Mgts, “smart” tariff for our own. Closed tariff MTS Smart For Yours

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Few people know that in addition to the tariff plans available for purchase and switching to anyone, there are very profitable, but not on sale, “closed” tariffs. The MTS company has issued a very profitable offer for its employees. tariff plan"Smart for our own."

It’s just that the company’s employees recently had the opportunity to switch themselves, and also connect up to 10 MTS subscriber numbers to this non-public tariff at their discretion. Each employee receives free codes to switch to the Smart tariff plan for their employees. Naturally, offers to sell codes immediately began to appear on the market. If you do not have close friends or relatives among the operator’s employees, it will not be easy to get free opportunity transition to this closed tariff. The cost of a paid transition to this plan varies and can reach 3,000 rubles - it all depends on the appetite of the seller.

The first “For our own” version of the tariff has already undergone some changes. Let's do it detailed description tariff that Mobile Telesystems is now distributing among a narrow circle of subscribers.

Those who have switched to the “Smart for Our Own” plan for a subscription fee of 200 rubles per month can expect the following available packages of minutes and SMS:

  • 600 minutes of calls to everything mobile numbers your region, including calls to MTS operator numbers.
  • 600 outgoing SMS to numbers of any operators in your region.
  • Free inbox when you are located throughout the country.

After the main packages of minutes and SMS expire, the prices become as follows:

  • After the 10-hour communication package is exhausted, the cost of outgoing calls varies depending on the region where the SIM card was purchased. In the capital region, it is 2 rubles per minute of communication to numbers of any operators in your region.
  • Outgoing calls outside your region are not included in the main package volume of available minutes and amount to 3 rubles per minute of communication when calling any operators.
  • Users will pay 50 kopecks for 1 SMS to all operators in their region.
  • SMS messages will cost 3 rubles 80 kopecks after the limit of 600 messages to operators in any region has been exhausted.

It should be noted that calls to MTS numbers are also included in the primary package of free minutes. But after the package is exhausted, they remain free both in their region and on MTS throughout Russia.

A user who subscribes to such a tariff receives the following conditions for using mobile Internet:

  • A package of 10 GB of Internet traffic, valid throughout the country without additional roaming surcharges.
  • Automatically connected Internet traffic packages after the main limit of 500 MB is exhausted for 75 rubles each. No more than 15 such Internet packages can be used per month. Automatic connection additional packages can be adjusted independently.
  • After the end of additional packages, the user can use the “Turbo button” options of 100 or 500 MB in size to access the Internet.

Important! The MTS “Smart for Friends” tariff works without taking into account intranet roaming all over the country. That is, the connected subscriber is served in his own way home tariff, located in any region of the state. The conditions included in the tariff itself are the same as for subscriptions to the “ ” option.

Connecting a tariff

How to activate the “Smart for Your Own” tariff? A company employee is given 10 activation codes for personal use. The tariff change occurs without replacing the SIM card. If you did receive such a code in one way or another, then to switch to the “Smart for Your Own” tariff on MTS you just need to do one of two actions:

  • Dial the USSD combination *362*000000*0000# on your phone, changing the zeros to your digital code.
  • Call number 3620 and change the tariff in call mode.

Attention! When changing your tariff plan to this closed tariff, you must have at least 200 rubles in your account balance, since the subscription fee is debited at the time of the transition.

Go to new tariff The plan is usually carried out within 1 day. How do you know that a new tariff has already been activated?

  1. The name of your tariff is displayed.
  2. The USSD command *111*59# will allow you to get the name of the tariff in the information message.

How can you find out, while on this tariff, how many minutes, traffic and messages are left available for use? This can be done using standard methods, the same as with any other tariff in the Smart line:

It is worth noting some disadvantages associated with using the MTS “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan. When you switch to a new tariff, the main inconvenience is calls within the network, limited to a 10-hour monthly limit. Next, unlimited calls within the network begin, but by that time the time for outgoing calls to numbers of third-party operators must be spent. Another inconvenience is that calls to other regions cannot be made against the accrued 10 hours.

In the end, you will agree that for 200 rubles monthly subscription fee a subscriber user who switches to such an MTS tariff receives an excellent offer. Other tariffs, even with the availability of various packages and options, will not provide such a ratio of price and volume of services. This is a practically minimized Ultra tariff, only for a very modest price.

Let us remind you that it is impossible to purchase SIM cards with the “Smart for Your Own” tariff from MTS. Therefore, those who want to switch to such mobile communications will have to look for codes to switch on their own.

Date: March 27, 2018

"Smart for your own" is a closed MTS tariff plan, which you can switch to using a special code. This tariff is extremely profitable for most regions of Russia - the subscription fee is only 200 rubles per month, and the package of minutes, SMS and mobile internet very good for their volume.

What kind of tariff is this anyway?“Smart for your own” - special rate, intended for MTS employees, their friends and relatives. Each employee can switch to the “Smart for Friends” tariff and receive up to 10 activation codes, which they can distribute to friends or family. Of course, many enterprising company employees prefer to sell them instead of giving out codes for free.


Let's look at the parameters of the “Smart for Our Own” tariff:

  • Subscription fee – 200 rubles per month.
  • Package of minutes – 600 units (for calls to any numbers in your home region, as well as MTS numbers in any regions of Russia).
  • SMS package – 600 units (for sending to home region numbers).
  • Mobile Internet package – 10 GB. After the end of the mobile Internet package, additional packages of 500 MB will be connected for 75 rubles each. You can disable them using the request *111*936#📞
  • Outgoing calls to MTS numbers in your home region after the end of the package of minutes are free.
  • Outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in your home region after the end of the package of minutes - 2 rubles per minute.
  • Outgoing calls to any numbers in other regions of Russia - 3 rubles per minute.
  • Outgoing messages to home region numbers after the end of the SMS package - 50 kopecks per message.
  • Outgoing messages to numbers in other regions of Russia - 3.8 rubles per message.
  • The initial package of services includes “They called you!”, but it is provided free of charge.
  • Roaming when traveling around Russia - packages of minutes, SMS and mobile Internet are valid throughout Russia in the MTS network.

In the regions: Kamchatka, Norilsk, Magadan, Chukotka, the subscription fee for the tariff is 450 rubles per month.

In the regions: Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Tula, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the mobile Internet package is 15 GB.

That's a pretty attractive tariff, isn't it?

How to activate the MTS “Smart for Your Own” tariff? Where can I buy codes?

Already familiarized yourself with the tariff parameters? Then, most likely, you liked it and want to switch to it. You can do this as follows:

  1. Prepare your mobile phone balance (the subscription fee will be charged immediately).
  2. Send the activation code via SMS to 3620.
  3. Receive a response SMS within an hour with a message about the successful activation of the certificate.
  4. Check your new tariff plan.

There is a profitable, but little-known tariff plan of a popular mobile operator - “Smart for Our Own” from MTS with a subscription fee of 200 rubles per month. This MTS tariff is not intended for a wide range of users and is not available in official sales. Employees of the operator company, as well as their relatives and friends, can switch to the tariff in 2020. Each employee is provided with 10 transfer codes. He can use these codes himself or pass them on to those whom he sees fit.

Connection conditions

The tariff description contains information that the cost of a minute of communication when calling to other numbers mobile operators after 600 prepaid minutes have expired, varies by region. In Moscow and the Moscow region it is 2 rubles. The tariff from MTS “Smart for Our Own” 2020 has and certain disadvantages. So, 600 free minutes includes any calls, including within the network. Long-distance calls to numbers of other operators are not included in the package of free minutes; they must be paid separately, tariffs start from 3 rubles per minute.

The “Smart for Your Own” tariff is valid without intranet roaming in Russia. This means that the connected user will be served at a home rate, being in any city in the country. Subscribers who were connected to “Smart for Our Own” before June 27, 2016 were automatically transferred to the updated package.

A whole program to introduce MGTS clients to the joys mobile communications. This includes delivery of a SIM card along with an MGTS account, and exclusive rate, and selection of matching numbers in phone numbers, and a test period for free trial. An interesting project in the win-win category, when both sides win.

About the phone number

Unfortunately, only a new connection; it is impossible to transfer a current MTS number. Or rather, perhaps, but not “Smart for our own”. But they found a number whose last four digits coincided with the digits of the MGTS landline phone number. It’s tempting, you see, you can sacrifice your previous number for the sake of matching numbers. Or, for example, to make a talkative spouse happy with such a number.

Number capacity in code (DEF) 958. We wisely managed a valuable resource. I remember how MTS once mediocrely squandered the capacity of 985, including on prepaid boxes. MegaFon once held back the capacity of 925 and offered completely matching numbers to all owners of direct cell numbers other operators. The procedure was extremely simple: you came to the salon with your phone, the salon employee dialed a landline number, upon hearing the answer, made a connection to a completely matching number in code 925. I don’t know how many owners of landline numbers MegaFon managed to entice, but the idea was beautiful.

About the contract and free testing

They offer to try out all the services and evaluate the quality within five days after activating the SIM card.

100 minutes, 100 SMS messages and 1 GB of traffic is a completely sufficient package for free testing if you have not used MTS services before. After concluding the contract, you will pay your mobile phone bill along with your bill for landline phone MGTS, that is, on credit. Also a significant plus and additional convenience.

About the tariff

Technically, the “Smart for Our Own” tariff is almost identical to previous version“Smart for your own” MTS. For a subscription fee of 200 rubles. per month they give a package of 500 minutes to all phones in their region, 500 SMS messages and 5 GB of Internet traffic. After the package of minutes is exhausted, unlimited access to MTS phones throughout Russia is enabled and, what is important, unlimited access to all MGTS landline phones.

MTS’s “Smart for Friends” tariff was recently improved (600 minutes/SMS and 10 GB of traffic), but the MGTS version has unlimited access to most landline phones in Moscow. And for the MTS version you will have to pay a considerable amount of money for connection (they sell conversion codes), and they can also deceive you. And, of course, no matching numbers telephone numbers you won't get it.

In my opinion, 200 rubles. per month in today’s times is absolutely not the money for the sake of saving which it would be worth giving up the proposed “grocery set” and additional benefits. Unless, of course, you intend to continue using the city MGTS phone. And certainly this option is much more interesting than those mobile ones MGTS tariffs, which the company officially offers on its website.

How to connect?

As far as I understand, the correct answer is no way on your own initiative. Just wait for the offer with a SIM card in the envelope of your monthly bill from MGTS. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to take advantage of this offer; if they don’t send it, then that’s your fate. It would be interesting to know about the scale and prospects of the project, but they are unlikely to tell us. Perhaps something will become clearer later or the proposal format will be corrected.

It is clear that MGTS will thus acquire a certain number of mobile subscribers. Yes, and someone will change their mind about giving up a landline phone if they have such a bundle. If you start adding up the numbers, the combination of a landline phone + “Smart for your own” will cost less than usual SMART tariff with worse parameters.

"SMART for your own"

Subscription fee - 200 rub. The monthly fee includes:
- 5 GB of Internet. (Regions of exception: Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Magadan region included - 3 GB, in Norilsk included - 2 GB.)
- 500 minutes to all HOME REGION and MTS networks throughout Russia.
- 500 SMS to subscribers home region.

Cost after 500 minutes and 500 SMS are used up:

Calls to MTS all over Russia - UNLIMITED
- calls to other networks in the HOME REGION - 2 rubles/min.
- any long-distance calls to Russia - 3 rubles/min.
- SMS any local - 50 kopecks.
- SMS within Russia - 3.80 rubles/min.

To refuse automatic connection additional packages must be dialed from your phone *111*936#

The cost of switching using the code is 850 rubles.
When purchasing 5 codes, the price is 4000 rubles.

"U L T R A"

50% discount on subscription fee.

You can view the terms and conditions of the "ULTRA" tariff on the MTS website of your region.

Here is an example for Moscow and the Moscow region

Subscription fee 2700 rub.
The monthly fee includes:
15 GB Internet
Unlimited calls to MTS throughout Russia
5000 minutes to all Russian networks at home and when calling to home region and on MTS Russia when traveling around Russia
5000 SMS to all networks in your home region
Valid throughout Russia

When using the code, the subscription fee becomes 2700/2 = 1350 rubles.

To use the 50% discount, send an SMS with the received code to 3620.

"Super MTS for our own"

Subscription fee - 0

When replenishing your account with an amount of less than 200 rubles for 30 days, 60 minutes per day:
On mobile phones MTS - 0
To MTS mobile phones from 61 minutes per day - 50 kopecks/min.
To MTS mobile phones in other regions of Russia - 1 rub/min.

To landline phones - 0.

When replenishing your account with an amount of 200 rubles or more for 30 days, 60 minutes per day:
To MTS mobile phones - 0.
To MTS mobile phones from 61 minutes per day - 50 kopecks.
To MTS mobile phones from other regions of Russia - 0.
To MTS mobile phones in other regions of Russia from 61 minutes per day - 1 rub/min.
Subscribers of other operators in the region - 1.50 rubles/min.
To landline phones - 0.
To landline phones from 61 minutes per day - 1.50 rubles/min.
Rest of Russia - 10 rubles/min.

Calls while traveling in Russia:
All incoming calls - 0.
Outgoing calls within Russia - 10 rubles/min.
1 MB of GPRS traffic (if Internet packages are not connected) - 5 rubles.

With this tariff, you can connect the Smart 2 GB option for 100 rubles for 30 days or the Smart 5 GB option for 200 rubles for 30 days.
The "Everywhere at home" option is free.

Connecting the Smart 2 GB option dial USSD command: *111*2233#
Connecting the Smart 5 GB option dial USSD command: *111*548#

After the main traffic is exhausted, the package can be reconnected as many times as you like; to do this, turn off the package and turn it on again.

To switch to this tariff, send an SMS with the received code to 3620.

The cost of switching using the code is 1100 rubles.

Conditions for transition:
1.The number must not be blocked.
2. The balance is slightly more than the subscription fee. The subscription fee for the first month will be charged when transferring to the tariff.
3. The SIM card is issued to individual and does not have joint accounts.
4.The tariff on the SIM card must be non-corporate and public.

Possible transition without code only for ported numbers from other companies (Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Iota).
"SMART for your own" - 560 rub.
"Super MTS for your own" - 560 rubles.
"Ultra" with a 50% discount on the subscription fee - 860 rubles.
Tariff change within 4 working days. Payment after connection.

Payment to a Sberbank card or Qiwi wallet.

There are codes for all regions.

[contact has been removed because the seller is not reliable. You can buy from a reliable seller]

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