Marking of amd processors. How to choose a processor

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When choosing a processor from Intel The question arises: which chip from this corporation to choose? Processors have many characteristics and parameters that affect their performance. And in accordance with it and some features of the microarchitecture, the manufacturer gives the appropriate name. Our task is to highlight this issue. In this article you will find out what exactly the names mean Intel processors, and also learn about the microarchitecture of chips from this company.


It should be noted in advance that solutions before 2012 will not be considered here, since technology is moving at a fast pace and these chips have too little performance with high power consumption, and are also difficult to buy in new condition. Also, server solutions will not be considered here, since they have a specific scope and are not intended for the consumer market.

Attention, the nomenclature set out below may not be valid for processors older than the period indicated above.

And if you encounter any difficulties, you can visit the website. And read this article, which talks about. And if you want to know about integrated graphics from Intel, then here you go.


Intel has a special strategy for releasing its “stones”, called Tick-Tock. It consists of annual consistent improvements.

  • A tick means a change in microarchitecture, which leads to a change in socket, improved performance and optimized power consumption.
  • This means that it leads to a reduction in power consumption, the possibility of placing a larger number of transistors on a chip, a possible increase in frequencies and an increase in cost.

This is what this strategy looks like for desktop and laptop models:

NehalemSo2009 45 nm
WestmereTeak2010 32 nm
Sandy BridgeSo2011 32 nm
Ivy BridgeTeak2012 22 nm
HaswellSo2013 22 nm
BroadwellTeak2014 14 nm
SkylakeSo2015 14 nm
Kaby LakeSo+2016 14 nm

But for low-power solutions (smartphones, tablets, netbooks, nettops), the platforms look like this:

Netbooks/Nettops/NotebooksBraswellAirmont14 nm
Bay Trail-D/MSilvermont22 nm
Top tabletsWillow TrailGoldmont14 nm
Cherry TrailAirmont14 nm
Bay Tral-TSilvermont22 nm
Clower TrailSatwell32 nm
Top/mid-range smartphones/tabletsMorganfieldGoldmont14 nm
MoorefieldSilvermont22 nm
MerrifieldSilvermont22 nm
Clower Trail+Satwell32 nm
MedfieldSatwell32 nm
Mid-range/budget smartphones/tabletsBinghamtonAirmont14 nm
RivertonAirmont14 nm
SlaytonSilvermont22 nm

It should be noted that Bay Trail-D is made for desktops: Pentium and Celeron with the index J. And Bay Trail-M for is a mobile solution and will also be designated among Pentium and Celeron by its letter - N.

Judging by the latest trends of the company, productivity itself is progressing quite slowly, while energy efficiency (performance per unit of energy consumed) is growing year by year, and it looks like laptops will soon have the same powerful processors, as on large PCs (although such representatives still exist).

Marking AMD processors The Athlon 64 is so complex and confusing that it confuses even experts.

Model numbers, or ratings, were invented by AMD back when it was struggling to compete with Intel. The idea behind the processor pseudo-clock is to explain to the user what kind of Intel processor they are buying. Even then, AMD began to promote the thesis that processor performance depends not only on the clock frequency, but also on other parameters, primarily on the microarchitecture and the size of the built-in cache memory. The processor rating (“pseudo-frequency”) takes into account the difference in other parameters and can be used to compare processors from different manufacturers. And AMD began assigning “plus” numbers to its processors, indicating the clock speed of Intel processors of similar performance.

The starting point for the CPU rating was indeed calculated based on benchmark results. However, AMD then began to assign ratings simply in ascending order. And when different variants of the Athlon 64 appeared, the situation with ratings completely got out of control: now, using the rating, it was necessary to note not only the difference in frequencies, but also different caches, different processor sockets, etc. Therefore, in the summary table you will find many processors with the same numbers, but different parameters. They can be distinguished only by the marking line (OPN), which is printed on the processor case directly under its name.

When AMD introduced a new manufacturing technology, it decided not to change either the name or the way the processors were labeled. And therefore, Athlon 64 with different core revisions, differing in support for different frequencies and types of memory, instruction set support, power consumption and overclocking potential, can only be distinguished by OPN. Fortunately, the Athlon 64 boxed packaging has a transparent window through which the processor markings can be easily read. And don’t accidentally buy a processor with an old core, which may not support DDR400 or cannot be overclocked at all.

Note that in lately AMD is starting to improve. Among the processors based on the latest modification of the Venice core, there are no longer models with the same numbers and different parameters. We can already talk about the unique correspondence of the number to the frequency and cache size. Let's say, 3200+ will always have a frequency of 2 GHz and a cache of 512 KB, and only two numbers are “reserved” for processors with a 1 MB cache - 3700+ and 4000+.

Especially for overclocking fans, we will inform you that processors based on the Venice core (E3, E6), regardless of the number, are usually overclocked to 2.8-2.9 GHz. Therefore, it makes sense to buy the most affordable model - 3000+, since it, with proper luck, will allow you to reach the theoretical limit of its core.

Decoding processor numbers and markings of Athlon 64

Number Marking Core Hour-
L2 cache Tire Those-
AEP*AP: processors based on the ClawHammer core (130 nm)
Athlon 64 2800+ ADA2800AEP4AP C0 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x4 130 nm Socket 754
3000+ ADA3000AEP4AP 2 GHz
3200+ ADA3200AEP5AP 2 GHz 1 MB
3400+ ADA3400AEP5AP 2.2 GHz
AEP*AX/AR: processors based on a stripped-down NewCastle core
Athlon 64 2800+ ADA2800AEP4AR C.G. 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x4 130 nm Socket 754
3000+ ADA3000AEP4AR 2 GHz
3200+ ADA3200AEP4AX 2.2 GHz
ADA3200AEP5AR 2 GHz 1 MB
3400+ ADA3400AEP4AR 2.4 GHz 0.5 MB
ADA3400AEP5AR 2.2 GHz 1 MB
3700+ ADA3700AEP5AR 2.4 GHz 1 MB
AI*4BX: processors based on a stripped-down Venice core (90 nm)
Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000AIK4BX E6 2 GHz 0.5 MB x4 90 nm Socket 754
3200+ ADA3200AIO4BX E6 2.2 GHz
3400+ ADA3400AIK4BO E3 2.4 GHz
DEP*A*: NewCastle core processors (130 nm, dual-channel memory controller)
Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000DEP4AW C.G. 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x5 130 nm Socket 939
3200+ ADA3200DEP4AW 2 GHz
3500+ ADA3500DEP4AS 2.2 GHz
3800+ ADA3800DEP4AS 2.4 GHz
4000+ ADA4000DEP5AS 1 MB
DIK4BI: Winchester core processors (90 nm, 512 KB cache)
Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000DIK4BI D0 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x5 90 nm Socket 939
3200+ ADA3200DIK4BI 2 GHz
3500+ ADA3500DIK4BI 2.2 GHz
DAA4BP: Venice core processors (E3)
Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000DAA4BP E3 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x5 90 nm Socket 939
3200+ ADA3200DAA4BP 2 GHz
3500+ ADA3500DAA4BP 2.2 GHz
3800+ ADA3800DAA4BP 2.4 GHz
DAA*BN: processors based on SanDiego core (cache up to 1 MB)
Athlon 64 3500+ ADA3500DAA4BN E4 2.2 GHz 0.5 MB x5 90 nm Socket 939
3700+ ADA3700DAA5BN 2.2 GHz 1 MB
4000+ ADA4000DAA5BN 2.4 GHz
DAA4BW: Venice core processors (512 KB cache)
Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000DAA4BW E6 1.8 GHz 0.5 MB x5 90 nm Socket 939
3200+ ADA3200DAA4BW 2 GHz
3500+ ADA3000DAA4BW 2.2 GHz
3800+ ADA3000DAA4BW 2.4 GHz
DKA*CG/CF: low power processors
Athlon 64 3200+ ADA3200DKA4CG E4 2 GHz 0.5 MB x5 90 nm Socket 939
3500+ ADA3500DKA4CG 2.2 GHz 0.5 MB
3700+ ADA3700DKA5CF E6 2.2 GHz 1 MB
4000+ ADA4000DKA5CF 2.4 GHz 1 MB

Intel processors have markings that allow you to determine the main parameters of the processors.

How to find out the processor markings

This can be found out when purchasing a processor; if the processor is installed in a working computer, you can view the parameters in technical specifications devices.

Intel uses the same labeling for all of its processor lines

Example of labeling for Intel processors 2010-2019

  • Intel- processor manufacturer, trademark, Intel Corporation. Intel is the only manufacturer of Intel processors.
  • Core— a line of processors, Intel produces processors in the following lines. Each line of processors has its own purpose or area of ​​use. The most famous Core line is designed for use in desktop computers and laptops. Xeon - for servers and data centers.
    • Core™
    • Xeon®
    • Atom®
    • Pentium®
    • Xeon Phi™
    • Quark™
    • Celeron®
    • Itanium®
  • I7- a series of processors in the line. Processors are being improved; several series of processor lines have been developed. So in the Core line there are series of processors. Which also have features such as m-processor for mobile devices, i3 is used in office computers, i9 is optimized for work in powerful computers including gaming ones. The following series are produced in the Core line.
  • 9700 — processor model
    • 9 - generation of processors. As of 2019, 9 generations of processors have been released. The first processors did not have generation markings. Intel has used the processor generation designation since the second generation. With each new generation of processors, there have been improvements in parameters, an increase in frequency, support for new memory with a higher frequency, an increase in the memory cache, new integrated graphics, and so on. Generations of processors are divided according to years in this way.
    • 2nd generation 2010-2011
    • 3rd generation 2011-2012
    • 4th generation 2012-2013
    • 5th generation 2013-2014
    • 6th generation 2014-2015
    • 7th generation 2016-2017
    • 8th generation 2017-2018
    • 9th generation 2018-2019
    • 700 — processor model, may be indicated by different numbers in the markings. Differences may be in the integrated graphics chip, the type of socket in which the processor can be installed, and the size of the memory cache.
  • KF - processor modification. The features of the processor are reflected here, for example the processor for desktop computer or laptop, power consumption, etc. The list of possible modification designations is given below.

Decoding the modification of Intel processors, the last letters in the marking.

  • K-no protection against overclocking
    • KF- no built-in graphics
  • X- high-performance processors, without restrictions on the multiplier value
    • XE— Extreme Edition without restrictions on the multiplier value
  • M - mobile processor
    • MX
    • MQ, QM- 4-core mobile processors
  • HQ
  • P
  • S- energy efficient high performance processor
  • T- high energy efficient processor, low power consumption and lower frequencies
  • L- energy efficient processors
  • E- availability of an option for embedded systems
    • QE
    • M.E.- embedded mobile
    • L.E.
    • UE
  • U
  • Y
  • R

Decoding the designation of Intel i series processors


  • I7- processor series, 7 - processor generation

500 — processor model, the larger the designation, the more technical capabilities.

U- processor features

  • K-no protection against overclocking
  • X- high-performance processors, without restrictions on the multiplier value
  • M- mobile processor
    • MX- extreme mobile processors
    • MQ, QM- 4-core mobile processor
  • HQ- mobile processor with high-performance graphics
  • P- processor without automatic overclocking and locked built-in GPU
  • S- energy efficient high performance processor
  • T- highly energy efficient processor, low power consumption and lower frequencies
  • L- energy efficient processors
  • E- availability of an option for embedded systems
    • QE- 4-core embedded processors
    • M.E.- embedded mobile
    • L.E.- performance-optimized embedded processors
    • UE- optimized for energy consumption
  • U- ultra-low power processors for ultrabooks
  • Y- processors with extremely low power consumption for ultrabooks
  • R- processors in a BGA package and with more powerful graphics

The marking of AMD processors is called OPN(Ordering Part Number).

At first glance, it is quite complex and looks more like some kind of cipher, although if you understand it, you can get quite detailed information about their main technical parameter characteristics.

The first two letters indicate the processor type:

AX- Athlon XP (0.18 microns);
AD- Athlon 64, Athlon 64 FX, Athlon 64 X2;
SD- Sempron.

The third letter indicates the TDP of the processor

A- 89-125 W;
O- 65 W;
D- 35 W;
H- 45 W;
X- 125 W.

For Sempron processors, the third letter has a slightly different meaning:

A- Desktop;
D- Energy Efficient.

It is a number that (from AMD's point of view) characterizes the performance of a given CPU in abstract units.
Although there are some exceptions - in Athlon 64 FX processors, for example, instead of rating numbers, the letter index “FX (model index)” is indicated.

The first letter of the three-letter index indicates the type of processor case:

A- Socket 754;
D- Socket 939;
C- Socket 940;
I- Socket AM2;
G- Socket F.

The second letter of the three-letter index indicates the supply voltage of the processor core:

A- 1.35-1.4 V
WITH- 1.55 V;
E- 1.5 V;
I- 1.4 V;
K- 1.35 B;
M- 1.3 V;
Q- 1.2 V;
S- 1.15 V.

The third letter of the three-letter index indicates the maximum temperature of the processor core:

A- 71 °C;
K- 65 °C;
M- 67 °C;
O- 69 °C;
P- 70 °C;
X- 95 °C.

The next number indicates the size of the second level cache (total for dual-core processors):

2 - 128 KB;
3 - 256 KB;
4 - 512 KB;
5 - 1024 KB;
6 - 2048 KB.

The two-letter index indicates the type of processor core:

AX, A.W.- Newcastle;
AP, AR, AS, AT- Clawhammer;
A.K.- Sledge Hammer;
B.I.- Winchester;
BN- San Diego;
B.P., B.W.- Venice;
B.V.- Manchester;
CD- Toledo;
C.S., C.U.- Windsor F2; CZ- Windsor F3;
CN, CW- Orleans, Manila;
DE- Lima;
DD, D.L.- Brisbane;
D.H.- Orleans F3
AX- Paris (for Sempron);
B.I.- Manchester (for Sempron);
B.A., B.O., A.W., BX, B.P., B.W.- Palermo (for Sempron).

For example, the AMD Sempron 3000+ processor (Manila core) is labeled as SDA3000IAA3CN.

But nothing lasts forever in our world, and AMD is soon going to rename its processor lines, introducing a new, much more descriptive alphanumeric scheme.
New system suggests, along with the traditional brand and class designation, also an alphanumeric model code:

Phenom X4 GP-7xxx
Phenom X2 GS-6xxx
Athlon X2 BE-2xxx
Athlon X2 LS-2xxx
Sempron LE-1xxx

The first character in the processor model name determines its class:

G- High-end;
B- Mainstream;
L- Low-End.

The second character determines the processor's power consumption:

P- more than 65 W;
S- 65 W;
E- less than 65 W (Energy Efficient class).

The first digit indicates that the processor belongs to a specific family:

1 - single-core Sempron;
2 - dual-core Athlon;
6 - dual-core Phenom X2;
7 - quad-core Phenom X4.

The second digit will indicate the performance level of a specific processor within the family.

The last two digits will determine the processor modification.

Thus, the latest dual- and quad-core processors will be designated as AMD Phenom X2 GS-6xxx and Phenom X4 GP-7xxx.

Economical mid-class dual-core processors are Athlon X2 BE-2xxx, and budget AMD Athlon and Sempron will be called Athlon X2 LS-2xxx and Sempron LE-1xxx.
And the notorious number 64, indicating support for 64-bit architecture, will disappear from the name of the Athlon processor.

Question: What are the marking features of AMD processors?
Answer: The marking of AMD processors is called OPN (Ordering Part Number). At first glance, it is quite complex and more like a kind of cipher, although if you understand it, you can get quite detailed information about their main technical parameters:

  1. The first two letters indicate the processor type:
    • AX - Athlon XP (0.18 µm);
    • AD - Athlon 64, Athlon 64 FX, Athlon 64 X2;
    • SD - Sempron.
  2. The third letter indicates the TDP of the processor:
    • A - 89-125 W;
    • O - 65 W;
    • D - 35 W;
    • H - 45 W;
    • X - 125 W.
  3. For Sempron processors, the third letter has a slightly different meaning:
    • A - Desktop;
    • D - Energy Efficient.
  4. The next four numbers are the processor rating (the same one that is indicated in all price lists along with the processor type, for example, Athlon 64 4000+) or, in other words, the Model Number. It is a number that (from AMD's point of view) characterizes the performance of a given CPU in abstract units. Although there are some exceptions - in Athlon 64 FX processors, for example, instead of rating numbers, the letter index “FX (model index)” is indicated.
  5. The first letter of the three-letter index indicates the type of processor case:
    • A - Socket 754;
    • D - Socket 939;
    • C - Socket 940;
    • I - Socket AM2;
    • G - Socket F.
  6. The second letter of the three-letter index indicates the supply voltage of the processor core:
    • A - 1.35-1.4 V
    • C - 1.55 V;
    • E - 1.5 V;
    • I - 1.4 V;
    • K - 1.35 V;
    • M - 1.3 B;
    • Q - 1.2 V;
    • S - 1.15 V.
  7. The third letter of the three-letter index indicates the maximum temperature of the processor core:
    • A - 71°C;
    • K - 65°C;
    • M - 67°C;
    • O - 69°C;
    • P - 70°C;
    • X - 95° C.
  8. The next number indicates the size of the second level cache (total for dual-core processors):
    • 2 - 128 KB;
    • 3 - 256 KB;
    • 4 - 512 KB;
    • 5 - 1024 KB;
    • 6 - 2048 KB.
  9. The two-letter index indicates the type of processor core:
    • AX, AW - Newcastle;
    • AP, AR, AS, AT - Clawhammer;
    • AK - Sledge Hammer;
    • BI - Winchester;
    • BN - San Diego;
    • BP, BW - Venice;
    • BV - Manchester;
    • CD - Toledo;
    • CS, CU - Windsor F2;
    • CZ - Windsor F3;
    • CN, CW - Orleans, Manila;
    • DE - Lima;
    • DD, DL - Brisbane;
    • DH - Orleans F3
    • AX - Paris (for Sempron);
    • BI - Manchester (for Sempron);
    • BA, BO, AW, BX, BP, BW - Palermo (for Sempron).

For example, the AMD Sempron 3000+ processor (Manila core) is labeled as SDA3000IAA3CN. But nothing lasts forever in our world, and AMD is soon going to rename its processor lines, introducing a new, much more descriptive alphanumeric scheme. The new system assumes, along with the traditional brand and class designation, an alphanumeric model code

Brand Class Model
Phenom FX -
Phenom X4 GP-7xxx
Phenom X2 GS-6xxx
Athlon X2 BE-2xxx
Athlon X2 LS-2xxx
Sempron - LE-1xxx
  1. The first character in the processor model name determines its class:
    • G - High-end;
    • B - Mainstream;
    • L - Low-End.
  2. The second character determines the processor's power consumption:
    • P - more than 65 W;
    • S - 65 W;
    • E - less than 65 W (Energy Efficient class).
  3. The first digit indicates that the processor belongs to a specific family:
    • 1 - single-core Sempron;
    • 2 - dual-core Athlon;
    • 6 - dual-core Phenom X2;
    • 7 - quad-core Phenom X4.
  4. The second digit will indicate the performance level of a specific processor within the family.
  5. The last two digits will determine the processor modification.

Thus, the latest dual- and quad-core processors will be designated as AMD Phenom X2 GS-6xxx and Phenom X4 GP-7xxx. Economical mid-class dual-core processors are Athlon X2 BE-2xxx, and budget AMD Athlon and Sempron will be called Athlon X2 LS-2xxx and Sempron LE-1xxx. And the notorious number 64, indicating support for 64-bit architecture, will disappear from the name of the Athlon processor.

Question: How do Sempron processors differ from Athlon 64 processors?
Answer: Modern processors of the Sempron series, intended for the budget segment of the market, differ from full-fledged prototypes - Athlon 64 processors - in the volume of the second level cache reduced to 128 (or, in some models, up to 256 KB). In addition, the HyperTransport bus in Sempron processors only operates at 800 MHz, while in the Athlon 64 its frequency can reach 1000 MHz; Less significant is the lack of support for Pacifica virtualization technology. Everything else, including a dual-channel memory controller, support for the 64-bit AMD64 architecture and the SSE3 instruction system, is available in full.

At the same time, we should not forget that such sophisticated Sempron processors are produced mainly in versions for Socket AM2 and Socket 939. Older Sempron models for Socket 754, for example, have only a single-channel memory controller.

Question: What are the features of the Socket AM2 processor socket?
Answer: Today in the desktop segment, AMD is experiencing an “orgy”, when you can find processors on sale in at least four (!) variants: Socket 754, Socket 939, Socket 940 and Socket AM2 (and this is not to mention the rare Socket A, which are still occasionally found on store shelves). True, AMD came to its senses in time and with the release of the Socket AM2 platform, it again returned to the path of unifying the processor socket for desktops, for which it has always been respected by upgrade lovers.

The Socket AM2 connector, which will replace Socket 754 and Socket 939, has 940 pins (like the server Socket 940, but they are not compatible!), and is used in mass-produced single- and dual core processors Athlon 64, prestigious Athlon 64 FX and budget Sempron. Socket AM2 processors work with DDR2 memory with frequencies from 533 to 800 MHz (PC4200, PC5300 or PC6400) in dual-channel mode; Registered and ECC memory are not supported. Otherwise, AMD processors for Socket AM2 are completely identical to processors for Socket 939, the production of which is currently discontinued.

Question: Is AMD's future platform for Socket AM2+ and Socket AM3 compatible with existing solutions?
Answer: In the near future we expect another transition to new type memory - DDR3 (see FAQ on DDR3. In accordance with AMD's plans, at the beginning of 2008 the modern Socket AM2 will be replaced first by Socket AM2+, and then by Socket AM3. The only serious difference between Socket AM2 and Socket AM2+ will be the introduction of support for the new high-speed HyperTransport 3.0 bus. Its use will significantly increase the throughput of the processor-chipset (as well as the processor-processor in the case of multiprocessor solutions). Socket AM3 processors will also gain support for the new DDR3 memory. Characteristic features of the new platforms compared to the modern Socket AM2 are given. in the table:

Connector Socket AM2 Socket AM2+ Socket AM3
Number of contacts 940 940 940
Memory support DDR2 DDR2 DDR2, DDR3
HyperTransport version 1.0 3.0 3.0
Release date May 2006 3 sq. 2007 3 sq. 2008

In this regard, the question of compatibility inevitably arises promising platforms AMD with existing ones.

So, Socket AM2 and Socket AM2+ processors and motherboards will be fully compatible with each other. Of course, if you install a new CPU with HT 3.0 support in Socket AM2, it will communicate with the chipset at the speed of the old HT 1.0. Socket AM3 processors, thanks to their memory controller that works with both DDR2 and DDR3 memory, will be the most versatile and can be installed in Socket AM3, Socket AM2+ and Socket AM2 motherboards (providing the latter platform with a very decent service life). A backward compatibility they will not have it - it will not be possible to install any Socket processors AM2, nor Socket AM2+.

Question: What is Cool"n"Quiet?
Answer: Energy saving technology Cool "n" Quiet came to AMD desktop processors from the mobile sector and allows you to reduce heat generation and power consumption when they are not fully loaded. On at the moment this technology is implemented in all processors of the AMD K8 family - Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2, Athlon 64 FX, Sempron. It is natural that motherboard must support this technology (the corresponding item must be activated in the BIOS).

There is nothing radically new in Cool"n"Quiet technology. In progress operating system monitors the processor load, and if it is less than a certain threshold, then the operating frequency and supply voltage of the processor are reduced. Reducing the processor operating frequency is carried out by reprogramming its registers (using special program- processor drivers). By lowering the frequency and voltage, the processor will consume much less power, heat up less and, if the cooler is equipped with a thermal control system, the system noise will decrease.

When the processor load increases, everything happens along the same chain (OC-driver-processor-cooler), but vice versa - the processor will return to the nominal frequency. There can be up to hundreds of such switchings between different modes per second, for user programs all this happens completely unnoticed, and even if it affects the overall performance of the Cool"n"Quiet system, it is insignificant.

The user determines the degree of system response to changes in processor load by selecting one or another policy in the Windows Power Options applet - from the minimum level (switching to power saving mode only when idle) to severe energy saving (the processor will almost always be in a state of reduced power consumption).

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