Intel company. Intel Brand History Intel Company

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Today we will talk about the history of one company, without which most of the computers in the world would not work now. We are talking, of course, about Intel.

Intel originated in the minds of Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore when they were still working at Fairchild Semiconductor in the 60s. The company in those years was a leading manufacturer of analog integrated circuits, but not everything went smoothly: new management came in and began to restrict the freedom of scientists and employees of the company. Therefore, in 1968, Noyce and Moore left Fairchild Semiconductor and subsequently founded their own company, which influenced the whole world.

Robert Noyce (left) and Gordon Moore

After leaving Fairchild Semiconductor, Moore and Noyce began working on a business plan for the future company. The company was named Noyce and Moore Electronics, abbreviated as NM Electronics. Moore was not completely sure of the name, and on the next version of Integrated Electronics, proposed by Moore, Noyce saw the abbreviated name int egrated El ectronics (INTEL), and it was with this name that Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore registered the company on July 16, 1968. After Intel registered, it turned out that there was a company with a similar name to Intelco, and Intel had to pay $15,000 to freely use its name. With a $2.5 million loan from financiers, Intel hired its first employee, Andrew Grove, and began its journey into the world of electronics.

The company immediately chose, as history shows, the right vector of production - electronic memory circuits. Just in production random access memory Intel has earned the first solid money. With good capital, the company began to experiment with new products, and all this resulted in the fact that in 1971 the company released its first commercial micro Intel processor 4004. "A New era of integrated electronics" - declared Intel to the whole world. It was a full-fledged 4-bit microprocessor, containing everything you need to work. It was developed by order of a Japanese company specifically for its calculators. According to the contract, the rights to manufacture the processor were to be transferred to the Japanese. It was at this time that Intel began to understand what prospects would open up for the microprocessor in the future. Fortunately, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce were just lucky. The Japanese company was experiencing serious financial problems and therefore decided to go for a new contract with Intel. Under the terms of this agreement, the American company undertook to supply its microprocessors to Japan at a price two times lower than originally declared. But all development rights remained with Intel.

Gradually, the company's microprocessors began to appear not only in traffic lights and calculators, but also in the first personal computers. All this led to the fact that soon the 8080 processor was born, which at that time became the industry standard. It was installed even in such a popular computer at that time as the Altair 8800, and after only three years the company will introduce the first 16-bit 8086 processor.

Intel grew very quickly. In 1968, the company had only 12 employees, and by 1980 there were as many as 15,000! Naturally, such growth required rather careful management. And Noyce and Moore understood this very well. They were just the kind of people who couldn't stand bureaucracy. They had enough of it back at Fairchild Semiconductor. At first, the founders held weekly lunches with employees, then as the company grew, Intel management always remained open to its employees. Each employee to some extent made decisions on a particular issue. And the right approach to the management of the company and the vector of its products led to the fact that in 1983 Intel's revenue amounted to a whopping $1 billion.

Starting in the 80s, Intel pulled itself together and closed all the various minor developments in order to fully focus on the production of microprocessors. Next will come the golden days of the 286s, then the 386s, and finally the 486s of computers equipped with Intel processors. But even after all these successes, Intel will still remain a company that is not known to a wide range of people. Yes, it will be talked about in IT circles, but which of the ordinary users might be interested in what kind of processor is located in their computer?

Apparently, it was important for Intel that everyone on the planet knew this company, and they made it so that a company that no one knew about at the very beginning of the 90s could become one of the most famous brands at the beginning of the 21st century. According to some ratings, Intel is in the top ten of the most famous brands. The thing is that since the 90s, Intel began an inbranding campaign that has already entered many marketing textbooks. Intel spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this campaign. The essence of the company's branding was that in advertising for ordinary personal computers they constantly mentioned the fact that they work on the Intel processor (of course, the advertising of these computers was also paid for by Intel). In addition, Intel has been very active in using television advertising, driving into the mass consciousness that it is imperative to make sure that the computer is running on an Intel processor.

In October 1992, Intel announced that the fifth-generation processors, formerly codenamed P5, would be called Pentium, not 586, as many had assumed. This was due to the fact that many processor manufacturers actively mastered the production of "clones" (and not only) of the 486 processors. Intel was going to register the name "586" as a trademark so that no one else could manufacture processors with that name, but here's the problem: it turned out that it was impossible to register numbers as a trademark (to Intel's great regret), so it was decided to name the new processors "Pentium". On March 22, 1993, a presentation of a new microprocessor took place, a few months later the first computers based on them appeared. And this processor literally conquered the whole world. It was in all computers, and many people around the world demanded a computer with a Pentium processor.

In the late 1990s, Intel faced some of the toughest competition in its history. At that time, the same AMD company produced excellent processors, which, moreover, cost significantly less than Intel's ones. But 2006 Intel took a big bite out of the pie. For a long time Apple Macintosh computers were supplied with processors, and then IBM. And since 2006, all Macs are now running Intel processors. At the time when Apple switched to Intel architecture from 2006 to 2007, Intel itself had a whole line of processors for different segments of devices. Celerons, Pentiums, Xeons - each processor was designed for its own needs: if the Xeons were for professional machines and servers, then the Celerons were installed in very budget systems.

In the same, as it seems, back in 2006, Intel released a no less famous processor called the Core 2 Duo, we all know them, and many still have computers with a Core 2 Duo heart in their dachas. And in mid-2009, Intel restructured its processor product line, thereby creating the Core i family, which includes the well-known Core i7, i5 and i3. On the this moment about 85% of modern computers and laptops are running a family of processors Intel Core I. The rest either work on Pentium and Celeron processors, or on processors from a competitor company.

Now the company, in addition to processors, also produces solid state drives, motherboards and components for servers. The company continues to experiment with modern technologies and even recently set a record for the number of simultaneously controlled drones. Intel specialists launched a hundred quadcopters with LED elements into the air, which were used as a light and music system. Drones represent colored figures in the air, accompanying the orchestra that plays Beethoven. In general, let's hope that Intel, just like the past 50 years, will determine the future in computer technology and successfully develop the computer industry and thus all of humanity as a whole.

Until the late 90s, Intel paid little attention to marketing and promotion of its brand. It was considered sufficient that they produce best processors in the world. But at some point, competitors with aggressive advertising like Apple, IBM and AMD began to seriously interfere with the leader of the computer market. This annoyed the Intel management, and they decided to take a chance. In 1989, a serious problem arose with the sale of 386 processors. Many 286 users did not understand why they would spend money on a more powerful processor. Then the RedX project was created. It meant a magazine spread advertisement, and was an inscription in 286 sans-serif type on a white background, crossed out with a bold red cross. In the corner was the Intel logo. It was a crazy move. Marketing experts have called it corporate suicide and "devouring your own child." But the risk was justified. Intel marketers realized that boring advertising in specialized publications for industrial customers does not work, it is necessary to appeal to the end consumer.

Background of microprocessor technologies

At the end of the 60s of the last century in information technology there was a flourishing of digital integrated circuits with rigid logic. It became possible to create relatively compact calculating machines, automation and control systems.

But any devices built on integrated circuits were not universal. Each problem had its own solution. All attempts by engineers to create multitasking machines led to a significant increase in size and excessive complexity of the circuits.

A turning point in the direction of new technologies was brewing. The first to make a breakthrough was Intel.

Founders of Intel

Photo: Intel Free Press

Intel was founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. A little later, Andy Grove joined them.

Noyce grew up in the family of a Congregational church minister, but this did not stop him from graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and becoming an integrated circuit engineer. He married the most beautiful graduate of the university, with whom he raised four children.

The sheriff's son, Gordon Moore, received his Ph.D. in chemistry and physics from the California Institute of Technology. In 1965 he deduced the famous "Moore's law". In 1950, he met a girl, Betty, who became his wife and gave him two sons.

A native of Hungary, Andy Grove was born into a Jewish family, as a result of constant persecution, in 1956 he emigrated to the United States to his uncle. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California. The author of the slogan in the business approach "Only the paranoid survive."

Despite the fact that Intel was created by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, Grove, initially hired as a top manager, was also considered the founder of the enterprise.


Eight talented engineers, who would later be called the Treacherous Eight, founded Fairchild Semiconductor in 1957 to design and manufacture silicon transistors. Not quite understanding commercial games in Silicon Valley, the Treacherous Eight fell under the influence of Fairchild Camera & Instrument, which began to use Fairchild Semiconductor as a cash cow. Salaries fell, and the best developers began to leave the enterprise.

This was also due to the restriction of the freedoms of the Treacherous Eight, who worked hard, but, according to the management company, were not organized. Particularly freedom-loving employees tried to protest, but in vain. In retaliation, Bob Widlar drove to work with a goat that plucked the lawn in front of the office and shitted on it.

Foundation of the company

Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore quit and founded their own company in 1968. For a firm that did not previously exist in Silicon Valley, there is no chance of getting investment. No one will mess with "no one". But, having a reputation as serious developers in the field of microelectronics, they did not have to look for an investor for a long time. It was enough for Noyce to write a one-page business plan for the investor to allocate $ 2.5 million on the same day.

Initially, the company was named after the initials of the founders of N. M. Electronics, but the name was associated with old-fashioned provincial tool companies. Then, imitating Hewlett-Packard, the phrase Moore-Noyce was tried, but by ear it sounded like “more noise” (“more noise”). It was decided to stop at Inegrated Electronics, but the impersonality did not suit. Then it occurred to someone to shorten both words and combine them into one legendary - Intel.

Access to the market

Startup Intel began with the development of memory chips, which required huge funds for the purchase of equipment. I had to save. Regularly on the run looking for additional investors, Noyce's salary was only $30,000 a year, three times less than at Fairchild Semiconductor.

However, just 18 months later, Intel introduced the first 3101 chip with SRAM technology, and a few months later, the 1101 based on MOS technology. This rapid and unpredictable growth rate of Intel worried competitors. The transition to MOS technology was a major leap forward.

But the golden hour for Intel came after the Japanese company Busicom approached them. The Japanese asked to combine 12 modules into 1. In fact, it was the process of creating a computer in one chip - a prototype of a modern processor that gave impetus to Intel's forward movement.

You can watch the history of Intel in the video.

Marketing policy

For a long time, Intel was not known to the end customer. Regular user the brand and manufacturer of the processor installed in the computer are indifferent. Since the mid-90s, due to a real commercial threat from AMD, Intel has been investing millions of dollars in inbranding. Now every computer has a company logo, and on television channels, in magazines, on websites, Intel advertisements are posted, driving into the brain of the layman the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuying computers only with Intel processors. It worked.

financial growth

Headquarters in Santa Clara
Photo: Coolcaesar

For a quarter of a century, invariably, Intel has held the palm among manufacturers of processors and motherboards. The team of 12 engineers grew to 150,000 in 1968, and the initial capital of $2.5 million borrowed turned into a book value of the company of $170.85 billion.

Sales revenue in recent years has fluctuated between $53-56 billion a year, and net income $9-13 billion. Intel produces about 80% of the world's processors. Approximately the same indicators are in the production of graphic cards.

Intel's marketing policy and the regular release of innovative products to the market have practically made competitors' attempts to approach Intel's sales levels negligible. For example, the well-known company AMD produces only 10% of processors, which provokes it to regularly file lawsuits against Intel with the antimonopoly committee.

Intel in Russia

Intel officially entered Russia in 1991. Over the past a little more than a quarter of a century, Intel has opened three research and development (R&D) centers in Russia in Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Moscow. In addition, Intel is working with universities to improve the skills of teachers and students in the field of scientific research. In MIPT, with the assistance of Intel, a department of microprocessor technologies was opened.

Intel these days

Over the many years of the brand's existence, only 88-year-old Gordon Moore, who is not directly involved in the management of the company, has survived from the founders of the company. Intel is led by CEO Brian Krzanich and President Rene James.

In 2017, Intel remains the leading global leader in microprocessor devices. Interestingly, when Robert Noyce sold the first shares of Intel in 1971, he hardly imagined that every dollar invested by a shareholder will return $270,000 already in the 90s.

Understand the company Intel and its three founders is possible only when you understand Silicon Valley and its origins. And in order to do this, you need to penetrate into the history of the company. Shockley Transistor, Treacherous Eight and Fairchild Semiconductor. Without their understanding, Intel will remain the same to you as it is to most people - a mystery.

The invention of computers did not mean that a revolution immediately began. The first computers, based on large, expensive, rapidly breaking vacuum tubes, were expensive monsters that only corporations, research universities, and the military could maintain. The advent of transistors, and later new technologies to etch millions of transistors on a tiny microchip, meant that the processing power of many thousands of ENIAC devices could be concentrated in a rocket head, in a lap computer, and in handheld devices.

In 1947, Bell Laboratory engineers John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the transistor, which was introduced to the general public in 1948. A few months later, William Shockley, one of the employees of Bell, developed a model of a bipolar transistor. The transistor, which is essentially a solid-state electronic switch, has replaced the bulky vacuum tube. The move from vacuum tubes to transistors started a miniaturization trend that continues today. The transistor was one of the most important discoveries of the 20th century.

In 1956, Nobel laureate in physics William Shockley formed the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory to work on four-layer diodes. Shockley failed to recruit his former employees from Bell Labs; instead, he hired a group of what he considered to be the best young electronics professionals fresh out of American universities. In September 1957, due to a conflict with Shockley, who decided to stop researching silicon semiconductors, eight key employees of Shokley Transistor decided to leave their jobs and start their own business. The eight people are now forever known as the Treacherous Eight. This epithet was given to them by Shockley when they left work. The G8 included Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Jay Last, Gene Hourney, Victor Grinich, Eugene Kleiner, Sheldon Roberts and Julius Blank.

After leaving, they decided to create their own company, but there was nowhere to take investments from. As a result of calling 30 firms, they came across Fairchild, the owner of Fairchild Camera and Instrument. He happily invested a million and a half dollars in a new company, which was almost twice as much as its eight founders initially considered necessary. A so-called premium deal was struck: if the company was successful, he could buy it out in full for three million. Fairchild Camera and Instrument exercised this right as early as 1958. The subsidiary was named Fairchild Semiconductor.

In January 1959, one of the eight founders of Fairchild, Robert Noyce, invented the silicon integrated circuit. At the same time, Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments invented the germanium integrated circuit six months earlier - in the summer of 1958, but Noyce's model turned out to be more suitable for mass production, and it is she who is used in modern chips. In 1959, Kilby and Noyce independently filed patents for the integrated circuit, and both were successfully granted, with Noyce receiving his patent first.

In the 1960s, Fairchild became one of the leading manufacturers of operational amplifiers and other analog integrated circuits. However, at the same time, the new management of Fairchild Camera and Instrument began to restrict the freedom of action of Fairchild Semiconductor, which led to conflicts. One by one, G8 members and other experienced employees began to quit and start their own companies in Silicon Valley.

The first name Noyce and Moore chose was NM Electronics, N and M being the first letters of their last names. But it wasn't very impressive. After a large number of not very successful proposals, for example, Electronic Solid State Computer Technology Corporation, they came to the final decision: the company will be called Integrated Electronics Corporation. In itself, it was also not very impressive, but it had one merit. The company could be called Intel for short. It sounded good. The title was energetic and eloquent.

Scientists set themselves a very specific goal: to create a practical and affordable semiconductor memory. Nothing like this had been created before, given the fact that silicon-based memory cost at least a hundred times more than conventional magnetic-core memory for that time. Solid-state memory cost as much as one dollar per bit, while magnetic-core memory cost only about a cent per bit. Robert Noyce said: “We only had to do one thing - reduce the cost by a hundred times and thereby conquer the market. That's what we basically did."

In 1970, Intel released a 1 Kb memory chip, far exceeding the capacity of the chips existing at that time (1 Kb is equal to 1024 bits, one byte consists of 8 bits, that is, the chip could store only 128 bytes of information, which is negligible by modern standards. ) The resulting chip, known as Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) 1103, became the world's best-selling semiconductor device by the end of next year. By this time, Intel had grown from a handful of enthusiasts to a company of more than a hundred employees.

At this time, the Japanese company Busicom approached Intel with a request to develop a chipset for a family of high performance programmable calculators. The original design of the calculator provided for a minimum of 12 chips of various types. Intel engineer Ted Hoff rejected this concept and instead designed a single-chip logic device that receives application commands from semiconductor memory. This central processing unit ran a program that made it possible to adapt the functions of the microcircuit to perform incoming tasks. The microcircuit was universal in nature, that is, its use was not limited to a calculator. Logical modules had only one purpose and a strictly defined set of commands, which were used to control its functions.

There was one problem with this chip: all rights to it belonged exclusively to Busicom. Ted Hoff and other developers realized that this design had virtually unlimited uses. They insisted that Intel buy the rights to the chip they created. Intel offered Busicom to return the $60,000 it paid for the license in exchange for the right to dispose of the developed chip. As a result, Busicom, being in a difficult financial situation, agreed.

On November 15, 1971, the first 4-bit microcomputer set 4004 appeared (the term microprocessor appeared much later). The microcircuit contained 2,300 transistors, cost $200, and was comparable in its parameters to the first ENIAC computer, created in 1946, which used 18,000 vacuum tubes and occupied 85 cubic meters.

The microprocessor performed 60 thousand operations per second, operated at a frequency of 108 kHz and was manufactured using 10-micron technology (10,000 nanometers). Data was transmitted in blocks of 4 bits per clock, and the maximum addressable memory size was 640 bytes. The 4004 was used to control traffic lights, in blood tests, and even in the Pioneer 10 research rocket launched by NASA.

In April 1972, Intel released the 8008 processor, which ran at 200 kHz.

The next processor model, the 8080, was announced in April 1974.

This processor already contained 6000 transistors and could address 64 KB of memory. It collected the first Personal Computer(not PC) Altair 8800. This computer used the CP/M operating system, and Microsoft developed a BASIC programming language interpreter for it. It was the first mass-produced computer for which thousands of programs were written.

Over time, the 8080 became so famous that it began to be copied.

In late 1975, several former Intel engineers involved in the development of the 8080 processor formed Zilog. In July 1976, this company released the Z-80 processor, which was a much improved version of the 8080.

This processor was not pin-compatible with the 8080, but combined many different features, such as a memory interface and a RAM upgrade circuit, which made it possible to develop cheaper and simple computers. The Z-80 also included an extended 8080 instruction set to allow the use of its software. This processor included new instructions and internal registers, so the software developed for the Z-80 could be used with almost all versions of the 8080.

Initially, the Z-80 processor ran at 2.5 MHz (later versions ran at 10 MHz), contained 8500 transistors, and could address 64 KB of memory.

Radio Shack chose the Z-80 processor for its TRS-80 Model 1 personal computer. The Z-80 soon became the standard processor for systems running the CP/M operating system and the most common software of the day.

Intel did not stop there, and in March 1976 released the 8085 processor, which contained 6500 transistors, operated at a frequency of 5 MHz and was manufactured using 3-micron technology (3000 nanometers).

Despite being released a few months before the Z-80, it never quite caught on with the latter's popularity. It was used mainly as a control chip for various computerized devices.

In the same year, MOS Technologies released the 6502 processor, which was completely different from Intel processors.

It was developed by a group of engineers from Motorola. The same group worked on the 6800 processor, which would eventually evolve into the 68000 family of processors. The first version of the 8080 processor cost $300, while the 8-bit 6502 only cost about twenty-five dollars. Such a price was quite acceptable for Steve Wozniak, and he built the 6502 processor into new Apple models I and Apple II. The 6502 processor was also used in systems built by Commodore and other manufacturers.

This processor and its successors worked successfully in gaming computer systems, which included the Nintendo Entertainment System. Motorola continued to work on the 68000 series of processors, which were subsequently used in Apple Macintosh computers. The second generation of Macs used the PowerPC processor, which is the successor to the 68000. Today, Macs have reverted to the PC architecture and share processors, chipsets, and other components with them.

In June 1978, Intel introduced the 8086 processor, which contained an instruction set codenamed x86.

The same instruction set is still supported in all modern microprocessors: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X and Intel Core i9-7920X. The 8086 processor was completely 16-bit - internal registers and a data bus. It contained 29,000 transistors and ran at 5 MHz. Thanks to the 20-bit address bus, it could address 1 MB of memory. When creating the 8086, backward compatibility with the 8080 was not provided. But at the same time, the significant similarity of their commands and language made it possible to use earlier versions of the software. This feature subsequently played an important role in the rapid transfer of CP/M (8080) system programs to PC rails.

Despite the high efficiency of the 8086 processor, its price was still too high by the standards of that time and, more importantly, it required an expensive chip to support a 16-bit data bus. To reduce the cost of the processor, in 1979 Intel released the 8088 processor, a simplified version of the 8086.

The 8088 used the same internal core and 16-bit registers as the 8086, could address 1 MB of memory, but unlike the previous version, used an external 8-bit data bus. This made it possible to ensure backward compatibility with the previously developed 8-bit 8085 processor and thereby significantly reduce the cost of created motherboards and computers. That's why IBM chose the stripped-down 8088 rather than the 8086 for its first PC. This decision had far-reaching consequences for the entire computer industry.

The 8088 processor was fully software compatible with the 8086, allowing for 16-bit software. The 8085 and 8080 processors used a very similar instruction set, so programs written for the processors previous versions, could be easily converted for the 8088 processor. This, in turn, allowed the development of a variety of programs for the IBM PC, which was the key to its future success. Not wanting to stop halfway, Intel was forced to provide 8086/8088 backward compatibility support with most of the processors released at the time.

Intel immediately began to develop a new microprocessor after the release of 8086/8088. The 8086 and 8088 processors required a large number support chips, and the company decides to develop a microprocessor that already contains all the necessary modules on a chip. The new processor included many components that were previously available as separate chips, which would dramatically reduce the number of chips in a computer, and, consequently, reduce its cost. In addition, the system of internal commands has been expanded.

In the second half of 1982, Intel released the 80186 embedded processor, which, in addition to the improved 8086 core, also contained additional modules that replaced some of the support chips.

Also in 1982, the 80188 was released, which is a variant of the 80186 microprocessor with an 8-bit external data bus.

Released on February 1, 1982, the 16-bit x86-compatible 80286 microprocessor was an improvement on the 8086 processor with 3 to 6 times the performance.

This qualitatively new microprocessor was then used in the landmark IBM PC-AT computer.

The 286th processor was developed in parallel with the 80186/80188 processors, but it lacked some modules that were available in the Intel 80186 processor. The Intel 80286 processor was produced in exactly the same package as the Intel 80186 - LCC, as well as in PGA-type packages with sixty-eight conclusions.

In those years, backward compatibility of processors was still supported, which did not interfere with the introduction of various innovations and additional features. One of the major changes was the transition from the 16-bit internal architecture of the 286 and earlier processors to the 32-bit internal architecture of the 386 and later IA-32 processors. This architecture was introduced in 1985, but it took another 10 years for operating systems like Windows 95 (partially 32-bit) and Windows NT (requiring 32-bit drivers only) to hit the market. And only after another 10 years, the operating room appeared Windows system XP, which was 32-bit both at the driver level and at the level of all components. So, it took 16 years to adapt 32-bit computing. For the computer industry, this is quite a long time.

80386th appeared in 1985. It contained 275,000 transistors and performed over 5 million operations per second.

Compaq's DESKPRO 386 computer was the first PC based on the new microprocessor.

The next in the x86 family of processors was the 486th, which appeared in 1989.

Meanwhile, the US Department of Defense was not happy with the prospect of being left with a single chip supplier. As the latter became less and less (remember what a zoo was observed back in the early nineties), the importance of AMD as an alternative manufacturer grew. Under an agreement from 1982, AMD had all the licenses for the production of 8086, 80186 and 80286 processors, however, the newly developed Intel 80386 processor categorically refused to transfer to AMD. And broke the deal. What followed was a long and high-profile lawsuit - the first in the history of companies. It ended only in 1991 with the victory of AMD. For its position, Intel paid the plaintiff a billion dollars.

But still, the relationship was spoiled, and there was no talk of former trust. Moreover, AMD took the path of reverse engineering. The company continued to release Am386 processors, which differed in hardware, but completely coincided in microcode, and then Am486. Intel has already gone to court. Again, the process dragged on for a long time, and success turned out to be on one side, then on the other. But on December 30, 1994, a court decision was made, according to which the Intel microcode is still the property of Intel, and it is somehow not good for other companies to use it if the owner does not like it. So things have changed since 1995. On processors Intel Pentium and AMD K5, any applications for the x86 platform were launched, but from the point of view of architecture, they were fundamentally different. And it turns out that the real competition between Intel and AMD began only a quarter of a century after the creation of the companies.

However, to ensure compatibility, cross-pollination by technologies has not gone anywhere. Modern Intel processors have a lot of AMD's patents, and conversely, AMD neatly adds Intel-designed instruction sets.

In 1993, Intel introduced the first Pentium processor, which was five times faster than the 486 family. This processor contained 3.1 million transistors and performed up to 90 million operations per second, which is about 1500 times faster than the 4004.

When the next generation of processors appeared, those who had counted on the Sexium name were disappointed.

The P6 family processor, called the Pentium Pro, was born in 1995.

Revisiting the P6 architecture, Intel introduced the Pentium II processor in May 1997.

It contained 7.5 million transistors, packed in a cartridge, unlike a traditional processor, which made it possible to place the L2 cache memory directly in the processor module. This helped to significantly increase its performance. In April 1998, the Pentium II family was expanded with the low cost Celeron processor used in home PCs and the professional Pentium II Xeon processor for servers and workstations. Also in 1998, Intel for the first time integrated L2 cache (which ran at the full processor core frequency) directly into the die, which made it possible to significantly increase its performance.

While the Pentium processor was rapidly gaining market dominance, AMD acquired NexGen, which was working on the Nx686 processor. The merger resulted in the AMD K6 processor.

This processor was both hardware and software compatible with the Pentium processor, that is, it was installed in a Socket 7 socket and executed the same programs. AMD has continued to develop more fast versions K6 processor and won a significant part of the mid-range PC market.

The first high-end desktop processor to include an on-chip L2 cache and run at full core frequency was the Pentium III processor, based on the Coppermine core, introduced in late 1999, which was essentially a Pentium II, containing SSE instructions.

In 1998, AMD introduced the Athlon processor, which allowed it to compete with Intel in the high-speed desktop PC market almost on a par.

This processor turned out to be very successful, and Intel received it in the face of a worthy rival in the field of high-performance systems. Today, the success of the Athlon processor is beyond doubt, but at the time of its entry into the market, there were concerns about this. The fact is that, unlike its predecessor K6, which was compatible both at the software and hardware levels with the Intel processor, Athlon was compatible only at the software level - it required a specific system logic chipset and a special socket.

The new AMD processors were produced using 250nm technology with 22 million transistors. They had a new integer calculation unit (ALU). The EV6 system bus provided data transfer on both edges of the clock signal, which made it possible to obtain an effective frequency of 200 MHz at a physical frequency of 100 megahertz. The first level cache was 128 KB (64 KB instructions and 64 KB data). The second level cache reached 512 KB.

The year 2000 was marked by the appearance on the market of new developments of both companies. On March 6, 2000, AMD released the world's first 1GHz processor. It was a representative of the increasingly popular Athlon family based on the Orion core. AMD also introduced the Athlon Thunderbird and Duron processors for the first time. The Duron processor was essentially identical to the Athlon processor and differed from it only in a smaller L2 cache. Thunderbird, in turn, used an integrated cache memory, which made it possible to increase its performance. Duron was a cheaper version of the Athlon processor, which was designed primarily to compete with the inexpensive Celeron processors. And Intel at the end of the year introduced new processor Pentium 4.

In 2001, Intel released a new version of the 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor, which was the first processor to achieve this frequency. In addition, AMD introduced the Athlon XP processor, based on the Palomino core, as well as the Athlon MP, designed specifically for multiprocessor server systems. During 2001, AMD and Intel continued to work on improving the performance of microchips under development and improving the parameters of existing processors.

In 2002, Intel introduced the Pentium 4 processor, which for the first time reached an operating frequency of 3.06 GHz. Subsequent processors will also support Hyper-Threading technology. Simultaneous execution of two threads gives processors with Hyper-Threading technology a performance boost of 25-40% compared to conventional Pentium 4 processors. This inspired programmers to develop multi-threaded programs, and set the stage for the emergence of multi-core processors in the near future.

In 2003, AMD released the first 64-bit Athlon 64 processor (codenamed ClawHammer, or K8).

Unlike the Itanium and Itanium 2 64-bit server processors, which are optimized for the new 64-bit software system architecture and are rather slow running traditional 32-bit programs, the Athlon 64 is a 64-bit extension of the x86 family. Some time later, Intel introduced its own set of 64-bit extensions, which it called EM64T or IA-32e. The Intel extensions were almost identical to the AMD extensions, which meant they were compatible at the software level. Until now, some operating systems call them AMD64, although competitors prefer their own brands in marketing documents.

In the same year, Intel released the first processor with L3 cache, the Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. A 2 MB cache was built into it, the number of transistors was significantly increased and, as a result, performance was increased. The Pentium M chip for portable computers also appeared. It was conceived as an integral part of the new Centrino architecture, which was supposed, firstly, to reduce power consumption, thereby increasing battery life, and secondly, to provide the possibility of producing more compact and lightweight cases.

To make 64-bit computing a reality, 64-bit operating systems and drivers are required. In April 2005, Microsoft began distributing trial version Windows XP Professional x64 Edition supporting additional instructions AMD64 and EM64T.

Without slowing down, AMD in 2004 releases the world's first dual-core x86 processors Athlon 64 X2.

At that time, very few applications could use two cores at the same time, but in specialized software, the performance gain was quite impressive.

In November 2004, Intel was forced to cancel the 4 GHz Pentium 4 model due to heat dissipation problems.

On May 25, 2005, the Intel Pentium D processors were demonstrated for the first time. There is not much to say about them, except perhaps only for a heat dissipation of 130 watts.

In 2006, AMD introduces the world's first 4-core server processor, where all 4 cores are grown on a single chip, and not "glued" from two, as in business colleagues. The most difficult engineering tasks both at the development stage and in production.

In the same year, Intel changed the name of the Pentium brand to Core and released the dual-core Core 2 Duo chip.

Unlike the NetBurst architecture processors (Pentium 4 and Pentium D), the Core 2 architecture did not focus on increasing the clock speed, but on improving other processor parameters, such as cache, efficiency, and the number of cores. The power dissipation of these processors was significantly lower than that of the Pentium desktop line. With a TDP of 65W, the Core 2 had the lowest power dissipation of any desktop microprocessor then commercially available, including Prescott (Intel) cores with a TDP of 130W and San Diego (AMD) cores with a TDP of 89 W.

The first desktop quad-core processor was the Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 clocked at 2.67 GHz with 8 MB L2 cache.

In 2007, the 45nm Penryn microarchitecture was released using lead-free Hi-k metal gates. The technology was used in the Intel Core 2 Duo processor family. Support for SSE4 instructions has been added to the architecture, and the maximum amount of L2 cache for dual-core processors has increased from 4 MB to 6 MB.

In 2008, the next generation architecture, Nehalem, was released. The processors have an integrated memory controller that supports 2 or 3 DDR3 SDRAM channels or 4 FB-DIMM channels. The FSB bus was replaced by a new QPI bus. The L2 cache has been reduced to 256 KB per core.

Soon, Intel moved the Nehalem architecture to a new 32nm process technology. This line of processors was named Westmere.

The first model of the new microarchitecture was Clarkdale, which has two cores and an integrated graphics core, manufactured using a 45-nm process technology.

AMD has tried to keep up with Intel. In 2007, she released a new generation of x86 microprocessor architecture - Phenom (K10).

Four processor cores were combined on one chip. In addition to L1 and L2 cache, the K10 models finally received 2MB L3. The size of the data and instruction cache of the 1st level was 64 KB each, and the cache of the 2nd level was 512 KB. There is also promising support for a DDR3 memory controller. The K10 used two 64-bit controllers. Each processor core had a 128-bit floating point module. On top of that, the new processors worked through the HyperTransport 3.0 interface.

In 2009, a long-term conflict between Intel and AMD corporations related to patent law and antitrust law was completed. So, for almost a decade, Intel used a number of dishonest decisions and techniques that interfered with the fair development of competition in the semiconductor market. Intel put pressure on its partners, forcing them to abandon the acquisition AMD processors. Bribery of customers, the provision of large discounts and the conclusion of agreements were used. As a result, Intel paid AMD $1.25 billion and committed to following a certain set of business rules for the next 5 years.

By 2011, the era of Athlons and the competitive struggle in the processor market had already turned into a lull, but it did not last long - already in January, Intel introduced its new Sandy Bridge architecture, which became the ideological development of the first generation Core - a milestone that allowed blue giant to take the lead in the market. AMD fans have been waiting for a response from the Reds for quite a long time - only in October the long-awaited Bulldozer appeared on the market - the return to the market of the AMD FX brand associated with breakthrough processors for the company at the beginning of the century.

The new AMD architecture has taken on a lot - confrontation with the best solutions The (later legendary) Intel cost the Sunnyvale chipmaker dearly. Already traditional for the Reds, inflated marketing, associated with loud statements and incredible promises, crossed all boundaries - the Bulldozer was called a real revolution, and the architecture was predicted a worthy battle against new products from a competitor. What has FX prepared to win the market?

A bet on multi-threading and uncompromising multi-core - in 2011, AMD FX was proudly called "the most multi-core desktop processor on the market", and this was not an exaggeration - the architecture was based on as many as eight cores (albeit logical ones), each of which accounted for one thread. At the time of the announcement of the architecture, the new FX was an innovative and bold solution against the background of the competitor's four cores, looking far ahead. But alas, AMD has always relied on only one direction, and in the case of Bulldozer, this was by no means the area that the mass consumer was counting on.

The productivity of the new AMD chips was very high, and FX easily showed impressive results in synthetics - unfortunately, the same could not be said about gaming loads: the fashion for 1-2 cores and the lack of support for normal parallelization of cores led to the fact that the "Bulldozer" coped with loads with great creaking where Sandy Bridge did not even feel difficulties. Add to this two whole Achilles heels of the series - dependence on fast memory and a rudimentary northbridge, as well as the presence of only one FPU unit for every two cores - and the result is very deplorable. AMD FX was called a hot and sluggish alternative to fast and powerful blue processors, which took only relative cheapness and compatibility with older motherboards. At first glance, it was a complete failure, but AMD has never been squeamish about working on bugs - and Vishera became such a job - a kind of reboot of the Bulldozer architecture, which entered the market at the end of 2012.

The updated Bulldozer was named Piledriver, and the architecture itself added instructions, increased muscle in single-threaded loads, and optimized the operation of a large number of cores, which increased multi-threaded performance. However, in those days, the notorious Ivy Bridge, which only increased the number of Intel admirers, acted as a competitor for the updated and refreshed series of reds. AMD decided to follow the already proven strategy of attracting budget users, overall savings on components and the opportunity to get more for less money (without encroaching on the segment above).

But the funniest thing in the history of the appearance of the most unsuccessful (according to most) architecture in AMD's arsenal is that sales of AMD FX can hardly be called not only a failure, but even mediocre - so, according to the Newegg store for 2016, AMD FX became the second most popular processor -6300 (behind only the i7 6700k), and the notorious leader of the budget red segment FX-8350 entered the top five best-selling processors, slightly behind the i7 4790k. At the same time, even the relatively cheap i5, which was cited as an example of marketing success and “people's” status, fell far behind the time-tested oldies based on Piledriver.

Finally, it is worth noting a rather funny fact, which a few years ago was considered an excuse from AMD fans - we are talking about the confrontation between the FX-8350 and the i5 2500k, which originated at the time of the release of Bulldozer. For a long time, it was believed that the red processor was significantly behind the 2500k chosen by many enthusiasts, but in the latest tests of 2017, paired with the most powerful FX-8350 GPU, it turns out to be faster in almost all gaming tests. It would be appropriate to say "Hurrah, wait!".

Meanwhile, Intel continues to conquer the market.

In 2011, a batch of new processors based on the Sandy Bridge architecture was announced, and then a little later, a batch of new processors based on the Sandy Bridge architecture was released for the new LGA 1155 socket released in the same year. This is the second generation of modern Intel processors, a complete update of the line, which paved the way for commercial success for the company, because there were no analogues in terms of power per core and overclocking. You may remember the i5 2500K - the legendary processor, it overclocked to almost 5 GHz, with the appropriate cooling tower, and is able even today, in 2017, to provide acceptable performance in a system with one, and possibly two video cards in modern games. On the resource, the processor overcame a frequency of 6014.1 megahertz from the Russian SAV overclocker. It was a 4-core processor with a 6 MB level 3 cache, the base frequency was only 3.3 GHz, nothing special, but due to solder, the processors of this generation overclocked very strongly and did not overheat. Also absolutely successful in this generation were the i7 2600K and 2700K - 4 nuclear processors with hyperthreading, which gave them as many as 8 threads. They overclocked, however, they were a little weaker, but they had higher performance, and, accordingly, heat dissipation. They were taken as systems for fast and efficient video editing, as well as for broadcasting on the Internet. Interestingly, the 2600K, like the i5 2500K, is also used today not only by gamers, but also by streamers. We can say that this generation has become a national treasure, since everyone wanted exactly the processors from Intel, which affected their price, not in the best direction for the consumer.

In 2012, Intel releases the 3rd generation of processors, called Ivy Bridge, which looks strange, because only a year has passed, could they really invent something fundamentally new that would give a noticeable performance boost? Anyway, the new generation of processors is based on the same socket - LGA 1155, and the processors of this generation are not much ahead of the previous ones, this is, of course, due to the fact that there was no competition in the top segment. All the same AMD, not to say that it would breathe tightly in the back of the first, therefore, Intel could afford to release processors a little more powerful than their own, because they actually became monopolists in the market. But then another catch crept in, now in the form of a thermal interface under the lid, Intel did not use solder, but some kind of its own, as the people called it - chewing gum, this was done to save money, which brought even more income. This topic simply blew up the network, it was no longer possible to overclock processors to the eyeballs, because they received an average temperature of 10 degrees more than the previous ones, because the frequencies came closer to the border of 4 - 4.2 GHz. Special extremals even opened the processor cover, in order to replace the thermal paste with a more efficient one, not everyone managed to do this without chipping the crystal or damaging the processor contacts, but the method turned out to be effective. However, I can highlight some processors that have been successful.

You may have noticed that I did not mention i3 when talking about the second generation, this is due to the fact that processors of this power were not particularly popular. Everyone always wanted an i5, whoever had the money took the i7 of course.

In the 3rd generation, which we will talk about now, the situation has not changed dramatically.
Successful among this generation can be identified i5 3340 and i5 3570K, they did not differ in performance, everything depended on frequency, the cache was still the same - 6 MB, 3340 did not have the ability to overclock, because 3570K was more desirable, but what one, what the second - provided good performance in games. Out of the i7 on the 1155, this was the only K-index 3770 with 8MB cache and 3.5-3.9GHz. In boost, they usually overclocked it to 4.2 - 4.5 GHz. Interestingly, in the same 2011, a new LGA 2011 socket was released, for which two super-processors i7 4820K (4 cores, 8 threads, with L3 cache - 10 MB) and i7 4930K (6 cores, 12 threads, L3 cache was is equal to as much as 12 MB), what kind of monsters they were - it's hard to say, such a percentage cost 1000 bucks and was the dream of many schoolchildren at that time, although for games, of course, it was too powerful, more suitable for professional tasks.

Haswell comes out in 2013, yes, yes, another year, another generation, traditionally a little more powerful than the previous one, because AMD failed again. Known as the hottest generation. However, this generation of i5s were pretty successful. This is due to the fact, in my opinion, that the guys from Sendik ran to change their, as they thought, outdated processors for a new “revolution” from Intel, which then burned all the “Internets”. Processors overclocked even worse than the previous generation, which is why many still dislike this generation. The performance of this generation was slightly higher than the previous one (by 15 percent, which is not much, but the monopoly does its job), and the overclocking limit is a good option for Intel to give less "free" performance to the user.

All i5s traditionally were without hyperthreading. They worked at a frequency of 3 to 3.9 GHz in boost, you could take any with the “K” index, as this guaranteed good performance, albeit with not very high overclocking. At first there was only one i7 here, it's 4770K - 4 cores 8 threads, 3.5 - 3.9 GHz, a workhorse, but it heats up very much without good cooling, I won't say that it was popular with scalpers, but people who scalped the lid, they say that the result is much better, it takes about 5 gigahertz on the water, if you're lucky. This has been the case for every processor since Sendik. However, this is not the end, in this generation there was such a Xeon E3-1231V3, which, in fact, was the same i7 4770, only without integrated graphics and overclocking. It is interesting in that it was inserted into an ordinary mother with a socket 1150 and was much cheaper than the seventh one. A little later, the i7 4790K comes out and it has an already improved thermal interface, but it's still not the same solder as it was before. Nevertheless, the processor overclocks more than the 4770. There were even talks about cases of overclocking to 4.7 GHz in the air, of course, in good cooling.

There are also "Monsters" of this generation (Haswell-E): i7-5960X Extreme Edition, i7-5930K and 5820K, server solutions adapted for the desktop market. These were the most stuffed processors at that time. They are based on the new 2011 v3 socket and cost a lot of money, but their performance is exceptional, which is not surprising, because the older processor in the line has as many as 16 threads and 20 MB of cache. Pick up the jaw and move on.

In 2015, Skylake comes out, on socket 1151, and everything would be fine and it seems almost the same performance, but this generation differs from all previous ones: firstly, the reduced size of the heat-distributing cover, for improved heat transfer with the cooling system on the processor, and secondly, support for DDR4 memory and software support for DirectX 12, Open GL 4.4, Open CL 2.0, which indicates better performance in modern games that will use these APUs. It also turned out that even processors without the K index can be overclocked, this was done using the memory bus, but this case was quickly covered up. Whether this method works through crutches - we do not know.

There were few processors here, Intel again improved the business model, why release 6 processors, if 3-4 out of the entire line are popular? So we will release 4 processors of the medium and 2 expensive segments. Personally, according to my observations, most often they take i5 6500 or 6600K, all the same 4 cores with 6 MB cache and turbo boost.

In 2016, Intel introduced the fifth generation of processors - Broadwell-E. The Core i7-6950X was the world's first ever 10-core desktop processor. The price of such a processor at the time of the start of sales was $ 1,723. To many, such a move by Intel seemed very strange.

On March 2, 2017, the new processors of the older AMD Ryzen 7 line went on sale, which included 3 models: 1800X, 1700X and 1700. As you already know, on February 22 this year, the official presentation of Ryzen took place, at which Lisa Su stated that engineers exceeded the forecast by 40%. In fact, Ryzen is ahead of Excavator by 52%, and given that more than six months have passed since the start of Ryzen sales, the release of new BIOS updates that increase performance and fix minor bugs in the Zen architecture, we can say that this figure has grown to 60% . Today, the older Ryzen is the fastest eight-core processor in the world. And here another assumption was confirmed. About the ten-core Intel. In fact, this was Ryzen's real and only answer. Intel stole the victory from AMD in advance, like, no matter what you release there, the fastest processor will remain with us anyway. And then at the presentation, Lisa Su could not call Ryzen the absolute champion, but only the best of the eight-core. Such is the subtle trolling from Intel.

Now AMD and Intel are introducing new flagship processors. AMD has Ryzen Threadripper, Intel has Core i9. The price of eighteen nuclear thirty-six in-line flagship Intel Core i9-7980XE is about two thousand dollars. The price of a sixteen-core thirty-two threaded Intel Core i9-7960X processor is $1,700, while a similar sixteen-core thirty-two threaded AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X costs about a thousand dollars. Draw reasonable conclusions yourself, gentlemen.

Video for this item.

Description of the organization Intel

Products firms Intel

Specifications -Advantages and disadvantages -Sossaman

List of microprocessors companies Intel

Intel -4004 Processor Numbering: First Single-Chip Processor -Intel386 EX 60 Years of Continuous Innovation in Smaller Transistors

World events

Events in Russian Federation

Tick-tock strategy to build technology leadership

Intel Reveals Some Details of Future Nehalem Microarchitecture - WiMAX Ecosystem Development

High Performance Computing

Manufacturing Capabilities -Next Generation Intel® Centrino® Processor Technology -UMPC and MID Platforms -Intel-Sun Collaboration -Educational Programs -Gaming -Digital Health -Flash Memory

Biographies of Intel executives

Paul Ottelini

Andrew Grove

Louis Burns

Patrick Gelsinger

Intel Core is(pronounced: Intel Co.) is a brand of various mid- to high-end microprocessors in the consumer and industrial markets. Processors more productive processors entry-level, represented on the market by Celeron and Pentium brands. On the market servers also sell more advanced versions of Core processors under the Xeon brand.

In June 2009, the organization announced that it was phasing out the many variants of this trademark (for example, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Extreme) in favor of three key brands: Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7

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Description of the Intel organization

Intel (Intel) -this is a company producing electronic devices and computer components from chipsets and microcircuits to processors. Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel. The name "Intel" comes from the words "integrated electronics". In 1969, Intel introduces the 3101 Schottky Bipolar Random Access Memory (RAM). In 1971, working with the Japanese chip design organization Busicom, Intel developed the Intel 4004 universal microprocessor, whose performance was comparable to that of the most powerful computers of the time.

In 1973, Intel introduces the standard clean room uniform, the BunnyPeople. In 1974, Intel developed the Intel 8008. In 1977, through its subsidiary Intel Magnetics, Intel began producing memory on cylindrical magnetic domains, which are highly reliable when exposed to electric shock, dust, humidity, vibration, etc. In 1980, Intel, Digital Equipment and XEROX start the Ethernet project, which allows different computers to communicate with each other via local network. In 1993, Intel introduces the Intel Pentium processor (read Intel Pentium) containing 3.1 million transistors.

In 1998, Intel released the budget Intel Celeron processor (pronounced Intel Celeron). In 2003, the Intel Centrino processor technology appears. Intel Centrino Mobile delivers high performance, extended uptime battery life and integrated wireless functionality, enabling thinner laptops. In 2006, Intel releases two new platforms: Intel Centrino Duo and Intel Viiv processor technologies, and the Intel Core 2 Duo processor.

Intel Products: Intel Desktop PCs

Intel Core2 processor with vPro technology

Intel Core2 processor with Viiv technology





Intel: laptops

Intel Centrino processor technology

Intel Centrino with vPro technology




Mobile Internet devices (Mobile Internet Device, MID)

Intel: Servers






Blade servers

RAID controllers

Storage systems

Carrier class servers

the company positions" height="478" src="/pictures/investments/img592875_1-10_Eti_produktyi_kompaniya_pozitsioniruet.jpg" title="(!LANG:1.10 The company positions these products" width="550" />!}

Intel Workstations




Intel: Embedded and Communications Solutions



Wireless networks

Desktop adapters

Server adapters

Ethernet controllers

Computing boards and platforms

Products for fiber optic networks


Flash memory

Intel: Processors

Desktop PCs

Portable PCs


Embedded and communication solutions

Intel: Motherboards

Desktop Boards

Server boards

Workstation motherboards

Intel: chipsets

Desktop PCs

Portable PCs


Embedded Solutions

Consumer electronics

Intel: consumer electronics

Media processing components

Demodulators and Tuners

Intel: Flash

Intel NAND flash modules

Intel: technical literature


Computer systems design

Network Infrastructure Design

Strategic technologies

IT excellence

Intel: Software


Analyzers Intel performance VTune

Intel Performance Libraries

Multithreaded Programming Toolkit

Means for work with clusters

Intel: Storage data and I/O systems

Serial ATA controllers

SAS controllers

Intel Core processor family






the date

Money issue



the date

Money issue

core duo

January 2006

Core Solo

No desktop version

January 2006

Core2 Duo

August 2006

January 2007

January 2008

January 2008

Core 2 Extreme

November 2006

November 2007

January 2008

August 2008

Core 2 Quad

January 2007

August 2008

Core 2 Solo

No desktop version

September 2007

1st quarter 2010

1st quarter 2010

September 2009

1st quarter 2010

1st quarter 2010

November 2008

September 2009

September 2009

1st quarter 2010

November 2008

2nd quarter 2010

September 2009

Core CPU


from 2006 to 2008



1.06-2.33 GHz


533-667 MHz

Production technology:

Instruction sets:


Number of cores:



Yonah is the code name for the first generation mobile processors manufactured by Intel using the 65nm process technology, based on the Banias/Dothan Pentium M architecture, with added LaGrande security technology. Overall performance has been improved by adding support for SSE3 extensions and improved support for SSE and SSE2 extensions. But at the same time, the overall performance is slightly reduced due to the slower cache (or rather, due to its high latency). Additionally, Yonah supports NX bit technology.

The Core Duo processor is the world's best dual-core x86 processor in terms of power consumption (less than 25W), surpassing the previous champions - Opteron 260 and 860 HE with their 55W in this indicator. Core Duo was introduced on January 5, 2006, along with other components of the Napa platform. This is the first Intel processor used in Apple Macintosh computers (the computer included in the Apple Developer Transition Kit used a Pentium 4 processor, but it was not commercially available and was intended only for the needs of developers).

Contrary to previous claims, the Intel Core Duo supports Intel's Vanderpool virtualization technology with the exception of the T2300E, as shown by the Intel Centrino Duo Mobile Technology Performance Brief and Intel's Processor Number Feature Table. However, many manufacturers seem to prefer disable this technology by default, fortunately, this can be done as a BIOS option.

EM64T (Intel x86-64 extensions) are not supported by Yonah. However, EM64T is present in Yonah's successor, Core 2, codenamed Merom.

The Intel Core Duo has two cores, 2MB L2 cache per core, and a control bus to control the L2 cache and system bus. In future steppings of Core Duo processors, it is also expected to be able to disable one core for better power saving.

The Intel Core Solo uses the same dual core as the Core Duo, but only one core is operational. This style is in high demand for single-core mobile processors, and it allows Intel to create a new line of processors by disabling one of the cores, physically releasing only one core. Ultimately, this allows Intel to sell processors in which one of the cores turned out to be defective without much damage to itself (the core is simply turned off and the processor goes on sale under the Core Solo brand).


The Core Duo core contains 151 million transistors, includes a 2MB L2 cache common to both cores. The Yonah pipeline contains 12 stages, a branch predictor operating at a frequency of 2.33 to 2.50 GHz. Data exchange between the L2 cache and the cores is carried out via an arbitration bus, which reduces the load on the system bus. As a result, the core-cache data exchange operation of the 2nd level is from 10 cycles (Dothan Pentium M) to 14 cycles. With increasing clock frequencies, delays begin to grow very strongly. The core power management components include a thermal control unit that is able to manage power for each core individually, resulting in very efficient power management.

Intel Core processors communicate with the system logic set via a 667 T/s system bus (against the 533MT/s system bus that was used in the Pentium M).

Yonah is supported by Intel 945GM, 945PM and 945GT chipsets. The Core Duo and Core Solo use the FCPGA6 (478 pin) package, but their pinouts don't match the pinouts used in previous Pentium Ms, so they require new motherboards.

Advantages and disadvantages

In many applications (supporting both cores), Yonah shows an uncharacteristically large performance improvement over its predecessors.

two processing cores without a significant increase in power consumption

outstanding performance

outstanding performance-per-watt ratio

Disadvantages The Yonah largely inherits from the previous Pentium M architecture:

high latency when accessing memory due to the lack of an integrated memory controller on the core (even more aggravated by the use of DDR2 memory)

Weak Floating Point Unit (FPU) performance

no 64-bit support (EM64T)

no hyper-threading

sometimes shows worse "performance per watt" in single-threaded and lightly parallelized tasks, compared to its predecessors

The Yonah platform is designed in such a way that any access to RAM goes through the northbridge, which increases latency compared to the AMD Turion platform. This weakness is inherent in the entire line of Pentium processors (desktop, mobile and server). However, synthetic benchmarks show that the huge L2 cache is quite effective at compensating for RAM access delays, minimizing performance degradation due to high latency in real applications.

Many feel that Yonah's lack of 64-bit support will lead to significant limitations in the future. However, the distribution of 64-bit operating systems is now limited by the lack of demand in the sales market, and the situation will begin to change after 2008. In addition, few laptops require support for more than 2GB of RAM, so there is no need for 64-bit addressing. Hence, many people tend to trust manufacturers and sellers of mobile computers, who claim that EM64T support is not currently in demand.

The Sossaman processor for servers, which is based on the Yonah core, is also EM64T compatible. For the more demanding server market, all major operating systems already have EM64T support.

Based on this, Core is seen by some as a temporary replacement that allowed Intel to close the transition between the Pentium series and the 64-bit Intel Core 2 processors that became available in the summer of 2006.

Sellers%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5% D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8B">

In line with Intel's mobile processor plans for 2005, it looks like Intel is going to focus on the high power consumption of its p6+ Pentium M and intend to reduce it by 50% with Yonah. Intel plans to continue to introduce a lower power desktop (NetBurst) architecture for high performance mobile solutions and Pentium M/Core processors for mid to low power low power solutions. This policy was changed later when it became difficult to maintain power consumption and at the same time increase performance where possible. Intel changed policy and dropped NetBurst and replaced it with the p6+ Pentium M/Core. This brought the p6+ Pentium M/Core into high performance and low power solutions.

A derivative of Yonah, codenamed Sossaman, introduced on March 14, 2006 as the Dual-Core Xeon LV. Sossaman is actually Yonah, except Sossaman supports dual configurations. processor sockets(only 4 cores).

ListmicroprocessorsfirmsIntel from the first 4-bit 4004 (1971) to the latest 64-bit Itanium 2 (2002) and Intel Core i7 (2008). The technical data for each microprocessor is given.

Intel Processor Numbering

Intel's first products were memory chips (PMOS chips), which were numbered 1xxx. The 2xxx series developed NMOS chips. Bipolar microcircuits have been assigned to the 3xxx series. 4-bit microprocessors were designated 4xxx. CMOS chips were designated 5xxx, magnetic domain memory - 7xxx, 8-bit or more microprocessors and microcontrollers belonged to the 8xxx series. The 6xxx and 9xxx series were not used.

The second digit indicated the type of product: 0 - processors, 1 - RAM chips, 2 - controllers, 3 - ROM chips, 4 - shift registers, 5 - EPLD chips, 6 - PROM chips, 7 - EPROM chips, 8 - observation chips and circuits synchronization in pulse generators, 9 telecommunications & trade items.

The third and fourth digits corresponded to the serial number of the product.

For such processors as 286, 386, 486, coprocessors for floating point operations were released, as a rule, the last digit for such coprocessors was 7(287, 387, 487).

4004: First processor implemented on a single chip

Frequency: 740 kHz

All of Intel's technical documentation for the 4004, including the very first datasheets issued in November 1971, explicitly states that the minimum clock signal is 1350 nanoseconds, which means that the maximum clock frequency at which the 4004 can operate normally is 740 kHz. . Unfortunately, many sources give a different, incorrect value for the maximum clock frequency - 108 kHz; this figure is given on some Internet pages of the Intel company itself! The minimum instruction cycle time of 4004 is 10.8 microseconds (8 clock cycles), and most likely someone once confused this figure with the maximum clock speed. Unfortunately, this error has become very widespread.

Speed: 0.06 MIPS

Bus width: 4 bits (multiplexing the address/data bus due to the limited number of chip pins)

Number of transistors: 2,300

Technology: 10um PMOS

Addressable memory: 640 bytes

Program memory: 4 KB

One of the first commercial microprocessors

Used in Busicom calculator

On the 4004 microprocessor, the “brain” of the Pioneer-10 spacecraft was built, the launch of which took place in March 1972. The estimated life cycle was about 2 years, but until 2003, when radio contact with the device was lost, the computer and most of it electronic systems continued to function.

Little things: The original goal was to achieve the frequency of the IBM 1620 (1 MHz); this has not been achieved.

Introduced: August 1994

Embedded version of the 80386SX

Static core, which allows you to reduce the clock speed to save power up to a complete stop

Peripherals integrated into the chip:

Clock and power management


watchdog timer

Serial I/O (synchronous and asynchronous) and parallel I/O modules

RAM regeneration

JTAG test logic

Significantly more successful than 80376

Used aboard various orbiting satellites and microsatellites

Used in NASA's FlightLinux project

60 years of continuous innovation to reduce the size of transistors

It all started with the creation of the Intel® microprocessor, an invention that started a technological revolution. Intel continues the tradition of developing revolutionary technologies today. We engage the best minds in modern science to push the boundaries of innovation and strengthen our position as a world leader in semiconductor technology. We strive to create technologies that change the world.


Santa Clara California, Jan. 29, 2007 - Since the invention of the first transistor in 1947, rapid advances in technology have set the stage for better and more efficient yet economical and energy-saving devices. Despite advances in this area, increased heat generation and electrical leakage currents remained a major obstacle to downsizing transistors and following Moore's law. Therefore, it is not surprising that some of the materials that have been used in the manufacture of transistors over the past 40 years have needed to be replaced.

To create its 45-nanometer (nm) transistors, Intel has used advanced materials that combine to achieve very low leakage currents and record high performance. By building the first working prototypes of five processors code-named ryn (the next generation of the Intel® Core™ 2 and Intel® Xeon® processor families) based on the new 45nm process technology, Intel was able to successfully overcome difficult barriers, once again proving the validity of Moore's law. Thus, many barriers to the further development of microelectronics have been removed, which will provide opportunities for the development and production of energy-saving, economical, high-performance components (processors, etc.) for various devices: from laptops and mobile devices to desktops and servers.">lawE%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8">

As previously planned, Intel Corporation intends to begin mass production of products based on 45-nanometer manufacturing technology in the second half of this year.

On the 60th anniversary of the appearance of the first transistor, it is appropriate to look back, recall the history of microelectronics and milestones on the path to creating an innovative 45-nm Intel semiconductor technology that will keep Moore's law and its relevance well into the next decade.

December 16, 1947: William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain of Bell Labs create the first transistor.

1950: William Shockley develops the bipolar planar transistor, commonly referred to today as simply the transistor.

1953: The first commercial device based on the &nda transistor is launched on the market law ear apparatus.

October 18, 1954: The first transistorized radio (Regency TR1) hits the market, using just four germanium transistors.

April 25, 1961: First issued for integrated circuit; it was given to Robert Noyce, who later became one of the founders of Intel Corporation. Early transistors could be used in radios and telephones, but newer electronic devices needed something more compact—integrated circuits.

1965: Moore is proclaimed - Gordon Moore, also one of the founders of Intel Corporation, in an article published in the magazine Electronics Magazine, predicted that in the future the number of transistors on a single chip would be twice the number of radio receivers every year (ten years later was adjusted to every two years).

July 1968: Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore resigned from Fairchild Semiconductor and formed a new corporation with Intel name(short for "integrated electronics" - microelectronics).

.: Intel created the first successful transistor technology radio receivers silicon gate - PMOS. The transistors still used a traditional silicon dioxide (SiO2) gate dielectric, but new polycrystalline silicon control diodes appeared.

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1971: Intel released its first microprocessor, the 4004. The 4004 microprocessor was 1/8" by 1/16" (3.18mm x 1.59mm), contained just over 2,000 transistors, and was manufactured using 10-micron PMOS manufacturing technology. Intel.

1978: The 16-bit 8088 processor, containing 29,000 transistors, was clocked at 5, 8, or 10 MHz. A major trade agreement with the new division of IBM Corporation, which developed the personal computer, later (in 1981) made the Intel 8088 microprocessor the "brain" of the new hit on the market - the IBM PC. The success of the 8088 microprocessor placed Intel on the prestigious Fortune 500 list, and Fortune magazine named Intel one of the "business triumphs of the 1970s."

1982: The 286 microprocessor, also known as the 80286, is created, a 16-bit Intel processor that was capable of running programs written for its predecessor. The 286th processor contained 134,000 transistors, its clock frequencies were 6, 8, 10 and 12.5 MHz.

1985: The Intel386™ microprocessor was released containing 275,000

1993: The Intel® Pentium® processor was released with 3 million transistors and manufactured using Intel's 0.8 micron manufacturing process.

February 1999: Intel released the Pentium® III processor, a silicon die containing over 9.5 million transistors and manufactured to

January 2002: Introduced latest version 2.2 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 processor designed for high performance desktop PCs. The processor was produced using a 0.13-micron manufacturing technology and contained 55 million transistors.

August 13, 2002: Intel introduced several technological innovations as part of the new 90nm manufacturing technology, including faster, lower power transistors, strained silicon technology, high-speed copper interconnects, and a new low-k dielectric material. This was the industry's first application of stressed silicon technology to processor manufacturing.

March 12, 2003: Birth date of the revolutionary Intel® Centrino® technology for mobile PCs; it included the latest version of Intel's mobile processor, the Intel® Pentium® M. Based on a new microarchitecture specifically optimized for mobile PCs, this processor was manufactured using Intel's 0.13-micron manufacturing technology and consisted of 77 million transistors .

May 26, 2005: Intel's first mainstream dual-core processor, the Intel® Pentium® D, debuted with 230 million transistors and the industry's most advanced Intel 90nm process technology.

July 18, 2006: Launched the Intel® Itanium® 2 dual-core processor, the world's most complex processor to date, with over 1.72 billion transistors. This processor is manufactured using Intel's 90nm process technology.

July 27, 2006: Debut of the new Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor - a processor ahead of its time. With over 290 million transistors, this processor was built in several of the world's most advanced labs on the revolutionary Intel® Core™ microarchitecture using 65nm manufacturing technology.

September 26, 2006: Intel announced that more than 15 products are in development based on the new 45nm process technology, including a family codenamed Penryn (an evolutionary step in Intel's Core microarchitecture) targeting the desktop, mobile, and corporate systems.

January 8, 2007: Expanding the availability of quad-core processors to the mainstream PC segment, Intel launched its 65nm Intel® Core™ 2 Quad desktop processor and released two more quad-core Intel Xeon server processor families. The Intel Core 2 Quad processor contains over 580 million transistors.

January 27, 2007: Intel releases two new transistor materials (high-k and metal gate) that will be used for insulating walls and logic gates in hundreds of millions of microscopic 45nm transistors (or switches) in next-generation multi-core processors from the Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Quad, and Intel Xeon families (codenamed Penryn). Based on these advanced 45-nanometer transistors, the first working samples of five future processors have already been manufactured.

Intel Corporation, the world's leading manufacturer of innovative semiconductor components, develops technologies, products and initiatives to continually improve the quality of life and improve the way people Works.


Events inworld

In November 2007, Intel introduced 16 Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme and Intel® Xeon® processors for high-performance PCs and servers, respectively, built using an all-new 45nm transistor technology that significantly reduces leakage current, reduces power consumption, and improve performance. In addition to delivering superior computing performance and lower power consumption, these processors no longer use environmentally hazardous lead, and since 2008 the Corporation has also used halogen-containing materials. Described by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Corporation, as the industry's greatest achievement in 40 years, these processors are the first devices for which Intel uses metal gate transistors and a high dielectric dielectric. (high-k) based on hafnium.

Other processors in the family are expected to be released in the first quarter of 2008, including mainstream dual-core and quad-core desktop processors, as well as dual core processors for laptops.

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Events inRussia

The latest quad-core Intel® Xeon® E5472 processors with a frequency of 3.0 GHz will be used in the supercomputers of Moscow State University and South Ural State University, integrated into a GRID system and developed by T-Platforms jointly with the Institute of Information Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the program

Tick-tock strategy to build technology leadership

Intel is renewing manufacturing facilities and redesigning processor architectures in a strategy called "Tick Tock" that reflects a well-established mechanism for adapting new manufacturing processes and optimizing the microarchitecture with a clock-like consistency. "Tick" - means the introduction in 2007 of a new 45-nm process technology for the production of products based on the Intel® Core™ microarchitecture, which is the basis for all Intel x86 products today; "So" - the introduction in 2008 of a new microarchitecture, codenamed Nehalem and taking full advantage of the well-established 45-nm production.

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In addition, Intel unveiled the first 291MB functional static memory chip manufactured using a 32nm process, built with next-generation high-k metal gate transistors and containing more than 1.9 billion transistors. Intel plans to bring 32nm devices to market in 2009.

Intel unveiled some details of the future Nehalem microarchitecture

The Nehalem microarchitecture, first publicly unveiled by Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini at the Intel Developer Forum in September of this year. defines an entirely new scalable processor and dynamic system design that demonstrates the full benefits of Intel's 45nm process using metal gate transistors with a high dielectric constant (hi-k). Products based on the Nehalem microarchitecture will feature at least 731 million transistors, support multi-stream processing, and a layered cache architecture. Nehalem will increase the peak memory bandwidth up to three times compared to current processors from other companies. Internal connections supported by the Intel® QuickPath architecture, for which Otellini has announced industry-wide support, will provide high speed transmission Data. Serial production of products based on the Nehalem microarchitecture will begin in the second half of 2008.

Development of the WiMAX ecosystem

Worldwide: In the middle of the year, Intel began testing deliveries of its integrated Wi-Fi/WiMAX solution for laptops, ultra mobile PCs (UMPCs), and mobile Internet devices (MIDs). It is expected that in mid-2008 the corporation will launch its first WiMAX and Wi-Fi embedded module, currently codenamed Echo Peak, for use in mobile PCs based on Intel® Centrino® processor technology of the new generation (codename - Montevina), as well as in ultra-mobile PCs. Optimized for low power MIDs, the module is currently codenamed Baxter Peak and is also scheduled for release in 2008.

In September 2007, Nokia made the decision to use Intel's WiMAX module for future Nokia N-series Tablet PCs.

In October s. The ITU has included WiMAX in the IMU category of communication technologies, which allows to give an additional impetus to the development of "mobile WiMAX".

In Russia: In December 2007, COMSTAR-United TeleSystems OJSC, the largest operator of integrated telecommunications services in Russia and other CIS countries, and Intel Corporation announced the signing of an agreement on strategic cooperation for the development of "mobile WiMAX" technology in Russian Federation. In accordance with the agreement, COMSTAR-UTS and Intel Corporation at the first stage of cooperation will focus their efforts on the Moscow region as the most prepared for the adaptation of advanced technologies wireless transmission data. COMSTAR-UTS plans to build and put into commercial operation by the end of 2008 a WiMAX network of the IEEE 802.16e standard (radio frequency range 2.5-2.7 GHz) covering the entire territory of Moscow. For its part, Intel will promote the expansion of the supply of client devices with integrated support for WiMAX.

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High Performance Computing

Global: According to the most recent list of the world's top 500 enterprise systems (Top500) released in November 2007, 354 positions are occupied by SMP systems and clusters based on Intel® processors. Thus, Intel has set a new record for the use of its processors in the most powerful supercomputers on the planet - the previous record was set two years ago and amounted to 333 systems.

In Russia: Russia in the November 2007 Top500 ranking is represented by seven systems and, together with Switzerland and Sweden, ranks 9th in the list of countries with the most high-performance computers. At the same time, 6 out of 7 Russian systems included in the Top500 list are based on quad-core Intel® Xeon® processors 5300 series (4 clusters) and dual-core Intel® Xeon® processors 5100 series (2 clusters). The undisputed leader among domestically developed systems is the cluster of the Interdepartmental Supercomputing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which occupies the 33rd line in the Top500 list and is based on 470 HP ProLiant BL460c blade servers based on the latest Intel® Xeon® 5365 quad-core processors (3760 computing cores in total), which allowed it to Exceed a peak system performance of 45 Teraflops. At the beginning of 2008, the peak performance of the computing system of the MSC RAS ​​will reach 100 Tflops.


In the world: in February with. d. Intel has demonstrated a prototype of an 80-core chip the size of a human fingernail that performs in excess of 1 TFLOPs, but the power consumption is at the level of modern devices.

In addition, in 2007, Intel continued to develop the concept of semiconductor photonic technologies and made another breakthrough - it created a silicon-based semiconductor laser modulator that encodes data at a speed of 40 Gb / s.

In November 2007, at the next annual robot car race organized by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and this time called the DARPA Urban Challenge Race (urban racing under the auspices of DARPA) , the Stanford University Junior, sponsored by Intel, came in second. At the heart of the Junior were 2 computers, each with one 2.4GHz Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Q6600 quad-core processor and an Intel® D975XBX2 board with 2GB of RAM. Boss, the first car to come out of the Carnegie Mellon University and General Motors team, had 10 dual-socket servers powered by dual-core Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processors, so the Boss robot was controlled by 40 compute cores.

In Russia: in June 2007, in the village of Satis (Diveevsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region), on the territory of the technopark of the same name, a grand opening of a new office of the Intel Research and Development Center, previously located in Sarov, took place.

Intel - programmers, engineers, researchers - moved to the new office and laboratory building of the Satis Technopark. The Sarov Research and Development Center of Intel supports such software products, such as highly optimized software libraries that implement complex mathematical algorithms for solving various scientific problems. Some employees are involved in the creation of software tools for mathematical and physical modeling of processes occurring in semiconductors, which makes it possible to create new generation processors. Other priority software technologies are also being developed at the Intel Sarov Center, including multiprocessor and multithreaded programming systems.

Production capacities In January 2007 at the Intel D1D pilot factory, pcs. Oregon received the first viable microprocessor from Intel's latest 45nm product family. Today, in addition to Intel's D1D, 45-nm products based on 300-mm wafers are produced by the Fab 32 factory in Chandler, pc. Arizona, and two more 300mm factories will be launched in 2008: Fab11X in Rio Rancho, pc. New Mexico, and Fab 28 in Kiryat Gat, Israel. Intel's total investment in the re-equipment of its production facilities exceeded $ 8 billion. Also in March this year. Intel Corporation has unveiled its plans to build a new 300 mm silicon wafer chip manufacturing facility in northeast China's Dalian City, Liaoning Province. For the construction of new production capacity, which was called Fab 68, allocated $ 2.5 billion. This will be the first Intel chip factory in the Asian region.

The Next Generation of Intel® Centrino® Processor Technology In May 2007, Intel introduced the next generation of Intel® Centrino® Processor Technology (formerly codenamed Santa Rosa), which includes the Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor, high speed wireless connection with 802.11n support, rich graphics, and optional Intel® Turbo Memory. Business notebooks have acquired a new trademark, Intel® Centrino® Pro, providing new level security and manageability mobile technology. To date, over 10 million mobile PCs based on the Santa Rosa platform have been sold worldwide for the corporate segment and the masses of Corporations.

Intel is currently preparing to market its next-generation processor technology, codenamed Montevina, which is scheduled to launch in mid-2008. Montevina processor technology includes Intel's new 45nm Penryn mobile processor , and a new generation chipset supporting DDR3 memory. This platform will be the first version of Intel Centrino processor technology for mobile PCs to include an optional Wi-Fi and WiMAX integrated module. In addition, this processor technology will support HD-DVD/Blu-ray video formats (for mainstream users), as well as a new generation of data management tools and information security(for business users). With approximately 40% smaller components, Montevina's processor technology is ideal for building a variety of mobile PCs, from subnotebooks to full-size notebooks.

Platforms for UMPC and MID

In the spring of 2007, Intel introduced the McCaslin platform for Mobile Internet Device (MID) and Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) devices, and in September announced the forthcoming release of the Menlow platform in the first half of 2008, which contains a processor developed from scratch under codenamed Silverthorne based on a 45nm process, and a completely redesigned chipset codenamed Poulsbo implemented as a single chip. The Menlow platform will provide excellent performance with low power consumption and will fit on a 74x143mm motherboard, which will allow you to access all the possibilities of the Internet and create pocket-sized devices that are compact enough. The Silverthorne processor will reduce power consumption by 10 times compared to today's lowest power processors.

Interaction between Intel and Sun

Worldwide: In January 2007, Sun Microsystems and Intel announced a strategic alliance in which Intel will promote the Solaris™ operating system and Sun will include processor-based enterprise servers, telecom servers, and workstations. Intel® Xeon®. This agreement covers products such as the Solaris OS, Java™ and NetBeans™ software, Intel® Xeon® processors, and other enterprise-level technologies from Intel and Sun. Within the framework of the alliance, joint development of software and hardware solutions will be carried out, as well as joint marketing campaigns.

In Russia: in December with. Sun Microsystems CIS, Intel and Far Eastern State University (FENU) announced the launch of a project to build a FENU computing cluster based on the Sun Blade 6000 modular system, consisting of 60 server blades based on quad-core Intel® Xeon® 5300 series processors The purpose of this implementation is to solve the problems of providing computing power for fundamental and applied research in the field of natural and human sciences, as well as developments in the field of high technologies.

Educational programs

Worldwide: Intel continues to implement Intel programs® "Education for the Future", the goal of the Corporation is to provide teachers with practical skills in organizing educational and research corporations for schoolchildren using modern IT. By the end of 2007, more than four million teacher and teacher education students from 40 countries, including agreement Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

In Russia and other CIS countries: the number of Russian students of the program by the end of 2007 will exceed 500,000 (in Ukraine - 82,000, in Azerbaijan, the "youngest" region of the CIS in terms of program implementation - 500 teachers). Within the framework of the program, in various regions of the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there are more than 100 training sites - in institutes for advanced training, pedagogical universities and colleges, interschool methodological and city educational centers that cooperate with more than 300 international, federal and regional organizations, including municipal educational institutions, departments and departments of education, funds; the number of program partners is constantly growing.

In addition, Intel and Microsoft announced their participation in a long-term project, implemented by the Volnoe Delo non-profit foundation for supporting culture, science, education and healthcare, to provide Russian schools with modern computer science. The project is designed to promote the saturation of schools with advanced information technologies, increase the level of computer literacy of Russian schoolchildren and develop the skills of using modern computer technology by teachers in the educational process. The Volnoe Delo foundation, a charity project corporation, plans to donate up to 200,000 computers to Russian public schools every year.

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Gaming Worldwide: Intel introduced the Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme X7800 and X7900 dual-core processors for mobile PCs. These are the world's first high-performance notebook processors and continue Intel's latest line of desktop processors. In addition, Intel announced the acquisition of Havok Corporation, a leading provider of interactive software and services used by digital content developers in the game and film industries. Havok Corporation became wholly owned by Intel Corporation and became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Firm. In Russia: Over 50,000 spectators gathered exciting virtual CounterStrike competitions as part of a series of exhibition matches and tournaments Intel Challenge Cup (“Intel Challenge Cup”), organized in 2007 by Intel with the support of the Moscow Computer Sports Federation. It was possible to become a witness of a highly professional esports show by visiting the events of the series for free in one of the 6 cities where they were held (Kyiv, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don - in the spring of 2007; Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Kazan - in the fall of 2007), the international tournament at the September "gaming" exhibition Game'X in Moscow, or by watching the game with the help of a live Internet broadcast on the Rambler Vision channel.

Digital Health

Worldwide: In February, Intel announced the development of the first specialized healthcare platform platform called the mobile clinical assistant (MCA) for healthcare professionals in hospitals. At the end of the year, Intel Corporation and Motion Computing® announced the results of several clinical trials conducted by the corporation medical centers. The company's MC-platform SistCorporation has been delivered to more than 1,000 clinics worldwide, and physicians report that many positive results: increase the Corporation's activity of the work of medical staff, the corporation's satisfaction with their work, the degree of compliance with medical standards, and also increased the efficiency of filling out case histories.

In Russia: In September, Intel, Cisco, EMC and Agfa announced the formation of an open alliance in Russia to promote the active development and implementation of modern healthcare information federations. As their main tasks at the current stage, the members of the alliance see consultations with state and legislative authorities on the implementation of promising IT in the field of healthcare, as well as support Russian developers and manufacturers of IT solutions for this area.

Flash memory

Worldwide: In May, Intel Corporation, STMicroelectronics and Francisco Partners announced that independent semiconductor company Numonyx will receive development funds from core manufacturing funds that generated about $3.6 billion in total revenue for host companies last year. The main goal of the new company will be the production of non-volatile NAND and NOR memory for a variety of consumer and industrial devices, including Cell Phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, computers and other high-tech equipment.

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In 1990, Otellini was named general manager of Intel® microprocessors, and it was under his leadership that the corporation introduced the Intel® Pentium® processor three years later.

In 1992-98. Otellini worked as an executive vice president of sales and marketing. In this position, he has been responsible for promoting Intel's solutions in new markets and driving the adoption of e-commerce systems for businesses around the world.

From 1998 to 2002, P. Otellini served as Executive Vice President and General Manager of Intel Architecture Group's microprocessor, chipset and strategy division. In this position, he oversaw the activities of all of Intel's business units, incorporating enterprise-level systems, mobile PCs, and desktop PCs.

Otellini received a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of San Francisco in 1972 and an MBA from California University at Berkeley in 1974.

Manager %D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5">

Andrew Grove

Andrew S. Grove was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1936. He graduated from City College in New York in 1960 with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1963. manager in the torii of Fairchild Semiconductor, where in 1967 he took the position of Assistant Corporation for Research and Development.

In July 1968, Dr. Grove took part in the founding of the Intel Corporation. In 1979, he became its president, in 1987, its executive director, and in 1997, its executive director, chairman of the board of directors. In May 1998, he resigned as chief executive, remaining as chairman of the board of directors.

Dr. Grove is the author of more than 40 technical public managers of several patents in the field of semiconductor technologies and devices. For 6 years he taught semiconductor physics to undergraduate students at the University of California at Berkeley. He is currently a lecturer on "Strategy and Performance in the Data Industry" at the Stanford Business School.

Andrew Grove has received a number of prestigious academic awards, including an honorary doctorate from City College, New York, in 1985, a doctorate in engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1989, and an honorary doctorate in law from Harvard University in 2000.

Grove's first book, Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices, published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. in 1967, used as a textbook in many leading US universities. The book "High Output Management" ("Effective Management), published by Random House (1983) and Vintage (1985), has been translated into 11 languages ​​and has recently been reissued by Vintage Books. One-on-One With Andy Grove was published by G.P. Putnam's Sons (in June 1987) and Penguin (in 1989). Grove's book, entitled "Only the Paranoid Survive" ("Only the Possessed Survive"), was released by Doubleday in September 1996, and his his most recent work, "Swimming Across", was published by Time Warner Books in November 2001. Grove has written numerous articles for Fortune and the New York Times, and writes a management column for several newspapers and Working Woman magazine.

Andrew Grove was elected an Honorary Fellow of the IEEE Society and a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering (National Academy of Engineering). Andrew Grove's activities have been marked by numerous awards, incl. Engineering Leadership Recognition Award (1987) awarded by the IEEE and the AEA Medal (1993) for excellence. In 1997, Industry Week named Andrew Grove "Technology Leader of the Year", CEO magazine named him "CEO of the Year", and Time magazine named him "Person of the Year". In 1998, Grove was named Executive of the Year by the Academy of Management. In 2000, Andrew Grove received an honorary medal from the IEEE (American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). In 2001, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Strategic Management.

Louis Burns

Louis Burns is vice president of Intel Corporation and general manager of its Digital Health Group. Prior to that, he was General Manager of the Desktop Platforms Group (DPG), which is focused on designing, developing and marketing Intel's solutions for desktop systems, including processors, chipsets, motherboards, software and services.

Previously, Burns was Intel's Vice President and General Manager of the Platform Components Group, which is the principal developer of logic circuits and integrated graphics chipsets for Intel Corporation. Burns also served four years as Vice President and Divisional Director information technologies, ensuring the functioning of the computing resources of Intel divisions around the world. In fulfilling these responsibilities, Burns learned about the challenges IT departments face on a daily basis, from making strategic decisions about how to proceed to the challenges associated with product implementation tactics.

Burns has also spent 12 years in Intel's sales management and application divisions and has a wealth of experience in an ever-evolving global marketplace. computing systems. In 1996

Burns was named vice president of Intel, and in 1997 he was selected to the position.

Patrick Gelsinger

Patrick GelCorporation is Intel's Senior Vice President and General Manager of its Digital Enterprise Group division. The manager has been with Intel since 1979. During his 20+ year career with the corporation, he has held various senior positions in the development divisions Intel products. He led Intel's Technology Division, which includes cutting-edge Intel Labs and Intel Research, dedicated to developing and advancing technologies and initiatives for industry adoption. As chief technology officer, Patrick Gelsinger coordinated Intel's long-term research projects and helped ensure consistency in Intel's computing, networking, communications systems and technology development programs.

Corporations Prior to his appointment as Intel's first Chief Technology Officer, Gelsinger served as Chief Technology Officer for the Intel Architecture Group. In this capacity, he coordinated the research, development, and design of next-generation hardware and software technologies for Intel architecture platforms for the consumer and enterprise PC market.

Previously, Gelsinger led the Desktop Products Group and was responsible for the development of desktop processors, chipsets, and motherboards for the corporation's customers and OEMs. He was also responsible for Intel's desktop technology initiatives and Intel Developer Forums. In 1992-96 Patricorporation has played a prominent role in the design and implementation of Intel® ProShare® video conferencing systems and communications equipment for the Incorporation In 1992, he served as general manager of the division that developed the Pentium® Pro, IntelDX2™, and Intel486™ processor families. In addition, Gelsinger led the Platform Architecture Group, was the Principal Architect for the i486™ Processor, Methodology Development Manager, and was a key contributor to the development of the i386™ and i286 processors.

Patrick Gelsinger has patented 6 inventions and patent applications in the fields of VLSI design, computer architecture and communications. He is the author of over 20 publications on these topics, including Programming for the 80386 (published in 1987 by Sybex Inc), and the recipient of numerous Intel and other prestigious industry awards. At the age of 32, he became the youngest vice president in Intel history.

Patrick Gelsinger graduated from the Technical Institute. Lincoln (1979) and a bachelor's degree from Santa Clara University (1983, cum laude) and a master's degree in engineering from Stanford University (1985). All of his degrees are related to electrical engineering. Gelsinger is married and has four children.


Intel official website

SKIF-GRID of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. Innovative Intel technologies give the solution up to 30% performance gains in real-world applications, as well as 12% better power consumption than the current leading blade solution with similar performance.

- is a programming model developed by Intel to ease the exploitation of its future multi core chips, as demonstrated by the Tera Scale program.It is based on the exploitation of SIMD to produce automatically parallelized programs. External links *… … Wikipedia

Intel P4- may refer to:* Intel Pentium 4, a 7th generation Intel CPU design * Intel 80486, a 4th generation Intel processor design … Wikipedia

Intel P3- may refer to: * Intel Pentium III, a 6th generation Intel CPU design * Intel 80386, a 3rd generation Intel processor design ... Wikipedia

Intel P2- may refer to: * Intel Pentium II, a 6th generation Intel CPU design * Intel 80286, a 2nd generation Intel processor design ... Wikipedia

Intel Ct- est un modele de programmation développé par Intel. Il a pour but de tirer part des capacité des futurs processeurs de la firme et de la multiplicité de leurs cœurs d execution. Il est utilise dans le cadre du projet Tera Scale. C est une ... ... Wikipedia en Français

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