MTS check the debiting of money in 5 days. Get access to your expenses from mts

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By connecting to the MTS operator, you can be sure that you will receive not only mobile communications for every day, Internet access, watching TV shows and movies. Today the operator from Big Three provides innovative services that make everyday life much easier.

Search for information of interest, buy fashionable new clothes, pay for travel, and at the same time control your expenses - these simple operations simply require a mobile device.

Check the last 5 paid actions of MTS

You need to quickly find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS if funds are discovered missing from your phone account. The service offers a simple method that does not require the Internet or a visit to the telecom operator’s office.

Required information can be assembled using mobile phone. The information received about the details will facilitate the situation that has arisen, will show a list of events made by phone over the past 2 days, and the resulting debits.

View list of events

The USSD command of the additional service from a mobile phone will help you deal with the leakage of funds.

To view you need:

  • dial the combination *152#call key on a mobile device;
  • wait until the USSD request is completed;
  • select the first item “Cost of the last 5 actions”;
  • click the “Submit” button;
  • a notification “Application has been sent, please wait...” will come;
  • Confirm it with the “OK” button.

After this, a report will come that shows a list of 5 paid operations.

Here you can view data on completed conversations, sent messages, consumed traffic, i.e. check all your latest expenses from your phone. If there were no outgoing calls during these two days, no messages were sent - this will be shown on the screen. In this case, checking expenses will be delayed; you will need to order detailed transactions for the month.

Additional command option

Another way to obtain information about money debiting is to use the direct command *152*1# call button. If, when using this combination, you select the second item “Infotainment subscriptions”, you will receive a message about the connected services.

Using the received SMS, you can find out which can be easily disabled if necessary.

Cost of obtaining information

There is no charge for the service of checking completed actions. The additional service is available free of charge to the operator's subscribers; when roaming is activated, the convenient combination *152# is available worldwide.

Sometimes, abroad, payments for services provided are not made in real time, so the response message about the money spent will not have up-to-date information as of the requested date.

Find out information about expenses for today

Every day, the operator’s divisions work to implement and launch innovative projects, taking care of customers. All MTS subscribers, regardless of the location in which they are located, can use communication services without extra costs.

An additional financial control team has appeared in the service of the Big Three operator. You can receive free information about the current day's charges directly to your phone. To do this, call 0890 and ask to send a statement of expenses to your number, then you will receive an SMS with the history of the funds spent.

You can quickly find out information about expenses for today in MTS at any time. The add-on service offers a simple method that does not require the Internet to use. The necessary information can be obtained using a mobile phone. The information received will show a list of events made by phone over the past hours of the current day and the resulting debits.

How can I view the list of events?

The additional service team from your mobile phone will help you deal with the leakage of funds. This is done simply.

  • dial the combination *152# call key;
  • wait until the request is completed;
  • select the item “Expenses for today”;
  • click the “Submit” button;
  • when you receive a notification that the application has been sent, confirm the wait with the “OK” button;
  • get a report that shows a list grouped by type.

What will the submitted report show?

The received notification will show the cost of calls, messages and spent Internet; the report will include the fee for connected services if the charge has passed during this time.

Cost information is collected and grouped according to services:

  • calls to each number are summarized in a separate line, the total duration of calls and one amount are shown;
  • SMS are also grouped by numbers;
  • Internet traffic is grouped by network type, the number of MB and price are shown;
  • informational and entertainment services are shown without write-off time.

Features of application

The message with expenses for today is formed from the actions that have passed since the beginning of the current day until the time of the request. Therefore, it is more rational to check money at the end of the day, when conversations are finished, SMS are sent, movies are watched.

The service for monitoring completed actions is not charged. The additional service operates free of charge for MTS customers throughout the operator’s coverage area; the USS combination *152# is available worldwide.

During your stay abroad, payments for services provided may be delayed, and therefore information about the funds spent may not be up to date.

Probably every user mobile communications At least once I encountered an unpleasant situation when money disappeared from my phone balance without a trace. This may be caused by:

  • you are subscribed to paid services and subscriptions;
  • your phone is infected with a virus that sends messages;
  • You really talk a lot or spend time online, and in vain you are offended by your operator.

To dispel doubts, it is necessary to periodically monitor balance changes.

“My last expenses” service

The Megafon operator offers its subscribers the “My last expenses” service - a simple and free way find out for what actions in lately money was debited from the mobile account.

This function will be especially useful and convenient if you:

  • you use the usual one cell phone, not a smartphone;
  • you are unable to access the Internet;
  • you are not an advanced user.

As part of the service, the operator offers three options for which the user can make a request:

  1. "Last expenses." You will have access to information on the last 5 paid transactions (calls, messages, Internet sessions).
  2. "Last 5 calls." You will receive detailed information on the last five calls on your home network.
  3. "Last 5 SMS messages." You will have data about the last five SMS messages on your home network.

How to make a request

To order the required report, do the following:

"Last Expenses"

"Last 5 calls"

  • send SMS to number 000 105 612;
  • or dial *105*612#

"Last 5 SMS messages"

  • send SMS to number 000 105 613;
  • or dial *105*613#

Universal method

  • dial *512# ;
  • On the screen you will see a menu consisting of several items, select the one you need.

Information in the report

A few seconds after sending the request, a report will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS, which indicates:

  • date and time of the action performed;
  • direction of the call or message (incoming or outgoing);
  • phone numbers to which (or from which) calls were made and messages were sent;
  • duration of calls;
  • volume of Internet traffic;
  • direction and volume of MMS;
  • the cost of each service.

Please review the information in the report carefully.

Pay special attention to write-off messages subscription fee for subscriptions and the presence of the “SMS entertainment” line. As a rule, such services are the main reason for the sudden disappearance of your funds.

Don’t forget that the time period for which you can track balance changes within the “My Recent Expenses” service is the current and previous months. If you have doubts about the fairness of earlier expenses, you need to order details for a different period through your personal account on the Megafon website (you need to log in and receive a password) or in offices upon presentation of your passport. Several types of expense detailing are offered, including paid ones.

  • Do not enter your number on suspicious sites. This way you can automatically sign up for unnecessary subscriptions.
  • Check the "Service, Options and Subscriptions" section. You may have activated paid services and subscriptions that you forgot about. This can also be done by dialing *583#. Disable unnecessary functions You can do it in your personal account, office or through an operator.
  • Protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions using the “Stop Content” service - dial *526# from your phone keypad (with the service activated, you will not be able to send SMS to short numbers).
  • Use the My Recent Expenses feature. It is free and available for all tariff plans of the Megafon operator. At any time you can make a request and control the costs of mobile communications and the Internet.

Today people actively use mobile communications in their lives, send messages, and use the World Wide Web. This is usually inexpensive and convenient if you are an MTS subscriber. But sometimes money leaves the account in an unknown direction. To understand this issue, you need to obtain cost information. Find out how to find out about the latest write-offs on MTS from our review.

Find out about the last 5 debits via USSD request

Short commands always help subscribers out in difficult situations. IN in this case they will help you figure out where your money is going from your MTS phone balance.

If no paid debits were made during a given period, this will also be reported. In addition, you can dial and send the command *152*1#. In this case, you do not need to select menu items; you will immediately see your paid expenses. If they appeared paid subscriptions, then whether to turn them off or not is your decision.

Contacting the MTS operator

The MTS contact center was created to provide assistance to subscribers in difficult situations, provide consultation and manage services on the number.

Few people use this method, as it takes a lot of time. This involves listening to voice menu instructions and waiting a long time to connect with a specialist.

In your Personal Account through details

Not all subscribers know how to use the Personal Account provided by the MTS operator on the official website. Everything is done quite simply.
  1. Go to the MTS company website using the link.
  2. Wait until the page loads for the site to determine your location and region.
  3. Click the login button located in the upper right corner of the page - "Personal account" - "Mobile communications".
  4. The first time you register in the system, indicate your phone number.
  5. Click the button "Get password".
  6. Wait for a message with the password to arrive on your phone.
  7. Enter it and log in to your account.
  8. Go to the section "Number management"- “Detailing”.
  9. Next, enter your address mailbox, where you want to receive information.
  10. Press the "Order" button.
  11. Wait for details to arrive by email with information about the latest debits.

Visiting a communication salon

A convenient way to find out about the latest write-offs is to visit an MTS communication store. To do this, follow the instructions:
  1. Go to the MTS communication salon.
  2. Tell the consultants your request to find out about the latest charges on the number.
  3. You will be provided with information within a few minutes.
You need to have the following documents with you:
  • Passport or other document by which you can be identified. For example, a driver's license is suitable for this.
  • Agreement with the operator on the provision of communication services. This document is not always required, but if you still have it, it is better to take it with you.
  • Power of attorney from the owner of the SIM card, in case it is registered to another person.

Terms of service

The principle of operation of the “Last 5 actions on MTS” function consists of the following features:
  • The system remembers the last five actions that were performed before the time of sending the request within two days.
  • The information is provided in the form of an SMS message sent to the subscriber’s mobile device.
  • You receive fresh data, which will help you easily find the reason for the unauthorized debiting of funds.
This service is more convenient compared to regular call detailing. You receive the latest information, completely free, and much faster. The operation of the service is characterized by two important conditions:
  1. The limitation period for detecting write-offs is two days. If there have been no debits during this time, you will receive an empty message. In this case, it is possible that the money was written off earlier than this period.
  2. If you communicate a lot on the phone or use the Internet often, then this service will not suit you. In a short period of time, you can make many calls, send several SMS, download music from the Internet, add a ringtone to your phone. In this case, the last five actions will not tell you anything, and you will not understand where the money is going from the account. In this case, it is better for you to choose the method through your Personal Account, or the help of an operator.
All the methods discussed are simple and usually do not cause difficulties for subscribers.

Thanks to the call detailing service, each MTS mobile client has the opportunity to obtain data on the calls he has made, as well as incoming calls. Sometimes there are situations when funds supposedly disappear from the balance. In fact, they may be charged for making toll calls. Detailing the calls will help you determine exactly where the money went. How can you find out the latest calls to MTS? There are several options for using the service.

Options for receiving call information

If a client needs information on how to find out the latest incoming calls to MTS, he can use in different ways.

  1. Personal account. When logging into the “Internet Assistant” you must provide a phone number and password. If there is no personal account, you need to create one. From the general list of options, select the “Conversation details” section. It indicates a period of no more than six months. Data is sent to email or viewed in your personal account. The client independently chooses the place where the information will be sent. It is also possible to select the report format. When everything you need is selected, you need to click “Next”. The cost of the service will depend on the client’s tariff plan. It takes time to process the data, so the report is not sent immediately.
  2. Visit to the customer service center. Another way to find out the last 5 calls to MTS or full information about all completed operations - visit the contact center. It is necessary to provide personal information for identification, after which the specialist will fill out the appropriate application. As a rule, such a service is paid. You can get information for free in your personal account.

Many are also interested in how to find out the cost of recent calls to MTS? To do this, just dial the combination *152*1#. By calling *152# you can find out all expenses for the day. The client is provided with information about write-offs made during the day, which is very convenient and makes it possible to correctly distribute funds by refusing unnecessary services.

The most in a simple way How to find out the latest calls to MTS for free is to fill out a request in your personal account. It takes a minimum of time and does not require much effort.

If the user does not know how to find out the latest outgoing calls to MTS, the same call details will come to the rescue. A printout of all completed actions for a selected period makes it possible to view all types of calls. It is also possible to see the number of messages sent and other information as requested.

Need to use it urgently cellular communication, and the voice on the phone says that any operations on the phone number are impossible? Is there anyone who has not encountered such a problem? The first thing to do is check your balance. If all bills are paid on time, then you can find out the expenses yourself by using the 5 last paid actions of MTS service. Subscribers are given the opportunity to check paid transactions using their number free of charge.

How to get expense information

MTS cares about its customers and tries to make using its services convenient and comfortable.

  • FYI
  • The ability to control costs is one of the main points by which you can evaluate the quality of services.

Subject information about debiting funds from an account can be found:

  • on the website by activating the “Expenses for today” service. The service operates free of charge;
  • V Personal account on the website, opening the “Expenses” section;
  • in the “My MTS” Application, opening the “Menu” tab, then “Bills and Payment”, then “Expense Control”;
  • when contacting the office in person or request information by phone number of the provider for any period. Information is provided for a fee.

Conditions for receiving the “Expenses for Today” service

The service is available to all subscribers, regardless of their location and tariff plan. With its help, you can view the latest paid actions of MTS, the price of which has exceeded the available limit.

If the client is an active user of paid resources, then it is worth getting details of the invoice, since the last 5 paid actions of MTS may not have included costs unknown to the subscriber.

  • Attention
  • The operator provides information for the current day, starting from 00.00. If during this time the subscriber has not used the services, then the previous day will be taken into account.

The service is provided free of charge.

How to activate the service

To check account information, users of communication services do not have to call the call center, just dial the short command * 152 # .

Another option for dialing the command * 152 * 1 # . A menu will appear on the phone screen in which you need to select the number 1 - the cost of the last 5 MTS actions, and wait for the SMS message.

Information on Internet traffic consumption is grouped according to the type of connection that was used on the requested day (2G, 3G, 4G). The line indicates the connection type, traffic and costs. If you are in roaming, this information, as well as its type, will be indicated in additional information.

Calls are grouped by phone numbers - all calls for a selected period to one number will be indicated in one column with the total call time and cost. SMS messages are grouped according to the principle of calls. Details of connected services are presented without taking into account the time period for debiting funds.

If any difficulties arise, MTS customer service center specialists will provide support. To contact the center manager, you need to dial from your mobile phone short number 0890 , while in international roaming +7 495 766 01 66 , with landline phone 8 800 250 08 90 .

  • FYI
  • The terms of use of the service for subscribers located outside the Russian Federation are identical. The only thing is that the time it takes to receive data will increase.

Live Balance Option

Increasing the comfort level of its clients, the operator has provided other options for obtaining account information. You can obtain information using your Personal Account and the “Live Balance” function:

  1. By going to the official website, you can find information on how to find out the latest write-offs on MTS. To do this, after logging into your Personal Account, you need to go to the “Expenses” tab, where you indicate the time period of interest. The functionality of the service provides the ability to select a period of time of 30 calendar days, that is, to receive a statement for a whole month. Information is provided by the operator free of charge;
  2. For regular users of paid resources, the “Live Balance” option is suitable, created by the developers in order to regularly check the movement of funds on the mobile balance. To activate the option on your smartphone you need to dial * 111 * 150 # . The service is provided for a fee: 1 ruble for connection and then 1 ruble for every day until the service is disabled by the subscriber. Disabling the service is free.
  • Attention
  • The “Living Balance” service involves receiving information on the screen mobile device. Not all devices support this format. Before connecting, experts recommend contacting the customer support center.

Cost control in the My MTS application

The smartphone application is designed for the convenience of customers. It allows you to track money spent on mobile communications, connect/disconnect services, change tariff plan, as well as replenish your balance. The application interface allows you to perform all actions as quickly as possible.

Using the application, you can find out what the funds were spent on. In the application, you need to open the “Invoice and Payment - Expense Control” section. In the window that opens, a detailed schedule of write-offs will be generated, which can be received by email.

Details for six months

If you need to obtain information for a period exceeding one month, you must personally contact the MTS showroom. On home page site, you need to select your region, then in the “Help” section click on the “Showrooms” button, icons will appear on the map indicating the location of the office.

  • FYI
  • When contacting a communication salon, you must have an identification document with you - a passport. Only the owner of the SIM card can receive the data.

How to renew communication services

Topping up your mobile balance is the only way to restore the ability to make calls and send SMS messages. Technology makes it possible to make payments online. Thus, MTS subscribers can pay for operator services using:

  • bank card on the MTS website without commission;
  • activation of automatic payment without commission;
  • service "Promised payment" for three days

(you can top up in the amount of 30-1000 rubles).

  • Attention
  • Created for customer convenience mobile application"MTS Money". With its help you can pay not only for communications, but also for various goods and services.

Also, to pay for mobile communications, you can use Voice assistant by dialing 111749 from your phone. Monitoring recent write-offs using the capabilities created by MTS is simple: the development team does not stop working in this direction.

The convenience of expense tracking methods provided by the MTS operator allows you to evaluate recent transactions to determine whether they are necessary for the subscriber. It’s easy to manage your account and disable unnecessary services using the provided options.

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