MTS "Maxi Plus": A new principle of contract tariff construction. Description of the maxi plus tariff from MTS Maxi tariff plan

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Buy a new SIM card with the MAXI Plus tariff in one of the MTS communication stores or order it in the online store on the company’s website The order will be delivered to you by courier within 12 hours.

Switch to MAXI Plus from another MTS tariff you already have. To change the tariff, a fee of 100 rubles is usually charged. The required amount will be debited from your account, so check your phone balance first. If necessary, top up your account in any way convenient for you.
If you have not used the “One-time free change of tariff plan” service, the transition to MAXI Plus will be made free of charge.

Change your tariff to MAXI Plus using your mobile phone. To do this, type the command on your keyboard:

Press the call key.

Switch to the MAXI Plus tariff through the Internet Assistant on the MTS website. If you have never used Internet Assistant before or have forgotten your login password, order a new password to work with this service using your mobile phone.

Type the command on your phone:
Or call 1115 and then follow the system prompts. Create a password yourself. It should consist of 4-7 digits.

Enter your phone number and the password you created in the fields on the Internet Assistant login page.

Find the MAXI Plus tariff in the proposed list. On the page that opens, read the description of the tariff and click the “Next” button.

View the list of services available for connection and their costs. If you have not changed your mind about changing the tariff, click the “Switch to this tariff” button. Wait for notification that the operation was successful.

Go to the "Service Management" section. In the list that opens, you can disable a number of services already installed on you. You can get acquainted with a detailed description of other services available for connection for the MAXI Plus tariff, as well as activate them, by clicking on the appropriate link.


  • Tariff MAXI Plus
  • how to connect maxi plus

MAXI is one of the most popular MTS tariffs in the line. Its advantage is the provision of packages of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS for a small subscription fee with flexible package management. These instructions have been created for those who have decided to switch to the MAXI tariff, but do not know how to do it.

You will need

  • Internet access from a computer
  • Mobile phone with an MTS SIM card on which you need to change the tariff
  • Money on the SIM card balance
  • Code Word that you specified when connecting
  • Passport details


Help from the Internet Assistant service

Pre-set a password to enter the service by sending a USSD request from your mobile phone using the key combination *111*25# - call key - desired password of 5-7 digits. Next, go to the MTS company website: Your region will be listed at the top of the page. if it is incorrect, click "Change Region" and select your region from the list. Then click the "Login to Online Assistant" link in the top right corner of the page. You will be redirected to the Internet Assistant page. Enter your phone number in the login box and your password in the password box. Click the Login button." In the menu that appears, select "Change tariff plan" and follow the link. Select the MAXI tariff from the list.

Mobile tariffs

Let's consider the "MAXI Plus" tariff plan, created by one of the leading Russian mobile operators.

"MAXI Plus"

State: Archival
Batch: No
Subscription fee:
  • With federal number - 6 rub. per day
  • With a landline number - 29 RUR per day
Form of payment for services: Prepaid
Included in the subscription fee: 50 minutes of calls to any numbers in your home region and MTS Russia
Above the subscription fee:


  • To MTS numbers in your home region - 3.5 rub/min
  • To numbers of other mobile and landline operators in your home region - 3.5 rub/min
  • To landline phones - 3.5 rub/min
  • To MTS numbers outside the home region – 5 rub/min
  • To numbers of other operators outside the home region - 14 rub/min


  • 1 MB of traffic without options - 9.9 RUR


  • To any numbers in your home region – 1.95 RUR
  • To any numbers in Russia - 3.8 rub
  • To numbers of international mobile operators – 5.25 RUR
Other conditions:

The tariff plan includes a number of services:

  • Call forwarding
  • Caller ID
  • Call waiting/hold
  • Conference call
  • Mobile office (transmission of voice, data, fax to one number)
  • They called you!
  • Mobile assistant
  • Internet assistant
  • Mobile Internet
  • Call transfer
Unlimited on social networks:

The tariff is closed for connection and transition.

To make calls to other countries, you must have the free “International Access” or “Easy Roaming and International Access” service.

Calls to federal numbers of subscribers of other mobile operators are charged according to the direction of the region.

Billing is per minute. All outgoing calls lasting 3 seconds or more are rounded up per minute.

Calls lasting less than 3 seconds are not charged.

A description of the most useful USSD requests from the MTS operator can be found.

Pros of the tariff plan

  1. Daily subscription fee.
  2. Relatively inexpensive SMS to home region subscribers.

Disadvantages of the tariff plan

  • High cost of calls if you have a subscription fee.
  • There is no included Internet traffic package.
  • No SMS package included
  • Exorbitant price per minute for long-distance calls to subscribers of other operators.

Cellular subscribers today are constantly looking for better deals. The ability to constantly communicate with family and friends, as well as use advanced services (such as 3G connection) is relevant for everyone, so preference is given to the operator that makes it profitable from a financial point of view. In this matter, MTS has succeeded the most among domestic companies.

The Maxi Plus tariff plan has become a new milestone in the development of mobile communications. The capabilities provided to its user have advanced status, and the absence of per-minute billing makes its connection cost-effective. In addition, this package of services has its continuation in the form of the Maxi Plus MTS 2010 tariff.

Tariff plan terms

The offer remains relevant and popular as long as the subscriber finds in it the most optimal balance of price and services provided. When describing the Maxi Plus tariff from MTS, mention should be made primarily of its capabilities in the field of communication:

  • Connection fees vary by region. It is often daily and amounts to about 13 rubles per day;
  • the subscriber is provided with from 300 to 500 (also depends on the home region) free minutes for calls. After the allotted amount has expired, the subscription fee for calls to MTS numbers outside the home region will be charged;
  • a certain number of free SMS is provided;
  • also, 1 MB of mobile traffic is provided daily at no additional cost (to obtain greater opportunities in this area, additional options should be activated).

All questions regarding the terms of this tariff in your region can be resolved by going to the company’s official website or addressing them directly to the staff of the operator’s advisory centers.

Some differences between the Maxi Plus 2010 modification

All of the above conditions of the Maxi Plus tariff from MTS are beneficial and, regardless of regional tariffication, are very popular among subscribers. However, some distinctive features made the modified version of this proposal a higher priority.

There is no daily fee in the Maxi Plus 2010 tariff plan. The subscriber pays immediately for monthly use (the amount of which is significantly lower than the monthly amount for using the original version), while receiving more minutes for calls and SMS. The conditions for using mobile Internet have also been improved.

Subscribers who want to find the most optimal and beneficial conditions for themselves from all sides should take a close look at this package. Although it's not as popular as some more modern offerings, Maxi Plus remains relevant.

Let’s make a reservation right away: the principle is new only for this operator and only in the Moscow region, but still the news is important and positive. And the first-born tariff is interesting in itself, although there are also plenty of controversial issues and ambiguities in it.

Oh, these “talking” names, they are nothing but trouble. At one time, the release of the Maxi Light tariff was delayed by more than a week, and it’s scary to imagine how many finished advertising products were destroyed. And all because of the unfortunate name, which coincided with the name of a popular dog food. The tariff was urgently renamed Maxi One and over time the funny coincidence was forgotten; you can read our description of the Maxi One (née Light) tariff. As it now becomes obvious, a whole line of tariffs was initially prepared, united by a common idea and the name “Maxi” with the corresponding prefix: simply Maxi, Maxi Light, Maxi Plus and so on. It is touching to see the determination of marketers, who were not at all embarrassed by the story of renaming the tariff, and it is time to establish a special “Golden Rake” prize. By the way, there are even more fun coincidences with the current name, just look in any search engine. But since marketers draw their inspiration from the names of different types of food, we will also try to adhere to this classification. Moreover, the characteristic indicated by the manufacturer “for puppies of “heavy” breeds” fully corresponds to the essence of the new tariff intended for “heavy” contract subscribers.

The main feature of the new proposal is the principle of divided tariffing. The subscription fee for using a direct number is allocated as a separate parameter line and exists on its own, regardless of the price of a minute of conversation and other services. In the Moscow market, the first to notice this approach was MegaFon, which had the same “Reception” tariffs with direct and federal numbers, differing only in the size of the monthly fee. Until this time, tariffs with direct numbers were traditionally characterized by higher prices per minute and services. Which was also logical: part of the additional money for a direct number was “spread out” over the cost of traffic and the fixed part of the monthly fee could be made less intimidating. However, displaying the monthly fee for a direct number in a separate parameter looks clearer and easier to understand; the consumer clearly understands what he is paying for. And he doesn’t ask the question “radio waves are the same for everyone, so why on earth do I, with a larger subscriber, also have a more expensive minute of communication?” For some time now, Beeline has been practicing this approach in its new tariffs, and now in Maxi Plus MTS the price per minute is the same for tariffs with city and federal numbers.

Submitting the monthly fee for a direct number with its simultaneous increase in a separate line is convenient for the normal average subscriber and beneficial for the operator. However, at the same time, those who take a direct number solely to receive incoming calls - including “for advertising” - suffer significantly. The existing scheme of including a monthly fee in the price of a minute fails in the era of free incoming calls and the operator loses part of the profit. It is not surprising that all operators are trying to eliminate this potential imbalance.

The second feature of the tariff is a virtual (non-existent) discount for loyalty. Those. It seems like there is a discount and for early termination of the contract you have to pay a fine of 110 rubles. for each month of using the tariff, but at the same time there is no real discount as such. This complex scheme is provided so that you can switch to Maxi Plus from other contract tariffs without paying a fine. There is no discount, but the obligation to pay a fine remains and the subscriber will not be able to “escape” from the operator for free by switching to Maxi Plus. In the case of a new connection to Maxi Plus, there will be no termination penalties. Of course, if we foolishly do not activate the “15% Discount” item in the Internet assistant, which is absolutely useless for us. The same scheme has been used for a long time in the Maxi tariff.

The third feature of the tariff is the packages of minutes that were not initially included in it. Something in common with the MTS Connect tariff, but in this data tariff we see only packages, while Maxi Plus provides 50 minutes of local communication included in the subscription fee, plus the ability to purchase additional packages of 50, 100 and 200 minutes. Activation of the package is paid (traditional $1 without VAT), but there is a suspicion that it will be enough to connect it once, then every 30 days the rest of the old package will “burn out”, and the new one will be activated without additional connection fee. Convenient, but in case of forced disconnection of the package (communication needs have decreased), reconnection will be charged. In any case, packages are an absolute benefit, as they allow you to quite accurately select the required volume of included minutes without having to jump from one contract tariff to another. And for a number of owners of direct numbers, Maxi Plus can be a real lifesaver, because the “Profi-30” tariff is immediately followed by “Profi-500” without intermediate options. The maximum number of “packaged” minutes (full set of packages) in Maxi Plus + 50 minutes included in the tariff is exactly 400 minutes, i.e. the unpleasant gap between “Profi-30” and “Profi-500” is now completely closed with a discreteness of 50 minutes.

There are no special discounts and, especially, unlimited calls within the network; Maxi Plus clearly fits into the line of contract tariffs with a monthly fee and minutes included in it. Another confirmation of this is the uniform cost for a minute of a local call (3.50 rubles/min). The question is, why not call the tariff something like “Super-duper Profi Unicum” and not confuse people? After all, many already perceive the name Maxi as the calling card of a tariff with a cheap or unlimited intranet. Marketers know better, and in this case they did the right thing: the new product is very different in structure from “Profi” and it is better to separate it from the existing line. And the word “Maxi” in the field of tariffs is a kind of recognizable brand and the name Maxi Plus will help promote the tariff on the market. In addition, the consumer is already a little tired of the “Pro” line; people tend to buy something new.

We compare tariff offers with direct city numbers in Moscow. We indicate “Profi-30” parameters with a 15% discount, since most contract subscribers have this discount enabled. Tariffing in Maxi Plus is per minute (instead of per second from the second minute in “Profi”), so we add 20% to the number of minutes included in the “Profi” subscription fee, and subtract 20% from the price of a minute in excess of those included. The accuracy of the 20% correction depends on the conversational profile, but in general the comparison is quite correct.

"Maxi Plus" "Profi-30"
Subscription fee 1154,80 804,80
Included minutes 50 41
Connection fee No 0,44*
Moscow city 3,50 5,15
Moscow region telephone numbers 3,50 6,06
3,50 5,15
Within the network, in your region 3,50 5,15
3,50 6,06
Package cost 50 minutes 160,00 No
Package cost 100 minutes 300,00 No
Package cost 200 minutes 560,00 No

A similar comparison is made for tariffs with a federal number; we also add 20% to the number of minutes included in the “Pro” subscription fee, and subtract 20% from the price of a minute in excess of those included.

"Maxi Plus" "Profi-30"
Subscription fee 170,00 150,00
Included minutes 50 41
Connection fee No 0,44*
Moscow city 3,50 3,53
Moscow region telephone numbers 3,50 4,14
Moscow mobile (foreign networks) 3,50 3,53
Within the network, in your region 3,50 3,53
Within the network, to other regions 3,50 4,14
Package cost 50 minutes 160,00 No
Package cost 100 minutes 300,00 No
Package cost 200 minutes 560,00 No

* Charged for all outgoing calls in excess of the minutes included in the tariff

p.s. Information about the Maxi Plus tariff is preliminary; possible errors and inaccuracies will be corrected after the official launch of the tariff on the market.

Let's look at the tariff description:

  • 15 GB. Used only during the daytime - from 07.00 to 00.00.
  • Unlimited traffic at night - from 00.00 to 07.00. The main package is not spent at this time.
  • If the traffic quota is completely used up, then 1 GB is provided for 150 rubles. This is valid no more than 15 times. The function can be disabled.

Internet Maxi cannot be used on tariffs that already include traffic packages.

You need to know that at night access to services that exchange files is limited. This means that you won't be able to download anything.

If you have not spent the entire mobile Internet package, then it is not transferred to the next period (in this case, a month).

On the tariff plan, the Internet package is updated monthly at 00.00 - depending on the day of connection.

If the main traffic quota has expired and there has been no renewal, then access to the network is suspended during the daytime. At night it continues to work.

The modem can use Internet Maxi. The connection will work.


The subscription fee is 800 rubles.

The fee is divided into the following types:

  • Fixed. Removed on the day of connection. If the user's account is blocked, the fee will be charged after the blocking ends.
  • Variable. It is calculated for each subscriber separately. Depends on how much additional traffic was provided (1 GB - 150 rubles). If nothing was provided, then there is no variable charge.

If the subscriber does not have enough money to charge the subscription fee, then:

  • On tariffs of the MTS Connect line, access to the Internet is blocked. The money will be debited after the account is replenished.
  • On other tariffs, 35 rubles are charged daily until the balance is replenished.

If a subscriber travels outside his home region, then 50 rubles are charged daily. The condition applies when the Internet is used.

You can disable automatic addition of 1 GB. To do this, send an SMS to number 1610, the text of which is “1”. To reconnect - “2”.

Users using the Internet-Maxi option are given a 30% discount on using MTS TV. Valid only for monthly payments. Traffic when watching TV is not charged.


Let's look at how to connect "Internet Maxi" from MTS:

  • Using USSD Command. We dial the number *111*161*1#, after which we call. A confirmation message will arrive in a few seconds.
  • We use the MTS personal account. Enter the link “” into the address bar. If you are using the service for the first time, click “Get password”. Next, fill out the authorization fields. Go to "Internet" and select the required option.
  • Call the MTS service center at 8-800-250-08-90. If the lines are busy, we wait or call back later. Inform your operator that you want to enable the option. Next, you will need to provide the passport details of the owner of the SIM Card - number and series. Please remember that all conversations are recorded.

You can also go to the nearest operator's communications store. Be sure to take the passport of the SIM Card owner with you. You will need to tell the consultant the series and number - the option will be activated.


If you no longer need Internet Maxi from MTS, we will disable:

  • We use the USSD Command. We take the phone, dial the number *111*161*2# and press the “Call” button. The option will be disabled immediately.
  • Through your MTS personal account. Log in using the link “”. Go to the “Internet” and turn it off.
  • We are recruiting an operator for the service center. Number - 8-800-250-08-90. We inform you about your desire to disable Internet-Maxi and provide your passport details (series and number). After a few minutes the option will be disabled.
  • We contact the communication salon. We take our passport with us.

Remember that when you disconnect, all remaining traffic is burned. He doesn't come back.

Bottom line

It's no wonder the Internet has become so popular. It allows people from all over the world to communicate, share files and have a good time. Cellular operators, realizing this, release tariffs and options for accessing it. What to choose? In this article we will look at the “Internet Maxi” option provided by MTS.

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