Login or password remember me. Firefox doesn't remember passwords

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We need to log in to many sites with authorization by entering a login/password combination. Doing this every time is, of course, inconvenient. In all modern browsers, including in Yandex.Browser, it is possible to remember the password for different sites so as not to enter this data every time you log in.

By default, the browser has the password saving feature enabled. However, if you suddenly turn it off, the browser will not offer to save passwords. To enable this feature again, go to " Settings»:

At the bottom of the page, click on the button " Show additional settings »:

In the block " Passwords and forms"check the box next to " Offer to save passwords for websites", and also next to " Enable form autofill with one click».

Now, every time you log into the site for the first time, or after clearing your browser, a prompt to save your password will appear at the top of the window:

Saving multiple passwords for one site

Let's say you have several accounts from one site. This could be two or more social network profiles or two mailboxes one hosting. If you entered data from the first account, saved it in Yandex, signed out of the account and did the same with the data from the second account, the browser will prompt you to make a choice. In the login field you will see a list of your saved logins, and when you select the one you need, the browser will automatically insert the previously saved password into the password field.


If you enable authorization for your Yandex account, then all saved passwords will be securely encrypted cloud storage. And when you log in to Yandex.Browser on another computer or smartphone, all your saved passwords will also be available. This way, you can save passwords on several computers at once and quickly access all sites where you are already registered.

When surfing the Internet, you have to register on many sites. Of course, you can’t remember all the passwords, and you can be too lazy to write them down. I solve this problem in two ways: by automating the memorization of passwords and by systematizing sites into groups with the same passwords.

1. Use a browser password manager: browser extensions (add-ons), for example, RoboForm Lite, PasswordBox – Free Password Vault, Show passwords or LastPass.

LastPass - automatically fills out forms, can be used to generate passwords, and take secure notes. The program is free and available in almost all browsers.

2. Download the program to your computer, for example, KeepPass or the same LastPass.

But on some sites, automatic filling of forms does not work and you have to enter passwords manually. The second method for remembering passwords is suitable for this.

A systematic approach to remembering passwords

Combine sites into groups and assign the same passwords to each group.

The first group is the most important sites: online wallets, mail, accounts social networks etc. Here you need complex passwords and, preferably, different ones. They need to be replaced every few months as they are susceptible to break-ins.

The second group are accounts that no one will hack and that you don’t particularly value.
We divide them into groups based on common characteristics and choose the same simple passwords for each group.

For example:
Group 1 – sites of TV series, music, entertainment portals.
Group 2 – shops and shopping.
Group 3 – work and everything connected with it.
Group 4 – software.

And so on, according to your interests and preferences.

Or, even simpler:

Group 1 – complex passwords for important accounts that are at risk of hacking.
Group 2 – one password of medium complexity.
Group 3 – one easy-to-remember password.

For convenience, come up with one login for all your accounts and use one email address where spam will be sent.

How to easily come up with and remember a complex password

It is impossible to crack a password consisting of letters, numbers and signs of 15 characters, but it is also impossible to recover it if you lose it.

But there is an easy way to come up with and remember a complex password.

For example, this is a 15 character password BpoVtmg9923^..^ I will not forget, because it consists of the first letters of the famous quatrain (“A lonely sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea”), the last numbers of my mobile phone and the cat's face.

Instead of a verse, you can use a saying, a counting rhyme, or capital letters of the names of the whole family. Digits – car number, last four digits bank card. And be sure to add signs, at least a simple smiley face. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to guess such a password.

Save the infographic for yourself.

At the web Mozilla browser Firefox has a feature to store input data from various internet resources, as well as their automatic completion the next time you visit these sites. This option is very convenient, especially for those who often visit Internet portals that require logging in. account. In this article we will try to figure out why search engine Firefox doesn't remember passwords.

Firefox doesn't save password

The browser saves the username and password for accounts by default. If your Internet browser does not do this, it may have this feature disabled. useful feature. To check this you need to do the following:

Launch the browser and open the settings menu (the icon in the upper right corner depicting three stripes located one below the other), then the “Settings” button;

On the left side of the window, select “Protection”. In the window that opens we see two sub-items “General” and “Logins”. In the “Logins” sub-item, check the box to the left of the “Remember logins for sites” property.

The browser never saves passwords and there is no autofill feature if you use the private browsing option. Windows in private browsing mode are marked with a mask icon located in the upper right part of the screen. To remember passwords, you must close all windows marked with this icon.

If your search engine is constantly running in private mode, then to the left of the search bar there will be an icon in the form of a shield.

In order to exit private browsing, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open browser menu Mozilla Firefox and select “Settings”;

2. On the left side of the settings menu, select the “Privacy” item, in the “History” sub-item, open Firefox and select the “will remember history” property, after which you should restart the browser for the settings to be activated.

If your Internet browser saves passwords, but not for all sites, then there may be two options:

  1. The website is included in the exclusion list. To check this, you need to go to the Browser Menu-Settings-Protection-sub-item Logins and to the right of “Remember logins for sites” there is a button “Exceptions...” (it is active only if the box to remember logins is checked). When you click on this button, a window will open in which you can see for which websites you are prohibited from saving passwords.

If, after completing the above steps, your Internet browser does not offer to save your login and password when entering a certain Internet resource, then most likely the site has an active ban on saving passwords by the creator or moderator of the network element.

User passwords are confidential data that hides access to personal pages in different networks a specific person. Since most people who like to climb world wide web Because they use the Google Chrome extension, they like to pin their access codes there.

But the program only sometimes treats this correctly and often refuses to attach information of this nature. Why Google Chrome does not attach a user password and how to counteract this is worth taking a closer look at.

Reasons why Chrome does not remember the necessary data

Personal information of the user, encrypted in the form of Latin letters and numerical values, can become an item that is stored during internal memory browser. If the Chrome extension categorically refuses to accept and process received content of this kind, the reasons for this are:

Quite often, when a person tries to enter a site using a code value, the system displays a pop-up window and asks if this encryption can be saved. If a person has disabled pop-up windows, then the extension will not clarify anything, and therefore will not be able to store content of this type. A person, without even realizing it, could prohibit the ability to save a specific type of data using the settings of his work device or browser. Correcting problematic situations of this type is not difficult and can be done simply without the participation of outsiders.

Settings that allow you to save passwords

To correct personal shortcomings or incorrect settings, a person who wants to enable the storage of personal data in Chrome should do the following:

Such actions should be performed first inside the browser system, and then in general installations computer, phone, tablet, laptop.

If after this the system refuses to save personal content, you should contact a specialist with this question. The technical service center employees will help eliminate the problem of this nature within a short time frame. After intervention in the settings of a computer or telephone by professionals, the system must save its specified individual information codes instantly.

I use it actively Google Chrome, so I know how to set up automatic saving of passwords in this browser. You need to go to “settings” - “show additional settings” - “passwords and forms” and check the box next to “offer saving passwords”. In the Yandex browser, everything is done similarly, only the settings section is called “passwords and autofill”.

Less often, but still sometimes I use Mozilla. Settings for saving passwords in Mozilla Firefox are as follows: go to “tools” - “settings” - “protection”. To auto-save passwords, there should be a checkmark next to the line “remember passwords for sites.”

Internet Explorer I almost never use it, but WebMoney Classic doesn’t want to work without it. But it exists, so after rummaging around once, I remembered some of its settings. Including settings for auto-saving passwords. Go to “service” - “browser properties” - “content” - “parameters”. We look at the line “user names and passwords in forms”, there must be a checkmark there in order for passwords to be saved.

Continuing the topic: settings for autosaving passwords in the Opera browser.
Go to “Settings”, then open “Privacy and Security”, by default, in the “Passwords” section, there is a checkmark opposite the line “Allow you to save entered passwords”. If you remove it, the autosaving of passwords by the Opera browser will be disabled.

And there are also sites where auto-filling of forms, including passwords, is blocked; there are few of them, but they exist.


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