iPhone 5 power button which side. iPhone lock (power) button does not work – Anatomy of a Breakdown

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Many people turn to service centers with one of the most common problems in the iPhone 5 - a breakdown of the on/off button (the same button performs the function of locking and unlocking the phone). It is located on the top right side of the iPhone 5.

Apple has opened special program Repairing power buttons on iPhone 5. But it is designed for devices that have specific serial numbers. The program applies to a number of iPhones released since March 2013. Apple reports that the program was launched due to the fact that in a small number of devices the power button may stop working or work incorrectly. The one-year warranty period for them has expired, but for devices with certain serial numbers, free repair of the switching mechanism is now possible within two years from the date of purchase.

You can find out whether a particular device is covered by the program for increasing the warranty period of the power buttons by the serial number of the smartphone in the list on the Apple website. If the device is eligible for the program, repairs can be made free of charge at Apple service centers.

If the device does not fall under this program, then you will have to repair it at a service center at your own expense. In this article we will look in detail at what could be the cause of the breakdown and possible ways solutions to such a problem.

Reasons for the failure of the on/off button on the iPhone 5:

Liquid ingress or heavy contamination;
Violation of membrane integrity;
Strong physical impact on the button;
Factory defect.

Button failure may look different, regardless of the reason why the button failed.

There are three types of incorrect operation of the on/off button:

1. The button cannot be pressed; it is pressed into the body. IN in this case The membrane has burst and does not perform its function of pressing the button.
2. The button is pressed, but it rarely works and pressing requires a lot of effort. The reason is also in the membrane, but it is not completely pressed in and when pressed hard it still works.
3. The button is pressed, but it does not work. The reason is a faulty loop. Most likely, oxidation appeared in some places, the contacts were broken and the cable stopped working.

In all of the above cases, it is necessary to replace the on/off button together with the cable, since the button cannot be replaced separately. Let's look at the steps to replace the on/off button cable.

First of all, you need to completely disassemble the phone

We will show you the process of replacing the cable in more detail.

1. First of all, you need to unscrew the two screws near the charging connector.

3. Unscrew the screws holding the metal plates (battery and display cable)

disconnect the battery

and disconnect the display connection cable

5. The battery is glued quite firmly to the case. Therefore, we will use a metal spatula to lift the battery.

6. Disconnect all cables going to the motherboard

7. General view of the iPhone 5 disassembly stage

8. Now you need to remove the motherboard. Remove all the screws holding the board to the case

9. General view of the second stage of iPhone 5 disassembly

10. Now we are close to the faulty iPhone 5 power button cable. First, we remove the vibration motor.

11. Remove the screws of the power button cable itself

Please note that the cable is glued to the body!

We replace the non-working cable with a new one and assemble it in reverse order!

Using the following instructions, you can safely remove the device's on/off button from the iPhone 5s phone case, and then install a new spare part. To get to the button, you have to remove the battery from the phone. It is glued to the body using a special adhesive tape. It cannot be reused, so we recommend preparing the tape in advance. You can also use double-sided tape. It is not necessary to glue the battery, but it is better to do so to protect it from vibration.

In our service center, the replacement will be carried out by the best specialists with a guarantee of quality, which cannot be said about the replacement with your own hands. The price for the service with a spare part will be 1500.

Now let's get started.

Take a screwdriver with a star head and use it to unscrew the following two bolts at the bottom of the device:

Now you need to separate the screen from the base. Use a special tool for this (shown below) or at least a vacuum suction cup. The option with the tool is much easier:

· Attach your instrument approximately as follows:

· And then (very smoothly) just squeeze its handles - the body will separate from the base:

In the case of the iPhone 5s, you may encounter a common problem, namely, separation protective glass from the plastic lining. If you observe such a picture, then take some flat plastic object and insert it into the opening between the case and the display.

Move the paddle as you lift the touchscreen until it is separated from the body.

Now let's look at the process of opening the phone using a vacuum suction cup. First, attach it to the display at the bottom.

Hold the phone on the table with one hand and pull the suction cup with the other. An opening is formed in the lower part of the body. Insert a plastic spatula into it and use it as a lever to separate the display from the base. You may need to use a spatula to go around the entire perimeter of the phone.

Raise the display to a slight angle. Directly below it you will see the cable from the Home button, which goes under the metal cover. First of all, open it.

And then disconnect the cable connector from the board.

After which you can separate the display from the body. Do this, and then fix the phone in one position so that it is convenient to perform further actions.

Now let's disconnect the battery from the phone. To do this you need to unscrew the following bolts:

Remove the metal plug and then disconnect the battery cable from the board.

To access the phone's on/off button, you will need to completely remove the display. First, unscrew the 5 bolts holding the next plug in the upper right part of the device.

When you remove the cover, you will find several cables. Remove their connectors from their sockets:

· Front camera cable;

LCD display cable;

· Screen cable.

We no longer need a touchscreen. Put it aside.

The next task is to dismantle the motherboard. First, let's disconnect all cables from it. To the left of the battery, remove the following connector from the socket on the board:

Just below, find the cable from the phone's Dock connector, disconnect it and then bend it down.

Directly below the battery socket there is a connector from the phone antenna. We disconnect it from the board.

Go to the top right side of the phone. Here you will see the cable from the main camera. We remove it from the nest.

A little to the left of the camera there is a small piece of adhesive tape. It needs to be peeled off to gain access to the bolts.

There are 7 bolts left to unscrew.

Now the motherboard can be removed from the phone. Pry it up with a spatula at the bottom.

Do not rush to remove the board from the phone. Take it in your hands and pull it towards you a little.

Turn the board over. Here you will see a small connector from the antenna cable. Remove it from its slot. After which the fee can be removed.

Next, we remove the main camera. First, look at the area to the right of the camera. There is a small metal fastener under the bolt hole here. Pull it out and put it in a safe place so as not to lose it.

The camera itself is additionally held on the base using adhesive tape. Locate the end on the right side of the camera body and then peel it off.

The camera can now be removed from the phone.

Here we find the following two bolts and unscrew them:

And then remove the next plug.

Inspect the socket where the camera was removed. At the top you will see a small sealing lining. It serves to protect the camera from vibration. Don't forget to take it off too.

Let's move on to dismantling the battery. At the bottom of it you will find adhesive tape protruding from under the battery. Let's peel it off.

Carefully pull the tape out and then cut it into 2 pieces.

Grab one of the bands and gradually begin to pull it out from under the battery.

Most likely, the tape will get stuck at some point. To peel it off, place the tape behind the side of the battery.

And then continue peeling it off until you reach the top of the battery.

The same must be done with the other tape.

Once both bands are removed, you can remove the battery from the phone.

Often the tape breaks somewhere in the middle. In this case, use thin plastic card, using it to pry the battery from right side. Push the card forward to peel the battery away from the base.

There is very little left. First of all, inspect the top side of the case. Here you will need to unscrew the following bolt:

This will allow you to remove the metal contact.

Under it you will find a slamming plug. Bend it to the side.

Now push the button with reverse side, and then remove it from its nest.

This completes the procedure for removing the phone's on/off button. Install in its place new button, and then repeat all the steps in this manual in reverse to assemble your smartphone.

If you are interested in other iPhone 5s repair services, you can go to this onepage.

Using these instructions, you can replace the iPhone 5 power button at home.

Attention! Perform the described actions only if you have the appropriate skills and experience.

You can also entrust this work to our specialists. The cost of work including spare parts will be 1500 rubles.

Step 1. If the display of your iPhone 5 is cracked or broken, before disassembling the smartphone, you need to apply tape to the surface of the screen so that it does not crumble during disassembly and so as not to cut yourself when opening the smartphone.

Step 2: Power off your iPhone 5, then remove the two 3.6mm screws located on either side of the charging port on the bottom of the case.

Step 3. If you have the opportunity to use the special iSlack tool to open your smartphone, the next two steps are for you. IN otherwise, proceed to step 5. Place the bottom of the iPhone 5 between the iSlack cups against the plastic guide. Spread the handles of the tool in order to close the cups. Make sure they are in the middle of the smartphone across the width of the case.

Step 4: Hold your smartphone firmly and press down on the iSlack's handles to open the cups, which will separate the top panel from the bottom. After the case is opened, disconnect the iSlack cups from the smartphone. If you managed to open the smartphone case, you can proceed to step 7.

Step 5. Take the suction cup and attach it to iPhone screen 5 above the "Home" button, make sure it is held firmly. If you open your smartphone with broken screen, apply a few more layers of tape to the screen, and then make sure there are no air bubbles between them and the screen.

Step 6. After making sure that the suction cup is securely attached to the smartphone screen, gently pull it up while holding the bottom of the case with your other hand. Using the corner of a plastic card or the flat end of a plastic iPhone opening tool, pry top part housing and disconnect it from the bottom.

Step 8: Do not completely disconnect the top case from the bottom case, as they are connected by several cables in the speaker area. Pull the top and open it, placing it at 90 degrees to the base.

Step 9: Remove the two screws that secure the front panel cable bracket to the motherboard. This is one 1.2 mm and one 1.6 mm screw, remember their location so that you can screw them into the correct holes and not damage the motherboard.

Step 10: Remove the bracket that covers the cable connectors from the motherboard.

Step 11: Using the flat end of a plastic stylus, disconnect the following connectors - front camera cable connector, LCD display cable, digitizer cable.

Step 12: Now you can completely separate the top panel of your iPhone 5 from the bottom panel.

Step 13: Remove the two screws that secure the battery connector bracket to the motherboard. These are a 1.8mm screw and a 1.6mm screw.

Step 14: Remove this bracket.

Step 15: Using the flat edge of a plastic stylus, carefully disconnect the battery connector from its connector on the motherboard.

Step 16. Use a plastic stylus to pry off the smartphone battery in three places - at the bottom and two points on the side.

Step 17: Disconnect the battery.

Step 18. Using the sharp end of a plastic stylus, disconnect the antenna connector from the connector on the motherboard, it is located directly above the speaker.

Step 19: Remove the two screws that secure the motherboard bracket to the case. One 1.5mm and one 2.3mm screw.

Step 20: Disconnect this bracket from the motherboard.

Step 21: Using the flat end of a plastic stylus, disconnect the following connectors from their connectors: the upper and lower jumper cables and the button module cable.

Step 22: Remove the two 1.3mm screws from the inside of the case at the top.

Step 23: Remove the 1.2mm screw in the middle of the bracket on the motherboard.

Step 24: Remove the bracket located in the center of the motherboard.

Step 25: Use the pointed end of a stylus to disconnect the Lightning connector cable from its connector on the motherboard. Then carefully bend the cable away from the motherboard.

Step 26. Press the recessed button located on the side of the smartphone using a paper clip, then remove the SIM card tray from the smartphone.

Step 27: Remove the following screws that secure the motherboard to the smartphone case: two 2.3mm screws, two 2.7mm screws, one 2.7mm magnetized screw. During assembly, it must be placed exactly in its hole so as not to disrupt the operation of the digital compass.

Step 28: Bend the motherboard away from the case toward the battery connector.

Step 29. Using the sharp end of a plastic stylus, disconnect the Wi-Fi antenna connector from the connector.

Step 30: Remove the motherboard from the case. To avoid damage, place it on an antistatic mat.

Step 31. Using the sharp end of a stylus, remove the rubber bumper from the power button.

Step 32: Remove the screws that secure the plate between the flash and the camera window. One 2.9mm sleeve screw, one 1.6mm and one 1.9mm screw.

Step 33: Remove the power button plate.

Step 34: Using the pointed end of a stylus, pry off the metal bracket that separates the power switch from the chassis.

As with all phone models, the iPhone 5 power button is located on the top end of the phone in the right corner and performs the functions of turning the phone on/off, as well as locking. Its breakdown is a fairly common reason for contacting iPhone owners 5 to service centers.

True, Apple has organized a special program with which you can replace the button on an iPhone 5 for free. In order to replace the button for free in a specialized Apple center, there are a number of conditions: the phone must be released between March 2013, and its serial number must be in the list of serial numbers of phones that are eligible for free repair on the Apple website. This is due to the fact that the company’s developers discovered a number of defects that could cause the button to break. The usual one-year warranty for such iPhones has already expired, but they can provide a free replacement within 2 years.

For users of all other phones who encounter this problem, they will have to replace the button at their own expense. The best way to do this is to contact service center, who will perform this operation without difficulty and with a guarantee.

What situations can cause the lock button to break?

  • Moisture gets inside the case, resulting in corrosion of the contacts.
  • Violation of the integrity of the membrane, which can be caused by strong physical impact on the button.
  • Shocks and falls, which can also damage the button cable, then the phone 5 button cable will need to be replaced.
  • Ingress of dirt, sand and dust can also cause the button to malfunction.

How can you tell if a button needs repair?

  • If the button is recessed, it is sunk;
  • if pressing it requires effort;
  • if the button does not work the first time, it turns on every other time;
  • if the button dangles, there is no fixation;
  • if the phone reboots itself;
  • if the power button spontaneously pops up on the screen

Then you need to replace the power button on your phone 5. Our service center will easily perform this operation, and you will be able to enjoy your working device in just 30 minutes.

How to repair a button on an iPhone 5?

  1. First you need to remove the front panel. To do this, unscrew the fasteners at the bottom of the phone.
  2. Next, use a suction cup to carefully lift the display, using a spatula, make a gap, and then snap off the display holders.
  3. Unscrew the three screws on the cable holder.
  4. The cable holder is disconnected from the motherboard.
  5. Using a plastic spatula, the cables are detached.
  6. The front part of the smartphone is detached.
  7. The battery holder is unscrewed and removed.
  8. Then the battery connector is disconnected.
  9. The antenna cable is disconnected from the motherboard.
  10. Two more screws of the cable holder are unscrewed, and the holder itself is removed.
  11. The SIM card tray is released.
  12. Next motherboard is freed from all screws and removed.
  13. The screw of the button holder is unscrewed, after which it can be replaced.
  14. Next, the phone is assembled in reverse order.

If you need a replacement iPhone buttons 5, its price will differ among different masters, this is determined by the use of original and non-original components. Of course, the original spare part will serve you longer and of better quality. Our service center uses only original components, so you can always be confident in the quality of the repairs performed by us!

When using any device, the power button plays a crucial role. On iPhone 5s this button is not only intended to turn it on, it also serves as a lock button.

The Power button for iPhone 5s is located at the top of the smartphone, at the end of it, on the right. It is located on the end cable, like the volume and call mode selection buttons, the receiving microphone and the vibration motor contact pad.

Therefore, if it breaks down, you can often observe other troubles accompanying the operation of the iPhone:

The volume button is stuck, poorly pressed or does not function at all;
- spontaneous change of the call mode indicator on the display;
- failures in the vibration mode during calls or SMS;
- the microphone on the iPhone 5s does not record sound.

If you experience at least one of the breakdowns, you need not only replacing the power button on the iPhone 5s, but also a complete diagnosis of the phone. Perhaps the upper cable that connects all these parts has stopped functioning in the device.

Reasons to repair the iPhone 5s power button

  1. The lock button does not press, as if pressed inside the phone. This means that the membrane has burst.
  2. The button is pressed, but does not always work effectively, or is pressed poorly. The reason is similar - in the membrane, but it is simply pressed through. But, you still need to replace the power button on the iPhone 5s.
  3. The button does not function, but presses normally. Most likely the reason is damage to the cable. It will also need to be replaced.
  4. The Power button seems to be dangling, does not lock in a certain position, and, accordingly, does not work when pressed. There is also the problem of a burst membrane.

Even if iphone lock 5s still works, but you notice that it has become more difficult to press, you need to make an effort, or it doesn’t always work - it needs to be replaced. You should not use any force to turn on the phone, this will cause the button to break even faster. Know that if such problems are observed, then soon it will completely stop functioning, so there is no point in delaying repairs.

Reasons why the lock button fails

The reasons are the same as for everyone iPhone breakdowns, may be different.

Typically this is:

  • moisture getting inside the case;
  • mechanical damage;
  • falling of the device or strong impact;
  • Pressing a button too hard using force.

Features of repairing the Power button on iPhone 5s

The main feature and, at the same time, complexity is the fact that in order to get to the breakdown itself it is necessary to carry out complete disassembly iPhone devices 5s. This is an extremely difficult task, because you need to slowly, carefully and carefully, disconnect all the system parts of the phone one after another without damaging their functionality.

This happens in the following sequence:

  1. Unscrew the bolts securing the case at the bottom, at the end of the phone.
  2. Use a suction cup to lift the display, being careful not to damage the cable.
  3. Disconnect the display cable and the battery. To do this, you need to unscrew all the bolts.
  4. Disconnect the motherboard cables.
  5. Remove the motherboard.
  6. Remove the power button cable.
  7. Remove the non-working button and replace it with a new one. If necessary, replace the cable.
  8. Reassemble the phone in reverse order.

This procedure requires certain skills, abilities and special tools. Only professionals can do this. By contacting our company, you can be sure that your iPhone 5s is in the hands of real craftsmen who will literally replace the Power button on your iPhone 5s within an hour.

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