A mobile phone will not cause harm if... Mobile phone harm: speak, but with caution! What happens if you talk on the phone for a long time?

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Surely many of us have heard that you can’t talk on mobile phone while it is charging. But only a few know why this is not recommended.

Website editors “So Simple!” I decided to look into this issue and inform my readers about the possible danger. Be careful, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Why can't you use your mobile phone while charging?

When a mobile phone is charging, it becomes very hot. Even if the device looks as usual on the outside, you don’t see what’s going on inside it. Be careful, even if you have been using the device for a long time and have confidence in it. If the gadget has a small manufacturing defect or there are frequent voltage drops in the network when you charge the phone, - mobile explosion danger increases many times!

There have been cases more than once when a charging phone exploded during a conversation. The outcome is terrible: burns, maxillofacial injuries, burst eardrum, vision problems. The consequences can be very different, but all are equally dire.

Watch how children use gadgets, as they often do not look away from playing on their mobile phone even while it is charging, which is also unsafe.

Safety precautions when charging a mobile phone

A very useful invention. However, it must be used extremely carefully.

  • Do not charge a wet phone, replace damaged batteries immediately.
  • Do not leave your cell phone near heating appliances.

According to available data from the World Health Organization, there are approximately 5 billion cell phone users. In many places around the world, cell phones are the only reliable means of communication. Arguably one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, the cell phone is a device that has changed the way we communicate. It runs on a battery, which drains as you use it and requires regular recharging.

It has happened that during the charging process, cell phones have sometimes exploded and caused cases of fatal electric shock and fire. However, these cases involved the use of counterfeit or unusable batteries or an incorrect charger. And yet, are cell phones really safe, or does their use still pose some health risks?

Notable accidents

  • In the recent past, they sent out emails, which talked about the dangers of using a cell phone while it is charging. Reported following cases deaths caused by a cell phone battery explosion:
  • According to reports, in 2004, an Indian man, K. Viswajith, died of electrocution after answering a call on his own. cell phone when it was charging.
  • A similar incident occurred in 2005, when a Nigerian man was electrocuted.
  • In another incident, a California man suffered second- and third-degree burns when his phone exploded.
  • Also, in July 2013, the death of a flight attendant from China was reported, who died when she answered a call on her charger. Apple iPhone 5. Apple is investigating this incident.

These are some of the deaths that have occurred due to the use of a cell phone while it is charging. Numerous examples of sudden explosions or fires of cell phones have also been reported, resulting in injuries to their owners. Most of these incidents are said to have occurred due to the use of counterfeit and/or non-compliant batteries. As long as the factory batteries and chargers are used to ensure they are suitable and compatible with the cell phone, it is safe to talk on the phone while it is charging.

How to avoid problems?

Safety regulations and regulations are of paramount importance when it comes to electronic technology, and mobile phones are one of the most closely monitored types of electronic devices. To avoid accidents, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends taking the following precautions:

  • Do not use counterfeit batteries or chargers.
  • Do not talk on the phone while it is charging.
  • Unplug your phone after it is fully charged.
  • Do not allow the battery to overheat.

  • Do not charge a wet phone, as the cell phone's chip may be seriously damaged, and the current passing through a wet phone may cause it to explode. Wait until your phone is completely dry before charging it.
  • Replace damaged batteries immediately. Avoid rough handling of the battery and do not allow it to come into contact with other metal objects in the vicinity of the phone.
  • Do not leave your cell phone near heating appliances or where it may become overheated, such as in the sun, near stoves, microwave ovens, irons, or other devices that emit radiation.
  • Also be sure to use a cell phone, charger and a battery from the same company. This ensures the compatibility of these devices and minimizes the risk of problems. Follow the instructions for use, storage and charging of the battery provided by the manufacturer.

Other Harmful Effects of Cell Phones on Human Health

According to the World Health Organization, radio frequencies emitted by cell phones cause heating of tissue and skin. However, more research is needed to prove that these radio frequencies affect sleep, cognitive function, and heart rate. The heat and radiation emitted by cell phones slow down sperm motility and reduce potency, especially in those who use cell phones very frequently.

Abusing anything, be it good or bad, is harmful. So, do not use your cell phone until it is fully charged to stay safe and avoid any incidents or accidents.

04/11/2019: B In the comments there were examples from life about cancer of the salivary gland and more.

Mobile phone radiation affects health.
But the tube will not cause harm if you follow six safety rules.

These tips are quite simple, and if you follow them, the harm from microwave radiation from a cell phone will be minimized. And the hypotheses of some researchers that smartphones can cause cancer and Alzheimer’s disease will no longer cause panic fear and the desire to immediately get rid of the annoying “beeping” device in your pocket.

To minimize risk possible harmful effects radiation waves from a working cell phone, if possible you should:

1 – Limit time and frequency phone use. Still, you need to remember that a smartphone is not a secure landline phone on which you could talk for hours. More 2-3 minutes per call and you should not talk on your cell phone for more than 10-15 minutes a day.

2 – Try as much as possible do not use the phone in places where there is poor reception(elevator, underground premises, transport, etc.), since with poor reception, the mobile phone tries to find the transmitter antenna, and because of this, its radiation (the properties and effects of which on humans has not yet been fully studied ) is amplified many times over.

The same, by the way, applies to rural areas, where poor reception is also often observed far from antennas mobile communications.

3 – Use less often mobile phone indoors(car, house), since the waves emitted by it can be reflected by walls and coatings, which increases the radiation exposure several times.

4 – Keep in mind that the Bluetooth wireless data transfer method adds to the mobile phone's additional radiation force. Therefore, use a wired headset.

5 – Don't apply smartphone to ear at the moment when he is in the process of searching for a network operator(this happens when the phone is turned on and the reception is very poor). At this moment, it radiates the most, harms, so to speak, to the maximum.

6 – And finally, get rid of the bad habit of sleeping next to your cell phone, and even more so of putting a switched on, working (and therefore constantly emitting!) cell phone under your pillow! Be sure to turn it off before going to bed or turn off its transmitter!

Also, if you are used to using your mobile phone as an alarm clock, you can snooze keep him away from you. This will not only significantly reduce the risk of exposure to your phone during restful sleep, but will also greatly increase the likelihood of you successfully waking up. After all, in order to turn off the alarm, you will definitely have to get out of bed.

P.S. Useful additions were made in the comments:

1. Allow children to use a mobile phone only in emergency situations.

2. During calls and conversations, keep the phone at a distance: use speakerphone or a wired headset (this is preferable to a wireless one). If this is not possible, change ears regularly when talking for a long time.

3. Do not carry your phone while it is turned on in your pockets. Better - in a bag.

4. SMS is preferable to calls and conversations.”

Write your additions in the comments!

Is there a relationship between electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that comes from a cell phone and the incidence of illness among subscribers? Experts do not deny the possibility of harm from such radiation. According to the head of the laboratory of electromagnetic fields and physical factors of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Agency for Altai region Anatoly Yatskevich, the level of electromagnetic radiation from a phone directly depends on its model. The degree of influence of a mobile phone on a person is determined by the energy flux density, as well as the frequency and power of the phone. These figures should be as low as possible. The whole world uses such phones, but, for example, in Switzerland they are prohibited from being used by pregnant women and children under 16 years of age. I ask A. Yatskevich: - Is it true that talking on a cell phone too often can cause cancer?- The occurrence of cancer specifically from the use of cell phones has not yet been proven. But when using the phone for a long time - 20-30 minutes - the tissue begins to warm up and body temperature rises. And this in turn causes irritation of the nervous system. The higher the frequency of the phone's radiation, the more destructive it is for nerve cells. Therefore, I recommend that those who like to communicate on a mobile phone constantly switch the receiver from one ear to the other. - Where is it safer to carry a cell phone?- You can carry the handset anywhere: on your neck, on your belt or in your purse. When the phone is in standby mode, the handset does not emit electromagnetic energy. It is practically turned off and, therefore, completely safe for health. - There are two opposing opinions: someone claims that modern cell phones in the form of a miniature earphone with a microphone eliminate “telephone radiation.” Other researchers say that this fashionable device, on the contrary, increases the electromagnetic radiation entering the subscriber's brain by three times. - Headphones do not save and at the same time do not multiply electromagnetic radiation. I can say one thing - when talking, you are within the range of electromagnetic radiation. Such radiation increases when two or more cell phones are in call mode in the same room - the electromagnetic energy is layered and causes double harm to both owners of the devices. - Today, cellular operators are installing new base stations. Will they “irradiate” the population? - In Japan, base stations stand like telegraph poles on the streets with a range of five kilometers. At the same time, the Japanese are considered long-livers. A signal is transmitted from one station to another, and a call is received on the telephone. If the handset has a talk power of approximately 0.2 watts, then the base station has 800 microwatts. Thus, being in the area of ​​the base station is more harmless than the process of communicating on a mobile phone.

Trust, but don't abuse!

With all this, the public organization of scientists “Russian National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation” (RNZNI) recommends that children, pregnant women, epileptics, and people suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, and neuroses, not use cell phones. And also try not to talk for more than three minutes and be sure to take breaks between conversations for at least a quarter of an hour. This way you can minimize the harm of your mobile phone. Scientists from RNZNI are supported by the Committee on Ecology of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Today, in the United States, cellular service providers have long informed their customers about the electromagnetic radiation levels of their phones. In Russia, such publicity is only just being achieved. The question of the harm of a mobile phone remains open. Our experts recommend that when choosing a cell phone model and communication standard, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. Digital standard more quantity required base stations per unit area, so the phone power required for normal operation, lower than analog ones. As for the model, expensive and modern phones are less harmful than cheap and outdated ones.

Invented protection against mobile phones

A kind of “magic wand” has appeared on the market - anti-radiators. These are small voluminous stickers for cell phones, costing from 200 rubles, supposedly they reduce the harm of mobile phones. In addition, the market is replete with metal bags for mobile phones, metal pocket plates, magic bracelets and other devices that also dubiously reduce the power of the phone’s impact on the body. However, this is not a certified product; there is no point in talking about its positive effects yet. They can even cause harm by increasing the power of the mobile phone. “Anti-radiators are a myth,” says Anatoly Yatskevich. - The electromagnetic energy of a cell phone cannot be blocked by absorbers. Anti-radiators can be installed near the antenna very high power, but do not stick it on your mobile phone.

Way out of the situation

People will no longer give up cell phones, pagers, electronic notebooks, laptop computers, players, voice recorders and others mobile devices. And if so, one thing remains: the choice of each device must be approached wisely.

Maria Selivanova, economic commentator for RIA Novosti.

“Using a mobile phone is harmful to your health” - such an inscription, it seems, can already be placed on every handset. For the first time, the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially announced a possible connection between mobile phone use and the development of brain cancer in humans. Many Russian doctors confirm the WHO's findings. To minimize harm to active mobile phone users, they recommend not holding the phone to their head, but using so-called hands-free headphones.

Although group 2B, which is assigned to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, only means “possibly carcinogenic,” this finding may prompt the WHO to change its rules for cell phone use.

Non-medical experts point to the lack of specific data on illnesses caused by cell phones, continued progress in reducing phone radiation, and the fact that ease of use cellular communication overcomes any fear in people.

The risk is confirmed by statistics

Three dozen scientists from 14 countries told a meeting of the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that a review of all available scientific evidence makes it possible to classify the use of mobile devices as "potentially carcinogenic."

“After reviewing virtually all the current evidence, the working group of scientists classified high-frequency electromagnetic fields as potentially carcinogenic to humans,” Reuters quoted Jonathan Samet, head of the IARC team of scientists working on the issue, as saying.

According to the expert, there is evidence that “mobile” radiation can increase the risk of developing glioma, a type of brain tumor.

Research on the connection between electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and the possible occurrence of cancer has been ongoing since the advent of mobile phones. In the process of research, scientists analyze the life circumstances of people with a certain type of cancer, including their habits of using a mobile phone, the head of the laboratory of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation at the FMBC told RIA Novosti. A.I. Burnazyan of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia Oleg Grigoriev.

Over the past 15 years, at least two dozen different studies have been conducted. The findings tended to contradict each other.

Experiments at the FMBA have proven that already 30 seconds after the phone turns on (which the subject does not know), the body begins to react to this with a change in bioelectrical activity. For the average healthy person, such a single exposure is absolutely safe, says Grigoriev. But over time, people who often talk on a mobile phone begin to complain of fatigue, poor sleep and memory, which indicates degradation of the central nervous system, said a representative of the FMBA.

"There is such a thing as the energy load of an electromagnetic field - this is the value to which the sanitary standard is tied. If a person uses a mobile phone for one hour during the day, then, according to the criterion of energy load, he falls into the category of professionals associated with servicing electromagnetic field sources (these are radio installers , radio technicians, workers servicing electrical networks), says Grigoriev, “They are recommended to undergo an annual medical examination.” If a person uses the phone for more than three hours a day, then he exceeds even the “professional” dose.

Children are at particular risk

If the connection between the use of a mobile phone and the occurrence of cancer is still controversial, the harm caused to the health of children by cell phone radiation is already obvious to Russian scientists.

“In children who use mobile phones, radiation affects a larger volume and a greater number of brain structures, since the child’s brain is smaller than that of an adult, and the permeability of the child’s brain tissue is greater than that of an adult,” says Oleg Grigoriev. In addition, children will have a longer history of cell phone use than adults because they start using it earlier. Sanitary standards in force in Russia do not recommend the use of cell phones by children under 18 years of age.

The Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection proposes to label each phone as a source of electromagnetic fields. “After all, it’s difficult to explain to a child and parents that a phone has an electromagnetic field: people don’t feel or see it,” says Grigoriev.

In 2008, the committee made a forecast about the immediate and long-term consequences for children of the electric field of a cell phone. “We should expect possible immediate disorders: weakening of memory, decreased attention and mental abilities, irritability, sleep disturbances, increased epileptic readiness,” Oleg Grigoriev quotes the scientists’ forecast. Among the long-term consequences, scientists then included tumors of the brain, as well as auditory and vestibular nerves.

In 2011, the FMBA specifically analyzed the impact of cell phones on children.

“According to Rosstat, the incidence of diseases for the diagnoses that we called possible is experiencing a steady increase,” says Grigoriev. “This increase is especially noticeable among young people aged 15-19 years, who have been actively using mobile phones for several years.” In particular, the number of cases of epilepsy increased by 36%, the number of diseases of the central nervous system in adolescents aged 15-17 years increased by 85%, and the number of blood diseases and immune disorders increased by 82%.

Scientists attribute the increase in incidence to the widespread use of mobile communications, Grigoriev insists.

Experts consider the consequences of the “second echelon” to be a decrease in cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to learn and absorb knowledge. “These violations lead to the fact that children do not grow up the way they should have grown up,” explained Grigoriev. “They do not receive the full amount of knowledge, which in the long term leads to loss of money due to increased costs for treatment, as well as to the inability to getting a good profession."

Comfort is stronger than fear

However, experts not associated with medicine are in no hurry to connect the use of cell phones with an oncological diagnosis.

“There is no exact data today. WHO just suggested that using a mobile phone can cause cancer, but did not provide any specific data from clinical trials on brain cancer,” Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, told RIA Novosti.

There is simply no more accurate data on the impact of mobile phones on health. The fact is that clinical trials have been conducted for about ten years, the expert says. During this time, technologies change, one type of communication replaces another. For example, now GSM communications are different from what they were just a few years ago, Murtazin explained. Radiation from mobile phones is getting lower.

“Mobile communications users assume that communication on a cell phone is not safe, but convenience overcomes this fear,” concludes Eldar Murtazin.

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