Komarovsky cure for influenza. Rules for treating influenza

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I sincerely intended to write about the flu in a couple of days - I really wanted to wait for at least some adequate and objective information. But I just spoke with a nurse I know who works in a clinic.

The boss (department head) called her and said: she’s going to work tomorrow, so bring 3 masks with her. To a completely fair objection, they say, where will I get them, was followed by a more than adequate answer for the current Ukrainian realities: “your problems, the order of the head physician, it’s a long night, you’ll make it up...”. This information was the last straw: it seems that it is no longer possible to remain silent, we must speak up.

In fact, both Friday and Saturday all I did was talk. IN address book There are 850 entries on my phone and it seems that everyone called in these two days. I answered questions as best I could, reassuringly, explained... I understood perfectly well that if my friends and patients (that is, people who had obviously undergone both practical and theoretical training in the treatment of viral infections) were panicking, then the overall situation was simply catastrophic.

On Friday I spoke with the head of one of the Kharkov TV channels. It turned out that there was no chance to talk to the residents of the city. Absolutely all the time is occupied by politicians. In the evening of the same day, Savik Shuster’s show was on, dedicated to the situation in Ukraine in connection with the flu. This show was my biggest shock in recent years: I have never experienced such burning shame for my own country... On Saturday, a naive soul, I called Kyiv. I didn't talk to the most recent people on television. He said that he was ready to come, that it was a shame, that he needed to calm people down, that this was a national disgrace... People tried to help. We couldn't. The reasons were not explained. And so everything is clear. Flu and elections are as incompatible as flu and aspirin - a lot of complications (not for the liver, but for the brain).

Specific information

In Ukraine, with the highest possible probability, there will be an epidemic of ACUTE RESPIRATORY VIRAL INFECTION.

Dear moms and dads! People!!! Remember the most important thing: the tactics of your actions are completely independent of the name of the virus. This is seasonal flu, swine flu, elephant flu, pandemic flu, it’s not flu at all - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that it is virus that it is transmitted airborne way and what it hits respiratory organs. Hence the specific actions.


Theoretically, here I should give (and I do) a link to a chapter from my book about acute respiratory infections (prevention of acute respiratory viral infections) and shut up, since everything has already been said. But practically, let's repeat all the most important things once again.

If you (your child) are exposed to the virus and you do not have protective antibodies in your blood, you will get sick. Antibodies will appear in one of two cases: either you get sick, or you get vaccinated.

You can only get vaccinated against seasonal flu. There is no vaccine against pork yet (in Ukraine). However, having protective antibodies to the three viruses included in the seasonal vaccine is better than having none at all.

1. There is an opportunity to get vaccinated (vaccinate your child) - get vaccinated, but on the condition that, firstly, you are healthy and, secondly, to get vaccinated you will not have to sit in a snotty crowd at the clinic. The latter provision makes your chances of adequate vaccination illusory.

2. There are no drugs with proven preventive effectiveness. Those. no onion, no garlic, no vodka and no pills you swallow or put into your child can protect against any respiratory virus in general, or the influenza virus in particular. Everything that you are dying for in pharmacies, all these supposedly antiviral drugs, supposedly stimulants of interferon formation, immune stimulants and terribly useful vitamins, everything that has disappeared from pharmacies by today, everything that the government has promised to fill pharmacies with in the coming days - all these are medicines with unproven effectiveness, drugs that satisfy the main mental need of the Ukrainian - “the need to do something” - and the Russian - “we need to do something.”

The main benefit of all these medications is psychotherapy. You believe, it helps you - I’m happy for you, just don’t storm the pharmacies - it’s not worth it.

3. The source of the virus is man and only man. The fewer people there are, the less chance you have of getting sick. Quarantine is wonderful! The ban on mass gatherings is great! Walking to the stop and not going to the supermarket one more time is wise!

4. Mask. A useful thing, but not a panacea. It should definitely be on a sick person if there are healthy people nearby: it will not stop the virus, but it will stop droplets of saliva that are especially rich in the virus.

5. The patient’s hands are a source of the virus no less significant than the mouth and nose. The patient touches his face, the virus gets on his hands, the patient grabs everything around him, you touch everything with your hand - hello, ARVI.

Don't touch your face. Wash your hands, often, a lot, always carry wet disinfectant sanitary napkins with you, wash, rub, don’t be lazy!

Learn yourself and teach your children, if you don’t have a handkerchief, to cough and sneeze not into your palm, but into your elbow.

Chiefs! By official order, introduce a ban on handshakes in the teams subordinate to you.

Use credit cards. Paper money is a source of spreading viruses.

6. Air!!! Viral particles remain active for hours in dry, warm, still air, but are destroyed almost instantly in cool, humid, and moving air. In this aspect, a rally in the center of Kyiv, which attracted 200,000 people, is less dangerous than a meeting of 1,000 people in a club in Uzhgorod.

You can walk as much as you like. It is almost impossible to catch a virus while walking. In this aspect, if you are already out for a walk, there is no need to ostentatiously walk around the streets wearing a mask. It’s better to take a breath of fresh air and pull on your mask before entering a bus, office or store.

The optimal indoor air parameters are temperature about 20 °C, humidity 50-70%. Frequent and intensive cross-ventilation of the premises is mandatory. Any heating system dries out the air. It was the beginning of the heating season that became the beginning of the epidemic! Control humidity. Wash the floor. Turn on humidifiers. Urgently demand air humidification and ventilation of rooms in children's groups.

It is better to dress warmly, but do not turn on additional heaters.

7. Condition of mucous membranes!!! Mucus constantly forms in the upper respiratory tract. Mucus ensures the functioning of the so-called. local immunity – protection of mucous membranes. If the mucus and mucous membranes dry out, the work of local immunity is disrupted, viruses, accordingly, easily overcome the protective barrier of weakened local immunity, and a person becomes ill upon contact with the virus with a much higher degree of probability. The main enemy of local immunity is dry air, as well as medications that can dry out mucous membranes (of the popular and well-known ones - diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, trifed - the list is far from complete, to put it mildly).

Moisturize your mucous membranes! Elementary: 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Pour it into any spray bottle (for example, from vasoconstrictor drops) and spray it into your nose regularly (the drier, the more people around - the more often, at least every 10 minutes). For the same purpose, you can buy at the pharmacy saline solution or ready-made saline solutions for administration into the nasal passages - Saline, Aqua Maris, Humer, Marimer, Nosol, etc. The main thing is don’t regret it! Drip, spray, especially when you go from home (from a dry room) to where there are a lot of people, especially if you are sitting in the corridor of the clinic.

In terms of prevention, that's it.

In fact, the only drug that can destroy the influenza virus is oseltamivir, commercial name – Tamiflu . Theoretically, there is another medicine (zanamivir), but it is used only by inhalation, and there is little chance of seeing it in our country.

Tamiflu actually destroys the virus by blocking the neuraminidase protein (the same N in the name H1N1).

Do not eat Tamiflu all at once for any sneeze. It’s not cheap, there are a lot of side effects, and it doesn’t make sense. Tamiflu is used when the disease is severe (doctors know the signs of severe ARVI), or when a person at risk even gets sick mildly - old people, asthmatics, diabetics (doctors also know who is at risk). The bottom line: if Tamiflu is indicated, then at least medical supervision and, as a rule, hospitalization are indicated. It is not surprising that with the greatest possible probability, Tamiflu entering our country will be distributed to hospitals, and not to pharmacies (although anything can happen).


Treatment with antiviral drugs has nothing to do with the absolute, overwhelming majority of those who read these lines.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in general and influenza in particular is not about swallowing pills! This is the creation of such conditions so that the body can easily cope with the virus.


1. Dress warmly, but the room is cool and damp . Temperature about 20 °C, humidity 50-70%. Wash floors, moisten, ventilate.

3. Drink (water). Drink (water). Drink (water)!!!

The temperature of the liquid is equal to body temperature. Drink a lot. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chop an apple into tea), raisin infusions, dried apricots. If a child drinks too much, I will do this, but I won’t, let him drink whatever he wants, as long as he drinks. Ideal for drinking - ready-made solutions for oral rehydration. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, humana electrolyte, gastrolit, etc. Buy, breed according to instructions, feed.

4. In the nose often saline solutions .

5. Everything "distraction procedures" (jars, mustard plasters, poultices, feet in boiling water, etc.) – classic soviet parental sadism and again psychotherapy (something needs to be done).

6. If you decide to fight high temperature– only paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly forbidden.

The main problem is that to dress warmly, moisturize, ventilate, not push food and give him something to drink - this in our language is called “not to treat”, and “to treat” means sending dad to the pharmacy...

7. If the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, larynx) is affected, no expectorants are needed - they will only worsen the cough. Infections of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) have nothing to do with self-medication. Therefore, on your own, no “lazolvans-mukaltins”, etc.

8. Antiallergic drugs have nothing to do with the treatment of ARVI.

9. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not reduce, but increase the risk of complications .

10. All interferons for topical use are drugs with unproven effectiveness or “medicines” with proven ineffectiveness.

11. Homeopathy is not a treatment with herbs, but a treatment with charged water. Safely. Psychotherapy (something needs to be done).



  • no improvement on the fourth day of illness;
  • elevated body temperature on the seventh day of illness;
  • worsening after improvement;
  • severe severity of the condition with moderate symptoms of ARVI;
  • appearance alone or in combination: pale skin; thirst, shortness of breath, intense pain, purulent discharge;
  • increased cough, decreased productivity; a deep breath leads to a coughing attack;
  • when body temperature rises, paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help, practically do not help, or help very briefly.

A doctor is needed urgently and urgently:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • signs of respiratory failure (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air);
  • intense pain anywhere;
  • even moderate sore throat in the absence of a runny nose;
  • even moderate headache combined with vomiting;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • a rash that does not go away when you press on it;
  • body temperature above 39 °C, which does not begin to decrease 30 minutes after the use of antipyretics;
  • any increase in body temperature combined with chills and pale skin.

Everything that I wrote above is information that theoretically should be known to any doctor and which doctors should bring to the masses. In practice, something completely different happens, so everything I will talk about further is pure journalism and emotions. If you are a mother, you already know everything you need to know about the flu in the first place, and if you want to know more, there is something to do on this site.

I write everything else in the hope that some presidential candidate, or a candidate’s wife, or a candidate’s husband, or a candidate’s adviser, or an adviser’s wife will read it, think about it, analyze it... After all, President Medvedev read Khodorkovsky’s article, what if I get lucky...

First reflection:

During two days of panic hysteria, the main advisers and teachers of the people were politicians - deputies, ministers, former ministers, etc. As soon as a doctor appeared on the screen, it immediately became clear that politicians could speak better...

The apotheosis of panic was the statement of the presidential candidate (!!!) that Ukrainians were dying not from the flu, but from pneumonic plague. I repeat once again: it was not the grandmother who said that she sells seeds, but a candidate for president of a European country.

Another presidential candidate bitterly complains that there is no oxolinic ointment in our country, and criminal pharmacists did not import it. Of course, none of those present could explain to the candidate that the effectiveness of oxolinic ointment had not been proven, and it had not been imported and was not going to be imported either to the USA, or to France, or to any other country.

Oh well. There are no doctors among the presidential candidates, and having a medical adviser is apparently very expensive. But there are also politicians who are doctors!

One of them always confused Theraflu (an antipyretic drug) and Tamiflu, the other did not see the difference between viral pneumonia and pneumonia, which is a bacterial complication of a viral infection, but when a deputy is a doctor, not just a deputy, but the secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Health Protection Committee (! !!), says that Tamiflu is a drug that only supports the immune system, and we at the National Security Council decided that we would purchase oseltamivir, I feel scared and ashamed. If the fate of the country is decided by people who do not know that Tamiflu and oseltamivir are the same thing, then what should we all expect!

Who will decision makers listen to?

After all, someone is writing speeches for the president and prime minister, someone will now approve the list of medications that must be in pharmacies! And they will transport them to our country in tons shameful drugs, not used anywhere in the civilized world: oxolinic ointments, anaferons, aflubins, immune stimulants, interferon drops and much more, but you won’t find a solution to give a child something to drink or salt to drip into your nose during the day.
Authority advice: Ask WHO experts to compile a list of mandatory medications.

Second reflection:

The most urgent advice that everyone (ALL) gives to our people: do not self-medicate, consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Moreover, everyone swears: if you contact us in time, we will definitely save you. The culmination is the statement of the country’s chief sanitary doctor, who said something like the following (heard with my own ears): we don’t yet know who caused the pneumonia, but we need to seek help in time - the doctors know what to do.

From all these statements, the average person gets the impression that doctors know some secret medicines that can help with ARVI.

Well, I’m a doctor who has been treating ARVI for almost thirty years. A patient will come to me on the first day of illness (i.e. timely) and will say - help! What will I answer him? Yes, everything that is written above: moisturize, ventilate, do not feed, give water, no medications needed. And he will believe me.

What should a doctor do, from whom everyone wants a golden pill? Who knows for sure that for ten unnecessary medications they will say thank you, but for instructions on the rules of adequate care they will be accused of inattention: what kind of doctor is this who did not prescribe medications!

What will the mass demand for medical help lead to in the current situation:

  • to snotty queues at clinics;
  • to a huge number of house calls, when an exhausted doctor will either refer you to a hospital or prescribe embarrassing medications, plus spread the infection from one patient to another;
  • to the massive and unfounded prescription of antibiotics, expectorants and other drugs, to the delight of pharmacists and medical charlatans;
  • to queues at pharmacies, since the only way to go from the doctor is to the pharmacy;
  • to unnecessary hospitalizations, to hospital-acquired pneumonia;
  • to the fact that doctors will still overlook the severe ones behind the mass of mild patients.

Advice to the authorities: do not tell people to run to the doctor every time they sneeze. Stop the election campaign, let the doctors tell people basic things about what to do, and when you really need a doctor.

Third reflection

About rumors.

A part-time student at the Kharkov Law Academy died in Donetsk from complications after surgery. All this happened in the midst of the “calming” speeches of our politicians, so all the students who had contact with the deceased felt unwell, and one was even hospitalized.

On Friday I received at least 20 calls from people who said that they know for sure: in the dormitory of the legal academy, two children died from swine flu.

Here is the text of the letter I received (there were many of them, this is the most revealing):

URGENTLY!!! Dr. Komarovsky

Good afternoon
Please help me figure it out. From many (unofficial) sources: today, on the night of 30 to 31, some substance will be sprayed over Kiev, supposedly to protect against the flu or prevent it. For me, it sounds ridiculous, and I would not be asking you this question if
a) the editor of the police publication did not inform me about this, who, according to him, was informed by the employees of the authorities who will directly carry out the operation.
b) a friend, cat acquaintance works in the Presidential Office and says that the information is reliable.
c) a neighbor, someone works in the sanitation station and this someone said that from 12 to 5 in the morning they will spray, you need to close the windows and then not stick your head out for 2 days.
d) a stranger on the Internet on a forum, claiming that the influenza virus was very likely produced in a laboratory in Ukraine and has already been sprayed over its western regions. And about the spraying of something over Kiev on October 30, I’m sure, because his father works at an aircraft factory and they work for this. hired planes.
e) a student girl from the west of Ukraine says that a couple of days ago planes flew over and sprayed something.

So the question is:
1. Is there a substance that can be sprayed from an airplane to protect against influenza? What is its mechanism of action?
2. Is there a danger for a small child?
3. How long should you not leave the house?
4. If they are spraying something else other than anti-flu, what could it be?
Thanks a lot. K. Kiev

Question: to what point do we need to bring the people so that people believe in this?

Nevertheless, compared to the statement about pneumonic plague, this is all nothing.

For those who might not only believe, but even doubt: firstly, with pneumonic plague, no one goes to the hospital on the 7th day of illness - by this day the flowers on the grave have already withered; secondly, with pneumonic plague, everyone in contact with the patient gets sick and 100% die. But if treated, only 10% die. So all the hospital staff should have gotten sick by now...

It's difficult to give advice. For asking politicians to remain silent in a situation where the subject of the conversation is not clear is somehow even funny and awkward...

By the way, on Thursday, the same Savik Shuster had Barbara Brylskaya on his show. When she found out that we would talk about the flu, she said: I don’t understand anything about this, got up and left. Here is a wonderful example!

Fourth reflection

Why were doctors left defenseless? Why, in a situation where we knew for sure that there was swine flu and that we would have it in the fall, why were doctors, who 100% cannot hide from the virus, not vaccinated against swine flu in September and are not vaccinated now?

There is no vaccine in Ukraine. Even for doctors. Therefore, now, in the midst of an epidemic, doctors will go to bed first or will admit them with snot (I’m generally silent about the nurses who will sew masks at home). Could we buy (order a vaccine) at least for doctors, at least in limited quantities? THEY COULD NOT.

Because after what was done with vaccination in this country, after the barbaric, unworthy and uncivilized anti-vaccination campaign, no one could even imagine that any vaccine could be introduced into the country with an accelerated registration procedure, without repeated tests, etc. .d. It looks like registration and testing will end by the summer...

By the way, two days ago everyone rushed en masse to get vaccinated against the flu. It turns out that as soon as the threat of disease becomes real, everyone immediately begins to love vaccinations.

Vaccinations that pushed back the threat of diphtheria, polio, measles... Diseases that our media are massively trying to bring closer - to make a real threat. Then there will be something to talk about. By the way, exactly a week ago, a local news company wanted to talk to me about the flu, and I spent 15 minutes talking and talking. Of the entire conversation, they left and showed 15 seconds, during which I said that the flu epidemic is a good reason for vaccine manufacturers to make money and that there is nothing wrong with selling a quality product.

If we compare the number of sick people (and multiply it in half, since at best half go to doctors) with the number of deaths, this confirms the fact that there is no particularly severe (not like in other countries) viral disease in Ukraine. As of the morning of November 2, 200 thousand officially fell ill and 60 died. The mortality rate is lower than usual with the flu.

Pneumonia - main reason death of people in all countries and at all times. Pneumonia complicates the course of most diseases and injuries. If every death from pneumonia is massively reported by the media, nothing good will happen, to put it mildly.

We were very unlucky that everything coincided like that: crisis, elections, autumn, flu.

But we must firmly know and understand: snot, cough and fever are ARVI. The most common and mildest disease. Requiring calm and very specific, elementary actions that are quite accessible to people with any level of material well-being.

What actions these are – see above.

Many years ago, at the age of 28, as a young and arrogant doctor in the intensive care unit, I performed mouth-to-mouth breathing on a child and after a few hours “earned” lobar pneumonia of the middle lobe, caused by the hospital flora of the intensive care unit (doctors will understand that this is Means). I remember very well how I felt when, after 10 days of treatment with the “coolest” antibiotics, the pneumonia became larger on the x-ray.

Those. I know how a person feels when he knows that he has a disease from which he will die.

And I perfectly understand how she feels, what stress she experiences and what a mother is capable of, who every day hears from all sides about a fatal disease, and suddenly discovers snot in her own child.

I just don’t understand: why and why are they doing all this to our people?

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is a complex of diseases of the nasopharynx that are provoked by respiratory viruses.

Today, medicine knows more than two hundred respiratory viruses.

Often such diseases appear during cold seasons (autumn-winter).

Types of respiratory infections:

  1. flu;
  2. adenoviral infection;
  3. parainfluenza;
  4. rhinovirus infection;
  5. respiratory syncytial infection.

Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease caused by viruses. The course of the disease can be simple with a favorable prognosis, but it can also have serious consequences and, in the worst case, it ends in death.

There are 3 types of influenza viruses - A, B and C. The latter type is a mild respiratory illness, so it does not contribute to annual epidemics.

Virus A is divided into subspecies:

  1. H1N1 (swine flu);
  2. H1N2;
  3. H3N2 and other stamps.

Adenovirus infection is a disease that occurs when an adenovirus enters the body. The infection often affects the lymph nodes, mucous membranes, eyes, intestines and respiratory tract.

Parainfluenza is an acute infectious disease related to the virus, which is provoked by paramyxoviruses. As a rule, they affect the mucous membrane of the larynx and nose.

Parainfluenza combines five types of RNA viruses, but the latter are larger than other viruses. This disease is not seasonal; it is characterized by sporadic outbreaks in winter or autumn.

Rhinovirus infection is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses that infect the nasal mucosa. The disease is characterized by mild intoxication. Its causative agent is picornavirus.

Respiratory syncytial infection is a disease caused by a paramyxovirus. The disease is characterized by moderate intoxication, often affecting the lower respiratory tract, which can result in pneumonia, bronchiolitis and bronchitis. We suggest that you immediately familiarize yourself with Komarovsky’s opinion on the issue of ARVI.

More than 90% of all colds, including influenza, develop due to damage to the body by viruses. During an ARVI epidemic, about 20% of the population may suffer from influenza, and in the event of a pandemic, the number of cases increases to 50%.

The source of infection is a sick person who is at the initial stage of the disease. Moreover, viruses are released along with sputum, saliva and snot during sneezing and coughing. They can also get onto the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose from the air, upon contact with a patient.

Moreover, viruses settle on surfaces and can then enter the body if a person touches an infected object. Therefore, it is very important that the patient has separate dishes and hygiene items during the period of illness.

It is worth noting that it has not yet been established which protective functions of the body prevent the process of virus reproduction.

But Dr. Komarovsky claims that after 2-5 days they stop being released into the environment, so a person with the flu ceases to be contagious.


With influenza, the incubation period is quite short. So, from the moment of infection to the first symptoms of the disease, it can take from several hours to two days if it is virus A or C and up to four days if it is influenza B.

Dr. Komarovsky notes that the onset of this disease is always acute, thanks to which the patient can determine the exact time of onset of manifestations. There are several forms of influenza, which are determined by the severity of the course:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

In any form, intoxication of varying degrees and catarrhal symptoms are noted. And in 5-10% of cases a hemorrhagic component may be observed.

Intoxication causes fever. If the form of the disease is mild, then it does not exceed 38 degrees, with moderate severity its indicator increases to 39-40 degrees, and the severe stage is characterized by a very high temperature (more than 40 degrees), which can lead to death.

So, the main manifestations of intoxication include:

  1. lack of appetite;
  2. chills;
  3. malaise;
  4. headache, focusing in the area of ​​the eyes and forehead;
  5. possible nausea and vomiting;
  6. muscle pain (joints, lower back, legs);
  7. weakness.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that manifestations of acute intoxication last up to five days. If after this period the temperature does not subside, then the patient has developed complications of a bacterial nature.

On average, catarrhal manifestations persist for 7-10 days. These include:

  • lacrimation;
  • runny nose;
  • hoarse voice;
  • cough (usually dry).

In addition, there are hemorrhagic phenomena, such as nosebleeds, enlarged scleral vessels, or minor hemorrhages in the mucous membranes. If hemorrhages appear on the skin, then from the point of view of prognosis, this is a very unfavorable phenomenon.

A characteristic symptom of influenza is redness of the face against a background of general pallor of the skin. And if it's swine flu, then diarrhea is possible.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that there are a number of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, which, if they occur, should be immediately called ambulance. This is a disturbance of consciousness, a very high temperature (40 ºС), convulsions, shortness of breath and improper breathing.

In addition, medical care is necessary if a hemorrhagic rash appears on the skin and with a severe headache localized in the back of the head, when analgesics are powerless.

Dr. Komarovsky will answer how to properly treat a throat in the next video in this article.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that influenza should be treated with almost the only drug that destroys viruses - Oseltamivir (Tamiflu). This medicine has a destructive effect on the virus by blocking neuraminidase (N in swine flu).

In addition, another drug, Zanamivir, can be used, but it is used by inhalation and is difficult to find in pharmacies.

It is worth noting that Tamiflu should not be taken uncontrolled. Firstly, this drug is expensive, and secondly, it has many adverse reactions.

The drug is used when the course of the disease is severe and if the patient is at risk (asthmatics, diabetics, elderly people). However, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, often in a hospital setting.

In addition, Komarovsky’s advice boils down to the fact that it is necessary to treat ARVI, including influenza, by creating the necessary conditions that allow the body to cope with a viral infection.

So, it will help to successfully cure the flu simple instructions from Dr. Komarovsky. So, the room where the patient is located should be humid (50-70%) and cool (18-20 ° C), and the patient should be dressed warmly.

In addition, the patient should not be forced to eat. If he wants it, then it is best to give him a liquid, light, carbohydrate meal.

An important condition for a quick recovery is drinking plenty of fluids, the temperature of which should correspond to the patient’s body temperature. So, it is advisable to drink decoctions of dried apricots, apples, raisins, compotes, teas or fruit drinks.

In addition, solutions intended for oral rehydration are ideal:

  1. Normohydron;
  2. Regidron;
  3. Gastrolit;
  4. Humana Electrolyte.

In this case, the patient’s nose must be constantly washed with saline solutions. Regarding procedures such as steam inhalations, mustard plasters, cupping, hot foot baths, etc., there is no point in doing them.

At high temperatures, the patient can be given Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. But Aspirin is strictly contraindicated.

If the upper respiratory tract is affected, then you should not take expectorants, because they will only worsen the cough. And if the lower respiratory tract is affected, you should absolutely not take antitussive and antiallergic drugs.

In addition, treatment of ARVI does not involve taking antibiotics. After all, antibacterial agents only increase the likelihood of complications.

Regarding interferons, their effectiveness has not been proven. But herbal treatment can be carried out, but it is better to first obtain medical advice.

There are many folk recipes that can quickly eliminate unpleasant flu symptoms. So, cinnamon (50 g) is poured into ½ liter of vodka and infused for 21 days in a dark place. The resulting tincture is taken three times a day before meals, 20-30 drops.

For ARVI, cinnamon oil is no less effective, which should be taken twice a day with honey, 2-3 drops, and cinnamon powder (0.5-2 g per day).

In addition, at the first symptoms of flu, you need to cut the onion and then inhale its vapors. This procedure should be carried out 3 to 4 times a day.

You can also make garlic nasal swabs. For this purpose, a piece of cotton wool is wrapped in crushed garlic and stuffed into the nostrils.

You can also make garlic drops. To do this, you need to crush 100 g of garlic and pour 250 ml of vodka into it. The results of this therapy will be noticeable within 3-4 days.

In addition, you can prepare a healthy and tasty anti-flu remedy. So, 2-3 tbsp. l. pistachios (chopped) pour 1.5 tbsp. hot water. The product is infused for 30 minutes, and then drunk three times a day, 2-3 tbsp. spoons at a time. And in conclusion, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what to do with the flu in the video in this article.

The previous article presented materials prepared according to the recommendations of the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institute of Influenza and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, but personally, as a mother of two girls and as a doctor, I prefer excerpts from Komarovsky’s latest article on this topic. In the end, there is a lot of useful information in both articles, and a smart person will always find a reasonable compromise. Therefore, I present to your attention his article.


There are no drugs with proven preventive effectiveness. Those. no onion, no garlic, no vodka and no pills you swallow or put into your child can protect against any respiratory virus in general, or the influenza virus in particular. Everything that you are dying for in pharmacies, all these supposedly antiviral drugs, supposedly stimulants of interferon formation, immune stimulants and terribly useful vitamins, everything that has disappeared from pharmacies by today, everything that the government has promised to fill pharmacies with in the coming days- all these are medicines with unproven effectiveness, medicines that satisfy the main mental need of the Ukrainian- "You need to be very active"- and a Russian - “something needs to be done.”

The main benefit of all these drugs- psychotherapy. You believe it helps you- I'm happy for you, just don't storm the pharmacies- it's not worth it.

Source of the virus - man and only man. The fewer people there are, the less chance you have of getting sick. Quarantine- Amazing! Ban on mass gatherings- Wonderful! Walk to the stop, don’t go to the supermarket one more time- wise!

Mask. A useful thing, but not a panacea. It should definitely be on a sick person if there are healthy people nearby: it will not stop the virus, but it will stop droplets of saliva that are especially rich in the virus.

Hands of the patient- the source of the virus is no less significant than the mouth and nose. The patient touches his face, the virus gets on his hands, the patient grabs everything around him, you touch everything with your hand,- Hello, ARVI!.

Don't touch your face. Wash your hands, often, a lot, always carry wet disinfectant sanitary napkins with you, wash, rub, don’t be lazy!

Learn yourself and teach your children, if you don’t have a handkerchief, to cough and sneeze not into your palm, but into your elbow.

Chiefs! By official order, introduce a ban on handshakes in the teams subordinate to you.

Use credit cards. Paper money- source of virus spread.

Air!!! Viral particles remain active for hours in dry, warm, still air, but are destroyed almost instantly in cool, humid, and moving air. In this aspect, a meeting in the city center with 200,000 people is less dangerous than a meeting of 1,000 people in a club.

You can walk as much as you like. It is almost impossible to catch a virus while walking. In this aspect, if you are already out for a walk, there is no need to ostentatiously walk around the streets wearing a mask. It’s better to take a breath of fresh air and pull on your mask before entering a bus, office or store.

Optimal indoor air parameters- temperature about 20 °C, humidity 50-70%. Frequent and intensive cross-ventilation of the premises is mandatory. Any heating system dries out the air. It is the beginning of the heating season that becomes the beginning of the epidemic! Control humidity. Wash the floor. Turn on humidifiers. Urgently demand air humidification and ventilation of rooms in children's groups.

It is better to dress warmly, but do not turn on additional heaters.

Condition of mucous membranes!!! Mucus constantly forms in the upper respiratory tract. Mucus ensures the functioning of the so-called. local immunity- protection of mucous membranes. If the mucus and mucous membranes dry out- the work of local immunity is disrupted, viruses, accordingly, easily overcome the protective barrier of weakened local immunity, and a person becomes ill upon contact with the virus with a much higher degree of probability. The main enemy of local immunity- dry air, as well as medications that can dry out mucous membranes (from popular and well-known- Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Trifed- The list is far from complete, to put it mildly).

Moisturize your mucous membranes! Elementary: 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Pour it into any spray bottle (for example, from vasoconstrictor drops) and spray it into your nose regularly (the drier, the more people around - the more often, at least every 10 minutes). For the same purpose, you can buy saline solution or ready-made saline solutions at the pharmacy for administration into the nasal passages.- salin, aqua maris, humer, marimer, nosol, etc. Main- don't be sorry! Drip, spray, especially when you go from home (from a dry room) to where there are a lot of people, especially if you are sitting in the corridor of the clinic.

In terms of prevention, that's it.


In fact, the only drug that can destroy the influenza virus is oseltamivir, the commercial name- Tamiflu. Theoretically, there is another medicine (zanamivir), but it is used only by inhalation, and there is little chance of seeing it in our country.

Tamiflu actually destroys the virus by blocking the neuraminidase protein (the same N in the name H1N1).

Do not eat Tamiflu all at once for any sneeze. It’s not cheap, there are a lot of side effects, and it doesn’t make sense. Tamiflu is used when the disease is severe (doctors know the signs of severe ARVI), or when a person at risk even gets mildly ill- old people, asthmatics, diabetics (doctors also know who is at risk). The bottom line: if Tamiflu is indicated, then at least medical supervision is indicated and, as a rule,- hospitalization. It is not surprising that with the greatest possible probability, Tamiflu entering our country will be distributed to hospitals, and not to pharmacies (although anything can happen).

Treatment with antiviral drugs has nothing to do with the vast majority of those who are reading these lines now.


Treatment of ARVI in general and influenza in particular- This is not swallowing pills! This is the creation of such conditions so that the body can easily cope with the virus.

Treatment rules:

1. Dress warmly, but the room is cool and humid. Temperature about 20 °C, humidity 50-70%. Wash floors, moisten, ventilate.

3. Drink (give water). Drink (water). Drink (water)!!!

The temperature of the liquid is equal to body temperature. Drink a lot. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chop an apple into tea), raisin infusions, dried apricots. If a child overdos it- this one will be and this one won't- Let him drink whatever he wants, as long as he drinks. Ideal for drinking- ready-made solutions for oral rehydration. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, humana electrolyte, gastrolit, etc. Buy, breed according to instructions, feed.

4. Saline solutions are often administered into the nose.

5. All “distracting procedures” (cupping, mustard plasters, poultices, feet in boiling water, etc.)- classic Soviet parental sadism and, again, psychotherapy (something needs to be done).

6. If you decide to fight a high temperature- only paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly forbidden.

The main problem is that you need to dress warmly, moisturize, ventilate, don’t push food and give you something to drink - in our language this is called “not to treat”, but “to treat”- is to send dad to the pharmacy...

7. If the upper respiratory tract is affected (nose, throat, larynx), no expectorants are needed- they will only make the cough worse. Infections of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) have nothing to do with self-medication. Therefore, on your own, no “lazolvans-mukaltins”, etc.

8. Antiallergic drugs have nothing to do with the treatment of ARVI.

9. Viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not reduce, but increase the risk of complications.

10. All interferons for local use- drugs with unproven effectiveness or “drugs” with proven ineffectiveness.

11. Homeopathy - This is not a herbal treatment, but a charged water treatment. Safely. Psychotherapy (something needs to be done).

When do you need a doctor?

ALWAYS!!! But this is unrealistic. Therefore, we list the situations when a doctor is needed Necessarily :

- no improvement on the fourth day of illness;
- elevated body temperature on the seventh day of illness;
- worsening after improvement;
- severe severity of the condition with moderate symptoms of ARVI;
- appearance alone or in combination: pale skin, thirst, shortness of breath, intense pain, purulent discharge;
- increased cough, decreased productivity; a deep breath leads to a coughing attack;
- when body temperature rises, paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help, practically do not help, or help very briefly.

A doctor is needed urgently and urgently if:

- loss of consciousness;
- convulsions;
- signs of respiratory failure (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air);
- intense pain anywhere;
- even moderate sore throat in the absence of a runny nose;
- even moderate headache combined with vomiting;
- swelling of the neck;
- a rash that does not go away when you press on it;
- body temperature above 39 °C, which does not begin to decrease 30 minutes after the use of antipyretics;
- any increase in body temperature combined with chills and pale skin.

For a month now, the H1N1 influenza virus, or the so-called swine flu, which is dangerous with complications in the form of pneumonia, has been rampant in Ukraine. And along with it there are two more not the most pleasant strains - Swiss and Phuket.

And although, according to Health Minister Alexander Kvitashvili, the epidemiological threshold has not been exceeded and we are still talking about a seasonal surge in the disease, it is still not worth testing yourself or your children for strength.

For all those who have no time to collect information bit by bit, Dr. Komarovsky compiled and published it on his Facebook page detailed instructions, which explains step by step what to do in case of illness and reminds you how to avoid it..

Flu and ARVI: simple instructions

People, attention!!!

Remember the most important thing: the tactics of your actions do not depend at all on the name of the virus. This is seasonal flu, swine flu, elephant flu, pandemic flu, it’s not flu at all - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that it is a virus, that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and that it affects the respiratory system.

Flu prevention

If you (your child) are exposed to the virus and you do not have protective antibodies in your blood, you will get sick. Antibodies will appear in one of two cases: either you get sick, or you get vaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you will not protect yourself from viruses in general, but only from the influenza virus.

  1. If you have the financial opportunity to get vaccinated (vaccinate your child) and were able to get a vaccine, get vaccinated, but on the condition that you don’t have to sit in a snotty crowd at the clinic to get vaccinated. Available vaccines protect against all variants of the influenza virus that are relevant this year.
  2. There are no drugs or “folk remedies” with proven preventive effectiveness. That is, no onion, no garlic, no vodka and no pills you swallow or put into your child can protect against any respiratory virus in general, or the influenza virus in particular. Everything that you are dying for in pharmacies, all these supposedly antiviral drugs, supposedly stimulants of interferon formation, immune stimulants and terribly useful vitamins - all these are drugs with unproven effectiveness, drugs that satisfy the main mental need of the Ukrainian - “the need for roboticity” - and the Russian - “something needs to be done.” The main benefit of all these medications is psychotherapy. You believe, it helps you - I’m happy for you, just don’t storm the pharmacies, it’s not worth it.
  3. The source of the virus is man and only man. The fewer people there are, the less chance you have of getting sick. Walking to the stop and not going to the supermarket one more time is wise!
  4. Mask. A useful thing, but not a panacea. It is advisable to see it on a sick person if there are healthy people nearby: it will not stop the virus, but it will stop droplets of saliva that are especially rich in the virus. A healthy person doesn't need it.
  5. The patient’s hands are a source of the virus no less significant than the mouth and nose. The patient touches his face, the virus gets on his hands, the patient grabs everything around him, you touch it all with your hand - hello, ARVI. Don't touch your face. Wash your hands, often, a lot, always carry wet disinfectant sanitary napkins with you, wash, rub, don’t be lazy! Learn yourself and teach your children, if you don’t have a handkerchief, to cough and sneeze not into your palm, but into your elbow. Chiefs! By official order, introduce a ban on handshakes in the teams subordinate to you. Use credit cards. Paper money is a source of spreading viruses.
  6. Air!!! Viral particles remain active for hours in dry, warm, still air, but are destroyed almost instantly in cool, humid, and moving air. You can walk as much as you like. It is almost impossible to catch a virus while walking. In this aspect, if you are already out for a walk, there is no need to ostentatiously walk around the streets wearing a mask. Better get some fresh air. The optimal indoor air parameters are temperature about 20°C, humidity 50-70%. Frequent and intensive cross-ventilation of the premises is mandatory. Any heating system dries out the air. Wash the floor. Turn on humidifiers. Urgently demand air humidification and ventilation of rooms in children's groups. It is better to dress warmly, but do not turn on additional heaters.
  7. Condition of mucous membranes!!! Mucus constantly forms in the upper respiratory tract. Mucus ensures the functioning of the so-called. local immunity - protection of mucous membranes. If the mucus and mucous membranes dry out, the work of local immunity is disrupted, viruses, accordingly, easily overcome the protective barrier of weakened local immunity, and a person becomes ill upon contact with the virus with a much higher degree of probability.

The main enemy of local immunity is dry air, as well as medications that can dry out mucous membranes. Since you do not know what kind of medicines these are (and these are some antiallergic and almost all so-called “combined cold medicines”), it is better not to experiment in principle.

Moisturize your mucous membranes! Elementary: 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Pour it into any spray bottle (for example, from vasoconstrictor drops) and spray it into your nose regularly (the drier, the more people around, the more often, at least every 10 minutes). For the same purpose, you can buy saline solution or ready-made saline solutions for injection into the nasal passages at the pharmacy: Saline, Aqua Maris, Humer, Marimer, Nosol, etc. The main thing is don’t regret it! Drip, spray, especially when you go from home (from a dry room) to where there are a lot of people, especially if you are sitting in the corridor of the clinic. Rinse your mouth regularly with the above saline solution.

In terms of prevention, that's it.

Flu treatment

In fact, the only drug that can destroy the influenza virus is oseltamivir, commercial name Tamiflu. Theoretically, there is another medicine (zanamivir), but it is used only by inhalation, and there is little chance of seeing it in our country.

Tamiflu actually destroys the virus by blocking the neuraminidase protein (the same N in the name H1N1).

Do not eat Tamiflu all at once for any sneeze. It’s not cheap, there are a lot of side effects, and it doesn’t make sense. Tamiflu is used when the disease is severe (doctors know the signs of severe ARVI), or when a person from a risk group gets sick even slightly: old people, asthmatics, diabetics (doctors also know who belongs to risk groups). The bottom line: if Tamiflu is indicated, then at least medical supervision and, as a rule, hospitalization are indicated. It is not surprising that with the greatest possible probability, Tamiflu entering our country will be distributed to hospitals, and not to pharmacies (although anything can happen).

The effectiveness of other antiviral drugs against ARVI and influenza is very doubtful (this is the most diplomatic definition available).
Treatment of ARVI in general and influenza in particular is not about swallowing pills! This is the creation of such conditions so that the body can easily cope with the virus.

Rules for treating influenza

  1. Dress warmly, but the room is cool and damp. Temperature 18-20 °C (better 16 than 22), humidity 50-70% (better 80 than 30). Wash floors, moisten, ventilate.
  2. Absolutely do not force anyone to eat. If he asks (if he wants) - light, carbohydrate, liquid.
  3. Drink (water). Drink (water). Drink (water)!!! The temperature of the liquid is equal to body temperature. Drink a lot. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chop an apple into tea), raisin infusions, dried apricots. If a child drinks too much, I will, but I won’t, let him drink whatever he wants, as long as he drinks. Ideal for drinking - ready-made solutions for oral rehydration. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, humana electrolyte, gastrolit, normohydron, etc. Buy, breed according to instructions, feed.
  4. Saline solutions are often used in the nose.
  5. All “distracting procedures” (cupping, mustard plasters, smearing the fat of unfortunate animals - goats, badgers, etc.) on the body are classic Soviet sadism and, again, psychotherapy (something needs to be done). Steaming children's feet (by adding boiling water to a basin), doing steam inhalations over a kettle or saucepan, rubbing children with alcohol-containing liquids is crazy parental banditry.
  6. If you decide to fight a high temperature, only paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly forbidden. The main problem is that to dress warmly, moisturize, ventilate, not push food and give him something to drink - this in our language is called “not to treat”, and “to treat” means sending dad to the pharmacy...
  7. If the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, larynx) is affected, no expectorants are needed - they will only worsen the cough. Infections of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) have nothing to do with self-medication at all. Medicines that suppress cough (the instructions say “antitussive action”) are strictly prohibited”!!!
  8. Antiallergic drugs have nothing to do with the treatment of ARVI.
  9. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not reduce, but increase the risk of complications.
  10. All interferons for topical use and for ingestion are drugs with unproven effectiveness or “medicines” with proven ineffectiveness.
  11. Homeopathy is not a herbal treatment, but a treatment with charged water. Safely. Psychotherapy (something needs to be done).

When do you need a doctor?

Always!!! But this is unrealistic. Therefore, we list situations when a doctor is definitely needed .

  • no improvement on the fourth day of illness;
  • elevated body temperature on the seventh day of illness;
  • worsening after improvement;
  • severe severity of the condition with moderate symptoms of ARVI;
  • appearance alone or in combination: pale skin; thirst, shortness of breath, intense pain, purulent discharge;
  • increased cough, decreased productivity; a deep breath leads to a coughing attack;
  • when body temperature rises, paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help, practically do not help, or help very briefly.

A doctor is needed urgently and urgently

  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • signs of respiratory failure (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air);
  • intense pain anywhere;
  • even a moderate sore throat in the absence of a runny nose (sore throat + dry nose is often a symptom of a sore throat, which requires a doctor and an antibiotic);
  • even moderate headache combined with vomiting;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • a rash that does not go away when you press on it;
  • body temperature above 39 °C, which does not begin to decrease 30 minutes after the use of antipyretics;
  • any increase in body temperature combined with chills and pale skin.

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Remember the most important thing: the tactics of your actions do not depend at all on the name of the virus. Seasonal flu, swine flu, elephant flu, pandemic flu, not flu at all - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that it is a virus, that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and that it affects the respiratory system.


If you (your child) are exposed to the virus and you do not have protective antibodies in your blood, you will get sick. Antibodies will appear in one of two cases: either you get sick, or you get vaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you will not protect yourself from viruses in general, but only from the influenza virus.


In fact, the only drug that can destroy the influenza virus is oseltamivir, commercial name Tamiflu. Theoretically, there is another medicine (zanamivir), but it is used only by inhalation, and there is little chance of seeing it in our country. Tamiflu actually destroys the virus by blocking the neuraminidase protein (the same N in the name H1N1). Do not eat Tamiflu for every sneeze. It’s not cheap, there are a lot of side effects, and it doesn’t make sense. “Tamiflu” is used when the disease is severe (doctors know the signs of severe ARVI) or when a person from a risk group gets sick even slightly - old people, asthmatics, diabetics (doctors also know who belongs to risk groups). The bottom line: if Tamiflu is indicated, then at least medical supervision is indicated and, as a rule, hospitalization is required. It is not surprising that with the greatest possible probability, Tamiflu entering our country will be distributed to hospitals, and not to pharmacies (although anything can happen). The effectiveness of other antiviral drugs against ARVI and influenza is very doubtful (this is the most diplomatic definition available). Treatment of ARVI in general and influenza in particular is not about swallowing pills! This is the creation of such conditions so that the body can easily cope with the virus.


  1. Dress warmly, but the room is cool and damp. Temperature 18−20 °C (better 16 than 22), humidity 50−70% (better 80 than 30). Wash floors, moisten, ventilate.
  2. Absolutely do not force anyone to eat. If he asks (if he wants) - light, carbohydrate, liquid.
  3. Drink (water). Drink (water). Drink (water)!!! The temperature of the liquid is equal to body temperature. Drink a lot. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chop an apple into tea), raisin infusions, dried apricots. If a child drinks too much, I will, but I won’t, let him drink whatever he wants, as long as he drinks. Ideal for drinking - ready-made solutions for oral rehydration. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: “Regidron”, “Humana Electrolyte”, “Gastrolit”, “Normogidron”, etc. Buy it, dilute it according to the instructions, drink it.
  4. Drip and spritz saline solutions into your nose frequently.
  5. All “distracting procedures” (cupping, mustard plasters, smearing the fat of unfortunate animals - goats, badgers, etc.) on the body are classic Soviet sadism and, again, psychotherapy (“something needs to be done”). Steaming children's feet (by adding boiling water to a basin), doing steam inhalations over a kettle or saucepan, rubbing children with alcohol-containing liquids is crazy parental banditry.
  6. If you decide to fight a high temperature, only paracetamol or ibuprofen. Absolutely no aspirin! The main problem is that to dress warmly, moisturize, ventilate, not push food and give him something to drink - this in our language is called “not to treat”, and “to treat” means sending dad to the pharmacy...
  7. If the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, larynx) is affected, no expectorants are needed - they will only worsen the cough. Damage to the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) has nothing to do with self-medication at all. Medicines that suppress cough (the instructions say “antitussive action”) are strictly prohibited!
  8. Antiallergic drugs have nothing to do with the treatment of ARVI.
  9. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not reduce, but increase the risk of complications.
  10. All interferons for topical use and for oral ingestion are drugs with unproven effectiveness or “medicines” with proven ineffectiveness.
  11. Homeopathy is not a herbal treatment, but a treatment with charged water. Safely. Psychotherapy (something needs to be done).


ALWAYS!!! But this is unrealistic. Therefore, we list the situations when A DOCTOR IS NECESSARY NEEDED:

  • no improvement on the fourth day of illness;
  • elevated body temperature on the seventh day of illness;
  • worsening after improvement;
  • severe severity of the condition with moderate symptoms of ARVI;
  • appearance alone or in combination: pale skin; thirst, shortness of breath, intense pain, purulent discharge;
  • increased cough, decreased productivity; a deep breath leads to a coughing attack;
  • when body temperature rises, paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help, practically do not help, or help very briefly.


  1. loss of consciousness;
  2. convulsions;
  3. signs of respiratory failure (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air);
  4. intense pain anywhere;
  5. even a moderate sore throat in the absence of a runny nose (sore throat + dry nose is often a symptom of a sore throat, which requires a doctor and an antibiotic);
  6. even moderate headache combined with vomiting;
  7. swelling of the neck;
  8. a rash that does not go away when you press on it;
  9. body temperature above 39 °C, which does not begin to decrease 30 minutes after the use of antipyretics;
  10. any increase in body temperature combined with chills and pale skin.

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