webmaster panel and getting acquainted with the interface

    The developer panel is present in every modern browser. In order to open it, you need to press the F12 key on your keyboard.

    The panel interface will differ in different browsers, but the principles of operation are similar.

    I prefer the panel in the Firefox browser.

    The panel itself is divided into two halves and contains tabs and tools for work.

    In the panel you can view the HTML code of the page and edit it right there. To do this, select the desired element and press right button mouse and select from the menu "Edit asHTML (EditasHTML)".

    To work with styles, you need to go to the section of the CSS panel, where you can add styles or disable existing ones by removing the checkbox next to them. Everything can be changed.

    Here you can find out in which file the styles are located, and on what line.

    How to analyze an html element on a website and find out its css styles

    Let's look at my example, which is located in each article.

    In order to analyze the desired element, you need to right-click on it and select the menu item .

    The whole principle of working with code in the panel is that you need to select the html code in the left window, and in the right window there will be styles for this element.

    And if everything is quite simple with styles, then when working with html code you need to understand its integrity. That is, each element has tags in which it is located. These could be paragraphs, links, images, and so on. Most often these are DIV blocks that have an opening tag < div> and closing div>. And this is all clearly visible in the panel.

    When copying or editing, it is important to understand where a block begins and where it ends. Making the slightest mistake here can disrupt the entire layout of the template.

    In the video tutorial I will go into detail on this point. And if you want to quickly master basic knowledge of html and css, I advise you to go to the page "For free" and download courses by Evgeniy Popov.

    How to copy html code from the panel to site files

    There can be many ideas for using the developer panel. After experimenting in the panel, the result must be transferred to the site files. And there is some difficulty here. The fact is that the panel displays html code, and most modern sites, including those on the WordPress platform, are created using the PHP programming language. And this is like heaven and earth.

    So, let's look at an example of copying a banner from my blog and transferring it to another site.

    To do this, you need to open the developer panel, examining the desired element. Having determined the beginning of the DIV block, press the right button of the front sight and select the menu item "Copy externalHTML"

    The code has been copied to the clipboard and now you need to paste it where you want to see this banner.

    This process is quite difficult to describe, so I suggest watching a video tutorial in which everything is explained and shown in detail.

    How to transfer styles from the developer panel to site files

    Once you have decided on the code and styles, you can start transferring them to the site files. Since for now all these changes are visible only to you in the browser, and if you refresh the page, all the changes will disappear.

    , for me it is more convenient. Since when working in Notepad++ there is code highlighting and line numbering. And this helps a lot when you don’t just need to copy styles, but make changes to existing ones. These styles are easy to find by line number.

    How to check template responsiveness in the developer panel

    To switch the panel to adaptive mode, you need to press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+M or the button in the developer panel, which is located differently in different browsers.


    In this article, I did not look at all the tools of the developer panel, but only those that can be useful and are used most often by many webmasters.

    Using the panel and skills in working with code and styles are indispensable when working with websites and affiliate programs.

    Take the tool into service, it will be useful to you many more times.

    If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

    Friends, I wish you success. See you in new articles.

    Best regards, Maxim Zaitsev.

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