When, why and how to update the motherboard BIOS. Is it worth updating the BIOS - features and nuances Is it necessary to reflash the BIOS

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Update software and the operating system often opens new ones, interesting features and capabilities, troubleshoots problems that were in previous version. However, updating the BIOS is not always recommended, since if the computer is working normally, then you are unlikely to get much benefit from the update, and new problems can easily appear.

BIOS is the basic input and output system that is written into all computers by default. The system, unlike the OS, is stored on a special chipset located on the motherboard. BIOS is needed for quick check the main components of the computer for operability when turned on, starting the operating system and making any changes to the operation of the computer.

Although every computer has a BIOS, it is also divided into versions and developers. For example, a BIOS from AMI will be significantly different from its counterpart from Phoenix. Also, the BIOS version must be selected individually for the motherboard. In this case, you should also take into account compatibility with certain computer components (RAM, central processor, video card).

In what cases is it necessary to update the BIOS?

Even though BIOS updates do not affect its operation too much, sometimes they can significantly improve the performance of a PC. So, what will a BIOS update do? Only in these cases is downloading and installing updates advisable:

  • If the new BIOS version has fixed those errors that caused you great inconvenience. For example, there were problems starting the OS. Also in some cases the manufacturer motherboard or the laptop itself may recommend updating the BIOS.
  • If you are going to upgrade your computer, then to install the latest equipment You will need to update the BIOS, as some older versions may not support it or support it incorrectly.

It is necessary to update the BIOS only in rare cases when it is truly vital for the continued operation of the computer. Also, when updating, it is advisable to do backup copy previous version so that you can quickly rollback if necessary.

If your computer crashes, you will need to reset the CMOS or even flash the motherboard BIOS. Let's look at the options in which BIOS recovery is possible.

BIOS translates as (Basic Input Output System) - “basic input/output system”, looks like a chip on the motherboard. A basic list of parameters and system commands is “hardwired” into the chip; when changing them, the user can select the most appropriate settings for the computer’s operation.

On boards from 2012 you can find DUAL BIOS (double BIOS). If this technology is built into the motherboard, then two BIOS are soldered on it, the first is the main one, and the second is required for recovery.

Consequences of a BIOS failure

Here are the most common signs of a failure in the BIOS, which may require flashing it, but you can often get by with a simple CLR CMOS reset.

The reasons for the failure are different:

  • It’s impossible to enter the BIOS settings panel, and instead of settings we see a black screen;
  • It is not possible to call the boot menu, but instead a black screen appears;
  • Frequent spontaneous PC reboots;
  • When calling up the settings or BOOT menu, there are unclear colored dots on the screen;
  • USB ports are not detected;
  • The CD-ROM has disappeared;
  • Can't save changes on reboot;
  • Can't reset settings to default.

The following may lead to failure:

  • Sudden voltage drop when restarting the computer;
  • Too much frequent reboot computer before loading the operating system;
  • Interfering with the BIOS through command line or third party software;
  • Incorrect CMOS reset, as well as updating or flashing the motherboard BIOS;

The first thing you can do without the help of specialists from the service center is to reset the settings to default. Let's consider the basic principle, because there are quite a lot of motherboard manufacturers, but on the website of your manufacturer motherboard There are always instructions where everyone can find information specifically about their model.

The implementation of a reset, as well as the appearance of the utilities that will be described below, may differ depending on the manufacturer, but the principle user actions is similar for each case.

How to reset BIOS on motherboard

Disable home computer from the network and wait a minute until the voltage on the system board drops. The voltage on the motherboard is not high, but shorting the contacts is quite possible.

Removing the battery

If the three-volt battery is already old (more than 3 years), you can replace it with a new one. To do this, remove the battery from the motherboard and replace it with a new one. And for a normal reset in the BIOS, remove the battery for a few minutes, 5-10 will be enough.

How to reset CMOS

If the method of removing the battery for 10 minutes does not work, then you will need to reset the CLR CMOS (BIOS reset), but do not be alarmed by the name, often resetting the BIOS settings to standard values ​​helps.

Before the operation, I recommend that you read the reset instructions on your motherboard model, on the manufacturer’s website, but usually the procedure is performed almost the same everywhere. Depending on the model of the motherboard, you will need to close the contacts for 10-20 seconds with a jumper (jumper) or a screwdriver (necessarily with the battery removed!), or press the button (CLR CMOS), if available.

You should know that you need to hold the CLR CMOS jumper or button for at least as long as recommended by the manufacturer for your motherboard. This is usually 10 seconds, but the time can vary up to a minute. It is not recommended to hold the jumper beyond the time specified by the manufacturer, or reset the CMOS too often. After these steps, you need to insert the battery and connect the power.

When you turn on your computer, there are two options:

First: a BIOS error message will appear and you will be offered 3 or 4 options to choose from (possibly in English). Type: “Saving BIOS settings”, “Loading BIOS settings”, “Resetting BIOS to optimal settings"or "ENTER BIOS" (enter BIOS settings with the DELETE key). The ideal option is when the settings are reset to standard values ​​and performance is fully restored.

Second: all of the above actions did not solve the problem and you will need to flash the motherboard BIOS. In this case, if the operating system starts normally, go to the manufacturer’s website and download there latest BIOS(not BETA) and a utility for flashing (you can use the built-in flasher). The main thing is to accurately determine your motherboard model, the AIDA64 utility will help, and download the latest firmware to it, usually a file with the extension ROM or BIN.

Flashing motherboard BIOS

We reset the BIOS settings to standard, then save the current BIOS (backup.rom) using the firmware program and start the flashing process. Find new file with the BIOS and “sewing” it, it’s very important point. If you “flash” the BIOS from another model, the motherboard will not work without the qualified help of specialists from the service center or constant failures will occur.

We use built-in tools to update the BIOS

If you need one built into the motherboard, then write the BIOS file to a flash drive formatted in FAT32 and go to the BIOS (DELETE or DELETE+ F2 key). After launching the utility from the BIOS, you need to select your flash drive and firmware file and actually “flash” it, after which the functionality will be fully restored.

You will need to wait until the rewriting is complete; do not remove the flash drive or turn off the computer's power! Interrupting the firmware can lead to complete failure of the microcircuit.

What can be done if the system does not want to start after flashing the firmware?

If flashing the motherboard BIOS was not completely successful, you will see a black screen. This means that you flashed the wrong BIOS file and the motherboard, in simple terms, “has screwed up”, “covered itself with a copper basin”, in general, it has broken down. What to do? I’ll say right away that the chance of restoring the BIOS without the help of technicians from the service center is extremely small, but you can try.

First we need to restore the damaged BIOS. To do this, you can use CLR CMOS reset (read above if you don’t know how to reset CMOS), usually if you have a DUAL BIOS (double BIOS) sealed, this can help, there may also be a special button.

For boards from ASUS

Flashing for ASUS Motherboard BIOS The board is performed as follows. You need to download the BIOS file from the manufacturer's website and rename it to the exact name of your motherboard model. Then upload the file to a flash drive with a capacity of 2-16 GB, formatted in FAT32 and name the flash drive “FLASHBACK” or “ROG CONNECT”. Turn on the computer while holding the special button on the back panel of the system unit to restore the BIOS.

For the rest, and the motherboard was purchased separately from the computer, you can insert it into the drive DVD disc supplied with motherboard for 5 minutes and turn on the PC, immediately after resetting the CLR CMOS (helps, but not always). On Gigabyte boards, sometimes there is a special BIOS recovery button (Dual BIOS).

And if there is no disk with drivers and system utilities from the motherboard, then all that remains is service center or buying a new motherboard with a socket compatible with your processor, there is no other way.

Let's figure out how and why to update the BIOS on a laptop, video card or motherboard installed in a home computer.

Let's say you purchased a video card from a friend or a used card on Aliexpress from an unreliable seller. And for reasons unknown to you, this video card has very low performance in your favorite 3D games (see benchmark), or when running 3D applications for a short time, it suddenly crashes to the desktop, or even shows blue screen death (BSOD error).

Also, sometimes artifacts may appear on the monitor screen of such a video card. But what to do in this situation? Well, first, you can find out the model of the video card that has fallen into your hands, but to do this you will have to disassemble it. First, we remove the heatsink, clean the GPU chip from thermal paste and look at the basic information about the video adapter and the brand of memory chips written on it.

Then you “punch” the received data via the Internet (Okay, Google), and forcefully flash the video card the correct file Bios. Then, if there are no artifacts covering the entire screen, check with the GPU-Z program.

But if you flash the wrong BIOS file, the video card will start to “sausage” in a way that is not at all childish, artifacts will probably appear and partially or completely cover the screen, which will make it difficult to reflash the video card back. Therefore, it is better not to “fix” a video accelerator that is known to be working, or you may end up with such artifacts.

But don’t worry about this, because you can easily restore your video card. We will need a GPU or a second video card built into the motherboard, as well as a free second PCI-E slot, or a special PCI-Ex4 to x16 adapter (riser), you can buy it profitably on Aliexpress.

The main thing is to flash the correct firmware with the original firmware utility, for NVIDIA video cards- this is Nvflash, and for AMD - ATIFlash. If everything is done as it should be, then everything will start and work normally. But if the problem is in the hardware itself - the video card is burned out, then only specialists from the service center will help.

About the BIOS of the motherboard or laptop

It's simple, if a new Bios update has been released for your motherboard or laptop model, you can update. When updating, it will work differently (usually better). Is it worth doing? Actually, I don't think it's worth it. Since it is likely that the equipment being flashed will fail, but if you can still try to restore the video card, then with the motherboard everything is more complicated.

Although, if there is a driver disk supplied with the motherboard or laptop, then you can try inserting it into DVD drive and hope that it will start automatically and everything will work as before. But most often, you will have to take the motherboard to a service center and pay for its restoration. The wizard will restore the BIOS on it using a programmer.

To find out what model of motherboard your personal computer or laptop is built on, you can download the Speccy program, or. Or you can remove the cover of the system unit and look at the inside of the PC with your own eyes.

Attention! Incorrect firmware or updating of PC components can completely disable the device being flashed, and you will have to seek help from specialists from the service center.

Now I will provide links to popular motherboard manufacturers for personal computer. You can see it here additional information about the model of your motherboard, download drivers and utilities, as well as the BIOS file for it, you will need to enter the exact name of the motherboard in the site’s search engine.

A tiny BIOS chip, located on the motherboard inside every personal computer, “brings to life” the system by initializing devices when the PC starts.

Motherboard manufacturers release firmware packages that update the BIOS throughout their service life. What gives the user the opportunity for such an update?

Almost every motherboard today has a BIOS/UEFI chip, which provides a new environment for interaction between PC components, expanding its capabilities and increasing the speed of loading the OS.

Platforms based on new UEFI chips often receive updates that fix their bugs and also protect the BIOS from virus attacks due to the availability of this interface.

Older BIOS versions may also require updates to support new devices (e.g. processor or graphics card), problem solvers compatibility, and, in rare cases, increasing system performance.

However, if the motherboard BIOS has an update, this does not mean that it must be installed. in most cases does not allow the PC to perform better or faster.

Risks of updating BIOS/UEFI

Update Computer BIOS may provide certain benefits, but it is important to understand the risks of this operation.

Each motherboard model requires exactly its own BIOS version. If this or other conditions are not met, the following options are possible:

If you need to install new hardware that is not supported by the old BIOS version, then it is worth the risk of installing a new BIOS firmware.

If the firmware contains nothing new for the user, then it is better not to use it, because... it will not bring anything new and may cause problems.

Important! In general, it is best not to update the BIOS firmware unless there is something specific that the user needs in the updated version.

However, often users want to keep up with BIOS updates if they are using a platform with a motherboard that has just come out, and regularly update the UEFI to ensure that this firmware is always in optimal condition.

BIOS/UEFI update

There are three main options for updating the BIOS:

  1. Download the BIOS file from the manufacturer's website, copy it to USB Flash drive, go to the PC BIOS and find the option to update the firmware.
  2. If the BIOS does not support flashing, you may need to create a working DOS-based USB drive with the BIOS file to boot from.
  3. Download a Windows flashing program and run the executable file, usually supplied by major PC manufacturers such as Dell, HP, etc.

BIOS update programs:

  • @BIOS;
  • MSI: Live Update;
  • Asus: Asus Update.

Each manufacturer usually has its own BIOS/UEFI update utilities. To flash the BIOS using utilities, you need to download and run the program and follow its prompts.

If the PC is assembled independently or purchased from a regular manufacturer, the 1st update option is used.

Find out the BIOS version

Before updating the BIOS, it is important to make sure that the firmware you are installing is newer than the existing one on your PC. To do this, you need to open the “System Information” application.

Step 1. Press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” (Win is located to the right of “Ctrl”), type “msinfo32” in the menu and click “OK”.

Step 2. In the window that opens BIOS version located on the right under the processor frequency, namely in the “BIOS VersionDate” column. Record the BIOS version number and date to compare it with the latest version available on the manufacturer's website.

Prepare a USB flash drive

Before flashing the BIOS, you need to prepare a clean flash drive by formatting it to FAT32.

Step 1. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB connector.

Step 2. Open the “Computer” shortcut on your desktop.

Step 3. Click on the inserted drive right click mouse and select “Format” with the left hand.

Step 4. From the File System drop-down list, select FAT32 and click Start.

Performing a BIOS/UEFI update

To download a new BIOS version, you need to find the motherboard support page on the motherboard manufacturer's website. The latest firmware is usually found in the download section.

UEFI update of ASUS P8H77-V motherboard (example).

Step 1. Go to support on the ASUS website using the link: https://www.asus.com/ru/support/ and select “Motherboards”.

Step 2. Select the platform and board model from the drop-down list, then click “Drivers and Utilities” on the right.

Step 3. Click on the “BIOS and Software” tab and click “Download”.

Important! Before downloading the BIOS, you need to compare its number and date with the version on your PC. It is also advisable to look at the details of the downloaded version, finding out what it actually updates.

The downloaded file can be seen in the “Downloads” menu of the browser.

Step 4. Click to open the firmware archive file, click “Extract”, select the USB drive and click “OK”. The file will be placed on the USB drive.

Reference! The archive may also contain a Readme.txt file that explains what exactly needs to be done when updating the BIOS. In this case, you need to open it with a mouse click and read it.

Step 5. Restart the PC and, as it starts to boot, press the “Del” key (“F2”, “F1+Fn” or “Esc”) repeatedly to enter UEFI/BIOS.

Reference! Information about the button to enter UEFI/BIOS can be seen on the PC boot screen or found in its accompanying documentation.

Step 6. After entering UEFI, click “Advanced”.

Step 7 Click "OK".

Step 8 Select the ASUS EZ Flash 2 utility.

Step 9 The utility will open the USB drive. Click on the BIOS UEFI file and click “OK”, agreeing to read the BIOS file.

Step 10 Click “OK” to agree to the BIOS update.

Important! Be sure to wait for the firmware update to finish, which can take up to several minutes, and for the prompt to “reboot” the PC.

Step 11 Click "OK".

Reference! Update old version BIOS is produced in a similar way.

Update using special software

Updating the BIOS of an MSi motherboard on a desktop PC using the proprietary Live Update 6 program.

Important! Do not use the Live Update program to update the BIOS of AIOs and laptops.

Step 2. In the browser “Downloads” menu or on the desktop, open the archive file by clicking the mouse.

Step 3. Select the folder with the program with the mouse, click "Extract", select the location of the file in the "Path..." window and click "OK". The folder will move to the specified location.

Select the folder with the program with the mouse, click “Extract”, select the location of the file in the “Path...” window, click “OK”

Step 4. Go to the unzipped folder and run the installer file.

Step 6. Select the folder to install the program by clicking “Browse...” or immediately click “Next”, “Next”, “Install”.

Select the folder to install the program by clicking “Browse...” or immediately click “Next”, “Next”, “Install”

Step 7 Launch the program using the shortcut.

Step 8 Go to the “Live Update” tab, select “Manual Scan” and check the “MB BIOS” checkbox. Click at the bottom of the “Scan” window.

The program will search latest updates BIOS.

Step 9 A list of BIOS will appear. To carry out the update, it is necessary that the version “Latest...” (latest) has a later number than “Installed...” (“Installed on the PC”). Check the “MB BIOS” box and click the download button on the right (down arrow).

Step 10 Click “Yes” to confirm saving the file to the specified path.

Step 11 Launch the downloaded file. Click “Next”.

Step 12 Leave the “In Windows...” mode and click “Next”.

Leave the “In Windows...” mode and click “Next”

Step 13 Click “Close all listed programs”, wait a moment and click “Next”.

Step 14 Click “Start” to start the update.

The BIOS update process will begin, after which the PC will reboot.

If your laptop doesn't have a battery

When updating Laptop BIOS It often requires that its battery charge be at least 10%. On a laptop with a missing battery, in this case the message “Power check error!” may appear. (“Power test error!”).

To remove this restriction, you need to run the flashing file with the uncheck key.

Step 1. Press the “Win ​​and R” keys together. Type “cmd” in the line and click “OK”.

Step 2. Type in the window the command to go to the folder with the unpacked BIOS flasher, for example: “cd c:bios”.

Step 3. Press the TAB key to sequentially display the names of files stored in the selected folder before selecting a file with the .exe extension.

Step 4. Add the “/?” key to the .exe file. and press "Enter".

Step 5. In the help list, look for a command similar to /forceit or /force (“force”) or something similar.

Step 6. Substitute one of these keys to the .exe file, for example, by typing “CLB-135.EXE /force” in the window and pressing “Enter”. The BIOS firmware file should start without checking for battery presence.

Once the computer restarts after flashing, you can continue to use the PC with the updated BIOS.

Video - What is BIOS/UEFI? Do I need to update and how to flash it?

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Video tutorial on how to flash BIOS

Bios firmware | reflash reinstall BIOS

Today on the Internet there are many myths and legends that shroud the process firmware - flashing the BIOS on a computer.

Many users still wonder and are perplexed, so why update (reflash) BIOS ?

I already wrote more about this topic here - BIOS update

In short, for example, new processors are constantly being released that are no longer supported by old motherboards, and if not reflash bios, then the network card will not “see” this processor.

In addition, with each new version of BIOS firmware, errors are eliminated, support for new devices is added, and operation between devices on the computer is optimized.

Asus bios update instructions

So, let's look at the step-by-step process of updating the BIOS of an ASUS motherboard. An excellent video tutorial, which is located below on the page, will help us with this.

Where to start first before you want to upgrade and flash an outdated BIOS version? The first step is to visit the website of the manufacturer of your motherboard.

In principle, the name of the motherboard is not decisive, since BIOS flashing process for all well-known motherboard manufacturers it is almost identical.

However, the names are only slightly different utilities for BIOS firmware, but the process itself remains very similar and unchanged.

How to update BIOS asus

In the video tutorial you will see how go to ASUS BIOS... how to find there the utility that we downloaded for new firmware BIOS, how to enter this special update utility.

Many people ask the question: how to update bios on laptop? yes, exactly the same as on desktop computer. There is no difference. Only on different models For laptops, the procedure for logging into bios is slightly different.

By the way, on the site, in the computer tutorials section, it has already been described in detail how to enter the BIOS and how not to get lost in the sections of this input and output devices.

Download bios firmware

Where is better download bios updates? Everything is very simple.

If you have an ASUS motherboard, then go to the website of the manufacturer, Asus - their Russian-language resource in Russia www.ru.asus.com

If the motherboard is from GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY (Gigabyte), then download the BIOS update from the official website www.gigabyte.ru

Accordingly, if you need an update for bios Toshiba(Toshiba) - go straight to www.toshiba.com.ru, and for those with ASER - go to the download center www.acer.ru/ac/ru/RU

But on the website www.bios.ru - not a word about bios :))) there is a completely different topic there. Apparently, the owner of the domain does not want to deal with computer hardware :-)

How to find the required (latest) version of the BIOS update is shown in the video tutorial. Just don’t forget that it’s better to download the BIOS firmware directly from the browser itself (Opera, Mozilla, IE, that is, whatever you’re used to using).

No need download bios firmware any download manager, such as Download Master or ReGet Deluxe. They are, of course, good for downloading large files, in order to download files or archives in multiple streams.

But the BIOS firmware file weighs about 2MB, so these threads can only damage it. We will flash the downloaded file into the BIOS memory chip.

Asus bios update

There are often heated debates about updating the BIOS. More precisely, these disputes are mainly due to the methods and methods of flashing the BIOS.

Should I use it? special utilities for flashing the BIOS? Is it possible to update the BIOS directly from the Windows operating system?

It is not advisable to update the BIOS from a Windows environment! The Vinods operating system may freeze, glitch at this most inopportune moment, reboot and the BIOS will be flashed with an error!

The motherboard may fail and will have to be repaired or thrown away. But for many motherboards this is the same thing:-(((

By the way, ASUS motherboards, immediately before flashing the BIOS, check this file for integrity, is it damaged? This is a very useful function, and not all motherboards have it (use it before updating) BIOS versions.

In general, use only the BIOS flashing method shown in the video tutorial to avoid an unsuccessful and tragic errors when updating bios.

The BIOS flashing procedure itself takes no more than two minutes.

BIOS recovery

The operation of flashing the BIOS itself is quite risky, because if the BIOS is stitched into the chip incorrectly, then very disastrous consequences are possible.

That is, the motherboard fails and needs to be repaired. True, some motherboards provide a “rollback” to the previous working state, but unfortunately the number of such motherboards is small.

But ASUS motherboards have such technology - how can you restore the BIOS functionality. That is, you can “roll back” or restore the previous version of the BIOS firmware.

The ASUS P7P55D Pro motherboard has such a recovery function. How to use it even before flashing the BIOS will be shown at the end of the video tutorial. So that you do not forget and take advantage of this opportunity during the BIOS update process.

But if your board doesn't even support this function, then don't worry too much. If you do everything as shown in the video tutorial, the update process will go without problems, like clockwork.

I hope that you have already entered the BIOS before and have an idea about it appearance and settings.

There is not only a description of BIOS versions from well-known manufacturers Phoenix, Award, as well as detailed descriptions and screenshots.

Bios flashing lesson

So, even if the firmware file is copied with errors, then before the last stage of updating the BIOS, the ASUS P7P55D motherboard will check this file again and will not allow it to spoil its working BIOS :))))

update bios of asus motherboard

Format a flash drive or other drive and make sure there are no errors on it... all this is explained in detail and clearly shown in the video tutorial!

Don't forget to turn on the speakers on your computer

If you want to know all the secrets and technical wisdom
work on a computer, I recommend watching these lessons!

BIOS program

After watching a video tutorial about flashing the BIOS, you will probably have no doubts about the complexity of this procedure and the myths that surround the supposed complexity of bios firmware

Some people say that there is no need to update the BIOS...

If released new version BIOS firmware (and this can be found on the manufacturer’s website), then it is advisable to install it to eliminate errors that were in the previous version of the firmware and to improve the interaction and operation of devices (the so-called “hardware”) of the computer.

The BIOS can only be updated a certain number of times. In principle, this was true many years ago, back in the old versions of BIOS, which worked on the principle of outdated flash memory.

Now, BIOS manufacturers have made sure that bios can be updated more than a hundred times... so that’s enough updating for our time :)))

Although there will not be as many versions of updates. Manufacturers generally make no more than ten versions bios program updates, then tech. support for this model is ending.

Hello dear readers.

Any computer is complex system. Sometimes during operation of the device, some problems may appear related to the correct performance of its functions in an area such as the BIOS. There are several ways to solve this problem – it all depends on the type of error. Later in the article I will tell you how to restore the BIOS on a laptop, depending on the type of problem.

Restore to factory settings

If suddenly the device stops functioning normally, and you suspect that the reason for this is incorrect settings in the area mentioned above, you can try to return them to factory settings:

In most cases, this procedure helps. True, sometimes you can encounter a simple error that does not allow the OS to start normally. The fix is ​​simple:

If you have a password

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where someone or they themselves previously set a password for the area we need, and conveniently forgot it. As a result of several incorrect attempts, the device will simply stop functioning.

Then you need to open it yourself mobile computer. By the way, this method will help if it does not turn on:

Important! Before we go any further, there are a few basic points to clarify. So, some laptops, for example, Acer Aspire, have not two, but three contacts. In this case, you need to set the jumper to a different position and wait a few minutes.

In addition, sometimes you can find a special small button that performs the same functions. You just need to press it with a pencil for a few seconds.

Another solution is to remove the battery that maintains all important data in memory. If you remove it, everything will be reset.

Recovery after flashing

If problems arise as a result of unsuccessful installation of a new software version for the corresponding component, you need to perform a series of steps.

Any computer equipment and software, as we know, becomes obsolete over time and ceases to meet current requirements. This equally applies to primary BIOS/UEFI systems, the software of which is integrated into a special chip on the motherboard. When installing new equipment (“hardware”), it may sometimes be necessary to flash the BIOS. This procedure will be performed on a laptop or a stationary computer terminal, it doesn’t matter. The technology is almost always the same. Some users, unfamiliar with the basics of such techniques, believe (and not without reason) that this process is unsafe and difficult. If you can agree with the first statement, then you can argue about the second. In fact, flashing the motherboard BIOS is not such a troublesome task. But to carry out this procedure correctly, special attention should be paid to some important details and nuances, which depends on the motherboard manufacturer and the programs and techniques used for flashing.

Why do you need to flash the BIOS?

In general, if it is not planned, and the entire system is working stably, there is fundamentally no point in updating the BIOS version.

But when new equipment is installed on a computer, which may not be supported by the primary system only due to its obsolescence ( Device BIOS it just doesn’t recognize it), flashing the BIOS becomes a pressing problem. Although many users find this process difficult, anyone who works with a computer can perform these steps on their own. It will take no more than 10 minutes.

Flashing the motherboard BIOS: prerequisites

First, pay attention to a few mandatory conditions, non-compliance with which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Download files and programs to update primary systems only from official resources of motherboard manufacturers. If you install unofficial firmware, no one can guarantee that the process will be successful and the system will work as expected after that.

The second thing to pay attention to is during the update. You need to take care in advance to ensure that there are no power surges or spontaneous disconnection of your computer or laptop from the power supply.

General rules for updating all firmware

Flashing the BIOS for almost all motherboard models involves using the same scheme:

  • creating a bootable drive (USB devices only);
  • firmware installation;
  • For standard systems BIOS in most cases uses DOS mode. However, for some BIOS versions, as well as for more modern UEFI systems, it may apply special program for flashing the BIOS, created by the motherboard manufacturer, which is capable of running even under Windows operating systems without necessarily creating bootable media.

    How to find out the modification of the motherboard and the current BIOS version?

    The very first thing you need to do is to determine which model of motherboard is installed in the computer system, and also find out the version of the primary BIOS systems(maybe she's on at the moment is current and does not need updating).

    You can view information about the board and BIOS version in the section that is called from the Run console using the msinfo32 command.

    For the motherboard, you can also use specialized utilities like CPU-Z (formerly Everest). For a device identified in this way, you need to find the latest firmware on the manufacturer’s website and save the files on your hard drive.

    Preparing bootable media (general procedure)

    If you use bootable media, when an update from Windows is not provided, the first step is to create one. Regular recording of downloaded files will not work.

    To simplify your work, you can use the Rufus utility, which is very easy to learn and creates bootable USB flash drive within a couple of minutes. There is practically no need to change anything in the parameters. Only in file system you should specify FAT32, and use MS-DOS mode in the recording method, making sure to check the box next to the line to create bootable media. If this is not done, then when you reboot the device will not be recognized as bootable. Then, to install the update, in some cases you will need to additionally copy it to media control program and the firmware file.

    Next, the process of updating the BIOS will be discussed with examples for motherboards from several well-known manufacturers. Although in general they are very similar to each other, nevertheless, each of them has its own nuances. We assume that priority is BIOS settings already installed.


    Flashing the Asus BIOS can be done in several ways. Among the preferred utilities, two programs worth highlighting are AFUDOS and ASUSTeK EZ Flash 2.

    When using the first utility, you should create bootable media and pay attention that it must contain the program file afudos.exe and the firmware itself (for example, p4c800b.rom).

    Flashing the ASUS BIOS looks like this. Booting from a flash drive. Since the media was recorded for DOS mode, the initial line C:\> will appear on a black screen, in which you need to enter the command /i p4c800b.rom and press the enter key. Upon completion updates will happen reboot, during which you just need to remove the media from the USB port so that the system starts with hard drive.

    Flashing the BIOS of an ASUS motherboard when using the second utility is somewhat different from the previous option.

    Despite the fact that most firmware on the official ASUS website have the .rom extension, CAB files can sometimes be found. There is nothing wrong with this, since they are used for UEFI systems.

    To install the firmware you need to log in UEFI settings When rebooting, go to Advanced Mode ( additional settings) and in the service (tools) section of the Tool, select the line ASUSTeK EZ Flash 2. Next, from the list, again select the media with the program (line of the same name), after which the required firmware file will be shown on the right. We select it and agree to the warning twice (first to check the file, then to start the firmware process).

    At the end of the process, a reboot notification will appear, and at the beginning of the restart you will be prompted to carry out the initial setup. Press F1 and set the required parameters. IN otherwise- simply exit the settings without saving changes.


    Flashing the BIOS of Gigabyte systems is quite different from other processes. First of all, this is due to the fact that you can use online update to install the firmware. But first, let's look at using the Q-Flash utility, which is believed to be best suited for updating firmware.

    First, you should enter the BIOS settings and use the option to reset all Load Optimized default settings. After this, you need to save the changes, restart the computer and enter the BIOS settings again. Next, to launch the Q-Flash utility, press the F8 key, and the start is confirmed by pressing the Y and Enter keys. To begin with, it is recommended to save the current version using the Save Bios option, after which you need to use Update Bios. Next, you will be asked to indicate the source from which you want to update. You should select HDD 2.0 as the media (this is how the flash drive is displayed in the settings). Then everything is as usual: select the firmware file present on the media and agree with all the warnings.

    For an Internet update, you can use the @BIOS utility specially developed by Gigabyte specialists, which runs in Windows environment. In this case, it is strongly recommended to disable Hyper-Threading mode in the settings of the primary system, as well as deactivate anti-virus and other resident applications to avoid errors or failures during the update process.

    After starting the program, you can immediately save the current BIOS version by clicking on the Save Current BIOS button, and then select the Internet Update online update mode, click Update New BIOS and specify one of the servers present in the list. After this, you will be asked to indicate the model of the installed motherboard, and the program will automatically download all the necessary components and activate the update process.


    Flashing the MSI BIOS, as in the case of ASUS, can be done either from Windows or from DOS. For DOS mode, a tool built into the BIOS called BIOS-MFLASH is used. But the MSI Live Update 5 or 6 application can also be used as an initial management utility. It is notable for the fact that with its help you can also update everything installed drivers MSI, as well as reflash the BIOS of the corresponding graphics accelerators. Let's start with it.

    In the main window, you just need to check the required elements. Select the MB BIOS component and click the scan button at the bottom (Scan). If a new firmware version is detected, use the Download and Install button, after which the update process will start.

    First you will need to select an update environment. To simplify matters, check the In Windows mode, in the next window, click the button to close all programs that appear in the list (Close all listed programs), click the continue button (Next) and in the next window, click the button to start the process.

    For DOS mode, select it from the window of the running update process, then specify the media and agree to the destruction of all data present on it (the process will take no more than a minute, after which a message will be displayed indicating the successful creation of the boot drive). When rebooting, all you have to do is follow the instructions of a kind of “Master”.

    In case of updating using the built-in MFLASH mechanism, you will have to download the firmware manually, create bootable media and perform the same actions in the BIOS as described above (select the media and firmware file in the tools menu).


    Flashing the BIOS of Acer systems is surprisingly much easier. You don't even need to create bootable media, although you will still have to format it in FAT32.

    To install the update, a special utility called Insyde Flash is used, which is copied to removable media. At the same time, you need to copy the firmware file downloaded from the official website, which has the extension .fd and corresponds not only to the motherboard, but also to the laptop model, to the main directory of the program on the flash drive. Please note that the device must contain only one firmware file, otherwise the application will prompt you to flash only one of several. After running the utility while the power is on, you will be prompted to install the update immediately.

    The second method is just as simple. First you need to completely turn off the laptop, unplug the cord from the outlet and wait until the power indicator stops blinking. Next, plug the cord into the outlet, insert the flash drive into the appropriate port, hold down the Fn and Esc keys and press the power button. As soon as the indicator starts flashing, release the pressed keys. After this, reading information from the drive will begin (this can be seen by the blinking LED on the device itself). Once the update process is complete, the laptop will reboot on its own.

    Video cards

    Since GeForce and Radeon are dominant in the video card market, flashing the BIOS will be considered using their example.

    At the initial stage, you need to download new firmware and control programs for your card on the manufacturer’s website. If the system has several video cards, only one should be left during the update, inserting it into the PCI-Express slot.

    For GeForce cards, the NVFlash program (from two files) is used, for Radeon - the ATIFlash utility (one file). Next, you need to create a bootable USB drive for DOS mode, and then copy program and firmware files to it.

    When starting from a flash drive, you should make sure that the card is single-processor, otherwise the proposed method will not work. For NVIDIA use the command nvflash --list, for ATI - atiflash -i. If information is displayed for two cards, then the adapter has two processors, and the proposed firmware method cannot be used (it is better to go to the manufacturer’s website and find instructions there).

    At the next stage, flashing the BIOS of a GeForce video card involves disabling protection. This is done with the line nvflash -protectoff.

    Next, to start the BIOS update process for GeForce cards, use the command nvflash -4 -5 -6 newbios.rom (the name of the ROM file must match the name of the downloaded firmware), to Radeon cards- atiflash -p -f 0 newbios.rom. After this, we wait for the process to complete and reboot the system in normal mode.

    Brief summary

    That's all for flashing the primary I/O systems. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the best option is to install the update exclusively in DOS mode, although special utilities can be used to simplify the work. But they only work if there are UEFI systems, and are not suitable for standard BIOS versions. You need to be extremely careful with video cards, since incorrect installation of the update or the slightest violation during the flashing process can lead to the graphics adapter failing.

    Proper setup and precise actions will help you perform quickly and efficiently. The updated version can be downloaded from a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or flash drive.

    Basic Input-Output System. (BIOS)

    – the basis of the motherboard, it is an input/output base (hereinafter referred to as I/O), located on the “motherboard”. The existence of BIOS guarantees the ability to configure and adjust the computer.
    The I/O system for each PC depends on the motherboard.

    You can determine the BIOS settings for a specific motherboard by looking at them in the motherboard datasheet.
    Important! Incorrect BIOS settings can damage your computer or reduce its power rating.

    Information for management.

    How to install Windows via BIOS, booting from DVD, USB, HDD depends on several keys Boot Menu:

    You need to get into the system: restart the PC and enter “Setup” - the software that is responsible for the initial boot of the computer.

    During the reboot, carefully monitor the inscriptions on the monitor screen; you must not miss the line that appears at the bottom with the following text:
    “Press ____ to enter SETUP.”

    The program tells you how to get into the BIOS, you need to press the key that is written on the screen, it can be:

    F1, F2, F3, F10, Del, Esc - they differ on different computers, depending on the BIOS version.
    Hold down the key until the system redirects to Basic Input-Output System. A list of tabs will appear on the screen; you need to select the one you need, which talks about loading devices - “Boot devices” or “Advanced BIOS Features”.

    If you fail to complete the prescribed steps the first time, do not despair; you need to repeat all the steps a couple of times.

    We select a tab; in order to enter, you need to press the “ENTER” button. After that, find the “Boot Sequence” tab in the drop-down list and check the correctness of your choice with the information that appears on the right side of the monitor screen. It should say that the selected tab is responsible for the device boot priority.

    After the boot tab has been determined, using the enter keys, you need to set the priority so that “CD-ROM” or that boot device is first in the list.

    With the help of which the whole process will be carried out. To do this, select “First” from the list Boot Device"and after that he walked hard drive.

    You need to confirm that your choice is correct and click OK.

    Thus, all BIOS system settings for booting and transfer Windows installations ready. This was all done so that the next time the PC is rebooted, the OS itself will redirect loading Windows from the previously selected disk.

    If you are experiencing difficulties or you have a special BIOS version, then you can call a computer technician who will do everything for you:

    In order to start the download, you must restart your computer.

    Loading Windows via USB flash drive.

    To install Windows via the Basic Input-Output System from a flash drive, in fact, the entire procedure is similar to that described above, but you need to select from the list of proposed tabs in the I/O BIOS system or in the OS when simple version“Overlay” versions select the appropriate menu item.

    The Windows installation process from a flash drive does not start and a black screen is shown on the monitor:

    • Enabled;
    • The flash drive is formatted in NTFS;
    • BIOS I/O only supports NTFS partitions, UEFI - FAT 32.

    With a new version of the system to boot from a flash drive, it asks for permission to use automatic mode. It is best to refuse such an offer, otherwise the OS may be installed on the wrong partition or some of your personal files may be deleted.

    Before setting the BIOS settings, you must select using “+” or “-” and click on the “Boot” tab.
    When selecting settings, you must save them. To do this, you will need to press the “F10” - “Save and Exit” key. This action can also be performed by pressing the “->” key – “Exit Saving Changes”, i.e. “exit and save changes.”

    After the approved and selected option and device boot priority, you need to select the F10 option, and then restart the computer.

    For novice users who need reinstalling Windows via BIOS Experts have developed some tips for a competent and quick process.

    For a successfully configured BIOS system, you should pay special attention to these recommendations:

      1. PC requirements (subject to Windows 7):
        • Memory – at least 1 GB;
        • Processor – minimum 1 Hz;
        • Video card – minimum DirectX 9.
      2. Time to work in the BIOS.

    How long does it take to set up and configure a new version of Windows? It all depends on technical parameters PC:

        • Performance “Clock Speed”;
        • Number of cores “Cores”;
        • Trunk frequency “800/1066/1333/1600 MHz”.

    On average, to install windows via BIOS it will take one hour.

    Clean and simple Windows installation processes

    A clean installation is a launch of a disk with the system in manual mode, while starting the computer. After this, start, press any button, after the inscription “Press any key” appears on the tap.

    If you are unable to install Windows yourself via BIOS, then use the service of a computer technician visiting your home:

    The BIOS indicates the location of the new OS, for example, on a CD/DVD or hard drive, so that the old version is not used at all or is deleted. The clean version is used for any OS: Unix, DOS, Windows XP, as well as Linux, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

    Simple is rarely used and is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the new version is launched from a CD/DVD disk with the old OS already installed. So easy installation is more like an “overlay” process, since the new version is overlaid on the old version.

    Installation Process Difference

    Easy installation of Windows:

    • Starting the computer;
    • Operating system;
    • Installation.

    Clean installation:

    • Starting the computer;
    • Installation.
    • Clean installation.

    Operating system hard disk partitions.

    Often during clean install, all partitions are formatted and old versions and files are deleted. If you need to reinstall a system with several divided disks where important files are stored, you can leave the information unchanged.

    It is not necessary to format drive D, however, drive C with old files Windows versions will be formatted.

    Analysis of the hard drive during installation.

    Before starting the Windows installation (if the OS is not working, crashes and glitches) you need to try to use the last chance to restore and clean up malware.

    If there are obvious problems with the operation of your PC, you must first check state of hard disk, analyze the operation of the segments, otherwise, even during system installation, the formatting process may freeze or become unstable.

    Saving personal information.

    Personal data and information is a very important component that cannot always be restored if deleted or damaged, so before reinstalling anything, you need to take care of their safety.

    To save information and personal data when reinstalling windows, you need to copy and transfer everything necessary files to portable media (disk, flash drive, etc.). It is also very important to save passwords, for this it is recommended to use Backup program or do it the old fashioned way, by hand.

    By following the rules and advice exactly, you can understand how to install windows via BIOS on a computer even to a person, without special skills and experience, in such situations.

    The main requirement for correct installation is the accuracy of execution step by step guide proposed in the article above. Detailed photographs accompanying the installation steps will help you navigate the BIOS I/O system.

    BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System. It is a fundamental part of your computer's software and contains key functions management.

    Why might you need to reinstall the BIOS?

    BIOS is the firmware through which the basic settings of a PC or laptop are controlled. She is responsible for its inclusion and successful loading. Without properly working firmware, you will not be able to log into operating system Windows, rendering your computer useless. The BIOS can sometimes become corrupted due to user error or malware activity, rendering your computer unusable. If something like this happens, it means you need to flash it. But you must understand that BIOS recovery will not necessarily solve your problem. In many cases, the computer may not boot because it is Windows that needs to be reinstalled.

    This is a risky procedure that can completely damage your computer, making warranty repairs impossible. If you are new to computers, then it is better not to do such things. If possible, seek help from specialists who probably know how to launch the BIOS.

    If you still firmly decide that you need a reinstallation, then first of all you need to start a laptop or computer that is working and has Internet access.

    Video instructions for flashing the BIOS yourself

    Determining the motherboard model and searching for firmware

    If the BIOS fails on your desktop PC, you need to find it through search engine website of the company that developed his motherboard.

    The manufacturer and model name of your specific motherboard can be found:

    • on the branded box from under it, which, by the way, it is advisable not to lose or throw away.
    • see the model name on the black monitor screen shortly after turning on the computer (even before it has time), but not every user will be able to figure it out.
    • A radical way is to open the side cover of the system unit and find a marking inside with the name of the motherboard model (usually it immediately catches your eye, so it will be difficult to make a mistake).

    On a laptop, everything is even simpler: just find the website of the developer of your device via the Internet. For example, if you have a laptop from ASUS, then it will also have an ASUS motherboard. You can't go wrong with the name of the board model, because different motherboards cannot be installed in identical laptop models. The BIOS version you need will be signed on the developer’s website not by the model of the motherboard, but by the model of the laptop itself.

    Find and download on the developer’s website an archive with a BIOS file suitable for your device. Any self-respecting manufacturer of motherboards and laptops has a special web page with drivers, firmware and other files useful to users. All this, of course, can be downloaded for free.

    After downloading the archive, unpack it using any extractor program (7-Zip, WinRar, etc.). The folder that appears will contain several files, one of which has the extension “.bio”. You don't need to think about how to run this file. Just copy its name somewhere in your notepad, because after a while you may need it when you configure the firmware. Copy all files from the archive to a flash drive or any other USB storage device.

    BIOS reinstallation process

    Now you can return to your computer with a damaged BIOS. Make sure that the power supply is stable, because power surges can completely ruin the BIOS or even damage the motherboard. If possible, it is recommended to use the device uninterruptible power supply, through which the computer connects to the network. You should also not turn off/restart your PC or laptop, or remove the USB flash drive while flashing the BIOS, as this may lead to undesirable consequences.

    It consists of the following steps:

    Necessary afterword

    When your PC or laptop is in working condition, but for some reason you want to not just reinstall, but update the version of your BIOS to a more modern one, then the procedure for your actions should be the same as described above, with the only difference being You will no longer need a third-party computer for this, because you will be able to access the Internet from your device. Installing new firmware can be useful, for example, if you have replaced hardware in system unit to a more powerful one.

    Perhaps the most difficult and most important point is determining the motherboard model and searching for the appropriate BIOS version through the developer's website. After solving this issue, try to follow the sequence of actions described above, experiment less, and then everything should work out for you.

    All sections of the site website Video tutorial on how to flash BIOS Bios firmware | reflash reinstall BIOS Today on the Internet there are many myths and legends that shroud the process...

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